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Ciênc. saúde coletiva vol.10 suppl. en a01v10s0


Academic year: 2018

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New Goals for the Future ofCiência & Saúde Coletiva

This special issue ofCiência & Saúde Coletivaclearly demonstrates that the journal is cele-bra ting its 10t ha n n ivers a ry with robust growth and dy n a m i s m . In clu ded are ei ght arti cl e s on health and the environment, followed by a series of topics related to the understanding of policies and re s ponses by soc i ety to health and disease proce s s e s . Al t h o u gh the arti cl e s are being published more slowly than we would have liked, this can be viewed as a positive s i gn of the growth in the journ a l . This abu n d a n ce of a rti cles also signals the recogn i ti on by the scien tific com mu n i ty of the import a n ce of the journal for dissem i n a ti on of h e a l t h information.

From the point of vi ew of the journ a l ’s dy n a m i s m , this issue also repre s ents aco m-m em-m o ra tive tra n s i ti o nin its ten - year history and a time wh en new goals should be estab-l i s h ed . Our main goaestab-ls are to improve ava i estab-l a bi estab-l i ty of our pubestab-l i s h ed re s e a rch and to ex-pand the journal’s international scope.

To improve the ava i l a bi l i ty of j o u rnal con ten t , we plan to launch a new web s i te (w w w. ci en ci a e s a u d e col etiva . co m . b r) in Ja nu a ry. We also intend to increase the nu m ber of s ervi ce s that index the journ a l . The new web s i te wi ll help us ad d ress the time el a p s ed bet ween the accept a n ce of an arti cle and its publ i c a ti on , an issue of m a j orcon cerns to us. The new web-s i te wi ll all ow uweb-s to publiweb-sh all approved arti cleweb-s immed i a tely after peer revi ew but pri or to t h eir publ i c a ti on in print form . This ch a n ge is a significant adva n ce for the journ a l .

To expand the journ a l ’s intern a ti onal scope , we are increasing the nu m ber of p a rtn er-ships with journals in other co u n tri e s . Our aim is to expand intern a ti onal coopera ti on and improved vi s i bi l i ty for our con ten t . Here we wish to high l i ght our new partn ers h i p s with four journals from other countries:Environmental Health Perspective(National Insti-tute of E nvi ron m ental Health Scien ce s , U S A ) ;Salud Públ i c a( In s ti tuto Nac i onal de Sa lu d Pública, Mexico);Ciencia y Trabajo(Fundación Científica y Tecnológica, Chile); andSalud Col e ctiva( As oc i ación Civil Sa lud Co l ectiva y Un ivers i d ad Nac i onal de Lanús, Ar gen ti n a ) . The ed i tors of a ll these journals are signing this ed i tori a l , t hus sym bo l i c a lly con f i rm i n g our partnership.

We em ph a s i ze that by taking steps tow a rds gre a ter intern a ti on a l i z a ti on ofCi ê n cia & Saúde Col etiva, we are in no way overl ooking our com m i tm ent to the scien ce devel oped i n s i de Brazil or to the dom e s tic scien tific outp ut rel a ted to the Brazilian pop u l a ti on’s n eed s . We have va rious re a s ons to open the journal to the out s i de . Ep i s tem o l ogi c a lly, we know that the more we pursue the universal, the better we will be able to expand our iden-ti ty and understand local probl em s . From the praciden-tical point of vi ew, j oining ef forts wi t h o t h er ed i tors is essen ti a l , because as in all forms of con tem pora ry social produ cti on , s c i-en tific outp ut and dissem i n a ti on are unequal both bet wei-en and within co u n tri e s . Th ere-fore , co ll a bora tive partn erships provi de examples of h ow we can con tri bute to minimiz-ing inequalities and fosterminimiz-ing more dialogue in our editorial field.

Thomas J. Goehl Gustavo Contreras

Environmental Health Perspective Ciencia y Trabajo

Carlos Oropeza Hugo Spinelli

Salud Pública de México Salud Colectiva de Argentina

Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo


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