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Combined effect of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum ST8SH and vancomycin, propolis or EDTA for controlling biofilm development by Listeria monocytogenes


Academic year: 2021

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KEYWORDS Listeria monocytogenes; Lactobacillus plantarum; Biofilm; Bacteriocin; Propolis; EDTA; Vancomycin; Lacticacidbacteria

Abstract The Listeria monocytogenesstrains selected inthe presentstudy exhibited simi-lar behavior inbiofilm formation,independently ofthetested conditions (bacteriocinfrom L. plantarumST8SH, vancomycin,propolis (anaturalantimicrobialproduct)andEDTA (che-latingagent)),individualorinassociations.Theindividualapplicationofvancomycinhadbetter inhibitoryactivitythanthatofpropolisandEDTA;however,theassociationofthepreviously mentionedantimicrobialagents withbacteriocinsresultedinbetterperformance. However, when wecomparedtheeffectsofvancomycin, propolisandEDTA,we couldclearlyobserve that thecombined applicationofbacteriocin andvancomycin was moreeffective thanthe combination ofbacteriocin andpropolis,andbacteriocin andEDTA.Consideringthecurrent needtoreducetheuseofantimicrobialsandchemicalsubstancesinfoodprocessing,propolis canrepresentanalternativetoimprovetheinhibitoryeffectofbacteriocinsagainstL. mono-cytogenesbiofilmformation,basedontheobtainedresults.Ingeneral,highconcentrationsof bacteriocinproducedbyL.plantarumST8SHweremoreeffectiveinbiofilminhibition,and sim-ilarresultswereobservedforvancomycinandpropolis;however,alltestedEDTAconcentrations hadsimilareffectonbiofilmformation.

©2017Asociaci´onArgentinadeMicrobiolog´ıa.PublishedbyElsevierEspa˜na,S.L.U.Thisisan openaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).






Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:TodorovSD,etal.CombinedeffectofbacteriocinproducedbyLactobacillusplantarum PALABRASCLAVE Listeria monocytogenes; Lactobacillus plantarum; Biofilm; Bacteriocina; Própolis; EDTA; Vancomicina; Bacteriaslácticas




Resumen Las cepas de Listeria monocytogenes seleccionadas en elpresente estudio pre-sentaroncomportamientossimilaresenlaformacióndebiofilms,independientementedelos tratamientosalasquefueronsometidas(bacteriocinadeLactobacillusplantarumST8SH, van-comicina,própolis(produtonaturalantimicrobiano)yEDTA(agentesquelante)),individualoen combinaciones.Laaplicaciónindividualdevancomicinapresentóunamejoractividad inhibito-riafrentealasaplicacionesindividualesdeprópolisydeEDTA;sinembargo,lacombinaciónde estosagentesantimicrobianosconlasbacteriocinasresultóenunmejordesempe˜no.Seobservó claramentequelaaplicacióncombinadadebacteriocinayvancomicinafuemásefectivapara controlareldesarrollodebiofilmencomparaciónconlacombinacióndelabacteriocinayel própolisodelacombinacióndelabacteriocinayelEDTA.Considerandolanecesidadactual dereducirel usodesustanciasantimicrobianasy químicasenelprocesamiento de alimen-tosysobrelabasedelosresultadosobtenidos,sepuedeafirmarqueelprópolisrepresenta unaalternativa para mejorar elefecto inhibitorio debacteriocinas contra la formación de biofilmdeL.monocytogenes.Engeneral,altasconcentracionesdelabacteriocinaproducidapor L.plantarumST8SHfueronmáseficacesenlainhibicióndelbiofilm,yseobservaronresultados similaresparala vancomicinayelprópolis;sinembargo,todaslasconcentracionesdeEDTA evaluadastuvieronunefectosimilarenlaformacióndebiofilm.

©2017Asociaci´onArgentinadeMicrobiolog´ıa.PublicadoporElsevierEspa˜na,S.L.U.Esteesun art´ıculoOpenAccessbajolalicenciaCCBY-NC-ND( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


Biofilm formation by pathogenic bacteria is considered a seriousprobleminhealthcarefacilitiesandfoodindustry. Microbialcommunitiesdevelop biofilmsfor self-protection againstunfavorableconditions;thisprocessusuallyinvolves morethanasinglespeciesthatexchangeinformationmainly throughquorumsensing. Manyfactorssuchasthe charac-teristics of the adhering surface, temperature, nutrients, expositiontolight,stressingconditions,amongothers25,can interferewithbiofilmformationbymicrobialcommunities.

Listeriamonocytogenesis afoodbornepathogenknown

by itsability toform biofilms under different conditions, resultingineconomiclossestofoodindustrydueto contam-ination of end products and serious risks for consumers5. Studiesonthemechanismsofbiofilmformationbydifferent


animportantroleinthisprocess;thisgeneisresponsiblefor triggeringthe quorumsensing responsein other microbial species,suchasVibrioharveyi2.L.monocytogenesmutant strainsharboringtheluxSgeneweredescribed ascapable of formingdense biofilms23,and many other specific pro-teinsareinvolved inthisprocess,suchastheautoinducer moleculeAi-214.Inaddition,L.monocytogenescancarrya varietyofproteinsassociatedtoitspathogenicactivity,such asinternalins,listeriolysinsandphospholipases,which are essentialtoitsvirulencecycle9.

The control of L. monocytogenes contamination and biofilm formation is a current challenge for food indus-tries. Sterilization by high temperatures and ultraviolet light,disinfectantsandgoodhygienicpracticesarestandard procedures often used individually or in association to

clean potential contamination points in the environment, equipmentandutensils.However,thereis acurrentclaim by consumers to reduce the use of chemical products in hygienic procedures by the food industries, in order to decrease the chances of residual contamination in end products. Natural products are being increasingly used in cleaning procedures, representing alternatives to avoid biofilm formation in food industries.In this context, nat-ural products such as propolis and antimicrobial proteins produced by lacticacid bacteria (LAB) can beconsidered alternative strategiestocontrolL.monocytogenesbiofilm formation.

Propoliswasalreadydescribed aspossessing antibacte-rialandantifungalproperties,duetothepresenceofactive compoundssuchasgalangin(aflavonoid)8andcaffeicacid (a hydroxycinnamic acid)22. Propolis is a resinous mixture collected from honey bees from tree buds, sap flows, or otherbotanicalsources.Thebiologicalpurposeofpropolis hasbeensuggestedtoberelatedtodifferentbiological con-tributions,includingasasealantforunwantedopenspaces inthehive,andasanantibacterialagent.Sincepropolisisa naturalproduct,itscompositionmayvarydependingonthe hive,thegeographicalarea,theseasonandtheplantsthat arepollinatedbybees;however,ingeneralitiscomposed ofplantresinsandvegetablebalsams,waxes,essentialoils, andpollen8,22,24,28.LABarewellknownduetotheirabilityto producebacteriocins, ribosomalsynthesizedpeptidesthat killtargetorganismsgenerallybyincreasingthe permeabil-ityofthecytoplasmicmembrane,andbeinguseddirectlyas asemi-purifiedcompound,orindirectlyviatheapplication ofabacteriocin-producingorganism15.Bacteriocinactivity can beaffected by thepresence of chemical surfactants,



suchasEDTA19,andpresentasynergeticeffectwhenapplied withsomeantibiotics20,26.

The present study aimed to evaluate alternative pro-cedurestocontrolbiofilm formation byL.monocytogenes

strainsbyusingthebacteriocinsproducedbythe bacterio-cinogenicstrainLactobacillus plantarumST8SHassociated toEDTA,vancomycinandpropolis.





Bacteriocin producer strain L. plantarum ST8SH was pre-viously isolated,identified and the produced bacteriocins were characterized27. Pure culture containing bacteriocin producerandothermicroorganismsusedinthisstudywere maintained at −80◦C in MRSbroth and BHI (BD, Franklin Lakes,NJ,USA)supplementedwith30%(v/v)glycerol.

Bacteriocin-containingcellfreesupernatant(BCFS)was prepared asrecommended in ourprevious work: L.


wasobtainedaftercentrifugation(10,000×g,10min,4◦C) and pH was corrected to 6.0 with 1M NaOH, and tested againstL.monocytogenesScottA,L.monocytogenesATCC 7644,L.monocytogenes211 andL.monocytogenes506to confirmbacteriocinproduction,accordingtoTodorovetal.27 Bacteriocinactivitywasrecordedasmillimetersofinhibition zones,andarbitraryunits(AU)perml27.




growninBHI for 24h at 37◦C. Cellswerewashed2 times withsterile salinesolution(0.85%NaCl)andre-suspended in the original volume of trypticase soy broth (TSB, BD).

Each L. monocytogenes culture (10␮l) was inoculated in

100␮l of TSB (BD) on different wells of a flat-bottom 96-well microtiter plate (NUNC, Thermo Scientific). Van-comycin (Sigma---Aldrich, St. Luis, MS, USA) was diluted two-foldinsterileultrapurewater(MilliQ,Millipore, Biller-ica, MA, USA) and 10␮l of each dilution (from1.0␮g/ml to0.015␮g/ml) wasaddedtoL. monocytogenes.As posi-tive controls, aliquotsof 10␮l of each target strain were alsotransferredtothewellsandaddedwith100␮lofTSB (BD)and 10␮lof sterile water. Theprepared plateswere incubatedat37◦Cfor24handgrowthwasrecordedbased onopticaldensitychanges(OD)at550nmonamicro-plate spectrophotometer(BioTekInstruments,Inc.,Winooski,VT, USA). In a separate experiment, the effect of commer-ciallyavailablepropolis(ApiculturaMilliflor,S.P.Ferros,MG, Brazil)asantimicrobialagentagainstthesameL.




506)weretestedindividuallytoassesstheirabilitytoform biofilms,consideringtheindividualandcombined


vancomycin.Biofilmdevelopmentwasassessedasdescribed by Galvão et al.13 In summary, aliquots of 20␮l of a L.




(Sigma---Aldrich,0.015---1.0␮g/ml),propolis(Apicultura Mil-liflor,non-dilutedcommercialproductto128timesdiluted) orEDTA(Sigma---Aldrich,0.15---10mM).AssociationsofBCFS


werealsotestedconsideringthesameconcentrations.Then, TSB was added in each well to complete the final vol-ume of 140␮l. Prepared microtiter plate were incubated at37◦Cfor24h.Afterincubation,culturemediawere dis-carded,andthewellsofthemicrotiterplatewerewashed withphosphate-bufferedsaline(PBS,pH7.2)threetimesto removenon-attachedcells.CellsofL.monocytogeneswere fixedbytheadditionofmethanol(Sigma---Aldrich),andair dried for 10min. In the nextstage, a crystal violet solu-tion(1%,w/v)wasadded,andafter15mintheplateswere washedwithtapwater.Afterdrying,95%ethanolwasadded toeachwell,andtheabsorbancewasmeasuredafter incu-bationfor30minatroomtemperature (=550nm,BioTek Instruments).Foreachpreparedplateappropriatecontrols wereincluded.

Thesameapproachwasconsideredtochecktheeffect of tested antibacterial substances on previously formed biofilms.TestedL.monocytogenesstrainswereinoculated individually in microtiter plates, asdescribed above,and added with TSB to complete the final volume of 140␮l perwell.After biofilmformation (37◦Cfor 24h), cultures werediscardedandBCFSfromL.plantarumST8SH,EDTA, propolis, and vancomycin were added individually or in association (as described above), beingeach well volume completedwithsterilewateruntil140␮l,andincubatedat 37◦Cfor150min.Then,thewellcontentswerediscarded, whenstainingandabsorbance procedureswereconducted asdescribed above.The same blankandpositive controls describedabove wereconsidered in this assay, aswell as theinterpretationofresults.



presenceofvirulenceandbiofilm-relatedgenes.The pres-enceofgenes inlA,inlB, inlC,inlJ,plcA, hlyA,actA,and

iapwascheckedbyPCRasdescribedbyCamargoetal.4In addition,aPCRprotocoldescribedbyBonsagliaetal.2was usedtocheckthepresenceoftheluxSgene.


Vancomycin exhibited antimicrobial activity against the


MIC wasdetermined to be around0.075␮g/ml. Based on theseresults,vancomycinwasconsideredinconcentrations ranging from 1.0 to 0.015␮g/ml in the biofilm inhibi-tionassays described above. Moreover, propolisexhibited inhibitoryactivityagainstL.monocytogenestargetstrains evenwhen diluted16times fromthecommercialproduct used.Basedontheobtainedresults,weselectedarangeof dilutions(lowerandhigherthemMIC) ofpropolisin order



toexplore theanti-Listeria effectof thisnatural product incombinationwithbacteriocinproducedbyL.plantarum


Inourstudywe haveexploredthecombination of bac-teriocinsproducedbyL.plantarumST8SHandvancomycin, propolisandEDTAinordertoavoidtheformationofbiofilms (Fig.1a---d)andinordertoeliminatealreadyformedbiofilms (Fig.1a---d)byfourL.monocytogenesstrains.Theobtained resultsdemonstratedthat bacteriocins fromL.plantarum

ST8SH,vancomycin,propolisandEDTAinhibitedbiofilm for-mationby L.monocytogenes (Fig.1a---d).In addition,the obtainedresultsshowedasynergisticeffectofbacteriocins and vancomycin, propolis or EDTA (Fig. 1a---d). However, after biofilm formation, the tested substances presented thepromisingabilitytodestroythealreadyformedbiofilm structures,despitebeingtestedinisolationorinassociation (Fig.1a---d).

Nevertheless, when we compared the effects of van-comycin, propolis and EDTA, we could clearly observe that the combined application of bacteriocins and van-comycin was more effective when compared with the combination of bacteriocin and propolis, and bacteriocin and EDTA (Fig. 1a---d). The individual application of van-comycinexhibitsbetterinhibitoryactivitywhencompared toindividual applications of propolis and EDTA; however, theassociation of thepreviously mentioned antimicrobial agents with bacteriocins resulted in better performance (Fig. 1a---d). Moreover, considering the current need to reduce the use of antimicrobial and chemical substances in food processing, propolis can represent an alternative to improve the inhibitory effect of bacteriocins against


results(Fig.1a---d).Ingeneral,highconcentrationsof bacte-riocinsproducedbyL.plantarumST8SHweremoreeffective in inhibiting biofilm formation, and similar results were observedforvancomycinandpropolis;however,EDTA con-centrationsapparentlydidnotinfluencebiofilm formation results(Fig.1a---d).

Regardingthegeneticmarkersofbiofilmformationand virulence, all tested L. monocytogenes strains presented expectedamplificationproducts for inlA,inlC,inlJ, hylA,




Antimicrobialactivityofbacteriocins producedbyL.

plan-tarum ST8SH against high number of L. monocytogenes

strains(includingtheselectedstrainsinthepresentstudy) was previously reported27. LAB bacteriocins with




ST8SH exhibit strong anti-Listeria activity27. In addition, Todorovetal.27 reportedthatL.plantarum ST8SHcarries genesforproductionofbacteriocinswithhighsimilarityto plantaricin423,apediocinPA-1familybacteriocinwith pos-sibledifferencesinamino-acidsintheC-terminalpartofthe molecule.Specificallyinthisstrain, theN-terminalofthe ‘‘pediocinbox’’ishighlyconserved,whichcanexplainthe wideactivityagainstListeriaspp.Thisanti-Listeriaactivity



BCFS produced by L. plantarum ST8SHwere used in con-centrations rangingfrom12800to25AU/mlinthebiofilm inhibitionassaysdescribedabove.

Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic inhibiting the synthesis of thebacterial cellwall. Vancomycinexhibited antimicrobialactivityagainsttheL.monocytogenesstrains considered in this study, and the MIC was determined to bearound0.075␮g/ml.Basedontheseresults,vancomycin was considered in concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 0.015␮g/mlinthebiofilminhibitionassaysdescribedabove.


whichisduetothepresenceofd-Ala---d-Lactateinits pep-tidoglycan ratherthan in the d-Ala---d-Ala dipeptide. Such resistanceisthusintrinsicinmostLABbecausetheantibiotic target isabsent andnotcomparable tothetransmissible, plasmid-encodedvancomycinresistancefoundin enterococ-cal species10. Although homofermentative lactobacilli are sensitivetovancomycin,manyL.plantarumstrainspossess intrinsicresistancetoit,duetothepresenceof d-alanine---d-alanine ligase-related enzymes11. However,vancomycin is frequentlyusedforcontrolofL.monocytogenesinfections, as previously mentioned, vancomycin couldbe applied in combination withbacteriocinogenicL.plantarum inorder tocontrolListeriaspp.contamination.Thisprocesscanbe corruptedbyseveralfactorsrelatedtotheproductionand expressionofbacteriocins,suchasavailabilityofnutrients, temperature,wateractivity,orpresenceofspecificabiotic andbioticfactors12.

Propolis exhibited inhibitory activity against L.

mono-cytogenestarget strainsevenwhendiluted16 timesfrom

thecommercialproductused.Applicationofpropolisunder this concentration can be considered safe, since higher concentrations were recommendedfor therapeutic use in pharmaceuticalpreparations.Propolisisaresinousmixture collected from honeybees from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. The biological purposeof propo-lis has never been fully understood; however, it is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive, and also asan antibacterial agent.Since propolisis anatural product, itscompositionmay varyfromhive tohive, and can differ depending on the geographical area, the sea-son andplantsthatarepollinated bybees28.The analysis ofpropolisdemonstratedthepresenceofapproximately50 constituents,primarilyresinsandvegetablebalsams(50%), waxes (30%), essential oils (10%), and pollen (5%). Dif-ferent substances were already described as constituents of propolis, and many of them, such as polyprenylated benzophenones,viscidone,naphthoquinoneepoxide, differ-ent acids, chrysin, isoflavonoidsand phenethyl ester8,22,24 presentantimicrobialactivity.Propolisalsocontains persis-tent lipophilic acaricides,a natural pesticide that deters mite infestations. However, the properties of propolis dependontheexactsourcesusedbyeachindividualhive. Scientific studies have shown that some types of

propo-lis have in vitro antibacterial activity21 and antifungal

activity3duetothepresenceofactiveconstituentsincluding flavonoids, such asgalangin8, andhydroxycinnamic acids, suchascaffeicacid22.

Inourstudywehaveexploredthecombinationof bacte-riocinsproduced by L. plantarumST8SH andvancomycin,



Bacteriocin and EDTA a



Bacteriocin and EDTA

Bacteriocin and vancomycin

Bacteriocin ST8Sh (AU/ml)

Bacteriocin and vancomycin

Bacteriocin and propolis

Bacteriocin and propolis

Bacteriocin and EDTA

Bacteriocin ST8Sh (AU/ml)

Bacteriocin ST8Sh (AU/ml)

Bacteriocin and vancomycin Bacteriocin and propolis

Bef ore After Bef ore After Bef ore After OD 550 nm OD 550 nm OD 550 nm 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x 0.015xNo propolis 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x 0.015xNo propolis 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x0.015x No propolis 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x0.015x No propolis 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x0.015x No propolis 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x 0.015xNo propolis 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 EDT A (mM), v a ncom ycin ( µ g/mL) or propolis (dilution) EDT A (mM), v ancom ycin ( µ g/mL) or propolis (dilution) EDT A (mM), v ancom ycin ( µ g/mL) or propolis (dilution)

Figure1 (a)EffectofbacteriocinST8SH(producedbyLactobacillusplantarumST8SH),EDTA,vancomycinandpropolisonbiofilm formation(pre-andpost-treatment)byListeriamonocytogenesATCC7644.(b)EffectofbacteriocinST8SH(producedby


ScottA.(c)EffectofbacteriocinST8SH(producedbyLactobacillusplantarumST8SH),EDTA,vancomycinandpropolisonbiofilm formation(pre-andpost-treatment)by Listeriamonocytogenes506.(d)EffectofbacteriocinST8SH(producedbyLactobacillus



Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:TodorovSD,etal.CombinedeffectofbacteriocinproducedbyLactobacillusplantarum 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 0.06 µg/ml0.015 µg/ml No vamcomycin 0.25 µg/ml 1.0 µg/ml 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 12800 A U/ml 6400 A U/ml 3200 A U/ml 1600 A U/ml 800 A U/ml 400 A U/ml 200 A U/ml 100 A U/ml 50 A U/ml 25 A U/ml No bac No EDTA 0.15 mM 0.62 mM 2.5 mM 10 mM 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x0.015x No propolis 1.0x 0.25x 0.06x0.015x No propolis Bef ore After OD 550 nm

Bacteriocin and EDTA


Bacteriocin and vancomycin Bacteriocin and propolis

Bacteriocin ST8Sh (AU/ml) EDT

A (mM), v ancom ycin ( µ g/mL) or propolis (dilution) Figure1 (Continued)

propolis and EDTA, in order to avoid the formation of biofilms(Fig.1a---d)andinordertoeliminatealreadyformed biofilms (Fig. 1a---d) by four L. monocytogenes strains. BiofilmsformedbyListeriaspp.strainsareusuallycomplex and stable systems, being hardly destroyed by bacteri-ocinsandweakantimicrobialagents4.Theobtainedresults demonstratedthatbacteriocins fromL.plantarum ST8SH, vancomycin,propolisandEDTAinhibitbiofilmformationby

L. monocytogenes (Fig. 1a---d). In addition, the obtained

results demonstrated a synergistic effect of bacteriocins andvancomycin, propolis andEDTA (Fig. 1a---d).However, after biofilm formation, the tested substances showed a promising ability to destroy the already formed biofilm structures,despitebeing testedin isolation or in associa-tion(Fig.1a---d).Oneofthewellacceptedmodesofaction ofEDTAisrelatedtothedisruptionofthe lipopolysaccha-ridestructure ofthebacterialmembrane:asaresult,the cellmembranebecomesmorepermeabletoother antimi-crobialagentswhenaninhibitorysynergisticeffectcanbe observed.Usually,EDTAisassociatedtodifferent antimicro-bialsubstancestoimprovetheirinhibitoryactivityagainst gram-negativebacteria,suchasPseudomonasaeruginosa17. A synergistic effect of EDTA was also recorded in asso-ciation with lysozyme, leading to the degradation of the bacterialpeptidoglycanlayer andresultinginthe produc-tionofspheroplasts,inwhichthecellwallhasbeentotally strippedaway18. Khan et al.16 investigated the combined application of nisin and EDTA against Gram-negative and Gram-positivebacteria.Camargoetal.4 demonstratedthe synergisticeffectof bacteriocins andEDTAfor controlling biofilmdevelopmentbyL.monocytogenesstrains,using dif-ferentculturemediaandgrowthtemperatures.

The L. monocytogenes strains selected in the present

study exhibited a similar behavior in biofilm formation, independentlyof the testedconditions (bacteriocins from

L. plantarum ST8SH, vancomycin, propolis and EDTA, as

singleagents or in associations,Fig. 1a---d).These results were expected, since the selected strains exhibited sim-ilar susceptibility to bacteriocins produced L. plantarum

ST8SHand vancomycin. However, whenwe compared the effectsofdifferentappliedantimicrobialagents,wecould clearly observethat the combinedapplication of bacteri-ocinsandvancomycinwasmoreeffective whencompared with the combination of bacteriocin and propolis, and bacteriocin and EDTA (Fig. 1a---d); however, this was not surprising, since both applied antimicrobial agents (van-comycinandbacteriocinproducedbyL.plantarumST8SH) areeffective anti-Listeria antimicrobials. Moreover,asan individualantimicrobialagent,vancomycinpresentsbetter inhibitoryactivitywhencomparedtoindividualapplications ofpropolisorEDTA;however,theassociationofpreviously mentioned antimicrobialagentswithbacteriocinsresulted in better performance (Fig. 1a---d). We will need to con-sider thecurrent need toreduce the useof antimicrobial and chemical substances in food processing, and in this respect, propoliscan represent an alternative toimprove the inhibitory effectof bacteriocins against L.

monocyto-genes biofilm formation, based on the obtained results

(Fig.1a---d).Itis importanttohighlight the factthat high concentrations of bacteriocins produced by L. plantarum

ST8SHweremoreeffective onbiofilm inhibition,and sim-ilar results were observed for vancomycin and propolis; however,EDTAconcentrationsapparentlydidnotinfluence theresults ofbiofilm formation (Fig.1a---d).Changetal.6 observedthattheadditionoflowEDTAconcentrationsatthe startingtimeofbiofilmformationresultedinastrongbiofilm inhibitoryeffect,buttheadditionofEDTAafter8hhadno inhibitoryeffectonbiofilmformation.Moreover,thesafety of using propolis as an alternative for controlling biofilm formation byL.monocytogenesshouldbeaddressed, asa singleanti-Listeriaagentorincombinationwithbacteriocin substances(Fig.1a---d);EDTAapplicationcanbeagood alter-native aswell;however, restrictionsshouldbeconsidered sinceitisachemicalhealingagent.

Regardingthegeneticmarkersofbiofilm formationand virulence, all tested L. monocytogenes strains presented expectedamplification productsfor inlA,inlC, inlJ,hylA,



foramplificationofinlBwererecorded.Previously,Camargo etal.4reportedthepresence ofthesegenes inmorethan


eco-logical niches.In anotherstudy,Camargoetal.4 reported thehighlyfrequentpresenceofthesegenesindifferentL.

monocytogenes strains. These genes play important roles

in virulencemechanisms.Someof them comprise Listeria

spp.pathogenicityisland-1(LIPI-1)thathasbeenrecognized asessentialtointracellularcolonization,encodingproteins suchasLLO,ActA,PlcA,PlcB,MplandPrfA.Moreover,other additionalgenesdetectedaspositiveforallisolates,arealso essentialforfullvirulencepotential9.Thecontrolofhighly virulentL.monocytogenesstrainscanbeconsideredakey pointin safetyissuesby thefoodindustry.However,once weobservedasimilarbehaviorofstrainsinbiofilmcontrol assays,andsimilarresultsofvirulenceandbiofilmgenetic markers,noassociation amongbiofilm formationand viru-lencegenescouldbeaddressed.


Similar susceptibility of biofilm formed by investigated


plan-tarum ST8SH and vancomycin (as single antimicrobial

agents)wereobservedandpresentsbetterinhibitory activ-ity when compared to individual applications of propolis or EDTA. However, a synergetic effect of combination of bacteriocin and propolis, or bacteriocin and EDTA were recorded.Presentresultsareinterestingapproachfor con-trollingbiofilm formationby L.monocytogenes.Moreover, basedontheobtainedresults,consideringthecurrentneed toreducetheuseofantimicrobialandchemicalsubstances in food processing, propolis can represent an alternative to improve the inhibitory effect of bacteriocins against


neces-sarytoaddressthesafetyofusingpropolisasanalternative for controlling biofilm formation byL. monocytogenes,as singleanti-Listeriaagentorincombinationwithbacteriocin substances.







Protection of human and animal subjects.The authors declarethatnoexperimentswereperformedonhumansor animalsforthisstudy.

Confidentialityofdata.Theauthorsdeclarethatnopatient dataappearinthisarticle.

Right to privacy and informed consent.The authors declarethatnopatientdataappearinthisarticle.


This work has been supported by grants from FAPEMIG, CAPESandCNPq.


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