• Nenhum resultado encontrado


7. Future work and conclusion

Igor Boguslavsky et al.

fig. 11. A SPARQL query for a general question. The answer is negative

Semantic Analysis and Question Answering: a System Under Development

in football is quite restricted, and each of them consists of a small number of elemen- tary events (cf. our description of the scoring event above). Therefore, the task of iden- tifying a complex event by its crucial components seems practicable.

A number of linguistic tasks need to be solved. In particular, the coreference res- olution, which is the most sensitive component of the current system, should be made more reliable. As of today, we use a rather simplified rule: within a message, differ- ently presented individuals belonging to one class are considered coreferential if there is no evidence to the contrary, like references to different participants of an event or different names of an object. This rule needs to be made more precise in order for system performance to improve.

Upon the extension of both the ontology and the linguistic data, a full-fledged evaluation of the system will be carried out.


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Квантитативные методы в диахроничеСКих

КорпуСных иССледованиях : КонСтруКции С предиКативами и дативным СубъеКтом

Бонч-Осмоловская А. А.

(abonch@gmail.com) НИУ ВШЭ, Москва, Россия

Ключевые слова: дативные субъектные конструкции, предикативы, корпусная лингвистика, иерархическая кластеризация

QuanTITaTIve meThodS

In dIaChronIC LInguISTIC STudIeS : The CaSe of ruSSIan daTIve

SubJeCTS wITh PredICaTIveS

Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya

(abonch@gmail.com) National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow Russia

The paper aims to demonstrate how quantitative corpus methods used in linguistics research may help to range different realizations of the same phenomenon: the use of dative subjects in predicative and adjective con- structions. The core idea of the research is to study the distribution of dative subject constructions with predicative and adjective forms that potentially can be used in such constructions, i.e. aptitude of the construction for explica- tion or omitting the dative subject. While usually the predicates are classified on the basis whether they can potentially be used with dative subject, I study the trends for explicit use of dative (or prepositional beneficiary arguments) among the “dative subject predicates”, and show that the frequency rates of real use of dative subjects can be very different with different predicates.

Separate analysis of different morphological forms of the same dative sub- ject lexeme (i.e. adjectives in full and short forms, comparative adjectives and predicatives) shows that they may also exhibit different strategies with explicit dative subjects. Finally data from the 18th and the 21st centuries is compared and hierarchical clustering is used to reveal some diachronic trends.

Key words: dative subject constructions, quantitative methods, corpus lin- guistics, Russian

Quantitative Methods in Diachronic Linguistic Studies

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