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Riccardo BOCCO


Academic year: 2023

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2007-13 : (avec G. Carbonnier) Cours MDEV Sociologie politique du développement et économie politique de la coopération internationale. Les avancées du droit international et le renouveau de la réflexion sur la protection des réfugiés. Sibony (Union Française Juive pour la Paix, Paris) et R Genève, IHEID, CCDP-IMAS, modération de la table ronde Impunity: what kind of war is there in Colombia?, avec P. suite à la projection du film Impunity de J Lozano).

Numéro spécial de la revue Monde Arabe Maghreb-Machrek, n°147. dir.), Le Proche-Orient : migrations, démocratisation, médiations. 1993b, BOCCO, R., « De la sécurité politique à l'autosuffisance alimentaire dans les steppes : experts internationaux et programmes de développement des steppes arabiques. Berne, Conseil suisse de la science, séminaire "Formation et recherche sur l'Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient dans les universités suisses".

Conférence : Promouvoir la paix au Moyen-Orient dans un contexte de radicalisation croissante. Musée du CICR, Genève, modérateur de la table ronde Les médias dans le conflit israélo-palestinien. Genève, IHEID, colloque 'Religion et Etat : logiques de sécularisation et citoyenneté en Islam'.

1991-92 Rapport sur les études moyen-orientales dans les universités suisses pour le Conseil scientifique suisse (Berne), sous contrat avec la SSMOCI (Swiss Middle East and Islamic Civilization Society).

12 - Responsabilités administratives

Co-editor (with K. Krause) of the series 'Conflict, Development and Peace-building' in Routledge, London (depuis March 2010). COMATY Lyna, Trapped in Permanent Liminality: The Question of the Disappeared in Post-Taïf Lebanon, DODEV, Feb. YOUNES Anna Esther, Race, colonialism and the figure of the Jew in a new Germany, co-dir.

AL NAMLA Hazem, Reflections on the process of civil space construction in colonial times: the case of the West Bank in Palestine/Israel, DODEV, September KASSEM Susann, The Global North in South Lebanon: The Interim Practices of the United Nations Force in Lebanon, ANSO , Nov. AHMED Youssef, A History of Modern Islamism: A Comparative Historical Study of the Evolution of the Projects of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Ennahda Movement, co-ed.

DORNSCHNEIDER Stephanie, (Not) Killing in the Name of Islam: A Computational Analysis of the Reasoning Processes Underlying Political Violence and Nonviolent Activity in Egypt and Germany, dir. JABER 'Atwa, Remembrance of a Fading Past: Israel's Occupation of the Jordan Valley Reexamined Through Oral History, dir. ABUSAIF Atef, The impact of European Union aid in the state of the Palestinian polity, dir.

DE DONATO Anita, Spring water: the lifeblood of the Wadi Fukin village (West Bank), dir. TONNE Christin, Social Movements and the News Media: Discursive Constructions of the Occupy Movement, MDEV, 2013, 103 p. WILKINSON Oriana, Documentaries for Peace: The Role of Filmmakers in Building the Social Fabric in Post-Havana Agreement Colombia, MIA, 2019, p.

Violence, invisibility and the priest Alejandro Solalindes advocates for the human rights of migrants in transit through Mexico, dir. How Maps and Photographs Are Used in the Struggle for the Naqab-Negev, dir. BERMAKI, Iman, Terrorism Discourse in the Post-9/11 Political Series: A Study of the (Mis-) Representations of Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists in Homeland and Beyond, dir.


Télévision Al Jazeera (chaîne arabe), 'Actualités', Le sommet de l'Organisation de la conférence islamique à Istanbul et les défis de la protection des civils palestiniens, entretien avec A. Radio One FM (Genève), TJ 8h00, Les conséquences de l'assassinat de Cheikh Yassine à Gaza sur la dynamique du conflit israélo-palestinien. RSR 1, Histoire vivante, Palestine et aide internationale : le rôle de la recherche en sciences sociales, entretien avec J.

Sputnik News France, La conférence de Paris pourra-t-elle débloquer le conflit israélo-palestinien ?, entretien avec G. Bourquin https://www.rts.ch/info/monde/1027620-elections-israeliennes-lanalyse-dun- specialiste. html Swissinfo, Middle East Experts detail two-State future, entretien avec D. Septembre 2017 : Bulletin de la Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande, Palestine : les impasses de l'occupation militaire et de l'aide internationale, cahier n°10, p.1.

Entretien avec Alain Jourdan https://www.24heures.ch/monde/pierre-kraehenbuehl-s-estil-laisse-deborder-entourage/story/16821994. Voice of America, Hosni Moubarak en prison malgré sa libération par la justice, entretien avec J.R. Bocco (37 millions) https://www.rsi.ch/rete-uno/programmi/informazione/modem/Cominciamo-da- Abramo- 13324548.html. 6 min.) https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/12h45/video/interview-de-jan-marejko-ecrivain-et-journalist-et-de-ricardo-bocco-dir--adjoint-institut - études-universitaires-de-.

CRI English.com (China Radio International), China Stresses Political Solution to Syria Crisis, Entretien avec Su Yi. 2013 mars : L'Accent multilatéral (magazine de la Confédération helvétique/DDC), Le multilatéral à l'épreuve du printemps arabe, interview de m.


Screening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Competing

  • CINEMA, HISTORY AND POLITICS Session 1 – 19 th September
  • LOVE: INSIDE AND BEYOND BORDERS Session 11 – 28 th November

The film also describes life under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in the conflict and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. In intimate interviews, they shed light on the dispute surrounding the occupation in the wake of the Six-Day War. BEN-ZVI-MORAD, Yaël, "Borders in motion: the evolution of the portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Israeli cinema", in: M.

MUNK, Yaël (2012) «Revisiting the Seventh's Art Contribution to the Birth of the Israeli Nation», in: H-Net Reviews, 3pp. Synopsis: his documentary is a portrait of Israeli society, thirty days in the life of a state that lives to the rhythm of its memory. Summary: Five decades ago, the three Palestinian villages of 'Imwas, Yalo and Beit Nouba in the Latroun enclave of the West Bank were razed to the ground after Israel occupied the area.

SANTOS, Madalena Relations of Ruling in the Colonial Present: An Intersectional View of the Israeli Imaginary", Canadian Journal of Sociology, 38(4) pp. Synopsis: Through compelling and moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis, the film reveals the shocking events of the most pivotal year in the world's most controversial conflict. It tells the story of Israel's founding as seen through the eyes of the people who lived through it.

Emad lives in Bil'in, west of the West Bank city of Ramallah. Scenes shift from the baby's growth into a precocious preschooler to the many peaceful acts of protest and the steady progress of building the separation wall. This is the story of the most powerful army in the Middle East chasing 18 cows.

The title of the film 'Duty' and part of the tension between father and son comes from the true meaning of this term. Drawing on their first-hand knowledge of the issues, the producers take a close look at the apartheid comparison often used to describe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Also, when appropriate, relate the text's argumentation to the discourse/analysis provided in the film.

Dealing with the Past and Transitional Justice: Comparative Perspectives


BELL, Christine, 2009, «Transitional justice, interdisciplinarity and the state of 'field' or 'non-field', in: The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. BUCKLEY-ZISTEL, Susanne, 2014b, "Narrative truths: on the construction of the past in truth commissions", in: Susanne Buckley-Zistel et al, Theories of Transitional Justice. Panh's film is probably one of the most elaborate discussions with someone responsible for mass genocide.

What is the rationale behind the work of the people charged with developing and maintaining the law in the Occupied Territories. What are the roles of memory, history, reconstruction, imagination and the power of the image. The government has done nothing to clarify the fate of the missing persons, and the families are still waiting.

With the help of the women around her, she learns to stand up for herself and fight for her child. The film's dramatized prison scenes are re-enacted by the relatives of the imprisoned men, including Zuhdi's former cellmate. Caseros.' It documents their testimonies of life inside the prison's cells, and other locations of the prison.

Part of the assignment is to encourage you to search for academic sources to supplement the arguments you make in the papers. Later, six students are kidnapped in the middle of the night, and the police fraudulently claim ignorance of their whereabouts. Synopsis: Young Ziad is the star of the Al-Amari Refugee Camp basketball team on the outskirts of Ramallah, Palestine.

How is the figure of the missing person treated and depicted in the selected documentaries. Synopsis: this documentary explores the fate of the thousands of people who disappeared during the Lebanese civil war. The film plays on the notion of reality and fantasy blurred because the reality of families is unbearable.

Daccache places these productions in the actual prison spaces, inviting the audiences into the world of the prisoners. How do the movies 'Death Squads' and 'The Battle of Algiers' relate to each other in their discussion of the circulation of violent practices.


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Many of these women have experienced extreme violence and human rights violations not only in their country of origin, but also in refugee camps and host countries, including the