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EDITORIAL:In and Beyond This Issue(Vol.51,No.2)


Academic year: 2017

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Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 51 : 2 (Winter 2013) : 197-198 DOI:10.6120/JoEMLS.2013.512/editorial


In and Beyond This Issue

Since January 2014, Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences has received two substantial government subsidies—one year “Editorial Subsidy for Scholarly Journal” and half-a-year “Subsidy for Journal Inclusion in International Citation Indices”, funded by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science Council. The Editorial Subsidy for Scholarly Journal is a great help for the large expenditures of journal editing and personnel; without this subsidy, our journal editorial board would have to spare efforts for inding other inancial resources, which would sacriice our efforts for editorial quality. We are confident to say that our persistent hard-working definitely deserves a reward from this subsidy. According to the guidelines of the subsidy, Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences will also provide book manuscript review services for scholars in the same professional field, and we see this assigned task our duty and honor.

The subsidy for Journal Inclusion in International Citation indices is another government funding for enhancing the visibility and impact of Taiwan academic research outcomes. Many competitors have strived for this honor, and only sixteen journals received it. We are proud to say that one of the 16 winners is Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, which was already collected in the Scopus database in 2005. We hope our journal will be also included in SSCI database in 2014.

For this issue (Volume 51, Issue 2), we received 12 manuscripts and rejected eight, with a manuscript rejection rate of 66.67%. Meanwhile, 17 manuscripts are still at the review stage. Four manuscripts accepted in this issue include “Informetric Analysis on Open-Access High Productivity Authors in Biomedical Area”, “An Analysis of Literature Searching Anxiety in Evidence-Based Medicine Education”, “ Elementary Students’ Reading Behaviors of E-Books with Different Adaptive Designs”, and “A Study on Emotional Healing Eficacy of Fictions for Undergraduate”. Starting from this issue, readers should be able to notice that we have attached each author’s ORCiD to manuscripts, which is a new milestone for our journal and a new paradigm for other scholarly journals in Taiwan. For authors who never used ORCiD, this will be a new start for authority control of their academic publications.


教育資料與 書 學 51 : 2 (Winter 2013) : 197-198




2014年1月開始 ,教育資料與圖書館學季刊榮獲兩項台灣政府為期1年與

半年的實質獎勵 ,分別為國家科學委員會人社中心「補助期刊編輯費用」與「補 助期刊加入全球性引文索引資料庫」。爭取到前項「期刊編輯費用」的補助獎 勵 ,對於所費不貲的基層編輯人員人事開銷相當有所助益 ,若無此項補助 ,期 刊經營者必須靠其他自立救濟的方式 ,尋求財源來貼補編輯人事費用 ,對此補 助款 ,我們年年的辛勞與付出 ,絕對受之無愧。依據該項補助之規定 ,教育 資料與圖書館學季刊未來也必須肩負起同專業領域學者書稿送審的協辦服務工 作 ,這項委任工作自是我們的職權與榮譽。

台灣政府為了提昇台灣學術研究成果之國際能見度及影響力 ,本刊另一項 國科會獎勵「補助期刊加入全球性引文索引資料庫」更是得來不易 ,在眾多競 爭者中 ,僅16期刊脫穎而出獲獎。教育資料與圖書館學季刊早於2005年即為

Scopus資料庫收錄 ,我們也期待2014年能如願收錄於SSCI資料庫之中。

這一卷期(51卷2期)總計處理12篇稿件 ,其中退稿篇數8篇 ,仍然僅收

錄4篇稿件 ,本卷期退稿率維持在66.67%,此外 ,尚有未結案篇數合計17篇。


資訊計量研究」、「實證醫學教育之文獻搜尋焦慮」、「適性化設計對不同年級學 童閱讀電子書成效與動機之影響」,以及「小說對大學生之情緒療癒效用研究」 等。本卷期開始 ,讀者可以發現我們已落實各作者權威碼(ORCiD)隨附於本

刊稿件之後 ,這是本刊一個新里程碑 ,以及台灣眾多學術期刊的新典範;對未

曾使用過ORCiD的本刊作者 ,也將是其學術作品權威控制良性循環的啟始點。

邱 炯友


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