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Entropy of foliations with leafwise Finsler structure


Academic year: 2017

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Ilona Michalik and Szymon Walczak

Communicated by P.A. Cojuhari

Abstract.We extend the notion of the geometric entropy of foliation to foliated manifolds equipped with leafwise Finsler structure. We study the relation between the geometric entropy and the topological entropy of the holonomy pseudogroup. The case of a foliated manifold with leafwise Randers structure is considered. In this case the estimates for one dimensional foliation defined by a vector field in terms of the topological entropy of a flow are presented.

Keywords:geometric entropy, leafwise Finsler structure.

Mathematics Subject Classification:58B20, 37A35, 53C12, 53C60.


The notion of the topological entropy was introduced by Adler, Konheim and McAndrew in 1965 in [1]. Another approach was presented by Bowen [2] in the early 70’s. Ghys, Langevin and Walczak, in [3], extended this notion to the topological entropy for finitely generated groups and pseudogroups of continuous transformations, as well as the geometric entropy of foliation on a compact foliated Riemannian manifold. The entropy of foliation has a more geometric nature, because it depends on a Riemannian metric chosen for a foliated manifold. On the other hand, the dynamics of Finsler spaces have become a subject of research for mathematicians in late 90’s and recently. However, the research in this field is in the initial phase. Finsler geometry [5] is a generalization of Riemannian geometry and therefore, developments in Finsler geometry are important and deserve attention.

The aim of this paper is to extend the notion of the geometric entropy of foliations to the foliated manifolds equipped with leafwise Finsler structure. In Sections 2 and 3, one can find all necessary definitions and properties related to entropy and foliations with a leafwise Finsler metric. The next paragraph describes relations between geometric and topological entropy. The fifth part of the paper refers to foliations with a leafwise



Randers norm. The last paragraph describes the entropy of one dimensional foliations defined by a unit vector field with a leafwise Randers metric.


Let us recall that aMinkowski norm on a vector spaceV is a non-negative function F :V →[0,∞) such that

1. F isConV \ {0},

2. F(λv) =λF(v) for anyλ >0 andvV,

3. for every yV \ {0}, the symmetric bilinear form

gy(u, v) :=1 2





is positively defined.

Now, let M be a smooth manifold. A functionF :T M →[0,∞) is called aFinsler normif

1. F isCon the tangent bundle with removed the zero sectionT M\0M, 2. for any xM the restricted normFx=F|TxM is a Minkowski norm.

The pair (M, F) is called a Finsler space.

Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, and let β : T M → R be a 1-form. Let

α:T M →[0,∞) be the norm defined byg, that is,α(v) =p

gx(v, v) for allvTxM. Suppose that theg-norm of β satisfieskβkg<1. We set

F(v) =α(v) +β(v).

F is a Finsler norm and it is called aRanders norm.

Note that the Finsler norm induces a functiond:M×M →[0,∞) by the formula

d(x, y) = inf γ




F( ˙γ(t))dt,

where the infimum is taken over all curvesγ: [0,1]→M linkingxandy. Functiond is a quasi-metric, that is,

(d(x, y) = 0 iffx=y) andd(x, y) +d(y, z)d(x, z).


Riemannian structureg|TF by a Finsler normFF. Denote byπ1: T MTF and

π2:T MTF⊥ the natural projections. We set

F(v) =



F(π1(v)) +g(π2(v), π2(v)).

F is a Finsler norm onT M and coincides withp

g(v, v) forvTF⊥ and with F F forvTF. We callF aleafwise Finsler structure on (M,F).


Let (M,F, F) be a foliated manifold with leafwise Finsler structure. LetU be anice covering, i.e., a covering by the domainsDϕ of the charts of a nice foliated atlasA, that is an atlas satisfying

1. the covering {:ϕ∈ A}is locally finite,

2. for any ϕ∈ A, the set=ϕ(Dϕ)⊂Rn is an open cube,

3. ifϕ, ψ∈ A, and=6 ∅, then there exists a chartχ= (χ′, χ′′) such that for any leaf Lof F the connected components of L are given by the equation χ′′ = const, and is an open cube, contains the closure of and ϕ=χ| andψ=χ|.

Let U ∈ U. Equip the space of plaques TU = U/F |U with the quotient topology. The disjoint unionT=F{

TU;U ∈ U}is called acomplete transversalforF. Note that eachTU can be mapped homeomorphically onto aCr-submanifoldT

UU transverse toF.

Following [3], let us recall that for a given nice coveringU of (M,F) there exists an ε0>0 such that any pointxU,U ∈ U, can be projected orthogonally in a unique way

to the plaquePyU passing through a pointyU if only max{d(x, y), d(y, x)}< ε0.

Let γ : [0,1]→L be a leafwise curve beginning at xU. For any yU lying within the distanceε < ε0, we can project orthogonally an initial part of the curveγ

to the plaquePypassing throughy. Replacingxandyby the endpoints of the already projected piece and its imageγ1, we can continue this process as long as the distance

betweenγandγdoes not exceedε

0. We will denote the projection ofγ bypyγ.

LetU be a nice covering and letT be the complete transversal forU. Letε∈(0, ε0),

and letddenote the metric induced by the Finsler structure.

Definition 3.1. We say thatx, yT are (R, ε)-separated byF with respect to F if either

— max{d(x, y), d(y, x)} ≥ε0


— there exists a leaf curveγ: [0,1]→Lxsuch thatγ(0) =x,

l(γ) =






max{d(γ(1), pyγ(1)), d(pyγ(1), γ(1))} ≥ε.

(or a leaf curveγ: [0,1]→Ly such thatγ(0) =y,l(γ)R, and

max{d(γ(1), pxγ(1)), d(pxγ(1), γ(1))} ≥ε).

A subset AT is called (R, ε)-separated if any two pointsx, yA,x6=y, are (R, ε)-separated. Lets(R, ε,F) denote the maximum cardinality of a (R, ε)-separated

subset ofT. We set

s(ε,F) = lim sup R→∞


Rlogs(R, ε,F), and

h(F, F) = lim


Remark 3.2. The numberh(F, F) does not depend on the choice of the nice covering

U. LetU′andTbe another nice covering and complete transversal. Letε >0 be small enough, and let us denote bydF the leafwise metric induced by the Finsler structure FF. Since M is compact, the geometry of F is bounded. Hence, one can project T onto Tin such a way that any (R, ε)-separated points x, y T are projected to x, yT, respectively, which are (R+R

0, ε)-separated withR0 being the maximum

of the numbersdF(x, x′) anddF(x′, x),xTU,x′∈T′∩U′,U ∈ U,U′∈ U′, and the plaquesPxU andPx′ ⊂U′ intersects. Thus


0, ε,F)≤s(R, ε,F)≤s′(R+R0, ε,F),

and both numbersh(F, F) andh(F, F) are equal.

Remark 3.3. Since any two Riemannian structuresg andgon a compact manifold satisfies

c−2g(v, w)g′(v, w)≤c2g(v, w)

for some constantc >1, then the numberh(F, F) does not depend on the choice of the Riemannian part ofF. Indeed, there exists a constanta > 1 such that for any leaf curve γ and its orthogonal projections pyγ and p

yγ, with respect to g and g′ respectively, satisfy

d(γ(t), pyγ(t))a·d′(γ(t), p′yγ(t)), ifd(γ(t), p

yγ(t))< εfor sufficiently smallε >0. Thus any two (R, ε)-separated points with respect toF =p


F+g are (R,)-separated with respect to F=p


F+g′, andh(F, F)≤h(F, F). Analogously we show thath(F, F)h(F, F).

Since any two leafwise Finsler structures F andFon a compact foliated manifold satisfies




for some constantc≥1, the geometric entropiesh(F, F) andh(F, F) are both either equal to zero or not. The numberh(F, F) is called thegeometric entropy of foliation with leafwise Finsler structure. In further consideration we will denote byF both, the structureFF and the leafwise Finsler structureF =






Let (M,F) be a compact foliated manifold. Following [3] or [6], one can define the topological entropy of the holonomy pseudogroupHU defined by the nice coveringU. The symbolDf denotes here the domain of a mapf.

To begin, letG be a pseudogroup (see [6]) on a metric (quasi-metric) space (X, d) generated by a good symmetric finite setG1, that is

1. for any g ∈ G and any xDg there existsg1, . . . , gn ∈ G1 and an open subset

UDg containingxsuch that

g|U =g1◦ · · · ◦gn|U,

2. for any g∈ G1 the exits a compact setKgDg such thatg|intKg generateG.

We say thatx, yX are (n, ε)-separated byGif there exists

g∈ Gnc :={g1|K1◦ · · · ◦gn|Kn;gi∈ G1}

such that{x, y} ⊂Dg and

max{d(g(x), g(y)), d(g(y), g(x))} ≥ε.

A subset A of X is called (n, ε)-separated if any two distinct points of A are (n, ε)-separated. Let s(n, ε,G1) be the maximal cardinality of an (n, ε)-separated

subset ofX. We set

s(ε,G1) = lim sup

n→∞ 1

nlogs(n, ε,G1).

The numberh(G,G1) = limε→0+s(ε,G1) is called thetopological entropy of the pseu-dogroupG with respect toG1.

Let U be a nice covering of (M, f) and letT be a complete transversal. Given two setsU, V ∈ U such thatUV =6 ∅, one can define theholonomy maphV U :DV UTV with DV U being the open subset of U consisting of all plaques PU such that PV 6=∅ by

hV U(P) =P′ iffPU andP′⊂V insterect.

The mappingshV U generates theholonomy pseudogroup HU onT. We will denote by


U the set of{hV U}of the generators ofHU.

One of the main results of [3] is Theorem 3.4 about the relation between the geometric entropyh(F, g) of a foliation on a Riemannian manifold and the topological entropy of the holonomy pseudogroupHU defined by the nice coveringU. We extend this result to the class of foliations with leafwise Finsler structures.

Let (M,F, F) be a foliated manifold equipped with leafwise Finsler structure.

Theorem 4.1. LetU be a nice covering, and letdiam(U)be the diameter of the nice coveringU, that is,

diam(U) = max


whereP denotes a plaque of a chart U, anddF is the leafwise distance defined by F. Then

h(F, F) = sup U






We here repeat the proof of Theorem 3.4 of [3] with the necessary changes due to the fact that the metric induced by the Finsler structure is asymmetric. In the proof, Λ = maxvTF \{0} FF(−(vv)).

Lemma 4.2. Forandρsmall enough, there existsβ >˜ 0 such thatρ >β˜ and the following is satisfied: Let x1, x2 be two points lying on the same leaf Land such that

dF(x1, x2) = 2∆Λαfor someα >0. Lety1, y2be two points of transversals T1 andT2

passing through x1 andx2, respectively, and lying on the same plaque with diameter

not exceeding4∆. If

max{d(x1, y1), d(y1, x1), d(x2, y2), d(y2, x2)}<β,˜

thendF(y1, y2)≤2∆Λα2.

Proof. Letγ: [0,1]→Lbe a curve linkingx1 withx2such thatl(γ) =2∆Λα. Let

py1γbe the orthogonal projection ofγ onto the plaquePy1. SinceM is compact, there exists ˜β >0 such that|l(γ)l(py1γ)|<


4, and

{dF(y2, py1γ(1)), dF(py1γ(1), y2)}< α 4. Thus

dF(y1, y2)≤l(py1γ) +dF(y2, py1γ(1)) +dF(py1γ(1), y2)≤ 2∆

Λ −

α 2. This ends our proof.

Letρ >0, and letSx= expB(0x,2ρ) be the image in the exponential map exp onM whereBis a ball centered in 0x and contained in the orthogonal complement TxF⊥ ofTxF. Set

Tx= expB⊥(0, ρ), Ux= [ yTx


y,∆ Λ


Lemma 4.3. Let Z ={z1, . . . , zN} be a β-dense subset of M, β < ˜


10. Let x1 and

x2 be two points of the same leaf withdF(x1, x2)<2∆Λ −α. Letz∈ Z (resp.z′ ∈ Z)

be aβ-close point of x1 (resp. x2). Then the subsetsUz and Uzhave the following property: Ifξ1∈Tz andξ2∈Tzlie on the same plaque with diameter not exceeding 4∆and

max{d(ξ1, x1), d(x1, ξ1), d(ξ2, x2), d(x2, ξ2)}< β,

then the minimal leaf geodesic inLξ1 =2 linkingξ1 and ξ2 is contained in the sum



∆ Λ


Proof. By Lemma 4.2,dF(ξ1, ξ2)<2∆Λα2. So, there exists a curveγ: [0,1]→1 such that γ(0) = ξ1, γ(0) = ξ2, and l(γ) = dF(ξ1, ξ2). Let t ∈ [0,1] be a number

such that dF(ξ1, γ(t)) =Λ. Then dF(γ(t), ξ2) ≤ ∆Λ. Since dF is asymmetric then dF(ξ2, γ(t))≤∆.

Proof of Theorem 4.1. To begin, letǫ >0, andx, yTU,U ∈ U, be (n, ε)-separated with respect to h(HU,H1U). Then there exists a chain of maps (U1, . . . , Un) such

that the corresponding chains of plaques (P1, . . . , Pn) and (Q1, . . . , Qn) withxP1,

yQ1,Pi, QiUi,PiPi+16=∅,QiQi+16=∅ satisfy

max{d(xn, yn), d(yn, xn)} ≥ε,

where xnPnTUn and ynQnTUn are the images in the holonomy map

determined by (U1, . . . , Un) ofx andy, respectively. Let x0 =xand let us choose

pointsxiPiPi+1,i= 1, . . . , n−1. Link the pointsxiandxi+1 by a leaf geodesic

γi,i= 1, . . . , n−1. The length of everyγi is smaller than diam(U), and the length of a curveγbuilt ofγi’s and linkingx0withxnis smaller thann·diam(U). Shorteningγ,

if necessary, we can assume that the distance betweenγ and its orthogonal projection pyγis always smaller than ε0, and the whole γcan be projected toLy.

Since T=FTU is compact, there exists a constantC >0 such that


Cd(z, w)d(z, p(z))Cd(z, w)



Cd(w, z)d(p(z), z)Cd(w, z),

if only z, wTU, U ∈ U, andp(z) is the orthogonal projection of z to the plaque Pw passing through w. Hence d(γ(1), pyγ(1))ε

C. This gives that x and y are (n·diam(U), ε

C)-separated with respect toF. Thus,

s(n, ε,H1U)≤s

n·diam(U), ε C,F

for alln∈N, andε(0, ε0). Finally,


Letη >0, and ∆>0 be such that the leafwise exponential mapping expF maps the ballsBF(0x,4∆), where BF(0x, r) = {vTxF :F(v)< r}, diffeomorphically onto strictly convex balls

BF(x,4∆) ={yLx:dF(x, y)<4∆}, xM.

Note that for small enough ρand ∆, the sets Ux are the domains of distinguished charts, and for any plaquePUx, the diameter diam(Px)≤(1 + Λ1)∆.

Let U∆ ={Uz, z∈ Z}. We may assume that the closures Uz¯ andUz¯ ′, z, z′ ∈ Z, overlap if only Uz¯ and Uz¯ ′ do. Thus U∆ is a nice covering of (M,F). Moreover,


Letε >0, and letx, ybe such that

max{d(x, y), d(y, x)} ≤ε

and additionally they are (R, ε)-separated byF with respect toF. Hence, there exists a curveγ: [0, R]→Lx starting atxwith l(γ)≤R and such thatpyγ is well defined on [0, r], r < R, and max{d(γ(r), pyγ(y)), d(pyγ(y), γ(r))} ≥ε. Let us assume that

R= (1 +Λ1)(1−η)n∆, and letxk=γ(krn),k= 0, . . . , n. For eachxk let us find a point

zk ∈ Z which isβ-close (see Lemma 4.3).

The charts (Uz0, . . . , Uzn) form a chain alongγ|[0,r], and the corresponding holon-omy map h ∈ HU∆ is well defined on the plaques P, QUz0 containing x and y,

respectively. Moreover,

max{d(h(Q), h(P)), d(h(P), h(Q))} ≥C·ε,

whereCis the constant from the first part of this proof. We deduce that


1 + 1


(1−η)n, Cε,F

N(εs(n, ε,HU∆),

with N(ε) being the minimal cardinality of a covering of M by balls of radius ε. Therefore,

s(Cε,F)≤ 1

(1 + 1



Passing withη to zero, we obtain

h(F, F)≤ 1

(1 + 1 Λ)∆






This ends the proof.


Let (M,F, g) be a foliated Riemannian manifold. LetF be a leafwise Randers norm, that is the norm given on leaves by

F(v) =pg(v, v) +β(v), vTF.

Let kβk= max



β(v). Let us suppose, similarly as the Example in Section 2, that


Theorem 5.1. The following inequalities hold:


1 +kβkh(F, g)≤h(F, F)≤



Proof. LetG(v) =p

g(v, v). SinceF(v) =G(v) +β(v) then for anyvTF

F(v)≤G(v) +kβkG(v) andG(v)≤F(v) +kβkG(v). (5.1)

Letx, ybe (R, ε)-separated with respect to g. So, there exists a curveγ: [0,1]→Lx

such thatγ(0) =x,lG(γ)≤Rand

d(γ(1), pyγ(1))≥ε.

Using the first inequality in (5.1), we obtain

lF(γ) =




F( ˙γ(t))dt




G( ˙γ(t))dt+




kβkG( ˙γ(t))dt

R+kβkR= (1 +kβk)R.

Thusx, yare ((1 +kβk)R, ε)-separated with respect toF. Hence,

s(R, ε, g)≤s((1 +kβk)R, ε, F),


Rlogs(R, ε, g)≤

1 +kβk

1 +kβk


Rlogs((1 +kβk)R, ε, F),

lim sup



Rlogs(R, ε, g)

≤(1 +kβk) lim sup



(1 +kβk)Rlogs((1 +kβk)R, ε, F), s(ε,F, g)≤(1 +kβk)s(ε,F, F).


h(F, g)≤(1 +kβk)h(F, F).

The second inequality follows directly from the second inequality in (5.1) and from the fact that every two points which are (R, ε)-separated with respect toF are (1−kRβk, ε)-separated with respect tog.


We will now recall the definition (following [2] and [4]) of the topological entropy of a uniformly continuous map on a quasi-metric space.

Letf :XX be a uniformly continuous transformation of a quasi-metric space

X, that is, for anyε >0 and anyxX there exists δ >0 such that for anyyX

max{d(x, y), d(y, x)}< δ⇒max{(d(f(x), f(y)), d(f(y), f(x))}< ǫ.

For any n∈Nandx, yX let

dn(x, y) = max



Letn∈Nandε >0. A subsetAofX is said to be (n, ε)-separated ifdn(x, y)> εfor

every x, yA, x6=y. A setBX is said to (n, ε)-span another set K if for every

xK there isyB such thatdn(x, y)≤ε. We set

s(n, ε, K) = max{#A:AKis (n, ε)-separated}, r(n, ε, K) = min{#A:AX is (n, ε)-spanningK}.

Lemma 6.1. The following inequalities hold

1. r(n, ε, K)≤s(n, ε, K)≤r(n,ε2, K)<, 2. forε< ε

r(ε, K)≥r(ε, K)ands(ε, K)≥s(ε, K).

Proof. If A is a maximal (n, ε)-separated subset of K, then A also (n, ε)-spans K. Thusr(n, ε, K)≤s(n, ε, K).

LetAKbe a (n, ε)-separated set and letB(n,1

2ε)-spansK. For anyxK, there

existsg(x)∈B such thatdn(x, g(x))< ε

2. Moreover, ifg(x) =g(y) thendn(x, y)< ε.

Thusg is injective onA(since Ais (n, ε)-separated), and s(n, ε, K)≤r(n,ε

2, K).

As f is uniformly continuous on (X, d) there is aδ >0 such thatdn(x, y)

2 if

onlyd(x, y)< δandd(y, x)< δ. Thusr(n,ε2, K) does not exceed the number ofδ-balls

(z) ={zX :d(z, z)< δ andd(z, z)< δ}needed to coverK. So,r(n,ε

2, K) is

finite, asK is compact.

The inequalities in (2) are obvious.

Finally, we define

s(ε, K) = lim



nlogs(n, ε, K),

r(ε, K) = lim



nlogr(n, ε, K).

Definition 6.2. For any uniformly continuous mapf : XX on a quasi-metric space (X, d) and any compact setKX define

htop(f, K) = lim

ε→0+s(ε, K) = limε0+r(ε, K)


htop(f) = sup


htop(f, K).

The numberhtop(f) is called thetopological entropy off.

Let us now study the geometrical entropy of a foliation given by the integral curves of a vector fieldX on a compact manifoldM. Note that any Finsler norm on a 1-dimensional vector space is a Randers norm. Indeed, let

G(v) = 1

2(F(v) +F(−v)), β(v) = 1


ThenGis a norm associated with an inner productg, whileβ is a 1-form. Moreover,

F(v) =G(v) +β(v) andkβkG <1.

Let F =G+β be a leafwise Randers norm for whichX is aG-unit vector field, that is,G(X(p)) = 1 for allpM. Let ϕ= (ϕt:MM)t∈Rdenote the flow ofX.

We recall [6] that the topological entropy of a flow is equal to htop(ϕ1).

Theorem 6.3. IfΛ = max

vTF \{0} F(v)

F(−v), then

1 + 1


htop(ϕ)≤h(F, F)≤(1 + Λ)htop(ϕ).

Proof. By Theorem 3.4.3 in [6],h(F, g) = 2htop(ϕ). We have

h(F, F)≤ 1

1− kβkh(F, g)≤


1− kβkhtop(ϕ)≤

1 +1 +kβk 1− kβk


However, Λ = 1+1−kkββkk. This gives the second inequality. To prove the first inequality, it is enough to observe that

h(F, F)≥ 1

1 +kβkh(F, g)≥


1 +kβkhtop(ϕ)≥

1 +1− kβk 1 +kβk


This ends our proof.

Theorem 6.4. LetF =G+β be a leafwise Randers metric along a one dimensional foliation defined by aG-unit vector fieldX. Suppose that β(X) = const. Then

h(F, F) = 2


where(ϕt)t∈Rdenotes the flow ofX.

Proof. Leta=β(X). Since kβkG <1 thena∈(−1,1). LetA be a (n, ǫ)-separated

set byF with respect toF. Then the set B=ϕn

1−a(A) is (


1−a2, ǫ)-separated with

respect to ϕ. Hence

s(n, ǫ, F)≤s


1−a2, ǫ, ϕ


This gives

h(F, F)≤ 2


Letη >0. Let us consider the fiber bundleπ: ˜M built of orthogonal balls

B⊥(0x, η)⊂TxF⊥, xM. For everyxM, let Tub

η(x) =ϕ−x∗1M˜η be the bundle

overRinduced by a mapϕx:t7→ϕt(x). It is known, that forη small enough, the

exponential map onM defines a natural immersionιx: Tubη(x)→M, and one can

equip Tubη(x) with the induced leafwise Randers structure and with the induced

vector field ˜X, which generates a local flow ( ˜ϕt). As mentioned in [6], the familyπ−1


whereπx is a fiber bundle projection in Tubη(x) ands∈R, of fibers of Tubη(x) is not

invariant under the flow ( ˜ϕt).

Let us fixε >0. SinceM is compact, the familyπ−1(s),sR, of fibers of Tub


satisfies the following:

For anyτ ∈(0,1) there existsη >0 such that for anyxM andy∈Tubη(x)∩ π−1(0) with defined local flow ( ˜ϕt) andπ( ˜ϕt(y)) = 1 (respectivelyπ( ˜ϕt(y)) =1)

we havet > τ (t <τ). Moreover, if τ andη are as above, then t (t≤ −) whenever ( ˜ϕt) is defined andπ( ˜ϕt(y)) =n(respectively, −n),n∈N.

Let us decompose Tubη(x) into the cylindersCn(x) =πx−1([(2n−1)ε,(2n+ 1)ε]), n∈Z. Sinceεis fixed, there existsηindependent ofxM such that the sets ˜ϕ1(C0(x))

and ˜ϕ−1(C0(x)) intersect at most three cylinders of the formCn(x). For everyy

C0(x), we consider the sequences (nk)k∈Nof integers such that ˜ϕk(y)∈Cnk(x) (we set ∞if ˜ϕk(y) is undefined). The number of such sequences of length [2n/(1−a2)]1 do

not exceed 3kan for some natural numberka. So, we can decompose all cylindersC


into the unions of setsC0(x) =K1(x)∪ · · · ∪Km(x)(x),m(x)≤3kan+2satisfying the


(∗) Ify, zKj(x) , [1na]≤k≤[1+na] and ˜ϕk(y) and ˜ϕk(z) are defined, then ˜ϕk(z) and ˜ϕk(y) belongs to the same cylinderCnk(x).

Let AT be a maximal (n,η3)-separated by F with respect to F, that is,

♯A=s(n,η3, F). SinceAis maximal, then it is (n,η3)-spanning forT, and the sets

A(x) =nyT : sup

−[ n

1−a]≤t≤[ n


d(ϕt(x), pyϕt(x))≤ η


and sup

−[ n

1−a]≤t≤[ n


d(pyϕt(x), ϕt(x))≤ η

3 o

, xA

cover T. Moreover, maxxAdiamA(x) ≤ 23η. Therefore, A(x) ⊂ιx(C0(x)), and we

can decomposeC0(x) intoKj(x) and choose one pointyxj in each nonempty piece of A(x)∩Kj(x). LetB={yx

j}. We have

♯B ≤3kan+2s


3, F


Finally, let yM. There exists R0 > 0 independent ofy such that ϕt(y)∈ T

for some t ∈ (−R0, R0). So there exists xA and jm(x) for which ϕt(y) ∈

A(x)∩ιxKj(x). Thus, by (∗), ˜ϕt+i(y) andϕi(yxj) belong to the same cylinderCn(i)(x),


d(ϕt+i(y), ϕi(yxj))≤


1−a2 + 2η and d(ϕi(y


j), ϕt+i(y))≤2ε+ 2ε


for all−[1a]≤i≤[1+a]. Moreover, there exists a constantω such that for smallη

and anyz, zM the inequalities max{d(z, z)< η, d(z, z)< η} implies the relations

max{d(ϕt(z), ϕt(z)), d(ϕt(z), ϕt(z))} ≤ωη for allt[R

0, R0]. Therefore, the set

ϕ−[ τ n

1−a]B is (

2τ n

1−a2,2ω(η+ ǫ

1−a2))-spanning with respect toϕ. Next,




η+ ǫ 1−a2

, φ

≤3kan+2sn,η 3, F






η+ ǫ 1−a2

, φ

kalog 3 +

3, F


This gives


1−a2htop(ϕ)≤ka·log 3 +h(F, F),

when we tend withη andǫto zero, and chooseτ arbitrarily close to 1. ReplacingF

byλF,λ >0 we must replaceX byλ−1X, and (ϕt) by ( ˜ϕt) = (ϕt/λ). Hence


1−a2htop(ϕ)≤λlog 3 +h(F, F).

Sinceλcan be arbitrarily small, we get the equality.

Remark 6.5. LetF be a one-dimensional foliation given by a vector fieldX. IfF is Riemannian, then we get the exact result as in Theorem 3.4.3 of [6], that is,

h(F, F) = 2htop(ϕ).

Remark 6.6. The 1-formβ in the Randers metric is commonly understood as a mild wind blowing along the leaves of foliation. The direct conclusion of Theorem 6.4 is that increasing the wind along the leaves increases the entropyh(F, F).


The research of the first author was partially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the AGH grant No. 11.420.04.

The research of the second author was supported by the National Science Center grant No. 6065/B/H03/2011/40 and the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 24224002 of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science.


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[2] R. Bowen, Entropy for group endomorphisms and homogenious spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.153(1971), 401–414.

[3] E. Ghys, R. Langevin, P. Walczak, Entropie geometrique des feuilletages, Acta Math. 160(1988), 105–142.

[4] Y. Sayyari, M. Molaei, S.M. Moghayer, Entropy of continuous maps on quasi-metric spaces, preprint, arXiv:1403.2106v2.

[5] Z. Shen,Lectures on Finsler Geometry, World Scientific, Singapore 2001.


Ilona Michalik


AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Applied Mathematics

al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

Szymon Walczak szymonwal@gmail.com


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