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An Overview of Extractive Based Automatic Text Summarization Systems


Academic year: 2017

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And D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak



Compuational Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram.


Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram,




The availability of online information shows a need of efficient text summarization system. The text summarization system follows extractive and abstractive methods. In extractive summarization, the important sentences are selected from the original text on the basis of sentence ranking methods. The Abstractive summarization system understands the main concept of texts and predicts the overall idea about the topic. This paper mainly concentrated the survey of existing extractive text summarization models. Numerous algorithms are studied and their evaluations are explained. The main purpose is to observe the peculiarities of existing extractive summarization models and to find a good approach that helps to build a new text summarization system.




Text summarization, Abstractive summarization, Extractive summarization, Statistical methods, Latent semantic analysis.




Large number of text materials is available on internet in any topic. The user searches a number of web pages to find out the relevant information. It takes time and effort to the user. An efficient summarizer generate summary of document within a limited time. Mani and Maybury (1999) defined an automatic text summarization as the process of distilling the most important information from a source (or sources) to produce an abridged version for a particular user (or users) and task (or tasks) [26].

Text summarization methods can be classified into abstractive and extractive summarization (Hahn.U, and Mani.I. 2000) [15]. In abstractive summarization Natural language generation techniques are used for summarization. It understands the original document and retells it in few words same as human summarization. The extractive summarization method select the important sentences, paragraphs etc from the original document and concatenate into shorter form. The sentences are extracted on the basis of statistical, heuristic and linguistic methods. Most of the text summarization systems used extractive summarization method based on statistical and algebraic methods which generate an accurate summary in large datasets and give overall opinion about the document. Abstractive summarization approaches are more complex than extractive summarization.


organized as follows. Section 1 describes a brief introduction about text summarization techniques. Section 2 describes the existing models that focusing on extractive techniques. Section 3 discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Section 4 describes some of the standards for evaluating summaries automatically and Section 5 concludes the paper.












The text summarization systems started in early 1950’s. Most of the early work on text summarization focused on single document summarization in technical articles. Due to lack of powerful computers and technological developments, summarization systems consider some simple surface level features of sentences like word frequency, position, length of the sentence etc. In 1970’s Artificial Intelligence technology was developed and most of the summarization systems depend on AI technology. The AI technology based summarization systems are domain dependent systems.

In 1980 some summarization systems are developed on the basis of cognitive science theory. In 1990 Information retrieval methods are used for domain independent summarization. The IR technique doesn’t consider synonymy, and polysemy. In 1995 Machine learning techniques are developed and it is highly used in summarization systems. The machine learning algorithms are bayesian classifier, hidden Markov model, long linear model, neural network etc. Now the statistical and mathematical techniques are widely used for extractive text summarization. The technological developments and its advantages and disadvantages are explained in Table1.

Table 1: Technological Developments in Text Summarization

Year Methods Advantages Disadvantages Models


Simple surface level features of sentences.

The sentences which include most frequent

words are selected as summary sentences.

Duplication in summary sentences.

Luhn,1958[25]; Edmundson,1969[11]


1970 Artificial Intelligence.

Frames or templates are used to identify the conceptual relation of entities and extract the relation between entities

by an assumption.

Only limited frames or templates may lead to incomplete

analysis of conceptual entities.

Azzam, Humphreys, and Gaizauskas, 1999[2];

DeJong, 1979[10]; Graesser, 1981; McKeown and Radev, 1995[27]; Schank and Abelson, 1977[32];

Young and Hayes, 1985[35] etc.


Cognitive science theories

The system can overcome the redundancy in some

extent. Extract the representative sentences

from the source text.

Complex task and limited to specified


Rinehart, S. D., Stahl, S. A., Erikson, L.G. 1986[31]; Jones, R. C. 2006[19]; Johnston, P.

H. 1983[18]etc.


Information retrieval techniques

Generate significant sentence from source

text same as information retrieval


Doesn’t consider the semantic aspects such as synonymy

and polysemy

Aone, Okurowski, Gorlinsky, & Larsen,

1997[1]; Goldstein, Kantrowitz, Mittal, &

Carbonell, 1999[13]; Hovy & Lin, 1997


learning techniques

learning algorithms are used and provides more

generalized summary.

complex and lack of semantic analysis of

source text.

and Chen. F. (1995)[21]; Conroy, J. M. & O'Leary, D. P. 2001[9];

Osborne, M. 2002[28] etc.


Statistical and Algebraic


Depended on some heuristics, linguistics

and mathematical techniques. Easy to


Without any syntactic analysis of

the source text.

Gong and Liu, 2001[14]; Steinberger, J. and Jezek, K. 2004[29] etc.


2.1.1 LUHN METHOD (1958)[25]

Luhn created the first automatic text summarizer for summarize technical articles. The author ranked each sentence in the document on the basis of word frequency and phrase frequency. After performing the stemming and stop word removal, then calculates the word frequency. He stated that the word frequency shows a useful measure for significant factor of a sentence. All sentences are ranked on the basis of significant factor and get top rank sentences. The top ranked sentences are selected as summary sentences.

2.1.2 BOXENDALE MODEL (1958)[6]

Boxendale proposed a position method for sentence extraction. He argued that some significant sentences are placed in some fixed positions. The author checked 200 paragraphs in newspaper articles and 85% of the paragraphs, the topic sentence come first and 7% come last. So he stated that in newspaper articles the first sentence in each paragraph got high chance to include in summary. In 1997 Lin and Hovy claimed that Baxendale position method is not a suitable method for sentence extraction in different domains. Because the discourse structure of a sentence varies from different domains.

2.1.3 EDMUNDSON METHOD (1969)[11]

Edmundson developed a new method in automatic summarization. This method computes the candidate sentence by adding some features of sentences such as keywords, cue phrases, title plus heading and sub heading words and sentence location. This sentence scoring parameters are used to extract the top ranked sentences. The stop words are removed from the source document. The sentences include cue words like conclusion, according to the study etc gets high score. This method also gives high score to title word, heading and sub-heading words which are included in the sentences. Through location feature, conclusion sentences in technical documents and the first and last sentences in the newspaper articles gets high score. The score of each sentence is computed as follows:

Si= w1*Ci+w2*Ki+w3*Ti+w4*Li………. (1)



Trainable Document Summarizer executes sentence extraction on the basis of some sentence weighting methods. The important methods used in this summarizer are:

• Sentence length cutoff feature - sentences containing less than a pre-specified number of words are excluded by sentence length cutoff feature.

• Cue words and phrases related sentences are included • The first sentence in each paragraph is included

• Thematic words -The most frequent words are included.

Thus the sentences are ranked on the basis of the above features and high scored sentences are selected as summary sentences.


ANES text extraction system is a domain-independent summary system for summarize news articles. The process of summary generation has four major elements such as:

a. Calculation of the tf*idf weights for all terms. b. Terms with a high tf*idf weight plus headline-words.

c. Summing over all signature word weights plus the relative location score. d. Select the high scored sentences as summary sentences.


Barzilay & Elahadad, develop a summarizer based on lexical chain method. The sentences are extracted by the collection of the similar words which form a lexical chain. The concept of lexical chain was introduced in Morris and Hirst, 1991. The lexical chain links the semantically related terms with the different parts of source document. Barzilay and Elhadad used a wordnet to construct the lexical chains.



The authors develop a single document and domain independent system. The linguistic techniques are used to identify the main topic. The sentences are selected on the basis of noun phrases, title word and topic related sentences.



2.1.9 SUMMARIST (HOVY AND LIN 1999)[16]

Lin and Hovy, 1997 studied the importance of sentence position method proposed by Baxendale, 1958. In 1999, Lin and Hovy develop a machine learning model for summarization using decision trees instead of a naive Bayes classifier. Summarist system produces summaries of the web documents. The system provides abstractive and extractive based summaries. Summarist first identifies the main topics of the document using the chain of lexically connected sentences. Wordnet and dictionaries are used for identify the lexically connected sentences. The statistical techniques such as position, cue phrases, numerical data, proper name, word frequency etc are used for extractive summary.


MultiGen is a multi document summarization system. The system identified similarities and differences across the documents by applying the statistical techniques. It extracted high weight sentences that represent key portion of information in the set of related documents. This is done by apply the machine learning algorithm to group paragraph sized chunks of text in related topics. Sentences from these clusters are parsed and the resultant trees are merged together to form the logical representations of the commonly occurring concepts. Matching concepts are selected on the basis of the linguistic knowledge such as stemming, part-of-speech, synonymy and verb classes.


The Cut and Paste system designed to understand the key concepts of the sentences. These key concepts are then combined to form new sentences. The system first copies the surface form of these key concepts and pasted them into the summary sentences. The key concepts are achieved by probabilities learnt from a training corpus and lexical links.

2.1.12 CONROY ET AL.(CONROY, J.M.& O'LEARY, D.P., 2001)[9]

The work presented by Conroy, J. M. & O'Leary, D. P., considered the probability of inclusion of a sentence in summary depends on whether the previous sentence is related next sentence based on HMM (Hidden Markov Model).The sentences are classified into two states such as summary sentences and non summary sentences. The lexically connected sentences are selected into summary sentences.



2.1.14 MEAD (RADEV,H.Y.JING,M.STYS AND D.TAM,2001)[30]

MEAD computed the score of a sentence on the basis of a centroid score. The centroid score is formed on the basis of tf-idf values, similarity to the first sentence of the document, position of the sentence in the document, sentence length etc. The highest ranked sentences are selected as summary sentences. This summarizer produced single and multi document summaries.

2.1.15 WEBINESSENCE (RADEV,2001)[30]

This system is an improved version MEAD summarizer. It is a web based summarizer for web pages. The architecture of the system includes two stages. The first stage the system collects URLs from the different web pages and extracts the news articles in same event. The second stage clusters the data from different documents. A centroid algorithm is used for find the representative sentences. Avoid repetition and generate a final summary.


The authors developed a statistical approach to summarize the source text. The sentences are split into tokens and remove the stop words. After remove the stop words then a weight value is assigned to each individual term. The weight is calculated on the basis of frequency of a term in the sentence divided by frequency of term in the document. Then add a additional score to the weight of terms which are appear in bold, italic, underlined or any combination of these. Then rank the individual sentence according to their weight value that is calculated as weight of individual term divided by total number of terms in that sentence. Finally, extract the higher ranked sentences include the first sentence of the first paragraph of the input text to generate summary.


LSA is a technique for extracting the hidden semantic representation of terms, sentences, or documents (Landauer & Dumais, 1997). It is an unsupervised method for extract the semantics of terms by examines the co-occurrence of words. The first step of this approach is the representation of input documents as a word by sentence matrix A. Each row represents a word from the document and each column represents a sentence in the document. So A=mXn matrix that means ‘m’ words and ‘n’ sentences. The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) from linear algebra is applied to matrix A. The SVD of mXn matrix is defined as A=U∑VT. Matrix U is an mXn matrix of real numbers. Matrix ∑ is diagonal nXn matrix. The VT matrix is nXn matrix each row represented as sentences. Gong and Liu (2001) [14]proposed a method of LSA for document summarization to recognize the important topics in the document without the use of wordnet. They consider each rows of matrix VT and select the sentences with the highest value. Steinberger and Jezek (2004)[33] proposed an improved method for document summarization. Murray, Renals and Carletta (2005) proposed an approach for summarizing meeting recordings using LSA. Text summarization using a trainable summarizer and latent semantic analysis are proposed by Yeh, Ke, Yang and Meng (2005). This approach sentence ranking depends on graph based method and LSA based method.



the number and type of relation in the chains. The sentences that got highest chains are selected as final summary sentences.


They proposed a method based on graph based algorithms for text summarization. This method constructs a graph from the source text. The nodes are represented as sentences and the edges are represents the semantic relation between sentences. The weight of each node is calculated and the highest ranking sentences are selected for final summary.


The author proposed a summarizer depend on rhetorical structure theory. This technique based on analysis of discourse structure of sentence. The sentence score is calculated on its relevance factor. The relevant sentences got the highest weight and irrelevant sentences got low weight.














No .

Models Criteria for sentence selection Type of docum ent Level of process ing

Corpus Advantages Disadvantages

1. Luhn method (1958) Word frequency and phrase frequency.

Single Surface Technical articles.

The highest word frequency sentences are selected to summary sentences.

Duplication in summary.

2. Baxend ale method (1958)

Position method.

Single Surface Technical documents.

It is used in the system where machine learning systems are complex.

It is related to the discourse

structure of sentence.

The discourse structure of sentence varies from different domain.

3. Edmuns on method (1969) Word frequency, cue phrases, title and heading words, sentence location.

Single Surface Technical documents.

Foundation for many existing extractive summarization method.

Redundancy in the summary and computationally complex.

4. Trainabl e Docume nt Summar izer (1995) Machine learning techniques .

Single Surface Technical documents.

It provides a universal summary.


5. ANES (1995)

Tf*idf Single Surface Domain independe nt

The main topic related sentences are included in summary sentences.

The summarizer doesn’t handle various sub topics.

6. Barzilay & Elahada d (1997) Lexical chain method

Single Entity Consider the

semantic relationship among sentences and provides representative summary.

It requires deep syntactic and semantic structure of a sentence.

7. Bogurae v & Kenned y (1997) Noun phrases, Title related terms

Single Entity Extract the

sentences in same context.

Requires linguistic knowledge.

8. Focisum (1998)

Named entity recognitio n and informatio n extraction techniques .

Single Entity News articles.

Extract the information same way as a question answering system. The number of word co-occur in the questions are extracted as summary.

Requires a question generator for information extraction. The summary is the result of question.

9. Summar ist (1999) Statistical and linguistica l Single and multi docum ent

Surface Web documents.

Extract the representative sentences as summary sentences.

Computationally complex method.

10. MultiGe n (1999) Syntactic analysis Multi docum ent

Entity News articles from different web pages.

Generate multi document summaries.

Require the language

processing tools.

11. Cut and Paste System (1999)

Statistical Single Surface Generate cohesive summary.

Complex method

12. SweSu m (Hercul es Dalianis , 2000) Statistical, linguistic methods

Single Surface News article

Generate the representative summary.

Restricted to some specific domain.

13. Conroy, J. M. & O'Leary , D. P. 2001

HMM Single Surface News article

Lexically related sentences.

Difficult to compute

14. MEAD (Radev, H. Y.

Cluster based

Single and multi

Surface News article

Summary from single and multiple


Jing, M. Stys and D. Tam, 2001)

docum ent


15. WebInE ssence (Radev, 2001) Cluster based Single and multi docum ent

Surface News articles

Summarize news articles in different web pages.

16. Discour se based, 2010 Statistical and linguistic method. Discour se News articles Linguistic analysis of source text.

Compute all the rhetorical relation between sentences is difficult. 17. Graph

based,2 010

Statistical Single and multi docum ent

Surface Graph based

method to form final summary.

Computationally complex.

18. Text Summar ization using Term Weights (R.C.Ba labantar y, D.K.Sa hoo, B.Sahoo , M.Swai n. 2012) Statistical based

Surface Extract more

relevant sentences.

It generally depends on format of the text.

19. Pourvali , 2012

Statistical Surface Generate

semantic based summary.

Requires language processing tools.

20. LSA based summar ization Statistical and algebraic method Single and multipl e Surface/ Entity News articles, technical documents, books etc. Semantically related sentences and easy to implement.

Non availability of syntactic analysis and world knowledge.










Evaluation of summaries is an important aspect of text summarization. A general policy to evaluate the quality of a summarization system is absent in existing models. The authors provide different approaches for summary evaluation. In some systems the quality of a summary is determined by grammatically and its relevancy to the user. If the summary is satisfactory then the system summary meets the needs of a user.


follows combination of methods to evaluate the quality of summary. Precision and Recall measures are used by the most of the extractive based summarization systems. Most of the systems evaluate the quality of summary on the basis of manual summary. Comparing manual summaries with system summaries are not appropriate. Because the human select the different sentence in different times same way the different authors choose different sentences as summary sentences. Recently some system follows SEE, ROUGE, BE methods for summary evaluation (Lin,C.Y., Hovy, E. 2003)[23].




This paper examines the efficiency and accuracy of existing summarization systems. The summarizer systems in earlier stage mainly concentrate some simple statistical features of sentences and summarize only the technical articles. For a generic summarization these systems are not produce the satisfactory result. The above extractive summarization systems follows statistical, linguistic and heuristics methods. The statistical methods are tf method, tf-idf method, graph based, machine learning, lexical based, discourse based, cluster based, vector based, LSA based etc. The statistical methods follow supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. The machine learning algorithm related models are generates coherent and cohesive summary but the algorithms are computationally complex and needs large storage capacity. These algorithms are overcome the redundancy in some extent and the systems are domain independent. Some systems follow the statistical and linguistic based methods. It also generate good summary but the linguistic analysis of source document required heavy machinery for language processing. The lexical based method requires semantic dictionaries and thesaurus. The discoursed based methods analyze the rhetorical structure of documents. Complete analysis of source document is very difficult. At the same time the statistical and algebraic method LSA extract the semantically related sentences without the use of wordnet and online dictionaries. The systems provide a domain independent generic summary rather than a query based summary. The LSA based systems summarize the large datasets within the limited time and produce satisfactory result.


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