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Academic year: 2019






Trabajo "resell/ado a las XVIII l omadas de Paleomologra J /I COllgreso Ibhico de PlIleQlIlo!og{a UlliI'ers it!ad de Salamanca

Salamanca. 24-29 de Sep,iembre de 2002



Centro de Estudos Geol6gicos. Departamento de Ciencias da Terra. Faculdade de Cie nci as e Tecnologia. Quinla da Torre. 2829-516 Caparica. Portugal.

http://www.dc l. fct. unl .pt/CEGnovo/CEG .html . Email: jjp @fcL unl .pl.

Pais. J . 2004. Th e Neoge ne of the Lower Tag us Basin (Portu gal ). lEI Neogeno de la C uenca del Bajo Taj o (Por-tugal ).] Rel'ista Espanola de Paleolllologfa. 19 (2), 229-242. ISSN 0213 -6937.


The Tcniary Lower Tagus Basin (LTB ) occupi es a large area in Portuga l and co nstitu tes a sym metri c basin of the ori e ntal hu ge Uppe r Tagu s Basin. ce ntered at Madrid (Spa in).

The LTB was an c ild orre ic basin durin g th e Pa leoge ne. Marin e co nnecti o n occ urred at lhe Lower Aquita ni an;

at the Li sbon - Setubal Pe nin s ul a reg io n th e sedimentation was in th e ocean/co ntin en t interface. w ith several cha nges in the coast line. Apparentl y. th e first marin e tran sgress io n ca me from So uth . o riginating a gu lf with a N-S coraJ reef that att ained the Li sbo n area. Occ idental communi ca ti on to the sea was establi s hed after the Burdigalian.The sedime ntary and pa laeonto logic record of the di sta l sec tor of th e LTB (Li sbonS etubal Pe nin -s ula) i-s re lated to -sea leve l c ha nge-s. It i-s po-s-s ible to corre late level-s with plan cti c foram inifera and mamm a l-s. as well as to get isotopi c ages (KlAr in glauconi tes; 87SrfK6Sr). Good bi os trati graphi c data can be o bt ai n fro m contin e nt a l a nd coas tal depos it s. The foss il richness - din ofla ge ll ates. spores. poll e n, plant macrorrcmain s. foraminifera . ostracoda. mollu scs. ec hinid s. fi shes, rc ptil cs, mamilla Is - and 0 and C isotopes. co nstitut es a large source of info rm atio n for e nvironme ntal and palaeogeog raphi cal reconstillui o ns. as we ll as fo r th e establi s h-me nt of correl ati o ns between mari nc a nd con tincn ta l deposits. The a nal ys is and the integration of a large a mo unt o f litho log ica l a nd biostratigraphi cal data join ed w ith iSOlopi c ages (KlA r and 87SrfMSr). all ow the establi shemenr o f a chronos tratigraphi c framew o rk for the dis tal part of th e Miocene of th e LTB and the de finiti o n of


depos iti ona l seque nces. in part ag ree ing w ith the Haq' s 3rd order custati c cyc lcs. C lim atic evolUlion durin g th e Mi ocene has been a lso characterized. At co ntin ental enviro nm ents, the fauna s and fl o ras poi nt o ut to an altern a-tion of moi st a nd d ry e pi sodes. th c dryest one at th c Lang hi an.

For the in land. two secto rs can be characteri zed. Near the reg io n direct ly affected by th e sea ( Ribatej o and A lt o A lentejo) deposit s are relat ed w ith th e wa ndering of a Pre-Tag us in a large flu vial pla in . During the Lower and Middle Mi oce ne detrita l sedimentati o n is we ll repre sent ed. Some marl s with oyste rs denounce hi g h eustati c sea leve ls: brack is h watcrs attain reg io ns


km far from the ex tant coast line. Some ve rteb rate foss il s sites all ow the es tabl ishm elll of co rrelati o ns with th c Li sbon reg io n. na mely durin g the Mi dd le Mi ocene and Lower To rto ni an. Sedime ntary co nditi o ns changed at Lower Upper Mi oce ne. At th e right bank of th e Tag us. limes to nes acc umul ate in lac ustre and palu slre e nviron men ts: latt eral y thi ck cla y deposit s strecht out to th e left bank. At th e proximal areas of th e LT B (Be ira Bai xa) the chro nostrati graphi ca l co ntral e is poor. The OlitCropS are large ly d iscont inu o us. It on ly has been poss ibl e to de fin e a los trat ig raphic un its. bounded by reg io na l un confo rmi ties. res ulting from tectonic cvents recogn ized at the Iberia scale. Durin g Lower and Middle Mi ocene. a sandy bra ided depositi o nal sys te m was in stall ed . drainin g the flu via l plain o f the Pre-Tagu s from E to SW. Plant macro-re-mains indi cate a wanner and moister c limate than today. HispoIIOlhel"iu111 111arritel1sis (steppe rhin oceros) is kno wn fro m East o f Caste lo Branco (Pl asenc ia. Spain ); it is c harac teri sti c o f M 5 zo ne (Astarac ian) and is al so know n from Li sbon' s Lan g hi an. Yo unge r deposit s (Upper TOrl o ni an and Mess inian ) co rrespond to a llu vial fan sediment s occ ur near tec to ni c slopes . at th c ba se o f risin g mountain s ( Po rtu gucse cent ral c hai n): the thi c kn e ss a nd gra nul ometry qui c kl y decrease dow nstream .



Pe ninsu la) a nd th e Mondego Basin s. Whithi sh co ng lo merates w ith quartzi te and quartz ro unded clasts overl ay (he Pi azencian sands oflhe Senlbal Penin sul a. They yie lded Pre-Ache ulian art ifacts allow ing co rrelali o n w ith the Pl io-Pl e istoce ne bou nd ar y. Basin inland cong lo merates w ith iro n cru sts point o ut to co ld and dry environment s.

Key wo rds: Lower Tag us Basin, Neoge ne, Portugal, Palaeogeography, Biost r atigrap hy, Palaeoclimatology.


La C ue nca del Baja Tajo (LTB ) acupa una alllp li a extens i6 n e n Po rtu gal. y consti tuye un a c uenca simel ri ca de

la amplia Cuenca del Tajo espan ola .

LTB fu e una cuenca de canicter endorreico durante el Pal e6geno. Estuvo co nectada con el mar durante el

Aquitaniense inferio r; e n la region de la Pe nin sula de Li sboa-Setubal , la sedi mentac io n IU vo caracter mi xto marinol co ntin e ntal. con varios cambi os e n la Ifn ea de cos ta . A parente ll1 ente, la prill1era lran sgresi6n marin a procedi 6 de l S ur, o ri gi nand o un golfo co n un arrecife de cora l e longado en direcc i6 n N-S que alcanz6 la zo na de Li sboa. La co muni caci6 n marina par e l borde occ iden tal se es tabl ec i6 despues de l Burdiga li e nse. EI registro sedi me ntari o

y paleon to l6g ico del sec tor di sta l de LTB (Pe ninsul a de Li sboa-Setubal) se ha relacio nado co n ca mbios del nivel

del ma r. Es posibl e la co rre lac i6 n e ntre nive les can foraminffero s planct6nicos y co n mamlferos, y edades isotopicas ( KIA I' e n g lauco ni tas . 87Sr/86Sr). Se pu ede n ob te ne r bu e nos datos bi oes trali g raficos a partir de sed ime ntos cont inenta les y costeros. La riqlleza en fo sil es - dinonage lados. po len, espo ras. macrorestos vegera les, fo raminffero s, ostracodos, mo luscos, equfnidos, peces. reptil e s, ma mffe ros e isoto pos e stables de C y 0

-constir-u ye una gran flle nte de informac io n para reco nstruccio nes ambi e nta les y pal eogeografi cas, aSI co mo para la correlac i6 n en tre dep6sitos marinos y co ntinte nt a les. EI ana l isis y la integrac ion de un a gran cant idad de da tos iito l6gicos y bioestrmigraficos, unidos a las datac iones isoto pi cas (KlAr, 87SrfK6Sr), ha pe nnitid o e l establecimi ento de la cronoes trati graffa para la pane di sta l de l Mi oceno de LTB , y la de finicion de 10 sec ll encias deposicionales, en parte correlac ionadas con los ciclos eustaticos de tercer o rden de Haq. Se ha caracteri zado tamb ien la evo luc ion c1 imat ica durante el Mi oceno. En ambie ntes co ntin entales, las fa unas y no ras sugieren un a altern anc ia de epi sodios humedos y secos, produciendose e l mas seco durant e e l Lang hi ense.

En direcc io n al contin e nte, se pueden caracteri zar dos secto res. Cerca de la region di recl.am ente afecLada po r e l mar (Ribatejo y A lto A le ntejo). los sedime lllos e stan re lacionados co n la mi g rac ion de l pre-Tajo e n una ampl ia lI a-nura al uvia l. Du ran te e l Mi oceno inferior y medio , la sedime nt ac i6 n detrft ica est a bien represen tada. La presencia de algu nas marga s con ostreid os se re lac io nan con period os de alto ni ve l de lmar: depositos deaguas salobres alcanzan regione s situ adas a l SO km de la actua l !fnea de costa . Alg un os yaci mi e mos de ve rte brados f6 sil es permiten e l esta bl ec imi ento de correlacion es co n la regi6n de Li sbon. so bre todo durante e l Mioceno medio y el Tortonien se inferior. Las co ndi c iones sed ime lllarias cambiaron e n e l Tonon ie nse inferio r. En la marge n de recha del Tajo se acumularon cali zas lacu stres y palu stres; potentes dep6sitos arci ll osos latera les seex ti ende n hasta la marge n izquierda. En las zonas prox im ales de LTB (Bei ra Baixa) , e l co ntrol c ro noeslratigrafico es po bre. Los allo rami entos son mu y di scontinu os. Un ica me nte ha side posible de finir unidades aloestrati graJi cas. lill1iwdas po r di scont inui -dades regionales. ariginadas por event os tec t6 ni cos reconoci dos a escala de toda Ibe ria. Dumnte el Mioceno inferior y medio se ins tal 6 un sistema de posicio na l Lre nzado de carac ter are noso, qu e d re no la llanura a lu vial de l pre-Tajo de sde e l NE hacia el SO. Los macro rrestos vege la les indi can un cJi ma Ill as ca lido y hum edo que el actua l. HispanolheriullI I1IGrrilensis (rin oceronte de la estepa ) procedente del este de Castelo Branco (Pl asen c ia. Espail a): es caracterfsti co de 1£1 zo na M N5 (Astaraciense), y tam bien se cnc ucJ1lra en e l La ngili cnse de Li s boa. Dep6sitos mas rec ientes (To rto ni en se superior y Mess ini e nse) co rres pond ie ntes a aban icos al uviales asociados a pendi e nt es tect6 nicas, se enc ue ntran e n la base de c le vac io nes 1ll0ntanosas (Cade na Ce ntral po rtu gllcsa); e l es peso r y e l tamano de gra no di s minu yen rap idamente hac ia s us tramos d is tales.



Achelenses que sugieren una correlaci6n co n el Ifmite Pli o-Pl eistoceno. La presencia hacia el ce ntro de cuenca de conglomerados con cortezas ferru ginosas sugieren ambientes Frias y secas.

Palabras clave: Cuenca del Bajo Tajo, e6geno, Portugal, Paleogeografia, Biost ratigrafia, Paleoclimatologfa.


In I beria, several grabens we re opened duri ng th e

Paleoge ne, so me o f whi ch evo lved to large sedimentary

basin s along th e Cenozo ic.

After the Maastri chtian th e sedim entati on took place only in th e Mo nd ego Tertiary bas in, no rth o f the Nazare fau lt (a NE-S W reacti vated hercy ni an faull) a fossiliferous

level with mammals of Upper Paleocene to Lower Eocene

age occ urs in Silveirinha (Ant un es and Ru sse ll. 1981:

Ant un es el al .. 1997). Paleoce ne and Lower Eoce ne seem

not to be represented in other region s.

The L ower Tagll s Basin (LTB ) occupies


large area in Portugal, from the lilloral region of LisbonSeulbal Penin -sula , to beyond spa nish border near Castelo Branco (Beira Baixa). T he LTB is a sy mmetrical. western counlerpart of the oriental large U pper Tagu s Basi n, centered at Madrid (Spai n). Three di stinct sectors can be recog ni zed:

-Soud westhern di stal sector, in th e Li sbon and Setlibal Peninsula. in close rela ti onship wi th the ocean;

- centra l secto r in Ribatejo e Alto Ale nt ejo. with co n-tinental facies and some bracki sh episodes corre sponding to the hi gher eus tatic sea level s:

- Northem proximal sector in Beira Baixa. crossi ng the Portugal-Spain border. with cOnlinental facies only (Fig I). Li sbo n and Setuba l Pe nin sula are located at the d istal

part of the Basin . Miocene sed imentation corresponds to

lime and space shifting interfaces between marine and

COI1-tinenta l domai ns. Miocene beds were we ll exposed. It is not surpri sing that geo logic observation has been carried on s in ce lo ng ago (A lm eida, 1762). An impo rt ant period o f research concerns early 19th ce ntury and Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Si lva. then in charge of Minin g and M eta llurgy. Among hi s ac ti vili es there is th e reopening of go ld mining at Adic;a , a former medi eva l exploitation. A n account of thi s, inc ludin g the first descripti o n of secti o ns where Mi ocene beds outcrop, was presented (S il va, 1817).

Go ld exp loita ti o n at Adi~a went o n under

Wilhelm-Lud wig, baron von Eschwege. H is geologic, mining and palaeontologic obse rva ti ons were publi shed (Esc hwege, 183 1; w ith ex tra plates about marine mi ocene vertebra te fo ss ils added by Alexandre Vandelli ). For the first tim e, a genera li zed section between Sintra and Arrabida and co n-ce rnin g part of th e Basi n was prod un-ced (Op. c il. ).

The nex t step in the stud y of the Lower Tagus Basin 's

Neoge ne is du e to Da ni e l Sharpe ( 1834, 184 1) w ho

de-sc ribed unit s as th e Almada beds that correspond 10 the mo stly marin e Mioce ne in fi llin gs. Ear ly co rre latio n at-tempts with Miocen e units in Fra nce, Switzerland , Ital y and

C.ambrl.an _ Proterozoic . Ca m~n

Granlt" Granodlorit" _ G.abros _ Ophiolite.


/ Overthrust Tnallic - - - Probable leull _ C.rbonlleroos /"'" F.ult _ De'lonl.n Cu.tem.ry

SHurl.an Tertiary _ Ordovlcl.n _ CretJiceous

Figure I. Lower Tagus Basin.

Aust ri a we re based on mollu scs. partly desc ribed by G.B. Sowerby (ill Smith. 1847). There were nea rl y no more Brit-ish co ntribution s ever since. They were succeded by papers by Portuguese and other, mostly French researchers.

An increase in resea rch on Mioce ne bed s was accom-plished by the 2nd Commissiio Geologica ( 1857-1868), by

Carlos Ri beiro (fie ld wo rk) and


Pereira da Costa

(mol-luscs). The strat igrap hi c framewo rk was basically that of Sharpe, w hose Almada beds appeared und er " Mi ocene moyen et superi eur/ lll.- Formation marine avec fo ssiles analogues


ce ux du bassi n mediterran een et des enviro ns de Vie nn e en Autri che" (Ribe iro. 1878).

An hallmark in portuguese stratigraphy is the sketch on the

marine Mioce ne by


Berke ley COller. who was in charge

of the Tertiary at the Geologic Su rvey (COller, 1904 ill Do ll l'us

el al., 1903- 1904; COller, 1956). His c1assitication of the

Lis-bon Mi ocene units is sti ll in use (l ithostratigraphi c units de-signed " Di visions" from I to VII with some sub-lInits). Stra-tigraphic work was accompan ied by hi gh-standard palaeon-tologic research by sw iss (Oswald Heer) and mostl y by french authors (P. de Loriol, Gusta ve Dollrlls, Frederic Roman).

There were also contributi o ns by P. Choffat (C hoffat, 1950, posthumous paper; I :20000 geo logic map of Lis-bon). Hi s chapter abollt mar in e Mi oce ne (ibid .) is large ly an abridged ve rsion of Cotter 's.



• 51' isoIopIc age and etror


Ma., tectonIC evenl 8t AmIIbtda chan (angular uncontorrMy)

FIf'St arod last occurrence


lower T.gus Basin Miocene Facies correlation





~ ACe AC'





(borehole) (borehole )




- ~ - ~~ ....


- ~


- Lignites

• ___ . Mudstoroes

Sands and Sandstones

••• • Conglomerates

- - - 1-

-: -: -: -: Booclasts

::::: Marls


M(IIWte 6UbtJclal

Mafine infrslittoral

Ma mm a l,


• •


.!! ~





.E g

5 c


S 0

~ u











tributi o ns, th ere are some broad scope o nes (Z byszews ki , I 954a, 1957, 1962, 1963, 1964 a, I 964b, 1967 ).

The development of studi es on sedimentation led to new concepts. Rythm ic sedimentation, erosion and sedimentation cycles. sequences and corresponding types became in fash-ion. This had consequences for the

Lower Tagus

ba<;in. A high resolution stratigraphic strategy was deviced (M .T. Ant unes), compri sing: (a) detai led studies on important sec ti on s

(Antunes and Torquato, 1969- 1970. and laller contributi ons); (b) the improvement of data ti o n and other data by means of

biochrono logic research. mostly on mammals and planktic

I"o rmllinil"era, K-Ar and (later) Sr isotope ages. sed imcntology,

palaeoecology, magnetostra ti graphy, etc. rendering possible

the develop ment 01" regio nal sy nthesis and broad-scale

cor-relati ons (Antunes el al., 1973. 1987, 1996a, I 996b; Antunes

and Pais, 1992; 1993: a series of Notes about the Geology

and Pa laeo ntol ogy of the Miocene of Lisbon, Antun es el al. ,

since 1960). Azevedo ( 1983) stud ied mai nl y the Plioce ne deposits o f Setubal Penin sula.

Fewer studies had been prod uced about the inland part of the Lower Tagus Basin. Ribei ro ( 1880) described the strati -gra ph y of thec011linental Terti ary of the Ribatejo. Roman and Torres ( 1907) present ed th e first paleo ntologic data and a s tratig rap hi c sy nth esis. Later wo rk s were p rodu ced by Zbyszewsk i ( 1941 , 1943. 1946, 1947, 1953. 1954b, I 964a, 1964b. 1965, I 967b, 1967c, 1968). Antu nes, alone or wi th others, pursued studi es on the stratigraph y and the

palaeon-tology o f the Ribatejo area (Albcrdi el al., 1978; Antunes, 1984;

AntunesandM ein. 1977. 1979:A ntunes,mdMazo, 1983 ;

An-tunes el al .. 1983, 1987. 1992: Antunes and Zbyszewski, 1973).

Palaeobotani cal studi es were fi rst publi shed by Heel' ( 188 1) and later pursued by Teixeira ( 1942a, 1942b, 1944a, I 944b, 1944c, 1944- 1947, 1946, 1947a. 1947b, 1949, 1952a, 1952b, 1954. 1973, 1973-74. 1979): Pais fo llowed these works ( 1972, 1973. 1978. 1979. 1981. 1986, 1987, 1989. 1991. 1999: Pais

el al.. 1999). Dini z ( 1967. 1984) and Dini z and Sivak ( 1979)

characteri zed the palynology of the Ri o Maior diatomites and

li g nites. Sed ime nto log ica l studi es have been produ ced by Ca rva lho ( 1968). Cun ha ( 1992. I 992 b) characterized

alostra-ti graphi c unialostra-ties and latter descri bed the Cenozoic oi" the LTB

proxi mal area (Beira Baixa) (C unha. 1996): Barbosa ( 1995) recognised the alos trati graph y and the litostrati graphy of the Ribatejoc011linental deposits. More recen tl y. Cunha (2000)

descri bed the alterat ion and cementation processes of the Teni

-ary deposits of Central POJ1u ga l including those of the LTB .




Th e LTB was an e ndorreic bas in du rin g th e Pa leoge ne.

Mari ne conect ion occurrcd at th e Lower Aq uitanian; at th e Li sbon - Se tubal Peninsula region the sedimen tation was

in the ocean/continent interface, with se vera l changes in the coast line. Apparently, th e fi rst marine tran sgre ss ion came from SOllth, ori ginati ng a gulf with a N-S cora l bar-ri er reef that attain ed the Lisbon area. Wes th ern commu-ni cati on to th e sea was establi shed after th e Burdi galian.

The sedi mentary and palaeoI1lo log ic reco rd o f the di stal

part o f th e LTB (Lisbon- Setubal Peninsula ) is re lated to

sea level changes. Good biostrati grap hic data can be ob-ta ined from continenob-tal and coas ob-tal deposits. It is possi-ble to correlate levels with planktic foramin ifera and mam-mals, as we ll as to obta in iso topi C age s ( K / Ar in

g lau co nit es;

" Sr/" Sr ).

Th e foss il ri c hn ess - d in o fl

a-gellates, spores, pollen, plant m3crorremains. foraminifera, os tracoda, molluscs, echinids, fi shes, reptiles, mammals

- and


and C iso topes, co ns titu te s a large and b road

scope source of in formation for enviro nmental and palaeo-geogri1phical recon sti tuti on s, as well as for correlations betwecn marine and continental dcposits.

Th e analy sis and the integ rati on o f large amount of li -th olog ical and biostrati g raph ical da ta such as -th e first and

last occurrence of most significati ve taxa of foraminifera, os tracoda and mammals, togeth er with iso topic ages ( K/ Ar and 87Sr/86Sr) allow th e es tabli shcment of an acc urate

chro nos trati graphic frame for the distal part of th e Miocene

of the LTB and the definition o f 10 depositional sequ ences

that. at least in part, seem to correspo nd to Haq 's 3rd o rder

eustatic cycles. For more detai lled data see Antunes el QI.

( 1996b, 1999,2000) and Legoinh a (200 I). A ge nera l strat i-g raphi c fram e for the Mi oce ne is prese nt ed (Fii-g. 2. Fi i-g. 3).

Climatic evoluti on during th e Miocene has also been charact.cri zed. Tropical conditions prevailed in the sea. In the Upper Burdigalian and Langhi an the temperature attained a maxi mum, being similar to thm of today's Guinea gulf. T he temperature decreased later, its values bei ng similar to those of ex tant M orrocco sea waters. The continental faunas and

noras point out to altern ati on o f moi st and dry episodes, the dryest one at the L.1nghi an (Antunes and Pais, 1984;

Lauriat-Rage el aI. , 1993: Pai s 1999) (Fig. 4).

In th e Pliocene, a genera l regression occurred. Flu vial depos its overla y throu gh an erosion surface th e marine

To rt on ian in the Se tuba l Penin s ula . Th e rIu via l Sa nt a

Marttl Sands arri ved to Setuba l peninsul a. A short tran s-gression took pl ace over th e wes thern littoral in the Lower

Ta g us (Se tub a l Pe nin s ul a ) and the Mondego Bas in s. Brac kish waters entered the Setuba l Penin sul a (Azevedo, 1 98 3)~ clays wi th gypsum , plant m<1cro remains, oys ters,

and Dreissel/Q (ide ntili ed by P. Callapez, Coimbra Univ. ,) occ ur. Whiti sh co ng lo merates (Be l verde Co ng lo merat e)

with rounded quartzi te and quart z clast and some wi

nd-blown clasts overl ay the Piaze ncian sa nd s o f th e Setuba l Pe nin sul a. These co ng lo mera tes yielded Pre-Ac he ulian

artifac ts th at point out to an age close by the Pli

o-Ple istocene boundary.

















_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Km - - - . . . K m _ .. ---G. 5Km-~ . 5Km - 10 Km - 2Km - 6Km - - - - --


B I · ~





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13_ s - - . - .... ( ... II}


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IK'N In-'o01 1 GlII~IV~. ( M')

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121f!>'Wo - - 08 (l1SMa) YI< ;mq 1O_ ¥,-~ S2

- ,

, ~ 01 (1VIM)




2· ... ~ .r 5""

u.-. ...


(Uppet Cr'""*l\ll)

0 7 (15.3MI)

~ ,

12. _ _ ~ Sl


:12., ...






- Dfl P IUMa)

Vil= !

7 _ ~ l _ '


,,- III


- 05 (H aMa) ... - -- !I!!!!I!!I! """'"'"'" ... 6

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~ ~

---0I3 301\ .... = Bl

~ 5\' ... I++t*iEl 1

» -

=rt .

~ ~ -@

. ~ -~

-=-:-::.;.: ....

-o. (I~)


,-D3 (2OMa)


7; Mammal , Jles (Anlunes el 0/1996)

6· C:heIas 2

7 · CheIu 1 (0\. cia F .. ..",... Ot cIIol Ram.-.gul.


~- Ct>amece do lumoar (0\. cia SiI¥6ria.. 0\. Grande 0IIvaI cia SusaN .. 6 . 0...111 do Poml>eifo

L ithOlogy

_ L.Jgnltes


Sands and Sandstones

:::::::: Conglomerates

5 · CriMO Aei

Ouima do~; 0.. elf, Nai'vI; 0\. c.r8Oil1ll. A .. l/ ... q.;aI. ~v C-al0IieI

Horte das TnPtS 1 . Al Motorway· KIn 10

P, l eoenvlroomenl

: : :: BioeIaslS


Dellal'Estua.y chamels and bass


Marts TIdal Hats

Maline subtidal _ Biocalcare rWtes _ Marine infralittDfal

Figure 3 . Correlatio n chart between sections and bo re ho les from Foz da FontelRibe ira das Lages (Setubal Pe nin sula) a nd the Li sbon regio n (A ntu nes et al., 2000).













Two ma in sectors ca n be characterized inl and of th e LTB. To the NE of the the dista l reg ion (Ri ba tejo and Alto Alentejo) deposits are related with the wanderi ng of a Pre-Tagus in a large fl uvia l plai n (inte rm ediate reg ion). The

prox imal area of the basin is situ ated at Bei ra Baixa,

cross-ing the Portugal - Spain bo rder. Coarse prox imal co

nti-nental deposits occu r.

Paleoge ne de pos its (G res de Mon sa nto ) (Barbosa, 1995) are the basemen t of the Neogene . They o utcrop in th e borders of th e basin and co mpri se coarse sand sto nes

and some conglomerates in metri c positi ve sequences.

Caleretes and lac ustre limesto nes (Qu in ta da Marquesa, Alcanede Li mestones) occur at the top. Pa li go rskite and smectite predom inate in th e clay frac ti o ns.

Duri ng the Lower and Mi dd le Miocene fl uvial sedi-mentatio n is well represented (O ta Fo rm atio n) overl ayi ng the "Gres de Monsanto" through a regional un con formity. So me clays with oyste rs sugges t high eustati c sea leve ls; brackish waters reach ing reg ions 150 km far fro m the

ex-ta nt coast line. Some vertebrate foss il sites w ith mammals

all ow the esta bli shment of co rrelat io ns with the Lisbo n region, name ly during the M iddl e M ioce ne and Lower Torto ni an. T he ma in foss il localiti es are: Vi la Nova da

Rainha (MN5) (A lberdi el aI., 1978); P6voa de Sa ntarem

(MN6) (So u li e- Marsh, 1978; Pa is, 1978; Antun es a nd Mei n 1977 ; Truc, 1977; Gaudant, 1977); Casais da

Formi-ga (MN7) (A lberdi el aI. , 1978); Arch in o (MN9) (Alberdi

el al., 1978); Azam buj eira infer io r (MN9) (Antu nes el aI. ,

1983). At the top , faun as with H ippariol1 all ow co

rrela-tion with the zone MN9 (Lower Va ll esian) (A ntunes, 1979;

Antun es and Gi ns burg, 1983; A ntu nes el aI.,

1993 ).

Kao lin ite and illi te predomi nate in the clay min erals. Sed imentary condi tio ns changed durin g ea rl y Up per M ioce ne. At the right bank of the Tag us, lac ustrine and pal ustrine limes to nes occ ur (Almo ste r-Sa ntarem Lime-stones); la tte raly thi ck c lay deposits (To mar clays) strec ht o ut to the left bank also. Al moste r-San tarem Limesto nes

are gray to wh iti sh in colour; breccia structures are fre-quent; sand y and luti tic fac ies may occur. Smecti te and illite predom inate in the clay fraction. Tomar clays are

rep rese nt ed by ora nge or red lutites w ith ill ite an d kao linite. Both co nstitute the A lm oster Alofo rm atio n.

Du ri ng Pliocene, fl uvial arkosic sands (Ul me Fomn ation) related with Ole wandering of the Pre-Tagus were deposited mai nl y at the left bank or the ri ver. T hey overlay the Vall es ian conti nental limesto nes (Almoster-Sa ntarem limestones) and c lays (To mar c lays) of Ri batejo and Alt o Ale nt ej o. T he arkosic san ds present so me yell ow to red ish colour and a med ium to coarse granu lo metry with low kao lini te and ill ite contents. The sands can be foll owed to the Setubal

Penin-sula where they correspond to the Santa Mruta sands (Barbosa and Pena dos Reis, 1989, 1996; Bru'bosa, 1995). So me plant

macroremai n localities are known.

Loca ll y, co nglo merates occur (Ri o de Moin hos Co

n-glome rates, Mart ins el al., 1998) ove r the Almoster A I of

or-mati on. T wo sequences can be recogn ised. T he fi rst one

ove rlay th e Mo nsa nt o Fo rmatio n (Pa leoge ne) o r the Pa-leozoic. The MPS changes from 80-90 cm to 35-40 c m. The

upper levels are lutitic. T he second conglomeratic sequence

is mai nl y qu artzi ti c. The MPS is aro und 50-40 cm. A 10m

luti ti c deposits co mpl ete th e sequ ence (Barra el aI., 2000).

To th e NE of the intermed iate area of th e LTB , coarse co ng lomera tes (Co ng lomera tes of Se rra de Al meiri m) were deposited. T he MPS changes fro m 45 c m in proxi-ma l areas to 10c m in th e more distal o nes (A lme irim ).

Channel slruCLU res are frequent. Kao lini te prevails over

ill ite (Barbosa, 1995 ; Barra el aI., 2000).

Th e Vil a de Rei Conglo merates (Upper Plioce ne to Ple istocene), overl ay by un co nformity the Serra de

AI-m ei riAI-m Co ngl o AI-mera tes. T he c l asts are q uartz it i c,

hetero metric, and poorl y ro unded. T he matrix is sandy

-lutitic orange to red in colour, pre senting iro n

cementa-tio n th at suggests co ld and dry enviro nme nts. They have a fa n-li ke s tru c tu re deve lop ped near th e O rd o vic ia n q uartzitic cres ts at the No rth border of the Lower Tag us

Basin (Barra el al. , 2000). Correlatio ns with distal and

prox imal regio ns are presented ( Fig. 5) .




The chro nostrati g raphi cal co ntro le is poo r in th e LTB prox imal areas (Beira Baixa). Th e o ut cro ps are largely di sco nt inu ous. It has bee n poss ible to defin e alostratig ra-phi c unit s bo und ed by regio na l un co nfor mit ies (U BS)

related w ith tec toni c events recognized at iberian sca le

(Cunh a, 1992a, I 992b, 1996, 2000).

Conglo meratiC and sandy arkosic deposits (Cabe~o do

Tn fa nte Forma ti on) (C un ha, I 992a, 1996) have been co r-related with the Paleogene Benfi ca Form at ion in the distal and Mo nsa nto Sa ndstones of the interm ediate LTB areas. Durin g Lower and Middle Mi ocene, a sand y braided depositional system was installed, draining the fl uvial plain of th e Pre-Tag us fro m NE to SW till the Ri batej o. Orange san ds and g ree n luti tes with scarce foss ils we re depos ited (Sil veirinha dos Figos Formati on) (Cun ha, 1992a ; 1996). T hese de pos its over lay throu g h an unco nfo rm ity th e

Ca b e~ o do ln ra nte Forma ti o n o r, by a n angular unco




~ Continental environments Marine environments


~ ~ a. (Antunes & Pais,1984)

c~ ~


Ma Chronostrat. .;: c Ou




Temperat ure Moist

"Vi OJ temperature

o~ ~

a.CT ("n l u~ & Pah 1984) { Al llUnes~ 01, 1996)



o~ ___ .. 20'" ( _



.. 24 C (ira- I n fr ~ · m

:::; + cold I + warm +d.y I ... wet 2' -2re I 2" blloritl IInOla! 0






c I I I I I

~ . ~ I I I I I

Q) C


0- 0 I

10 -

~ I I I



::J I I I I




T2 I I



11 -

--- -I-:-:::- I I I






12 -







Vlb I

. ~ I I







Q) > I I I

~ Via I I I

"0 51 I I

~ I I

"0 OJ I I I

14 -


r--I I I



Vc I

- I


15 -



Z .c I


U c Vb I I I




16 -


-' L1 I I








17 -




82 I I I

al I I


18 -













19 -




::J I I

<Xl 80 II I I I




20 -








A2 I I I

0 I I


2 1 -







. ~ I I I


Al I I


c I I I






I ::J



23 -

rr I I

<{ I I I I



Figure 4. Paicoc nvironmelllal conditi ons al the di stal region of the Lower Tngus Basin during the Mi ocene (Pai s. 1999).

1986). Si li c ifi ed wood belo ng ing 10 a Iropical arborea l

angiosperm indica tes a warmer than tod ay, and wet climate

(Pai s. 1973, 1983; Teix e ira and Pai s, 1976). To Ih e Easl o f

C astelo Branco. at Plasencia (Caceres, Spain), co

nglom-erates and orange to red clay s y ielded HispOIlOfheriu l1I

lIIal rilell si s (Hern and ez- Pac heco and Crusafo nl , 1960), a sleppe rhinoceros know n al so al Lisbo n in Ihe L I depos i-lional sequ e nce (Div. Vb) (A nlun es, 1979; AnlUnes el al. ,

1999) and al Qu inl anelas and aI A mor (Le iri a, Mond ego

Basin ) (An lUn es and Gin sbu rg 1983 ; Anlun es and Mei n, 198 1), M N5 mamma l zo ne (Middl e A rago ni an). Th ese arcos ic deposils probab ly are co rre lal ive of Ihe ala

For-mal i o n of Ih e Ribalejo area (Ca rval ho, 1968; A ntun es ill

Ribeiro el al., 1979; C unh a, 1992a ; Barbosa, 1995) .

Above the Sil veirinha dos Figos Formation, allu vi al fan sediments occur near tectonic slopes, at the pi edmont of the rising mountains of the Portuguese central chain (Murracha

Group , Upper Miocene 10 Pliocene); Ihe Ihickness and

granu lometry quickly decrease downstream.The Murracha Group corresponds to two positi ves megasequcnces fol lowed


a negati ve one, bounded


sedi mentary unconformities

(a lostratigraphic un ils UBS II. UBS 12 and UBS 13; Cunh a. 1992b, 1996, 2000). From Ihe botlom 10 Ihe lOp, il in cludes

the Torre, M onfOitinho and Falagueira Fonnations.

T orre Form ati on presents conglomerates at th e base

and grayish green to yell owish mi caceolls silndy- Iuti tes to



Smectite w ith some ill ite predomina te. Torre Fo rm a ti o n co rrespo nd s to the UBS II and was interpreted as a n a l-lu via l e ndorrei c system (C unha , 1996, 2000).

Durin g the Zanc lea n th e co ntin en ta l sedimen tation is we ll docu me nted at th e prox im a l pan o f the bas in (B ei ra Ba ixa) with th e depo siti o n o f en dorre ic a llu via l fan con-g lome ra tes ( M o nfo ninh o Fo rm a ti on ) . Away fro m the mou ntain s, there is a decrease o f thi c kn ess: conglo mer-a tes mer-and smer-and y lutites mer-a lternmer-ate . A tem pe rmer-a te medite rrmer-anemer-a n c lim ate w ith co ntras tin g season s preva il ed . Mo nfor tinho Formatio n is represe nted by red a llu vial fan depos its w ith cong lo merates an d sandy- Iutites fa c ies. lilit e and kao linite predom in ate . It co rrespond s to the UB S 12 (C un ha, 2000). Falag ue ira Fo rma ti o n ( Pi azencia n) is re presented by oc re to red is h or w hiti s h coarse de pos it s w ith a sa ndy to si lt y mat ri x. It consti tut es a negat ive seque nce re fl ec ting the progradati on of coa lesce nt a ll uvia l a nd braided sandy fl uvia l s yste ms dra inin g to the A tl a nti c and precedin g the exta nt hyd rograph ica l ne t (C unha el al., 1993). Kao li n it e a nd so me illite are re preselll ed in the c lay frac ti o n. The Falag ue ira Fo rm a ti on co rres pond to th e U BS 13 (C unha. 1996,2000) a nd ca n be co rre la ted w ith the Serra de A lme i-rim Co ng lo mera tes (Barbosa and Pe na do s Re is . 1989 ).

Correla ti o ns w ith di sta l and intermedia te reg ion s are prese nted in fi g ure 5.


First pa leogeog raph ic reco ns titutio ns fo r th e LTB d is ta l area w as presellle d by Anlll nes (ill Ri beiro el al., 1979).

New data, includ in g those fro m the Be lverde Borehole (pa is

el al., 2002; Lego inh a el al., 2002) a nd the c ha

racteriza-tion of alos trati g raphi c un it s in the in te rmed iat e and proxi-ma l areas, allow the e stab li s he me nt of new pal eogeographi c sc he mati c maps for th e evo lution of th e LTB (Fig 7).

During the first Miocene tra nsgress io n eve nt the sea at-tai ned the in ner pa l1 of the Settibal Penin sul a; a g ulf. reach-ing Lisbon area. was deve loped. Se is mi c profil es and the data conce rnin g th e Be lve rde Borehole, suggests that the sea e n-tran ce was made from the south. A N-S cora l reef barrier deve loped sho l1l y afterward s. The westwru'ds opening of the Tag lls g ul f only happe ned


Lower Burdiga lian (begining of the B I depositi o nal seque nce). A marine N-S bank, corres po nding to the exta nt coastal area . protected the inn er re -g io n of the Setubal Penin su la: the s ubsidence allowed th e de pos ition of ci rca 1000 m of Neogene sedi ments, althoug h in th e N-S sea ba nk , onl y around 200 111 arc known.

Durin g hig h sea leve l eve nt s ( Burdi ga li a n and Se rra-val lian ), brac kis h waters ex te nded ti ll 150 km inl a nd 10 th e int e rmed ia te regio n. Arrabida beca me an is la nd dur-ing the Burdiga li a n a nd the Serrava lli an tra nsgressions: the sa me occ ured w ith S in tra igneolls ma ss if (W of Lis bon ) du rin g th e Serravallia n ( Figs. 7B. 7C).

In land. the Tag ll s wan dered throug h a large a llu vial

plain d uring Lower and Middl e Miocene (Fi g. 6, A, B a nd C ). At th e Lower Tort o ni an (C), a large mars h area de-veloped in th e Ri batejo. Lac ustrin e and pa lustrine lime-s tone lime-s (A lmolime-ster-Sa nta re m Lim elime-s to nelime-s) alime-s we ll alime-s ma rllime-s and clays (To mar C lays) were th e res ulting ma in de posit s. Dur in g th e Pli oce ne, a ge ne ra l regress ion occ ll red. Fl uv ia l sa nd s a rri ved to th e Se tub a l Pe nin s ul a (U lm e sand s) .


the more proxim a l areas coarse conglo me ra tes prograded to SW (Serra de A lmeirim and Fa lag ue ira Co n-g lomerates) (Fi n-g. 6D).


M.T Antunes. P. Legoi nha and P. Cu nha helped in the rev

i-sio n o f the tex t and are gratefu ll y ac kn ow ledged.

Projec ts aprave d by the " FlInda ~ao para a C icllcia e a Tecnolog ia" and by 'he paCT] co fund ed by the EC FEDER Prog ram: " POCTII 3234S /CTAl2000 - Recognit ion o f the

Miocene of the distal region of the Lower Tagus Bas in through a borehole wit h conti nu ous sa mpl in g and " POCT I/CTAJ38659/ 200 I - Th e Tertiary of centra l-northern Port ugal basin analysis,

straligraphy a nd reso urces"


Albe rdi. M.T. , A ntunes. M.T.. Sondaar. P. Y. et Zbyszews ki, G. 1978. Les Hippariol/ du Portugal. Ciel1cias da Terra (UNL), 4. 129- 156.

Almeida, T. 1762. Recreasao Filozojica. 0/./ Dialogo Sabre

a Fifozojia Natural para instrusao de pesoas cllriozas,

que lIao f requent6rao as aulas. TOil/a VI e II/limo. Trow

dos Ceos e do MIIlldo. Na Ofi c ina de Mi g ue l Rod ri gues. Li sboa, Tarde XXXV, 400-4 18.

Antun es, M. T. J 979. " H ispalIoth eriul1I fa una" in l"berian

Middl e Mi oce ne, its impo rt ance a nd pa leogeographical mean ing. AI/Hales. Geologie des Pays Heltelliques. 1. hors

ser. I. 19-26.

Al1lunes. M.T. 1984. Essa i de sy nthese sur les mammi feres du Mi ocene du Port ugal. Vol. d'hol1lmage CUl gio/aglle C. ZJ)Js-;.elVski. Ed. Recherche sur les Civili sat ions. Paris. 30 1-323. Alllll ncs, M.T., Casa novas, M .L. , C uesta, M.A .. C heca, L. .

Sanlafe, J. V. and Ag ustf, J. 1997. Eocene Mammal s fro m Iberian Pe nin s ula. I II: ACles du s Conge Bi oc hro M '97 (Edit. J.P. Ag uilar. S. Lege ndre a nd J. Mi chaux). M el1loires

clu TravClllx E. P H. E. , IlIsrillll de MOlllepel/ier. 21. 337 -352.

A ntunes . M.T.. Calvo, J .P., Hoyos. M .. Moral es. J.. Ordonez. S .. Pais. J. y Sese, C. 1987. Ensayo de correlaci6 n en tre e l Ne6geno de las areas de Mad ri d y Li sboa (C ue ncas Al ta y Baj a de l rio Tajo). C0l11IlnicCl90es dos Servi90s

Ceol6gicos de Portuga l, 73, 85-102.





Distal region

Intermediate region

OS oJ,OiVn

Antunes Cotter,

Lisboa I Almada Ribatejo

et aI.,2tXIJ 1956

Gelasian I Belverde Fm . Alme irim Fm. ~

1 - - - - -

r '

-Piazencian I Santa Marta F m. Ulme Fm.

Pliocene I


1 _ _ _ _

r .


-Messinian Cong o Rio de Moinhos

1 ..


- - -- - - -

- - - c :


SDT2 V Ub Areias de Cabo Ruivo Iii"l Almoster I Tomar . ,,- I Fms. (tl MN10)

SOT1 Vila Areias de Bar ~ de Prata Archino , Azambujeira int. (MN9)

SOS2 Vic Calcflrios de Ma rvila

Serravallian Casais da Formiga (M N 7)

Vlb Gres dos Grilos

P 6voa de Santa rem (MN6)


SOS1 Via Arg ilas azuis de Xabregas

Vc Calcarios da Q uinta das Con chas


Langhian Vb Areias do Vale de Chelas Vila N. da Ra inha (MN5?)


Ca lcarios da Musaueira


Va2 Areias com Pfacuna miocenicB Ota Formation

SOB2 Va1 Calcarios do Casa l Vistoso



Burdigalian IVb Areias da Quinta do 8acalhau





~~~~~ s ~!~iS do Areeiro

SOBO II Areias da Esle fania


Aquitanian ~D~ ~ Camadas co~e nu s ribeiroi _ . _

-Benfica Formation Monsan to Formation




1'" 1





Sands and sandstones


Arkosic sandstontes Lutites

Figure 5. Lithostrati graph ic co rrelati on of the Lower Tag us Basi n units.


Proximal region

Beira Bai xa

Taberna Seca Congo

-Falagueira Fm.


~ ".,

-Monfortinho Fm.



-Torre Fm.




-Silveirinha dos Fi gos Fm.


f -Cabeyo do Infante





A lostrati g raphic

unities Fa unal

(UBS) unities

(Cunha, 1992)


-SLD13 Villanian

-SLD1 2 Ruscinian

-SLD11 Turolian



Astaracia n

- - - - -

-Orleanian SLD 9


-SLD 8


Inland mammal localities


W 00










D c o r a l s


Lacustrine and palustrine limestones


Continental sands and sandstones

t - _


Marine lutites


Continental days


Continental conglomerates

Figure 6. Paleogeog raphic maps co nce rning the Aquita ni an (A). Uppe r Burdi galian (B). Serrava ll ian 10 Lower TOrlonian (C) and Pi azencian (D) o f Ihe Lower Tagus Basin .

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