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Convulsions in childhood as the only sign or symptom of disease cons-titute an important chapter within the field of the pathology of convulsive disorders. For better understanding of the pathological conditions involved and to provide better basis for correct diagnosis and treatment, the study of large and homogeneous groups of patients is necessary.

In a previous p a p e r1 9 w e discussed the concepts of febrile and non febrile convulsions in childhood. The role played by predisposing factors such as birth trauma and heredity w a s also discussed. In the present paper we study the E E G records of 700 children with convulsions, in order to determine the presence or absence of cerebral lesions.

Many papers are found in the literature dealing with convulsions in childhood. However, children presenting convulsions as the only sign or symptom of disease are still poorly studied. About the same incidence of abnormal E E G records in patients suffering from febrile convulsions was reported by Lennox ( 2 0 % )1 1, Gibbs ( 3 3 % )5, Millichap et al. ( 2 4 % )1 6, A a s s and Kaada ( 2 5 % )1. In children with convulsions as a whole group the incidence of abnormal E E G records was considerably higher ( 5 1 % ) . Under-void et a l .1 3. 1 4 pointed out that abnormal E E G patterns are more frequent in those patients who respond poorly to proper treatment. Other authors reported different f i g u r e s2. '1.7.1 7. M a n y other reports are found in the literature on the s u b j e c t3. 6- 8. 9.1 0. ^2.1 5-2 0.2 1. 2 2.


We have studied 700 patients from 1960 to 1963. The patients were selected in order to include only children up to 6 years of age with isolated convulsions, without any other neurological or mental manifestation of cerebral disease. The history of convulsions was the only objective sign of the disease when these pa-tients came to seek medical care. The children had been previously healthy and

Paper from the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Prof. P. W. L o n g o ) , Section of Epilepsy, Escola Paulista de Medicina, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, presented at the meeting of Academia Brasileira de Neurologia, Curitiba, PR, julho 1963; *Associate Professor; ** Assistant, in charge of Biostatistics.


the history was taken by ourselves or by one of our collaborators * from the child and its family, in most cases its parents.

Electroencephalographic examination was made in all patients, once or re­ peatedly, using an 8 channel, model III, Grass Electroencephalograph. The electrode positions used were those recommended by the International Federation (bipolar sets being used always, and also sets with ear and vertex as common reference).

EEG records were taken from 362 patients being awake and repeated in the same patients under barbiturate-induced sleep. In 338 patients electroencephalo­ graphic recordings were taken only under barbiturate-induced sleep owing to the lack of cooperation of the child (table 1 ) .

It should be pointed out that the EEG was used here as a technique for diagnosis of the existence of a cerebral lesion, since it is now widely admitted that a paroxystic abnormal electrical disturbance of the EEG, which appears con­ sistently in one and same area, indicates that some neurons in such area are originating potentials triggered by the lesion. Thus, the EEG results both in the text and in the tables, are considered according to a clinical rather than a purely electroencephalographic point of view. Whenever more than one record has been taken from one patient, the final and definitive diagnosis was considered for analytical purposes.

The 700 patients were divided into two main groups: 1) febrile convulsions (319 patients that had presented their first convulsion during a febrile episode, even if subsequent convulsions appeared outside of a febrile stated; 2) non febrile convulsions (381 patients in which as for group 1, only the first convulsive episode was taken into consideration).

A g e was considered in both groups: a) patients up to two years; b) patients from 2 to 6 years old.

The electroencephalographic results are summarized in table 1. The cases were separated in two groups, the first with signs of cerebral lesions (focal abnormal­ ities with sharp waves, diffuse abnormalities with sharp waves or diffuse dis­ organization of the basic pattern) and the second with bilateral synchronous dis­ charges, which may also be due to deep lesions, as known from literature and also observed in our own material 1 S. In the evaluation of the borderline patterns or normal pattern, w e obviously considered the patient's age. All records taken near a convulsive seizure, specially those showing signs of an acute affection of the nervous parenchyma (delta waves) were excluded.

In table 2 we divide the electroencephalographic results in two groups, the first including all pathological results (focal and diffuse), the second including the normal and borderline results. In each of these groups febrile or non febrile con­ vulsions are analysed separately. Each of these subgroups are analysed according to the ages of the patients (0-2 and 3-6 years).

A statistical analysis of the figures of table 2 was made according to the method described in Fischer's book **.


Frequencies indicated by the figures of table 2 are plotted in graph 1. F r o m our results the following analysis can be performed:

1) In 700 children presenting one or more convulsions as only sign or symptom of disease, we found 3 9 . 1 % abnormal E E G patterns (28.5%

* W e express our gratitude to Drs. O. Pazzanese and E. Zukerman who examined a great number of the patients.

** Fischer, R. A. — Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Oliver Dan Boyd, London, 1958, page 79.


focal and 10.5% diffuse). This fact points to the high frequency of cerebral lesions in such patients.

2) The frequency of abnormal E E G patterns was significantly higher in patients being awake (50.8% awake and 26.3% sleeping), showing the influence of the waking or sleeping state on the E E G results.

3) In patients suffering from febrile convulsions the frequency of abnormal focal E E G patterns was 17.5%, while in non febrile convulsions this frequency was 37.7%.

4) The frequency of abnormal focal E E G patterns differed significantly for the two age groups (0-2 years 20.2%; 3-6 years 3 5 . 3 % ) . However, this fact can not be taken into account because E E G records of children ^~ two years were taken frequently only under barbiturate induced sleep. If waking patients and sleeping patients arc compared, we found 20.6% abnormal focal E E G patterns for sleeping patients, and 35.0% for waking patients, which confirms the fact that the significant dif­ ference . between age groups m a y be only apparent.

5) The frequency of abnormal diffuse E E G patterns in febrile convulsions (8.4%) differed significantly from the frequency of abnormal diffuse E E G patterns in non febrile convulsions ( 1 2 . 3 % ) .


6) T h e frequency of abnormal diffuse E E G patterns in age group 0-2 years was 6.4% while in age group 3-6 years it was 13.9%. Such figures are significantly different. However, if one takes into consideration whether the E E G was recorded in the waking or the sleeping state the difference diminishes considerably. A s we have in our material only few cases of diffuse abnormalities in the E E G , no conclusion can be drawn.


T h e e l e c t r o e n c e p h a l o g r a p h i c r e c o r d s o f 700 c h i l d r e n , u p t o 6 y e a r s o l d , w i t h a h i s t o r y o f o n l y c o n v u l s i o n s w i t h o u t o t h e r c l i n i c a l m a n i f e s t a t i o n s a r e a n a l y s e d . T h e E E G f i n d i n g s in p a t i e n t s w i t h febrile a n d non febrile con-vulsions, in w a k i n g a n d s l e e p i n g s t a t e a n d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i r a g e ( 0 - 2 a n d 3-6 y e a r s o l d ) , w e r e c o m p a r e d s t a t i s t i c a l l y .

F r o m t h i s s t u d y t h r e e m a i n c o n c l u s i o n s c a n b e d r a w n : 1 ) t h e r e is a s i g n i f i c a n t p e r c e n t a g e o f c e r e b r a l a b n o r m a l i t i e s a m o n g t h e c h i l d r e n w i t h i s o l a t e d c o n v u l s i o n s ; 2 ) t h e r e is a s i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e r i n c i d e n c e o f f o c a l a b n o r m a l i t i e s in p a t i e n t s w i t h non febrile convulsions t h a n in t h o s e w i t h febrile convulsions, s u g g e s t i n g t h a t c o n v u l s i o n s i n e a c h g r o u p m a y c o r -r e s p o n d t o d i f f e -r e n t c e -r e b -r a l c o n d i t i o n s ; 3 ) in t h e e l e c t -r o e n c e p h a l o g -r a p h i c s t u d y o f t h e s e c h i l d r e n w i t h c o n v u l s i o n s o n e m u s t t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t the s t a t e o f t h e p a t i e n t d u r i n g t h e r e c o r d i n g ( a w a k e o r a s l e e p ) . I t w o u l d b e an e r r o r t o c o n s i d e r r e s u l t s as t h e y w e r e o f a h o m o g e n e o u s g r o u p . RESUMO

Convulsões na infância. Aspectos eletrencefalográficos

S ã o a n a l i s a d o s o s r e s u l t a d o s e l e t r e n c e f a l o g r á f i c o s d e 7 0 0 c r i a n ç a s , c o m i d a d e d e 0 a 6 a n o s , q u e a p r e s e n t a r a m c o n v u l s õ e s i s o l a d a s , s e m h i s t ó r i a o u m a n i f e s t a ç õ e s c l í n i c a s d e q u a l q u e r o u t r a m o l é s t i a .

Os r e s u l t a d o s n o s s u b g r u p o s de p a c i e n t e s c o m convulsões febris e não febris s ã o a n a l i s a d o s s e p a r a d a m e n t e s o b o p o n t o d e v i s t a e s t a t í s t i c o , a s s i m c o m o n o s s u b g r u p o s d e 0-2 e 3-6 a n o s d e i d a d e . A n á l i s e s i m i l a r f o i feita n o s s u b g r u p o s d e p a c i e n t e s e x a m i n a d o s s o m e n t e d u r a n t e o s o n o o u e m s o n o e e m v i g í l i a , c o m f i n a l i d a d e d e t e s t a r o f a t o r t é c n i c o d o e x a m e . D e s t e e s t u d o p o d e m s e r t i r a d a s t r ê s c o n c l u s õ e s p r i n c i p a i s : 1 ) nas c r i a n ç a s c o m c o n v u l s õ e s i s o l a d a s a p a r e c e m sinais e l e t r e n c e f a l o g r á f i c o s q u e p e r m i t e m d i a g n ó s t i c o d a e x i s t ê n c i a d e l e s ã o c e r e b r a l e m u m a i n c i d ê n c i a e s t a -t i s -t i c a m e n -t e s i g n i f i c a n -t e ; 2 ) a i n c i d ê n c i a d e l e s õ e s c e r e b r a i s f o c a i s n o s c a s o s d e convulsões não febris é t a m b é m s i g n i f i c a t i v a m e n t e m a i o r q u e n o s c a s o s d e convulsões febris, o q u e s u g e r e q u e as c o n v u l s õ e s n e s s e s g r u p o s d e p a c i e n t e s d e p e n d e m d e c o n d i ç õ e s c e r e b r a i s d i f e r e n t e s ; 3 ) n o e s t u d o e l e ¬ t r e n c e f a l o g r á f i c o d a s c r i a n ç a s c o m c o n v u l s õ e s , d e v e s e r t o m a d o e m c o n s i ¬


d e r a ç ã o se o e x a m e f o i f e i t o s o m e n t e d u r a n t e o s o n o o u se t a m b é m e m v i g í l i a , p o i s t a i s r e s u l t a d o s n ã o p o d e m ser c o n s i d e r a d o s e m c o n j u n t o , s o b p e n a d e se i n c o r r e r e m e r r o g r o s s e i r o .


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Departamento de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia — Escola Paulista de Medicina — Caixa Postal 5496 — São Paulo, SP — Brasil.


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