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Gráfico 2 Teste de Homogeneidade Marginal no Teste Reteste


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11 Abstract

Objective: To study the properties of parameters concerning internal consistency, reproducibility and validity of the "Manchester Foot-Pain Disability Index" (MFPDI), as well as to adapt and translate them into the portuguese language.

Methods: The questionnaire was translated into Portuguese, translated back into English, and cross-culturally adapted to the Brazilian environment according internationally recommended methods. To evaluate reliability, patients were interviewed twice at baseline (interviewers 1 and 2) and within a period of 15 days (interviewer 1). Sócio-demographic and morphologic measures were colllected, the MFPDI was applied, as well as the visual analogic scale (VAS), to fifty patients suffering from foot pain, for a reproducibility and validity study. Later, data from another 35 patients were added for analysis of the main components.

Results: The use of MFPDI made it possible to notice that the interviewed day-clinic population suffered from some disability, as most of the patients answered "yes, on most of the days/ every day", though they were still independent. The internal consistency was high (Cronbach alpha = 0.80). Analysis of the main components revealed a structure by five components, divided: the disability component was represented between the first (items 1- 3,5,7-9, Cronbach Alpha = 0.76) and the third component (items 3, 4 and 6, Cronbach Alpha = 0.609); the pain component, was represented by the second (items 14, 15, and 17, Cronbach Alpha = 0.643) and the fifth component (items 10 and 16, Cronbach Alpha = 0.587); and the component concerning worry represented by the fourth (items 11-13, Cronbach Alpha = 0.581).

Conclusion: The results indicate that the MFPDI, adapted, validated and translated into the Portuguese language can be applied to the aged population suffering from disabling foot pain.

12 Glossário

– é uma medida de confiabilidade ou consistência interna, que pode ser aplicada com duas ou mais questões.

Escore total: é quando se refere a pontuação total do MFPDI.

Homogeneidade Marginal – é um teste para comparar as distribuições de classes entre os dois entrevistadores e no teste reteste.


Teste reteste: é quando é testada a concordância das respostas na 1º entrevista com a 3º entrevista, sendo as duas realizadas pelo mesmo entrevistador.

Alfa de Cronbach

Item total – é a correlação de cada item especifico com a somatória/total dos outros itens da escala.

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