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A tipografia de Santa Cruz : 1530-1563


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P.l17 Ordinaria t cutmonial da Ordtm dos cont_qos rrgularts Coimbra 1563.



tipografia de

Santa Cruz


A reforma do Mosteiro de Santa Cruz, iniciada em 1527 pelo frade

Jeroni-mo Bras de Barros, sob os ausplcios do rei D. Joiio Ill, moldara a vida do mosteiro no que diz respeito aos costumes e


vida escolar, mas tambem

no acolhimento das novas correntes culturais e espirituais europeias. No ambito da reforma que entao estava a ser imposta aos c6negos de Santa Cruz e em r530 instalada no Mosteiro uma tipografia, que funcio-nou ate cerca de 1563, periodo durante o qual serao impressas cerca de 30

obras. Teria sido o proprio rei a fazer oferta desta oficina e de todos os seus apetrechos, como o diz D. Francisco de Mendanha, prior deS. Vicente de Lis boa, que na sua descri~ao publicada no pr6prio mosteiro de Santa Cruz em 1541 nao deixa de real~ar a existencia da tipografia e o modo

como ela se insere na vida cenobitica:

"Sabre a outra guadra desta Claustra da Manga, contra o meio dia,

estao as casas de estampar, onde os religiosos por sua recrea~ao e exercicio imprimem algumas boas e santas a bras, para o que o dito

senhor rei D. )oiio, nosso senhor, lhes fez merce de caracteres e

matrizes de grego e latim, de seis ou sere sortes, a saber, de aldo, do grifo e de outros mais esmerados que ao presente haem o mundo,

tudo muiro perfeiro com as suas liminaturas, maiusculas e abreviatu-ras, moldes e com tudo o mais que cum pre


perfei~ao deste subtil is-simo engenho. Em estas casas, sem nenhuma pessoa secular a ajudar

os religiosos, a uns vereis como se exercitam no oficio de com pone -dares, distribuidores, ourros no de correctores, outros em batedores,

outros em tiradores e todos em silencio observantissimos guardado-res" (MEN DAN HA, Descripram, p. Dii r-v; ortografia acrualizada). A oficina tipogr:l.fica rem o duplo objective de ocupar o tempo dos con

e-gas em trabalho manual espiritualmente uti!, dan do tambem ao Mosteiro

modo de imprimir os livros e os mandatos que poderia depois distribuir pelas restantes casas da congregac;ao. Ao Iongo dos seus anos de activid

a-de a tipografia estampar:l. sobretudo obras relacionadas com a forma~ao espiritual e a ordena~ao interna da congregac;iio, sendo menor o ni\mero de edi~ao relacionadas com a literatura e os estudos.

The typography of Santa Cruz


The reform of the Santa Cruz Monastery, undertaken in 1527 by brother

Jeronimo Bras de Barros, under the auspices of King John Ill, would mould the life of the monastery in terms of its customs and scholarly life, but also in

its reception of the new European cultural and spiritual currents.

Within the scope of the reform that was being imposed on the canons of

Santa Cruz at that time, a printing plant was installed in the Monastery in 1530, which was in use until around 1563, during which time around 30

works would be printed. The King himself was responsible for offering this workshop and all its equipment, as we are told by D. Francisco de Mendanha, the PriorofS. Vicente de Lisboa, who, in his description, which was published

in Santa Cruz Monastery in 1541, does not fail to draw attention to the exis-tence of the printing plant and the part it played in coenobitic life:

"On the other side of this Manga Cloister, facing south, are the printing rooms, where the monks for their recreation and exercise print anu m-ber of good and holy books. For this purpose, the said l<ing John, our

liege lord, bestowed upon them Greek and Latin characters and matri

-ces, of six or seven kinds, including aldine, italic and others of the most excellent type that currently exist in the world, all perfectly made with

their initials, capitals and abbreviations, moulds and everything else necessary for the perfection of this most subtle craft. In these houses,

without any secular person assisting the monks, one can see how some

carry out the role of compositors and imposers, others that of

correc-tors, others paper beaters, others pressmen and all in the most

obser-vantly kept silence" (MEN DAN HA, Descripfam, (Description) p. Dii r-v;

updated spelling).

The typographical workshop had the double objective of occupying the time of the monks in spiritually useful manual work while also providing the Monastery with a way of printing the books and mandates which it could then distribute among the remaining houses of the congregation. Through-out its years of activity, the printing plant would mainly print works related to spiritual training and the internal organisation of the congregation, with the

number of editions related to literature and study being less.


D. Francisco tem o cui dado de real<;ar que, quando a visitou, na tipo-grafia apenas rrabalhavam frades conegos, mas para o inicio da sua activi -dade foi necessaria recorrer a um mestre leigo. De facto, para os ensinar

na arte do manuseio dos tipos e no bater e encadernar das folhas, os cone-gas chamaram Germao ou Simao Galbarde, urn mestre tipografo frances que desde cerca de 1519 imprimia livros em Lis boa. Permaueceu em Santa Cruz entre 1530 e 1531 mostrando e praticando a sua arte, pedodo durante

o qual imprimiu pelo menos seis obras que levam o seu nome

(ANSEL-MO, Bibliograjia pp. 169-171; VIT£RBO, 0 mouimento, pp. 123-126),

regres-sando depois a Lisboa onde mameria o seu mester are 1559. Adquirido o

domlnio da ane os proprios conegos manterao a oficina activa, imprimin-do 20 ou 21 obras are 1563 com a sua chancela ex pres sa.

As obras disrribuem-se par do is ou rres campos lirerarios relacionados com a vida inrerna do Mosteiro: regras, vida espiritual, forma~ao literaria e escolar.

A primeira obra a ser impressa, em Agosto de 1530 e sob a direc<;ao de mestre Galharde, ted sido o Repertorio pera se acharem as materias no liuro

Spe-lho de conciencia seguindo a ordem de manirias desta obra de espiritualidade a que pretende facilitar o acesso. 0 Breuiarium secundum usum


monas-teri Sanctae Crucis Colimbriensis ordinis diui Augustini. de 1531 eo unico livro relacionado com o offcio divjno exclus.ivamente em latim que viria a ser impressa em Sanra Cruze tambem o mais extenso, com cerca de 585 fo-lhas, muitas das quais impressas a preto e vermelbo e a duas colunas; livro

auxiliar para as ora~oes quotidianas, esra versao e adaptada a Santa Cruze as suas solenidades. 0 Memorial de wnfessores pera con hew geralmente os peca-dos mortaes, impressa em Agosto de 1531, rem sido atribwdo a Bras de Bar-ros, embora na pagina de rosto apenas se diga que se deve a um frade Jero-nimo;


uma obra propria para as fun<;6es pastorais de manges e prelados

e testemunha o empenbamento de reforma moral e espirituaJ que anima

os conegos de Santa Cruz. DeS. Louren<;o Justiniano (r382-1455l, conego regrante de S. Jorge em Alga e primeiro patriarca de Veneza, e publicado em 1531 o Livro de re_gra e perfti1am da conuersa1am dos mon_ges se_guido do Liuro da


D. Francisco took care to point out that, at the time of his visit, only monks were working in the printing plant. However, when work first began they had to have recourse to a lay master craftsman. Indeed, in order to teach them in

the art of arranging the type and beating and binding the leaves, the monks called upon German Gaillard, a French master of typography who had been printing books in Lisbon since around 1519. He remained in Santa Cruz between 1530 and 1531 teaching and practising his art, during which time he printed at least six works which bear his name (Anselmo, Biblio_grafia (Bibliog -raphy) pp. 169-171; VITERBO, 0 mouimento (The movement), pp. 123-126),

lat-er returning to Lisbon where he would continue his profession until1559.

Having gained mastery of the art, the canons themselves would keep the

workshop in business, printing 20 or 21 works up until1563 under their own printers device.

The works were divided between two or three literary areas related to the internal life of the Monastery: rules, spiritual life, literary and spiritual de vel-opment.

The first work to be printed, in August 1530, under the direction of Master Galharde, would have been the Repertorio pera se acharem as materias no liuro Spelho de conciencia (Almanac for finding matters in the book of the Mirror of Conscience) following the order of subject matter of this work of spirituality which it aimed to make more accessible. The Breuiarium secundum usum insi_g-nis monasteri Sanctae Crucis Colimbriensis ordinis diui Au_gustini.of 1531 was the only book exclusively in Latin related to the divine office which would be printed in Santa Cruz, and also the most extensive, with around 585 pages,

many of which were printed in black and red in two columns. The Breviary

was an auxiliary book for the daily prayers of the monks, and this version is adapted to Santa Cruz and its ceremonies. The Memorial de confessores pera

conhe~er !Jeralmente os pecados mortaes (Confessor's notebook for general

knowledge of the mortal sins), printed in August 1531, has been attributed to

Bras de Barros, although on the title page it only states that it is by a Hieronymite monk. It is a work specifically for the pastoral calling of monks and prelates and testifies to the dedication to moral and spiritual reform


Lour('Il~O Justiniano, Rrgra r priftiflio da convrrsas-am dos mongL'S Coimbra I53t.

Porto, l.li"M, x'-2-64. p. de rosro.

Louren~o Justiniano, Rtgra t ptrfei,ao da converw(am dos mongts (Rule and Perfection of the conversation of the monks) Coimbra 1531.

Porto, BPM, x'-2-64, title page.

vida sol ita ria, numa tradu~ao atribuida a Infanta D. Catarina, revista pelos c6negos deS. Cruz (ver fig. nesta pagina); as duas obras de natureza asce-tica e misasce-tica sao impressas em volume de 95 f., a duas colunas e com diversas incisoes e letrinas talhadas a madeira. Do Analecto de rmea1ilo de Pedro Goes, impressa em 1531 nao se conbece qualquer exemplar e


uma obra sobre a qual ha apenas notfcia em segunda mao. 0 De amicicia, parado

-xas e sonho de Scipiiio de Cicero, traduzido por Duarte de Resende foi publi-cado em Coimbra em 1531 por Germao Galharde, sem que no pequeno volume haja referencia a Santa Cruz, mas a semelhan~a de tipos permite dizer gue tambem saiu do seus prelos; constitui uma das obras exempla-res do nascente culto dos classicos e do renasc.imento portugues em lin-gua vulgar, poise publicada em tradu~ao e sem o Jatim original; talvez a referenda a Santa Cruz seja omitida por se tratar de obra profana.

A partir de 1531, ja industriados na arte de compor, os frades passam eles pr6prios a ser irnpressores, publicando ate 1563, ano do ultimo volu-me datado (ANSELMO, Biblio_grajia pp. rzo-u6; VITER-BO, 0 movimento, pp. 297-307). Os livros impresses por Germao Galharde reflectem os

which animated the Santa Cruz monks. In 1531, the Liuro de re_gra e perfei,am da

conversa1am dos mon_ges (Book of the rule and perfection of conversation of the monks) was printed, which was written by St. Lawrence justinian (1382-1455), a Regular Canon ofSt George on Alga and the first Patriarch ofVenice. This was followed by the Livro da uida sol ita ria (Book of the solitary life), in a translation attributed to the Princess Catarina, which was revised by the monks of Santa Cruz (see fig. in this page). These two works of an ascetic and mystical nature are printed in a volume of95 f, in two columns and with sev-eral incisions and woodcuts. There is no known copy of the Analecto de recrea1iio (Analects of recreation) by Pedro Gois, which was printed in '53' and which we only know of through other references. The Oe amicicia, para-doxas and the Dream of Scipio by Cicero, translated by Duarte de Resende was published in Coimbra in 1531 by Germao Galharde. There is no reference in the small volume to Santa Cruz, but the similarity of the type allows us to state that it came from the same press. It constituted one of the copies of the growing cult for the Classics and the Portuguese Renaissance in the vulgate, since it is published in translation and withouttheoriginal Latin. Possibly the reference to Santa Cruz was omitted because it is a profane work.

From 1531, now well-schooled in the art of setting up, the monks began to work as printers themselves, publishing works until1563, the year of the last dated volume (ANSELMO, BibJiograjia (Bibliography) pp. 120-126; VITERBO, 0 mouimento (The movement), pp. 297-307). The books printed by Germao Galharde reflect the genres which would be the constant mark of the pub-lishing house. Unfortunately, we know nothing as to the print runs of these editions, which of necessity would be small. For this reason some of them have been completely lost.

Only two works are aimed at schooling, and these are related to the teach-ing of languages and logic which were at that time taught in the Santa Cruz colleges. There is no known copy of the Lexicon Graecum et hebraicum, by Heliodoro de Paiva, which was published in 1532. According to the indirect information available, it would have been a very elementary dictionary, per-haps written in Latin characters, at least for the Hebrew words, but Greek


generos que seriam marca constante da casa. Infelizmente nada sabemos

quanta as tiragens destas edi~6es, que seriam for~osamente reduzidas, razao pel a qual algumas de las se perderam na totalidade.

Apenas duas obras rem uma finalidade escolar e estarao relacionadas como ensino de l(nguas e 16gicaque entao era ministrado nos coh!gios de S. Cruz. Niio se conhece qualquer exemplar do Llxicon Graecum rt hebraicum, de Heliodoro de Paiva, que teria sido publicado em 1532. Pelas in forma· .,oes indirectas disponiveis, seria urn dicionario mu.ito elementar, talvez transcrito em caracteres Iatinos, pelo menos no que diz respeito aos carac-teres hebraicos, mas ram bern niio deveriam ser abundantes os tipos gre-gos nas caixas de Santa Cruz; rapidameme desaparece de circula.,ao, alias

acelerado pela cria~o de urn ensino efectivo

e ja

com algum

aprofunda-menro das Iinguas grega


hebraica noscolegios de Santa Cruz sob a direc-~ao de reputados erudios. Mais interessante, pelo seu caracter inovador e raridade, e a publica)il:O em 1534 do De divisionibus libtt (As divisolS) de Bo

e-cio, um livro de metodologia que fazia parte dos programas de esrudo da

l6gica, onde emparceirava com obras de Arist6teles e [>orffrio.



duvida, uma das primeiras obras estritamente fi.los6ficas publicadas ern Portugal e, curiosamente, nao faz parte do program a de estudos de 16gica

definido nos Estatutos de rs37·

Os primeiros anos da imprensa de Santa Cruz sao os mais activos


aqueles em que h:i abertura a novos modelos e estilos literarios. Sao mes-mo os unicos em que se cultiva o latim e as Iinguas classicas. AI sao

imprcssos alguns dos textos centrais da poesia do primeiro humanismo porrugues como a Antimoria, escrita por Aires Barbosa em resposta ao Elo-Bio da l.oucura de Erasmo e dedicada ao seu disdpulo D. Afonso, cujas armas ornamentam a pagina de rosto (ver fig. nesta pagina); Barbosa era urn reputado litera toe mestre de artes que em I cilia foi disdpnlo de Ange-lo Poliziano


em Salamanca ensinou ret6rica, grego e latim a partir de 1495; esta edi~iio de 1536 conrem ainda os Epi9rommoto do mesmo auror e foi publicada ap6s a sua morte, o que significa urn comprometimento dos

de Santa Cruz com as novas correntes liemirias, numa altura em que frei



· Lutirani





Aires 83rbosa. Ar.hmorie~ Coimbllll5J6.

Porto. BPM,x'-3'·4S· p. derosto.

types must also have been in short supply in the Santa Cruz cases. It soon went out of circulation, speeded on its way moreover by the establishment of efficientteaching in some depth of Greek and Hebrew in the Santa Cruz col

-leges under the direction of scholars of repute. More interesting, because of its innovative character and rarity, is the publication in 1534 of the De division-ibus liber by Boethius, a book of methodology which formed part of the

pro-gramme for studying logic, where it joined works of Aristotle and Porphyry. It is, without doubt, one of the first strictly philosophical works published in Portugal and, curiously enough, it does not constitute part of the pro-gramme for the study of logic defined in the 1537 Statutes.

The early years of printing at Santa Cruz were the most active and those in

which there was acceptance of new literary models and styles. They are really

the only years in which Latin and the Classical languages were cultivated.

Some of the central poetic texts of the first Portuguese humanism were print-ed there, such as the Anti moria, a poem written by Aires Barbosa as a critical reply to Erasmus' Praise of Folly (Encomium moriae) and dedicated to Bar·

bosa's disciple D.Alfonso, printed in no less elegant italic characters ... (see

fig. in this page); Barbosa was a reputed man of letters and master of arts


Bras de Barros andava a arregimentar mestres portugueses a ensinar no estrangeiro. 0 volume da Biblioteca Publica Municipal do Porro e seguido

da nao me nos ilustre obra de Jorge Coelho, Serenissimi et illustrissimi principis D. Alphonsi S.R.E. Cardinalis ac Portugalliae infantis Consecratio. Trata-se de

duas obras fundadoras dos estudos literarios em Portugal com as quais

tam bern se relaciona o opusculo de Maximo de Sousa: fnstitutiones tum

Juri-de, tum compendiose latinarum literarum tradite dialogo candid is ac vere pi is cenobi-tis sancte crucis, quos profoturas Reipublice literarie speramus, publicado em 1535·

Tam bern teria sido impressa em 1561, porordem do prior Louren~o

Lei-te, um Sermao de Exequias do Serenissimo Rey 0. ~onso Henriques pregado no

Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra em 6 de Oezembro de 1560 mas a sua existen-cia rem sido pasta em causae paden! nao passar da confusao com algum

sermiio apenas proferido. Se o sermao foi de facto publicado, e cerro que

se trata da unica obra escrita por urn conego do proprio mosteiro.

Entre a literatura de forma~ao espiritual enconrramos o Epistolarum volu -men deS. Jeronimo, pequeno volume publicado em latim em 1536, com

uma breve selec~ao de cartas de comeudo meditativo e que ted por

mode-lo alguma edi~ao estrangeira. 0 proprio D. Bras de Barros traduz e

prefa-cia o Espelho de peifei(am em lingoa portugues de 1-lenrique de 1-lerp, ou 1-larfio como era conhecido entre nos, frade rranciscano do seculo xv, escriror

espiritual e mlstico; no prefacio da obra publicada em 1533, D. Bras real~a

que ela tern na inten~ao repreender os vicios espirituais e ensinar os mais perfeiros caminhos para se alcan~arem muiros graus de gloria, e para,

seguindo a doutrina do Aposrolo, se alcan~ara a unidade com Deus (do


Os texros regulamentares da vida interna do Mosteiro ocupam em pe r-manencia os manges tipografos. 0 Livro das Constitui(oens & costumes que se

guardam em o Moesteyro de sancta Cruz dos canonicos regrantes da ordem de nosso

padre sancto Agostinho e o verdadeiro best-seUer da casa editora de Santa

Cruz; embora nao conhe~amos as respectivas tirgens, teve edi~oes em

1532,1534,1536,1544,1548, 1553,1558 (Ver fig. IJeSta pagina) e sabemos

que a edi~ao de 1532 foi impressa por "dom Esteuam e dom Manuel

cone-PJ!.l MU'RA PAR TE• Fo. lli.



Uuro das Constitui~oens & costumes Coimbr.t ISS3·

Pono, RI1M. X'·2-75. p. II!,

Book of the Constitutions and customs Coimbra 1553.

Porto, BPI't, x'·2·75, page 111.



Greek and Latin in Salamanca from 1495. This edition from 1536 also holds the Epigrammata by the same author and was published after his death, which signifies a commitment by the Santa Cruz monks to the new literary currents at a time when brother Bras de Barros was organising Portuguese masters to teach abroad. The volume of the Porto Municipal Public Library is followed by the no less illustrious work by jorge Coelho, Serenissimi et illustris-simi principis O.Aiphonsi S.R.E. Cardinalis ac Portugalliae infantis Consecratio. These

are two of the founding works of literary studies in Portugal, to which is also related the opuscule by Maximo de Sousa: lnstitutiones tum lucide, tum compen -diose latin arum litera rum tradite dialogo candid is ac vere piis cenobitis sancte crucis, quas profuturas Reipublice literarie speramus, published in 1535.

On the orders of Prior Louren~o Leite, the Sermao de Exequias do Serenissimo Rey D.Affonso Henriques pregado no Monastery de Santa Cruz de Coimbra em 6 de

Dezembro de 1560 (Sermon of the funeral rites of His Serene Highness Alfonso Henriques, preached in the Santa Cruz de Coimbra Monastery on the 6th

December 1 560) was also said to be printed in 1561, but doubt has been cast

as to its existence and it may be no more than a confusion with some sermon


Ordinaria e ce.remonial da Ordtm do! cont!JOS rt!}ulares Coimbr.:~ 1563.

Porto, BPM

1 x'~2·1, p. de rosto.

Ordinary and ceremonial of the OrderofRegu!arCanons Coimbra 1563.

Porto, BPM, x'-1-11 title page.

gos do dito moesteyro"; estas constitui~oes resultam da reforma introdu-zida por Bras de Barros e sao o seu instrumento mais vislvel, ordenando a vida da claustra para o abandono do mundo sob tres princlpios cuidadosa-mente regulamentados: o recolhirnento, o silencio e a clausura (D IAS,

Correntes, pp. rn-117). Em 1539 as Constitui(oem & costumes de Santa Cruz seriam adoptadas oficialmenre pelo capitulo da Congrega~ao dos Con e-gas Regrantes de S. Agostinho, tonando-se normativas para os restames mosteiros da Congrega~ao en tao constitulda. 0 Liuro ordinaria do ojicio diui

-no, de 1534, eo Ordinaria e cerimonial da Ordem dos conegos regula res, de 1563 (ver fig. nesta pagina), sao mais duas obras directamente relacionadas com a propria regula~ao do servi~o religioso e da vida claustra! e cenoblti-ca. Genero onde tambem se insere a Regra do bem-auenturado nosso Padre sancto Augustinho bispo e doutor da ygreija, de 1558 (ver fig. p. 325), obra que seria de novo impressa em Coimbra em r56r por Joao Barreira, que por essa altura deveria ter alguma liga~ao ao Mosteiro.

Em bora o colorao nao o refira


bern provavel que as Constitui(5es do bi s-pado de Leiria, de 1546, cujo prirneiro bispo era precisamente Bras de Barros o reformador deS. Cruz, ten ham sido impressas na tipografia cruzia.

Sabre a situa~ao e historia de Santa Cruz foi publicada em 1541 a inte-ressanrlssima Descrip(om e debuxo do moesteyro deS. Cruz de Coimbra, que o


that was only spoken. If the sermon was in fact published, this is the only work written by a canon of the Monastery itself.

Among the literature of spiritual development, we can find the Epistolorum uolumen by St. jerome, a small volume published in Latin in 1536, with a short selection of letters on a meditative theme, modelled on some foreign

edi-tion. D. Bnls de Barros himselftranslated and wrote the preface to the Espelho de perfei~om em lingoa portugues (Mirror of Perfection in the Portuguese lan-guage) by Henry Herp, or Harfio as he was known in Portugal, a 15th Century Franciscan friar who was also a spiritual and mystical writer. In the preface of this book, printed in 1533, D. Bras draws attention to the intention to censure spiritual vices and teach the most perfect paths to achieve many degrees of glory, and, following the doctrine of the Apostle, to achieve unity with God (from the preamble).

The texts for regulating the internal life of the Monastery kept the printer monks permanently busy. The liuro das Constitui~oens & costumes que se

guardam em o Moesteyro de san eta Cruz dos canonicos regrantes da ordem de nosso

padre san eta Agostinho (Book of the Constitutions and customs which are kept

in the Santa Cruz Monastery of regular canons of our holy father St. Augus-tine) is the real best-seller of the Santa Cruz publishing house. Although we do not know the respective print runs, there were editions in 1532, 1534, 1536, 1544, 1548, 1553, 1558 (see fig. on p. 323) and we also know that the

1532 edition was printed by "dom Esteuam and dom Manuel canons of the said monastery"; these constitutions were the result of the reform intro-duced by Bras de Barros and are its most visible instrument, organising the

life of the cloister in forsaking the world according to three carefully regulat-ed principles: meditation, silence and seclusion (D lAS, Correntes (Currents),

pp. 111-117. In 1539 the Constitui(oens & costumes of Santa Cruz would be officially adopted by the Chapter of the Congregation of the Regular Canons of St. Augustine, becoming the standard for the remaining monasteries of the Order which was constituted at that time. The Liuro ordinaria do oficio diuino (Ordinary of the Divine Office), of 1534, and the Ordinaria e cerimanial da Ordem


Rtgra do bmHJutnturado nosso Podrt sancto Au,gustinho Coimbra 1558.

Porte, BPM, V'·J-2, f. Ir.

Reara do bem·al}(nturado nosso Padre soncto Auaustinho

(Rule of our blessed and holy Father Saint Augustine)

Coimbra 1558.

Porto, BPM Y'·1·2. f. lr.

prior deS. Vicente de Fora D. Francisco de Mendanha havia enviado ao

car-deal Antonio Pucci, protector da congrega~ao dos mosteiros regrantes

portugueses. Sem esquecer alguns aspectos da propria vida do mosteiro, o

autor deleita-se na enumera~ao e descri~ao, por vezes graciosa em

minu-cia, dos ediffcios e riquezas do Mosteiro. A Descrip1am foi escrita em latim

mas o texto publicado e o da tradu~ao realizada em 1540 por D. Vicente,

outro c6nego deS. Vicente em Lis boa. Como D. Francisco esteve no

capi-tulo que se reuniu em S. Cruz em 1439 deveni ter sido nessa altura que

colheu as informa~6es que integrou no opusculo, de que se conhece

ape-nas urn exemplar, do qual h:i reprodu~ao facsimilada (ver MEN DAN KA,

Descrip1am e debuxo). Tambem em porrugues foi publicada em 1538a Cr6nica da jimda1iio do Moesteyro deS. Vicente dos c6negos regrantes da ordem do aurelia

doctor sancto Augustinho em a cidade de Lisboa.

Em simultaneo com a instala~o da tipografia, a propria biblioteca de


Cruze enriquecida com a aquisi~ao de livros impressos, como o revel a o

Canons), of1563 (see fig. on p. 324), are another two books directly related

to the regulation of the religious service and the monastic and coenobitic

life. Within this genre, there is also the Regra do bem-aventurado nosso Padre sancto Augustinho bispo e doutor do ygreija (Rule of our blessed Father, Saint

Augustine, Bishop and doctor of the church), from 1558 (see fig. in this

page), a work which would be re-printed in Coimbra in 1561 by joao Barreira,

who must have had some connection with the Monastery at that time.

Although the colophon does not say so, it is very likely that the 1546 Consti

-tuiliies do bispado de Leiria (Constitutions of the Episcopate of leiria), whose

first Bishop was the very Bras de Barros who was responsible for reforming

Santa Cruz, would have been printed in the Monastery's printing plant. As for works on the historical situation of Santa Cruz, in 1541, the

extreme-ly interesting Descrip1om e debvxo do moesteyro de S.Cruz de Coimbra (Descrip·

tion and sketch of the Santa Cruz de Coimbra Monastery) was published,

which the Prior ofS. Vicente de Fora, D. Francisco de Mendanha, had sent to

Cardinal Antonio Pucci, protector of the congregation of Portuguese m onas-teries of Regular Canons. While not forgetting to include certain aspects of the life of the Monastery, the author delights in enumerating and describing,

at times elegantly and in detail, its buildings and treasures. The Descripqam

was written in Latin, but the published text is that of the translation made in

1540 by D. Vicente, another S. Vicente canon in Lisbon. As D. Francisco was

present in the Chapter which met in Santa Cruz in 1439, it must have been at

that time that he collected the information which he included in his

opus-cule, of which only one copy is known and which has been reproduced in fac

-simile (see MENDANHA, Descrip1am e debuxo).ln 1538 the Cr6nico da funda,ao

do Moesteyro deS. Vicente dos c6negos regrantes do ordem do aurelia doctor soncto

Augustinho em a cidade de Lis boa (Chronicle of the founding of the Monastery of

S. Vicente for Regular Canons of the order of the holy and glorious doctor

SaintAugustine) was published, also in Portuguese.

At the same time as the printing plant was installed, the Santa Cruz library

itself was enriched with the acquisition of printed books, as can be seen from

the Monastery book of receipts and expenses ofNovember 1534 to February


livro de receita e despesa do Mosteiro de Novembro de 1534a Fevereiro de

1535, onde se encontra lan~ada a compra de diversas obras didacticas e de

forma~ao espiritual, onde abundam obras de burnarustas e latinistas

(Ci-cero, Nebrija, Erasmo) mas tam bern Jeronimo, Boaventura e ourros, para

ahim de livros necessaries


forma\ao espiritual do conego regrante

(SANTOS, Bras de Barros, pp. 198-199). Alias, para a composi\ao dos pou-cos livros de autores Iatinos impressos em S. Cruz, como as Cartas de

S. Jeronimo eo De diuisionibus de Boecio, deveriam ter sido seguidos outros livros ja impressos no estrangeiro e nao exemplares manuscritos. De

fac-to, a rela~ao entre a livraria rnanuscrita de Santa Cruze a casa de imprimir

nao parece relevante.

D. Francisco de Mendanha mostra-se maravilhado com as alfaias e os

tipos de que os con egos tipografos dispunham na sua casa de imprimir.

Ha alguns tipos e inumeras iniciais gravadas com diversas motivos, que

segurameme teriam sido importadas. Na composi\1io de paginas de rosto

sao usadas tarjas e gravuras talhadas ern madeira, com as quais sao

com-pastas cercaduras node se inscrevem os titulos. Algumas outras portadas

e gravuras sao composi\oes de ental he inteiro, como o recorrente

Cordei-ro de Deus habitualrnente colocado no final dos volumes porque tern a

divisa de Santa Cruz, ou a portada das Constitui~oes de 1553 que vemos usa-do em outras obras, rnudando apenas as palavras do titulo. Uma gravura

que representa os conegos regrantes reunidos ern capitulo com frei Bras

ao centro, esta colocada precisamente no verso das Constitui~oes de 1553 e em outras edi\oes. A RegradeS. Agostinho tern, no inicio da r II3 parte, urn a

representa\ao de S. Agostinho escrevendo. Infelizmente nada sabemos sobre os respectivos artistas au tares. No Ordinaria e cerimonial, obra ern duas partes, encontram-se diversas iniciais ornarnentadas e par vezes

habitadas ou historiadas nos inicios de capitulo.

A tipografia de Santa Cruz atinge verdadeira elegancia e nitidez de impressao nos pequenos volumes em 8° de Aires Barbosa e Jorge Coelho,

COffipOStOS com caracteres de pequeno modulo, que COntrastam com OS

goticos de maiores dimensoes, mas grande nitidez, usados na maioria dos


1535. Registered there are the purchases of several didactic works and works for spiritual development, among which abound works by humanists and Latinists (Cicero, Nebrija, Erasmus) but also jerome, Bonaventure and oth-ers, besides the books needed for the spiritual trainingofthe monk (SANTOS,

Bras de Barros, pp. 198-199). As a matter of fact, for the composition of the few books by foreigners printed in Santa Cruz, such as St. jerome's Letters and the De diuisionibus by Boethius, these must have been following other books already printed abroad, rather than manuscript copies. In fact, the relation between the manuscript library of Santa Cruz and the printing house does not appear to be of any relevance.

D. Francisco de Mendanha was amazed at the implements and the types available to the typographical canons in their printing house. There are some types and countless initials engraved with diverse motifs which would cer-tainly have been imported. In the composition of the title pages, woodcut engravings and borders are used to create boxes in which the titles are writ

-ten. Some other frontispieces and engravings are made entirely from wood-cuts, such as the recurring Lamb of God which was commonly placed at the back of the books because it had the emblem of Santa Cruz, or the fron-tispiece of the Constitutions of 1553 which we see being used in other works

with only the words of the title changed. An engraving which represents the regular canons gathered in chapter with brother Bras in the centre is placed at the back of these 1553 Constitutions and other editions. The Rule

ofSt.Augus-tine has a representation of the saint writing at the beginning of the 3rd part. Unfortunately, we know nothing about the respective artists. In the Ordinary and ceremonial, which is in two sections, diverse decorated or historiated i ni-tials can be found at chapter beginnings.

The Santa Cruz typography achieved true elegance and clarity of printing in the small octavo volumes of Aires Barbosa and jorge Coelho. These were

composed using small module characters which contrast with the larger

dimension but high clarity gothic ones used in the majority of the books. Throughoutthe period in which the typography was operating, the rhythm of printing is uneven, with over half of the books being printed between 1532


volumes. Ao Iongo do tempo de funcionamento da tipografia o ritmo de impressao e desigual, com mais de metade dos livros a ser impresses entre 1532 e 1536, data a partir da qual quase s6 se imprimem textos rela-cionados corn o Mosteiro ou a Congrega~ao de Santa Cruz. E tambem duranteaqueJes 5 anos que sao dados


estampa OS teXtoS mais interessa n-tes e que ilustram a recepifiiO das correntes coevas de espirituaJidade momistica, que emparceira com a publicita~ao de obras poeticas de hum

a-nistas portugueses.

A pedido do rei D. Sebastiao a tipografia e transferida em 1577 para o

mosteiro de c6negos regrantes deS. Vicente de Fora de Lis boa, para af se

imprimirem folhetos de propaganda da cruzada africana, como a Bulla da

Sancta Cruzado. Os c6negos lisbonenses ainda imprimiram novas edi~oes

do Ordinaria da congrega~o de S.Agostinho, seguindo os modelos ante -riores, mas a tipografia nunca mais regressou


casa de Coimbra. Encerra-va-se assim um dos perfodos mais brilhantes do mosteiro de Santa Cruz.

•Josl Francisco Meirinhos

and 1536, after which date only texts related to the Monastery or to the Santa Cruz congregation were printed. It was also during those five years that the most interesting texts demonstrating a remarkable reception of contempo-rary monasticspiritualitywere sent to press hand in hand with the publishing of poetic works by Portuguese humanists.

At the requestofKingSebastian, the printing plant was transferred in 1577 to the Monastery of Regular Canons ofS. Vicente de Fora in Lisbon, in order to print there propaganda pamphletsforthe African crusade, such as the

Bul-la da Sancta Cruzado (Bull of the Holy Crusade). The lisbon canons even print-ed new editions of the Ordinary of the St. Augustine congregation, following the earlier models, but the printing plant never again returned to Coimbra. And so was closed one of the most brilliant periods of the Santa Cruz Monastery.


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