• Nenhum resultado encontrado

Como trabalhos futuros pretendemos desenvolver algumas extensões com o objetivo de melhorar a pesquisa relatada nesta dissertação. A seguir, apresentaremos as propostas para extensão:

• Extração de aspectos: esta importante etapa no processo de Análise de Sentimento ficou ausente no ASDP. Contudo, o próximo passo é o desenvolvimento de um método para a extração automática de atributos e/ou tópicos relacionados aos debates não ideológicos, com o objetivo de transformar o ASDP em um processo completo de AS.

• Resolução de Anáforas: apesar de estar implementado no ASDP, não foi feita uma avaliação profunda sobre o algoritmo simplista de resolução de anáfora. Durante uma avaliação superficial, foram identificados algumas resoluções erradas, e que acrescentaram ruídos aos resultados.


• Utilização de um corretor ortográfico: a linguagem predominante nestes debates onlineé uma linguagem informal, com a grande ocorrência de erros ortográficos, visto que os usuários não se preocupam em escrever de forma correta. O uso de um corretor ortográfico auxiliaria o pré-processamento do texto podendo melhorar a precisão do ASDP.

• Análise dos posts no grafo: o quinto submódulo da etapa de classificação de postura do ASDP apresentado no capítulo 4, cria um grafo a partir dos replies identificados nos debates do site convinceme1. Porém outros sites de debates possuem mecanismos próprios para os usuários apresentarem críticas direcionadas a outros comentários. Dessa forma, pretendemos criar um novo método para a criação do grafo dos posts, e juntamente com esta nova estrutura, um mecanismo para auxiliar no processo de classificação de sentimento através dos grafos criados.

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Bases de Substituições



Contração Palavra Real i’m i am i’ll i will i’d i had i’ve i have you’re you are you’ll you will you’d you had you’ve you have

he’s he is he’ll he will he’d he had she’s she is she’ll she will she’d she had it’s it is it’d it had we’re we are we’ll we will we’d we had we’ve we have they’re they are they’ll they will they’d they had they’ve they have there’s there is there’ll there will there’d there had that’s that is that’ll that will aren’t are not

can’t can not Continua na próxima página

Contração Palavra Real couldn’t could not

didn’t did not doesn’t does not don’t do not hadn’t had not hasn’t has not isn’t is not mustn’t must not needn’t need not shouldn’t should not

wasn’t was not weren’t were not won’t will not wouldn’t would not

aren ’ t are not can ’ t can not couldn ’ t could not

didn ’ t did not doesn ’ t does not don ’ t do not hadn ’ t had not hasn ’ t has not isn ’ t is not mustn ’ t must not needn ’ t need not shouldn ’ t should not

wasn ’ t was not weren ’ t were not won ’ t will not wouldn ’ t would not

they ’ re they are haven ’t have not don ’ t do not

i ’ ll i will i ’ m i am i ’ d i had i ’ ve i have you ’ re you are

you ’ ll you will you ’ d you had you ’ ve you have

he ’ s he is he ’ ll he will he ’ d he had she ’ s she is she ’ ll she will she ’ d she had it ’ s it is it ’ d it had we ’ re we are Continua na próxima página


Contração Palavra Real we ’ ll we will we ’ d we had we ’ ve we have they ’ re they are they ’ ll they will they ’ d they had they ’ ve they have

there ’ s there is there ’ ll there will there ’ d there had that ’ s that is that ’ ll that will aren ’ t are not

can ’ t can not couldn ’ t could not

didn ’ t did not doesn ’ t does not don ’ t do not hadn ’ t had not hasn ’ t has not isn ’ t is not mustn ’ t must not needn ’ t need not shouldn ’ t should not

wasn ’ t was not weren ’ t were not won ’ t will not wouldn ’ t would not



Abreviação Palavra Real a.c. before christ a.m. ante meridiem abbrev. abbreviation

ac. before christ acc. account acct. account adj. adjective adm. administrator

adv. adverb

am. ante meridiem app application app. application program applic. application

apps application assoc. association

aug. august

Abreviação Palavra Real bbm blackberry messenger bhd. bulkhead brit. british bros. brother

cap. civil air patrol capt. captain

ceo. chief executive officer cia. central intelligence agency comm. commercial communic. communications compan. companion conf. conference const. construction contr. contrast contrib. contribution corp. corporation corresp. corresponding d.c. after christ dc. after christ dec. december def. definition dept. department descr. description dict. dictionary dr. doctor drs. doctresse ecol. ecology econ. economy ed. edition educ. education electr. electricity electron. eletronic elem. element encycl. encyclopaedia eng. english etc. et cetera exc. except exerc. exercise faq. frequently asked question feb. february fem. feminine fig. figurative fr. french freq. frequent fund. fundamental geogr. geography geol. geology geom. geometry gov. government govt. government


Abreviação Palavra Real hist. history i.e. that is ie. that is illustr. illustration inc. incorporated ind. industry industr. industry infl. influenced inst. institute introd. introduction irreg. irregular jr. junior lang. language lt. local time ltd. limited company man. manual managem. management masc. masculine math. mathematics med. medicine mem. memory mr. mister mrs. mistress ms. miss nat. natural no. number nov. november nucl. nuclear

o.e. old english obj. object oct. october oe. old english

opt. optics org. organization orig. origin outl. outline oxf. oxford p.m. post meridiem pers. person photogr. photography phr. phrase phys. physical pict. picture pl. plural plur. plural pm. post meridiem pol. politics pop. popular pract. practice prec. preceding

Abreviação Palavra Real prep. preposition pres. present princ. principle priv. privative prob. probably probl. problem proc. proceeding prof. professor pron. pronoun prop. properly ptt push to talk publ. publications quot. quotation rec. record ref. reference reg. register rel. related rep. report repr. representative res. research rev. review sel. selection sens. sense sept. september soc. society sociol. sociology spec. specification st. saint struct. structure subj. subject subord. subordinate subseq. subsequently subst. substantively superl. superlative surg. surgery syst. system techn. technology technol. technological teleph. telephony trans. transactions transf. transferred transl. translation trav. travel treas. treasury treatm. treatment

u.s. united states

u.s.s.r. union of soviet socialist republics us. united states

ussr. union of soviet socialist republics vertebr. vertebrate


Abreviação Palavra Real vet. veterinary vs. versus vulg. vulgar wd. word westm. westminster wks. works yrs. years zoogeogr. zoogeography zool. zoology yr year cuz because open-source opensource open - source opensource next - gen next-gen next - gen next-gen atleast at least

dosnt does not

cuz because

cant can not

dont do not

ive i have

crash bandicoot crashbandicoot cannot can not pop ups popups becuz because

2b to be

2bh to be honest

2day today

2ez too easy

2g too good

2g2bt too good to be true 2l8 too late 2m tomorrow 2moro tomorrow 2moz tomorrow 2mrw tomorrow 2u to you

2u2 to you too 2-you to you

a/w anyway

afaik as far as i know allshare all share

alltel all phone

alot a lot

asap as soon as possible atb all the best batt battery biz business brb be right back

bt bluetooth

Abreviação Palavra Real btfl beautiful btw by the way couldnt could not

cya see you

dat that

dats that is didn did not didnt did not

dis this

doesnot does not doesnt does not

dont do not

dunno do not know dupe duplicate

ftw for the win fyi for your information gfu good for you gimme give me

gj good job

gl good luck gratz congratulations havent have not

idk i do not know idunno i do not know

im i am

imo in my opinion iow in other words isnt is not its it is its it is lmk let me know mic microphone micro microusb micro microsd moto motorola nite night np no problem omg oh my god otoh on the other hand

ppl people tbh to be honest thats that is thx thanks txt text ty thank you