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Provisional summary records : plenary session 1-7


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executive committee o_ working party o_

___ the directing council the regional committeel_ )








92nd Meeting Washington, D.C.

June 1984

i i1=ii i i m mt m I ii I iii i i I I ii I

CE92/SR/1 25 June 1984



Monday, 25 June 1984, at .9:00 a.m. Lunes, 25 de junio de 1984_ a las 9.00 a.m.

Chaimnan: Dr. Amnando L6pez Scavino Uruguay



i Indice

Item 1: Opening of the Meeting

- Election of the Vice Chairman pro tempore - Election of the Rapporteur pro tempore Tema 1: Inauguraci6n de la Reuni6n

- Elecci6n del Vicepresidente pro tempore - Elecci6n del Relator pro tempore

(continued overleaf) (continfia al dorso)

Note:L · This summary record is only provisional. The summaries of statements have not yet been approved by the speakers, and the text should not be quoted. Representatives are requested to notify Document Services (Room 207), in writing, of any changes they wish to have made in the text. Alternatively, they may forward them to the Chief, Conference Services, Pan American Health Organization, 525 - 23rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, by 27 July 1984. The edited records will be

published in the Proceedings of the Meeting.

Nots:· Esta acta resumida es solamente provisional. Las intervenciones resumidas no han sido afin aprobadas por los oradores y el texto no debe citarse. Se ruega a los seHores Representantes tengan a bien comunicar al Servicio de Documentos (Oficina 207), pot escrito, las modif icaciones que deseen ver introducidas en el texto. Como alternativa, pueden enviarse al Jefe del Servicio de Conferencias, Organizaci6n Panamericana de la Salud, 525 - 23rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C., EUA, antes del 27 de Julio de 1984. Los textos


CE92/SR/1 Page 2

Contents (cont.) Indice (cont.)

Item 2- Adoption of the Agenda

Tema 2: Adopci6n del programa de temas

Item_ 3: Representation of the Executive Committee at the XXX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXVI Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas

Tema 3: Representaci6n del Comit_ Ejecuttvo en la XXX Reunt6n del Consejo Directivo 'de la OPS, XXXVI Reuni6n del Comit_ Regional de la OMS

para las Americas

Item 4' Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions and Countries in Arrears in an Amount Exceeding the Sum of their Quotas for Two Full Years

Tema,, 4: Informe sobre la recaudaci6n de las cuotas y los parses que tienen atrasos que exceden del importe de sus cuotas correspondientes a dos aHos completos

Item 5: Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for the Period 1982-1983

Tema 5: Informe Financiero del Director e Informe del Auditor Externo correspondientes al perfodo 1982-1983

Item 6' Amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau Tem_ 6: Enmiendas al Reglamento del Personal de la Oficina Sanitaria


CE92/SR/1 Page 3

The session was called to order at 9:00 a.m.

Se abre la sesi6n a las 9:00 a.m.


E1 PRESIDENTE abre la 92a Reuni6n del Comit_ Ejecutivo y da la

bienvenida a los miembros y observadores, agradeciendo el honor que se le

ha conferido al presidir la Reuni6n.

Election of the Vice Chairman pro tempore Elecci6n del Vicepresidente pro tempore

E1 PRESIDENTE dice que debe procederse a la elecci6n de un

Vice-presidente pro tempore, por ausencia del Dr. Abelardo Ramfrez (Cuba), y pide al Secretario que informe al respecto.

The SECRETARY, referring to Rule 10 of the Committee's Rules of

Procedure, said that in the absence of the Vice Chairman, Dr. Abelardo

Ramlrez of Cuba, the Committee should elect a Vice Chairman pro tempore.

E1 PRESIDENTE sugiere que se eliJa al Representante de Cuba pre-sente en la Reuni6n, Dr. Roberto Menchaca.

Decision: Dr. Roberto Menchaca, Cuba, was elected Vice Chairman pro tempore.

Decisi6n: E1 Dr. Roberto Menchaca, Cuba, es elegido Vice-presidente pro tempore.

The RAPPORTEUR said that Canada was pleased to become a member of


CE92/SR/1 Page 4

appreciate the opportunity to participate actively in the discussion of

substantive issues. He, therefore, suggested that his colleague Mr. Inglis should replace him as Rapporteur pro tempore.

E1 PRESIDENTE somete a consideraci6n del Comit_ la sugerencia del

Dr. Black en el sentido de que sea sustituido por el Sr. Inglis como Relator pro tempore.

Decision: Mr. Ian Inglis, Canada, was elected Rapporteur pro tempore.

Decisi6n: E1 Sr. Ian Inglis, Canada, es elegido Relator pro tempore.



E1 PRESIDENTE sugiere que, en vista de que no se ha propuesto

modificaci6n alguna al programa de temas (Documento CE92/1, Rev. 2), se d_ pot aprobado.

It was so agreed. Asr se acuerda.



The SECRETARY referred to Rule 14 of the Committee's Rules of

Procedure and noted that in recent years, the Committee had been repre-sented at Meetings of the Directing Council by its Chairman and one other member. If it wished to retain that practice, it would have to elect one


CE92/SR/1 Page 5

E1 PRESIDENTE sugiere que el Representante del Ecuador integre la

Representaci6n del Comit_ Ejecutivo en la XXX Reuni6n del ConseJo Directivo.

E1 Dr. ENDARA (Ecuador) agradece la designaci6n y a su vez propone como suplentes a los Representantes de la Rep6blica Dominicana y de Costa Rica.

It was so agreed. Asi se acuerda.



Mr. McMOIL (PASB), introducing the report (Document CE92/14 and ADD. I), pointed out that total arrears for contributions due for years prior to 1984, amounting to $11,416,482.26 on 1 January 1984, had been reduced by $1,401,618.95 in payments received between 1 January and

18 June. The corresponding amount of arrears at approximately the same time in 1983 had been _6,009,998. The increase in arrears for prior years related primarily to unpaid 1983 assessments. On the other hand, contributions collected in respect of 1984 assessments amounted to $23,737,824.34 as of 18 June and an additional contribution toward 1984 assessments totaling $21,572 had been received from Panama. Those

collections represented 45.4% of current year assessments compared with 46% in 1983. Together the collection of arrears and current year


CE92/SR/1 Page 6

year's effective working budget compared with 47% at the same time in

1983. Moreover, of the _1,042,193 approved for financing the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center and the Pan American Zoonoses

Center, only $1,741 remained outstanding as of 18 June 1984.

In connection with the suspension of voting privileges in the

Directing Council of countries in arrears in a given amount, he reviewed

the provisions of Article 6.B of the PAH0 Constitution. As of September

1983, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Paraguay were subject to the

provisions of that Article. With the approval of PAHO's Governing

Bodies, they had adopted deferred payment plans, but they had not paid

the amounts due under those plans. The plans had now expired, with quota

payments still due from previous years. The working party established to examine those payment situations had recommended that the expired payment

plans for the Dominican Republic and Paraguay be extended for one

additional year pendqng approval of new payment plans by the Executive Committee at its current Meeting. The new plans should fix a term not

exceeding five years for payment of the arrears. The working party had

also recommended that the Government of Haiti provide an assurance that all quota amounts due and payable under their 20-year payment plan would be paid in full by 1986, when the plan would expire. The working party had expressed the opinion that deferred payment plans agreed to by the

PAHO Governing Bodies had proved ineffective as a method of securing

payment of arrears and that, in future, the provisions of Article 6.B

should be applied.

Acting on those recommendations, the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council has decided (Resolution XI) to allow the Representatives








Page 7

Director officially to inform the Governments concerned of the quota

payment conditions recommended by the working party and approved by the Council, and to request the Executive Committee at its 92nd Meeting to review the situation of countries in arrears in an amount exceeding the

sum of their quotas for two full years.

As of 18 June, partial payments against contributions due for

prior years had been received from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and

Paraguay, but total arrears for the three countries continued to exceed the sum of their annual assessments for two full years. The Government

of Haiti had informed the Director that the Haitian financial authorities were discussing a new payment plan for submission to PAHO. The Govern-ment of Paraguay had advised the PAHO Country Representative that while

it did not plan to submit a deferred payment plan, it was preparing new

payment proposals for submission to the Directing Council at its opening session. However, to date, the Organization had not received new proposals for revised deferred payment plans from any of the three Governments concerned.

E1 PRESIDENTE somete a la consideraci6n del Comit_ el informe


E1 Dr. PEREZ MERA (Repfiblica Dominicana) explica que el Gobierno

de su pafs ha tornado las disposiciones presupuestarias pertinentes para cumplir con las obligaciones pendientes. Sin embargo, la situaci6n del comercio exterior es crftica y pese a todos los intentos para aJustarse a


CE92/SR/1 Page 8

no est_ en condiciones de abonar el pago de las cuotas en d61ares, por m§s que trate de hacerlo. Quiz_ pudieran abonarse las cuotas en moneda nacional.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACEDO (Director) dice que la Secretarfa tiene

conciencia de las dificultades por las que atraviesan los Paises Miembros para cumplir con los compromisos que exigen pagos en divisas

extran-Jeras. Somete a la consideraci6n del Comit_ Ejecutivo la sugerencia de

que se permita el pago de las cuotas atrasadas hasta 1983 en moneda

nacional, habida cuenta de las necesidades de moneda nacional que la

Organizaci6n pueda tenet para las actividades de cooperaci6n en cada

pals, y de acuerdo con los planes que se deberfan establecer entre los

gobiernos con cuotas atrasadas y la Organizaci6n. Aclara que, desde

luego, no se abolirfa el requisito del pago de las cuotas en d61ares, porque podrfa crearse un precedente con profundas repercusiones y la

amenaza de poner en peligro el funcionamiento de la OPS.

Mr. BOYER (United States of America) said that while his Delegation

sympathized with the countries facing financial difficulties in paying their quota contributions, their failure to meet those obligations

presented a major problem for the Organization. With unpaid arrears

amounting to 24% of 1983 assessments, it would be impossible for PAHO to implement its programs. It was imperative that it find ways of ensuring full payment of quota contributions in the year in which they were due.

In an effort to assist Member Countries which were in danger of


CE92/SR/1 Page 9

if the country concerned could guarantee payment of its current assessment plus 10% of its arrears on past contributions. The working party had found that deferred payment plans had proved ineffective as a method of ensuring payment of arrears. Consequently, the provisions of Article 6.B should be applied. The Executive Committee should endorse

that conclusion and make the same recommendation to the Directing Council

at its 1984 Meeting.

He disagreed with the Director's suggestion that arrears might be paid in local currencies. The Organization desperately needed hard currency in order to implement its programs. Moreover, it was established

practice throughout the United Nations and Inter-American systems for countries to pay assessed contributions in hard currency, and PAHO should continue that practice. The Organization would lose credibility and

effectiveness by accepting payment in local currencies, particularly

since St was not likely to be able to spend a sum of the magnitude of _11 million in the countries where payments in local currencies had been made available.

E1 Dr. BORGO_O (Observador, Chile) considera que deber_a tomarse

una decisi6n para resolver el problema de rondo, ya que el tema aparece en cada reuni6n del Comit_ Ejecutivo y del ConseJo Directivo. Cree que

debe respaldarse el informe del grupo de trabaJo, tal como lo ha pro-puesto el Representante de los Estados Unidos de America. En cuanto a la sugerencia del Director se pregunta si la autorizaci6n de pagos en moneda nacional a los parses con cuotas atrasadas no estimularfa el atraso en


CE92/SR/1 Page 10

entrando en un atraso de dos aNos. A su juicio para que el Artfculo 6.B de la Constituci6n tenga sentido, hay que asumir la responsabtlidad que entraps o tenet la valentfa de suprimirlo.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACEDO (Director) aclara que su sugerencia se limitarfa a los cuatro paises que est_n atrasados en el pago de sus

cuotas, y solo en esta ocasi6n. Efectivamente, si la medida se

gene-ralizara, estimularfa el atraso de los pagos para tener el privilegio de utilizar moneda nacional. Esta serfa la segunda ocasi6n en que se harfa

la excepci6n, y ante unas dificultades muy especiales.

E1 PRESIDENTE se_ala que los Miembros del Comit_ no pueden dejar

de reconocer el riesgo que entra_arfa la posibilidad, como norma, de abonar las cuotas en moneda nacional, pero al mismo tiempo hay que tener

presente la sanci6n, e incluso la autosanci6n que supondrfa la aplicaci6n del reglamento a los parses que est_n en mora con la Organizaci6n. Por

eso hay que evitar la decisi6n de privar de ciertos derechos a los Miembros de la Organizaci6n, pues se trata de naciones hermanas

profun-damente comprometidas a los principios de la salud. Sugiere que se

fuerce una salida 16gica de este problema.

E1 Dr. MENCHACA (Cuba) apoya la sugerencia del Director, si bien

entiende las obJeciones expresadas por algunos oradores.

E1 Dr. ENDARA (Ecuador) constdera que ambos puntos de vista se han

analizado minuciosamente. E1 Representante de la Rep6blica Dominicana ha

expresado que a su Gobierno no le falta el deseo de cumplir con sus



Page 11

pa_fs, que est§ deseoso de hacer efecttvos los pagos de su cuota, se debe

ofrecer ayuda y, por constguiente, expresa su acuerdo con la sugerencta

del Director. Tiene entendido que se estudiar_ detenidamente la u

tili-zaci6n de la moneda nactonal en la RepGblica Dominicana para llevar a cabo los programas de la Organizaci6n.

E1 Sr. PARDO (Uruguay) apoya tambi_n la sugerencta del Director.

Mr. BLACK (Canada) said that the application of Article 6.B was the ultimate sanction that could be applied to countries experiencing serious financial difficulties and making efforts to meet their

com-mitments to the Organization. His main concern about the suggestion made by the Director was that a precedent would be set. The Directing Council might have to reexamine the issue if the experience of accepting local currencies did not prove satisfactory.

E1 Dr. BORGON0 (Observador, Chile) pregunta c6mo se va a

deter-minar la cantidad que los parses van a pagar en moneda nacional y si se va a especificar en la resoluci6n o quedar_ al libre arbitrio del Director.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB) said that under the Director's proposal, payment


CE92/SR/1 Page 12

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACEDO (Director) advierte la necesidad, que ya ha sido expresada a los Gobiernos, de proteger a la Organizaci6n de las

variaciones del tipo de cambio que los propios Gobiernos deciden. Una manera de cubrir los riesgos por variaciones del tipo de cambio consiste en decidir la cantidad en moneda local de acuerdo con las necesidades

estrictas de la Organizaci6n, pero si un Gobierno decide modificar su

polftica cambiaria tendr_ que compensar a la Organizaci6n cualquier dife-rencia que esa modificacl6n origine.

Mr. BOYER (United States of America) said that the extended

payment plan had been devised in an effort to avert the application of

sanctions under Article 6.B. However, as the working party had found, the plan simply did not work and his Delegation shared the view tbat the Committee should recommend discontinuing it.

The solution proposed by the Director, namely the payment of assessments tn local currencies, was in contradiction with the Financial

Regulations adopted by the Directing Council. If an exception was to be made, the relevant Regulations would have to be amended and approved by


CE92/SR/1 Page 13

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE _L_CEDO (Director) dice que se han planteado dos problemas que no son necesariamente incompatibles: el nuevo plan de pagos y la aplicaci6n del drtfculo 6.B de la Constituci6n de la OPS, sobre el que, personalmente, no se ha manifestado. Concuerda con lo expresado por el Sr. McMoil eR el sentido de que la concest6n de pagar eH

moneda nacional no debe exceder de un aY_o, porque las necesidades que hay

que atender en esos parses indican que pueden utilizarse dichos recursos en el tdrmino de un aBo. Si bien el Comit_ Ejecutivo no puede hacer la

excepci6n a las dtsposictones del Reglamento Financiero y es preciso esperar la decisi6n del Consejo Directivo, el hecho de que los parses en cuesti6n hicieran alg_n desembolso en d61ares a cuenta de la cuota

correspondiente a 1984 ser£a una buena indicaci6n del deseo y disposici6n de esos parses.

E1 PRESIDENTE se_ala que las deliberaciones sobre el tema y la

sugerencta del Director acerca de la forma de pago reflejan el deseo del Comit_ de buscar una salida sin necesidad de recurrir a la aplicaci6n del Reglamento Financiero. Somete a la consideraci6n del Comit_ la

suge-rencia del Director en el sentido de que los parses con atrasos en el pago de las cuotas lo hagan efectivo en moneda nacional en el menor plazo posible, pero que antes manifiesten su intenci6n de ponerse al corriente

con la Organizaci6n abonando en d61ares el importe de las cuotas de 1984.


CE92/SR/1 Page 14

E1 Dr. GUEBRA DE MACEDO (Director) dice que la Secretarfa tomar_

las medidas pertinentes con los Gobiernos para someter a la consideraci6n

del ConseJo Directivo un plan de pagos para un perfodo de un a_o, y

abriga la esperanza de que para aquellas fechas los Gobiernos ya habr_n

demoatrado su buena voluntad con los aportes en d61ares a cuenta de la

cuota correspondiente a 1984.

Mr. BOYER (United States of America) said that if the Committee

wished to take action on the issue, it would have to draft a resolution

making some recommendation to the Directing Council. It also had the

option of taking no action at all, in which case, when the Directing

Council came to examine the report on the collection of quota

contri-butions and found some Member Countries sufficiently in arrears to

warrant invoking Article 6.B, it would undoubtedly appoint a working

party, as had been done the previous year, and adopt a resolution on the

basis of the recommendations made.

E1 Dr. MENCtlACA (Cuba) se_ala que el Artfculo 6.B se ha aplicado

siempre consecuentemente pero se ha presentado una situaci6n que

corn-patten casi todos los parses de la Regi6n. La sugerencia del Director es

una forma de resolver, al margen del menc_onado Artfculo, la situaci6n

del paso de las cuotas. Es una f6rmula her6ica a la que el Gobierno de

su pals presta todo su apoyo.

E1 Dr. ENDARA (Ecuador) pide que se someta a votaci6n la decisi6n



Page 15

E1 Dr. BORGORO (Observador, Chile) constdera que es indispensable

que el ConseJo Directivo cuente con un pronunciamiento del Comit_

EJecutivo y a este respecto considera pertinente la sugerencia, del

Director por lo que se permite pedir al Representante de los Estados

Unidos de America que no obJete las recomendaciones que se hah

for-mulado. No cree que debe procederse a una votaci6n.

E1 PRESIDENTE sugiere constttuir un peque_o grupo de trabaJo para

que prepare un proyecto de resoluci6n que despu_s seria considerado pot

el ComitY.

Dr. McINTYRE (Dominica) expressed the hope that the solution

proposed by the Director would not be taken as the regular solution for

countries more than two years in arrears. Since the extended payment

plans had failed, an effort should be made to develop some other type of

extended payment terms. If no effective scheme could be devised, his

Delegation would support the United States proposal that Article 6.B

should be applied. However, exceptionally, for the three specific cases

mentioned, he supported the Director's proposal for a recommendation to

the Directing Council.

E1 PRESIDENTE sugiere que el grupo de trabaJo estl integrado por los Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amtrtca, Canadt y Costa Rica.

E1 Dr. MENCHACA (Cuba) propone que el Representante de la Rep_blica Dominicana se una al grupo de trabaJo.


CE92/SR/1 Page 16

Mr. BOYER (United States of America) pointed out that

tra-ditionally, any member of the Committee was free to participate in the

discussions in any working group or drafting group.

E1 PRESIDENTE est& de acuerdo con la observaci6n del Representante de los Estados Unidos de America.

The session was suspended at 10:10 a.m. and resumed at 10:40 a.m. Se suspende la sesi6n a las 10:10 a.m. y se reanuda a las 10:40 a.m.



Mr. McMOIL (PASB), introducing Official Document 194, Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for the Biennium 1982-1983, outlined its general contents and pointed out that a special addendum had been issued containing schedules on the extent to which program support costs had been applied to extrabudgetary funded projects initiated in 1983.

Mr. BEADLE (Representative of the External Auditor), explaining


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common interest. Paragraphs 12 to 23 examined the development of

com-puterized systems, which represented a considerable investment of PAHO's

financial and manpower resources. In light of the need for management to

establish clear objectives and to establish procedures to monitor and

evaluate progress in that area, the Report noted the steps taken by PAHO

to improve its control over computer development and endeavored to set a

sort of benchmark against which future progress might be measured.

Paragraphs 24 to 28 dealt with the financial positions of CAREC and

INCAP. The deterioration in the financial position of INCAP in 1982-1983

had resulted largely from a write-off of debts totaling $189,254, carried

out at the specific request of the External Auditor. Although INCAP was

continuing to try to recover the funds, the External Auditor had felt

that it was prudent to recognize the doubtful nature of the debts.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB), underscoring some of the comments made by the

Director in Official Document 194 concerning the financial position of

the Organization, noted that PAHO had continued to maintain a steady

growth in program delivery, with an increase in total expenditures of

9.8% in 1982-1983 as compared with 1980-1981. The collection of current

quota contributions during 1982-1983 had been the lowest return in a

number of years. The Organization had nevertheless been able to

imple-ment approximately 98% of the approved 1982-1983 effective working budget

as a result of the receipt of payments against prior year assessments and

significantly higher interest earnings from the Organization's


CE92/SR/1 Page 18

Fund, there remained a surplus of 31,135,754 of income over program

expenditures. In accordance with Article 6.4 of the Organization's

Financial Regulations, that surplus was transferred to the Working Capital

Fund to offset deficits from prior financial periods. Expenditures of

Trust Funds during 1982-1983 had also reflected an increase of 7.8% over


Reviewing various tables and other information contained in the

Financial Report, he pointed out in regard to the table on page 19 that

the transfers of 31,377,125 and 51,377,124 from Parts I and II of the

Regular Budget to Parts III and IV to meet expenditures had been effected

within the limitations established by the Financial Regulations.

The explanatory notes on pages 24 to 33 provided additional detail

on statement line items such as the Tax Equalization Fund, the Special

Fund for Health Promotion and the Working Capital Fund.

As show on page 34, the Organization's assets totaled 536,953,005

as of 31 December 1983, which was significantly higher than at the close

of 1981. That improved comparative position could for the most part be

attributed to an increase in the amount of unliquidated obligations at

the close of 1983 for which cash was on hand for disbursement, and an

increase in the amount of deposit in the Special Funds maintained by the


Schedules 5 and 6 on pages 40, 41 and 42 showed the status of

funds under the Emergency Procurement Revolving Fund and the Revolving

Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). Vaccines and



Page 19

about 51.5 million over procurements during 1980 and 1981. The

contri-bution of 51,686,000 from the Government of the United States of America

toward the capitalization of the EPI Revolving Fund had significantly

improved the Organization's ability to prefinance the procurement of

needed vaccines.

With regard to Schedule 7, pages 43 through 53, the financial

statements of the Community Water Supply Fund had, for presentation

purposes, been merged with the financial statement for all other Trust

Funds. However, the Organization continued to maintain separate accounting records for Water Fund Activities.

Part IV of the Financial Report concerning the Caribbean Epidemi-ology Center (CAREC) indicated that in CAREC, income during 1982-1983 had exceeded expenditures by _176,620, an amount sufficient to offset the

remaining accumulated deficit from prior financial periods and provide a small working capital balance of 527,611. The reversal in the financial position of CAREC could be attributed to the timely response of the Member Countries in meeting their quota obligations to CAREC during 1982-1983.

As shown in Part V, concerning the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI), total expenditures in 1982-1983 had totaled $1.9 million as compared with expenditures of about $2.3 million in 1980-1981. Expenditure reductions had occurred in personnel costs, duty travel, and courses and seminars. As income exceeded expenditures by $129,654, there was a sufficient surplus to offset accumulated deficits from prior years of 545,461 and establish a modest Working Capital Fund for the Institute. /


CE92/SR/1 Page 20

payment of current and prior year quota assessments by the Member Countries of CFNI. The decrease in Trust Fund expenditures shown on page 72 could be traced to reduced expenditures for one project which had been completed in early 1983.

With regard to the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and

Panama (INCAP), as indicated on page 77, 1983 expenditures had exceeded income received by 561,040, and a reserve for doubtful accounts in the

amount of 5189,254 had to be established. General accounting principles

required that type of reserve to be established when doubts arose about the possibility of collecting any portion of an organization's accounts. The Institute's statements for 1983 therefore reflected a deficit of

5250,294. If in the future any payments were received against the doubtful accounts, they would be applied to any outstanding deficit of the Institute. Efforts by Member Countries to clear the arrears totaling

5948,268 would greatly improve the financial position of INCAP. With

regard to the statement of INCAP Trust Funds, the continued decrease in

extrabudgetary activities could not be considered encouraging for the Institute.

E1 Sr. GALVAO (Observador, Brasil) agradece al Sr. McMoil y al Sr. Beadle las informaciones que han ofrecido en relaci6n con el estado

de cuentas de la Organizaci6n. Pregunta a qu_ se refiere la expresi6n "doubtful debts", pues no la ha entendido bien.

Hr. McMOIL (PASB) explained that if it seemed unlikely that a debt would be paid, the creditor organization might establish a reserve, in








Page 21

E1 Dr. BORGO_O (Observador, Chile) dice que, si ha entendido bien,

el excedente mencionado se debi6 a que los parses se pusieron al dfa en

el pago de sus cuotas. Sei_ala que, en CAREC los excedentes de fondos

provienen de puestos profesionales vacantes y que, en vista de que se ha

procedido a llenarlas, podr£an presentarse problemas financieros en el futuro. Solicita las observaciones del Sr. McMoil al respecto.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB) agreed that there were savings made by the

non-filling of professional posts. But more impressive was that difference between quota payments in 1982-1983 as compared with 1980-1981. He was

optimistic about a solution to CAREC's financial problems.

Mr. BOYER (United States of America) urged the members of the - Committee to examine the Financial Report with great care, to raise

questions and make suggestions designed to save the Organization money, with a view to ensuring that a maximum of resources was used for health

programs and ultimately reducing the assessed contributions, which many Member Countries were finding it increasingly difficult to pay.

He drew attention to the statement on page 6 of the Report that, despite the fact that only 88% on the 1982-1983 quota assessments had been received, 97.8% of the approved 1982-1983 effective working budget had been implemented and the Working Capital Fund had been restored to

its established level. That might give the impression that it was


CE92/SR/1 Page 22

the Working Capital Fund was at its authorized level. The 1982-1983

program had apparently been financed in part by the collection of nearly

36 million in assessments for years prior to 1983 and nearly 33.7 million in miscellaneous income not anticipated. If the bulk of that money had

not been needed to finance the 1982-1983 budget, the excess income would have been available, under Financial Rule 103.4, to help finance the next Regular Budget. Indeed, if Member Countries paid their 1984 assessments

as well as all arrears for prior years before the end of 1984, the

1986-1987 budget could be adopted with no increase in assessments at all

--possibly a decrease--and without curtailing program activity. On the

other hand, if Members continued to pay in 1984 for 1983 programs, their

1985 assessments would certainly have to be higher, and every country that paid on time would be subsidizing those who failed to pay.

He would welcome suggestions from the Secretariat and the External

Auditor on how the financing of the effective working budget could be adjusted, possibly by revising the Financial Regulations, in order to take advantage of the surplus that ought to be available to reduce the contributions required of Member Countries.



Page 23

purpose. He questioned whether that practice was compatible with the

Financial Rules and asked whether the draw-do,ms were being replenished

by contributions to be applied to PAHO's Regular Budget. In that case,

the assessments of all Member Countries were being increased to

compen-sate for the financial difficulties of CAREC and INCAP. He would welcome

clarification on that point.

With regard to exchange gains and losses, he drew attention to the statement on page 6 of the Report that over 51 million was earned from investments in currencies other than US dollars and had been applied

against exchange losses. The Statement of Income and Expenditure (page 21) showed a net current exchange differential of some 5900,000, which would seem to indicate that exchange losses actually amounted to : 51.9 million. The figures seemed unusually high and he would welcome an


Lastly, he expressed appreciation for the External Auditor's continued attention to PAHO's computerized system.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB), replying to the first question raised by the

Representative of the United States of America, said that while PAHO's Financial Rules and Regulations were similar to those of WHO, the latter

interpreted them differently in relation to the collection of quota contributions and utilization of the Working Capital Fund. For example,


CE92/SR/1 Page 24

including interest, income, prior year assessments, current year

assessments and the Working Capital Fund. If it had not used prior year

assessments, it would have had to draw down severely on the Working

Capital Fund, and if the Fund showed a deficit at the end of the year,

any monies in the surplus account would have to be credited back to the

Fund. Consequently, there would not necessarily be any impact on the

later budget periods and the quota assessments required to finance them.

On the other hand, he agreed that to the extent possible, the effective

working budget should be financed from quota assessments which applied to

the budget period in question.

With regard to the financial position of CAREC and INCAP, he noted

that CAREC now had a very small capital fund of $2?,000 as compared with

a deficit of _149,O00 at the end of 1981. As could be seen from page 59

of the Report, CAREC had a fixed-term time deposit of _295,000 and trust

funds receivable in the amount of _109,156, which more than offset the

_70,026 under accounts payable. Indeed, CAREC's financial position was

much improved.

The financial position of INCAP, on the other hand, was continuing

to deteriorate. The status of quota payments was the prime cause of that

deterioration and it was abetted by the failure of increased

extra-budgetary activities to offset operating costs. INCAP's extrabudgetary

funding had declined by 50% over recent years, and the Institute had been

able to continue to function only because PAH0 had advance funds from its

Working Capital Fund to help it meet its expenses. That advance would be

cleared as a receivable when the quota payments from previous years were


CE92/SR/1 Page 25

The authority for using the Working Capital Fund to finance quota assessments stemmed from a decision approved by the Executive Committee

and subsequently endorsed by the Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1978

to the effect that the Working Capital Fund also provided operating funds

for the Organization's bank accounts, cash sent to the field offices,

Centers and project leaders in the form of imprest accounts, advances to extrabudgetary projects, etc. Moreover, Article 6.5 of the Financial

Regulations stated that "transfers from the Working Capital Fund to

finance unforseeable and extraordinary expenses or other authorized

purposes shall be reimbursed from regularly budgeted funds unless other authorized means are used to replenish the Fund." Thus, the decision of

the 1978 Conference, coupled with the authority granted in he Financial

Regulations, was sufficient justification for the Director to use the

Working Capital Fund temporarily for short-term extraordinary expenses.

The significant exchange losses being suffered by the Organization

resulted from the requirement that PAHO's resources must be converted

into United States dollars. That conversion was made utilizing the

latest exchange rate, and the money was spent again utilizing the latest

exchange rate available. Unfortunately, in the last two years, the rates in some of the major contributor countries were devaluing other

curren-cies so rapidly that the Organization was suffering significant exchange losses.


CE92/SR/1 Page 26

administrativas financieras. Le preocupa la situaci6n financiera de los

Centros, particularmente del INCAP y del CAREC. Los parses miembros de

estos Centros hah hecho un gran esfuerzo por mantenerse al dia en el pago

de sus cuotas y es de esperar que contin6e. Se ha adoptado la decisi6n

de completar el cuadro de personal del CAREC, porque algunos puestos son

muy importantes para el desarrollo de actividades relativas al campo de

la epidemiologfa.

Las contribuciones recibidas de los gobiernos miembros del INCAP

en 1983 fueron inferiores a las de 1982, la explicaci6n se encuentra en

las condiciones existentes en Centroam_rica y Panama. Se est_ haciendo

todo lo posible pot encontrar f6rmulas innovadores para que los parses se

pongan al dfa en el pago de sus obligaciones con el fin de regularizar la

situaci6n del Instituto. Las cuentas dudosas del INCAP han pasado a ser

cuentas perdidas pot ser adeudadas pot instituciones que ya no existen y

por ello no se ha podido seguir contabiliz_ndolas.

Una de las medidas fundamentales para mejorar esa situaci6n

con-siste en recuperar el prestigio t_cnico y cientifico del Instituto pues

el deterioro de _ste ha causado una reducci6n importante de los recursos

extrapresupuestarios. En la actualidad, ya ha comenzado a meJorar la

capacidad cientffica y t_cnica del Instituto yello le permitir_

con-seguir fondos extrapresupuestarios, pero es esencial que sus pafses

miembros se pongan al dfa en el pago de las cuotas.

E1 Director considera que no se puede esperar que se mantenga la

situaci6n actual en que se recauda solo 88% de las cuotas del perfodo

para financiar el 98% del programa aprobado y se_ala que es indispensable



Page 27

recaudados durante el eJercicio 1984-1985 para financiar el presupuesto

correspondiente a 1986-1987 ser_n superiores a los recaudados para el

presupuesto anterior. Solicita al Sr. McMoil que explique lo relativo a

la p_rdida neta pot cambio de moneda.

Hr. McMOIL (PASB) said that in 1982 the Organization had lost

_655,505 as a result of exchange rate fluctuations, and in 1983,

$1,287,393. As those losses were offset by exchange rate earnings of

_1,035,353, the net loss totaled 3907,545. In cases where a country

provided funds in its own currency to support a PAHO activity in that

country, the Organization for accounting purposes converted the national

currency into US dollars on the basis of the current exchange rate.

There might therefore be an exchange loss on the books but, since the

currency was being spent in the country itself, there would not

neces-sarily be a loss in terms of the products received. The loss was

therefore not so significant as it might appear in the Organization's accounts.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACED0 (Director) dice que no se ha determinado

cu_nto corresponde a una p_rdida real y cu_nto a una contable. Cree que la p_rdida real es cuantiosa y considera queen el futuro los pa_ses deben asumir el riesgo por las diferencias de cambio de moneda que ellos mismos determinan.

Mr. BLACK (Canada) expressed concern over the low level of payment


CE92/SR/1 Page 28

the nature of the ex gratia payments referred to on page 6 of the

document. His Delegation supported the gradual implementation of the

financial management system and inquired if it was to be implemented according to a set schedule and if, under the proposed decentralization,

the system was also to be used by the Country Representatives.

It was very important for the Organization to have a strong policy

for electronic data processing for both the acquisition and the

application of computers and the development of software to be used not only in financial management but also in the program information fields.

With regard to INCAP, it was necessary, as stated by the Director,

to increase the level of its Working Capital Fund. As for CAREC,

every-thing possible should be done to put the Center on a sound financial

footing, He requested clarification regarding the reference made to

liquifying certain outstanding contribution in the case of CAREC. If that meant wiping out contributions, he wondered whether PAHO had been consulted and whether that would affect the budget in any way.

In cases of project expenditures either over or under the approved

budget appropriations, he inquired what sort of guidelines governed the Director's actions in that area, whether limits were set, and whether the

Director was given sufficient freedom of action.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB) explained that approximately 80% of the arrears



· Page 29

With regard to the financial management system, the budget module

of the system had been operating successfully for almost six months. The

initial programming stage for the expenditure and accounting module would be tested and developed during the summer of 1984. It was expected that the third section of the total accounting system would be completed by

the end of 1984, and it was hoped to have the budget, accounting and

allotment and reporting modules fully operational by the beginning of

1985. With regard to the use of the system in the field, while it was

not expected to duplicate the entire operation, it was hoped that it

would be possible to interface and interact with the major system in the

field, possibly through the use of microcomputers.

With regard to the question raised about the liquifying of

contri-butions to CAREC, the Overseas Development Authority of the United

Kingdom had informed the Organization that it had not agreed to pay

certain assessments. The write-off of those receivables did of course

have an effect on the financial position of CAREC.

With regard to the limits set on the over- or under-expenditure of

certain line items, the limits appeared to be adequate since it had never

been necessary to request special authority to exceed them. There was

sufficient flexibility within reason to move funds within those line items as necessary. He clarified the item further by reviewing the

figures shown on page 19 of the Report.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACEDO (Director), refiri_ndose a los comentarios


CE92/SR/1 Page 30

programa de descentralizaci6n administrativa que implica el fort

ale-cimiento de las actividades de las Representaciones de Pafs. Para

finales de 1984, se prev_ la descentralizaci6n en 10 Representaciones y 3

Centros y para mediados o finales de 1985, en otras 9 Representaciones y

2 Cent ros. Adem_s del aspecto admini strat ivo, la descent ral izaci6n

comprende el aspecto financiero y el del personal, y guarda relaci6n con

el desarrollo de los sistemas de procesamiento electr6nico, campo que

tiene un ritmo de progreso m_s lento pero que comienza a acelerarse.

Desde luego, en todas estas actividades ha habido que fi jar

prio-ridades como consecuencia de las limitaciones de recursos.

En cuando a las observaciones relativas al aumento de los gastos,

explica el Director que los gastos de la Sede aumentaron m_s que los de

las oficinas de campo pot la necesidad de introducir innovaciones, de

adquirir el equipo necesario para ello y de ampliar la capacidad de los

programas de renovaci6n administrativa. Sin embargo, no bubo ning6n

aumento en el n6mero de funcionartos de la Sede, queen la actualidad

cuenta aproximadamente con el mismo n6mero de puestos que antes.

Son eJemplos de innovaci6n el uso de la "Rotonda" de la Sede como

biblioteca y la mecanizaci6n de las actividades de las oficinas, lo que

ha representado cuautiosos gastos imprevistos.

Mr. BOYER (United States of America), said that, although, in

general, the Organization might have expected to have net exchange gains,

it appeared that certain problems in the Hemisphere had resulted in



Page 31

On the question of using the Working Capital Fund to help the Centers with their problems, according to the Financial Regulations the Working Capital Fund could be used for purposes to be determined from time to time by the Directing Council. If he understood Mr. McMoil's

explanation correctly, the 1978 decision of the Pan American Sanitary Conference authorized the use of those Funds for such a purpose.

The Director's comment that cost increases had been greater at Headquarters was somewhat puzzling, since inflation rates had been declining in the United States of America and were significantly lower

than in many other places in the Hemisphere.

With regard to the payment of assessments, it seemed apparent that the application of Article 6.B of the Constitution would not be very ef-fective in respect of the major countries that had not been paying, because they were not in arrears for a period greater than two years. It was gratifying that the Director was optimistic about timely payments being made in 1984-1985, especially since that would result in lower assessments in the future and a reduced burden on all countries.

Mr. McMOIL (PASB) said that the direct administrative expenditures for the period 1982-19_3 totaled 320,007,578 or 10.6% of the total resources available to the Organization for that period. Not many organizations could operate effectively with such a small percentage of total budget resources.



Page 32

Amdrica, pues a ello contribuyeron varios factores como el problema del

incremento de los costos dentro del mercado norteamericano, los costos

obligatorios que aumentan independientemente de la inflact6n, los costos

por cambios de tecnologfa y otros afines. Recalca que solo deseaba

indicar que los gastos de la Sede fueron superiores a los de las Oficinas de Campo.

E1 PRESIDENTE solicita al Relator que prepare un proyecto de

reso-luci6n sobre el tema.



E1 Sr. BARAHONA (OSP) dice que, de conformidad con las

disposi-clones del Artfculo 020 del Reglamento del Personal, el Director presenta al Comit_ EJecutivo para su confirmaci6n, las enmiendas al Reglamento del Personal realizadas desde la 9Oa Reuni6n.

Las enmiendas expuestas en las secciones 1, 2 y 3 del documento se han hecho de conformidad con las aprobadas por el Consejo Ejecutivo de la Organizaci6n Mundial de la Salud en su 73a Sesi6n (Resoluci6n EB73.Rg) y en cumplimiento del p_rrafo operativo 2 de la Resoluci6n XIX aprobada por el Comtt_ EJecutivo en su 59a Reuni6n (1968), en la que se solicit6 al Director que siguiera introduciendo las modificaciones que estimara convenientes para mantener una estrecha similitud entre las


CE92/SR/1 Page 33

Habida ¢uenta de la decisi6n adoptada por el Comit& EJecutivo en su 90a Reuni6n (Resoluci6n CE90.R5), el Director ha introducido los ¢ambios necesarios en el Reglamento del Personal en lo que respecta a

procedimientos de apelaci&n, que entrar_n en vigencia a partir del 1 de enero de 1984. Estas revisiones se explican en ia secciSn 4 del documento.

Se prey& que estas enmiendas tendr_n efectos limitados para el presupuesto y que su costo se sufragar_ con ia partida establecida, de ordinarto, para gastos por ¢oncepto de personal.

Mr. CA_PAGNARO (President of the Staff Association) read out Document CE92/3, ADD. I.

E1 PRESIDENTE somete a consideraci&n del Comit& EJecutivo las

enmiendas al Regiamento del Personal y las aspiraciones de la Asociaci&n

del Personal.

Mr. BLACK (Canada) asked whether an affirmative vote on the proposed resolution would result in the abolition of the regional boards of appeal.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE _L_CEDO (Director) aclara que las Juntas de Ape-laci6n existfan en funct6n de las Ofictnas de Area y que al de Jar de

funcionar estas quedaron abolidas. De hecho, solo una lleg6 a funcionar


CE92/SR/1 Page 34

En el p§rrafo 4 de la Resoluci6n V de la 90a Reuni6n del Comit_ EJecuttvo, de Junio de 1983, se autoriza al Director para que introduzca las modificaciones necesarias en el Artfculo 1230.2 del Reglamento del Personal, en caso de que se suprimiesen las Oftcinas de Area. Eso signi-fica que el Director tiene autoridad para decidir la manera m_s apropiada de sustituir a esas Juntas que nunca funcionaron, con otro medio realmente eficaz.

Mr. BLACK (Canada) inquired whether, in the case o f any disagreement with the Staff Association on that matter, the Executive

Committee would be able to have further input or whether the question was

now in the Jurisdiction of the Director and the Secretariat.

E1 Dr. GUERRA DE MACEDO (Director) aclara que, de conformidad con

la mencionada Resoluci6n V, proceder_ a examinar el mecanismo que mejor permita resolver las diferencias del personal de campo con la

Admi-nistraci6n, para luego someterlo a la consideraci6n de Comit_ EJecutivo.

E1 PRESIDENTE pide al Relator que d_ lectura al proyecto de

resoluci6n que aparece en el Documento CE92/3.

The RAPPORTEUR read out the following proposed resolution:


Having considered the amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau submitted by the Director in the Annex to Document CE92/3;


CE92/SR/1 Page 35

Recalling Resolution V of the Executive Committee at its 90th Meeting; and

Bearing in mind the provisions of Staff Rule 020, RESOLVES:

To confirm the amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau submitted by the Director in the Annex to Document CE92/3, with effect from 1 January 1983, concerning the conditions governing restoration of prior contributory service in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and the timing of contributions to the Pension Fund during leave without pay, and, with effect from 1 January 1984, concerning the Board of Appeal, the education and special education grants, and minor corrections to two other Staff Rules.


Vistas las enmiendas al Reglamento del Personal de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana presentadas por el Director en el Anexo al Documento CE92/3;

Reconociendo la necesidad de establecer uniformidad en las condiciones de empleo del personal de la OSP y la OMS;

Teniendo en cuenta la Resoluci6n V del Comit_ EJecutivo en su 90a Reuni6n, y

Consciente de las disposiciones del Artfculo 020, RESUELVE:

Confirmar las enmiendas al Reglamento del Personal de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana presentadas por el Director en el Anexo al Documento CE92/3, vigentes a partir del 1 de enero de 1983, relativas a las condiciones que rigen la reincorporaci6n de un ex-funcionario contribuyente a la Caja Comfn de Pensiones del Personal de las Naciones Unidas y la _poca de abono de las contribuciones a la CaJa de Pensiones durante la licencia sin sueldo y, a partir del 1 de enero de 1984, lo relativo a la Junta de Apelaci6n, los subsidios de educaci6n y de educaci6n especial y las correcciones menores a otros dos Artfculos del Reglamento del Personal.

Decision: The proposed resolution was unanimously adopted. Decisi6n: Se aprueba por unanimidad el proyecto de resoluci6n.

The session rose at 12:40 p.m.


executive committee of working party of

O_)z__ the directing council the regional committee










92nd Meeting Washington, D.C.

June 1984


CE92/SR/2 25 June 1984



Monday_ 25 June 1984, at 2:30 p.m. Lunes_ 25. de _unio de 1984_ a las 2:30 P.m.

President: Dr. Armando L6pez Scavino Uruguay


Contents Indice

, Item 9: Resolutions of the Thirty-seventh World Health Assembly of Interest to the Executive Committee

Tema 9'J Resoluctones de la 37a Asamblea Mundial de la Salud de interns para el Comit_ Ejecutivo

(continued overleaf) (continfa al dorso)

Note: This summary record is only provisional. The summaries of statements have not yet been approved by the speakers, and the text should not be quoted. Representatives are requested to notify Document Services (Room 207), in writing, of any changes they wish to have made in the text. Alternatively, they may forward them to the Chief, Conference Services, Pan American Health Organization, 625 - 23rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, by 27 July 1984. The edited records will be published in the Proceedings of the Meeting.

Nota: Esta acta resumida es solamente provisional. Las intervenciones resumidas no han sido afn aprobadas pot los oradores y el texto no debe citarse. Se ruega a los seHores Representantes tengan a bien comunicar al Servicio de Documentos (Oficina 207), por escrito, las modificaciones que deseen ver introducidas en el texto. Como alternativa, pueden enviarse al Jefe del Servicio de Conferencias, Organizaci6n Panamericana de la Salud, 525 - 23rd St., N.W., Washington, D.C., EUA, antes del 27 de Julio de 1984. Los texto$



Page 2

Contents (cont.)

Indiee (cont.)

Item 10: Governor Shepherd Building

Tema 10: Edificio Governor Shepherd

Item 12: Blood Transfusion Services

Tema 12' Servicios de transfusi6n sangufnea

Item 13: Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center Tema 13: Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa

Item 14: Family Medicine Situation in the Americas


CE92/SR/2 Page 3





Dr. BANTA (Deputy Director), introducing Document CE92/21, said

that a high point of the Thirty-Seventh World Health Assembly had been the address by the Director-General, Dr. _tahler, on progress towards health for all. Dr. Hahler had said that two very different voices

clamored for attention' one was reassuring, telling of widespread

political will and many worthwhile development efforts, but another kept intruding, arising from the world of national realities. Why did some countries, Dr. Hahler had asked, fail to report on their monitoring of health for all? Why were many countries unable to assess the flow and

equitable distribution of resources for health? Was external support based on an agreed national course of action? Were national resources sufficient? Health for all, the Director-General had said, was a low-cost strategy by any standard. The major task ahead was to build health infrastructures, to deliver what people needed and wanted. Were people really involved? Governments must give greater encouragement to people to assume their responsibility in shaping their health development.


Documentos relacionados

The Executive Committee, at its eighth plenary session, approved Resolution XVIII, which proposed to the XXXIII Meeting of the Directing Council the text of a



4.2 Resolutions of the XXXII Meeting of the Directing Councii of PAHO, XXXIX Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO. for the Americas, of Interest to the

The Director is pleased to transmit to the XXXI Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXVII Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, the

The XXX Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization, XXXVI Meeting of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the

The Provisional Agenda of the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXV Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas (Item 12 of the

At the seventh plenary session, the Committee unanimously approved Resolution VIII in which, after having carefully studied the matter, it recommends to you that