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Academic year: 2023




Master's topic title: The impact of the proletarian movement on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the proletarian movement on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods. The result of the study is the statistically proven effect of the proletarian movement on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods among the representatives of generation Y in Russia and the elimination of the procedure of other possible factors.

The purpose of this research is to identify the possible effect of proletarian displacement on the purchase intentions of luxury brand goods of representatives of generation Y in the local Russian market. Design an experiment which can allow to identify the impact of the proletarian movement on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods. The experiment conducted provides an insight into the possible effect of prole shift on the consumption of luxury goods.

The first chapter contains information of the luxury definition and the market analysis of the luxury and what values ​​define the luxury brand goods. In this respect, the influence of the proletarian drive on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods in Russia was studied.


Luxury as phenomenon and motivations to buy

  • Introduction to luxury and to proletarian drift
  • What is luxury?
  • Values of luxury consumption

Today, the prole drift has the meaning of spreading luxury branded goods from the higher levels of society to the lower levels (Weiss, 2000). They seek the reward for themselves while taking advantage of the good rather than its functional benefit. Bastien and Kapferer (2012) argue one of the fundamental functions of luxury is in recreating social stratification.

Bourne, 1957 investigated the influence of the groups to which potential customers refer or would like to refer on the consumption of luxury groups. Conformity as a phenomenon is one of the oldest topics in consumer research (Asch 1955, Sherif 1936) and the choice of the similar things as the group members enables the communication of desired social identities (Berger and Heath 2007). Further (Douglas and Isherwood, 1978) studies the effect of trends on the perception of the good and the value it signals.

All the studies considered in the section on the unique value of luxury goods consumption have examined the same issue of people who want to create and exploit the unique image in society. Vickers and Renand (2003) studied the impact of consumer publicity on the degree of accessibility of luxury goods.

Table 1. Social factors of luxury consumption
Table 1. Social factors of luxury consumption

Luxury market overview

In 2016 alone, the online luxury goods market grew by 13%, which is much larger than the rest of the luxury market. At the same time, the market is seeing a change in the way luxury players interact with potential customers. To better understand the luxury goods market with the intention and motivations to purchase the product, the understanding of common types of customers must be studied.

What is special about the distribution is the share of luxury expenditure by both groups. This age group is now at the top of the career ladder with the highest earning period, allowing them to be the biggest spenders in the market. Generation Y – those aged 15 to 35 – now account for 20% of the number of luxury consumers and 14% of the total turnover in the market.

Millennials are considered to be the fastest growing segment of luxury consumers in terms of both services and products and the main buying force in 2018-2020. The main values ​​in luxury consumption are money spent on quality value and scarcity of products (Millennial Marketing, 2014). Generation Y members tend to exhibit a high level of hedonism (Loroz and Helgeson, 2013) with a high level of self-esteem.

Originally, wealthier consumers tend to use luxuries that are unaffordable for the majority to differentiate themselves from the lower strata of society. As this phenomenon occurs, the problem of inconspicuous consumption is increasing, as people who use luxury as a symbol of success tend to switch their consumption to brands without a significant visible logo. Analysis of the luxury market shows the stable growth in recent years in terms of volume, revenue and new entrants.

Top luxury goods account for the largest market share in terms of sales, but affordable luxury is also increasing. Since the market is extremely competitive, consumer appeal is an essential issue for all players. The review of the literature on conspicuous consumption revealed an important conclusion: a process of proletarian drift – the spread of luxury from the higher socio-economic levels to the lower levels – leads to a decline in the will to purchase such luxury items to buy, which are exposed to the prolific urges of today's luxury consumers.

Table 2. Luxury users’ classification by Bain and Company, 2014a
Table 2. Luxury users’ classification by Bain and Company, 2014a


Factors of purchasing luxury goods

Self-presentation attitude is more oriented to the social aspect of the consumption of the luxury brand to meet the desired social image. The utilitarian is related to the usability, highest quality and uniqueness of the materials. In addition, the total luxury value of the proposed item positively affects the willingness to purchase luxury brand goods.

The hypotheses will be formulated in the section after reviewing the luxury market in Russia and the watch market in general. Vigneron, 1999 provides and insight which intrinsic quality of the luxury goods is the natural characteristic of the luxury. The study of the works linked to a value Quality of the luxury goods is considered as one of the factors that the readiness to buy luxury brand goods by the previous studies and as.

The perceived high quality of the luxury goods' value will not differ across respondent groups who receive different information about the goods. The second value of luxury consumption is the personal satisfaction of using such goods. The representatives of Generation Y tend to have a high level of self-esteem (Logan, 2008) and high levels of hedonism (Loroz and Helgeson, 2013).

The hedonism value of luxury consumption will not change across the group of respondents provided with different information about the goods. The high social status value of luxury consumption will not change across the group of respondents provided with different information about the goods. The unique value of luxury consumption will not change across the group of respondents provided with different information about the goods.

The group of studies has shown that the attribution to a certain group is one of the influencing factors of the consumption of luxury brand goods (Czellar). The group attribution value of luxury consumption will not differ between respondent groups receiving different information about the good. And Russian consumers generally appreciate the quality and uniqueness of luxury.

Table 3. Values influencing the intentions to buy luxury.
Table 3. Values influencing the intentions to buy luxury.

Empirical study

An experiment as a research method is intended to determine the influence of a single variable on a dependent variable. The purpose of the experiment is to show the cause of proletarian drift and willingness to buy goods of luxury brands. The analysis was carried out in two stages in order to first determine the existence of the influence of the proletarian drift on the consumer's decision to purchase luxury goods.

The test demonstrates the significant difference between the taken samples on the distribution of the variable Willingness to buy. This observation can give us a preliminary view on the stated research question - whether there is an influence of the proletarian drive on the willingness to buy. Next step is to analyze the effect of the attractiveness variable on the dependent – ​​readiness to buy luxury brand goods.

Attractiveness value, which was aimed at evaluating the attractiveness of the watch with the given description. Average value variables in all samples High quality of materials used in production 4,352. The analysis of the results of the experiment revealed a statistically significant influence of the proletarian movement on the willingness to buy goods of luxury brands in terms of the market of luxury watches and representatives of generation Y of Russian consumers.

The external validity of the research benefits from a proven luxury consumption value framework. First, it reveals the influence of negative social attributions of the prole drift on the willingness to purchase luxury brand goods when external factors are appropriately eliminated. The second chapter describes existing frameworks of purchase intentions of luxury brands that have been developed in recent years.

The values, which were extracted from the observed literature, were set as independent variables in the experiment to check the impact of prole shift on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods. The main aim was to identify the effect of prole drift on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods and it was achieved as all three samples demonstrate the significant difference in the willingness to buy such goods. To eliminate the effect of other variables, the control of three samples was performed.

The result of the conducted research was evidence of the negative impact of proletarian drift on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods among representatives of Generation Y in Russia. Based on the literature review, a hypothesis was put forward about the values ​​that lie behind the consumption of luxury and the influence of proletarian drift on the willingness to buy luxury brand goods.

Table 4. The variance checking across the groups.
Table 4. The variance checking across the groups.

Control version

Drift version

Status version

Between-Subject effect of the values variables


Table 1. Social factors of luxury consumption
Table 2. Luxury users’ classification by Bain and Company, 2014a
Table 3. Values influencing the intentions to buy luxury.
Table 4. The variance checking across the groups.


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