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Para continuar investigando os domínios C-terminais estudados neste projeto, seria necessário realizar mais ensaios de cristalização com a utilização de outros kits comerciais, explorando mais condições. Outras construções destas mesmas septinas podem ser consideradas, adicionando ou reduzindo resíduos que talvez promovessem maior estabilidade aos coiled coils, assim como também alterar a tag de purificação ou até mesmo o sistema de expressão. Além disto, avaliar o equilíbrio dos estados oligoméricos em outras faixas de pH, temperaturas e concentrações aumentaria o conhecimento sobre o comportamento destas construções, para assim determinar melhores parâmetros para os ensaios de cristalização.


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APÊNDICE A – Abstract submetido ao congresso 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, realizado nos dias 15-19 de fevereiro de 2020, em San Diego, EUA.


Conceição, W. V. O.1 *; Garay, A. V.1; Cavini. I. A.2; Souza, A. A.1; Sala, F. A.2; Freitas, S. M.1; Garratt, R. C.2; Valadares, N. F.1 *


Molecular Biophysics Laboratory, Cell Biology Department, University of Brasilia, Brasilia-DF, Brazil; 2Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Septins are cytoskeleton components that form heterofilaments and play an important role in the final stages of cell division. Initially identified in yeast, septins are also present in other eukaryotes, with plants being a notable exception. Septins are associated with human pathological conditions like leukemia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Most septins present three characteristic domains, an N-terminal domain, a central guanine nucleotide binding domain and C-terminal domain predicted to form a coiled coil whose role in filament assembly is poorly understood. Although limited studies highlight their importance in filament formation, currently there is no deposited septin C-terminal domain crystal structure. Here we present the heterologous expression and subsequently purification of the C-terminal domains of human septins 7, 11 and 14. Circular dichroism spectroscopy shows that SEPT11c and SEPT14c only display high helical content at pH 4, while SEPT7c adopts helical conformation at pHs 4, 7 and 9. In these conditions, the dichroic ratio of 222 nm/208 nm (closer to 1) suggests that these proteins are present as coiled coils. Chemical crosslinking assays were employed to corroborate the CD data, revealing that SEPT7c, SEPT11c and SEPT14c form dimers in solution, and that an equimolar mixture of SEPT7c-SEPT11c forms heterodimers. In agreement with these data, SEC-MALS analysis revealed the presence of SEPT7c dimers and SEPT7c-SEPT11c heterodimers, while monomeric populations were observed for all septin samples. Automated crystallization assays employing pure septin samples as well as SEPT7c together with SEPT11c and SEPT14c were performed exploring hundreds of conditions. Some conditions yielded crystals and the chemical space around these conditions are being explored. The crystals were subject to X-ray diffraction using an in house D8 Venture diffractometer yielding low resolution datasets. Using this information more crystallization assays are being developed.

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