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Theses to strengthen participatory democracy

6. Conclusion

6.1 Theses to strengthen participatory democracy

We will conclude this introduction with three theses that seek to strengthen participatory democracy.

1st thesis: The strengthening of demodiversity. This thesis implies the recognition that there is no reason for democracy to assume a single form. On the contrary, multiculturalism and the recent experiments in participation point in the direction of widened public deliberation and an increase in participation. The first important element of participatory democracy would be the deepening of the cases in which the political system gives up decision-making prerogatives in favour of participatory models.

2nd thesis. The strengthening of the counterhegemonic articulation between the local and the global. New democratic experiments need the support of transnational democratic actors in the cases in which democracy is weak, as became clear in the case of Colombia. At the same time, alternative, successful experiments such as that of Porto Alegre and the Panchayats in India need to be expanded in order to offer alternatives to the hegemonic model. Therefore, the counterhegemonic shift from the local to the global level is fundamental for the strengthening of participatory democracy.

3rd thesis. The widening of democratic experimentalism. The above text shows that the successful new experiments sprang from new social grammars in which the format of participation was acquired experimentally. It is necessary for the cultural, racial and distributive pluralization of democracy that experiments are multiplied in all these directions.


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