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Rev. esc. enferm. USP vol.45 número5 en v45n5a07


Academic year: 2018

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O estudo visa avaliar as ações educai vas na promoção do autogerenciamento dos cuidados em diabetes mellitus. Vinte e sete indivíduos com diabetes i po 2, atendidos no programa educai vo do hospital-escola de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram acompanhados durante quatro meses no ano de 2008. As ações educai vas nos gru-pos consisi am de três encontros mensais, nos quais eram desenvolvidas dinâmicas lúdicas e interai vas, e o atendimento indi-vidual realizado por meio da educação dia-lógica. A avaliação foi feita mediante ques-i onário específi co: autogerenciamento dos cuidados e exames clínicos no tempo inicial e após quatro meses da intervenção. Os indivíduos i nham idade média de 60,9 ±8,4 anos; o tempo médio da doença de 8,7±6,7 anos, i nham ensino fundamental incompleto e renda familiar de 1 a 3 salá-rios mínimos 55, 6% (27). Os resultados fo-ram sai sfatórios no teste de autogerencia-mento dos cuidados. Observou-se redução nos níveis de HbA1c e as ações educai vas favoreceram o autocuidado e o autocon-trole da doença.

DESCRITORES Diabetes mellitus i po 2 Autocuidado

Educação em saúde Avaliação


Evaluation of the educational practices in

promoting self-management in type 2

diabetes mellitus








The objeci ve of this is study to evaluate the educai onal praci ces in promoi ng the self-management of diabetes mellitus. Sub-jects were twenty-six individuals with type 2 diabetes, who pari cipated in the educa-i onal program at a teaching hospital in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The subjects were followed for four months in 2008. The edu-cai onal group praci ces consisted of three monthly meei ngs, in which recreai onal and interaci ve dynamics were performed, and individual sessions were held using dialogic educaion. The evaluai on was performed using a specifi c quesi onnaire: self-care and clinical exams in the begin-ning and four months at er the interveni on. The mean age of the subjects was 60.9 ±8.4 years; the mean i me of disease was 8.7±6.7 years; most (55.6% or 27 individuals) had incomplete primary educai on and a family income between 1 and 3 minimum salaries. Sai sfactory results were found in the self-care test. It was also observed that HbA1c levels dropped down and the educai onal praci ces improved self-care and self-man-agement of the disease.

DESCRIPTORS Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Self care

Health educai on Evaluai on Nursing


Estudio que apunta a evaluar acciones edu-cai vas promotoras de autogerenciamiento de cuidados en diabetes mellitus. Veini sie-te individuos con diabesie-tes i po 2, atendidos en programa educai vo del hospital/escue-la de Belo Horizonte-MG, fueron seguidos durante cuatro meses en el año 2008. Las acciones educai vas en los grupos consis-i eron en tres encuentros mensuales, en los que se desarrollaban dinámicas lúdicas in-teraci vas y la atención individual se realiza-ba mediante educación dialógica. Se evaluó mediante cuesi onario específi co: autoge-renciamiento de cuidados y exámenes clíni-cos en momento inicial y después de cuatro meses de la intervención. La media etaria de los individuos era 60,9±8,4 años, i empo medio de la enfermedad 8,7±6,7 años, con educación primaria incompleta y renta fa-miliar de 1 a 3 salarios mínimos (55,6%=27 individuos). Los resultados fueron sai sfac-torios en el test de autogerenciamiento de cuidados. Se observó reducción en niveles de HbA1c y las acciones educai vas favore-cieron el autocuidado y autocontrol de la enfermedad.

DESCRIPTORES Diabetes mellitus i po 2 Autocuidado

Educación em salud Evaluación Enfermería

Heloísa de Carvalho Torres1, Flávia Rodrigues Lobo Pereira2, Luciana Rodrigues Alexandre3



* Awarded 2nd place in the category “Premio Wanda Horta” at the 60th Brazilian Nursing Congress in Belo Horizonte, MG, 2008. 1Student of the Post-Doctoral

Program in Health Sciences. Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Nursing, School of Nursing, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. heloisa@enf.ufmg.br 2Nursing undergraduate, School of Nursing, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte. Holder of a Scientifi c Initiation

Grant. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. lu_ra2504@yahoo.com.br 3Nursing undergraduate, School of Nursing, Federal University of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte.


Diabetes education has involved multidisciplinary teams and nurses in educational activities held at Health Centers,

Outpatient clinics and Hospitals, reinforcing

the principles of knowledge for a healthy behavior.


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a major health issue and is among the most frequent chronic disorders. The grow-ing urbanizai on, unhealthy lifestyles, which include hav-ing high-fat diets and dohav-ing lit le exercise, obesity, and populai on aging are factors accounted for this growing tendency towards diabetes in the populai on, causing a high economical burden to the government to manage and treat the complicai ons of the disease(1-4). According

to the Brazilian Ministry of Health (MH), 11% of the na-i onal populai on with more than 40 years of age (about 5 million people) has diabetes. This high incidence rep-resents a considerable economic loss for the country, as it implies that individuals have produci vity losses at work, and an early rei rement, thus limii ng their funci onal capacii es(1-2).

The World Health Organizai on(2) acknowledges that

individuals with diabetes must adopt self-care skills to manage their disease, and the bet er their access to in-formai on and knowledge about their

con-dii on, the bet er their skills to be compe-tent in their aci ons, thus using measures to follow a healthy diet and exercises on a daily basis, which will have a direct eff ect on the improvement of their quality of life(5-7). Coni nuous therapeui c educai on

and eff eci ve support from health profes-sionals are necessary to teach individuals the knowledge, skills, ai tudes and moi va-i on they need for self-care and self-man-agement of the disease(5-7). Nurses have an

esseni al role in the health team, and as-sume health educai on as the main focus in their praci ce of pedagogical aci vii es(3).

Some author(3-5) a rm that controlling and

preveni on diabetes complicai ons is possible through educai onal programs and health professionals trained to work with educai on.

Based on educai on by Paulo Freire(5), we believe that

an educai onal praci ce performed in a perspeci ve that is dialogical, refl exive and analyi cal can be an e eci ve tool

to develop analyi cal knowledge that would broaden the individuals’ understai ng about their autonomy regarding their health and life condii ons, i.e. diabetes. The results of studies available in the literature have reinforced the importance of strategies promoi ng behavioral changes, including informai on, educai on and interpersonal com-municai on (professional/individual) adapted to the ob-jeci ve, socio-cultural context and lifestyles of individuals with diabetes. In this perspeci ve, it is necessary to pro-mote a process to learn about the disease, the treatment opi ons, risks and benefi ts of each of those strategies for

administrators, health professionals and pai ents to de-cide about the everyday paths of the therapy(3-5).

Educai on for managing the disease or educai on in DM can be seen as a program of interveni ons structured to provide individuals with knowledge, ai tude, and the necessary skills for: (a) performing self-care of the disease by controlling crises (hypoglycemia; hyperglycemia) and (b) making behavioral changes, especially regarding diet and exercise. The objeci ve of this process is to prepare individuals to understand and become moi vated to ef-feci vely pari cipate in the everyday therapy(4). Individuals

who do not receive diabetes educai on have a strong ten-dency for increased risks of complicai ons(8).

Diabetes educai on has involved muli disciplinary teams and nurses in educai onal aci vii es held at Health Centers, Outpai ent clinics and Hospitals, reinforcing the principles of knowledge for a healthy behavior. The educa-i on process should be associated with quality teaching, and should comply with the Nai onal Standards for Dia-betes Self-Management Educai on), which establishes the basis for the care that all individuals with DM require to successfully achieve good health outcomes. h is Standard

establishes that every diabetes patient must receive: a) an evaluation of their education-al needs; b) thorough guidance directed to their needs; c) an evaluation of the develop-ment of the education process to identify any dei ciencies; and d) a report about their edu-cational outcomes(9).

Educai on targeted at DM preveni on and management poses a challenge for pa-i ents and health professionals, as it aims to improve self-care, which is associated with healthy eai ng behaviors, exercising, and health promoi on.



To evaluate the educai onal aci ons in promoi ng self-management of care, associated to diet, exercise, and blood glucose control in individuals with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, following an Educai on Program at a Teaching Hospital in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.


This observai onal study was performed with 27 in-dividuals with Type 2 DM, of both genders and age be-tween 46 and 70 years, who were being followed at an outpai ent clinic at a reference hospital in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), and enrolled in a diabetes educai on pro-gram in 2008. All the pari cipants who provided writ en consent were instructed about the diabetes educai on study-program.

The pari cipants were reached by phone calls, and individual appointments were made. Later they were forwarded to group sessions, stressing the importance of their pari cipai on in every step of the educai on process.

In the individual consultai on pari cipants were in-structed about how to manage their diet and exercise program, their anthropometric measures were obtained (weight, height, and body mass index-BMI) and a glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test was performed. In the individual consultai ons, nurses had the role to welcome the pai ent, realize their perspeci ve regarding the treatment and in-vesi gate the self-care praci ces, foot exams, instruct them about how to avoid acute and chronic complicai ons of the disease and help them decide on the best was to im-prove their blood glucose level management.

Pari cipants who at ended individual sessions were also forwarded to group educai on. Three meei ngs were held, couni ng with the pari cipai on of 13 pari cipants in the group, which lasted 2 hours. The nurse conduct-ed the process in every session. In each meei ng one or more health professionals introduced a topic using inter-aci ve and recreai onal dynamics, which were founded on educai onal cards and games based on theorei cal and praci cal knowledge. The group meei ngs were per-formed always with the same muli disciplinary team and the teaching and learning methodologies were changed as much as possible. The DM topics addressed in the meei ngs were: physiopathology, preveni ng acute and chronic complicai ons, importance of diet and exercise, and foot care. The health professionals (physician, nurse, physiotherapist, occupai onal therapist and nutrii on-ist) were instructed about their posture, language and forms of communicai on. The group educai on consisted of nine meei ngs, and evaluai ons were made in the 1st

and 9th meei ng.

During the intervals of the educai onal process, the pari cipants were moi vated through phone calls, when they were informed and instructed about the need to manage their diet and exercise programs.

Data colleci on was performed in the inii al i me (T0), before the educai on aci vii es were started, and shortly at er complei ng the educai onal cycle (moment) in the four months (T4) following the educai on program. The variable of interest included: self-management (fol-lowing diet and exercising), which was measured using the diabetes care self-management instrument (ESM)(7)

consisi ng of, respeci vely, eight closed quesi ons, self-answerable and anonymous, which were applied indi-vidually with the support from the nurse and nursing student. The ESM test has a total 8-point score. Pai ents must achieve a minimum score 4.0 to show they have changed their behavior.

The clinical indicators of metabolism management were: glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) exam, which shows the mean blood glucose level during a three-month peri-od, and anthropometrical measurements (weight, height, and BMI). Weight and height were measured using a digi-tal scale (ModelPL150, Filizzola Ltda, Brazil) from the out-pai ent clinic.

To evaluate the results for hemoglobin A1c and BMI of the individual with type 2 DM, we used the parameters recommended by the Lai n-American Diabetes Associa-i on(1). The normal values according to that parameter are:

hemoglobin A1c between 3.5% and 7.5%, and BMI ≤27 kg/m2 in men and ≤26 kg/m2 in women.

Stai si cal analysis was performed using SPSS V.16, Stu-dent’s t and chi-square test (χ2), considering a 5% level of

signifi cance.

The project was accepted by the Local Research Eth-ics Review Board (COEP-UFMG), under review number 157/07, and all pari cipants provided writ en consent at the moment of the nursing consultai on.



to self-manage care and disease (9).Some authors(6-9) add

that individuals manage DM with they can count with knowledge, skills, ai tudes and awareness required for self-care. Complementarily, some studies(10-12) state other

factors are considered important mediators and modera-tors for the educai on in self-management of care, such as: educai on, personality, socioeconomic status, and so-cial and cultural support.

It was observed that in the individual and group ses-sions, health professionals and pai ents valued the dialogic exchange they had, which also generated posii ve results in the promoi on of self-management. Individual sessions permit ed the professionals to get to know the pai ents, their worries, life habits, self-management praci ces and how to establish the educai on process. The instruci ons were provided according to each individual’s needs, thus strengthening the educai onal aci vity. The pari cipants’ statements showed they were sai sfi ed with their pari

cipa-i on in the program. One important aspect that should be observed in the praci ce is the individual’s autonomy, more than transferring knowledge, educators should make room for their audience to build their own perspeci ves(4-6).

The dynamics adopted in the group educai on ses-sions provided a strong encouragement for diabetes edu-cai on, as they were interaci ve, valuing the pari cipants’ experience reports and permii ng an integrai ng pro-cess, towards a bet er therapeui c management of the disease. By using games and appropriate language in the educai onal praci ce, the health professionals permit ed pai ents to plan their meals bet er, keep their schedules and diet, besides exercising. Some study results confi rm

that the work of the muli disciplinary team in the teach-ing-learning process helps to make group work eff eci ve and increases socializai on, thus, it also encourages the exchange of knowledge and experience. Therefore, the individuals’ knowledge about the disease is improved and they become more aware and collaborate in the search for a healthy life with Diabetes(9-12).

The individuals pointed out the barriers they faced to keep on a diet and exercise, which included the lack of family support, stress, work or occupai on, safety and the cost of places to exercise. Individuals facing numer-ous barriers tend to engage less ot en in the treatment regime. To combat those barriers and achieve results that help the self-management of care, health professionals should provide coni nuous educai on and support, aiming to improve disease management(4).

Diabetes educai on is therefore credited as a problema-i zai on process about life and health condii ons, promot-ing individual, colleci ve and insi tui onal changes with a view to change the reality. It is one of the most important long-term investments, considering that the health costs of individuals with diabetes and the social burden due to the complicai on of the disease are excessive(1-3). There is

evidence that the interaci on between the health

profes-Table 1 – Characteristics of individuals with diabetes participa-ting in the education program at a teaching hospital in Belo Ho-rizonte, MG - 2008

Data presented as mean ± standard deviation or absolute frequency (relative). Note: (n = 27)

Table 2 lists the results of weight, BMI, glycated he-moglobin and of the quesi onnaire on Self-management of Care in Diabetes for individuals who pari cipated in the four-month educai on program at the hospital in 2008. It is observed there was a stai si cally signifi cant increase in weight at er the interveni on (p=0.009). Consequent-ly, there was also a signifi cant increase in the BMI at er

interveni on (p=0.012). There was no stai si cally signifi

-cant change in glycated hemoglobin values and on the re-sults of the quesi onnaire on diabetes self-care (p>0.05), though there was a reduci on in glycated hemoglobin.

Table 2 – Clinical aspects of glycated hemoglobin and question-naire score results of individuals with diabetes who participated in the education program at a teaching hospital in Belo Horizonte, MG - 2008

Data presented as mean ± standard deviation. Note: (n = 27)


The populai on of present study consisted of adults, mainly women (77.8%), in their 60s and with a low edu-cai onal level. The age and low level of educai on can certainly limit the individuals’ access to informai on, re-ducing their understanding of the instruci ons given by health professionals and, thus, increasing their diffi culty

Beginning(n = 27)


Female 21 (77.8%)

Male 6 (22.2%)


Illiterate 4 (14.8%)

Primary, incomplete 20 (74.1%)

Primary, complete 2 ( 7.4%)

Secondary, incomplete 1 ( 3.7%)

Age 60.9 ± 8.4

Family income (salary)

1 or less 1,1 to 3,0

44.4% 55.6%

Time of disease (years) 8.7±6.7

Beginning (n = 27)

4 months

(n = 27) P

Weight(kg) 71.1±13.2 73.0±13.8 0.009 BMI (kg/m²) 27.3±9.7 30.2±6.0 0.012 Glycate hemoglobin

-HbA1c (%)

8.1±2.4 7.7±1.8 0.266

Self-management of care (ESM)


sional and the individual with diabetes can encourage a dialogue that promotes behavioral changes, provided it occurs using adequate language in that cultural context. The ai tude of listening, and the group refl eci ons on the

experiences, statements and percepi ons are esseni al to deepen the dialogue about the needs and demands of an interaci on process to improve self-care(12-14).

Some studies(3-4) suggest that health professionals

should learn more about the process and outcomes of diabetes educai ons in order to improve their observa-i on, registering and descripi on of how the program has aff ected the health of those individuals, which would per-mit the replicai on or applicai on in educai onal praci ce.

It is possible that the generalizai on of the study is pos-sible mostly because of the chosen theorei cal-method-ological framework, which, in this case, is centered on a dialogic and refl exive educai onal praci ce, with the

inclu-sion of other knowledge and skills in addii on to the tech-nical and normai ve knowledge of health professionals. Therefore, not only did the study contribute improve the self-management of care, but, poteni ally, collaborated to refl ect on educai onal programs and the praci ce of health

professionals in the public health area. The study limita-i ons were the small number of pari cipants, the short fol-low up i me of the educai onal process, and the abandon-ment of the program.

In summary, the educai onal aci vii es to promote self-care helps pari cipants change the disease

manage-ment behaviors they learnt during the four months of the program.


This study collaborated to advance knowledge in dia-betes and educai onal strategy evaluai on, with a view to learn about their eff ects on the disease and on the self-management of care. Furthermore, it permits to dis-cuss on the possible limitai ons and opi ons of improv-ing the health educai on process associated to diabetes programs.

Educai onal praci ce appears as a bet er way to raise awareness in individuals with diabetes about the impor-tance of self-care. It is a moment in which the individual and health professionals talk about all the informai on about the disease and treatment.

Nurses have a key role in educai onal praci ce. Besides being their area of experi se, they bond to the pai ents through the nursing consultai on, making the approach easier and direct. The group aci vii es, besides being in-formai onal, are also considered important moments to exchange experiences and support, and are moments of re-laxai on and leisure. Educai on for self-care is no easy task, because it depends not only on the technical competence of the professional, but also on the will and interest of pa-i ents. If pai ents fail to comply with the educai onal prac-i ce, and consequently with the treatment, self-care be-comes diffi cult and blood glucose management is harmed.


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Table 2 lists the results of weight, BMI, glycated he- he-moglobin and of the quesi  onnaire on Self-management  of Care in Diabetes for individuals who pari  cipated in the  four-month educai  on program at the hospital in 2008


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