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Academic year: 2017





pISSN 1899-5241 eISSN 1899-5772

3(41) 2016, 337–344

dr hab. Aldona Mrówczyńska-Kamińska, Katedra Ekonomii i Polityki Ekonomicznej w Agrobiznesie, Uniwersytet Przyrodni-Summary. The main aim of the study is to show the role of

business insurance in the Polish national economy. The fi rst part presents an overview of the insurance market. In the sec-ond part the importance of insurance in the national economy is discussed, based on calculated penetration rates, insurance density, activity monitoring, coverage ratio and solvency ra-tio. Żinally the density and penetration rates in Poland were compared with those in other źU countries. The primary re-search method was descriptive method and the basic indica-tors of the importance of insurance in the national economy. The main source materials were data from the Central Statis-tical O ce, the Polish Żinancial Supervision Authority and the Polish Insurance Association. This study covers the period 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4. The study confi rmed a good standing of the Pol-ish insurance market and the fact that it systematically reduces the distance that separates the Polish insurance market from the largest źuropean markets.

Key words: insurance, the national economy, ratio analysis, Poland


Insurance is an institution limiting the burden of certain fortuitous events, which risk we face at each stage of our lives. It provides an economic mechanism ensuring coverage of future material needs of individuals or enti-ties caused by fortuitous events exhibiting certain regu-larities, by distributing this risk over many individuals or entities threatened with the same fortuitous events

(Łazowski, ń948). Insurance is an economic tool, which makes it possible for the insurance company – thanks to the paid premiums – takes over the risk of negative eco-nomic consequences of a specifi c fortuitous event from the insurant (Hadyniak et al., ń999).

Insurance, constituting an instrument for compensa-tion for damage or satisfaccompensa-tion of certain fi nancial needs, is of considerable social and economic importance both from the point of view of the insured individuals or or-ganisations and the society or the state. Benefi ts for the insurant may include e.g. maintenance of the standard of living during disease, disability or retirement, psy-chological comfort connected with fi nancial security and protection for their family in case of death, their own fi nancial security and stability. Insurance makes it possible for entrepreneurs to retain the same fi nancial standing as before the damage thanks to fi nancial means provided by damagesń.

Insurance also operates an a macroeconomic means ensuring stability of the economy, as it alleviates shock connected with risk and contributes to żNP growth (Kawi ski, 2Ńń3). Insurance releases fi nancial means required for the maintenance of loss reserves and en-sures fi nancial security of individuals by protecting their property. By taking insurance individual members of the society transfer current consumer expenses to a later period, which results in increased savings and supple-ments the social security system. In turn, compulsory

ń www.piu.org.pl (accessed on 2Ń.Ń8.2Ńń5).



Aldona Mrówczy





, Aldona Standar


insurance constitutes an important protection system for collective risk (tra c accidents), relieve the state from the burden of aid in the case of natural disasters or damage of spectacular social impact (fl ood, environmental pollu-tion). Żrom the point of view of entrepreneurs insurance makes it possible to undertake riskier enterprises and in-troduce innovations in the range of products or services (Ronka-Chmielowiec, 2ŃŃ2ś Sangowski, 2ŃŃń).


The primary aim of this study is to present the role of business insurance (personal and property) in the Polish national economy. The fi rst part of this paper gives gene-ral information on the insurance market (the number of insurance companies, income, gross written premiums) in terms of the statutory division into Sections I and II. The second part discusses the importance of business insurance in the national economy, based on calculated penetration, density, activity monitoring and coverage ratios as well as the primary solvency ratio. Żinally the density and penetration ratios in Poland were compared with those of the other źU countries. The primary re-search method was the descriptive method and basic in-dexes illustrating the role of insurance in the economy2.

Basic source materials included data from the Central Statistical O ce, the Polish Żinancial Supervision Au-thority and the Polish Insurance Association. The study covers the period of 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4.

2 The density ratio is calculated by referring the amount of

gross written premium (the entire premium due in a given year for insurance protection) within a year per capita. In turn, the penetration coe cient is the share of the collected gross written premium in the żŹP. The activity monitoring ratio is calculated by referring equity of an insurance company (available assets of the insurance company not encumbered with third party’s rights, which are not allocated to coverage of accrued liabilities) to the solvency margin (the volume of assets unencumbered with any liabilities, which the insurer should have to secure continuous payment of insurance benefi ts) and guarantee capital (the capi-tal required to run insurance activity) times ńŃŃ%. The coverage ratio is calculated by dividing assets for the coverage of policy holders’ fund (assets meeting the statutory investment limits) by the policy holders’ fund (reserves connected with potential future liabilities of the insurance company resulting from contracted insurance policies) times ńŃŃ%. The last calculated index was the solvency ratio, with equity was divided by the volume of the gross written premium in damage excess (the entire premium due in a given reporting period reduced by the reinsurer’s share) times ńŃŃ% (Kawi ski, 2Ńń3).


At the end of 2Ńń4 a total of 59 Polish insurance com-panies were licensed to conduct insurance activity in Poland, of which 28 were insurance companies of Sec-tion I3 (life insurance) and 3Ń were insurance companies

of Section II (other personal insurance types and property insurance) and ń was a reinsurer (PTR S.A.). Żunction-ing of the insurance market in view of globalisation and competition refl ects the degree of market concentration defi ned by the concentration index CRx, i.e. the market share of x successive insurers (żUS, 2Ńń4). At the end of 2Ńń4 CR5, i.e. the share of fi ve largest companies in the gross written premium of Section I was 56.7% and it was practically the same as in 2Ńń3 (56.7%). Żor several years now the largest share has belonged to PZU YCIź S.A. (28.54%), followed by OPźN LIŻź TU YCIź S.A. (8.ńń%), MźTLIŻź TU iR S.A. (7.37%), AVIVA TUn S.A. (7.ń9%) and COMPźNSA TU NA YCIź S.A (after merger with BźNźŻIA TU na YCIź S.A.) (5.49%). In Section II the concentration index CR5 at the end of 2Ńń4 was 68.24%, amounting to an increase by approx. 2.Ń percentage points in relation to 2Ńń3. Similarly as in Section I the largest, over 3ń.Ń% share belonged to PZU SA, followed by STU źRżO Hestia S.A. (after merger with MTU Moje TU S.A.) – ń3.ń2%, TUiR Warta S.A. – ń2.76%, TUiR ALLIANZ POLSKA S.A. – 6.73% and COMPźNSA TU S.A. Vienna Insur-ance żroup – 4.ń6% (KNŻ, 2Ńń5). At the end of 2Ńń4 a total number of 6ń2 foreign insurance companies from the źU member countries and other regions of the źuro-pean źconomic Area notifi ed their intention to operate in Poland, and it was by almost 3Ń more than in 2Ńń2 (KNŻ, 2Ńń5).

Next solvency ratios were analysed for insurance com-panies specifi ed in the Act on insurance activity (Table 2).

3 The statutory division of insurance was based on the type of

fortuitous events covered by insurance and the subject of insur-ance. Thus we distinguish two areas of insuranceŚ

– Section I covering only life insurance (life, dowry and chil-dren’s maintenance insurance, retirement annuity, accident pro-tection and sickness insurance, if they supplement the insurance types mentioned above),


Table 1. Number of insurance companies off ering insurance in Poland in 2Ńń4

Tabela 1. Liczba zakładów ubezpiecze oferujących ubezpieczenia w Polsce w 2Ńń4 roku

Specifi cation

Wyszczególnienie OgółemTotal W formie spółki akcyjnejJoint-stock company

Mutual insurance company W formie towarzystwa ubezpiecze wzajemnych

Companies which have notifi ed its activity in Poland Zakłady, które notyfi kowały

swoją działalno ć w Polsce Section I – Źział I 28 26 2 6ń2

Section II – Źział II 3Ń 24 6 Reinsurer

Zakład reasekuracji ń ń x Total – Ogółem 59 5ń 8

SourceŚ KNŻ, 2Ńń5. ródłoŚ KNŻ, 2Ńń5.

Table 2. Statutory parameters and solvency indexes of insurance companies in total in Poland in the years 2Ńń2–2Ńń4 (%)

Tabela 2. Wska niki ustawowe i współczynniki wypłacalno ci zakładów ubezpieczeniowych ogółem w Polsce w latach 2Ńń2– 2Ńń4 (%)

Specifi cation – Wyszczególnienie 3ń.ń2.2Ńń2 3ń.ń2.2Ńń3 3ń.ń2.2Ńń4 Total – Ogółem

Activity monitoring ratio

Wska nik monitoringu działalno ci 4ńń.ńń 357.9Ń 345.56 Coverage ratio of reserves

Wska nik pokrycia rezerw ńń6.38 ńń4.59 ńń5.78 Solvency ratio

Współczynnik wypłacalno ci 54.96 52.96 63.8 Section I – Źział I

Activity monitoring ratio

Wska nik monitoringu działalno ci 355.8ń 298.3ń 299.ŃŃ Coverage ratio of reserves

Wska nik pokrycia rezerw ńńń.24 ńńŃ.9ń ńń2.2 Solvency ratio

Współczynnik wypłacalno ci 39.ń7 38.22 45.9 Section II – Źział II

Activity monitoring ratio

Wska nik monitoringu działalno ci 467.ń9 4ń6.87 398.ŃŃ Coverage ratio of reserves

Wska nik pokrycia rezerw ń26.88 ń2ń.7ń ń23.5 Solvency ratio

Współczynnik wypłacalno ci 79.8ń 72.86 83.7


In accordance with art. ń46.ń4 of the Act on insurance

activity insurance companies are obliged to have equity in the minimum amount of their solvency margin and at least equivalent to their guarantee capital. In 2Ńń4 the activity monitoring index was satisfactory, amounting to 345.56%, although from 2Ńń2 it was decreasing. In Section I this index was approx. 3ŃŃ.Ń%, while in Sec-tion II it was almost 4ŃŃ.Ń%. The next analysed index was the coverage ratio. In accordance with Article ń54.ń of the Act on insurance activity insurance companies are obliged to have assets meeting conditions specifi ed in the Act in the minimum amount equivalent to the gross value of the policy holders’ fund. In particular it is as-sumed that assets need to be adequately diversifi ed and dispersed5. In the analysed period the coverage ratio

remained comparable. In 2Ńń4 it was ńń5.78%, while in Section I it was ńń2.2% and in Section II – ń23%, respectively.

Maintenance of a satisfactory coverage ratio by Pol-ish companies confi rms the good standing of the PolPol-ish insurance market. Żinancial supervision should control such indexes so that they are kept at a safe level, which at the same time makes it possible to off er insurance with acceptable premiums. In turn, the total solvency in-dex in 2Ńń4 increased in relation to the previous years to 63.8%, of which it was greatest in Section II at 83.7%.


Insurance companies in 2Ńń4 earned over 7ń.6 billion PLN. The most signifi cant part of this income com-prised gross written premium (76.7% total revenue), revenue from investments (ń2.4%) and unrealised gains from investments (4.26%) (KNŻ, 2Ńń5). Table 3 pre-sents changes in the volume of gross written premium in terms of Sections I and II in the years 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4. At the end of 2Ńń4 total gross written premium was al-most 55 billion PLN. While it was more than in 2ŃŃ6 (by ń7.4 billion PLN), starting from 2ŃńŃ a decrease in its value was observed annually (in the analogous period of 2Ńń3 the premium was approx. 5.Ń% – 3.Ń billion PLN higher). This results from the observed decrease in gross written premium in Section I. To 2ŃŃ8 premium

4 Refers also – in accordance with Article 223 of the Act – to

reisurer companies (Act…, 2ŃŃ3).

5 Ibidem.

in the Section of life insurance was rapidly increasing, while in 2ŃŃ9 the decrease was over 2Ń.Ń% in relation to the previous year. After that period a slight increase was recordedś nevertheless, in the last analysed years gross written premium again decreased in relation to the previous year. In Section II in the last analysed year the value of premium decreased by ń.3%, still over the en-tire analysed period its moderate increase was observed. As a result of these changes in 2Ńń4 gross written pre-mium in the Section of the other life insurance types and property insurance was by only 2.5 billion PLN (26.3 billion PLN) lower than in Section I, while in 2ŃŃ6 this diff erence was almost 5.Ń billion PLN. In the structure of life insurance (Section I) in 2Ńń4 life insur-ance connected with an insurinsur-ance capital trust – żroup 3 predominated (43.98% total premium). Over the en-tire analysed period the share of this group increased systematically. Life insurance (group ń) ranked second at 37.Ń8%ś however, in this case the share of this group was decreasing. Accident and sickness insurance ranked second (group 5) with a practically identical share over the entire analysed period (ń8.ń4%). The two next groups – 4 (retirement annuity) and 2 (dowry insurance) account for a small ń% share6. In turn, in the structure of

the other personal and direct property insurance types in 2Ńń4 motor insurance predominated (groups 3 and ńŃ). They accounted jointly for almost 52.Ń% (3ń.4% in-demnity insurance for vehicles and 2Ń.4% comprehen-sive motor insurance) gross written premium in Section II. It was followed by property insurance (groups 8 and 9) – almost 2ń.Ń%, followed by fi nancial (groups ń4 and ń6) at 8.2%, accident and sickness insurance (groups ń and 2) at 7.8% and other indemnity insurance (groups ńń-ń3) at 7.7%7.

żross written premium is the most signifi cant value characterising the insurance market. Insurance com-panies in Poland purchase shares and stocks of banks, enterprises and other economic entities and they invest some of the insurance fund in bank deposits. By mak-ing funds available to banks, they facilitate creditmak-ing for economic entities and households. The insurance sys-tem does not generate money by itself, in contrast to the bank system, it determines – particularly through life insurance – transformation of some savings into in-vestments. If we deal with an increase in premium in


Table 3. żross written premium life insurance (Section I) and property insurance (Section II) in Poland in the years 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 (billion PLN)

Tabela 3. Składka przypisana brutto ubezpiecze na ycie (dział I) i ubezpiecze majątkowych (dział II) w Polsce w latach 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 (mld zł)

Specifi cation – Wyszczególnienie 2ŃŃ6 2ŃŃ7 2ŃŃ8 2ŃŃ9 2ŃńŃ 2Ńńń 2Ńń2 2Ńń3 2Ńń4 Life Insurance – Section I

Ubezpieczenie na ycie – Źział I 2ń.ń 25.5 39.Ń 3Ń.3 3ń.4 3ń.8 36.4 3ń.3 28.7 The previous year = ńŃŃ%

Rok poprzedni = ńŃŃ% 37.69 2Ń.9 52.83 –22.33 3.77 ń.73 ń4.23 –ń4.Ń5 –8.3ń Property insurance – Section II

Ubezpieczenie majątkowe – Źział II ń6.4 ń8.2 2Ń.3 2ń.ń 22.7 24.8 26.3 26.6 26.3 The previous year = ńŃŃ%

Rok poprzedni = ńŃŃ% 4.89 ńŃ.95 ńń.43 3.72 7.99 ń4.2 3.8ń ń.3ń –ń.3ń Total

Ogółem 37.5 43.7 59.3 5ń.3 54.2 56.6 62.6 57.9 54.9 The previous year = ńŃŃ%

Rok poprzedni = ńŃŃ% 2Ń.9 ń6.5 35.7 –ń3.5 5.7 4.4 ńŃ.6 –7.5 –5.2

SourceŚ own elaboration based on data from the Polish Żinancial Supervision Authority (KNŻ, 2Ńń5). ródłoŚ opracowanie własne na podstawie danych Komisji Nadzoru Żinancialego (KNŻ, 2Ńń5).

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



Żig. 1. The share of collected gross written premiums for life insurance (section I) and property insurance (section II) in żŹP (penetration index) in Poland in the years 2ŃŃ6– 2Ńń4 (%)

SourceŚ own calculations based on data from the Polish Żinancial Supervision Authority (KNŻ, 2Ńń5) and from źurostat (n.d.).

Rys. 1. Udział zebranej składki przypisanej brutto ubezpiecze na ycie (dział I) i ubez-piecze majątkowych (dział II) w PKB (współczynnik penetracji) w Polsce w latach 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 (%)


the żŹP, we have an increase in saving propensity and the resulting willingness to invest (Wierzbicka, ń997). While determining the development trend for the insur-ance market it needs to be stated that as a rule an in-crease in premium is correlated with economic growth. In the years 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 the insurance penetration index, measured by the relation of the value of gross written premium to gross domestic product (żŹP) (Żig. ń), was stable in the group of property insurance. In life insur-ance this index decreased in 2Ńń4 by Ń.2 percentage points in relation to the previous year, reaching ń.66%. Changes in gross written premium in the Section of life insurance refl ect the situation over the entire insurance market. In 2Ńń4 the total penetration index was 3.ń9% and it was by 3.Ń percentage points lower than in 2Ńń3.

A measure of maturity of the insurance market is provided by the index referring the amount of premium to the number of inhabitants (Żig. 2). In Section I (life insurance) the average premium index per capita in Poland fl uctuated in the analysed period. In the years 2ŃŃ6–2ŃŃ8 this index increased from 55Ń PLN to over

ńŃŃŃ PLN. Next in 2ŃŃ9 it decreased to approx. 8ŃŃ PLN, while to 2Ńń2 it again increased to 955 PLN. In 2Ńń4 the collection of premiums from those insurances decreased, which resulted in a reduction of this index to 754 PLN per capita. In the Section of the other personal insurances and property insurances we observed a sta-ble increase in the average premium per capita in Poland from 43Ń PLN in 2ŃŃ6 to 69Ń PLN in 2Ńń4. Summing up, due to the maintenance of the upward trend for the density index (with slight fl uctuations in the crisis years) the relative value of the Polish market in relation to the country development level is rather good.

The evaluation of the Polish insurance market should be compared to the other źU countries. The consider-able development dynamics and the actual increase in gross written premium in Poland, as well as the relative-ly good other indexes indicate that the distance between the Polish insurance market and the largest źuropean markets is decreasing systematically. However, it needs to be stressed here that this distance is still consider-able and indicates the potential for this sector. Żigure 3




Żig. 2. The value of gross premiums written for life insurance (Section I) and property insurance (Section II) ń inhabitant (ratio of the density) in Poland in the years 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 (PLN)

SourceŚ own calculations based on data from the Polish Żinancial Supervision Authority (KNŻ, 2Ńń5) and źurostat (n.d.).

Rys. 2. Warto ć składki przypisanej brutto ubezpiecze na ycie (dział I) i ubezpiecze majątkowych (dział II) w na ń mieszka ca (współczynnik gęsto ci) w Polsce w latach 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4 (zł)


presents the penetration rate (y, %) and density rate

(x, źUR) for insurance in źU countries in 2Ńń2. The

dependence between these indexes is best described by a linear equationŚ

y = Ń.Ńń92 x + 2.ń9ń7


y – the share of gross written premium in żŹP (%) x – gross written premium per capita (źUR).

This means that the greater the share of premium in the żŹP, the greater the premium per capita. This analy-sis shows that in the countries which joined the źU af-ter 2ŃŃ4 both the density and penetration rates are low, while in the countries of the former źU-ń5 these values are much higher. Źiff erences between individual coun-tries result fi rst of all from the standard of living in these countries. In those countries, where the żŹP per capita is higher (Luxemburg, Źenmark, Sweden, żreat Britain, Holland, Żinland, Belgium), the insurance penetration and density rates are much more satisfactory. A highly signifi cant eff ect on these indexes was observed for the share of compulsory and quasi-compulsory insurance. In countries with a high standard of living voluntary insurance is gaining in popularity (e.g. in the case of

health insurance). Maintenance of high growth dynam-ics for private insurance to supplement the social secu-rity system depends on an active economic policy in this respect (see Kawi ski, 2Ńń3).


Summing up, the position of the Polish insurance market is good both in terms of the number of companies off er-ing insurance services and the generated revenue as well as the collected insurance premiums. A good situation of the analysed market is also confi rmed by the activity monitoring index, coverage and solvency ratios. Studies showed that the distance between the Polish insurance market and the greatest źuropean markets is systemati-cally decreasing. However, it needs to be remembered in Poland compulsory insurance still predominates, which while serving a signifi cant role, the extension of the insurance obligation is not the only eff ective method to develop the market. Increased use of voluntary insur-ance indicates insurinsur-ance prudence and a more innova-tive market. It seems important to stimulate economic growth, which will probably be manifested in greater interest in voluntary insurance, e.g. sickness or fi nancial insurance.






















y = 0.0192x + 2.1917 R² = 0.7855

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0

Żig. 3. Penetration rate (y, %) and density index (x, euro) for insurance in the źuropean Union in 2Ńń2

SourceŚ own calculations based on CSO data (żUS, 2Ńń4).

Rys. 3. Wska nik penetracji (y, %) i gęsto ci (x, euro) ubezpiecze w krajach Unii źuropejskiej w 2Ńń2 roku



Act of 22 May 2ŃŃ3 on insurance activity (2ŃŃ3). The Journal of Laws. Źziennik Ustaw no. ń24, item ńń5ń with later amendments.

źurostat (b.d.). Retrieved fromŚ www.ec.europa.eu/eurostat. żUS (2Ńń4). Polski rynek ubezpieczeniowy w 2Ńń3 roku.

WarszawaŚ żłówny Urząd Statystyczny.

Hadyniak, B., Monkiewicz, J., żąsiorkiewicz, L. (ń999). Za-rządzanie fi nansami ubezpiecze . WarszawaŚ Poltext. Kawi ski, M. (2Ńń3). Ubezpieczenia w rozwoju

społeczno--gospodarczym Polski. Wiad. Ubezp. Wyd. Spec., 2, ń–87.

KNŻ (2Ńń5). Raport o stanie sektora ubezpiecze po IV kwar-tale 2Ńń4 roku. WarszawaŚ Urząd Komisji Nadzoru Żinan-sowego. Retrieved Aug 8th 2Ńń5 fromŚ accessed atŚ www.


Łazowski, J. (ń948). Wstęp do nauki o ubezpieczeniach. War-szawaŚ PZU.

PIU (b.d.). Retrieved fromŚ www.piu.org.pl.

Ronka-Chmielowiec, W. (2ŃŃ2). Ubezpieczenia. Rynek i ry-zyko. WarszawaŚ PWź.

Sangowski, T. (2ŃŃń). Ubezpieczenia gospodarcze. Warsza-waŚ Poltext.









Streszczenie. żłównym celem bada jest ukazanie roli ubezpiecze gospodarczych w polskiej gospodarce narodowej. W pierw-szej czę ci przedstawiono ogólne informacje o rynku ubezpiecze . W drugiej omówiono znaczenie ubezpiecze w gospodarce narodowej, obliczając wska niki penetracji, gęsto ci, monitorowania działalno ci, pokrycia rezerw oraz współczynnik wypła-calno ci. Na koniec porównano wska nik gęsto ci i penetracji w Polsce z krajami Uź. żłówną metodą badawczą była metoda opisowa oraz podstawowe wska niki obrazujące znaczenie ubezpiecze w gospodarce. żłównymi materiałami ródłowymi były dane Urzędu Statystycznego, Komisji Nadzoru Żinansowego i Polskiej Izby Ubezpiecze . Zakres czasowy bada objął lata 2ŃŃ6–2Ńń4. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, e polski rynek ubezpieczeniowy cechuje się dobrą sytuacją i systematycz-nie zmsystematycz-niejsza dystans do największych rynków europejskich.

Słowa kluczowe: ubezpieczenia, gospodarka narodowa, analiza wska nikowa, Polska


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