• Nenhum resultado encontrado

A fun¸c˜ao de sobrevivˆencia da vari´avel W ficar´a dessa forma: SW(w) = Z ∞ w (s1 s2) s1evs1 B(s1, s2)[1 + (ss12)e v](s1+s2)dv

A.6 Demonstra¸c˜ao para a equa¸c˜ao 3.4 35 SW(w) = Z ∞ w  (s1 s2)e v 1 + (s1 s2)e v s1 1 1 + (s1 s2)e v s2 B(s1, s2) −1 dv Fazendo u = 1 1 +s1 s2  ev = s2 s2+ s1ev e du = −   1 1 +s1 s2  ev      s1 s2  ev 1 +s1 s2  ev   dv, temos que: SW(w) = − Z 0 s2(s2+s1ew)−1 us2−1 (1 − u)s1−1 B(s1, s2) −1 du SW(w) = Z s2(s2+s1ew)−1 0 us2−1 (1 − u)s1−1 B(s1, s2) −1 du SW(w) = Ik(s2, s1) sendo k=s2(s2+ s1ew)−1.

Apˆendice B

Comandos no R

Nessa se¸c˜ao mostramos a rotina utilizada para a obten¸c˜ao das estimativas tanto da simula¸c˜ao da Se¸c˜ao 3, quanto da Se¸c˜ao 4. Para isso, ´e preciso que baixe o pacote gfcure e execute no software R 32-bits. Para mais informa¸c˜oes de onde est´a dispon´ıvel o pacote, consulte Peng (1999).

require(flexsurv) # Chamar o pacote flexsurv, j´a com o survival incluso. attach("SUA_BIBLIOTECA_DO_R \\ gfcure\\.RData")

load.gfcure("SUA_BIBLIOTECA_DO_R \\ gfcure") #### Rotina para a simula¸c~ao na Se¸c~ao 3.2.1

### Fun¸c~ao a partir da gera¸c~ao de n´umeros aleat´orios da F ## a = 20 (mu = 3), b = 5, s1 = 10 e s2 = 7

rm(list = ls())

D = function(n, a, b, s1, s2, p, tau){ N <- rbinom(n, 1, 1-p)

C <- runif(n, 0, tau)

T <- vector(); y <- vector(); d <- vector(); cv <- vector() T[N==1] <- a*rf(sum(N),2*s1,2*s2)b b T[N==0] <- C[N==0] y <- apply(cbind(T,C), 1, min) d <- ifelse(T < C, 1, 0) cv <- ifelse(y = C, 1, 0) return(list(y = y, d = d, pc1=sum(cv)/sum(1-d),pc2=mean(1-d))) } 36

37 #### n = 50

### Censura = 30 ## % de cura = 10

d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.1, 250);d$pc1;d$pc2 # Verificar a censura. n=50 # Escolha do tamanho da amostra

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 10, ntemp = 100);mod

(AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) ## % de cura = 30

d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.3, 450);d$pc1;d$pc2 n=50

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 10, ntemp = 100);mod

(AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) ## % de cura = 50

d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.5, 500000);d$pc1;d$pc2 n=50

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 200);mod

(AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) ### Censura = 50 ## % de cura = 10 d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.1, 100);d$pc1;d$pc2 n=50

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 0);mod

38 (AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) ## % de cura = 30 d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.3, 500);d$pc1;d$pc2 n=50

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 0);mod

(AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) ## % de cura = 50

d <- D(50, 20, 5, 10, 7, 0.5, 500000);d$pc1;d$pc2 n=50

mod=gfcure(Surv(d$y, d$d)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 0);mod

(AIC=-2*mod$log+2*5) (BIC=-2*mod$log+5*log(n)) #### Rotina para a Se¸c~ao 4.1 ### Dados sobre c^ancer de ov´ario str(ovarian)


### Ajuste usando o Kaplan-Meier

ekm=survfit(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, conf.type="none", data=ovarian) plot(ekm, main="Estimador de Kaplan-Meier",ylab="S(t)", xlab="Tempos (em dias)")

##### Modelos a serem considerados no estudo #### Gama Generalizada

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod1=gfcure(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=ovarian, dist ="egg",sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 0)

39 mod1


sigma=exp(mod1$coef[2]) mu=mod1$coef[3]

y1=(1-pegg(t, s, sigma, mu))*(1-mod1$cure)+mod1$cure #### Weibull

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod2=gfcure(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=ovarian) mod2

a=1/exp(mod2$coef[1]);a b=exp(mod2$coef[2]);b

y2=(exp(-(t/b)b a)*(1-mod2$cure))+mod2$cure #### log-log´ıstica

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod3=gfcure(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=ovarian, dist="loglogistic") mod3 a=1/exp(mod3$coef[1]);a b=exp(mod3$coef[2]);b y3=(1/(1+(t/b)b a))*(1-mod3$cure)+mod3$cure #### F Generalizada

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod4=gfcure(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=ovarian, dist="gf", sait = 0, temp = 0, ntemp = 0)


#### log-normal

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod5=gfcure(Surv(futime, fustat)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=ovarian, dist="lognormal")



40 w = (log(t)-mu)/sigma

y5=pnorm(w, 0, 1, lower.tail=F)*(1-mod5$cure)+mod5$cure ### Gr´afico da figura 4.1

plot(ekm, main="Compara¸c~ao curvas de sobreviv^encia", ylab="S(t)", xlab="Tempos (em dias)")

lines(t,y1, col=2, lty=1) lines(t,y2, col=3, lty=2) lines(t,y3, col=4, lty=3) lines(t,y5, col=6, lty=4)

legend(700,0.9,col=c(1,2,3,4,6),lty=c(1,1,2,3,4), c("Kaplan-Meier", "gama generalizada","Weibull","log-log´ıstica","lognormal"),lwd=1, bty="n")

#### Crit´erios de Informa¸c~ao da tabela 4.1 ### AIC

(AIC1=-2*mod1$log+2*4) # Gama generalizada (AIC2=-2*mod2$log+2*3) # Weibull

(AIC3=-2*mod3$log+2*3) # log-log´ıstica (AIC4=-2*mod4$log+2*5) # F generalizada (AIC5=-2*mod5$log+2*3) # log-normal ### BIC


(BIC1=-2*mod1$log+4*log(n)) # Gama generalizada (BIC2=-2*mod2$log+3*log(n)) # Weibull

(BIC3=-2*mod3$log+3*log(n)) # log-log´ıstica (BIC4=-2*mod4$log+5*log(n)) # F generalizada (BIC5=-2*mod5$log+3*log(n)) # log-normal ####### Rotina para a se¸c~ao 4.2

##### Inserir os dados str(colon)


41 ekm=survfit(Surv(time, status)∼1, conf.type="none", data=colon)

#### Gama generalizada ### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod1=gfcure(Surv(time, status)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="egg", data=colon, sait = 0, temp = 10, ntemp = 10)



sigma=exp(mod1$coef[2]) mu=mod1$coef[3]

y1=(1-pegg(t, s, sigma, mu))*(1-mod1$cure)+mod1$cure ##### Usando a distribui¸c~ao Weibull

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod2=gfcure(Surv(time, status)∼1, cureform=∼1, data=colon) mod2

a=1/exp(mod2$coef[1]);a b=exp(mod2$coef[2]);b

y2=(exp(-(t/b)b a)*(1-mod2$cure))+mod2$cure #### log-log´ıstica

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod3=gfcure(Surv(time, status)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="loglogistic", data=colon) mod3 a=1/exp(mod3$coef[1]);a b=exp(mod3$coef[2]);b y3=(1/(1+(t/b)b a))*(1-mod3$cure)+mod3$cure #### F Generalizada

### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod4=gfcure(Surv(time, status)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="gf", data=colon, sait = 10, temp = 10, ntemp = 10)


42 ### Ajuste usando o gfcure

mod5=gfcure(Surv(time, status)∼1, cureform=∼1, dist="lognormal", data =colon) mod5 mu=mod5$coef[2] sigma=exp(mod5$coef[1]) w = (log(t)-mu)/sigma y5=pnorm(w, 0, 1, lower.tail=F)*(1-mod5$cure)+mod5$cure ### Gr´afico para a figura 4.3

plot(ekm, main="Compara¸c~ao curvas de sobreviv^encia", ylab="S(t)", xlab="Tempos (em dias)")

lines(t,y1, col=2, lty=1) lines(t,y2, col=3, lty=2) lines(t,y3, col=4, lty=3) lines(t,y5, col=6, lty=4)

legend(1500,0.9,col=c(1,2,3,4,6),lty=c(1,1,2,3,4), c("Kaplan-Meier", "gama generalizada","Weibull","log-log´ıstica","lognormal"),lwd=1,bty="n") #### Crit´erios de Informa¸c~ao da tabela 4.3

### AIC

(AIC1=-2*mod1$log+2*4) # Gama generalizada (AIC2=-2*mod2$log+2*3) # Weibull

(AIC3=-2*mod3$log+2*3) # log-log´ıstica (AIC4=-2*mod4$log+2*5) # F generalizada (AIC5=-2*mod5$log+2*3) # log-normal ### BIC


(BIC1=-2*mod1$log+4*log(n)) # Gama generalizada (BIC2=-2*mod2$log+3*log(n)) # Weibull

(BIC3=-2*mod3$log+3*log(n)) # log-log´ıstica (BIC4=-2*mod4$log+5*log(n)) # F generalizada (BIC5=-2*mod5$log+3*log(n)) # log-normal


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