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A note on learning chaotic sunspot equilibrium


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❊♥s❛✐♦s ❊❝♦♥ô♠✐❝♦s

❊s❝♦❧❛ ❞❡


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✭❊♥s❛✐♦s ❊❝♦♥ô♠✐❝♦s❀ ✹✷✸✮

■♥❝❧✉✐ ❜✐❜❧✐♦❣r❛❢✐❛✳


sunspot equilibrium

AloisioP. Araujo 1

and Wilfredo L. Maldonado 2


EPGE/FGVand IMPA,Caixa Postal 34021 Jardim Bot^anio,

CEP 22470-050 , RJ, BRASIL



CEP 24210-510, RJ, BRASIL

Summary. In this paper we prove onvergene to haoti sunspot equilibrium through

two learning rules used in the bounded rationality literature. The rst one shows the

onvergene ofthe atualdynamis generatedbysimple adaptive learningrulesto a


this stationary measure is absolutely ontinuous it results in a robust onvergene to the

stohasti equilibrium. The seond one is based on the E-stability riterion for testing

stability of rational expetations equilibrium, we show that the onditional probability

distribution dened by the sunspot equilibrium is expetational stable under a

reason-able updating rule of this parameter. We also report some numerial simulations of the

proesses proposed.

JEL Classiation Numbers: C61, E32

1. Introdution

Convergene of the dynamis generated by learning proesses is the subjet of many

papers in the intertemporal eonomyliterature (Chatterji (1995), Evans and Honkapohja

(1994,1995), Grandmont (1998), Guesnerie and Woodford (1991) and Woodford (1990)).

They developed methods (adaptive, reursive, Bayesian) for learning dierent types of

equilibria (steady states, yles and sunspots equilibria) whih are based on the feedbak

that the learning rule generates in the strutural equations. In this note we show two

types of onvergene to a sunspot equilibrium having an absolutely ontinuous invariant


stationary sunspot equilibrium, namely the reurrent behaviour of the atual dynamis

denes a probability distribution whih is lose to the stationary measure of the sunspot

equilibrium; in this sense we an say that the learning rule \onverges" to the sunspot

equilibrium. The seond type of onvergene results from the expetational stability of

the onditional probabilities of the sunspot equilibrium. The expetational stability of a


as a seletion riterion of that type of equilibria. Speially, this onept haraterizes

the stability of some parameters whih dene the rational expetation equilibrium under

instantaneous orretions by some spei rule and the strutural equations.

The types of sunspot equilibria we will onsider in this work were proved to exist in


map exhibits ergodi haos (see Majumdar and Mitra (1994)) it means that there exists

an absolutely ontinuous invariant and ergodi measure for it. Sometimes this measure is

alled \empirial", \observable" or \physial" (de Melo and van Strien (1993)). Here we

willdesribe themainresultsontheexistene ofthesetypesofsunspotequilibria(that we



and Soderstrom (1983); with this learning rule he obtained onvergene to the (nite)

support of the onsidered SE from any initial state lose to this support, so agents an

learn the (support of the) sunspot. In this paper we will prove that for almost all initial

state in a large interval: i) the agents an learn the stationaryprobability measure of the


probabilitydistributionofthatequilibriumifupdatingisinnotionalorvirtualtime. Inthis

sensethispaperwillprovidea theoretialfundationfor onsideringahaotideterministi

equilibriumasbeingastohastione(Hommes,vanStrienanddeVilder (1994),deVilder


This paper is divided in seven setions. In setion 2 we present the general framework

andshowtheonditionsfor existeneof haotisunspotequilibrium. In setion3wemake

a review of one-dimensional dynamial systems for unimodal maps whih will be used in

the next setion. In setion 4 we show OLG models with the type of sunspot equilibrium

onstruted insetion 2. In setion 5 we show a learning proess that generatesan atual

omplex dynamis whih mimis the SSE and in setion 6 we prove the expetational

stability of the onditional probabilities of the haoti sunspot equilibrium. Conlusions

are given in setion 7and the proofs are ontained in the appendix.

2. Chaoti sunspot equilibrium

Let X < n

be the state variable set and B(X) denote the Borel sets of X. The

equilibrium ondition of our model is represented by the zeros of the funtion:


Z : X P(X) ! < n


where P(X) = f : B(X) ! [0;1℄= is a probabilitymeasureg. We will all this map

a stohasti exess demand funtion beause in some models ~ Z(x




state variableis . Most of theoverlapping generations(OLG) models have thisstruture

and we are allowingfor no perfet prevision in general.

Thedeterministiexess demand funtion is: Z : XX ! < n

dened byZ(x 0 ;x 1 )= ~ Z(x 0 ;Æ x1 ).

In models that admit a representative agent there exists some type of linearity in the

rationalizing measures in the sense that they form a onvex set. For these ases we have

the next

(CVR)Property: Thestohastiexessdemandfuntion


Z hastheonvexvaluednessof

rationalizing measures (CVR) property if 8x 2X; 8 1

; 2

2P(X) suh that ~ Z(x; 1 )= ~ Z(x; 2

)=0 and 82[0;1℄we have ~



+(1 )

2 ) =0.

Sinewe will look for Markovian equilibria, let us remember that a transition funtion

dened on X is a funtion Q : X B(X) ! [0;1℄ suh that: i) 8x 2 X Q(x;:) 2 P(X)

and ii) 8A2B(X) Q(:;A)is a measurable funtion.

Denition 2.1.- Asunspot equilibrium (SE) is a pair (X 0

;Q) where X 0

X and Q is a

transition funtion on X 0

suh that:

i)9x 0



suh that Q(x 0

;:) is not a Dira measure(it is truly stohasti).

ii)8x 2X 0



We are following the Chiappori and Guesnerie (1991) struture. They ompare this

denitionwith thestandard versionof the sunspot equilibrium onept. Woodford (1986)

presents another form for the sunspot equilibrium sine his exess demand depends on

\theories" fromthe total historyof the extrinsis.

Denition 2.2.- Asunspot equilibrium (X 0

;Q) is alled stationary (SSE) if there exists

2P(X) with support equal to X 0 suh that (A)= Z X 0

Q(x;A)(dx) 8A2B(X

0 ):

So, if a SE is stationary then the stohasti proess generated by the measure and

the transition funtion Q is a stationaryMarkov proess.

In orderto makethe onetionbeetween theexistene of SSEwith apositiveLebesgue



Denition 2.3.- A bakward perfet foresight (bpf) map is a funtion : X ! X suh

that: Z((x);x)=0 ; 8x2X.

This denition was also used by Grandmont (1986). It is easy to see that if (x t

) t0


a sequene suh that x t

= (x


) 8t 0 then it is a perfet foresight equilibrium. The

followingtheorem shows thatif the bpf map hasergodihaos then thereexistsa SSE for

the eonomy.

Theorem2.4. Supposethat ~

Z has theCVR property and thebpf map :X !X (where

X =[0;a℄)isaunimodalmapwith(0)=0. LetX 1

(X 2

)be theinterval whereisstritly

inreasing (dereasing) and suppose that the maps f : X ! X 1

and g : X ! X 2


C loal inverses of . If 9 2 P[0;1℄; << suh that is -invariant, then we have

that the following proess is a SSE:



d (x)Æ

f(x) (A)+


d (x)Æ


(A) ;x2supp():

The proof of theorem 2.4 in a more general setting is given in Araujo and Maldonado



Remarks: If the measure is ergodi, the Birkho theoremimplies:

N = 1 N N 1 X n=0 Æ n (x) ! N!1

; a:e:x;

(the onvergene is in the weak topology). Therefore with the bakward perfet foresight

trajetory from -almost initial state we an obtain the histograms orresponding to the



(the empirial measures) and they will approximate the density

(Radon-Nikodym derivative) of with respet to the Lebesgue measure (when << ). These

histogramsareonstrutedbytakingpartitions(I i

) 0in

,so anapproximationof(I i )is: N (I i )=

#fj; x j

2I i

; 0j N g

N +1


3. Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai measures for unimodal maps

This setion is devoted to desribe in whih ases a unimodal map has an absolutely

ontinuous invariant measure. Let X =[0;a℄ be a non-trivial interval.

A map : X ! X is alled unimodal if has a unique interior loal (maximum)


If is the loal extremumof a unimodal map, we will all itnon-at if there existsa

C 2

loal dieomorphism h suh thath()=0 and (x)=()jh(x)j

, for some 2.

For example, if is C 1

with some derivative non-zero at then is a non-at ritial


TheShwarzian derivative of 2C 3

is dened by:

S(x)= 000 (x) 0 (x) 3 2 ( 00 (x) 0 (x) ) 2 ; if 0

(x) 6=0:

Let us onsider thefollowing set of funtions:

F =f2C


(X); is a unimodalmap with non-at extremum;S<0; (0)=0; 0


Givena funtion :X !X, we dene the !-limit setof theorbit from x2X as:

!(x)=fy 2X;there existsa subsequene n i


n i


In other words it is the set of aumulation points of the sequene f n

(x)g n0

. The

next theoremharaterizesthe !-limitset of Lebesgue almostall pointsof the interval. It


a:e:x. Moreover A is either a nite union of intervals or has Lebesgue measure zero.

Furthermore, if has an attrating periodi orbit then Ais this periodi orbit.

Asnoted in setion 2, if the measure is ergodi we an use the bakward trajetory to

estimate the stationary distribution. We will in fat workwith the onept of a \visible"

measure (also alled a Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai measure) where the bakward trajetory an

be used to estimate the stationary distribution from initial values in some set of positive

Lebesgue measure.

Denition 3.2.- Let : X !X and a -invariant probabilitymeasure. We say that

is a Bowen-Ruelle-Sinai (B-R-S) measure if there exists B X with (B) >0 suh that

for all x 2B:



N 1


n=0 Æ


(x) ! N!1

in the weak topology

i.e. for all F 2C 0

(X): 1 N


N 1




(x)) !

N!1 R



Thedierene between ergodi and B-R-Smeasures is that for the former theBirkho

theoremholdsjustfor theelementsinthesupportofthemeasureanditanhaveLebesgue

measure zero (for example, if the support of the measure is a yle) on the other hand

B-R-S measures satises the ergodi (Birkho) theorem for a set with positive Lebesgue

measure (a visibleset).

The next theorem gives onditions for the existene of B-R-S measures of funtions in

F. Itis provedin de Melo-van Strien (1993).

Theorem 3.3. if 2F, then:

1)There is at most one B-R-S measure.

2)If << and is -invariantthen:

i) is a B-R-S measure for and (B)=(X) (B as in denition 3.5).

ii)The unique set A given in theorem 3.4 is a nite union of transitive intervals (J is

a transitive interval if there exists N >0 suh that N

(J)\J 6=fg).

iii) The support of is equal to Aand is equivalent to j A


Theseond part of thetheorem above saysthat it is suÆient to nd an invariant and

absolutely ontinuous (with respet to the Lebesgue measure)measure for obtaininga

B-R-S measurewhihis supported ina unionof transitive intervals. The followingtheorems

state onditions for existene of absolutely ontinuous invariant measures.

Keller (1990) proved that there exists an absolutely ontinuous invariant probability

measure if and only if has a positive Liapounovexponent in almost every point and in

this wayrelated the existene of suh measures with the \haotiity"of .

Theorem 3.4. If 2F then there exists

2< suh that for almost every x:

=limsup 1


logjD n



lim 1 n logjD n (x)j. 2)

<0 , has an hyperboli periodi attrator.

Inthefollowingsetionwewillshowthatalassof OLGmodelshasunimodalbpfmaps

assoiated with its stohasti exess demand and we analyze in whih ases it has B-R-S

measures for obtaining the SSE.

4. An OLG eonomy with haoti SE

In this setion we will show a spei eonomy that exhibit haoti SE for some set

of parameters. We will onsider the overlapping generations model with money transfer,

subsidies and publi expenditures treated in Grandmont (1986). The agents live two

periods andhave separable utilityfuntion V 1

( 1

)+V 2

( 2

) where t

is theonsumption of

theunique goodatage t=1;2and V i ()= 1 i =(1 i ); i

>0; i=1;2. Supposethat

oneunitofthegoodisproduedwithoneunitoftheuniqueprodutivefator(labor). The

agent's endowments at eah age t =1;2 are l 1

> 0 and l 2

> 0 and let =V 0 1 (l 1 )=V 0 2 (l 2 ). Dene: s t = M t 1 z t +S t M t 1 z t ; d t = M t 1 z t +S t +G t M t 1 z t : whereM t 1

>0represents the moneystokattheend of theperiodt 1,z t

isthe money

transfer fator (z t

1is thenominalinterestrate), S t

is thesubsidy andG t

isthe amount

of money issuedwhenthegovernment purhases(or sells)somequantityof thegood. The

dynami of themoney supply is given by the equation:

M t =M t 1 z t +S t +G t or M t =M t 1 z t d t ; M 0 given: s t and d t

are exogenous variables and we suppose s t

=s;d t

=d for all t.

Now let us analyze the agent's deision problem. Let p t

be the prie of the good in

period 1 and p t+1

the (random) prie of the good in period 2. Then the agent must

hose onsumptionplans


(deterministi), t+1

(random)and money demandm soas to


V 1

( t

)+E[V 2

( t+1


with the budget onstraints:

p t



t l 1 p t+1 t+1 =p t+1 l 2 +mz t +S t+1 :

The rst order onditionfor this problem (when themoney demandis positive) is:

1 p t V 0 1 (l 1 m p t


t x t = M t p t ; v 1

(x)=xV 0 1

(l 1

x) ; v 2

(x) =xV 0 2 (l 2 +x);

then we will havethe equation (1)equivalent to:

v 1

(x t

) =E[s 1 v 2 (sd 1 x t+1 )℄

(we have used M t z t+1 =d 1 M t+1

andtherefore M t z t+1 +S t+1 =sd 1 M t+1 ).

Remember that the expetedvalue is taken with respet to the probability measure of

x t+1

(orp t+1

)whih istheagent'sexpetationsofthefuturepries. Inthis asetheexess

demand funtion is:


Z(x;)=v 1 (x) E [s 1 v 2 (sd 1 x 0 )℄ =x(l 1 x) 1 E [d 1 x 0 (l 2 +sd 1 x 0 ) 2 ℄;

andithasthe(CVR)propertygivenindenition2.2. Thebakwardperfetforesightmap

is (x) = v 1 1 (s 1 v 2 (sd 1

x)), sine v 1

is stritly inreasing. In the following lemma we

give the parameter setthat guarantees 2F (see setion 3).

Lemma 4.1. If d

< 1, 1

2(0;1℄ and 2

2[2;+1) then 2F.

Finally, in orderto determineif thereexists aninvariant B-R-S measure (seedenition

3.2)wehaveto testthe onditiongivenin theorem3.4. Thefollowingtheorem shows how

it an be done.

Theorem 4.2. If the hypothesis of lemma 4.1 holds and

= limsup 1 n

jD n

(x)j > 0 ,

a:e then there exists SSE whose invariant measure is an absolutely ontinuous B-R-S


Theproof of this theoremfollows from theorem2.4 and theorem 3.4. Thetable bellow

gives estimates of

for some values of 1



and the orresponding histograms of

thefuntion . Theintervalin thex-axiswherethedynamis takesplaeis[0;x

℄. In this

interval we take a partition and estimate the frequeny of any orbit in eah interval. The

vertial axis shows these frequenies. So the histograms show an approximation for the

density of the invariant measure . Also we an note that for

> 0 the support of the

invariant measure is all the interval whereas for

<0 the support is an attrative yle.

In the seond ase there existsa nite SSE lose to the yle as proved byAzariadis and

Guesnerie (1986).

5. The onvergene of a learning proess to the haoti SSE

In Araujo and Maldonado (2000) it was proved that the haoti sunspot equilibrium

anbelearnedbyagentsif: i)They knowthe deterministiharateristisof theeonomy

(funtions f and g) and the state variable is following the perfet foresight path given

by the dynamial system x t

= (x




=R (z)Æ f(z)

+(1 R (z))Æ


whereR (z)istherelativefrequenyinanysubinterval

of the points in the path (x 0

;:::;x t 1

;x t

= z) wih remains in I 1

(interval where is

inreasing); it results that R t

(z) ! dÆ f(z)=d almost surely when t ! 1. ii) The

eonomy is followingthe stationary equilibrium given by the haoti SSE, i.e. if the state

variableisarandomproess(~x t

) t0

givenby(Q;)(Prob[~x t+1

2Aj~x t


Prob[~x t

2 A℄ = (A)); in this ase the onvergene of R t

(z) results using the stohasti

ergodi theorem.

Inthissetionwewillprovideanadaptivelearningproesses thatallowsonvergeneto

the haoti SSE inthe sense that theatual dynamis mimis the haoti SSE. Woodford

(1990)proposedan adaptivelearningproessbased onthe stohastiapproximation

algo-rithmof RobinsandMonro(1951)forobtainingonvergenetothesupportoftheniteSE

heonsidered. Itisworthnotingthatsuhamethodusesthedeterminististrutureofthe

modeland the \projetion faility"desribed in Maret and Sargent (1989) for obtaining


a(probablysmall)neighborhoodof thesteadystate,whileourlearningproesses onverge

to a SE whose support has positive Lebesgue measure for any initial ondition in a total

Lebesgue measureset.

Alsoweprovide aproof of theexpetationalstability(ES)of the onditional

probabili-tiesof thehaotiSSE.Expetationalstabilityof someparameterwhih denesarational

expetation equilibrium means that this equilibrium is stable for the dynamis generated

by the instantaneous orretions (in notional or virtual time) of this parameter. Suh a

onept was used for example by Evans and Honkapohja (1995) and Guesnerie (1993) in

dierentontextsbuttheideais thesame: Ifwesuppose someinitialvalueof the


give us a orretion of it. If the dynamis dened in this way onverges to some rational

expetationequilibriumthenwe willsaythatsuhanequilibrium isexpetationalystable.


Grand-mont (1998)). Let X be the state variable set. A learning proess is a sequene ( t ) t1 suh that t :X t

!P(X) and it anbe interpreted in the followingway: Ifthe eonomy

followed the path (x 0

;:::;x t 1

) then in period t agents will formulate expetations about

the state variable in period t+1 with t

(x 0

;:::;x t 1


The strutural equation is ~ Z(x

t ;


) = 0, so the atual dynamis under the learning

proess ( t

) t1

is given by:

~ Z(x t ; t (x 0 ;:::;x

t 1 ))=0

Let :[0;a℄![0;a℄be the bpf mapassoiated to ~ Z.

Learning proess onverging to haoti SSE:

Supposethefollowinglearningproess: t

(x 0

;:::;x t 1

)=Æ x

t 1

. Inthislearningproess

agents update expetations in a very simple way, they put the probability of the next

period state onentrated in the last observation. This an be seen as a limit of the

proess x e t+1

= x

t 1

+(1 )x

e t 1

when ! 1. In this ase the atual dynamis

follows the bakward trajetory fromx 0

(theinitial state), i.e. the atual dynamis holds

x t



notstable(inthesensethat theydonotonvergetosomeyle). ForanintervalI [0;a℄

we an dene the average time of a trajetory starting fromx 0

in I as:

x 0 ;N (I)= ℄fi= i (x 0

)2I; i=0;:::;N 1g



like a SSE desribed in theorem 2.4.

Theorem 5.1. Suppose that the bpf map 2F and ithas a positive Liapounov exponent

for almost every initial state. Then the average time of any atual trajetory in any I

[0;a℄ generated by the adaptive learning proess x e t+1

=x t 1

onvergesto the Prob[x~ t


where (~x t

) t0

is the stationary proess generated by Q and of theorem 2.4.

Allthenumerialsimulationsshowingin thefollowing gureswere madefor the model

given insetion 4 with thefollowing parameters: 1

=0:21, 2

=6:5, l 1

=3:51,l 2


and s = d = 1. Figure 1 shows the histogram dened by the invariant measure , it is

obtainedbytheatualdynamisgeneratedbythestruturalequation ~ Z(x

t ;



the learning proess x e t+1

= x

t 1

. Figures 2 and 3 show the atual dynamis using the

learning rule x e t+1

= x

t 1

+(1 )x

e t 1

for = 0:997 and 0:99 respetively. Itis worth

noting that the frequenies are very sensitive to variations from = 1. Finally gure 4

resultsfromusingthefollowinglearningrulex e t+1 = t x t 1 +(1 t )x e t 1

for=1 (1=t).

It isalsoomputed theLiapounovexponentandtheL 1

distanebetween thedensitywith

=1 and the densities for theother ases.

6. Expetational stability of haoti SSE

Suppose that agents know the deterministi harateristis of the eonomy, it means

that if there is no unertainty with respet to the next period state x t+1

then the agents

willhoosex t




But if is a unimodal map then there existsanother x 0 t+1

suh that x t


0 t+1

). In an

unertainty world the individuals would like to know the probabilities of x t+1

and x 0 t+1

beause these states will make the individuals to hoose x t

. Speially, for eah x 2 C

(C with positive Lebesgue measure) the agents want to know (x) 2 (0;1) suh that

(x;(x)Æ f(x)

+(1 (x))Æ


) is a temporary equilibrium. Of ourse, any value of (x)

will giveus the desiredresult, but we willshow that(x)=dÆf(x)=d isexpetational

stableif theupdatingof theseonditionalprobabilitiesismadeinthefollowingreasonable

way. Let us remember thatX 1

and X


are thesubintervals of [0;a℄where is monotone.

Let (J n

) n

be a regular partition of [0;a℄.

In period one, the only information that agents have is x 0

, then the expetation for

period 2 is made by 2

= Æ

x 0

. This expetation, when substituted in the strutural

equation v 1

(x 1

) = E

2 [v

2 (x


)℄ results in x 1

= (x


). By indution, with the following

information x=(x 0

;x 1

;:::;x t 1

) individuals takeas expetations for periodt+1,


(x)=(x)Æ xt


+(1 (x))Æ

xt 1+ ~t


t t

and support and the probabilities are given by:


℄fi=x i

2J n

; x i 1



; i=0;:::;t 2g

℄fi=x i

2J n

; i=0;:::;t 1g

; x 0

2J n


Itmustbeinterpretedastherelativefrequenyofthepointsinthepathx=(x 0

;x 1

;:::;x t 1


whih omefromthe interval X 1

. Itisimportant tonote thatinthis ase (asin theusual

analysis of expetational stability)t is a notional or virtual time, so what agents want to

know is the onditionalprobabilities of Æ f(x0)

and Æ g(x0)


Theorem 6.1. Suppose that the bpf map given in setion 4 = v 1 1

(s 1

v 2

(sd 1

:)) 2 F

and it has a positive Liapounov exponent for almost every initial state. Let (J n

) n


a regular partition of [0;a℄ and ( ~ t

) t

an independent and identially distributed random

sequene with zero mean and support . Then the SSE (;Q) is expetational stable if

the orretions of the onditional probabilities are dened by (2) and (3) in the sense that

(x) !

dÆf d

(x 0

) when t ! 1, ! 0 and the norm of the partition (J n

) n

onverges to

zero for all x 0

in a total Lebesgue measure subset of [0;a℄.

The theorem 6.1 shows we an obtain onvergene to the haoti SSE in the sense

of expetational stability (Evans and Honkaphoja (1995)). Figure 5 shows the funtion

dÆf=d alulated fromthe measure and the funtion f and gures 6, 7 and 8shows

the \limits" of the sequenes for = 0;0:001 and 0:01 respetively. It is also reported

the L 1

distane between these funtions.

7. Conlusions

In this work we show two dierent ways of obtaining onvergene to what we all a

haoti sunspot equilibrium. First of all we do an exposition of this type of sunspot

equilibrium and we give onditions for its existene. After this we onsider a lass of

overlapping generations modelsthat an exhibit haoti sunspot equilibrium.

In the last setion we provide two stability results of the haoti SSE. The rst one

shows that the atual dynamis generated by a simple adaptive learning rule lead almost

all atual trajetory to a haoti path whih desribes the stationary equilibrium given

by the haoti SSE. It was made when the gain of past observation is one but we provide

some numerial examples showing thatit holdswhen thegain is very loseto one. In this

sense suh a learning rule an serve as a theoretial justiation of how omplex learning

equilibria an mimi stohasti equilibnria (Christiano and Harrison (1996), de Vilder


Theseond one proves the expetationalstabilityof the haoti SSE, it meansthat

in-stantaneous orretions of theonditional expetationsonvergesto the onditional

prob-ability of the haoti SSE. We an say that both results are robust in the sense that the

onvergene is for almost all initial point in the support of the SSE whih has a positive


Proofoftheorem2.4. LetusseethatÆf andÆgareabsolutely ontinuous withrespet

to and dÆf=d + dÆg=d = 1 for all x; a:e:.

IfB 2B([0;a℄)is suh that (B)=0 then ( 1

(B)=0. But 1


then Æ f(B)= Æ g(B)=0. AlsoifA2B([0;a℄)thewehavethat(A) = Æ f(A) + Æ g(A)


Æf(A)= Z




(x)(dx) and Æg(A)= Z



d (x)(dx) so: (A)= Z A (







then dÆf=d + dÆg=d = 1 for all x; a:e:.

Sine Z(x;f(x)) = Z(x;g(x)) = 0 for all x it results from the CVR property that

Q(x;:) = dÆf d (x)Æ f(x) + dÆg d (x)Æ g(x)

is suh that ~

Z(x;Q(x;:)) = 0. For Q being a SE

we need to prove that dÆf


(x) > 0 and dÆg


(x) > 0 for all x; a:e:. For proving

this it is suÆient that << Æf and << Æg, beause from the rst step these

measures will be equivalent. Let A2B(X) suh that Æf(A)=0 then (f(A))=0 and

therefore (f(A))=0 beauseof is equivalentto restritedto thesupport of (whih

is -invariant) and we an onsider Asupp(). By dierentiability:

(f(A))= Z

A jdet(f


(z))j(dz) ;

hene (A) = 0. Then (g(A)) = 0, so by (A) = Æf(A)+Æg(A) = 0, therefore

<<Æf and <<Æg.

Finally letus prove the stationarity. For A2B([0;a℄):



Q(x;A)(dx)= Z



d (x)Æ f(x) (dx) + Z [0;a℄


d (x)Æ g(x) (dx) = Z [0;a℄ 1 f 1 (A)

(x)Æf(dx) + Z [0;a℄ 1 g 1 (A)


=Æf(f 1

(A))+Æg(g 1

(A))=(A\X 1

)+(A\X 2

)=(A): Q.E.D.

Proof of lemma 4.1. Note that in this ase : [0;+1) ! [0;l 1

) beause v 1

: [0;l 1

) !

(0;+1). Itis easy to see that(0)=0 and:

v 0 1

((x)) 0

(x)= d 1 v 0 2 (sd 1 x) (2) therefore 0

(0) =(d )


> 1. From (2) we an observe that every ritial point of v 2

is a

ritial point of then(putting y =sd 1

x) we need to nd y

>0 suh that:

v 0 2


)=V 0 2 (l 2 +y

)+y V 00 2 (l 2 +y


l 2 +y y =R 2 (l 2 +y )= 2 (3)




Then there existsa unique y

whih satises (3). Furthermore,from (2):

v 0 2

(y)=V 00 2 (l 2 +y)[1 y l 2 +y 2 ℄: Now V 00 2

<0 and the term in brakets is stritlydereasing and vanishes at y

. Therefore


is a loal (in fat global) maximum. Finally from(2):

v 00 1 ((x))( 0 (x)) 2 +v 0 1 ((x)) 00

(x) =sd 2 v 00 2 (sd 1 x):

Replaing x = x = s 1 dy demostrates 00 (x

)< 0; therefore is a unimodal map and

its ritial point is non-at.

Sinev 1

Æ=s 1

v 2

Æ(sd 1

) we obtain fromproperties of Shwarzian derivative:

(Sv 1 Æ)( 0 ) 2

+S=(Sv 2 Æ(sd 1 ))(sd 1 ) 2 ;

hene S<0 and nally 2F.Q.E.D.

Proof of theorem 5.1. From the hypotheses, the invariant measure is a B-R-S measure,

so for anyI 2[0;a℄:


0 ;N

(I)!(I); when N !+1; x



But fromstationarity (I)=Prob[x~ t


Proofoftheorem6.1. Considerthestruturalmodelgiveninsetion4: v 1

(x t

)= E t+1 [v 2 (~x t+1 )℄

(wherewe aredropping theonstants for simpliity). Let us analise theatual law of

mo-tion indued by (2)and (3):

In period t=1 it results v 1

(x 1

)=v 2

(x 0

) or x 1



). In period t =2we have:

v 1

(x 2

)=(x 0 ;x 1 )v 2 (x 1

)+(1 (x

0 ;x 1 ))v 2 (x 1 + 2 )=v

2 (x


)+(1 (x

0 ;x 1 ))v 0 2 (x 1 + 2 ) 2 this implies: x 2 =v 1 1 (v 2 (x 1

))+(1 (x

0 ;x 1 ))v 0 2 (x 1 + 2 )(v 1 1 ) 0 (p) 2

where p depends on x 0

;x 1

and 2

. In general wewill have the followingdynamis:

x t+1 =(x t )+ t+1

this is the small random perturbation of the dynamial system x t+1

= (x


). Under the

assumptions of this theorem, Baladi and Viana (1995) proved that the invariant measure

generatedbytheMarkovianproessx~ t+1


t )+~



when thesupportof theperturbation goesto zero;so the atualonditionalprobability


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