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Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration to the meeting of the Shipley Area Committee to be held on 14 January 2009


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Report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration to the meeting of the Shipley Area Committee to be held on 14 January 2009



Objections received to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce a Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order on a section of Altar Lane, Bingley.

Summary statement:

This report considers a number of objections received from the public to initial and advertised proposals to introduce a “Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access)”

Order on a section of Altar Lane, Bingley.

It is recommended that the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a

“Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access)” Order on a section of Altar Lane as shown on drawing no. R/N/AS/100011/S1- B (attached as Appendix B to this report) be sealed and implemented as advertised.

Ward: 02 - Bingley

Barra Mac Ruairi

Strategic Director (Regeneration) Portfolio:

Environment and Culture Report Contact: Simon D’Vali

Phone: (01274) 437407 Fax: (01274) 435701

E-mail: simon.dvali@bradford.gov.uk

Improvement Area:

Environment and Waste Management


1. Summary

1.1 Consideration of a number of objections received from the public to the proposed introduction of a Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order on a section of Altar Lane, Bingley.

2. Background

2.1 Altar Lane is an ancient highway maintained in character and having a very rough unmade surface. The lane is located within quiet woodland and provides access to three residential farms at its end. The lane is well used by the public and leads to Druids Altar, with its spectacular views of the Aire Valley.

2.3 The Police are currently experiencing difficulties regarding on-going crimes and anti-social behaviour associated with the use of vehicles in the area. The Police have asked the Council to consider introducing appropriate measures to minimise or restrict the number of vehicles using Alter Lane in order to deal more effectively with crime and anti-social behaviour. A copy of the Police’s letter is attached to this report as Appendix A.

2.2 The problems in Altar Lane are historic and it is believed that incidents are increasing with more people visiting the area from outside Bingley.

2.4 The area is used as a fly-tipping site due to its secluded nature and vehicular access.

2.5 The Shipley Area Committee, at the request of the Police and residents, has approved the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to provide a Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order on a section of Altar Lane to reduce the volume of traffic in the area and thereby help reduce crime and anti- social behaviour.

2.6 The residents on Altar Lane have agreed to contribute 50% of the total cost of the work associated with the proposed TRO, regardless of the outcome of the


2.7 The formal advertisement of the proposed Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order during 5th September to 26th September 2008, (as shown on

drawing no. R/N/AS/100011/S1-B and attached as Appendix B to this report) has resulted in 16 objections being received. Twelve of these objections are from motor cyclists who are members of The West Yorkshire Trail Riders Fellowship.


2.7 The objectors’ concerns and officer’s comments are tabulated below.

Objector’s Points; Member of the public (no. 1) Officer Comments This area is of historic interest, leading to the

Druids Altar, and should be available to the general public and not just the privileged few people who live on Alter Lane. The proposals would affect people with disabilities and young families.

The proposed location of the Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order (approximately 300m metres away from its junction with Harden Road (the main road)) is intended to allow motorists to drive up part of Altar Lane and park safely.

The Council has recently carried out significant improvements to its car park in St Ives (including improved facilities for people with disabilities).

Altar Lane can be accessed via St Ives car park.

Using the car park would be an appropriate alternative to parking on Altar Lane.

Objector’s Points; Member of public (no2). Officer’s comments I have been parking my car at the bottom of Altar

Lane and walking my dog in this area for 40 years.

Due to my age, I recently started parking up Altar Lane at a location that leads to Keighley Road.

Recently, my dog has been hit by a speeding cyclist and left me with a considerable vet’s bill.

As the police are responsible for dealing with anti- social activities, why should responsible people be penalised and prevented from driving to the end of Altar Lane. If access to Alter Lane was restricted, it would be very difficult to find a decent alternative walking location.

The proposal would deny the public from enjoying Druid’s Altar which is one of Bingley’s unique attractions.

It is considered that the proposed location of the ‘Access Only’

restriction would minimise the inconvenience to the public in this area. The restriction would prevent vehicles from entering the upper section of Altar Lane, thereby improving road safety within the area.

The Police requested this Order to deal more effectively in addressing crime and anti-social behaviour.

The police have promised to

vigorously enforce the restriction on a regular basis.


Objector’s Points; Member of public (no3) Officer’s comments The proposal would deny the public (including

people with disabilities and young families) from accessing this public footway and rural area.

I do not agree the restriction would reduce crime in the area, and consider it would in fact result in increased crime levels as the proposed ‘Access Only’ Order would discourage law abiding people from using the lane and thereby create a quite location for criminals to operate.

This location is an area of historic interest as it leads to the Druids Altar and it therefore should be free from any restriction.

The Council has recently carried out significant improvements to St Ives’s car park, including facilities for people with disabilities.

The restriction would allow motorists to drive approximately 300 metres up Altar Lane to park.

Objector’s Points Member of public (no 4). Officers Comments We object to the proposed Order as we have taken

our dog to Altar lane and parked at the top of the road for many years. One of the residents would help us if we had a problem, but once when we had a problem, a rude driver on this road (who does not want to see us on the road) drove fast, would not stop, and would not give way an inch. If the proposed Order is implemented, this particular driver would cause an accident.

The restriction would allow motorists to drive up a section of Alter Lane and park safely prior to meeting the

‘Access Only’ point.

The lane surface is very poor and rough, and it is very unlikely the restriction would increase the speed of vehicles. The Council’s car park in St Ives is considered to be an

appropriate alternative to Altar Lane with regards to parking.

Objector’s points (no. 5 - 16);

Motor cyclists members of West Yorkshire Trail Riders).

Officers Comments


These objectors are motor cyclists who have expressed concerns that the proposed Traffic Regulation Order would prevent motor cyclists from using Altar Lane. The main issues are as follow:

• It is the Police’s duty to deal with crimes and anti-social behaviour, and the traffic

restriction would not help in addressing crime.

• We have no objections to proposals to prevent four wheeled vehicles from using the lane but we would object to measures stopping two wheeled vehicles from using Altar Lane as that would be unfair to us.

• Motor cyclists are responsible people, and it would be unfair to stop them from using the lane during the daytime given that the problems are only associated with non- motorcyclists using Altar Lane at night.

• No complaints have ever been made against motor cyclists.

• The Police problem with vehicles does not include motor cyclists, and therefore the proposed restriction should apply to four wheeled vehicles only

The restriction would allow motorists and motor cyclists to drive up and park on that section of Alter Lane which is quite wide and safe.

Preventing vehicles (including motor cycles) from accessing the whole of Altar Lane would create a safe place for pedestrians in the restricted area.

It is also proposed to discourage motor cycles from using Altar Lane as a through route to Keighley.

3.0 Other considerations

3.1 Local Ward members, the Emergency Services and West Yorkshire PTE have been consulted and have raised no objections to the proposals.

4.0 Options

4.1 To implement the proposed Prohibition of Driving (Except for Access) Order as it advertised and shown on drawing no. R/N/AS/100011/S1-B.

4.2 To amend the proposed order to allow motor cyclists to use the whole of Altar Lane (this option to be discussed with the police).

4.3 To amend the proposed restriction so that it operates during a given time period (for example during the hours of darkness). This option should be discussed with the police.

4.4 To abandon the proposals and that no further action be taken.


4.5 Members may prefer to take a course of action other than indicated in the above options or in the recommendations, in which case they will receive appropriate guidance from officers.

5.0 Financial and resource appraisal


5.1 All the costs associated with the implementation of the proposed TRO will be met from the Shipley Area Committee’s Capital Allocation Budget and by the residents of Altar Lane. The residents of Altar Lane have agreed to contribute 50% of the total cost regardless of the outcome of the TRO.


5.2 All work associated with the proposed Traffic Regulation Order can be processed within existing staff resources.


6.0 Legal Appraisal

6.1 There are no direct legal implications arising from this report. The course of action proposed is in general accordance with the Council’s power as Highway Authority.

7.0 Other Implications Equal Rights

7.1 There are no significant equal rights issues arising from this report Sustainability implications

7.2 There are no significant sustainability implications issues arising from this report Community safety implications

7.3 The recommendations, if approved, should improve community safety by reducing anti- social activities, crimes and help the police to monitor the area.

Human Rights Act

7.4 There are no human rights implications arising from this report Trade Union

7.5 There are no trade union implication arising from this report

8.0 Not for publication documents None

9.0 Recommendations

9.1 That having considered the objections and officer comments, the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Traffic regulation) (no26.) Order 2008, to introduce the Prohibition of driving (Except for Access) on a section of Altar Lane as shown on drawing no. R/N/AS/100011/S1-B (attached as Appendix B to this report) be sealed and implemented as advertised.

9.2 That the objectors be informed accordingly.

10. Appendices

10.1 Appendix A – Police letter requesting and supporting the proposals 10.2 Appendix B - Drawing no. R/N/AS/100011/S1-B

11.0 Background documents

11.1 City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council File no. R/N/AS/100011/TF





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