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Colégio dos Santos Anjos Avenida Iraí, 1330 Planalto Paulista A Serviço da Vida por Amor


Academic year: 2021

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Colégio dos Santos Anjos

Avenida Iraí, 1330 – Planalto Paulista

www.colegiosantosanjos.g12.br “A Serviço da Vida por Amor” Curso: Ensino Médio Ano: Componente Curricular: INGLÊS Professor (a): Mariana Strelow Data

Nome do (a) Aluno (a): Número: Nota


 Retomar os conteúdos e atividades que não foram totalmente compreendidos e assimilados durante o 1º bimestre.

2- Orientações

 Revise os conteúdos atentamente;

 Consulte o dicionário sempre que necessário;

 Ao reler e estudar a matéria, escreva suas dúvidas e tire - as com o/a professor (a) nas aulas de Recuperação Intermediária, semana de 05 a 08 de agosto, no período da tarde. O horário de aulas será entregue na 1ª semana de agosto.

 Aproveite o mês de julho para estudar e para recuperar os conteúdos nos quais você teve mais dificuldade.

 Refaça os exercícios do livro, do caderno, e das folhas avulsas com dedicação para que seu desempenho melhore no decorrer do ano.

 Lembre – se que, conforme consta no nosso Regimento, “Será encaminhado à

Recuperação Intermediária o aluno que, ao final do 1° semestre, obtiver menos de 12 (doze) pontos na somatória dos dois primeiros bimestres, em cada componente curricular. A média obtida nesse processo e que substituirá a menor nota registrada em um dos dois bimestres mencionados não será superior a 6,0 (seis). É dado o direito ao aluno de fazer as avaliações em no máximo três disciplinas no Ensino Fundamental e quatro no Ensino Médio”.

 A média será composta por uma lista de exercícios / atividades, que valerá de 0 a 4,0 pontos, e pela avaliação escrita, que valerá de 0 a 6,0 pontos.

 Data de entrega da lista de exercícios / atividades: 05/08/2013. 3- Conteúdos

 Gramática

o Simple Past e Past Continuous (páginas 12 e 18) o Modal Verbs (página 24)

o Present Perfect Simple (página 30) 4- Lista de exercícios / atividades


 Simple Past and Past Continuous

1) Use the Simple Past structure to write the ideas below. There is an example for you:

Example: When / you / leave / the party?

When did you leave the party?

a- When / they / finish / the exams?

_____________________________________________________________ b- I / wait / for an hour / but / he / not / call

_____________________________________________________________ c- You / watch / the news on TV last night?

_____________________________________________________________ d- Mark / stop / smoking last month / and / he / start / playing tennis again.


2) Use the Past Continuous structure to complete the sentences:

a- It ____________________ (snow) when I left home this morning.

b- I tried to explain my problem to her, but she ________________________ (not / listen)

c- He ___________________ (talk) on the phone when I arrived.

d- A lot of people _______________________ (wait) for the 7:30 bus last night. e- I ____________________ (live) in London when I met them.

f- I almost had an accident this morning. A car ___________________ (come) towards me, but I moved quickly out of the way.

g- At the end of the first half of the game, they _____________________ (win) h- It was a sunny afternoon and people ___________________________ (sit)

on the grass in the park.

i- Which hotel __________________________ (you / stay) in when you lost your passport?

j- Fortunately, I ___________________________ (not / drive) too fast when the child walked into the road in front of me.


3) Read the information given below. Use the Simple Past and the Past

Continuous and the words “while” and “when” to rewrite them in one sentence. There is an example for you:

Example: The police (arrive). I (have) breakfast.

The police arrived while I was having breakfast.

a- The storm (start) They (drive) home.

_____________________________________________________________ b- I (see) an accident.

I (wait) for the bus.

_____________________________________________________________ c- Mary (go) to several concerts.

She (stay) in London.

_____________________________________________________________ d- My father (cook) dinner.

He (burn) his finger.

_____________________________________________________________ e- The soldiers (prepare) to leave.

The bomb (explode)


4) Complete the sentences using the Simple Past and the Past Continuous: a- Beethoven ________________ (write) nine symphonies.

He ___________________ (write) another symphony when he died.

b- Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He ______________ (make) the first one in five minutes. He __________________ (make) the second one when his guests ___________________ (arrive).

c- The artist Gaudi __________________ (design) several houses in

Barcelona, Spain. Later he _________________ (start) work on a church. He ______________________ (work) on the church when he ___________ (die)

d- Last month a bank robber _____________________ (escape) while the police ___________________ (take) him to prison. Later they ___________ (catch) him again, and this time they ________________ (lock) him up without any problem.


 Modal Verbs

1) Read the sentences below and identify what they represent. Use the information from the box below. Analyze the example given:

asking for advice giving an order making a suggestion

asking permission inviting offering food

expressing a wish making a request offering to help

Example: Will you have a piece of cake? – offering food

a- May I sit down? - ____________________________

b- You must report to me every day. - ________________________________ c- What jobs should I apply for? - __________________________________ d- Would you like to spend the day with us? - __________________________ e- Must I do the washing-up? - ____________________________

f- Might we sit outside? - ____________________________

g- Could you fill in this form, please? - _______________________________ h- We really must have a nice big party. - _____________________________

2) Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. There is an example for you:

Example: Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may)

Susan may know the address.

a- I imagine this is a terrible experience for you. (must)

_____________________________________________________________ b- It is possible that Joanne will not come. (might)

_____________________________________________________________ c- It’s impossible for Martin to go jogging in this weather. (can’t)

_____________________________________________________________ d- It is a good idea for you to take some time off. (should)


 Present Perfect

1) Use the Present Perfect Simple structure to rewrite the ideas in parentheses. There is an example for you:

Example: He is late again. (How many times / he / arrive / late / this month?)

How many times has he arrived late this month?

a- What a good week! (We / do / everything / on time)

_____________________________________________________________ b- I don’t have any money left. (How much money / you / spend / this week?)

_____________________________________________________________ c- Jane’s party was a success! (Who / Jane / invite?)

_____________________________________________________________ d- I am very tired. (I / paint / three walls / today)

_____________________________________________________________ 2) Five friends have just finished some jobs. Look at the table:

Complete the dialogues using the Present Perfect Simple. Take a look at the example:

Example: Paul: Neil, why are you sweating? Neil: Because I have swept the floor.

Paul: Oh, I see. What about Rachel? Has she finished her job? Neil: Yes, Rachel has cut the grass.

a- Rachel: Paul, why are your hands so soft?

Paul: Because I ________________________________________________ b- Tim: Are the onions ready to be fried?

Rachel: Yes, Carol _____________________________________________ c- Neil: Rachel, you look tired.

Rachel: That’s because I ________________________________________ d- Carol: Tim, your hands are very cold.

Tim: Yes, I ____________________________________________________

Activity Result

Neil sweep the floor he is sweating

Rachel cut the grass she is tired

Paul do the washing-up he has soft hands

Carol peel the onions she has red eyes


3) Explique quais são os quatro momentos nos quais o Present Perfect Simple é usado. Dê um exemplo para cada momento e explique como é a estrutura gramatical deste tempo verbal:


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