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Academic year: 2021






Professora: Angela 2ª RECUPERAÇÃO AUTÔNOMA Roteiro de Estudos de _Inglês

Estudante: _______________________________________________ Turma: ___ ____________________________________________________________________ Conteúdos:

Verb Tenses, vocabulary, adjectives, adverbs, Interrogative Words, texts.

__________________________________________________________________________ TEXT 1 - Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 01 E 02. As respostas deverão ser em Português.

An Outsider Calls for a Teaching Revolution

Alison Yin for The Chronicle

Salman Khan's short educational videos are available free online "I can't think of a higher-impact use of my time", he says

By Jeffrey R. Young In just a few short years, Salman Khan has built a free online educational institution from scratch that has nudged major universities to offer free self-guided courses and inspired many professors to change their teaching methods.

His creation is called Khan Academy, and its core is a library of thousands of 10-minute educational videos, most of them created by Mr. Khan himself. The format is simple but feels intimate: Mr. Khan's voice narrates as viewers watch him sketch out his thoughts on a digital whiteboard. He made the first videos for faraway cousins who asked for tutoring help. Encouraging feedback by others who watched the videos on YouTube led him to start the academy as a nonprofit […].

Mr. Khan also works the speaking circuit, calling on professors to move away from a straight lecture model by assigning prerecorded lectures as homework and using class time for more interactive exercises, or by having students use self-paced computer systems like Khan Academy during class while professors are available to answer questions.

Mr. Khan, now 35, has no formal training in education, though he does have two undergraduate degrees and a master's from MIT, as well as an M.B.A. from Harvard. He spent most of his career as a hedge-fund analyst. Mr. Khan also has the personal endorsement of Bill Gates, as well as major financial support from Mr. Gates's foundation. That outside-the-academy status makes some traditional academics cool on his project.

Disponível em: <http://chronicle.com/article/Salman-Khan/130923>. Acesso em: 31 maio 2012. [Adaptado].

QUESTION 01- No que diz respeito à revolução no ensino proposta por Salman Khan, O QUE É a Khan Academy e qual o conteúdo de sua biblioteca?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 02- COMO surgiu e como se expandiu a ideia que resultou na criação da Khan Academy? _________________________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 03- POR QUE Salman Khan é considerado um outsider?

____________________________________________________________________________________ TEXT 2



a) Calvin e Hobbes estão arrumando as malas para uma viagem. b) O motivo da viagem é a situação poluída da terra.

c) Calvin se recusa a ser herdeiro de uma terra ‘estragada’. d) Calvin sabe exatamente para onde vai.

a) a, c e d. b) c e d. c) somente d. d) a, b e c.

TEXT 3- Leia o texto abaixo para responder à questão 05 FIFA Fair Play

The generic concept of fair play is a fundamental part of the game of football. It represents the positive benefits of playing by the rules, using common sense and respecting fellow players, referees, opponents and fans.

The Fair Play Campaign was conceived largely as an indirect result of the 1986 FIFA World Cup™ in Mexico, when the handball goal by Diego Maradona stimulated the admirable reaction of the England coach, Sir Bobby Robson.

Since then, the campaign has had the unconditional support of former FIFA President João Havelange and his successor, current President Joseph S. Blatter.

To give fair play more visibility, FIFA created a programme that turned the generic notion into a simple design and an easy to understand code of conduct that could be recognized and respected by players and fans alike.

Fair Play has a fundamental role in sport and there is a need to apply it to all sporting activities, especially children’s. Children need strong values to grow up with, and football, being a team sport, makes them realize how essential discipline, respect, team spirit and fair play are for the game and for life.

Internet: <www.fi fa.com> (adapted). According to the text above, judge the items below. QUESTION 05- ( In Portuguese) WHAT are the positive benefits of Fair Play¿

QUESTION 06- ( In Portuguese) WHAT did FIFA do to give to Fair Play more visibility? TEXT 4- Leia a tira para responder às questões de números 07, 08 and 09.


1º balão: Helga said she's sick and tired of smelling beer on my breath! 2º balão: Are you going to stop drinking beer?

3º balão: No…

4º balão: I'm going to start eating peppermint candy on the way home QUESTION 07- A personagem de barba, Hagar,

a) quer que Helga, sua esposa, prepare comida condimentada. b) aprecia petiscos apimentados para acompanhar a cerveja. c) vai disfarçar o hálito de cerveja com balas de menta.

d) reclamou, pois seu amigo recomendou que ele parasse de beber.

QUESTION 08-A expressão sick and tired no primeiro quadrinho tem sentido equivalente, em português, a a) cansada devido à doença.

b) saturada.

c) com enjoo estomacal. d) doente.


QUESTION 09- No trecho do primeiro quadrinho – she’s sick and tired of smelling beer –, ’s pode ser reescrito como a) is. b) was. c) goes. d) has

TEXT 5- Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 10, 11, AND 12

Bullying can lead teenagers to feel tense, anxious, and afraid. It can affect their concentration in school, and can lead them to avoid school in some cases. If bullying continues for some time, it can begin to affect teens' self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. It also can increase their social isolation, leading them to become withdrawn and depressed, anxious and insecure. In extreme cases, bullying can be devastating for teens, with long-term consequences. Some teens feel compelled to take drastic measures, such as carrying weapons for protection or seeking violent revenge. Others, in desperation, even consider suicide. Researchers have found that years later, long after the bullying has stopped, adults who were bullied as teens have higher levels of depression and poorer self-esteem than other adults.

http://www.restoringtroubledteens.com/troubled-teens-articles_498.art Vocabulary:

Self-worth – the value you give to your life and achievements( Withdrawn – if you are withdrawn, you are shy and quiet and would rather be alone than with other people.

QUESTION 10- What is the best title for the text above? a) What is bullying?

b) How does bullying affect teens that are the targets of bullies? c) Which teens are most likely to become bullies?

d) What can schools do to stop bullying?

QUESTION 11- The word “COMPELLED” on line 5 in the text can be replaced by a) stopped to do something.

b) tensed to do something. c) avoided to do something. d) forced to do something.

QUESTION 12- The underlined expression “SUCH AS” on line 5 in the text expresses the idea of a) exemplification

b) contrast c) addition d) addiction

TEXT 6- Examine os anúncios para responder às questões 13, 14, 15 AND 16. Anúncio 1

(www.hongkiat.com.Adaptado) Anúncio 2


QUESTION 13- O anúncio 1 refere-se

a) a uma campanha para economia do consumo de água. b) à divulgação de uma nova tinta para bancos de jardim. c) a uma campanha para embelezar a cidade de Denver. d) à divulgação de reformas nos jardins públicos em Denver. QUESTION 14- O anúncio 2 refere-se

a) a um incentivo para anúncios mais iluminados. b) a uma empresa de eletricidade chamada Wisely. c) a um incentivo ao uso de lâmpadas fluorescentes. d) ao uso mais consciente de energia elétrica.

QUESTION 15- . Considerando-se o propósito do anúncio 2, a oração que poderia fazer parte de um texto a ser incluído nesse anúncio é:

a) Turn on the lights when a room is not being used. b) Turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days. c) Turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room. d) Turn on the tap before you take a bath or a shower. QUESTION 16- Os dois anúncios têm em comum o fato de a) terem sido produzidos para empresas de pequeno porte. b) terem sido produzidos para duas empresas concorrentes. c) estimularem o uso de recursos alternativos.

d) estimularem ações embasadas na sustentabilidade.

TEXT 7- O texto abaixo da banda Radiohead que é uma banda inglesa de rock alternativo, formada no ano de 1988, servirá de base para as questões 18 and 19.

Fake Plastic Trees - By Radiohead

A green plastic watering can For a fake Chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth

That she bought from a rubber man In a town full of rubber plans To get rid of itself

It wears her out, it wears her out It wears her out, it wears her out She lives with a broken man A cracked polystyrene man Who just crumbles and burns He used to do surgery For girls in the eighties But gravity always wins

And it wears him out, it wears him out It wears him out, it wears him out She looks like the real thing She tastes like the real thing My fake plastic love

But I can't help the feeling I could blow through the ceiling If I just turn and run

And it wears me out, it wears me out It wears me out, it wears me out And if I could be who you wanted If I could be who you wanted All the time, all the time QUESTION 17- Pode-se inferir que o verso but gravity always wins trata do

a) envelhecimento como algo inevitável. b) efeito reversível da gravidade. c) sucesso das intervenções estéticas. d) número crescente de cirurgias plásticas.


QUESTION 18- No título, a palavra fake é utilizada antes de plastic para a) denunciar o desmatamento das florestas.

b) reforçar a ideia de artificialidade no mundo atual. c) constatar a fragilidade das relações humanas. d) incentivar a reciclagem de material plástico.

Leia o texto abaixo para responder à questão 23.

The danger of “a single story”

Chimamanda Adichie

I’m a storyteller. [...] When I began to write at about the age of 7 [...], I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading. All my characters were white and blue-eyed, they played in the snow, they ate apples, they talked about the weather, how lovely it was that the sun had come out. Now this, despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria, I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn’t have snow, we ate mangos, and we never talked about the weather because there was no need to. [...] Because all I had read were books in which characters were foreign I had become convinced that books, by their very nature, had to have foreigners in them and had to be about things with which I could not personally identify. Well, things changed when I discovered African books. [...] I realized that people like me, girls with skin the colour of chocolate whose curly hair could not form pony tails could also exist in literature. I started to write about things I recognized. [...] African books saved me from a single story.

Disponível em: <http://www.ted.com/talks/chimamandaadichie -the danger of a single-story.html> QUESTION 19- COMO é Chimamanda Adichie fisicamente¿. Responda à pergunta em Português.

QUESTION 20- COMO eram os personagens sobre os quais Chimamanda Adichie escrevia? Responda à pergunta em Português.

Succeed. Angela


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