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Introduction: Health professionals play a fundamental role in improving the quality of care, while representing the transmission / propagation agent. Surgical site infections are the most common type of infection in developed countries, particularly at European level, accounting for 14% to 16% of infections among hospitalized patients. They represent a constraint for the health system: morbid- ity, mortality, stay and hospital costs. Nurses play a crucial role in promoting and adhering to best practices: “intervention beam”.Objective: To evaluate nurses’ adherence to the intervention beam in the prevention of surgical site infection.Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study. Convenience sample consisting of 54 nurses. The data collection instrument was the 2015 DGS checklist.Results and Discussion: The results show that 70% of nurses did not comply with the

recommendation for preoperative bath with 2% chlorhexidine, revealing low adherence to this rec- ommendation.In trichotomy, 59% of professionals avoided this procedure, 33.3% reported perform- ing it, contrary to the guidelines. In maintaining capillary glucose and normothermia, these recom- mendations were not met by 33% of professionals. In adherence to surgical antibiotic prophylaxis, 66.6% of professionals respect the ideal timing of administration.Conclusions: The Surgical Bundle / Intervention Beam is expected to ensure patient well-being and safety in preventing Surgical Site Infection.Caring in the perioperative context requires specific skills from nurses, being the target of their intervention the surgical patient. Surgical Site Infection is the most preventable, through prevention measures, used by professionals, patients and families, and the Intervention Beam, an effective measure to reduce infection.The implementation of continuing education programs and sensitization of the management bodies for the adoption of a safety culture are paramount in the prevention of surgical site infection.

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Keywords: Infection Control; Surgery; Perioperative Procedures; Prevention; Control

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