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Final report of the First Biennial Meeting of the Executive Committee


Academic year: 2017

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First Biennial Meeting of the Executive Committee

Washington, D.C., April 28 to May 3, 1947

The Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau convened a

meet-ing of the Executive Co_ittee of the Directing Council of the Pan

American Sanitary Organization which was attended by representatives of

the following countries: Argentina- Dr. Alberto Zwanck; Brazil- Dr.

Heitor Froes; Cuba - Dr. Pedro Nogueira; Chile - Dr. Nacianceno Romero;

United States - Drs. Thomas H. Parran, James _. Doull (alternate), and

L. L. Williams, Jr. (alternate); Mexico - Dr. Miguel E. Bustamante.

The Republic of Costa Rica had no representation, since no

repre-sentative or alternate was appointed.

Dr. Thomas H. Parran was elected Chairman of the Committee; Dr.

_lberto Zwanck, Vice Chairman; and Dr. Fred L. Soper, Secretary.

Eight plenary sessions vJere held in addition to the opening and

closing sessions.

The Executive Committee studied carefully the report presented by

the Director which described the work oi'the Pan American Sanitary

Bureau and its financial position. In order to study in detail the

various subjects, two sub-coL_uittees were appointed as follows:

Sub-Co._nittee on Finance - Men,bets: Dr. Heitor Froes and Dr. Pedro Nogueira;

Advisor: Dr. Fred L. Soper. Sub-Con_Ilittee on Constitut!on- Members:

Dr. _dz_uel E. Bustamante, Dr. Nacianceno Romero, end Dr. J_Ges _. Doull

(alternate); Advisor: Dr. Jolln R. Murdock.

These Sub-Committees held several meetings after which their

reports were presented to the plenary sessions for discussion. A draft

of a new Constitution (see Annex 1), and a financial report (see Annex



-It was decided that as soon as the editing of the reports is

completed, they would be sent within a period of one month by the

Director of the P_ American Sanitary Bureau to each of the

representa-tives forming the Executive Committee with a request that they return

them with all pertinent observations as soon as possible. They will

then be edited and distributed to the l_Iember Governments of the

Organi-zation. To permit time for study they should be sent sufficiently in

advance of the meeting of the Directing Council which will take place

in Septe_aber, 1957.

After due consideration the Committee adopted the following


"The Executive Co_ittee, after having discussed and considered

the varioustopics,resolves' _i_

"l) To reco_nend to the I.iember Governments that they authorize_'_'_ CE1R1

their respective delegates to the meeting of the Directing Council to

be held in September, 1957, to formulate and sign the Constitution and

to approve an increase in the basic quota fro_n the present rate of

forty cents to one dollar per thousand inhabitants, at that meeting, n _

"2) To approve the report presented by _he Sub Committee on Finance, CE1R2

which demonstrates tile practical impossibility for the Pan American

Sanitary Bureau to continue operating with the present budget, and to

recommend the adoption of Buaget No. 2 of said report, which is based

on an increase of the contributions from the present rate of forty

cents to one dollar per thousand inhabitants, in order that the present

program of the Bureau may be stimulated and reinforced and also that

additional activities may be undertaken. To obtain additional funds,

it is recommended further that Budget No. 3 be considered by the

Direct-ing Council. This budget would permit a broader development of the

Bureau. The Committee further recognizes the need for voluntary



-merit $.

CE1.R3 "3) To recommend that the problem of quarters be given i_nediate

attention. (The Committee recognized the immediate need of the Bureau

for new quarters which would enhance its activities, s_ld visited

several prospective sites).

CEI.R4 "_) To entrust to the Director the preparation of the program for

the Septe,_ber meeting of the Directing Council, including the relations

with the World Health 0r_;anization and the consideration of the Pan

American Sanitary Code.

CE1.R5 "5) To designate Buenos Aires as the site for the next meeting of

the Directing Council as proposed by the delegate from Brazil and

fixing the aate for the latter half of September 1947. A note of

thanks an_ appreciation will be sent to the Minister of Health of

Ar_,entina for his approval and offer of hospitality in the matter.

CE1.R6 "6) To invite Canada to send a representative to the meeting of

the Directin£_ Council to be held in September 19_7 in Buenos Aires.

CE1.R7 "7) That the next meeting of the Executive Co,_mittee be held

i;_aediately before the meetins of the Directing Council in Buenos Aires.

CE1R8 "8) To send a vote of appreciation to the Rockefeller Foundation

for its cooperation in paying the salary of the Director of the Pan

,k_¢ric_l Sanitary Bureau until the Bureau is able to provide funds for

this purpose.

CE1. "9) To approve a chan_e in b!.e name of tim "l_an _aerican Sanitary

0_'v_nization" to "Pan i_ucgic_.:_ Health 0rgamization", and a change in

the name "Pan _nerican _;a_itary Conference,, to "Pan _lerican Iicalth

Conf_re_ce,,, but to r_:tain the naLle Pan ,_erica_l Sanitary Bureau".

,_tnoss whereof t!,is report is signed in iVashington, D. C.,


____._ _J_- ... . For Argentina: -[__i _"_'-'_

For Chile:

For Cuba: ,_...

) ,

For Mexico:


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It also requested the Director to continue the program of rationalization and to report progress to the next meeting of the Executive Committee, 'and decided to transmit

the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee and to the XIII Meeting of the Directing Council;. Recognizing that the provisional draft of the Proposed Program and Budget

To approve the report on the 38th Meeting of the Executive Committee and to congratulate the.

Proposed Program and Budget to be submitted by the Director to the 28th Meeting of the Executive.. Committee for review and revision, and to the IX Meeting of the Directing Council

The credentials of the representatives, alternates, and advisers of the following countries were examined and declared accepted:. Argentina Bolivia Brazil

To authorize the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to convoke the 20th Meeting of the. Executive Committee, the VII Meeting of the Directing Council, and the 21st Meeting

This Final Report was approved at the Plenary Session of October 13, 19_8, and signed in Mexico Oity, Mexico, on the same date, at the Closing Session, by the Representa- tives of

the Director of the Pan A_uerican Sanitary Bureau has received affirmative opinions from 16 member countries regarding the holding of the VI Psn American Conference of