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Academic year: 2023





UDC 377.1:37.013.43 DOI:

Oksana Chaika, Ph.D. (Linguistics), Associate Professor, Department for Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



The article considers systemic approach to be underlying methodology for research and study of questions connected to education and cultivation of polyculturality and multiculturality of / with future LSP (language for specific purposes) teachers in foreign language instruction in higher education. It is stated that modern education faces a number of new challenges in shaping the personality of young people as true citizens of the new global community. It especially links to developing their personal qualities such as (i) openness to the new, (ii) desire for dialogue, (iii) intuitiveness and more insights for perspective growth, (iv) poly- and multilingualism, (v) poly- and multiculturalism, (vi) understanding and acceptance of values rooting in cooperation as the most productive way of interpersonal interaction. As integrated, the enumerated fosters positive interdependence of subjects, awareness of individual and social responsibility, high level of development of social skills, the need for reflective analysis of their own behavior in the context of social behavior of others.

It is substantiated that relevant methodological foundations undoubtedly make it possible to solve the research questions of any complexity. With a perspective consideration of culturological, axiological, reflective, and environmental approaches, on top to the synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction, it is the systemic approach including the structural one, which is regarded underlying to the analysis and description of education and cultivation of poly- and/or multiculturalism with (of) future LSP teachers in the course of foreign language instruction and acquisition. The choice of these scientific approaches is due to the fact that they allow: (i) to identify the essential characteristics, patterns and principles of education and cultivation of poly- and multiculturalism with students, (ii) to identify the levels of their relevant functioning, (iii) to build and justify a theoretical model, (iv) to develop methodological bases of poly- and multicultural development of future LSP teachers in the process of foreign language education and, thus, provide an opportunity to identify and set relevant criteria and develop in future evaluative tools for pedagogical monitoring of response to cultures and languages as a multifaceted phenomenon.

Keywords: polyculturality; multiculturality; language for specific purposes (LSP); future LSP teachers;

foreign language instruction; systemic approach; methodology; methodological framework.

Fig. 1. Ref. 13.

Оксана Чайка, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри романо-германських мов і перекладу, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України



У статті розглядається системний підхід як основа методології дослідження при вивченні питань освіти й культивування полікультурності у майбутніх викладачів фахових мов у процесі вивчення та викладання іноземних мов у вищій школі. Доведено, що завдяки своїй інтегрованості – використання системного підходу в освіті уможливлює виховання позитивної взаємозалежності суб’єктів, усвідомлення індивідуальної та соціальної відповідальності, високого рівня розвитку соціальних навичок, сприяє усвідомленню необхідності рефлексивного аналізу власної поведінки в контексті соціальної поведінки інших.

Ключові слова: полікультурність; мультикультурність; виховання полікультурності; фахові мови (мова для спеціальних цілей); майбутні викладачі фахових мов; викладання іноземної мови; системний підхід;



tatement of the problem. The modern society today is more and more characterised by country to country rapprochement similar to those by different peoples globally, strengthening their interaction in the context

of world globalization. The positive nature associated with such processes of cultural globalization, which undoubtedly affect all aspects of modern society, largely depends on how the higher education system will address the issues of assisting and enabling POLYCULTURALITY WITH (OF) FUTURE LSP TEACHERS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION


students – future LSP teachers (LSP means languages for specific purposes), to become professionals for multilevel interaction within a diverse range of intercultural communications, specifically for foreign language instruction with major focus on technical and business backgrounds [6; 7].

Globalization with its contradictory phenomena, which continuously tend to intensify, in the field of education sets a certain priority, for instance, to start training future LSP teachers in a poly- and multicultural environment, to start forming skills to easily communicate and cooperate with people of different social groups, nationalities and religions [6].

Moreover, this priority will definitely enhance the other advancements. Firstly, future LSP teachers get educated to become decent professionals and experts in foreign language instruction, secondly, they acquire the necessary background knowledge and skills in a specialized domain of knowledge – finance, law, banking and insurance, medicine, IT, engineering, nanotechnologies, etc. [5]. Finally, they diversify their communication expertise as are educated to grow and cultivate polycultural tolerance in regards to everything they say or do. No wonder, why a special mission in this process is given to the educator: a teacher, a (foreign) language instructor, a lecturer, a coach, a trainer and so on.

This is due primarily to the fact that the modern era is characterized by the formation of a new living space based on the values of identity, equality and diversity of cultures [6; 7].

Challenges of today. The global vision of the world, the understanding of personal responsibility for its future has led to a tendency to overcome the national isolation and disunity of the gradual spiritual integration of human communities. In this regard, in the modern world is a stable global need for a new formation of man, able according to their life orientation to meet the requirements of the new era and the ethics of polysubjective interaction. This means that education faces a number of new challenges in shaping the personality of young people as true citizens of the new global community, developing their personal qualities such as (i) openness to the new, (ii) desire for dialogue, (iii) intuitiveness and more insights for perspective growth, (iv) poly- and multilingualism, (v) poly- and multiculturalism, (vi) understanding and acceptance of values rooting in cooperation as the most productive way of interpersonal interaction, based on positive interdependence of subjects, awareness of individual and social responsibility, high level of development of social skills, the need for reflective analysis of their own behavior in the context of social behavior of others.

Speaking of poly- and multiculturalism as the ability to engage in dialogue, to understand a person of another culture, to perceive them as they are, to support them in a critical situation, as well as the possibility of enriching a culture to which such personality as a speaker belongs, when, through understanding the Other, such personality grows, and that said makes it possible to state that poly- / multicultural personality is one of the effective means of counteracting the adverse effects of globalization, which altogether mitigates these processes.

Therefore, the address to forming a poly- / multicultural personality, able to seek and find ways to resolve socio-cultural misunderstandings, to show tolerance, is becoming increasingly important today, and the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon requires an integrative consideration, based on a set of scientific approaches that complement each of the main trends in relation to functioning and development of poly- / multiculturality of the teacher in general and LSP teacher in a foreign language instruction settings, in particular. It is this relationship that allows for a holistic, multifaceted and multifocused study of the modern challenge at the methodological, theoretical and technological levels.

Methodology and aim of the research. It is substantiated that relevant methodological foundations undoubtedly make it possible to solve the research questions of any complexity. With a perspective consideration of culturological, axiological, reflective, and environmental approaches, on top to the synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction, it is the systemic approach including the structural one, which is regarded underlying to the analysis and description of education and cultivation of poly- and/or multiculturalism with (of) future LSP teachers in the course of foreign language instruction and acquisition.

The choice of these scientific approaches is due to the fact that they allow:

(i) To identify the essential characteristics, patterns and principles of education and cultivation of poly- and multiculturalism with students,

(ii) To identify the levels of their relevant functioning,

(iii) To make and justify a theoretical model, (iv) To develop methodological bases of poly- and multicultural development of future LSP teachers in the process of foreign language education and, thus, provide an opportunity to identify and set relevant criteria and develop in future evaluative tools for pedagogical monitoring of response to cultures and languages as a multifaceted phenomenon.

Given the main objectives of the study, it is believed the analysis of the process of educating poly- and/or multicultural students future LSP teachers in the SYSTEMIC APPROACH UNDERLYING METHODOLOGY TO EDUCATE AND CULTIVATE



context of foreign language instruction should be carried out from the standpoint of a systemic approach. Next, it is stated that the systemic approach is the basis for the enabled functioning of other approaches and at the same time, they are altogether strongly interrelated.

Literature review, results and discussion. It is found that the systemic approach is the conceptual foundation of the general theory of systems and allows to connect the specifics of scientific knowledge with deeply rooted questions of world perception.

Besides, it enables to comprehensively form knowledge about the studied objects and phenomena.

The systemic approach allows to consider education and cultivation processes of poly- and/or multiculturalism in all integrity of relevant components.

Accordingly, it is agreed as Blauberg and Yudin underline that “systemic approach is one of the methodological areas of modern science, associated with the representation, study and construction of the object as a system” [3, 4].

Possible implementation of the systemic approach in relation to pedagogical researches is a matter significantly discussed rather than considered to be a recently new idea. For instance, Kuzmina studied research methods in pedagogical action in general whereas Pancheshnikova analysed systemic approach in the methodological studies, in particular [10; 11]. The other scholars such as Averyanov and Konarzhevskiy investigated the questions of the systemic perception of the world and pedagogical analysis of the educational processes in comprehensive school management, correspondingly [2; 9]. Afanasyev in his works integrated the findings when discussed the interconnections among systematics, cognitive perception, and management in relation to society [1]. Moreover, Sadovskiy carried on with the integrative approach by arriving at the background of the comprehensive system theory via logical and methodological analysis [12]. Overall, all their works date back to the second half of the previous century. Besides, Blauberg and Yudin supported the philosophical principles of the system theory as presented by Sadovskiy, which resulted into some fundamental papers on the systemic approach and that of activity [3; 4; 12; 13].

The systemic approach enables consideration of poly- and/or multiculturalism in the educational context (see Fig. 1), as well as processes of relevant formation of poly- and/or multicultural and lingual skills and competencies in the light of a set associated with structural components, functional connections, and relationships that altogether determine certain integrity, stability, and internal organization. That is possible as the underlying basic concepts of the

system approach are system, connection, relationship, structure, and integrity, according to the literature review above.

To be more specific, it is found necessary to differentiate between the concepts of ‘system’ and

‘structure’, which, for the purpose of the research, are of great methodological importance. It is assumed that processes of educating and cultivating relevant poly- and/or multicultural skills and competencies of students future LSP teachers in the areas of foreign language instruction are treated as a system that is peculiar of a certain structure.

It is agreed that the definition of the system, which is given in the works of Blauberg, Sadovskiy and Yudin, is rather comprehensive as such contains the following:

- Interconnected elements, - Unitedness with the environment, - Hierarchy, and

- Integrity [4].

It is also referred to the works by Ilyina as found appropriate to extend the definition of the system by Blauberg, Sadovskiy and Yudin [4]. Thus, Ilyina defines the system as “an ordered set of interconnected elements, selected on the basis of certain features united by a common purpose of functioning, the unity in the management, which is represented in its interaction with the environment as a holistic integrity” [8, 16].

Therefore, it is critical to note that another important concept of a systemic approach is the concept of structure. Structure as most philosophers understand it today represents a certain order, the organization of connections and relations between the elements of the system [1; 8]. Then, if the system is a set of elements interconnected, the structure is a set of connections and relationships between elements.

It is stated that system and structure are the two main concepts of the systemic approach. Based on this statement, it is defined what is meant by the concept of foreign language education in general and

Fig. 1. Forming / cultivating poly- and/or multuculturality in the educational context POLYCULTURALITY WITH (OF) FUTURE LSP TEACHERS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION


LSP instruction and training, in particular. Therefore, it is considered that the processes of educating future foreign language teachers including LSP teachers incorporate into a subsystem, which, consequently, makes a component of a broader system of foreign language education, reflecting its specific patterns and principles.

The object in application of a systemic approach in pedagogy is most often the educational process, as a system of relationships and relationships between teacher and student, mediated through a system of tools, methods and organizational forms of teaching and education.

Since the education in the field of poly- and/or multiculturalism of future LSP teachers in the specific context of foreign language instruction takes place in the process of foreign language education, it is necessary to consider the processes of poly- and /or multicultarality formation as an integral component of the system of foreign language education underlining the former as its subsystem.

Moreover, the mentioned inter alia includes the following components: (a) the student’s personality, (b) methods and techniques of organizing various types of student activities, (c) content, (d) ways of interaction between teacher and student.

It is the system approach that allows for study of each component in the discussed system, the set of structural relationships between the elements of the system, their subordination, as well as determination of the functions relevant to the elements of the system and the mechanisms of their functioning. In addition, a systemic approach makes it possible to describe the pedagogical tools, to identify the whole complex set of factors influencing the effectiveness of cognition and mastery of poly- and/or multiculturalism, and to understand the mechanism of interaction of these factors.

Conclusion. Therefore, a systemic approach requires considering the education of poly- and/or multiculturalism of future LSP teachers of philology as a complex multifaceted process, on the one hand, and on the other, as a pedagogical system. Since the formation of a poly- and/or multicultural personality of an LSP teacher in the area of foreign language instruction occurs in the course of doing several languages, it is underlined that the system of foreign language education should be viewed as a metasystem in relation to the process of educating students future LSP teachers and forming / cultivating their relevant poly- and/or multicultural skills and competencies in the framework of poly- and/or multiculturalism. In turn, the process of poly- and/or multicultural education also acts as a holistic pedagogical system, as part of the macrosystem of foreign language

instruction in education, so the concept of its construction is based on a set of general methodological, general didactic and specific principles that take into account the nature and peculiarities of foreign language instruction and acquisition in education.

It is found reasonable to look further into these concepts by diving deeper into varieties of polylingual and multilingual classrooms and analyse the (inter-) relationships in a hierarchy of poly- and/or multicultural communication.


1. Afanasyev, V.G. (1981). Obshchestvo:

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2. Averyanov, A.N. (1985). Sistemnoye poznaniye mira [Systemic cognition of the world]. Moscow, 263 p.

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Stanovleniye i sushchnost sistemnogo pokhoda [Formation and essence of a systemic approach].

Moscow, 270 p. [in Russian].

4. Blauberg, I.V., Sadovskiy, V.N. & Yudin, E.G.

(1978). Filosofskiy printsip sistemnosti i sistemnyy podkhod [The philosophical principle of consistency and a systemic approach]. Philosophy questions, Vol.8, pp. 39–53. [in Russian].

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7. Chaika, O. I. (2020). Сommunication strategies in instruction / acquisition of languages for specific purposes. Naukovyy zhurnal “Mizhnarodnyy filolohichnyy chasopys” [Journal “International Philological Journal”]. Kyiv, Vol. 11 (2), pp.110–116.

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8. Ilyina, T.A. (1972). Strukturno-sistemnyy podkhod k organizatsii obucheniya [Structural and systemic approach to the organization of training].

Moscow, Vol. 1, 34 p. [in Russian].

9. Konarzhevskiy, Yu.A. (1986). Pedagogicheskiy analiz uchebno-vospitatelnogo protsessa upravleniya shkoloyu [Pedagogical analysis of the educational process of school management], Moscow, 143 p. [in Russian].




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11. Pancheshnikova, L.M. (1973). O sistemnom podkhode v metodicheskikh issledovaniyakh [On a systematic approach in methodological research.

Soviet pedagogy]. Sovetskaya pedagogika, Vol. 4, pp. 71–80. [in Russian].

12.Sadovskiy, V.N. (1974). Osnovaniya obshchey teorii ystem. Logiko-metodologicheskiy analiz [Foundations of general systems theory. Logical and methodological analysis]. Moscow, 168 p. [in Russian].

13.Yudin, E.G. (1978). Sistemnyy podkhod I printsip deyatelnosti [Systemic approach and principle of activity]. Moscow, 176 p. [in Russian].

Стаття надійшла до редакції 14.05.2021 УДК 37(091)(477=100)(092):101.9


Оксана Яців, кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри загальної педагогіки та дошкільної освіти Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка



У статті обґрунтовуються шляхи становлення світогляду молодих людей у спадщині Миколи Шлемкевича та розкриваються відповідні чинники розвитку духовної сфери українців. Ці чинники стосуються:

пошуку способів досягти правди, щастя, гармонії у житті суспільства та кожного українця, повернути їх до духовності, відбудувати довіру один до одного, захищати свої переконання, свободи вибору, віри, праці особистості на благо суспільства та праці над собою, які передбачають страждання, долання перешкод, забезпечення стану спокою, покаяння, прощення, випробовування у вірі тощо.

Ключові слова: розвиток духовної сфери; чинники; особливості поведінки та спілкування; національний тип мислення; шляхи; становлення світогляду; українська молода людина; Микола Шлемкевич.

Літ. 10.

Oksana Yatsiv, Ph.D.(Pedagogy), Lecturer of the General Pedagogy and Preschool Education Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State PedagogicalUniversity



The article substantiates the important ways of forming young people’s worldview in the legacy of Mykola Shlemkevych and reveals the relevant factors in the development of the spiritual sphere of Ukrainians. These factors include: finding ways to achieve the truth, happiness, harmony in society and in life of every Ukrainian, to return them to spirituality, to rebuild trust in one another, to defend one’s own beliefs, freedom of choice, faith, personal work for the benefit of society and work on one’s mental skills, which presuppose suffering, overcoming obstacles, ensuring a state of peace, repentance, forgiveness, testing in faith, and so on.

According to M. Shlemkevych, the very assimilation of morality is provided by the process of becoming a family man – assistance in the assimilation of moral values is primarily the duty of the family, and the spiritual achievements of Ukrainians are a kind of talisman in the Ukrainian educational tradition. Therefore, everything that contributes to the health and happiness of the family works for good (evil is what undermines the family). Values that preserve the spirit of the nation, affirm respect for the mother and other family members, show love for the native language and the culture of the people were considered extremely important for family life, according to the scholar, who stressed that common behavioral traits are passed on to children primarily in the family environment.

Factors that contributed to the formation of scientific and pedagogical worldview of the scholar in the socio-political life of Halychyna and the Ukrainian diaspora usually include modernization of society, characteristic features in behavior and communication of Ukrainians, their national type of thinking – those factors that represent the social environment, as well as factors which characterize the national movement in Halychyna and Dnieper Ukraine, active educational activities of public figures or representatives of educational centers. Thus, the article reveals the role of various communities in this process and their practical significance for consciousness formation in young Ukrainian people.

Keywords: development of the spiritual sphere; factors; characteristic features in behavior and communication; national type of thinking; ways; worldview formation; Ukrainian young man; Mykola Shlemkevych.


остановка проблеми. Становлення духовного світу людини, що передбачається передовсім виявленням

шляхів формування її світогляду та з’ясуванням ролі соціальних об’єднань у цьому процесі, наданням переваги моральних цінностями у свідомості У ТВОРЧІЙ СПАДЩИНІ М. ШЛЕМКЕВИЧА


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