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The inetd Daemon

No documento Introduction to Shell ScriptsChapter 8 (páginas 121-124)


Chapter 6: Network Services

6.3 The inetd Daemon

Implementing stand-alone servers for ev ery single service is somewhat inefficient, because each server must know all about the network interface API, have its own port configuration system, and so on. In many respects, the API for talking to TCP is not much different than the standard I/O system. TCP serv ers read from network ports and return output back to those ports — this is similar to the behavior of cat with no arguments in Section 1.2 is similar.

The inetd daemon is a superserver that standardizes network port access and interfaces between regular programs and network ports. After you start inetd, it reads the inetd.conf file and then listens on the network ports defined in that file, attaching a newly started process to ev ery new incoming connection.

Each line in inetd.conf looks something like this:

ident stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/identd identd -i

There are seven fields here:

Service name The service name from /etc/services (see Section 5.12).

Socket type This is usually stream for TCP and dgram for UDP.

Protocol The transport protocol, such as tcp or udp.

Datagram server behavior For UDP, this is wait or nowait. Services using any other transport protocol should use nowait.

User The username that should run the service. Add .group if you want to set a group.

Executable The program that inetd should connect to the service.

Arguments The arguments for the executable in the preceding field. The first argument should be the name of the program.

A # sign in inetd.conf denotes a comment. To deactivate an inetd service, place a # before its entry in /etc/inetd.conf and then run the following command to make inetd re-read its configuration file:

kill -HUP `cat /var/run/inetd.pid`

inetd has several built-in services that you might see at the beginning of your inetd.conf, including echo, chargen, discard, daytime, and time. You can use these for testing, but otherwise they aren't important.

6.3.1 TCP Wrapper: tcpd, /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny

Before lower-level firewalls took off in popularity, many administrators used the TCP wrapper library for host control ov er network serv ices. In fact, even if you run an IP firewall, you should still use TCP

wrappers on any service that does not have its own logging mechanism (and many inetd services do not have such capabilities).

The tcpd program is the TCP wrapper utility for linking inetd with a serv er. An administrator can modify the inetd.conf file to include tcpd, like this:

finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.fingerd

When someone makes a connection to the finger port, the following happens:



How Linux Works: What Every Super-User Should Know

by Brian Ward ISBN:1593270356

No Starch Press © 2004 (347 pages)

This guide describes the inner workings of a Linux system beginning with the file system and boot process and covering advanced topics such as networking, firewalls, development tools, device management, shell scripts, and sharing printers with Samba.

Table of Contents

How Linux Works—What Every Super-User Should Know Chapter 1 - The Basics

Chapter 2 - Devices, Disks, Filesystems, and the Kernel Chapter 3 - How Linux Boots

Chapter 4 - Essential System Files, Servers, and Utilities Chapter 5 - Configuring Your Network

Chapter 6 - Network Services

Chapter 7 - Introduction to Shell Scripts Chapter 8 - Development Tools

Chapter 9 - Compiling Software From Source Code Chapter 10- Maintaining the Kernel

Chapter 11- Configuring and Manipulating Peripheral Devices Chapter 12- Printing

Chapter 13- Backups

Chapter 14- Sharing Files with Samba Chapter 15- Network File Transfer Chapter 16- User Environments Chapter 17- Buying Hardware for Linux Chapter 18- Further Directions Appendix A- Command Classification Bibliography

Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars

inetd runs tcpd as the name /usr/sbin/in.fingerd.


tcpd verifies the executable /usr/sbin/in.fingerd.


tcpd consults /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to see if the remote machine has permission to connect.


tcpd logs its decision.


If tcpd decides that the remote host is okay, it runs /usr/sbin/in.fingerd. Otherwise, tcpd terminates, dropping the connection.


Here is an example hosts.deny file:

ALL: .badguys.example.com

in.fingerd: nofinger.example.com portmap: ALL

You can interpret this as follows:

No one in the subdomain .badguys.example.com may connect to any TCP wrapper-enabled program.

The host nofinger.example.com may not run in.fingerd.

No one may access portmap (see Section 6.6 for more information on this service).

The TCP wrapper library reads /etc/hosts.allow before /etc/hosts.deny. If a rule in

/etc/hosts.allow matches an incoming connection, the TCP wrapper library allows the connection, ignoring /etc/hosts.deny. For example, the following line in /etc/hosts.allow enables portmap access to the subdomain goodguys.example.com:

portmap: .goodguys.example.com

Note Using domain names in a TCP wrapper configuration has the disadvantage that it uses DNS.

Forcing DNS lookups can hinder performance. It's also not extremely secure; it's possible to affect DNS lookups.

6.3.2 xinetd

Some Linux distributions come with an enhanced v ersion of inetd named xinetd

(http://www.xinetd.org/). You can read about the xinetd improv ements at the Web site, but to summarize, xinetd offers built-in TCP wrapper support, better logging, and extended access control.

If you currently have inetd, should you run xinetd? If you need its features, sure. Howev er, if you only have one local server (for example, FAM for the GNOME desktop), and you firewall the external traffic to this serv er anyway, there are probably better things you can do with your time. xinetd administrators should also keep careful track of security advisories, because this package has not seen as widespread use as the old inetd.

xinetd does not read inetd.conf, but if you understand the fields in inetd.conf, you won't have trouble using xinetd. If you want an alternative to /etc/xinetd.d, you can also use itox to conv ert your inetd.conf to a xinetd.conf file that xinetd can read.

To add a new service to xinetd, create a file in /etc/xinetd.d with the name of the service. For example, the /etc/xinetd.d/finger file might look like this:

service finger {

socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = nobody passenv =

server = /usr/sbin/in.fingerd

How Linux Works: What Every Super-User Should Know

by Brian Ward ISBN:1593270356

No Starch Press © 2004 (347 pages)

This guide describes the inner workings of a Linux system beginning with the file system and boot process and covering advanced topics such as networking, firewalls, development tools, device management, shell scripts, and sharing printers with Samba.

Table of Contents

How Linux Works—What Every Super-User Should Know Chapter 1 - The Basics

Chapter 2 - Devices, Disks, Filesystems, and the Kernel Chapter 3 - How Linux Boots

Chapter 4 - Essential System Files, Servers, and Utilities Chapter 5 - Configuring Your Network

Chapter 6 - Network Services

Chapter 7 - Introduction to Shell Scripts Chapter 8 - Development Tools

Chapter 9 - Compiling Software From Source Code Chapter 10- Maintaining the Kernel

Chapter 11- Configuring and Manipulating Peripheral Devices Chapter 12- Printing

Chapter 13- Backups

Chapter 14- Sharing Files with Samba Chapter 15- Network File Transfer Chapter 16- User Environments Chapter 17- Buying Hardware for Linux Chapter 18- Further Directions Appendix A- Command Classification Bibliography

Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars

server_args = }

To make xinetd recognize the changes, run kill -USR1 on the xinetd process ID.

How Linux Works: What Every Super-User Should Know

by Brian Ward ISBN:1593270356

No Starch Press © 2004 (347 pages)

This guide describes the inner workings of a Linux system beginning with the file system and boot process and covering advanced topics such as networking, firewalls, development tools, device management, shell scripts, and sharing printers with Samba.

Table of Contents

How Linux Works—What Every Super-User Should Know Chapter 1 - The Basics

Chapter 2 - Devices, Disks, Filesystems, and the Kernel Chapter 3 - How Linux Boots

Chapter 4 - Essential System Files, Servers, and Utilities Chapter 5 - Configuring Your Network

Chapter 6 - Network Services

Chapter 7 - Introduction to Shell Scripts Chapter 8 - Development Tools

Chapter 9 - Compiling Software From Source Code Chapter 10- Maintaining the Kernel

Chapter 11- Configuring and Manipulating Peripheral Devices Chapter 12- Printing

Chapter 13- Backups

Chapter 14- Sharing Files with Samba Chapter 15- Network File Transfer Chapter 16- User Environments Chapter 17- Buying Hardware for Linux Chapter 18- Further Directions Appendix A- Command Classification Bibliography

Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars

No documento Introduction to Shell ScriptsChapter 8 (páginas 121-124)