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measurement and decIsIon makIng


João FradeI,a, Carla NunesI,b, Guilherme GonçalvesI,c

IUnidade de Investigação em Saúde. Escola Superior de

Saúde. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Leiria, Portugal

IIEscola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Universidade Nova

de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal

IIIInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar.

Universidade do Porto. Porto, Portugal

Introduction: Vaccination coverage rates greater than

95% are guarantee of control of the diseases included in the National Vaccination Plan (PNV).

Objective: The present study aims to assess the evolution

of the measles vaccination strategy towards eliminating measles in Portugal, as imposed by the DGS and the WHO.

Methods: Cohort study performed through the inspection

of individual vaccination-records (FIV) and health-bul- letins (BIS) of 206 individuals, born between 1970 and 1995, resident at the ACES Pinhal Litoral.

Results: According to the records of the 206 individuals, 54

failed to take any dose of the anti-measles vaccine (VAS), of which 66.7% were born before 1977. Additionally, a sin- gle dose of VAS was administrated to 62 subjects, among which a percentage of 75.0% was born between 1977 and 1984. The remaining 90 individuals took two doses of VAS, being 50.0% born after 1984. Therefore, the vaccination status and schedule followed is strongly correlated with the birth cohort to which the individuals belong (p=0.038; r=0.684). The vaccination coverage rate increased from 38.9% in the first cohort, to 76.0% in the second, and to more than 90.0% in the third (p=0.001). Consequently, the recommended ages for administration of the VAS doses have also increased over time (p=0.001, r=0.239).

Conclusions: In two decades, the VAS vaccination cov-

erage rate increased from 30.0% to 95%. The number of doses increased, along with the compliance of the inoc- ulations at the recommended ages, working as guarantee of disease elimination, in which nurses play a key role.

Descriptors: Eliminating measles. Vaccination cover-

age. Nurses.

a joao.frade@ipleiria.pt b cnunes@ensp.unl.pt c aggoncalves@icabs.up.pt


João FradeI,a, Carla NunesII,b, Guilherme GonçalvesIII,c

IUnidade de Investigação em Saúde. Escola Superior de

Saúde. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. Leiria, Portugal

IIEscola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Universidade Nova

de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal

IIIInstituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar.

Universidade do Porto. Porto, Portugal

Introduction: In Portugal, birth and maternity indicators

vary substantially from region to region, with littoral areas always presenting higher numbers.

Objective: This study aims to compare the birth and mater-

nity indicators among individuals in a sample from ACES Pinhal Litoral, with those from the region itself and from continental Portugal.

Methodos: Birth and maternity indicators were studied

on a sample of 218 women, which during 2012 went to the hospital centre of Leiria-Pombal (CHLP), to have their children.

Results: The gross birth rate per thousand of inhabitants

was of 8.1%, 7.5% in the region and 8.5% in the continen- tal Portugal. The age of the mother at birth of the first son was 28.9 years, which is below the average of the region (29.8) and of the national average (31.0). The percentage of first children was 54.4%, second 34.0% and over three

sons of 11.6%, whereas in the country was of 56.0% (1st),

33.0% (2nd) and 11.0% (>3). Among the Pinhal Litoral

sample, 50.0% of the babies were males, (with 51.4% in the country). The percentage of infants with low birth weight was lower (4.9%) to that registered at national level (8.50%), as well as, the twin pregnancy percentages that were 0.45% and 3.10%, respectively. Nevertheless, the prematurity was higher (16.95%) than for the rest of country (7.80%).

Conclusions: The indicators of the sample studied are very

similar to those occurring in the region and in the rest of continental Portugal.

Descriptors: Birth. Maternity. Indicators.

a joao.frade@ipleiria.pt b cnunes@ensp.unl.pt c aggoncalves@icabs.up.pt


Patrícia Manarte-MonteiroI,a, Natália FradeI,b, Sandra

GavinhaI,c, Maria Conceição MansoI,II,d

IDepartamento de Ciências Médi cas. Faculdade de

Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Porto, Portugal

IIRede de Química e Tecnologia. Universidade do Porto.

Porto, Portugal

Introduction: Patient satisfaction is a multidimensional

concept and is becoming an increasingly important quality of dental care indicator. Effective management of patient perceptions can assist both individuals and institutions towards providing the highest quality of care achievable in the demanding dental education environment.

Objective: To assess dental outpatients’ satisfaction with

oral health care delivery in an University dental school clinic.

Methods: Cross-sectional survey conducted between

April and July 2012 among adult patients attending an University dental clinic at Oporto, Portugal. The satisfac- tion survey contained 26 questions on a five-point Likert- pattern scale. The sample was composed of 268 outpatients, 53.7% female gender, all adults, mean age 46.1 (±16.3) years. Descriptive/inferential analysis was performed with

SPSS© vs21 (α=0.05).

Results: The scores obtained for overall satisfaction with

dental services ranged from 84 to 130 with a mean of 109.5±8.2 point. The overall satisfaction did not differ significantly with gender (Mann-Whitney test, p=0.469), age (rs=0.090; p=0.140), appointment regularity attendance (ANOVA, p=0.147) or motive (ANOVA, p=0.120). The same trend was obtained for each of the 5 components of the satisfaction scale, although a significant and posi- tive association was obtained in the component “patient assistance assess and receptionist help” for female out- patients and their age (rs=0.306, p<0.001). The compo- nents generating the highest mean satisfaction score were the “perception of solved (dental) problem”, followed by “professionals quality and dental treatment” and “patient assistance assess and receptionist help”.

Conclusions: Overall high level of patient satisfaction

reflected the dental team’s approach of responsibility and accountability towards the target population.

Descriptors: Patient Satisfaction. Dental Care. Dental

School Clinic. Survey. Cross-sectional Study.

a patmon@ufp.edu.pt b 18190@ufp.edu.pt c sgavinha@ufp.edu.pt d cmanso@ufp.edu.pt