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Lista de exercícios P1 4º Bimestre Aluno (a): Professor: Maria luiza Disciplina: Inglês Valor:2,0


Academic year: 2021

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Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações:

É fundamental a apresentação de uma lista legível, limpa e organizada. Rasuras podem invalidar a lista.

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Não há necessidade de folhas em anexo, todas as respostas serão exclusivamente na lista.

O não atendimento a algum desses itens faculta ao professor o direito de desconsiderar a lista.

A lista deve ser feita a caneta, somente os cálculos podem ser a lápis.

Capítulo(s) do livro trabalhado (s): Cap : 06

Conteúdo: Future Tenses Be Going To And Will : Páginas 99 / até 107/ 113 até 121 /174 e 175

Data de apresentação da lista ao professor: 29/ 10 / 2021

Data de entrega e prova: 29/ 10 /2021.


1. A tirinha ironiza uma suposta característica dos ingleses:

a) o apreço pela história das invasões bárbaras.

b) admiração pela família real.

c) o valor que atribuem aos seus jardins.

d) o cuidado com a preservação de seus edifícios históricos.

e) O valor que atribuem ao ouro .

2- Mark the incorrect alternative about the text:

Lista de exercícios – P1–4º Bimestre Aluno (a): __________________________________

Turma: 8º ano (Ensino fundamenal) Professor: Maria luiza Disciplina: Inglês

Valor:2,0 No Anhanguera você é + Enem


a) Scientists will create intelligent robots .

b) Sociable robots won`t be able to show feelings . c) Robots will do work around the house .

d) Many homes will have robots in the future . e) Robots will take care of children and eldery . 3. Read the text below to answer the question.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, music shaming is basically the act of criticizing someone for having musical preferences that differ from your own. […]

Maybe it’s a matter of self-validation, and criticizing someone else’s musical taste makes you feel better about your own. […] Whatever the reason, it’s flawed, it’s hurtful, and it’s just not cool.



criticizing: criticar, reprovar differ: diferenciam, diferem flawed: errado

self-validation: autovalidação taste: gosto

whatever: independentemente

Choose the alternative that states a true information about the text.

a) Music shaming is a form of bullying.

b) Music shaming is not a real situation.

c) Music shaming is not a form of bullying. It’s a form of respect.

d) Music shaming only happens to people who listen to pop music.

4. What is cyberbullying, exactly?

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet,

interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Adult cyber-harassment ar cyberstalking is NEVER called cyberbullying. (...)

From: <www.stopcyberbullying.org/what_is_cyberbullying_exactly.html>. Accessed in: May


Mark the false statement about the text .

a) Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology such as the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones

b) Cyberbullying involves a child, preteen or teen on both sides c) Adult cyber-harassment is also called cyberbullying

d) Adult cyber-harassment is never called cyberbullying.


a) Eu nunca esqueci suas ultimas palavrras . b) Ele nunca esqueceu minhas últimas palavras . c) Eu nunca esquecerei suas últimas palavras . d) Eu nunca esqueço suas últimas palavras.


”I´ll never forget his last words”. A palavra destacada corresponde a:

a) I will e indica que a frase está no futuro.

b) I will e indica que a frase está no presente.

c) I will e indica que a frase está no passado.

d) I will e indica que a ação ocorre no momento da fala.


7. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

My plans for the future

I Will work in a big city and I Will be rich. I Will have a happy life and I Will have a beautiful wife – my wife Will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problem sand I won’t feel down every day. I Will work from Monday to Saturday – on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her.We Will be more than husband and wife: we Will be Best friends. I Will have a great job and I will love my job. My family Will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there Will be peace, love,

faith,dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

Allan Jones Vocabulary:

Rich: rico Ex: I Will work = eu trabalharei = O Will não tem tradução, somente Wife: esposa acompanha o verbo, passando para o futuro.

Serious: sério Ex: He Will work= Ele trabalhará.///She Will travel= Ela viajará.

Feel down: sentir-se triste trabalhar viajar More than: mais do que

Job: trabalho, emprego Each other: um ao outro There Will be: vai haver Faith: fé

This: este Dream: sonho

. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Allan Jones Will not have a happy life. (………) B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (……..)

C. Allan Jones Will feel down every day. (………) D. Allan Jones Will have a very good wife.(………) E. Allan Jones Will have faith.(……..)

a) F, F, F, T, T b) T, T, F, F, T c) T, F, F, F, F d) T, F, T, F, T e) T, F, T, T, T 8. MATCH.

(A) Everyone in your family is hungry. They want their dinner! Your mom doesn’t have time to cook.

(B) It’s your friend’s birthday tomorrow, and you want to celebrate. You are good at making cakes.

(C) It’s wet and windy outside. The window is open, and everyone in the room is cold.

(D) Your friend has a terrible toothache. He wants to go to the dentist,but it’s too far to walk. You have a car.


( ) I will make a cake.

( ) I will cook the dinner.

( ) I will take him.

a) B -C –A- D b) C -A –B- D c) C -B –A- D d) D -B –A- C e) D -A –C- B

9. Quanto ao uso de will, em inglês, cabe afirmar, exceto:

a) Exerce função semelhante à estrutura going to

b) No futuro simples, o tipo de conjugação do verbo que ocorre após will é chamado forma base c) É cabível o uso de will em perguntas

d) O formato won’t simboliza a contração entre as palavras will e no

e) Will poderá ser utilizado com qualquer pronome pessoal da língua inglesa 10. Complete a frase “I ________love you” com a opção adequada:

a) will always b) will never always c) won’t never d) will you

11. II. (FRAMINAS – 2014) Levando em consideração as diferentes formas de se referir a ações no futuro, analise os itens seguintes:

I. Claire is working at the library now.

II. When I retire, I am going to go back to Liverpool to live.

III. The telephone is ringing, but I won’t answer it.

IV. James and Sarah are working two jobs to afford a private school for their children.

O emprego dos termos em destaque está CORRETO apenas em a) I.

b) III e IV.

c) I, II e III.

d) I, II, III e IV.

e) II e III.

12. Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. An American study that involved 10 000 patients from around the world has found that people who leave school before the age of 16 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack and die than university graduates.

World Report News.Magazine SpeakUp. Ano XIV, nº 170. Editora Camelot, 2001.

Em relação às pesquisas, a utilização da expressão university graduates evidencia a intenção de informar que


a) as doenças do coração atacam dez mil pacientes.

b) as doenças do coração ocorrem na faixa dos dezesseis anos.

c) as pesquisas sobre doenças são divulgadas no meio acadêmico.

d) jovens americanos são alertados dos riscos de doenças do coração.

e) maior nível de estudo reduz riscos de ataques do coração.

13. Crystal Ball

Come see your life in my crystal glass – Twenty–five cents is all you pay.

Let me look into your past –

Here"s what you had for lunch today:

Tuna salad and mashed potatoes,

Collard greens pea soup and apple juice, Chocolate milk and lemon mousse.

You admit I"ve got told it all?

Well, I know it, I confess, Not by looking, in my ball,

But just by looking at your dress.

SILVERSTEIN, S. Falling up. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1996.

A curiosidade a respeito do futuro pode exercer um fascínio peculiar sobre algumas pessoas, a ponto de colocá–las em situações inusitadas. Na letra da música Crystal Ball, essa situação fica evidente quando é revelado à pessoa que ela :

a) recebeu uma boa notícia.

b) ganhou um colar de pedras.

c) se sujou durante o almoço.

d) comprou vestidos novos.

e) encontrou uma moeda

14. Read the following comic strip.

According to Garfield’s suggestion in the third scene,

a) Jon bathed and shaved himself during the last week.

b) celebrated for spending a whole week without showers.

c) made such a great progress and had to celebrate.

d) spent a week doing a Sudoku without taking a shower.


a) Calvin won't be an astronomer when he becomes an adult.

b) Calvin will do research on how to reshape the Universe.

c) Calvin will ask God to help him with his career.

d) Calvin will not patent his discoveries on new life forms.

e) It looks like Calvin and Hobbes are going to have an accident.

a) T, F, F, F, T b) T, T, F, F, T c) T, F, F, F, F d) T, F, T, F, T e) T, F, T, T, T



1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. E 12. E 13. C 14. D

15. A


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