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Avian Cytokines in Health and Disease


Academic year: 2019

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Cytokines are proteins secreted by cells that play an important role in the activation and regulation of other cells and tissues during inflammation and immune responses. Although w ell described in several mammalian species, t he role of cyt okines and ot her relat ed prot eins is poorly understood in avian species. Recent advances in avian genetics and immunology have begun to allow the exploration of cytokines in health and disease. Cytokines may be classified in a number of w ays, but may be conveniently arranged into four broad groups on the basis of their function. Proinflammatory cytokines such as 6 and interleukin-1β play a role in mediating inflammation during disease or injury. Th1 cytokines, including interleukin-12 and interferon-γ, are involved in the induction of cell-mediated immunity, w hereas Th2 cytokines such as interleukin-4 are involved in the induction of humoral immunity. The final group Th3 or Tr cytokines play a role in regulation of immunity. The role of various cytokines in infectious and non-infectious diseases of chickens and turkeys is now being investigated. Although there are only a few reliable ELISAs or bioassays developed for avian cytokines, the use of molecular techniques, and in particular quantitative RT-PCR (Taqman) has allow ed investigation of cytokine responses in a number of diseases including salmonellosis, coccidiosis and autoimmune thyroiditis. In addition the use of recombinant cytokines as therapeutic agents or as vaccine adjuvants is now being explored.


Cytokines are proteins or peptides secreted by cells that play a key role in immune and inflammatory responses through the activation and regulation of other cells and tissues. Their role in mammals is w ell defined, w ith a vast number of publications describing the structure of cytokines and their role in health and disease. In contrast, avian cytokines have been poorly defined, both in terms of structure and function. How ever, in recent years advances in avian immunology and genetics have lead to the discovery of a range of cytokines mainly in the chicken, but also in t he t urkey and ot her avian species. Alt hough only relat ively f ew recombinant cytokines or monoclonal antibodies against avian cytokines have yet been produced, the availability of new technologies such as real-t ime quant it at ive PCR allow t he quant if icat ion of expression of messenger RNA from cytokine genes w ithout the need for protein or antibody. This has opened up a large area of possibilities to determine cyt okine levels in disease giving increased underst anding of t he mechanisms of both pathogenesis and immunity.

Cytokines also have enormous potential in the control of infectious disease in poultry. Their use as novel therapeutic agents in disease has Paul W igley

Institute for Animal Health Compton

New bury Berkshire RG20 7NN United Kingdom

Email: paul.w igley@bbsrc.ac.uk M ail Address

Keyw ords

cyt o k in es, im m u n it y, in f ect io u s d isease, inflammation, vaccination

W igley P1

Kaiser P1

1-Institute for Animal Health, Berkshire - UK Aut hor(s)

Acknow ledgm ent s

The authors w ish to thank the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK for financial support, and M iss Abigail Lazzerine for use of her results.


begun to be explored. Cytokines may also have the potential to act as vaccine adjuvants that may specifically act ivat e t he im m une syst em t o produce ef f ect ive protection. In this review w e w ill discuss the structure and functions of cytokines, the main types of cytokines so f ar f ound in t he chicken and t heir pot ent ial as adjuvants or therapeutic agents. We w ill also address som e of t he w ork t hat is det erm ining t he role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases such as salm o n ello sis an d in o t h er d iseases su ch as autoimmune thyroiditis.

The main function of cytokines is in the activation and regulation of the cells of immune system. Cytokines are produced by a w ide variety of cell types, though the type of cytokines produced varies enormously depending on the cell’s function. For instance, epithelial cells may produce cyt okines involved in t he generat ion of inflammation, the so-called proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) or IL-8, w hereas macrophages m ay produce bot h proinf lam m at ory cyt okines and cytokines involved in the activation and regulation of T helper lymphocyt es (Th) in t he development of an adaptive immune response. All cytokines act through receptors on the surface of the target cells, w hich may lead to the activation or dow nregulation of the cell’s activity. Cytokines have been classified into a number of groups based on their activity and the cells they are pro d u ced b y o r act u p o n . Th ese g ro u p s in clu d e interleukins (IL), interferons (IFN), tumour necrosis factors (TNF), transforming grow th factors (TGF), migratory inhibitory factors and the smaller chemokines. How ever, there is a considerable overlap betw een each of these categories. The names are often based on a particular property of cytokines, e.g. TNF w as named for its ability to act upon tumours, and do not alw ays reflect the pleiotropic effects of many cytokines. It is also possible to broadly categorise cytokines on their activity and this may be more beneficial in understanding the nature of their general activity. Table 1 show s the currently know n

chicken cytokines classified according to their properties. In this review, w e w ill describe the currently know n cytokines of chickens and other avian species, their st ruct ure, f unct ion and roles t hey play in disease processes. We w ill also outline their potential use in therapy or as vaccine adjuvants.



IL-1β in m am m als is produced by a range of cells f ollow ing st im ulat ion, part icularly by m icrobes or m icrobial product s (Dinarello, 1998). The m at ure f orm of IL-1β has a m olecular w eight of 17 kDa and is f orm ed f rom a 31 kDa precursor t hrough t he act io n o f sp ecif ic cellu lar p ro t eases su ch as t h e int erleukin 1α convert ing enzym e (ICE or caspase 1), w hich has also been im plicat ed in m ediat ing program m ed cell deat h or apopt osis. Tw o recept ors (IL-1RI and IL-1RII) and an accessory prot ein (IL-1R-AcP) have been described in m am m als. Binding of IL-1β t o t he recept ors leads t o signal t ransduct ion t hrough t he hydrolysis of GTP and t he act ivat ion of M AP kinases. The biological act ivit y of IL-1β is highly in f lam m at o r y, w it h it s m ain f u n ct io n b ein g t o act ivat e t h e im m u n e syst em in an acu t e p h ase response. IL-1β act ivat es a range of cells including m acrophages and T lym phocyt es t hat m ay t hus lead t o product ion of ot her cyt okines and chem okines. How ever, as a consequence IL-1β leads t o f ever, hence it s hist orical nam e ‘ endogenous pyrogen’ . Under some circumstances its toxicity may lead to severe complications such as septic shock follow ing bacterial infections in man.

In t h e ch ick en a cDNA en co d in g t h e ch ick en homologue of mammalian IL-1β w as recently cloned b y exp ressio n screen in g (W ein in g et al., 1 9 9 8 ). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) w as used to stimulate HD11 cells (Beug et al., 1979), a chicken macrophage cell line, and resulted in the secretion of a substance w ith IL-1-like bioactivity (Weining et al., 1998). Screening of a cDNA library const ruct ed f rom RNA f rom t he LPS-activated HD11 cells identified a sequence encoding a polypeptide w ith 25% similarity to human IL-1β. Further study of the predicted polypeptide suggested that this w as in fact the chicken homologue of mammalian IL-1β. Chicken IL-1β has a similar gene structure (five exons and four introns in the coding region of the gene) to m am m alian hom ologues, and overall, t he gene is approximately ¼ the size of mammalian IL-1β genes

Table 1 – Currently described chicken cytokines classified on basis

of function.

Functional classification Described chicken cytokines

Pro-inflammatory IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8

Th1 IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-18

Th2 None described

Th3/Tr1 TGF-β


and maps to one end of chromosome 2 (Kaiser et al., 2001). The chicken type-I IL-1 receptor (IL-1RI) (Guida

et al., 1992) has 60% amino acid (aa) identity w ith h u m an an d m o u se IL-1 RI, w it h t h e in t racellu lar component most highly conserved, suggesting that the dow nstream signaling pathw ay is likely to be similar. Klasing and Peng (2001) expressed the ligand-binding domain of the chicken IL-1RI (soluble (s) IL-1RI) in yeast, and then raised polyclonal antisera to the recombinant in rabbits. The antisera neutralized the IL-1-like activity produced in the media of LPS-stimulated HD11 cells.

IL-1β production w ould be expected in many avian infections w here a pro-inflammatory response occurs, as is the case w ith mammalian models of infection. This has been show n in protozoal infections of chickens w here expression of IL-1β mRNA in the gut has been show n t o increase 80-f old seven days af t er Eimeria tenella infection, through the use of a quantitative RT-PCR technique (Laurent et al., 2001). An increase, but to a lesser degree, w as also found follow ing E. maxima

inf ect ion. Inf ect ion models have also been used t o determine activity follow ing viral and bacterial infections in the chicken (Heggen et al., 2000; Kaiser et al., 2000). IL-1 activity w as increased in macrophage supernatants from birds suffering from poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEM S) (Heggen et al., 2000). Conversely, follow ing Salmonella enterica invasion in an in vitro cell culture system, IL-1β mRNA expression w as generally decreased (Kaiser et al., 2000). How ever, it should be noted that IL-1β mRNA levels do not necessarily reflect release of biologically active protein.

IL-6 and IL-6 family

IL-6 is a mult if unct ional cyt okine produced by a number of cell types and is involved in acute-phase responses, im m une regulat ion and haem at opoesis (Hirano, 1998). In m am m als, product io n of IL-6 follow ing infection or other challenges induces acute phase proteins such as serum amyloid A, C-reactive p ro t ein (CRP) an d α1- an t it r yp sin as p ar t o f an inflammatory response (Hirano, 1998). IL-6 has many effects on the immune system, including activation of B and T lymphocytes, and plays an important role in haematopoesis including the induction of macrophage production and development, acting synergistically w ith granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating factor (GM -CSF). M ammalian IL-6 is a glycoprotein w ith a molecular mass betw een 21 to 28 kDa. The receptor is formed from an 80 kDa IL-6 binding protein (α chain) and gp130 (β chain), a 130 kDa signal t ransducer. The gp130

subunit is a common subunit amongst other cytokine receptors, such as those for IL-11 and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), that together form the IL-6 family. Binding to the receptor leads to signal transduction via the JAK-STAT signal transduction pathw ay. The Janus (JAK) family of tyrosine kinases associate w ith and phosphorylate the gp130 subunit leading to activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins. These act through several signal pathw ays that may lead to activation of the various functions of IL-6.

In t he chicken a sect ion of IL-6-like cDNA w as identified in an expressed sequence tag (EST) library. ESTs are sh o rt DNA seq u en ces (2 0 0 -5 0 0 b p ) o f expressed genes and are usef ul t ools in ident if ying specific genes. Chickens w ere orally treated w ith the syn t h et ic im m u n e m o d if ier S- 2 8 4 6 3 , w h ich , in mammals, strongly induces expression of IFN-α, tumour necrosis factor (TNF), IL-1, IL-8 and IL-6 (Tomai et al., 1995) and the spleens w ere used to isolate expressed m RNA. cDNA sequences w ere produced f rom t he mRNA, one of w hich encoded a predicted protein w ith 35% aa identity w ith human IL-6 (Schneider et al., 2001). Recombinant chicken IL-6 induced proliferation of the IL-6-dependent murine hybridoma cell line 7TD1, and w hen injected into chickens, it induced an increase in serum corticosterone levels indicating induction of acute phase activity. Further investigation of the IL-6 gene in the chicken has revealed a similar structure to that found in mammals (Kaiser et al., 2001).

IL-6 activity has been found in several infectious diseases of chickens. IL-6 is produced during both murine and chicken Eimeria infections (Lynagh et al., 2000), and IL-6 act ivit y, similarly t o IL-1, w as increased in macrophage supernatants from birds suffering from PEM S (Heggen et al., 2000). Interestingly the induction of an IL-6 response may play a major role in the nature of t he response t o diff erent serovars of Salmonella enterica in chickens (Kaiser et al., 2000). Invasion of chicken cells by serovars S. Typhimurium or S. Enteritidis results in an 8-fold increase of IL-6 mRNA determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Such activity in vivo w ould induce a strong inflammatory and immune response, limiting these serovars mainly to the gut and preventing development of systemic disease. In contrast, invasion by the avian specific serovar S. Gallinarum, does not lead to an increase of IL-6 mRNA. This w ould result in little or no inflammation or induction of an immune response, allow ing invasion to take place almost by ‘stealth’, subsequently allow ing development of the systemic disease fow l typhoid.


been described in birds – grow th promoting activity (GPA), w hich is t hought t o be equivalent t o CNTF (Koshlukova et al., 1996). Cultured chick ciliary ganglion neurons possess receptors capable of binding both GPA and human CNTF, but GPA is up to five times more potent than human CNTF in promoting chick neuronal survival (Koshlukova et al., 1996).

IL-8 and chemokines

IL-8 is a member of a group of small structurally relat ed cyt okines t hat have chemot act ic act ivit y f or specific leukocyte types and are termed chemokines (Wuyts et al., 1998). In humans there are tw o main subfamilies of cytokines: CXC chemokines that attract n eu t ro p h ils an d CC ch em o k in es w h ich at t r act lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils but not neutrophils. IL-8 is a CXC chemokine produced by a w ide range of cell t ypes including epit helial and endothelial cells. IL-8 w as initially described as neurophil act ivat ing f act or, w hich clearly describes it s act ivit y. Human IL-8 is initially formed as a 99 aa protein including a 22 aa signal sequence that is cleaved to give rise to a 77 aa active form. It w ould appear that the primary function of IL-8 is to recruit and activate neutrophils in response to infection. How ever, IL-8 activity plays a major role in t he pat hogenesis of several human diseases including rheumatoid arthritis w here IL-8 may act to attract neutrophils into the synovial space of a joint and lead to cartilage damage and destruction. It also appears that Salmonella may induce production of IL-8 by gut epit helium in mammalian models of gast roent erit is (review ed by Wallis & Galyov, 2000). These leads to an inf lux of neut rophils t hat dam age t he epit helium allow ing bacteria to enter, and as a consequence cause tissue damage and fluid secretion leading to diarrhoea. In the chicken a number of CXC and CC chemokines have been identified (Kaiser et al., 1999; Hughes & Bumstead, 2000, Hughes et al., 2001). As in man, the CXC chemokine genes of the chicken are clustered on chromosome 4 (Kaiser et al., 1999; Hughes & Bumstead, 2000). The chicken chemokine IL8/CAF appears to be t he equivalent of m am m alian IL-8 in t he chicken. Originally termed 9E3/CEF4, this chemokine w as the f irst non-m am m alian cyt okine cDNA t o be cloned (Bedard et al., 1987: Sugano et al., 1987). The protein encoded by this cDNA has 51% aa identity w ith human IL-8 (Barker et al., 1993) and 45% identity w ith human GRO-a (Stoeckle and Barker, 1990). All three cytokines are m em b ers o f t h e sam e ELR+ CXC ch em o k in e

subfamily, and as such could be expected to be involved

in angiogenesis. Consistent w ith this, 9E3/CEF4 has been show n to play a role in w ound healing (M artins-Green

et al., 1991), and can initiate the w ound-healing cascade

in vivo (M art ins-Green & Feugat e, 1998). It is also chemotactic for chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cells and mitogenic for fibroblasts (Barker et al., 1993). Based on t hese biological act ivit ies, 9E3/CEF4 w as variously described as the chicken homologue of IL-8 (Barker et al., 1993) or GRO-α (M artins-Green et al., 1991; 1992). How ever, more recently it w as proposed that this chemokine be called the chicken chemotactic and angiogenic f act or (CA F) (M art ins-Green and Feugate, 1998).

At the gene level, CAF corresponds almost exactly to that of human IL-8 and differs from those of other know n mammalian CXC chemokine genes, including GRO-α (Kaiser et al., 1999). A number of potential regulat ory sequences similar t o t hose f ound in t he human IL-8 promoter, but not in the human GRO-α promoter, have also been identified in the CAF promoter. This evidence suggested that it is the avian orthologue of IL-8 (Kaiser et al., 1999), but on balance, in terms of its biological activity is best described as CAF, although it m ay st ill rep resen t t h e ch ick en eq u ivalen t o f mammalian IL-8. M arek’s Disease Virus has been show n to encode a CXC chemokine, w hich has been described in the literature as an IL-8 homologue (vIL-8) (Parcells

et al., 2001). Although the viral CXC chemokine (vCXC) has high aa identity w ith human IL-8 and chicken IL-8/ CAF, there are several important differences betw een it and know n IL-8s w hich suggest it should by considered to be a vCXC, but not as a vIL-8.

As yet relatively little is know n of the role of IL-8/ CAF and ot her chemokines in avian disease. As in mammals, it has been reported that S. Typhimurium i n f ect i o n p ro d u ces an i n f l u x o f h et er o p h i l s (polymorphonuclear cells) int o t he gut of chickens (Henderson et al., 1999). This w ould suggest t hat

Salm o n ella in vasio n in t h e ch ick en m ay in d u ce p ro d u ct io n o f ch ick en IL-8 w h ich m ed iat es t h e het erophil inf lux. Init ial experim ent s using in vit ro

m odels seem t o conf irm t his w it h S. Typhim urium invasion of chicken cells leading to an increase in the levels of chicken IL-8/CAF mRNA (Lazzerine, Kaiser & W igley, unpublished observations).



of macrophages and the development of a cell-mediated immune response. Th2 cells produce 4, 5 and IL-10 that lead to the development of an antibody or h u m o r al resp o n se. Th 3 cells m ain ly p ro d u ce transforming grow th factor-β (TGF-β) in response to antigen. Their function is less clear, but they appear to play a role in the development of mucosal immune responses. How ever in birds, this paradigm is not as clear. Although both Th1 and Th3 cytokines have been described, there is, as yet, no clear description of any avian Th2 cytokine. It w ould, how ever, seem unlikely that Th2 cytokines do not occur in birds as their immune system behaves broadly as that of mammals and many infections such as Salmonella result in strong humoral responses (W igley et al., 2001).


M ammalian IL-2 is a 15.5 kDa glycoprotein produced mainly by activated T cells (Th1) and acts mainly to promote T cell grow th, but also activates macrophages and affects B cell grow th (Gaffen et al., 1998). The IL-2 receptor is a multi-molecular complex consisting of α,β and γ subunits. Binding of IL-2 to the receptor leads to phosphorylation and signalling through the JAK-STAT pathw ay as is the case for IL-6.

In birds, both chicken and turkey IL-2 have been described (Sundick & Gill-Dixon, 1997; Law son et al., 2 0 0 0 ). Th e ch ick en IL- 2 cDNA w as clo n ed via expression screening for T cell proliferative activity. It encodes a predicted protein of 143 aa, w ith a signal sequence of 22 aa and a mature protein of 121 aa (Sundick & Gill-Dixon, 1997). The predicted protein has alm o st eq u al id en t it y w it h m am m alian IL- 2 as mammalian IL-15 (e.g. 24.5% and 23.8% identity w ith bovine IL-2 and IL-15 respectively). How ever, unlike m am m alian IL-2 , b u t lik e m am m alian IL-1 5 , t h e predicted chicken protein has four conserved cysteines that form tw o intrachain disulphide bonds (Rothw ell

et al., 2001a). The cDNA w as only definitively show n t o encode chicken IL-2 w hen t he gene st ruct ure, promoter structure and genetic location, chromosome 4, w ere det ermined (Kaiser & M ariani, 1999). Like m am m als, g lyco sylat io n is n o t req u ired f o r t h e bioactivity of recombinant chicken IL-2 (Stepaniak et al., 1999). Endogenous IL-2 occurs in vit ro as a monomer of 14.2 kDa and is secreted by splenocytes w ithin 4 hours of ConA stimulation (Stepaniak et al., 1999). Turkey IL-2 has fairly low identity w ith chicken IL-2 at t he aa level (less t han 70% ) but has a very similar promoter and cross-reacts in IL-2 functional bioassays

(Law so n et al., 2 0 0 0 ; Ro t h w ell et al. , 2 0 0 1 b ). Functionally, recombinant chicken IL-2 activates γδ T cells (Choi et al., 2000). In an experimental Eimeria infection high levels of both γδ T cells and expression of IL-2 mRNA w ere found in the gut of chickens (Choi et al., 2000).

Recently established EST databases (Abdrakhmanov

et al., 2000; Tirunagaru et al., 2000) contain sequences that resemble the γ chain of the mammalian IL-2 receptor. Several ant i-chicken IL-2 m A b have now been produced w hich neut ralise t he biological eff ect s of chicken IL-2 (M iyamoto et al., 2001; Rothw ell et al., 2001b).


IL- 1 8 i n m am m al s i s a f act o r t h at i n d u ces product ion of IFN-γ (Okam ura et al., 1995). It is produced at high levels in t he liver by macrophages and Kupff er cells leading t o induct ion of IFN-γ and a Th1-t ype response. It is an import ant cyt okine in t he init iat ion of cell-mediat ed immune responses. Human IL-18 is a 22.3 kDa 192 aa precursor prot ein t hat is cleaved, like IL-1, t o f orm a mat ure act ive prot ein of 18.3 kDa and 157 aa.

The EST databases contain a partial cDNA for chicken IL-18. This cDNA w as cloned in full and expressed by Schneider et al. (2000). The predicted protein is 198 aa in length and has approximately 30% aa identity w ith mammalian IL-18s, though the mature form appears to be slightly longer than mammalian IL-18 at 169 aa. A bioassay using a recombinant form of the 169 aa protein has show n induction of IFN-γ by stimulated chicken splenocyt es indicat ing it has t he sam e act ivit y as m am m alian IL-18. The gene f or chicken IL-18 is only a quart er t he lengt h of it s hum an equivalent (Kaiser

et al., 2001). Turkey IL-18 is rem arkably sim ilar t o chicken IL-18 (Kaiser, 2002), w it h 96.4% aa ident it y. Th e f o w l p o x vi r u s g en o m e h as r ecen t l y b een sequenced and cont ains a num ber of sequences t hat p red ict im m u n e-evasio n p ro t ein s (A f o n so et al., 2000). Am ongst t hese is an IL-18 binding prot ein. Th is w o u ld b e an ef f ect ive evasio n st rat eg y f o r in t r acellu lar p at h o g en s as it w o u ld in h ib it t h e d evelo p m en t o f a Th 1 resp o n se an d h en ce less ef f ect ive cell-m ed iat ed im m u n it y t o clear virally inf ect ed cells.

IFN- γγγγγ


Type I int erf erons (IFN-α and IFN-β) t hat have w ell-defined anti-viral activity, and Type II interferon or IFN-γ w hich plays a vital role in macrophage activation and modulation of the immune system, in addition to its anti-viral activity (De M aeyer & De M aeyer-Guignard, 1998). Type I int erf erons w ill be discussed lat er. In mammals IFN-γ is produced primarily by T lymphocytes (Th1) and natural killer cells leading to activation of macrophage antimicrobial activity, an increase in the processing of antigen and the increased expression of M ajor Hist ocom pat ibilit y Com plex (M HC) Class II molecules on macrophages and other cells. IFN-γ is also involved in class sw itching of immunoglobulins. Human IFN-γ is a 143 aa monomer encoded by a single gene on chromosome 12. Glycosylation of the protein varies as a result of to tw o separate N-glycosylation sit es leading t o 20 and 25 kDa f orm s. The IFN-γ recept or (IFN-γR) consist s of a 90 kDa cell surf ace recept or f ormed by a homodimer of α chains. The f unct ional recept or also requires a β chain, t hough induction of M HC class II molecules can be achieved t hrough t he β chain alone. Binding of IFN-γ t o t he receptor leads to signal transduction though the JAK-STAT pathw ays described previously.

The cDNA for chicken IFN-γ encodes a predicted protein of 164 aa (a signal peptide of 19 aa and a mature protein of 145 aa), w ith tw o potential N-glycosylation sites and an estimated M W for the mature protein of 16.8 kDa (Digby & Low enthal, 1995). It has 32% identity at the aa level w ith human IFN-γ. The chicken IFN-γ gene has similar organization to its human equivalent, being a single copy gene w ith similar intron and exon structure, and maps to chicken chromosome 1 (Kaiser

et al., 1998b; Guttenbach et al., 2000).

The coding sequences of IFN-γ f rom f our ot her galliforms (guinea fow l, ring-necked pheasant, Japanese quail and t urkey) w ere recent ly det erm ined (Kaiser

et al., 1998a). The coding regions of IFN-γ are highly conserved amongst the galliforms (93.5-96.7% and 87.8-97.6% at the nucleotide and aa levels respectively). This high degree of overall identity at the predicted primary aa sequence level of the protein, including the deduced IFN-γ receptor-binding motifs, suggested that IFN-γ may be cross-reactive among these species. This has since been show n to be the case for turkey and chicken IFN-γ (Law son et al., 2001).

The cDNA f or duck IFN-γ has 80% nucleot ide identity and 67% predicted aa identity w ith chicken IFN-γ (Hu an g et al., 2 0 0 1 ). Co m p arat ive p ro t ein m o d ellin g su g g est ed t h at t h e p red ict ed t h ree-dimensional structures of chicken and duck IFN-γ w ere

similar, and subsequent experiments w ith recombinant p r o t ei n s sh o w ed t h at t h e t w o p r o t ei n s w ere functionally cross-reactive (Huang et al., 2001).

As w it h mammalian IFN-γ, nat ive chicken IFN-γ has pot ent macrophage act ivat ing f act or act ivit y t hat is h eat - an d p H- l ab i l e (Lo w en t h al et al ., 1 9 9 5 ). Recombinant chicken IFN-γ expressed f rom E. coli or COS cells w ere poor ant iviral agent s but st rongly st imulat ed NO secret ion and expression of M HC class II in macrophages (Weining et al., 1996). How ever, baculovirus-derived recom binant chicken IFN-γ, as w ell as st imulat ing macrophages, also had ant iviral act ivit y (Lambrecht et al., 1999), and t hus is probably a m ore suit able recom binant f or st udies int o t he f unct ion of avian IFN-γ. Again similarly t o mammals, ch icken t yp e I an d t yp e II IFN act syn erg ist ically (Sekellick et al., 1998), bot h in t erm s of ant iviral act ivit y and in t heir abilit y t o act ivat e macrophages.

A n t i-ch ick en IFN-γ m A b h ave b een p ro d u ced follow ing gene-gun immunisation of mice, and used to develop a quantitative capture ELISA specific for chicken IFN-γ (Lambrecht et al., 2000). One of these mAb, 1E12, neutralises the biological effects of both chicken (Lam brecht et al., 2000) and t urkey IFN-γ (Law son et al., 2001).


TGF-β w as initially described in mammals on the basis of its ability to transform the phenotype of fibroblast cell lines and w as thought to play a role in malignant t ransf orm at ion and t he developm ent of t um ours (review ed in Derynck & Choy, 1998). Subsequently it has been f ound t hat TGF-β has a large range of biological act ivit ies in t he immune response and in development. In the immune system TGF-β plays an important role in the development of T lymphocytes and has important anti-inflammatory activity. Three forms of TGF-β (TGF-β1,TGF-β2 and TGF-β3) are found in mammals. The active, mature form of TGF-β is a 112 aa monomer, though heterodimeric and homodimeric forms of unknow n function are also found.

As in mammals, three forms of TGF-β have been cloned from chickens: TGF-β4 (equivalent to mammalian TGF-β1) (Burt & Jakow lew, 1992), TGF-β2 (Jakow lew


on T lymphocytes) thymocytes (M ukamoto and Kodama, 2000). TGF-β4 mRNA expression has been show n to increase in the caecal tonsils, spleen and duodenum follow ing E. acervulina infection (Choi et al., 1999a), presumably as part of an anti-inflammatory response.


Type I IFN

In mammals the type I interferons, IFN-α and IFN-β, have anti-viral activity and lead to increased expression of M HC class I molecules (review ed in De M aeyer & De M aeyer-Guignard, 1998). Both IFN-α and IFN-β consist of a 166 aa monomer in humans and share a common 590 aa, 66 kDa receptor. Interferons activate a range o f an t i-viral m ech an ism s in clu d in g t h e en zym e oligoadenylate synthetase that leads to the activation of endonucleases that digest viral genomes, the protein kinase PKR w hich inhibit s viral t ranscript ion and translation and cytoplasmic M x proteins w hich also have anti-viral activity. IFN-α and IFN-β also increase expression of M HC class I molecules. Expression of foreign viral antigen in conjunction w ith M HC class I mark the virally infected cells as targets for cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Type I IFN may also activate both macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells. Additionally interferons have effects on tumour cells. Proliferation of both normal and tumour cells is reduced by Type I interferons as they act to slow dow n the cell cycle, oncogene expression is altered and differentiation of tumour cells may also be increased.

The first description of interferons in the chicken w as an an t iviral act ivit y in co n d it io n ed m ed ia f ro m chorioallantoic membranes w hich had been exposed to inactivated influenza virus (Isaacs & Lindenmann, 1957), and subsequently purified by Lampson et al.

(1963) as a 20-34 kDa protein. Little further progress w as made in thirty years. Three genes encoding a 193 aa protein w ith 24% aa identity w ith mammalian IFN-α, 2 0 % w it h m am m alian IFN-β an d o n ly 3 % w it h mammalian IFN-γ, termed IFN1 w ere described in 1994 (Sekellick et al., 1994). A f ourt h gene encoding a predict ed gene product w it h 57% aa ident it y w it h chicken IFN1w as termed IFN2 (Sick et al., 1996). A turkey IFN1 gene product w ith a predicted 82 % aa identity to chicken IFN1 and a type I duck interferon w ith 50% identity to chicken IFN1 and 61% identity to IFN2 have also been described (Suresh et al., 1995; Schultz et al., 1995). Differences, particularly in genetic structure and organization, betw een chicken IFN1 and IFN2 t o m am m alian IFN-α and IFN-β have led t o

diff erences of opinion as t o w het her t hey are t rue equivalents and should be named as such. How ever, IFN1 and IFN2 respond to inducers of Type 1 IFN in a differential w ay, as do IFN-α and IFN-β in mammals and t his, along w it h sim ilarit ies in binding sit es of t he p r o m o t er, h as lead t o t h e p ro p o sal t h at t h e nomenclature should be IFN-α for IFN1 and IFN-β for IFN2 (Low enthal et al., 2001). Both Type 1 and Type II in t erf ero n s h ave b een in vest ig at ed as p o t en t ial therapeutics in poultry and w ill be discussed later.


IL-15 in mammals is a T cell grow th factor that has ‘ IL- 2 - lik e’ act ivit y st im u lat in g t h e g ro w t h o f T lymphocytes, NK cells and intestinal epithelium (Kennedy

et al., 1998). Human IL-15 is a 114 aa monomer that shares the IL-2R β and γ chains along w ith a specific IL-15R α chain to form the receptor complex. IL-15 induces proliferation, cytokine production and cytotoxic activity of both T cells and NK cells, and induces motility and migration of T cells. In addition it stimulates proliferation of a number of other cells including B lymphocytes and intestinal epithelial cells. Unlike IL-2 it also stimulates neutrophils, increasing their phagocytic activity.

A chicken IL-15 homologue w as identified in the EST libraries and w as recently described (Lillehoj et al., 2001; M ejri et al., 2001). The predicted protein has 187 aa and contains a 63-66 aa signal peptide, markedly longer than its mammalian homologues. The predicted M W of the mature protein is 14.5 kDa encoded by a gene containing six coding exons (Kaiser et al., 2001).There is an earlier report in t he lit erat ure describing t he molecular and functional characterisation of chicken IL-15 (Choi et al., 1999b). Unfortunately, closer scrutiny reveals t hat t he cyt okine described is in f act t he previously mentioned chicken IL-2.

Recently it has been proposed that IL-15 plays a major role in driving spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis in obese st rain (OS) chickens (Kaiser et al., 2002). OS chickens are commonly used as an animal model for the human autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is thought that the increased immune activity found in OS chickens may be mediated by IL-15 and that IL-15 may be a factor driving lymphoid infiltration of the thyroid, resulting in inflammation and damage.



including m onocyt es and eosinophils (review ed in Antonysamy et al., 1998). M ammalian IL-16 is a 130 aa protein that forms a tetramer. In humans high levels of IL-16 are f ound in aut oimmune diseases or allergic condit ions charact erized by high num bers of CD4 positive cells. IL-16 also appears to play a major role in the control of HIV replication in human CD4 positive cells. The chicken EST libraries contain sequences that resemble mammalian IL-16.


TNFs are a f amily of cyt okines t hat produce a range of biological eff ect s. TNF-α or cachet in is a primary r eg u l at o r o f b o t h t h e i m m u n e r esp o n se an d in f lam m at io n (Zh an g & Tracey, 1 9 9 8 ). TNF-α is produced by macrophages, T cells and NK cells and causes bot h inf lammat ion and endot helial act ivat ion. Alt hough TNF-á is import ant in act ivat ion of immune responses it is implicat ed in f ever and in condit ions such as sept ic shock. TNF-β or lymphot oxin is secret ed by CD4 T cells and is direct ly cyt ot oxic f or some cell t ypes. TNF w as f irst described as an ant i-t um our prot ein t hat induced necrosis in cert ain t umour t ypes, hence it s nomenclat ure.

Alt hough avian TNF has yet t o be cloned, TNF-like act ivit y can be det ect ed in t he chicken. Af t er inf ect ion w it h Eimeria (Byrnes et al., 1993a; Zhang et al., 1995) or M arek’s disease virus (Qureshi et al., 1990), release of TNF f rom chicken macrophages can be det ect ed in cro ss-react ive m am m alian cellu lar cyt o t o xicit y bioassays. Inject ion of chickens w it h such TNF-like f act ors enhances w eight loss due t o Eimeria inf ect ion, w hich is part ially reversible by t reat ment w it h ant i-hum an TNF ant isera (Zhang et al., 1995). Hum an recombinant TNF has been show n t o cross-react w it h chicken cells (Leibovich et al., 1987; But t erw it h & Griff in, 1989).

Other cytokines, chemokines and factors

In addit ion t o t he cyt okines described previously, several ot her grow t h and colony st imulat ing f act ors (CSF) have been described in t he chicken, as have IL-3-like act ivit y and M igrat ion Inhibit ory Fact or-like act ivit y. As described earlier in t he sect ion describing IL-8, a number of chicken CC and CXC chemokines have also been cloned. Among t he grow t h f act ors described are seven f ibroblast grow t h f act ors (FGF): 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 18 and FGF-19 (Borja et al., 1993; Nisw ander et al., 1994; Han,

1995; M ahm ood et al., 1995; Vogel et al., 1996; Oh u ch i et al., 2 0 0 0 ; Lad h er et al., 2 0 0 0 ), w it h b et w een 6 7 % an d 9 0 % aa id en t it y w it h t h eir m am m alian hom ologues. Chicken plat elet -derived grow t h f act or (PDGF) cDNA has also been cloned and show s 90% hom ology w it h it s hum an equivalent (Horiuchi et al., 2001). Chicken t hrombocyt es appear t o express only low levels of PDGF mRNA. How ever, f o l l o w i n g st i m u l at i o n w i t h f act o r s i n vo l ved i n haemost asis and w ound healing, t hrombin and Type 1 collagen, levels of PDGF mRNA increase suggest ing t hat it may play a role in t he healing process. Chicken myelomonocyt ic grow t h f act or (M GF), necessary f or t he survival and grow t h of normal and t ransf ormed avian myeloid precursor cells (Leut z et al., 1984; M et z

et al., 1991) and st em cell f act or (SCF) have been cloned in bot h t he chicken, and also SCF in Japanese quail (Zhou et al., 1993; Pet it t e & Kulik, 1996). Ot her factors w ith CSF activity have been observed, but their specif ic ident it y rem ains unknow n. For exam ple, ser u m C SF act i vi t y i s d et ect ab l e d u r i n g an d im m ed iat ely af t er co ccid ial in f ect io n in ch icken s (Byrnes et al., 1993b), and st romal cell lines secret e f act o r s t h at i n d u ce t h e p r o l i f er at i o n an d diff erent iat ion of precursor cells in em bryonic and haemat opoiet ic t issues (Obranovich & Boyd, 1996; Si at sk as et al ., 1 9 9 6 ). Ko g u t et al . (1 9 9 7 ) demonst rat ed t he presence of a G-CSF-like f act or in lym phokines (ILK) f rom T cells of birds im m unized against Salm onella ent erit idis by West ern blot using a g o at an t i - h u m an G- CSF p o l ycl o n al an t i ser a. Pret reat m ent of t he ILK w it h t he ant isera t ot ally abolished it s G-CSF-like act ivit y.



ELISA and monoclonal antibodies

ELISA measurement of cytokines w ould be the ideal choice f or m ost laborat ories as t hey are sim ple t o perf orm, need lit t le specialized equipment and are relatively inexpensive. How ever, as described previously there are few reliable antibodies available. M onoclonal an t ib o d ies (m A b s) t o IFN-γ an d IL-2 h ave b een produced. The IL-2 mAbs specif ically recognise and neutralise chicken IL-2 activity and another panel of mAbs can neutralise chicken IL-2 and one of these, w ith a rabbit polyclonal antisera against chicken IL-2, has been used to develop a capture ELISA (M iyamoto

et al., 2001). A nt i-chicken IFN-γ m A b have been produced follow ing gene-gun immunisation of mice, and used t o develop a quant it at ive capt ure ELISA specific for chicken IFN-γ (Lambrecht et al., 2000). One of these mAb, 1E12, neutralises the biological effects of both chicken (Lambrecht et al., 2000) and turkey IFN-γ (Law son et al., 2001).


Bioassays are assays that determine the biological act ivit y of a f act or, in t his case cyt okines. Reliable bioassays have been developed for chicken IL-6 and IFN-γ (van Snick et al., 1986; Low enthal et al., 1995). The IL-6 bioassay relies on the cross-reactivity of chicken IL-6 w ith murine IL-6 to maintain the grow th of an IL-6-dependent cell line, 7TD1, a mouse hybridoma B cell line. 7TD1 cells are cultured in the presence of the test sam ple and t rit iat ed t hym idine. Af t er six hours of incubat ion prolif erat ion of t he cells is measured by d et er m i n i n g t h e l evel s o f t r i t i at ed t h ym i d i n e incorporat ed t hrough use of a β count er. Levels of IL- 6 are d et er m i n ed t h r o u g h co m p ar i so n t o a st andard curve of prolif erat ion det erm ined t hrough 7TD1 cells incubat ed w it h recom binant m ouse IL-6. Th e IFN-γ b i o assay r el i es o n d et er m i n i n g t h e st im ulat ion of t he HD11 chicken m acrophage cell line (Beug et al., 1979) t o produce nit ric oxide. The levels of nit ric oxide can be easily m easured t hrough t he Griess assay. The t est sam ple is incubat ed w it h t he HD11 cells f or 24 or 48 hours. The higher t he level of IFN-γ-like act ivit y in t he sam ple, t he great er t he st im ulat ion of t he HD11 cells t o produce nit ric oxide. Levels are com pared w it h a negat ive cont rol of unst imulat ed cells and posit ive cont rols st imulat ed w i t h E. co l i LPS. Bo t h assays h ave b een u sed successf ully t o det erm ine st im ulat ion of chicken cells w it h Salm onella (Kaiser et al., 2000). How ever, bot h

met hods are t ime consuming and t echnically dif f icult req u irin g cell cu lt u re an d , in p art icu lar, t h e IL-6 bioassay requires t he use of radioisot opes.


The expression of mRNA in cells or tissues can be detected by RT-PCR. The mRNA transcript is converted t o a cDNA t hrough t he use of t he enzyme reverse transcriptase, the cDNA then being detected through the use of conventional PCR. This is a qualitative method and alt hough it can be made semi-quant it at ive t hrough densitometry measurement of the PCR products on elect rophoresis gels, t he t echnique has been vast ly improved by quantitative methods such as real-time RT-PCR. Th is t ech n o lo g y em p lo ys an in it ial reverse transcriptase step, follow ed by PCR using fluorescent oligonucleotide probes. The level of product produced can be quantified by the fluorescence during each cycle. Levels of mRNA expressed can then be determined either through relative quantification of RNA in comparison w ith t he m RNA levels of a const it ut ively expressed or ‘housekeeping’ gene such as 18S rRNA, GAPDH or β -actin, or through absolute determination using a standard curve of a know n quantity of RNA or DNA. In determining cytokine levels in the chicken relative expression has been most commonly used. In our Institute cytokine mRNA levels have been determined using Taqman real-time quantitative RT-PCR technology. This uses a system w ith fluorescent reporter and quencher dyes at opposing ends of the probe that fluoresce at different w avelengths. This results in an equilibrium betw een the tw o fluorescent dyes. During the PCR process the action of Taq polymerase displaces the 5’ end of the fluorescent probe, w hich can then be degraded by the 5’-3’ exonuclease activity of


Table 2 – Experimental applications of avian cytokines as therapeutic agents or adjuvants.

Cytokine Host species Infectious agent Comments Reference

IFN-α Chicken New castle Disease Levels of disease reduced in experimental infection M arcus et al., 1999

Virus (NDV) w hen rIFN-α administered in drinking w ater

IFN-α Chicken NDV Adjuvant in NDV DNA vaccine delivered in fow lpox Karaca et al., 1998

vector. No clear effect.

IFN-α Turkey NDV Adjuvant in NDV DNA vaccine. Increased antibody titre Rautenschlein et al., 2000

IFN-α Chicken Tetanus toxoid (TT) Administration of IFN increased antibody titres to Schijns et al., 2000

Infectious bursal disease tetanus toxoid but not IBDV

virus (IBDV)

IFN-α Chicken Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) Reduction of RSV-induced tumours Plachy et al., 1999

IFN-γ Turkey NDV In ovo vaccination of IFN-γ NDV DNA vaccine in Rautenschlein et al., 1999

fow lpox vector. M ore rapid antibody response and

increased protection to NDV challenge

IFN-γ Chicken Sheep red blood cells Increased immune response Low enthal et al., 1998

Type I & II IFN Chicken M arek’s disease virus In vitro inhibition of M DV replication and suppression Heller et al., 1997

(M DV) of M DV-encoded proteins in virally infected cells

IL-1β Chicken Tetanus toxoid (TT) No effect w hen administered as an adjuvant w ith TT Schijns et al., 2000

Undefined Chicken Salmonella Enterica Administration w ith ILK inhibits Salmonella Kogut et al., 1997

immune Serovar Enteritidis colonization of the gut



uninfected cells and differences in levels of cytokine mRNA expression determined after correction w ith the 28S rRNA mRNA levels.

Although Taqman is a pow erful technique to measure expression of cytokine mRNA, or any other chicken gene, it must be remembered that this may not necessarily ref lect prot ein levels. In t he case of t he Salmonella

infection studies it w as possible to compare the IL-6 and IFN-γ levels to bioassay activity, w hich correlated extremely w ell. Additionally the cost of such technology is ver y h ig h , b o t h in t er m s o f eq u ip m en t an d consumables such as the probes. It does, nevertheless, represent a huge advance in our ability to study cytokines in disease processes.


Extensive experimental and clinical studies have been made on the therapeutic use of cytokines in mammals

in conditions ranging from infectious disease to cancer, often w ith mixed results. In comparison their use in avian sp ecies h as b een lim it ed , t h o u g h t h is is b ein g increasingly explored and is summarized in Table 2.

As can be seen in the table, the use of interferons as ad ju van t s o r t h erap eu t ics h as b een m o st w id ely in vest ig at ed , w it h so m e su ccess. On e p art icu lar approach of interest is to incorporate the gene encoding the cytokine of interest into a DNA vaccine or into a viral or bact erial vaccine vect or. For exam ple, t he incorporation of IFN-γ into a New castle Disease vaccine carried in a fow lpox vector in turkeys (Rautenschlein

et al., 1999). This approach led to a more rapid onset of antibody production and increased protection to subsequent disease challenge. Such an approach may also be effective in diseases such as fow l typhoid. During


(Sm it h, 1956) could cause an increased Th1-t ype response in turn leading to the production of IFN-γ and macrophage activation, w ith subsequent clearance of

Salmonella from macrophages. A possible problem w ith such an approach is that interference from a protective antibody response may occur, reducing the long-term efficacy of the vaccine.


Although the study of cytokines and chemokines in avian species is still in its infancy w hen compared to t hat of mammals, huge st rides have been made in recent years. The use of m olecular t echniques is enabling the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of diseases as diverse as salmonellosis and thryroiditis to be determined. Although the costs of using techniques such as quantitative RT-PCR are still too high for their use in many laborat ories, t hese cost s are gradually f alling. M ore ant ibodies t o avian cyt okines are also likely to be developed in coming years, allow ing more ELISAs to determine cytokines to be developed. As can b e seen , cyt o k in es p lay a vit al ro le in t h e development of immunity to a range of infections, and their use as therapeutics in both infectious and non-infectious disease is likely to be investigated in greater dept h and w it h a larger range of cyt okines. Their potential use as adjuvants, particularly incorporated w ithin DNA vaccines or vaccine vectors, is also being invest igat ed. A n increased underst anding of t he im m une response in birds is likely t o be achieved through our increased ability to study its component parts, such as cytokines, allow ing the development of more effective vaccines and vaccination strategies. It is also likely that gaps in our know ledge regarding avian cytokines w ill be filled, particularly the Th2 cytokines, as the genome of the chicken and EST databases are explored. This w ill lead to further understanding of the role the immune system, and in particular cytokines, play in avian health and disease.


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Table 2 –  Experimental applications of avian cytokines as therapeutic agents or adjuvants.


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