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Applying consensus theory to the Estonian case, in the Analytical chapter of the current study, I confirmed the existence of policy consensus in Estonia. I analyzed party electoral programs and manifestos of political parties represented in the Riigikogu from 1999 to 2019, utilizing QCA as a method of research, with the following coding frame: category – foreign policy, subcategories:

1. NATO (defense, military bases, Iraq, Afganistan);

2. European Union (defense, economy, new members, cyber-threats, agriculture);

3. Russia (cyber-threats, military threat, tourism, economic cooperation).

During the process of analysis, I found out that Estonian political parties have almost the same emphases in their party electoral programs in the section of foreign policy and defense.

Parties stand for further integration into EU institutions, close cooperation with NATO and increasing Estonia’s contributions to NATO at the level of 2% of GDP. Parties have slightly different positions on Russia-related issues, especially the view of the ratification of the Estonian- Russian border agreement. Nevertheless, as it was mentioned in the Discussion sub-chapter, these differences are mitigated by signing a coalition treaty, which is an integral part of the Government formation and the work of Riigikogu. In addition to the analysis of party documents, I conducted interviews with experts in Estonian foreign policy. Interview questions included questions about the main emphases of country’s foreign policy and some questions about differences between parties. It was rather interesting to note that interviewees pointed out the same foreign policy emphases (the EU, NATO and Russia), which were listed in the party electoral programs and manifestos, and the interviewees’ answers coincided with my own findings. Taking these findings into account, I assumed that policy consensus exists in Estonia.

In order to figure out whether there has been procedural consensus in Estonia, I considered the ratification process of three foreign policy bills in the Riigikogu. After analysis of the voting results and Riigikogu’s proceedings on these bills, I came to the conclusion that procedural consensus is present in Estonian foreign policy.

Besides, during my research, I analyzed party electoral programs in chronological order that allowed me to track the evolution of domestic consensus on foreign policy issues. As a result, I found that political parties have hold the same foreign policy course, with some differences in the minor issues, that have not impacted on the consensus policy.

The last but not least research question of the current research was devoted to the relationship between domestic policy and foreign policy, especially what the role of political parties is. During analysis, the form of Estonia’s political system (which is a parliamentary one), was taken into account. I assumed that political parties are the key domestic actors that shape the foreign policy course of the country. Thus, looking at domestic policy and electoral programs of


political parties, where official priorities and preferences of the party are listed, some predictions of future foreign policy can be discovered.

Nevertheless, certain limitations are imposed to obtained results. Firstly, it was not my aim to evaluate the role of public opinion in the process of foreign policy-making, but rather, these findings were obtained from the interview data. Secondly, unfortunately, no representatives of the Riigikogu have been interviewed due to lack of opportunities to reach this high ranking significant cohort. Thirdly, with regard to the theoretical model used, some subcategories lead to a much smaller amount of processed content than others; nevertheless, this aspect did not invalidate the explanatory power of the model, and the revision of the model based on empirical data was not necessary. Finally, there can be debatable issues regarding the interviews because they were conducted not simultaneously but with some time differences that can influence the answers.

This research has presented many aspects for further investigation. More research is required in order to understand whether the third element of consensus – cultural consensus – exists in Estonia. Besides, if one involves different sources of all verbatim records of an annual session on the issue of foreign policy in the Riigikogu since 1999 to conduct a more extensive document analysis, this could be a great help to other researchers.

Nevertheless, I assume that the results of this research produced significant and fresh findings. This study contributed to expand the study of Estonian foreign policy under a light of liberalist point of view including its internal and external factors; and it also made a contribution to the studies of the role of political parties in foreign policy decision-making. This work can be useful for Estonian political elite and foreign policy analysis learning.


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Appendix 1. Questionnaire 1.

1. What are the differences on the issues of foreign policy between the ruling party (the current ruling party) and the opposition?

2. Could you please explain what issues are the most fundamental in Estonian foreign policy from your point of view?

3. Do you think that there is a public debate on the questions of foreign policy in Estonia?

4. How do you estimate the role of public opinion in creating foreign policy course? Does public opinion exist?

5. Do the groups of Eurosceptic parties/organizations exist in Estonia? (in party politics) 6. How has the foreign policy line of political parties developed from the 1990s until today?

7. Who is a leader of Estonian foreign policy? (the one who determines foreign policy position of the Government)

8. What are your expectations about the results of the Parliamentary elections in 2019?

72 Appendix 2. Questionnaire 2.

1.Could you please tell me something about your position and your expertise and how it is related to Estonian foreign policy making and/or Estonian political parties?

2. Please tell me about the connection between domestic politics and foreign policy in Estonia.

3. Could you please describe the foreign policy decision-making process in Estonia?

4. What is the role of political parties in this foreign policy decision-making?

5. Which political parties have been most influential in foreign policy decision-making? How and why so?

6. Could you please explain what issues are the most fundamental in Estonian foreign policy from your point of view?

7. Do you think that there is a public debate on the questions of foreign policy in Estonia?

8. How do you estimate the role of public opinion in creating foreign policy course?

9.What are the differences on the issues of foreign policy between the ruling party (the current ruling party) and the opposition?

10. How has the foreign policy line of political parties developed from the 1990s until today?

11. Would you say that there has been a foreign policy consensus in Estonia? Has there been any changes in this consensus (or lack thereof)?

12. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about regarding the role of political parties in foreign policy making and about the differences between foreign policy lines of different parties?

No documento Coding Frame (páginas 60-73)

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