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Infrared spectroscopy of radioactive hydrogen chloride H36Cl


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Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer


Infrared spectroscopy of radioactive hydrogen chloride H 36 Cl

Santeri Larnimaa


, Markku Vainio


, Ville Ulvila


aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55, Helsinki 0 0 014, Finland

bPhotonics Laboratory, Physics Unit, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland

cVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Limited, Espoo, Finland

a rt i c l e i nf o

Article history:

Received 25 August 2021 Revised 18 October 2021 Accepted 19 October 2021 Available online 29 October 2021 Keywords:

Radioactive hydrogen chloride H 36Cl Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR

Rotational-vibrational spectroscopy Line center wavenumber Molecular constant

a b s t r a c t

WepresentthefirstreportofopticalabsorptionspectroscopyofH36Cl,aradioactiveisotopologueofhy- drogenchloride.WeusedFourier-transforminfraredspectroscopytodeterminethelinecenterwavenum- bersofthefundamentalrovibrationalbandlinesP(10)–R(10)andthefirstovertonebandlinesP(1)–R(7) withtotaluncertaintyoflessthan0.0018cm−1(60MHz)and0.007cm−1(0.2GHz),respectively,at68%

confidencelevel.Wealsoperformedarotationalanalysisonthebandstodeterminetherelatedmolec- ularconstants.Wefurthercomparedthelinewidthsand relativeintensitiesofthelinestothoseofthe stable isotopologuesH35Cland H37Cl.The new spectroscopicinformation assistsin developingoptical instrumentationforthedetectionofH36Cl.

© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


1. Introduction

Hydrogen chloride is an important molecule that plays a role inatmosphericchemistry[1,2],astrochemistry[3–5],thesemicon- ductor industry [6], and in the research of volcanic activity [7–

10] and planetary atmospheres [11–13]. While the rovibrational bands of HCl were studied in detail already in the 1960s [14–

16],earlyworksonHCldatetothebeginningofthe20thcentury to thedevelopmentofearly spectrometersandtheacceptance of quantummechanics[17–19].Inrecentyears,therehavebeenmany publicationsthatreportincreasinglyaccuratelineparameters[20–

24].ThenaturallyoccurringstableisotopologuesH35Cl,H37Cl,and theirdeuteratedformsareusuallystudied.However,tothebestof ourknowledge,therearenoprior reportsonoptical spectroscopy ofH36Cl.

Chlorine-36is a radioactiveisotope ofchlorine that isformed naturally in the atmosphere [25]. It exists in miniscule concen- trations in groundwater (background 36Cl/Cl ratiois in the order of 1015) but can be used for groundwater dating [26–29]. The speciesisalsoformedinnuclearfacilitiesbyneutronactivationof

35Climpuritiesfoundinreactormaterials[30–33].Thisisamajor concern due tothe long (approx.301,000 years) half-life of 36Cl.

Some of36Cl maybereleased totheenvironment inthe formof H36Cl.

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: santeri.larnimaa@helsinki.fi(S. Larnimaa).

Owing to their high sensitivity and selectivity, optical spec- troscopy methodsare well suited forthe detectionofradioactive compounds in the gas phase [34]. These methods can also offer amoreaffordableandportablealternativetothecurrentstate-of- the-art method,Accelerator Mass Spectrometry [35]. In addition, spectroscopic methods do not depend on the specific activity of thespeciesofinterest,whichmightleadtolesslaborioussample preparationthaninLiquidScintillationCounting[36],astheneed foracomplexradiochemicalseparationiscircumvented.

Priorresearchonopticalspectroscopyofradioactivecompounds hasfocused especially onlaser spectroscopyofradiocarbon diox- ide14CO2 [34,37–45].One goalhasbeento develophighlysensi- tiveandportablefieldinstrumentsforemissionmonitoringofthis speciesinnuclearfacilitiesandtheirdecommissionsitesorfordis- criminatingbetweenemissionsfromthecombustion offossiland biofuels.Ingeneral,thedevelopmentoflaser spectroscopyinstru- mentation for the detection ofradioactive molecules is hindered bythelackofspectroscopicinformation.Forexample,weonlyre- centlyreported the firstabsorption measurements androtational analysisofradiocarbonmethane14CH4 [46,47],anotherimportant speciesofconcerninnuclearfacilityemissionmonitoring[48].

Here we report the results of our Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements of the fundamental and first overtone rovibrational bands of H36Cl. These results aid the de- velopment ofoptical instrumentationformonitoring thisspecies.

Inthefollowingsections,wefirstdescribethesamplepreparation, measurementandline-fittingprocedures,afterwhichwesumma- rize the main results. Finally, we present the rotational analysis


0022-4073/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )


anddiscusstheresultsfortheovertoneband.Supplementaryinfor- mation discussesthe experimentallyobservedlinewidthsandrel- ativeintensities ofthe H36Clfundamentalband lines,includinga comparisontothoseofH35Cl.

2. Samplepreparationandmeasurementconditions

The gaseous H36Cl sample was prepared by pipetting 50 μl of36Cl-enrichedNaClsolution(3.7MBq/mlactivityconcentration;

AmericanRadiolabeledChemicals,Inc.)intoa10cmlongIRquartz cell (Suprasil 300; FireflySci Type 34). The aqueous sample was subsequently dried to solid NaCl usinga flow of compressed air, afterwhicha fewdropsofconcentrated sulfuricacidwereadded and the cell wasclosed with PTFE stoppers. Finally,the reaction of the solid NaClwithsulfuric acid to produceHCl wasinitiated bytiltingthesamplecelltocombinethereagents.Thissimplegas cellsystemwasnotequippedwithapressuregaugeoratempera- turemetertominimizethesamplecellvolumeandsamplelosses.

Giventhespecificactivityof36Cl(1220Bq/μg),thetotalamount of36Clinthesamplewasexpectedto be4.2μmol. Basedon the FTIR measurements,we obtained1.6mbarof gaseousH36Cl.This estimate assumestheHITRAN H35CllineintensitiesforH36Cl(see Supplementary Note4). Thismeans that theyield intogasphase was 43%,assuming 296K temperatureand28 mlvolume ofthe sample cell. The sample also contained approximately 0.4 mbar and 0.8 mbar of the stable isotopologues, H35Cl and H37Cl, re- spectively. The total partial pressure of HCl was 2.7 mbar. Since the pressureincrease inthesamplecellduetotheproduced HCl is small and the partial pressure of water in concentrated sul- furic acid is negligible [49], it is reasonable to assume 1 atm (1013.25mbar)pressureinthecellduringthemeasurements.The lab pressurewaswithin a few mbarof thispressure upon filling thesamplecell.

3. Measurementofthefundamentalband

The H36Cl measurements inthe mid-infrared(MIR) were exe- cutedusingacommercialFTIRinstrument(BrukerIFS120HR).We used a Globar light source, Ge-on-KBr beam splitter, and liquid- nitrogen-cooledInSbdetector.Therawspectrumisaresultofpro- cessing 10co-added double-sided interferogramsusingtheMertz method [50].We used the manufacturer-specified resolutionset- tingof0.02cm1 (600MHz). Themanufacturerdefinesthereso- lutionasthefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)oftheassumed instrumentlineshape (ILS)function iftriangularapodization was used; we used Norton-Beer medium apodization[51],which cor- respondsto 0.0095cm1 (285MHz) halfwidthathalf maximum (HWHM) oftheresultingILSfunction.Table 1listsotherrelevant FTIRinstrumentsettingsused.

Table 1

Relevant FTIR instrument settings used for the MIR measurements.

Light source Globar

Beam splitter Ge-on-KBr

Detector InSb

Aperture diameter 1 mm

Apodization function Norton-Beer medium

Assumed HWHM of ILS function 0.0095 cm −1(285 MHz) Number of co-added interferograms 10

Type of interferograms Double-sided Interferogram processing method Mertz

Zero-filling factor 2

Optical band-pass filtering 2614–3378 cm −1 Digital band-pass filtering 10–20 kHz

(1975–3950 cm −1) HeNe reference laser down-converted


80 kHz

Fig. 1. The measured HCl absorption spectrum (blue). The middle peak of each of the peak triplets belongs to H 36Cl as revealed by the included H 37Cl (yellow) and H 35Cl (orange) HITRAN lines (mirrored for clarity). The inset shows a zoomed view of the R(3) lines. In addition to the HCl peaks, there are interfering air absorption lines (especially in the R-branch), and an etalon effect caused by the sample cell windows. Note that the amounts of the stable isotopologues H 37Cl and H 35Cl in the sample do not follow their natural abundances. The H 35Cl lines are thus the weakest in the spectrum.

The100%transmissionbaselinewasdeterminedmanuallyfrom theHClspectrumbyfirstlow-passfilteringthespectrum,exclud- ing the HClpeaks from the data, and finally by using Savitzky–

Golay filtering [52] and defining the result as the baseline. The spectrum was then divided by this baseline to obtain the HCl transmissionspectrum. Theresultwasfurther convertedinto ab- sorptionspectrumusingtheNaperianBeer–Lambertlaw[53]

α ( ν





( ν




( ν








˜) istheabsorptioncoefficient,Listhe absorptionpath length (10 cm), I(


˜) is the raw spectrum, andI0(


˜) is the 100%

transmissionbaseline.Theresultingabsorptionspectrumisshown inFig.1.

TheabsorptionspectruminFig.1showsapeakstructurechar- acteristictothefundamentalrovibrationalband ofHCl.Insteadof thetypical H37ClandH35Clpeakdoublets, we seetripletswhose middle peak of each belongs to H36Cl. We only consider lines P(10)–R(10) inthis article, aslines further from the band center weremaskedbynoise.The strongestH36Clpeak islineR(3)with 0.108cm−1 peak absorption (34%intransmission) andtheweak- estis lineR(10) with0.008 cm1 peak absorption(92% intrans- mission).Inadditionto thestrongHCllines,attentioninFig.1is drawntotheinterferingairabsorptionlinesandtotheetalon ef- fect.Therelativelystrongairabsorptionlinesareexplainedbythe fact that the FTIR instrument was not evacuated or purged. The free spectral range of the etalon is typically 2.3–2.8 cm1 (70–

80GHz),which matcheswell withthe 1.25mmthickness ofthe IRquartz samplecellwindows.The etalonandtheinterferingair absorptionlinesareincludedinthefitmodelasdiscussedbelow.

4. Fittingprocedure

Duetotherelativelyhighmeasurementpressure(1atm),pres- surebroadeningdominatesmostofthetransitionlinewidths(see Supplementary Note 1). For this reason, we chose to model the absorption peaksasLorentzian functions. All ofthe 21 rotational components (lines P(10)–R(10)) of the H36Cl fundamental band


Fig. 2. Fit to the measured R(3) lines (upper panel) and the fit residual (lower panel). The three major peaks belong to H 37Cl (leftmost), H 36Cl (middle), and H 35Cl (rightmost). The background fit consists of a constant, a sine function, and two Lorentzian functions for the two small air absorption peaks at approximately 2961.4 cm −1and 2961.7 cm −1.

were fittedseparately such that a typical fittingwindow was 4–

9 cm1 around the H36Clpeak in question. To give an example, Fig. 2 showsthe fitfor lineR(3). Thefit model consistsofthree Lorentzian functions (one for each HCl isotopologue), a constant for a possible residual background offset,and a sine function to consider the etalon effect.In addition, extra Lorentzian functions wereaddedforairabsorptionlineswhennecessary;inthecaseof theR(3)line,twosmallairpeakswerefitted(Fig.2).

The lackofsystematicfeatures inthe residualinFig. 2shows that the chosen fit model indeed describes the data well. The signal-to-noise ratioof the H36Cl peak is 212, definedas the ra- tio of the maximum peak absorption to the standard deviation of the fit residual.The peaks withthe lowest SNR that were in- cludedintheanalysisofthefundamentalbandareP(10)andR(10) (SNR≈15). Notethat we alsocalibratedthe wavenumber axisus- ingtheHITRANzeropressurewavenumbersandtherelated1atm pressureshiftsoftheH35ClandH37ClP(10)–R(10)lines[20,54,55].

Theanalysisrevealedanaverageoffsetof-0.0101cm1(-303MHz) betweenthefittedH35ClandH37Cllinecenterwavenumbersand thecorrespondingHITRANvalues.Notethattheaverageoffsetwas calculatedbyweightingthedatapointsbytheinversesofthecor- responding fituncertainties. Asimilarlyweightedstandard devia- tionoftheoffsetsis0.00124cm−1(37MHz),whichwascombined withthefituncertaintiesofthelinecenterwavenumbers(seeRe- sults).

5. Results

Table2lists thefitresultsfortheH36Cllinecenterwavenum- bers.ThenumbersinparenthesesinTable2areonestandarddevi- ation uncertaintiesinleastsignificantdigits asobtainedfromthe fit. The totaluncertainty columncontainsthe combinedeffect of the fituncertaintiesandthe calibrationuncertaintyat68%confi- dencelevel.Other uncertaintysources,such asthe uncertaintyof the baseline determination orthe measurement pressure via the pressure shifts, are negligible. Overall,the total wavenumber un- certaintiesarebelow0.0018cm1(60MHz).

Table 2

Line center wavenumber ˜ ν results for the H 36Cl fundamental band. The numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation fit uncertainties in least significant digits and the values in the column denoted by σν˜ rep- resent the combined effect of the fit and calibration uncertainties at 68%

confidence level. The symbol νcalc refers to the calculated line center wavenumbers as obtained from the rotational analysis discussed in sec- tion 6. Note that all the values in the table are given at 1 atm pressure and 296 K temperature.

Line ν˜ (cm −1) σν˜ (10 −4cm −1) ν˜ ν˜ calc(10 −4cm −1)

P(10) 2651.0675(13) 18 9

P(9) 2676.8101(6) 14 0

P(8) 2702.0639(4) 13 -6

P(7) 2726.8168(3) 13 3

P(6) 2751.0527(2) 13 10

P(5) 2774.7574(2) 13 -1

P(4) 2797.9207(2) 13 0

P(3) 2820.5297(2) 13 -5

P(2) 2842.5712(3) 13 7

P(1) 2864.0247(4) 13 1

R(0) 2905.1493(4) 13 -1

R(1) 2924.7790(2) 13 -2

R(2) 2943.7809(2) 13 -4

R(3) 2962.1397(2) 13 6

R(4) 2979.8392(2) 13 1

R(5) 2996.8709(2) 13 -1

R(6) 3013.2251(2) 13 7

R(7) 3028.8887(3) 13 4

R(8) 3043.8510(4) 13 3

R(9) 3058.1013(6) 14 2

R(10) 3071.6279(13) 18 -9

While determinationof the linecenterwavenumbers wasthe main objective of thisresearch, the measurements also provided informationaboutthewidthsandrelativeintensities ofthelines.

Theseresultsare discussedseparately inSupplementary informa- tion. Briefly, the relative intensities of the H36Cl seem to follow those of the stable isotopologues H35Cl and H37Cl as expected basedonprevious research onthestableisotopologues.However, our results for the pressure-broadened linewidths are systemati- callylargerthantheHITRANreferencedataforthestableisotopo- logues.

6. Rotationalanalysis

WeretrievedthemolecularconstantsfortheH36Clfundamen- talrovibrationalband.Thev−0bandlinecenterwavenumbersof adiatomicmoleculecanbeapproximatelyexpressedas[56]










m2 +



m3 +


m4 +









˜v0 isthebandcenter,B˜istherotationalconstant,andD˜ andH˜ arethedifferentordercentrifugaldistortionconstants. The integer m is equal to − Jfor the P-branch and J+ 1 forthe R- branch.TherotationalquantumnumberJreferstothelowerstate.

Wecould notdetermine thecentrifugaldistortionconstantsH˜ inastatisticallysignificantmanner;wethusassumedH˜=H˜v=H˜0 andconstraineditsvalueto1.66742 ×10−8cm−1.Thisvalueisthe predictedH˜0ofH36Cl,whichwecalculatedusingH˜0,H˜1,andH˜2of H35ClgiveninthesupplementarymaterialofRef.[20],theapprox- imateDunhamexpression[57,58]










Y˜i j

Y˜i j =





μμ, (3)


Table 3

The experimental and predicted fundamental band molec- ular constants for H 36Cl obtained as explained in the text.

The values refer to zero pressure.

Parameter Experimental (cm −1) Predicted (cm −1) ν˜ 1−0 2884.8936(3) 2884.8933 B ˜ 0 10.43210(4) 10.43213 B ˜ 1 10.12843(4) 10.12847 D ˜ 0/ 10 −4 5.275(3) 5.273 D ˜ 1/ 10 −4 5.207(3) 5.206

H ˜ 0/ 10 −8 1.66742

whereY˜i jareDunhamcoefficients[57],





˜v0,C˜v,1=B˜v,C˜v,2=D˜v,andC˜v,3=H˜v.The constants markedwithanasterisk()refertotheheavierisotope.

Eqs. (2) and (3) and the molecular constants of H35Cl given in the supplementary material of Ref. [20] were further used to predict in a similar manner the remaining molecular constants for H36Cl. The results are listed in Table 3 together with the experimental molecular constants that we determined from the measured linecenter wavenumbersof linesP(10)–R(10) in least- squaresfitsusingthecombinationrelations[15,56]

















5 (4)



















J4, (5) whereJ=1,…,9forEq.(4)andJ=1,…,10forEq.(5).

First,thelower-stateparametersB˜0andD˜0weredeterminedin aleast-squaresfitusingEq.(4)andtheassumptionH˜=1.66742 × 108 cm1. However, prior to fitting, we shifted the measured H36Cl line center wavenumbers to those corresponding to zero pressure assuming the HITRAN H35Cl pressure shifts [54,55]. Af- ter this,we determinedtheband center


˜1−0 andupper-statepa- rametersB˜1andD˜1usingEq.(5).Thelower-stateparameterswere fixed duringtheleast-squaresfittothoseobtainedfromthefitof Eq.(4).Inaddition,to considerthefituncertaintiesofthelower- state parameters inthedeterminationoftheupper-state parame- ters,werepeatedthefitahundredtimes,eachtimedrawingnew B˜0and ˜D0values fromnormal distributions whose expectation val- uesandstandarddeviationswerechosentobetheoriginalB˜0and D˜0 valuesandtheirrespective fituncertaintiesobtainedfromthe fitofEq.(4).Finally,wecalculatedthestandard deviationsofthe hundred new B˜0 and D˜0 valuesand combinedthem with thefit uncertaintiesobtained fromtheoriginal fit ofEq.(5)to estimate thetotaluncertaintiesoftheupper-stateparameters.

The experimental and predicted molecular constants in Table 3 are in excellent agreement. This is also true for the ob- servedminuscalculatedlinecenterwavenumbervaluesincolumn 4 of Table2 (denotedby




˜calc). These valueswere calculated using Eq.(1), the experimental constantsin Table3, andthe as- sumption H˜=H˜v=H˜0; the pressure shifts were reapplied before the comparison.The largest difference is 0.0010 cm1 (30 MHz) andallthevaluesarewithintheestimatedtotaluncertainties.

Althoughtheexperimentalandcalculatedwavenumbersarein excellent agreement,itiswellknownthatthemolecular parame- tersobtainedwiththistraditionalapproachmayperformpoorlyin predicting accurate linecenter wavenumbersfor transitions with high quantum number J values [20]. Indeed, we repeated the above-explained procedure to determinethe molecular constants alsoforH35ClandH37Cl.Eventhoughtheresultparameterswere within two standard deviations from those obtained with more refined methods [20] or from highly accurate experiments con-

sisting ofa considerablylarger dataset [59], ourmodel forH35Cl (H37Cl)predictsupto0.050cm1or1.5GHzlarger(0.020cm1or 0.6GHzlower)wavenumbervaluesforlinesP(15)andR(15)when comparedtothecorrespondingHITRANlinecenterwavenumbers.


7. Thefirstovertoneband

Wealso measuredthe firstovertone 2− 0rovibrationalband of H36Cl. Due to the limited amount of Na36Cl solution avail- able for us at the time, we conducted the measurements with the same sample that we used in the MIR measurements. For thesenearinfrared(NIR)measurements,weco-added100interfer- ogramsandusedaSi-on-CaF2beamsplitter,Tungstenlightsource, andaliquid-nitrogen-cooledInSbdetector.Themeasurement set- tings, baseline determination, and fitting procedure were similar towhatweusedintheMIRmeasurements.Therelevantmeasure- mentsettingsarelistedinTable4.

Despite the longer averaging time, the SNR in the NIR mea- surements is worse than in the MIR measurements. This was expected, since the HCl overtone transitions are typically 30–

50 times weaker than the corresponding fundamental ones. The P-branch is also considerably interfered by air absorption. For thesereasons,wecould onlyreliablyanalyzelines P(1)–R(7),and only the H37Cl lines R(1)–R(7) were used in the wavenumber axis calibration. The calibration revealed an average offset of - 0.01479cm−1(-443MHz)comparedtothecorrespondingHITRAN values [20,54]. However, because the HITRAN pressure-shift data is extrapolatedfrom theMIR measurements by Pine andLooney [55], we chose to usethe NIR pressure-shift data by Asfin etal.

[23]tocalculatetheH37Cllinecenterwavenumbersat1atm.The standarddeviationof theoffsetsis 0.00364cm1 (109 MHz)and wasagaininterpreted asthe calibrationuncertainty. Notethat in the calculation of the average and the standard deviation of the offsets,thedatapointswereagainweightedusingtheinversesof thefituncertainties.Asanexample,Fig.3showstheovertoneline R(3)fit.ThisisthestrongestH36Cllinewhosepeak absorptionis 0.0027cm1 (97.3%intransmission) withan SNR of20;thelow- estSNR is 7andforline P(1)with0.0010cm1 peak absorption (99.0%intransmission).

Table5 lists the fitparameter resultsfor theH36Cl first over- tone band. Due to the generally modest SNR, we could not de- terminethe linewidthsandrelative intensities reliably,forwhich reasonwereportonlythelinecenterwavenumbers.Thenumbers inparenthesesare theone standard deviationfituncertaintiesin least significant digits. The total uncertainty column values rep- resent thecombinedfit andcalibrationuncertaintiesat68%con- fidence level. They are less than 0.007 cm1 (0.2 GHz). The ob- servedminuscalculatedcolumnvaluesinTable5areagainingood

Table 4

Relevant FTIR instrument settings for the NIR measurements.

Light source Tungsten

Beam splitter Si-on-CaF 2

Detector InSb

Aperture diameter 1 mm

Apodization function Norton-Beer medium

HWHM of ILS function 0.0095 cm −1(285 MHz) Number of co-added interferograms 100

Type of interferograms Double-sided Interferogram processing method Mertz

Zero-filling factor 2

Optical band-pass filtering 6667–5000 cm −1 Digital band-pass filtering 25–35 kHz

(4937–6912 cm −1) HeNe reference laser down-converted


80 kHz


Fig. 3. Fit to the measured first overtone R(3) lines (upper panel) and the fit resid- ual (lower panel). The leftmost and rightmost peaks are fitted air absorption lines and the remaining three fitted peaks belong to H 37Cl, H 36Cl, and H 35Cl in the order of increasing wavenumber. In addition to the two air absorption lines, the back- ground function consists of a constant and a sine.

Table 5

Line parameter results for the H 36Cl first overtone band. The line cen- ter wavenumber is denoted by ν˜ . The numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation fit uncertainties in least significant digits and the values in the column denoted by σν˜ represent the combined ef- fect of the fit and calibration uncertainties at 68% confidence level.

The symbol νcalcrefers to the calculated line center wavenumbers as obtained from the rotational analysis discussed in the text. Note that all the wavenumber values in the table are given at 1 atm pressure.

Line ν˜ (cm −1) σν˜ (10 −3cm −1) ν˜ ν˜ calc(10 −3cm −1)

P(1) 5645.043(5) 7 21

R(0) 5685.525(5) 6 -21

R(1) 5703.965(3) 5 -5

R(2) 5721.168(2) 5 3

R(3) 5737.113(2) 4 -1

R(4) 5751.802(2) 4 -1

R(5) 5765.227(2) 4 2

R(6) 5777.370(3) 5 3

R(7) 5788.217(4) 5 -2

Table 6

Experimental and predicted first overtone band molecular constants for H 36Cl obtained as explained in the text. The values refer to zero pressure.

Parameter Experimental (cm −1) Predicted (cm −1) ν˜ 2−0 5665.895(10) 5665.898

B ˜ 2 9.8274(8) 9.8272

D ˜ 2/ 10 −4 5.18(11) 5.15

agreementwiththeexperimentanddeviate lessthan0.005cm1 (150 MHz) from the experimental values, not including the low SNR linesP(1)and R(0),forwhich large deviationsare apparent.

The observedminus calculatedvalueshavebeenobtainedfroma similarrotationalanalysistowhatwasdiscussedfortheMIRmea- surements. However, due to thesmall number ofP-branch lines, we used Eq. (1) directly in the least-squares fit, made the H˜v= H˜0=1.66742 ×108 cm1 assumption, andfixed the remaining lower-stateparameterstotheexperimentalvaluesinTable3.

Table 6 lists the experimental and predicted molecular con- stantsobtainedforthefirstovertoneband inasimilar manneras discussed forthe fundamental band. The accuracy ofthe experi- mental parameters is not sufficient to ensure accurate line cen- ter wavenumber predictions for high J values. We advise using the predictedmolecular constantsinstead. Forexample, similarly predictedmolecularconstantsforH37Clpredictup to0.027cm1 (0.8GHz)largerlinecenterwavenumbersforlinesP(15)andR(15) comparedto HITRAN. Wenote that thepredictedmolecular con- stantsforH37Clagreewithinatleastfivesignificantdecimalscom- paredto theliterature values[20] not includingthe band center, whichagreeswithin0.0011cm1(33MHz).

8. Conclusionsandoutlook

In this article, we reported the first absorption spectrum of H36Cl. The measurements of the fundamentaland the first over- tonerovibrationalbandswereperformedusingacommercialFTIR instrumentwith a thermal light source andusing a sample pre- pared fromthe reaction between sulfuric acid and 36Cl-enriched NaClsalt.Thesimplegascellsystemhelpedtomaximizethenum- ber density of the speciesof interest inside the cell, which pro- vided us with strong absorption lines in the MIR and allowed us to determine the fundamental band P(10)–R(10) line center wavenumbers(referencedtothe HITRANvaluesofthestableiso- topologuesH35Cl andH37C), withtotal uncertaintiesof lessthan 0.0018cm1(60MHz)at68%confidencelevel.Duetotheorderof magnitudeweakermoleculartransitionsandconsequentlymodest SNR in theNIR, we could determinethe first overtoneband line centerwavenumbersofonlylinesP(1)–R(7)andwithtotaluncer- taintiesoflessthan0.007cm−1 (0.2GHz)at68%confidencelevel.

The simple gas cell system came with the downside of not knowing the exact pressure and temperature inside the sample cell. However, the initiation ofthe reaction at atmosphericpres- sureandroomtemperaturemadeitpossibletoestimatethemea- surementconditionswithreasonableaccuracy. IntheSupplemen- tary information, we investigated the linewidths and relative in- tensitiesoftheH36Cllinesandcomparedthemtothecorrespond- ing literature valuesof the stableisotopologues H35Cland H37Cl.

The relative intensities showedsimilar behavior asthe reference HITRANdata,implyingthatthelineintensitiesofthedifferentiso- topologuesaresimilarasexpectedbasedonpreviousresearch on thestableisotopologues.However,asdiscussedintheSupplemen- tary information, the linewidthsfor all three isotopologues were systematicallylargerthantheHITRANreferencedataforH35Cland H37Cl.

An advantageof having atmosphericpressure inside thesam- ple cellduring measurements wasto minimize thedistorting ef- fectoftheILSfunctionandtoallowustouseasimpleLorentzian fit model.However, precise control ofthe measurement pressure and measurements in lower pressures to reduce the linewidths would enable much more accurate line center wavenumber de- terminations.Toincreasemeasurementsensitivity,anexternalco- herent light source in the FTIR instrument instead of the ther- mal source could be useful, especially if combined with photoa- cousticdetection[47].Foraccuratelinewidthdeterminations,elim- inating the ILS function altogether would be helpful. This could be done by using optical frequency combs [60] or by avoiding FTIRaltogether(i.e.,byusingtunablelaserabsorptionspectroscopy instead) [55,61,62]. In particular, the sensitivity improvement by laser absorptionspectroscopy wouldallow moreaccurate charac- terizationofthefirstovertoneband. Inaddition,determinationof theabsolutelineintensitieswouldrequireamoreelaboratesam- ple preparationand gas-control systemto ensure accurate exter- nal knowledge of the sample concentration [22]. Finally, as fu- tureapplicationsinmonitoringH36Clwillexpectedlyrequirevery


highsensitivitiestodetecttrace amountsofthisspecies,itwould be valuable to demonstrate low-concentrationmeasurements us- ing somehighlysensitivelaser spectroscopymethod,suchascav- ityring-down spectroscopy[34,39] orphotoacoustic spectroscopy [37,46,63]. Thesepursuits are assistedby our results,aswe now havereasonablyaccurate knowledgeonthelinecenterwavenum- bersofH36Cl,andthesimplemodelsfromtherotationalanalyzes canbeusedtopredictlinepositionsofyetunobservedtransitions.


This work obtained funding from the Euratom research and trainingprogramme2014–2018[GrantagreementNo. 755371,the CHANCE project]; the Academy of Finland [Project No. 326444];

and the Flagship on Photonics Research and Innovation of the Academy of Finland (PREIN). S. Larnimaa acknowledges financial support from the CHEMS doctoral program of the University of Helsinki.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompetingfinan- cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


Santeri Larnimaa: Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization. Markku Vainio:Conceptualization,Writing– review&editing,Supervision, Project administration. Ville Ulvila: Conceptualization, Investiga- tion, Writing – review& editing, Supervision,Project administra- tion.


We wishto thankDr.Markus Metsälä andProf.LauriHalonen fortheirsupportandconstructivefeedbackontheproject,andDr.

GuillaumeGenoudforfruitfuldiscussionsonthetopicandforthe worktosecurefundingfortheproject.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107984. References

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