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No documento Maria Izabel de Andrade Almeida (páginas 96-102)


4.7. Consequently

4.7.1. Função

O advérbio consequently é classificado como um adjunto conjuntivo, que pode ser substituído por because of that, so, then, for, e desta forma pode ser utilizado para unir idéias ou orações dentro de um contexto (Halliday e Matthiessen 2004), conforme ilustram os exemplos 75, 76, 77 a seguir.

Este advérbio, que aparece no Br-ICLE na posição 4 em cerca de 0,03% das ocorrências, só aparece no LOCNESS na posição 47 em 0,006% e no BAWE na posição 16 em 0,01 %. A interpretação desses dados nos diz que consequently é usado cinco vezes mais no Bricle em comparação com o LOCNESS e três vezes mais do que no corpus BAWE.

Como a função deste advérbio não se altera nos corpora, a diferença de uso, além é claro do fato de que consequently é usado em excesso, fica circunscrita aos padrões dos corpora, conforme segue seção 5.7.2.

75) Some years ago humans started to worry about environmental problems as soon as it was headlined on television and they saw they were being affected they could suffer from cancer, drinking water could finish and consequently they would die. (Br-ICLE:a1031.txt)

76) The objects of one's consciousness are what the consciousness focuses on. They are therefore fundamentally different. There are consequently two modes of existence as Sartre sees it: existence without consciousness and therefore without meaning, and that with these. (LOCNESS:h\br12.txt)

77) Other stakeholders included the Public Affairs within the Premier Automotive Group and the wider Ford Motor Company, both of whom had some interest in the project due to it being an organisational first, but neither had the means to influence the project and conscious of increasing complexity I wanted to avoid their involvement. Consequently I provided a written update to the Directors of both respective teams upon project commencement and completion. (BAWE:0172c.txt)

4.7.2. Perfil léxico-gramatical.

a) Colocados

O único padrão observado no corpus Br-ICLE e no corpus LOCNESS, e que também foi encontrado no BAWE, foi com a conjunção and. Mais uma vez o corpus BAWE apresentou um número maior de padrões de colocados.



1and 10 9 1and 7 6 1and 210 206 4

2 is 62 17 45

4 to 26 1 25 5 a 20 0 20 6 was 17 10 7 7 it 15 5 10 8 would 15 7 8 9 are 14 2 12 10 can 14 2 12

Tabela 22: lista de colocados do advérbio consequently nos corpora

b) Agrupamentos lexicais

Apenas no corpus BAWE foram encontrados agrupamentos lexicais. Estes são formados basicamente por conjunção, verbo lexical e artigo. Parecem estabelecer uma união com a oração que antecede dentro de um contexto de causa e consequência .

N BAWE Total

1 and consequently the 27 2 consequently it is 7 3 and consequently a 6 4 and consequently it 5 5 and is consequently 5 6 there is a 5 7 and consequently to 4 8 consequently lead to 4 9 it is not 4

10 the world and 4

Tabela 23: lista de agrupamentos lexicais no corpus BAWE.

Br-ICLE e LOCNESS formaram apenas um padrão com conjunção (and) e na posição 1L, antecedendo o advérbio consequently. Isto significa que há preferência dos sujeitos do Br-ICLE e do LOCNESS em estabelecer uma ligação entre duas orações e também caracterizar essa ligação como causa e conseqüência.

78) From an American perspective and consequently a Brazilian one, it is usual to believe that every person should detain a university degree. (Br-ICLE:a1106.txt) 79) A fully integrated market with Britain as a full member would be to the detriment of our political system and consequently leading to a loss of sovereignty. (LOCNESS:h\br59.txt)

No corpus BAWE, o padrão 1L observado foi com conjunção (and) e com verbo (was). O padrão 1R foi formado por verbo (is/are/can/would), por artigo (the/a), por pronome (it) e por preposição (to).

80) All in all, these critics show that Dickens provided his readers with a negative image of London and consequently of society in general […] (BAWE:3012b.txt). 81) Consequently the literature of identity was born which glorified countries, acclaimed resources and appraised people (BAWE:0261a.txt).

82) Consequently it is hard to have an ultrasound beam that can resolve fine detail deep into an object (BAWE:0311f.txt).

83) While on the one hand the interaction of the "transnational nucleus" (semi-periphery) with pre-existing societies ((semi-periphery) renders the latter aspiring for that lifestyle, the growing gap between the two leads to dissatisfaction between classes and consequently to social unrest (BAWE:0413c.txt)

Quanto a posição do advérbio nas orações, apesar de todos os corpora apresentarem maior frequência do advérbio em início de orações (Br-ICLE 50%, LOCNESS 43% 3 BAWE 52%), a tabela mostra que a segunda maior frequência do advérbio em corpora de nativos é no meio de orações (LOCNESS 47% e BAWE 45%) e no corpus de aprendiz, entre vírgulas (33%) no meio das orações. No corpus LOCNESS há ainda uma pequena frequência do advérbio no final de orações (5%).

CONSEQUENTLY início (%) meio (%) fim (%) entre vírgulas (%) Br-ICLE 50 17 0 33 LOCNESS 43 47 5 5 BAWE 52 45 0,5 21

Tabela 24: posição do consequently em orações dos corpora.

Os exemplos 84 a 94 a seguir referem-se à posição do advérbio nos corpora:

84) Our society has changed over the last centuries and thanks to the science technology development and industrialisation we have a better standard of living.

Consequently people have become more materialistic and have forgotten the basic

principles to live happily. (Br-ICLE:a1017.txt)

85) From an American perspective and consequently a Brazilian one, it is usual to believe that every person should detain a university degree. (Br-ICLE:a1106.txt) 86) Therefore, it became important to produce not simply the necessary for subsistence and, consequently, people have to work harder in order to produce more than necessary with the purpose to generate revenue. (Br-ICLE:a1051.txt)

87) This money is mostly then invested into important institutions by the Heritage Fund. Consequently it has enabled the survival of many theatres and other places of historic and cultural interest. (LOCNESS:Is\a48.txt)

88) Hugo came from a bourgeoisie background, consequently, having found a political cause, he was anxious to compensate for his background. (LOCNESS:sh\br8.txt)

89) If this did not happen then the UK would be in breach of the Treaty of Rome and would consequently be in breach of international law which would attract international responsibility. (LOCNESS:h\br72.txt)

90) She is very angry subconsciously and is very violent consequently; (LOCNESS:us180.txt)

91) The negative connotation of constant talking is still labelled to women, however, regardless of the countless amounts of data evidence which prove otherwise. Consequently and possibly rightly so, Spender holds the belief that

women are not respected in society in that their language is 'devalued to such an extent that they are required to be silent (BAWE:6120e.txt)

92) 'He,' is denied an identity and consequently an existence, which suggests that masculine and religious hierarchy have become obsolete in the contemporary world. (BAWE:3008d.txt)

93)Ransley and Ingram (2001) believe that a valuable design can catch the attention of the targeted market segment and makes it possible for the hotel to set the prices consequently. (BAWE:3081b.txt)

94) In terms of class I will look at how working-class women received different treatments, as a result of the rise of medicine as a profession, and also how,

consequently, the divisions between working-class and upper-class women

increased. (BAWE:0001c.txt)

d) Padrões semânticos

Os padrões semânticos observados nos corpora apontam para a adição de idéias numa relação de causa e consequência com a oração anterior.

95) Parents work all day long questioning for money and, consequently, for a tranquil life, children go to school (Br-ICLE:a1071.txt)

96) Another reason in which society does not need a death penalty is because a death penalty really is not "full proof" and consequently is not the correct choice for a punishment. (LOCNESS:us16.txt)

97) Some chemical pesticides also enter food-chains and consequently threat human health and a wide range of organisms. (BAWE:6113a.txt)

4.7.3. Conclusões sobre o advérbio consequently

A análise dos colocados do advérbio consequently permitiu identificar apenas um padrão no Br-ICLE (and consequently) que também foi encontrado no LOCNESS e no BAWE.

A observação da posição do advérbio nos corpora mostrou que consequently não aparece em final de oração no corpus de aprendiz, embora haja ocorrências em corpora de nativos. Entretanto, nota-se que o emprego ao final da oração é idiossincrático do subcorpus de inglês americano.

No documento Maria Izabel de Andrade Almeida (páginas 96-102)