• Nenhum resultado encontrado

In the initial phase of the design process, there was interview done with HR representative of the case company. The purpose of this interview was to understand current HR practices and activities related to the employee experience in the case company. The research method is described in, chapter 3.2.2 - Initial interviews and discussion chapter. Based on the discus- sions and outcomes of the interview questions, researcher established the understanding by creating current state employee experience journey map visualization. This was done in col- laboration with HR representative to visualize different activities and practices in the life cy- cle of an employee in the case company. This visualization covers all three phases of em- ployee journey which are pre-employment, employment and post-employment phases. The figure 15, represents the current state of employee experience journey map visualization concluded as result from the initial phase.

As seen in the figure 15, the employee journey starts much before the individual joints the organization. The employee life cycle in the organizations starts from pre employment phase, which consists of attract and hire steps. Next, employment phase includes onboard, engage, perform and develop steps. Lastly, post-employment phase includes depart step that in some cases might again begin with new pre-employment phase in different organization. This is a cyclical process in an employee’s life till one age to be retired from job. Details of each phases are documented into the table 1, where the first column shows employee life cycle

phases, second column represents employee journey steps and last column to right shows de- tails of each journey steps giving glimpse of HR activities and practices.

Figure 15: The current state employee journey map

Employee life- cycle phase

Employee journey step

Journey step details

Pre employment phase

Attract • Individuals are seeking for a new job position,

• Organizations post their available job description ad- vertisement via different channels to attract individual to apply for open position,

• Application process starts when individual send their application letter and resume to available open posi- tion,

• Based on the resume review, first round of acceptance or rejection is sent to the applicants,

Hire • Organization selects the participants based on the re- sume and invitation letter,

• Individuals go through pre-assessment test where indi- viduals are tested through different parameters based on the role descriptions,

• Selected participants move further to interview pro- cess with relevant stakeholders from the company,

• After couple rounds of interviews, selection of a candi- date who would be fit for the job is done,

• The individual is sent acceptance letter with invitation to discuss offer for the job,

• Individual accepts the offer and job position,

• The organization and individual sign contract to con- firm the hiring process.


phase Onboard • The new employee starts with signing different kind of paperwork to onboard the employee,

• Detailed introduction of the work environment is given by the mentor/manager/HR,

• New employees are registered to orientation program where they learn about the organizations business, ways of working, benefits and employee practices,

• Employee gets access to all the relevant systems which would be necessary to perform day to day activities,

• Organization provides necessary hardware and soft- ware needed to perform the tasks on the job,

• New employees also undergo some basic and job spe- cific training,

• Onboarding process can be from 7 to 30 days process, depending on the role.

Engage • Employee has detail discussion with their HR repre- sentative and manager to understand their role defini- tion in the organization

• Later, they have detail discussion and planning on re- sponsibilities anew employee needs to perform as part of their role definition,

• Manager introduces new employee to their team and other members with whom employee has to work,

• Manager discusses and plans the objectives along with employee, to build a personal plan for six months or a year.

• New employee build strength by learning while doing, collaborating with team members and grow in these process

• New employees are supported by manager to establish purpose and their value in team.

Perform • Adopting and learning from team members to acquire practices of organization,

• Efficiently achieve tasks with precision and profes- sional performance,

• Aim to become high performing employee & drive ex- pectation,

• Efficiently collaborate with stakeholders participating in project sprints,

• Co-create with team members to produce best solu- tions for tasks on hand,

• Being actively engaged and proactive,

• Efficient & effectively communicate with all stake- holder in the team and project teams.

Develop • Identifying the need to grow by learning new skills,

• Organization provides training facilities to do different kind of training to build or develop skills,

• Senior employees can coach junior employee by guid- ing them to relevant growth path in their career,

• Managers have yearly career growth discussion with their team members,

• Managers and seniors to recognize the good work done by employee and give them recognition for the


• Many times, employees are reward by certificates or monitory compensation,

• Employees receive feedback & review of their perfor- mance from there manager every six months


phase Depart • After years of working in the organization employee go to the retirement stage where they stop working for the organization,

• They become loyal alumni of the organization,

• Many times, employee develop and grow to take new positions and role in the organization,

• Sometime the job is terminated due to certain reasons or short-term contract,

• Sometime employee resigns as they move on to new job in another company,

• It’s always nice to give a positive experience during exit of an employee as they take this experience to their next job.

Table 1: Showing employee life-cycle journey phases and description from HR context.