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Língua Inglesa. 8º. ano


Academic year: 2021

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8˚. ano



8º. ano


Língua Inglesa


1o semestre – 8o EF2

Neste Guia de Revisão, você vai estudar “Relative pronouns ” e “Describing


Págs. 7 a 9 do Volume 1 Págs. 20 a 22 do Volume 1

Profa. Juliana Alvarez

*Caro(a) aluno(a), este Guia Conquista de Revisão tem o objetivo de dar o suporte necessário para que você ingresse no próximo ano letivo tendo, de fato,

apreendido os conhecimentos do ano de 2020. Aqui você irá relembrar os conteúdos mais importantes e, portanto, essenciais para a sua formação.



#etapa1 8º. ano –

Relative pronouns: usados para ligar informações em uma frase. Who: (que, quem) usado para nos referir a pessoas.

The girl who has red hair is my sister.

Whom: (quem) usado para nos referir a pessoas.

These students whom I told are the best.

Whose: (de quem) usado para indicar posse.

This book whose cover is black is Jenny’s.

Which: (o qual, o que) usado para nos referir a objetos.

The sofa which I liked is blue.

That: (que) usado para nos referir a objetos e pessoas.

The calculator that I bought is broken.

©Shutt erst ock /W utzk ohphot o


Alter nat iva B ©Shutt erst ock /Dw Labs Inc orporat ed

 Observe the sentences below:

1) The bus that I take to school is late.

2) The engineer which I was talking is my neighbor. 3) Nancy is the teacher who taught me Math.

According to the use of Relative pronouns is correct to say that:

A) The sentences 1 and 2 are correct. B) The sentences 1 and 3 are correct. C) The sentence  1 is correct.

D) The sentence 2 is correct. E) The sentence 3 is correct.



#etapa1 8º. ano –

Describing people

Here we have some vocabulary used to describe people:

Height (altura): short - of medium height - tall

Hair (cabelo): type - straight - wavy - curly - spiky Build (massa corporal): thin - slim - overweight

Hair (cabelo): length - long-shoulder length - short

Eyes (olhos): black - brown - blue - green - hazel

Her name is Jenny. She is tall and slim.

She has curly short brown hair. She has hazel eyes.






 Choose the correct option to describe the boy:

( A ) He is tall and thin. He has straight long black hair and black eyes. ( B ) He is of medium height and slim. He has curly short black hair. ( C ) He is tall and thin. He has straight short black hair and black eyes. ( D ) He is short and overweight. He has straight short wavy black hair. ( E ) He is tall and chubby. He has curly short black hair and black eyes.

Alter nat iva C ©Shutt erst ock /A sier Romero



8º. ano



Língua Inglesa


1o semestre – 8o EF2

Neste Guia de Revisão, você vai estudar “Making comparisons ” e “Weather”.

Págs. 25 a 27 do Volume 1 Págs. 3 a 5 do Volume 2

Profa. Juliana Alvarez

Making comparison: ao compararmos algo ou alguém, devemos utilizar as estruturas a seguir:

1st Adjetivos pequenos (old/nice/cool) - acrescentamos R/ER nos

adjetivos + than.

Ex: She is younger than me.

2nd Adjetivos terminados em CVC (consoante-vogal-consoante)

(hot/big/thin) - dobramos a última letra e acrescentamos ER + than. Ex: Today is hotter than yesterday.

3rd Adjetivos terminados em Y (easy/busy/sunny) tira-se o Y e

acrescentamos o IER + than.

Ex: Mike is busier than you are.

4th Adjetivos grandes (expensive/interesting/intelligent) -

escrevemos MORE antes dos adjetivos + than.


 Write the sentences in the Comparative form using one of the adjetives below:

a) This boy is unpolite. He is ________________________ Jack.

b) Wow! This house is ________________________ mine.

c) Fiona is ________________________ Sandy because she is so cute.

d) Mark is ________________________ John. He doesn’t eat much.

e) Tina is ________________________ Tracy in English. She always gets A+.

f) My father is ________________________ my mother. She asks him to take things for her.


a) w orse t han ; b) m ore c om for tab le t han ; c) p ret tie r tha n; d ) thi nne r tha n; e ) bet ter t han ; f) t alle r tha n ©Shutt erst ock /Mbi



#etapa1 8º. ano –


How’s the weather today? (Como está o clima hoje?)

It’s sunny It’s cloudy It’s rainy It’s foggy It’s windy It’s hot It’s cold

Extreme weather

blizzards - nevascas

cyclonic storms - tempestades ciclônicas droughts - seca

hailstorms - tempestade de granizo heat waves - ondas de calor

tornadoes - tornados thunderstorms - trovoadas

cold waves - ondas frias ice storms - tempestade de gelo

©Shutt erst ock / AnnaF rajt o va ©Shutt erst ock /Sensv ect or


1. Observe the weather forecast and write T or F:

a) ( ) Today is Sunday 19th.

b) ( ) Tuesday will be a sunny day.

c) ( ) On Saturday is going to rain.

d) ( ) On Wednesday, the weather will be cloudy.

e) ( ) On Friday, the weather will be cloudy.

2. Write the name of the catastrophes represented below:

1- F-F -T-F -T 2- T orn ado-F loo d-Drou ght -Th und ers tor m ©Shutt erst ock /John D Sirlin ©Shutt erst ock /Wiji ©Shutt erst ock /Ekat erina P okro vsky ©Shutt erst ock /Solarsev en ©Shutt erst ock /Alt elia



8º. ano



Língua Inglesa


1o semestre – 8o EF2

Neste Guia de Revisão, você vai estudar “Suffixes” e “Prefixes”.

Págs. 11 a 13 do Volume 2

Profa. Juliana Alvarez

village - marriage - package age

Suffixes: são letras que adicionamos ao final da palavra para

se criar uma outra.

writer - driver - cheater er kingdom - freedom dom friendship - citizenship ship happiness - kindness condition - attention ness tion

Your friendship is very important for me. Pay attention! I’m talking to you. This package of cookies is very tasty.





 Match the word with the correct suffixes:

( A ) She has the intellig... of her mother. ( ) y ( B ) I have no good presenti... . ( ) less ( C ) There is an omiss... in this list! It can’t happen! ( ) ful ( D ) This book is price... . ( ) ence ( E ) He has a dirt... bedroom. ( ) ment ( F ) My life is wonder... . ( ) ion

E-D-F-A -B-C ©Shutt erst ock /Y ur y Zap



#etapa1 8º. ano –

uncertain - uncommon un

Prefixes: são letras que adicionamos no início da palavra para se criar uma outra.

immortal - impossible im incapable - invisible in discover - disagree dis irregular - irrelevant Illegal - illogical irr

il It’s impossible to live without love.

Sometimes is illogical the things you say. You are not incapable! You rock!






 Write the words in the correct chart:

appear – kind – different – moral – correct – responsive – able – mature

IN UN DIS IM indi ffe ren t-in cor rec t/un kin d-unr esp ons ive /di sap pear -di sabl e/imm atur e-imm ora l


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