• Nenhum resultado encontrado

This kind of research does imply certain limitations and taking into account the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19 restrictions they probably manifested themselves quite clearly.

The first point is the lack of respondents from a tourism sector that plays a pivotal role in the city's economy. Despite the fact that an appropriate entrepreneur was found, there was no way to organize an interview because of a heavy workload in the context of a crisis situation in this sector of the economy. This factor has limited the scope of research but can serve as an option for future investigations. The second thing that has hindered the research is the inability to see the business operations in real life and better depict the context of operations. As it has been stated earlier when it comes to SMEs many small details can influence the strategy adoption and not all of them can be captured through the screen of the computer. Further, the observation and interaction with the businessmen were organized during the academic year which can be considered as a short period of time. Probably this explains the absence of exit strategy cases. A more prolonged investigation can bring useful results considering this point. Lastly, it is rather important to underline that this research analyzes the situation in one of the most developed regions of the country. Thus, for wider and more generalized recommendations it may be useful to take into account other regions of the Russian Federation as the economic landscape of our country is diverse and miscellaneous.


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