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Upload of SME Week announcement in CIP s website in Sections Economic Affairs and European Union ;


Academic year: 2021

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Under the tasks committed to the National Coordinator for the public sector to the European SME Week 2016 (ESW 2016), IAPMEI, the Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation developed an integrated action plan of dissemination and promotion of the initiative via different supports and actions.

The National Coordinator for the private sector, CIP – Confederation of Portuguese Business, has also promoted the European SME Week initiative within its regular associative activity, especially among its members – sectorial and regional business associations that represent about 115,000 companies.

In what concerns to IAPMEI:

 Internally: IAPMEI informed all the collaborators about the initiative, its main goals, target public and period, inviting them to disseminate it within their framework in order to get potential of events´organisers;

 Websites: the initiative was disseminated in the national portal of the PT Enterprise Europe Network (in the home page), IAPMEI’s website, “Benchmarking and Good Practices” website and via several stakeholders´ websites;

 Newsletters: IAPMEI disseminated the ESW through IAPMEI electronic newsletter (over 25,000 subscribers), and via the “Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal” electronic newsletter (over 13,500 subscribers);

 Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal (EEN-PORTUGAL consortium): IAPMEI announced the “European SME Week 2016” in the EEN-PORTUGAL consortium meeting, inviting the 12 Partners to participate and disseminate the initiative;

 Personalized mailings: IAPMEI sent over 8,000 personalized e-mails to universities, polytechnic schools, mayors, entities in the framework of the “European Enterprise Promotion Awards” (EEPA), participating entities in previous editions of the ESW, entities of the IAPMEI framework, business associations, etc. IAPMEI also sent personalized e-alerts remembering the dead-line to submit events;

 Announcement in conferences, seminars and other events;

 IAPMEI also disseminated the European SME Week Newsletter via personalized email to all EEPA 2016 candidates.

Executive summary

In what concerns CIP:

The dissemination and promotion of the European SME Week 2016 was performed by CIP through different communication channels, especially among its members that represent about 115,000 companies, namely:  Announcement in “Europ@CIP” – section on European Affairs included in CIP’s monthly electronic newsletter,

delivered to members and other subscribers, in a total of about 600 sent e-mails.

 Upload of SME Week announcement in CIP’s website in Sections “Economic Affairs” and “European Union”;  CIP began to follow “SME Week” on Twitter, having retweeted relevant news, especially those related to Portugal.



 Total of PT events published in the EC website: 39 IAPMEI had validated all those events.


1. Portugal

The PT events carried out under ESW 2016 covered all the national territory.

Geographical distribution Events by region

Portugal - by regions nº events

North 26

Center 11

South 2

total events 39


2. IAPMEI - dissemination and promotion plan

 Educational Institutions  Mayors

 Business Associations  Public Associations

 EEN-PORTUGAL partners consortium that in Portugal represents the Enterprise Europe network, which includes 12 public and private organizations)

 SMEs Leader (over 7200 SMEs)

 Participants in previous editions of the EEPA and in European SME Week  Other stakeholders

IAPMEI sent c.a. 8,000 personalized e-mails for a wide range of public and private entities:

28,337 visits (monthly average)

IAPMEI Facebook: 5,585 followers

Event organisers

events in partnership

3. Results

Among 38 countries participating in the European SME Week 2016, Portugal registered the 3rd position in terms of number of events

organised .

6,300 000 hits; 1,100 000 page views; 250,000 visits (monthly average)


Typology of the organisers

Type of Event

Nr events Nr participants*

Entrepreneur's Day 2 120 Entrepreneur(s) visiting the school

1 150

Exhibition/Fair 2 2000 Global event/activity with several types

of events 2 1050 Lecture/Conference 1 50 Networking 1 1000 Mentoring 3 64 Workshop/Seminar 23 1055 Training 3 141 Other 1 150 TOTAL 39 5780

Typology of the events


3. Websites & media coverage

The following mapping includes only the news that via our internal resources it was possible to collect. We believe that there are much more published news.

1. http://www.popularempresas.pt/como-integrar-a-semana-europeia-das-pme/, 13-12-2016, Como integrar a Semana

Europeia das PME?

2. https://www.facebook.com/mafraericeirabusinessfactory/posts/1366797740019883, 29-11-2016, Semana Europeia das

PME 2016

3. http://agriculturaemar.com/candidaturas-integrar-semana-europeia-das-pme-abertas-ate-31-dezembro/, 24-11-2016,

Candidaturas para integrar a Semana Europeia das PME abertas até 31 de Dezembro

4. http://www.hmssports.pt/site/?local=portfolio, 20-11-2016, 2ª Corrida das PME - Semana Europeia das PME 2016


http://bicminho.eu/comissao-europeia-convida-bicminho-para-definir-politica-europeia-de-empreendedorismo-e-das-pme/, 23-11-2016, SME Assembly 2016 integra a Semana Europeia das SME

6. http://www.grace.pt/outras_noticias?c=840-1, 14-11-2016, Participe na Semana Europeia das PME 2016!

7. http://www.nerpor.pt/798-semana-europeia-das-pme-candidaturas-ate-30-de-novembro, 14-11-2016, Semana

Europeia das PME | Candidaturas até 30 de novembro

8. http://www.vitrinesdeurope.eu/fr_vitrinas_noticias_detalle.html?Id=4&N=10, 12-11-2016, Semana Europeia das PME: Na Rota do Conhecimento

9. http://www.perspetiva.com/actual/semana-europeia-das-pmes-na-agraria-elvas, 25-10-2016, Semana Europeia das

PME´s na Agrária de Elvas


http://www.cets.pt/2016/10/20/workshops-para-fomentar-o-empreendedorismo-regional-arrancam-a-29-de-setembro/, 20-10-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016 - Workshops para Fomentar o Empreendedorismo Regional arrancam a 29 de Setembro

11. http://www.aevc.pt/ceval-aep-promovem-workshop-fomentar-empreendedorismo-regional/, 03-10-2016, Semana


12. http://www.viladoconde2020.pt/workshops-do-novo-rumo-a-norte-fomentam-empreendedorismo-regional/,

01-10-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016 - Workshops do Novo Rumo a Norte fomentam empreendedorismo regional

13. http://novorumoanorte.pt/geral/noticiaLer.aspx?IDN=2B6A3933496C566E6C634C5067564764462F514E4A6B6F313832

4E6464515965, 30-09-2016, Os workshops Fomento do Empreendedorismo integram a Semana Europeia das PME

14. http://www.bizfeira.com/pt/noticias/semana-europeia-das-pme/, 29-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME

15. http://www.agriportugal.com/candidaturas-a-semana-europeia-das-pme-abertas-ate-31-de-dezembro/, 28-09-2016,

Candidaturas à Semana Europeia das PME abertas até 31 de Dezembro


1. http://ciedbraganca.ipb.pt/wp/boletim-informativo/semana-europeia-das-pme/, 16-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

2. http://ccipd.pt/wp-content/uploads/newsletter/16-09-16/newsletter.html, 16-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME


3. https://ec.europa.eu/portugal/news/sme-week-take-part_pt, 16-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

4. http://www.dgae.min-economia.pt/paginaRegisto.aspx?back=1&id=14813, 16-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME


5. http://www.bolsatecnologia.pt/NewsView.action?id=72, 15-09-2016, Participe na Semana Europeia das PME

6. http://aep.org.pt/files/enews/ni16009/index.html, 15-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

7. http://pmemagazine.com/ue-promove-semana-europeia-das-pme/, 14-09-2016, UE promove Semana Europeia das


8. http://www.apg.pt/index.php?id=897&tbl=noticias&n=2, 08-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

9. https://www.iapmei.pt/NOTICIAS/Semana-Europeia-das-PME-2016.aspx, 01-09-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

10. http://www.enterpriseeuropenetwork.pt/destaque/Paginas/SEMANAEUROPEIADASPME2016.aspx, 26-08-2016,

SEMANA EUROPEIA DAS PME 2016, uma iniciativa da Comissão Europeia. PARTICIPE!

11. www.carregal-digital.pt/index.php?mod=files&action=download&fileid=8565, 24-08-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

12. http://europedirect-acores.pt/arquivogeral/iniciativas/389, 15-07-2016, Prémio Semana Europeia das PME 2016

13. https://www.uminho.pt/PT/siga-a-uminho/Paginas/Detalhe-do-evento.aspx?Codigo=48667, 24-05-2016, Prémio

Semana Europeia das PME 2016 - “Start Point - Feira de Emprego e Empreendedorismo”


https://www.iapmei.pt/PRODUTOS-E-SERVICOS/Empreendedorismo-Inovacao/Inovacao-e-Competitividade/Programas-e-iniciativas/Semana-Europeia-das-PME.aspx, 01-03-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

15. https://twitter.com/agricultura_pt/status/781477770429865984, 03-2016, Candidaturas à Semana Europeia das #PME

abertas até 31 de Dezembro

16. http://www.calendarios.info/semanas-europeias-mundiais-outras/, 20-01-2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016


http://www.nos.pt/empresas/repositorio-informacao/criar-uma-empresa/noticias/Pages/semana-europeia-pme-2016.aspx, 2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

18. http://www.aeportugal.pt/Inicio.asp?Pagina=/Aplicacoes/Noticias/Noticia&Codigo=18883, 2016, Semana Europeia das PME 2016

19. http://www.acib.eu/noticiascompletas.php?codigo=179, 2016, ACIB comemorou Semana Europeia das PME

20. https://www.eseig.ipp.pt/cursos/mestrados/engenharia-gestao-industrial/seminarios, 2016, Semana Europeia das PME


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