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If grandma goes to the supermarket on foot, her legs hurt.


Academic year: 2021

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TeacherWagner.com.br 1 1. Introdução:

Usamos as Conditional Clauses na hora de dar conselhos, discutir fatos cotidianos, falar sobre possibilidades, traçar novos planos, criar situações hipotéticas ou comentar as suas escolhas do passado:

If you learn how to use the if-clauses, you will certainly be able to do all this in English! (Se você aprender a usar as if-clauses, certamente, conseguirá fazer tudo isso em inglês!).

As If-clauses são as Conditional Tenses (frases condicionais) do inglês e a frase destacada acima é um exem-plo desse uso. Em português, elas nada mais são que as sentenças que começam com “se”.

Existem 4 Tipos de Conditional Clauses:  Zero Conditional;

 First Conditional;  Second Conditional;  Third Conditional; 1.1. Zero Conditional:

Esse uso é fundamental para quando você quer apresentar um fato, ou seja, alguma coisa de que você tem certeza ou que acontece com bastante frequência. Assim como todas as if-clauses, a Zero Conditional é formada por duas sentenças, geralmente ligadas pelo “if”. Ela é marcada pelos verbos no presente:

If grandma goes to the supermarket on foot, her legs hurt.

A Zero Condicional é usada para falar de verdades em geral e de coisas que sempre acontecem sobre certas condições.

1) Estrutura do Zero Conditional:

If + simple present, simple present If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. 2) Se invertermos a posição da if clause não é necessário o uso da vírgula.

The water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees.

3) Também é possível substituir o if por when ou unless, que funcionam como as palavras “quando” e “a menos que” em português:

The water boils when you heat it to 100 degrees.

4) Podemos usar também o imperativo na oração principal quando usamos a condicional para darmos instruções. 5) A maioria das condicionais zero tem o mesmo significado se when é usado no lugar de if.

Preliminary Work:

1. Make zero conditional sentences by using the words. a) ice / fl oat / you / drop / it / in water

________________________________________________________________________________ b) you / not / eat / you / die

________________________________________________________________________________ c) not / rain / the grass / not / grow/ it

________________________________________________________________________________ d) my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick


2. Complete the zero conditional sentences. Use the conditions and the results from the table below:

Conditionals Result

you’ve got a headache you get pink

you don’t wear a crash helmet a dog bites

A you heat it to 100º C the DVD player comes on she comes home very late butter melts

you leave gates open in the country it scratches you

you add sugar you have more chance of being killed

a) Water boils if you heat it to 100º C.

b) If you mix red and white ______________________________________________ . c) ________________________________________________ if you leave it in the sun. d) If _______________________________________________ , take an aspirin. e) If _______________________________________________ , it tastes sweet.

f) _______________________________________________ if you go near its food when it’s eating. g) If you pull a cat’s tail, _______________________________________________ .

h) _______________________________________________ if you don’t wear a seat belt. i) You can end up brain damaged if _______________________________________ . 3. Reescreva o texto substituindo WHEN por IF:

When it rains, my roof leaks. When my roof leaks, the walls get wet. When the walls get wet, they get moldy. When they get moldy, I get sick. When I get sick, I go to the doctor. When I go the doctor, he always says the same thing, “Fix your roof!”

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


TeacherWagner.com.br 3 1.2. First Conditional:

A First Conditional é ótima para dar conselhos ou impor condições. A sua estrutura se parece com a da Zero Conditional, mas enquanto o verbo da if-clause aparece no presente, o da result clause é usado no futuro:

A First Conditional é chamada às vezes de Real Conditional. Ela é usada para descrever uma ação verda-deira, que acontecerá no futuro, como consequência de uma ação realizada no presente.

1) Estrutura do First Conditional:

If + Simple Present, Simple Future

If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam. She will need some help if she buys that new car. Preliminary Work:

1. Choose the correct alternative that fills the blanks correctly.

a) If Caroline and Sue ____________(prepare/will prepare) the salad, Phil _____________ (Will decorate/decorates) the house.

b) If Sue _____________ (cut/cuts/will cut) the onions for the salad, Caroline _____________ (peel/peels/will peel) the mushrooms.

c) If Bob _______________ (tidy/tidies/will tidy) up the kitchen, Anita _____________ (clean/cleans/will clean) the toilet. d) Elaine _____________ (buy/buys/ will buy) the drinks if somebody _____________ (help/helps/will help) her carry the bottles.

e) If Alan and Rebecca ___________ (organize/organizes/ will organize) the food, Mary and Conor ________________ (make/makes/will make) the sandwiches.

f) If Bob _____________ (look/looks/will look) after the barbecue, Sue _____________ (invite/invites/will invite) the guests in.

g) Frank ____________ (play/plays/ will play) the DJ if the others __________________ (bring/brings/will bring) along their CDs.

h) Alan _____________ (mix/mixes/will mix) the drinks if Jane _____________ (give/gives/will give) him some of her cocktail recipes.

i) If they all _____________ (do/does/will do) their best, the party _____________ (is/are/will be) great. 2. Complete the First Conditional Sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form.

a) If you (send) ______________ this letter now, she (receive)_________________ it tomorrow. b) If I (do) ______________ this test, I (improve) __________________ my English.

c) If I (find) _______________ your ring, I (give) __________________ it back to you.

d) Peggy (go) __________________ shopping if she (have) __________________ time in the afternoon. e) Simon (go) __________________ to London next week if he (get) _______________ a cheap flight. f) If her boyfriend (phone/not) _______________ today, she (leave) __________________ him. g) If they (study / not) __________________ harder, they (pass / not) __________________ the exam. h) If it (rain) ______________ tomorrow, I (have to / not) _______________ water the plants.


j) Susan (can / move / not) __________________ into the new house if it (be / not) _____________ ready on time. 3. Complete as frases com suas próprias palavras utilizando o First Conditional.

a) If you don’t work ___________________________________________________________________ b) If he drinks too much ________________________________________________________________ c) He Will get drunk ___________________________________________________________________ d) If the girl doesn’t look after the baby ____________________________________________________ e) If we run _________________________________________________________________________ f) They will get wet ___________________________________________________________________ g) If I have money ____________________________________________________________________


TeacherWagner.com.br 5 1.3. Second Conditional:

Se a intenção é falar de situações hipotéticas no presente ou no futuro, use a Second Conditional. Nela, o verbo da If-clause é usado no Simple Past e o da sentença principal é acompanhado dos modais “would”, “could” ou “might”.

If she had a car, she could see her boyfriend every day. (Se ela tivesse um carro, poderia ver o namorado todos os dias.)

A Second Conditional é chamada às vezes de Conditional unreal. Ela é como a First Conditional, nós pensa-mos sobre o futuro, porém o resultado desta condição não é real e ela não se realizará.

Como estamos falando de situações hipotéticas, o verb to be é usado de uma maneira um pouco diferente nesses casos. Mesmo para he, she, it e I, o verbo usado é o were:

If I were you, I wouldn’t spend so much money on clothes. (Se eu fosse você, não gastaria tanto dinheiro com roupas.) 1) A estrutura do Second Conditional:

If + simple past, would + main verb

IF Condition Result

If I married Mary I would be happy.

If John became rich she would marry him.

If it snowed next July would you be surprised?

If it snowed next July what would you do?

Preliminary Work:

1. Choose the best alternative for each sentence.

a) If he were a young man, he ________ able to walk faster.

(a) is (b) was (c) will be (d) would be

b) We’d be on the beach if we ________ in Mexico!

(a) are (b) were (c) will be (d) would be

c) If smoking were allowed, I ________ a cigarette.

(a) have (b) had (c) will have (d) would have

d) If there ________ no mosquitos, there would be no malaria.

(a) is (b) are (c) was (d) were

e) If her hair were black, she ________ completely different.

(a) look (b) looks (c) will look (d) would look

f) If I ________ a penny for every can of soda I’ve drunk in my life, I would be rich!

(a) have (b) had (c) will have (d) would have

g) He’s so stupid! If he ________ an animal, he would be a sheep.

(a) is (b) was (c) were (d) would be

h) We don’t mind camping, but if we ________ enough money, we ________ in a hotel.

(a) would have...stayed (b) have... stayed (c) had... would stay (d) had... stayed i) We would learn a lot from dolphins if they ________.


j) If the weather ________ better, we ________ to the park.

(a) were... will go (b) were... would go (c) is... would go (d) was... go 2. Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets.

a) If you knew his phone number, you ___________________ (can) phone him. b) If you took the train, you ___________________ (arrive) faster.

c) If you had a key, you ___________________ (open) the door. d) If you were less tired, you ___________________ (clean) the house. e) If we had the choice, we ___________________ (go) to America. f) If there were more children, they ___________________ (build) a school. g) If he met a woman, he ___________________ (be) happy.

h) If people were more generous, they ___________________ (help) the poor ones.

3. Após ler a primeira frase de cada exercício, utilize a ideia para escrever orações condicionais. a) He doesn’t go to bed early. He’s often tired at work.

If he went to bed early ______________________________at work. b) He isn’t a good actor. He doesn’t make lots of films.

If he did lots of films,______________________________ a good actor. c) They never read. They’re not good at English.

If they read more,______________________________ good at English. d) It often rains in Scotland. That’s why we never go on holiday there.

If it less often rained in Scotland, ______________________________ on holiday there. e) They’re very rich. They buy expensive clothes.

If they bought expensive clothes,______________________________rich. f) I don’t work very hard. I have bad results.


TeacherWagner.com.br 7 1.4. Third Conditional:

Aqui, continuamos falando de situações hipotéticas, mas agora sobre o passado, ou seja, é para quando queremos comentar algo que não aconteceu (ideal para chorar pelo leite derramado!). Para isso, usamos o verbo da if-clause no past perfect e o da sentença principal com o formato do present perfect, só que acompanhado no-vamente de “would”, “could” ou “might”, o que dá à estrutura a ideia de uma possibilidade que não aconteceu, bem diferente do Present Perfect de fato:

If they had planned better, they might have already moved to England.

(Se eles tivessem se planejado melhor, talvez já tivessem se mudado para a Inglaterra.)

1) A estrutura do Third Conditional é um pouco mais complexa que a das outras três condicionais, sendo: If + Past Perfect, modal + Present Perfect

If I had studied harder at school, I would have got better grades. Preliminary Work:

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Third Conditional sentence.

a) If you _________________ (check) the car, it _________________ (not/break) down in the middle of the desert. b) It _________________ (not/rain), the children _________________ (play) outside.

c) If my parents _________________ (not/be) so tired, they _________________ (watch) the film on TV. d) If she _________________ (buy) a new hard disk, she _________________ (not/lose) all data. e) If we _________________ (use) the town map, we _________________ (not/get) lost. f) If Tom_________________ (eat) more salad, he_________________ (not/catch) a cold. g) If the police_________________ (not/stop) me, I_________________ (reach) you in time.

h) If his older brother_________________ (not/drive) so fast, he_________________ (not/crash) into the other car. i) If Fred_________________ (not/cheat) at the test, his teacher_________________ (not/phone) his father. j) If I _________________ (not/switch off) the radio, I_________________ (know) about the second goal. 2. Choose the correct alternative to complete each Third Conditional sentence.

a) If I had studied harder, I __________ my exam.

(a) would pass (b) would have passed (c) will pass (d) would passed b) If you ___________ to the party, you would have seen me.

(a) went (b) have gone (c) had gone (d) go c) If she had listened to me, she _________ problems.

(a) will not have (b) would not had (c) would not have (d) would not have had d) I __________ milk at the store last night.

(a) should buy (b) should bought (c) should have bought (d) should have buy e) If he __________ the opportunity, he could have gone.

(a) has (b) had (c) have had (d) had had

f) I would have cleaned the house if I __________ you were coming.

(a) knew (b) know (c) have known (d) had known


(a) bring (b) brought (c) would bring (d) would have brought h) If Brad __________ French class, he would have learned how to speak French.

(a) has taken (b) had taken (c) has took (d) took i) __________started the project if you had known it was due on Monday?

(a) Would you have (b) Had you (c) Would have you (d) Would you j) What __________if you had been me?

(a) would you done (b) would you have did (c) would you have done (d) would you had done 3. Complete the text about Jane and Adam’s wedding by using the Third Conditional.

a) If Jane ____________________ (not/lose) her job as a sales representative in London, she ____________________ (not/move) to Edinburgh.

b) If she ____________________ (not/move) to Edinburgh, she ____________________ (not/find) a job in a new company. c) If she ____________________ (not/find) a job in the new company, she ____________________ (not/meet) Adam. d) If she ____________________ (not/meet) Adam, they ____________________ (not/fall) in love.

e) If they ____________________ (not/fall) in love, Adam ____________________ (not/ask) Jane to marry him. 4. Write funny endings of the following sentences.

a) If I hadn’t come here today, I would have ________________________________________________________. b) If I’d found U$ 1,000 before school today, I would have _____________________________________________. c) If I’d won the lottery recently, I would have _______________________________________________________. d) If I’d met an alien this morning, I would have _____________________________________________________. e) If I’d kissed a famous person, I would ___________________________________________________________. 5. Decide whether the following Conditional Sentences are first, second or third.

a) If he had dropped the vase, it would have broken.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional b) If you have to do the washing up, I will help you.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional c) If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning ... (song)

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional d) I wouldn’t run away if I saw a spider.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional e) We’d have given you a lift if you hadn’t had your bike with you.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional f) If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional g) If we don’t get tickets for the concert, we’ll stay at home.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional h) They’d go by bus if they didn’t have a car.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional i) She’ll hear us if you don’t stop laughing.


TeacherWagner.com.br 9 j) He wouldn’t have taken the bread if he hadn’t been hungry.

( ) first conditional ( ) second conditional ( ) third conditional 6. Put in the correct phrases and form a conditional sentence (first, second, third).

a) If he had studied harder, he ________________ (to pass) his driving test. b) If we meet at 9:30, we __________________ (to have) plenty of time. c) Lisa would find the milk if she __________________ (to look) in the fridge.

d) The zookeeper would have punished her with a fi ne if she __________________ (to feed) the animals. e) If you spoke louder, your classmates __________________ (to understand) you.

f) Dan __________________ (to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.

g) You __________________ (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework. h) If you __________________ (to swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.

i) The door will unlock if you __________________ (to press) the green button.

j) If Mel __________________ (to ask) her teacher, he’d have answered her questions. k) I __________________ (to call) the office if I were you.

7. Choose the correct verb form for these conditionals. a) If you like, you can stay / stay / would stay for two days.

b) If I see / saw / had seen the film in the cinema, I wouldn’t have watched it on TV again. c) If the parents bought the cat, their children are / would be / would have been very happy. d) Metal will expand / would expand / expands if you heat it.

e) He will receive / might receive / should have received my e-mail if he’d been online yesterday evening. f) If she tidies / tidied / had tidied up her room, she must find the receipt.

g) What will you do / would you do / would you have done if you had a million dollars. h) Where would you live if you be / were / are younger.


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