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Species richness of Odonata in selected freshwater systems in Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines


Academic year: 2017

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Aqu a cu lt u r e , Aqu a r iu m , Con se r va t ion & Le gisla t ion

I n t e r n a t ion a l Jou r n a l of t h e Bioflu x Socie t y

Spe cie s r ichn e ss of Odon a t a in se le ct e d

fr e sh w a t e r sy st e m s in Za m boa n ga de l Su r ,

Ph ilippin e s


Roxanne D. Cayasan,


Dysa E. Lim it ares,


Jan Vae S. Gom id,


Olga M. Nuñeza, and


Reagan Joseph T. Villanueva

1 Depart m ent of Biological Sciences, Mindanao St at e Univ ersit y - I ligan I nst it ut e of

Technology , I ligan Cit y , Philippines; 2 D3C Gahol Apart m ent , Dav ao Cit y , Philippines. Corresponding aut hor: R. D. Cay asan, biom es728@gm ail. com

Abst r a ct. The Odonat a is im por t ant in ident ifying t he habit at healt h of fr eshwat er ecosyst em s. I n t his st udy, t he species r ichness and r elat ive abundance of Odonat a wer e det er m ined in 12 sam pling sit es in Zam boanga del Sur . Field wor k was conduct ed in August - Decem ber , 2012 using t he r andom sam pling m et hod. Thir t y- six species belonging t o 10 fam ilies wer e docum ent ed of which 1 6 ( 44% ) species ar e Philippine endem ic. High species r ichness was r ecor ded in Cabilinan St r eam which is consider ed t o be t he m ost undist ur bed sit e in t he 1 2 sam pling sit es. Species r ichness was also consider ably high in eight sam pling sit es despit e habit at m odificat ion and w at er pollut ion fr om agr icult ur al r un- offs. The pr esence of Or ient al species which ar e indicat or s of degr aded envir onm ent s suggest s t hat t he st r eam s ar e dist ur bed. However , t he pr esence of som e endem ic species indicat es t hat t hese endem ic fauna can t hr ive in dist ur bed habit at s.

Ke y W or ds: endem ic, fr eshwat er , habit at , indicat ors, t hr eat s.

I n t r odu ct ion. Odonat a w hich consist s of t w o m aj or groups: Anisopt era, t he dragonflies and Zy gopt era, t he dam selflies ( Asait ham bi & Manick av asagam 2002) is perhaps t he m ost fascinat ing insect s of freshw at er habit at s ( Palot & Soniy a 2000) . Ov er 5, 875 species w orldwide hav e been described wit h 31 ident ified fam ilies ( Paulson & Schorr 2012) w here 2, 739 of t hese species belong t o t he suborder Zy gopt era and 2, 941 species belong t o t he suborder Anisopt era ( Kalk m an et al 2008) .

Alt hough Odonat a is com m on and div erse in lent ic w at ers, t here are species t hat occur in lot ic w at ers such as riv ers and st ream s ( Bouchard 2004) . This group has st rong responses t o habit at change such as increased erosion and t hinning of forest ( Clausnit zer et al 2009) .

Pat t erns of dist ribut ion of Odonat a prim arily relat e t o t he biogeographic zones w here clim at es m ay v ary . Based on t he num ber of species per fam ily in specific biogeographical region, Palaearct ic has relat iv ely 560 k now n species ( 75- 100 species undescribed) ; Nearct ic, 451 k now n species ( 5- 10 undescribed) ; Neot ropical, 1636 k now n species ( 400- 500 undescribed) ; Afrot ropical, 889 k now n species ( 100- 125 undescribed) ; Orient al, 1665 k now n species ( 300- 400 undescribed) ; Aust ralasian, 870 k now n species ( 175- 250 undescribed) ; Pacific, 168 k now n species ( 30- 40 undescribed) and no species is k now n from Ant arct ica ( Kalk m an et al 2008) . I n t he sy nopsis of t he Philippine Odonat a by Häm äläinen & Müller ( 1997) , only 15 fam ilies, 91 genera and 309 species are nam ed of w hich 203 species ( 65. 7% ) are endem ic. Of t hese, Order Zy gopt era consist ing of 34 genera and 186 species has 85. 5% endem ism . Order Anisopt era cont ains 57 genera and 123 species w here only 44 species ( 35. 8% ) are endem ic ( Gapud 2003) .


in different forest s. This is t he reason w hy t he Philippines is recognized for it s high num ber of endem ic Odonat a ( Kalk m an et al 2008) . Gapud ( 2003) report ed t hat t he v ery high endem ism of Zy gopt era is at t ribut ed t o forest ed w at er bodies in high elev at ion w hich are fav orable for Odonat a. How ever, m any species belong t o red list due t o habit at fragm ent at ion ( Villanuev a & Mohagan 2010) . Thr eat s t o t he t ropical island are m ore on t he ant hropogenic act ivit ies such as land conv ersion for agricult ural and infrast ruct ural dev elopm ent ( Khrok alo & Prok opov 2009) , illegal logging result ing t o t he disappearance of forest cov er and hence alt ering t he habit at of Odonat a ( Villanuev a et al 2012) .

Odonat a is one of t he groups of insect s w hich ex periences num erous shift s in dist ribut ion and abundance and consequent ly ex t inct ion risk and biodiv ersit y loss ( Thom as et al 2004) . The det eriorat ion of freshw at er habit at s across t he globe prom pt ed an increased concern on Odonat a ( Nelson et al 2011) . Habit at loss due t o deforest at ion is possibly t he m ain t hreat t o global Odonat a diversit y , w hich pot ent ially leads t o t he ex t inct ion of sev eral species ( Dudgeon et al 2006) . Unfort unat ely , t hese species are oft en poorly ident ified result ing t o difficult y in assessing w het her a species is genuinely rare or j ust ov erlook ed. More t ax onom ic w ork is necessary t o creat e accurat e ranges of t hese species.

The Odonat a in t he Philippines is poorly charact erized because only a few find int erest in st udying t hese species. Quisil et al ( 2013) surv ey ed t he Odonat a of Lanuza and San Agust in, Surigao del Sur and found t w o species w hich are new Mindanao record. Villanuev a ( 2011 a, b) report ed new records from his Odonat a surv ey s in som e part s of t he Philippines lik e Diom abok Lak e in Dav ao Orient al, Cat anduanes I sland, and Siargao and Bucas Grande islands. He st ressed t he need t o conduct fieldw ork s in v arious areas in t he archipelago since several part s of t he archipelago’s m ain islands lik e Mindanao are v irt ually unex plored. Mindanao, as one of t he t hree large island groups, has a rich diversit y of fauna and is considered t o possess a high lev el of biodiv ersit y due t o high m ount ain ranges ( Am oroso 2007) . Zam boanga del Sur in Mindanao, Philippines is one of t he places wit h poor odonat ological record. The region is current ly under significant hum an pressures such as m ining act ivit y, t im ber ex t ract ion, and ot her form s of landscape m odificat ions w hich could lead t o t he dram at ic decline of Odonat a and t hus in need of urgent faunal surv ey . I nadequat e k now ledge of t hese species encourages furt her zoological ex pedit ion in t he region ( Häm äläinen & Müller 1997) ) . Ex t ensiv e research and fieldw ork in t he archipelago is highly required t o est ablish species account s on t he Odonat a t o enable t he gov ernm ent t o det erm ine t he t hreat st at us and design concret e conserv at ion effort s in part icular areas ( Oppel 2005; Villanuev a 2011b) .

I n t his st udy , select ed freshw at er syst em s in Zam boanga del Sur w ere assessed t o det erm ine species richness, abundance, endem ism and biodiv ersit y indices as w ell as observ e t he possible t hreat s t o t he Odonat a.

M a t e r ials a n d Me t h ods

St u dy a r e a. Three m unicipalit ies, nam ely , Aurora, Tuk uran, and Lak ew ood in Zam boanga del Sur w ere select ed as st udy areas ( Figure 1) and 12 sam pling sit es w ere est ablished.


Figur e 1. Map of Mindanao showing t he locat ion of t he t hree st udy areas: Aurora, Tukuran, and Lakewood ( Nat ional Geospat ial- I nt elligence Agency 2 010) .

Table 1

Coordinat es of t he sam pling areas in Zam boanga del Sur freshw at er sy st em s

Sit e num ber Sit e nam e Coordinat es

1 Bem posa St ream , Aurora 07º 56'59. 23"N 123º 35'02. 10" E 2 Cabilinan St ream , Aurora 07º 55'43. 58"N 123º 39'27. 68" E 3 Lant ungan St ream , Aurora 07º 53'32. 17"N 123º 37'48. 93" E

4 Masahan St ream , Aurora 07º 54'36. 40"N 123º 37'26. 90" E

5 Cebuneg St ream , Aurora 07º 53'28. 70"N 123º 39'26. 20" E

6 I nroad Riv er, Aurora 07º 54'51. 60"N 123º 39'08. 40" E


Sam pling sit e 1. Bem posa St ream , Aurora is a perm anent w at er sy st em m easuring 2. 4 m t o 4 m w ide wit h dept h of 0. 2- 0. 4 m . Tree t ax a include Albizia falcat a, Art ocarpus blancoi, Ficus m inahassae, Mallot us floribunda, Diplodiscus paniculat us, Ficus not a, Lit sea plat eafolia, and Gm elina arborea. Bam boo t hick et s are t he dom inant bank- side v eget at ion of t he st ream . Agricult ural plant s present include: Cocos nucifera, Musa sp. ,

Zea m ay s, and edible root crops. The height of em ergent t ree w as approxim at ely 15- 20 m and t he height of canopy t rees w as approx im at ely 3- 5 m . Underst ory plant s ident ified in t he area include Lant ana cam ara w hile ground cov er consist ed of pat ches of I m perat a cy lindrica and Chlorom olaem a odorat a. Fallen logs w ere not com m on. Ferns and v ines w ere less abundant . Measurem ent of t he A- horizon of t he soil is 3 cm . The w at er is clear in areas shaded by t rees specifically in t he upst ream and m urk y in t he m iddle and lower st ream s. The st ream is 100- 150 m et ers aw ay from t he road. Agricult ural ex pansion and t im ber cut t ing w ere t he on- sit e dist urbances.

Sam pling sit e 2. Cabilinan St ream , Aurora is a perm anent w at er sy st em w hich originat es from t he t w o Barangay s in Aurora: Cabilinan and Bag- Ong Maslog. The locat ion is charact erized by undulat ing st eep slope. The st ream has 1. 8 - 3. 6 m w idt h and 0. 5- 2 m dept h. Tree t ax a include Panicum palm ifolium, Endosperm um pelt at um , A. blancoi, Melanolepis m ult iglandulosa, Sy zygium albay anse, Duabanga m oluccana,

Dipt erocarpus grandiflorus, Neonauclea bart lingii, Sy zy gium gigant ifolium, and Tarriet ia j av anica. Agricult ural plant s include: Z. m ay s, Musa sp. , Abelim oschus esculent us, Solanum m elongena, and C. nucifera. The height of em ergent t ree w as approx im at ely 22- 25 m and t he height of canopy t rees w as approx im at ely 5- 8 m . Bam boo t hick et s w ere less com m on. Canopy vines and epiphyt es w ere present in m oderat e am ount . Ferns w ere abundant . Ground cov er consist ed of Mim osa pudica. The ground w as m ost ly cov ered by leaf lit t er. Measurem ent of t he A- horizon of t he soil is 6 cm . The soil w as classified as loam and clay . The w at er is clear running along slight ly prist ine forest ed area. I m m ediat e v icinit y cont ains considerable flora at t he bank- side in t he low er st ream . Sev eral nat ural spring w at ers from t he ground w ere present . The st ream is 100- 200 m et ers from t he road. Chem ical run- off from agricult ural land w as observ ed.

Sam pling sit e 3. Lant ungan St ream , Aurora is a st ream about 2m t o 5m w ide w hich originat es from t he m ount ain ridges nam ed “ Forest al”. The side of t he st ream is dom inat ed by t rees, bushes, grasses and ot her flora but highly m odified due t o t im ber ex t ract ion. Tree t ax a include Pent acm e cont ort a, Shorea negrosensis, Garuga floribunda, Ficus callosa, Cinnam om um m ercadoi, F. not a, Colona serrat ifolia, D. grandiflorus, Vit ex parv iflora, Pipt urus arborescens, Ficus m inahassae, Macaranga t anarius, Cleist ant hus pilosus, Canarium luzonicum, and Trem a orient alis. Agricult ural plant s present w ere C. nucifera, Musa sp., Z. m ay s, Mom ordica charant ia, Vigna radiat a, Ly copersicon esculent um, and edible root crops. The height of em ergent t ree w as approxim at ely 25- 30 m and t he height of canopy t rees w as approxim at ely 5- 8 m . Bam boo t hick et s w ere abundant in upst ream near I slaw falls and m oderat e in t he low er st ream . Canopy vines present w ere Calam us m ax im us and Anam irt a cocculus. Ferns and Ficus densit y w ere m oderat e. Measurem ent of t he A- horizon of t he soil is 4 cm . Ground cov er consist ed of I . cy lindrica, Paspalum not at um, and P. conj ugat um. The bot t om subst rat e of t he st ream is t y pically com posed of sand, gravel and big st ones. The clearance of v eget at ion, soil erosion and hum an dist urbance are t he possible t hreat s t o t he habit at s of t he Odonat a.

Sam pling sit e 4. Masahan St ream , Aurora is an agricult ural area wit h undulat ing slope. The st ream is about 2 m et ers in diam et er. The w at er is clear wit h sandy subst rat e. Ex posed m oderat e- sized rock s and fallen logs w ere present . Plant t ax a t hat w ere ident ified in t he area include Mangifera indica, Term inalia cat appa, C. nucifera, and

G. arborea. Underst ory plant s t hat w ere ident ified in t he area w ere banana Musa sp.,

Colocasia esculent a, and Gliricidia sepium. Ground cov er plant s such as P. conj ugat um, and I . cy lindrica were found t o cov er 40% of t he land. Bam boo w as also observed. Various dev elopm ent s were observ ed such as road access and bridge wit h culv ert s.


grandis, Leucaena leucocephala, and M. indica. Underst ory plant s t hat w ere ident ified are

Musa sp. , Annona m uricat a, Psidium guaj av a, Gliricidia sepium, and C. odorat a. Ground cov er plant s such as P. conj ugat um, and I . cy lindrica w ere found t o cov er 60% of t he land. Bam boo w as also observ ed. Various act iv it ies in t he st ream like cow and pig w allowing in t he river and w om en doing laundry w ere observ ed. Pig m anure disposal along t he st ream w as not ed.

Sam pling sit e 6. I nroad Riv er, Aurora has m ount ainous slope wit h dist urbed secondary v eget at ion. The w at er is cloudy wit h sandy subst rat e. The riv er is about 5 m et ers in diam et er. Fallen logs and sm all t o m edium - sized rock s w ere present . Plant t axa t hat w ere ident ified in t he area w ere C. nucifera, Tect ona grandis, Plum eria acum inat a,

Liv ist ona rot undifolia, L. leucocephala, and M. indica. Underst ory plant s t hat were ident ified w ere Gliricidia sepium, Musa sp. , and C. odorat a. Ground cov er plant s such as

P. conj ugat um, and I . cy lindrica w ere found t o cov er 80% of t he land. Bam boo w as also observ ed. Num erous act ivit ies such as w ashing of clot hes, bat hing, swim m ing, carabao w allowing in t he shallow port ion of t he riv er and bam boo cut t ing w ere not ed in t he riv er.

Sam pling sit e 7. Baclay St ream , Tuk uran is about 3 m et ers wide and inhabit ed by v ariet y of organism s such as dragonflies, dam selflies, w at er spiders, and but t erflies. Som e of t he plant t ax a present w ere M. indica, C. nucifera, Chry sophy llum cainit o, Shorea negrosensis, Sandoricum k oet j ape, Psidium sp. , and M. charant ia. Grasses such as P. conj ugat um and I . cy lindrica w ere com m on. The subst rat es of t he st ream are sand, m ud, and st ones. Hum an sew age and w ast e and fallen t ree branches w ere present . Agricult ural ecosy st em s such as rice fields w ere abundant in t he area.

Sam pling Sit e 8. Tabuan St ream , Tuk uran is an agricult ural ecosy st em and ponds are j ust right beside t he st ream and resident ial houses are about 15 m et ers aw ay . The w idt h of t he st ream is about 3 m et ers. Som e of t he plant s recorded w ere Musa sp., V. radiat a, C. nucifera, P. conj ugat um, I . cy lindrica, and Bam busa blum eana. Moderat e densit y of ferns and m oss w as observ ed. But t erflies and birds lik e crow s were not iced. The st ream is half a kilom et er from t he m ain highw ay from w hich buses and j eepneys pass by . This is a sm all st ream t hat int ersect s wit h a riv er locat ed in t he sam e barangay.

Sam pling Sit e 9. Tinot ongan St ream , Tuk uran is about one k ilom et er from t he st ream locat ed in Barangay Baclay. Most of t he t ree t ax a found in t he area w ere

Sy zy gium cum ini, S. negrosensis, and M. indica. Musa sp. and C. nucifera w ere also abundant . The st ream has a subst rat e com binat ion of sand, grav el, st ones and m ud. Hum an w ast es and habit at m odificat ion such as agricult ural area ex pansion w ere observ ed. The resident s benefit from t he w at er for personal usage and agricult ural purposes.

Sam pling Sit e 10. Alindahaw Riv er, Tuk uran has widt h of approxim at ely 10 m et ers. The w at er w as m ud- cov ered due t o heav y rain. Am ong t he plant s not ed w ere

Pandanus sp. , Musa sp., G. arborea, Term inalia sp. , Lant ara cam ara, L. leucocephala, Z. m ay s, M. pudica, grasses such as P. conj ugat um, and I . cy lindrica. C. nucifera w hich lined bot h sides of t he riv er w ere num erous. Turbidit y of t he w at er brought by heav y rain or flood w as observ ed. Aside from agricult ural areas and fish ponds, t he local resident s benefit from t he riv er as source of incom e and liv elihood.

Sam pling Sit e 11. Luk uan St ream , Lak ew ood is approx im at ely 1 k m from t he m ain ent rance of Lak e Lak ew ood. I t is undulat ing t o m ount ainous. From t he ant hropogenic clearing, it is approxim at ely 20 m et ers. Ex posed rock s w ere present along t he w at er. Ot her not ed organism s w ere but t erflies, ant s and bees. Wat er buffalo (Bubalus bubalis

Linn. ) w as seen w allowing in t he st ream .


Sa m plin g m e t h ods an d collect ion of sa m ple s. Field sam pling w as conduct ed at 09: 00- 16: 00 hours for a t ot al of 26 day s or 333 m an- hours bet w een t he m ont hs of August - Decem ber, 2012. Specim ens were collect ed in t he 12 freshw at er sy st em s ( nine st ream s, t w o riv ers, and a lak e) in Zam boanga del Sur using random sam pling m et hod. This Odonat a invent ory w as based principally on adult specim ens by m anually net t ing t he adult flying individuals during hot sunny day s. Adult s w ere caught by hand picking or using a cat ching net wit h an opening of 18 inches and a lengt h of t w o m et ers.

Pr oce ssin g of sa m ple s. The liv e Odonat a sam ples w ere st ored in sm all brow n env elopes wit h t he wings folded over t he back. Only one specim en w as k ept in each env elope t o av oid dam age. How ev er, pairs caught in t andem w ere placed in t he sam e env elope. Because t he color of adult s fade or change aft er preserv at ion, phot ographs w ere t ak en in t he field or right aft er t he sam ples w ere caught .

The specim ens inside t he box w ere t reat ed wit h et hy l acet at e t o kill t hem . Aft er k illing, specim ens of t he sam e species w ere arranged in a plast ic cont ainer and soak ed in acet one for 24 hours. Specim ens w ere air- dried. Dried specim ens w ere placed in paper t riangles. The paper t riangles cont aining t he specim ens were put in a sealed cont ainer. Napht halene balls w ere added t o t he cont ainer t o prev ent ent ry of ot her insect s t hat can dam age t he preserv ed sam ples.

Sam ples collect ed w ere ident ified using pict orial k ey s and v erified by t he fourt h aut hor.

Re su lt s a n d D iscu ssion

Spe cies com posit ion , a bu n da nce , an d e n dem ism. Thirt y - six species of Odonat a in 10 fam ilies wit h a t ot al of 809 individuals w ere docum ent ed in t he 12 sam pling sit es. The Odonat a recorded com prised of 18 Zy gopt era species belonging t o sev en fam ilies ( Am phipt ery gidae, Calopt erygidae, Chlorocy phidae, Coenagrionidae, Plat y cnem ididae, Plat ystict idae, and Prot oneuridae) and 18 Anisopt era species belonging t o t hree fam ilies: Corduliidae, Gom phidae, and Libellulidae ( Table 2).


Table 2 Species dist ribut ion and abundance of Odonat a in select ed freshw at er sy st em s in Zam boanga del Sur

Dist ribut ion in select ed freshw at er sy st em s in Zam boanga del Sur

Species nam e

Si t e 1 Si t e2 Si t e 3 Si t e 4 Si t e 5 Si t e 6 Si t e 7 Si t e 8 Si t e 9 Si t e 10 Si t e 11 Si t e 12 TOTAL

F F F F F F F F F F F F F % RA

Su bor de r AN I SOPTERA Fa m ily Cor du liida e

Het er onaias het er odoxa* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.25

Fa m ily Gom ph ida e

Gom phidia kir schii* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.25

Fa m ily Libe llu lida e

Acisom a p. panor poides 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.25

Agr ionopt er a insignis 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.36

Diplacina bolivar i* 2 4 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.36

Diplacodes t rivialis 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 7 13 15 0 0 42 5.19

Neur ot hem is r . r am bur ii 8 2 5 5 8 12 3 3 3 2 2 0 53 6.55

Neur ot hem is t . t er m inat a 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 3 10 3 3 0 29 3.58

Or t het r um sabina sabina 7 2 4 2 9 12 3 3 9 3 0 0 54 6.67

Or t het r um pr uinosum clelia 5 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 15 1.85

Or t het r um t . t est aceum 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.87

Pant ala flavescens 6 3 3 1 0 3 0 4 4 3 0 0 27 3.34

Pot am ar cha congener 1 1 3 1 0 1 0 3 3 3 0 0 16 1.98

Rhyot hem is phyllis subphyllis 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.25

Tholym is t illar ga 5 3 7 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 22 2.72

Tr it hem is aur or a 10 5 7 2 13 30 0 2 0 0 0 0 69 8.53

Zyxom m a obt usum 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0.87

Zyxom m a pet iolat um 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.12

Su bor de r ZYGOPTERA Fa m ily Am ph ipt e r y gida e

Devadat t a podolest oides basilanensis*

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0.37

Fa m ily Ca lopt e r y gida e

Vest alis m elania* 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 10 1.24

Fa m ily Ch lor ocy ph ida e

Cyr ano angust ior * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.25


LEGEND: * - Philippine endem ic; F- Fr equency. Fa m ily Coe n a gr ion ida e

Agr iocnem is fem ina fem ina 0 0 0 1 4 0 7 8 0 0 0 0 20 2.47

Agr iocnem is r ubescens int er m edia

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.12

I schnur a senegalensis 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 2 17 2.10

Pseudagr ion m icr ocephalum 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0.25

Pseudagr ion p. pilidor sum 21 7 19 6 17 17 16 3 1 0 1 1 109 13.47

Teinobasis annam aij ae* 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.49

Fa m ily Pla t y cn e m idida e

Coeliccia dinocer us* 0 7 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 12 1.48

Risiocnem is appendiculat a* 0 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.36

Risiocnem is flam m ea* 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.37

Risiocnem is fuligifr ons* 3 16 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 3.96

Risiocnem is t endipes* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 4 0.49

Fa m ily Pla t y st ict ida e

Dr epanost ict a flavom aculat a* 0 8 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 2.47

Dr epanost ict a kr ios* 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 11 1.36

Fa m ily Pr ot on e u r on ida e

Pr odasineur a int egr a* 13 8 15 7 31 20 8 0 0 0 3 2 107 13.23

Tot a l N u m be r of I n div idu a ls 108 105 129 25 89 127 64 36 44 33 23 26 809 100

Tot a l N u m be r of Spe cie s 15 22 19 8 10 13 13 9 8 7 10 14

Ph ilippin e En de m ic 4 ( 27% )


( 50% )

8 ( 42% )

1 ( 13% )

2 ( 20% )


( 23% )


( 38% )

0 0 0 5

( 50% )


Of t he 36 species recorded in all sam pling sit es, 16 of t hese are Philippine endem ic (H. het erodox a, G. kirschii, D. boliv ari, D. p. basilanensis, V. m elania, C. angust ior, R. colorat a, T. annam aij ae, C. dinocerus, D. flav om aculat a, D. krios, R. appendiculat a, R. flam m ea, R. fuligifrons, R. t endipes, and P. int egra). Endem ic species were m ost ly under suborder Zy gopt era ( dam selfly ) and only t hree endem ic species (H. het erodox a, G. kirschii, and D. boliv ari) w ere under suborder Anisopt era ( dragonfly ). Endem ic Zy gopt erans are com m only rest rict ed t o Great er Mindanao subregion but ot her endem ic species are widespread in t he count ry lik e D. boliv ari, V. m elania, R. colorat a, and P. int egra. The low endem ism ( 44% ) indicat es t hat t he sit es are predom inat ed by Orient al species due t o ant hropogenic pressures on t he st ream s.

Maj orit y of t he species collect ed belong t o suborder Anisopt era under fam ily Libellulidae. Fam ily Libellulidae is ex t ensiv ely dist ribut ed w orldwide and in local areas ( Norm a- Rashid et al 2001) as it is t he largest dragonfly fam ily in t he w orld ( Last & Whit m an 1999- 2000) . Highest relat iv e abundance of Anisopt era w as observ ed in sit e 1 w hich is an open and dist urbed habit at . These species oft en inhabit open and sunny env ironm ent s like sit es 1, 6, 8, 9 and 10. Rem sburg et al ( 2008) report ed t hat part ial blocking of sunlight in an area direct ly reduces dragonfly habit at select ion. I t is t y pical in m ost Odonat a st udies t hat m ore Anisopt era species are recorded com pared t o Zy gopt era. Fam ilies Libellulidae and Coenagrionidae are m ost represent ed. Based on t he result s, alt hough dragonflies and dam selflies are equal in species num ber, fam ily Libellulidae of Suborder Anisopt era and fam ily Coenagrionidae of Suborder Zy gopt era represent ed bot h by nine species were t he m ost dom inant . For inst ance, Cost a et al ( 2000) report ed t hat in São Paulo St at e, around 50% of t he species collect ed belong t o fam ily Libellulidae. Sharm a et al ( 2007) hav e affirm ed t hat fam ily Libellulidae is t he m ost dom inant consist ing of 15 genera during t heir Odonat a st udy in Sout hern I ndia. I n t he Philippines, t he recent st udy of Quisil et al ( 2013) show ed t hat 41% of t he species collect ed belong t o fam ily Libellulidae. Villanuev a ( 2010 and 2011a) found t hat in Polilo I sland and Diom abok Lak e ( Dav ao Orient al) , Fam ily Libellulidae com prises m ost of t he Odonat a species surv ey ed follow ed by fam ily Coenagrionidae. The nex t abundant fam ily is Coengarionidae wit h about 1, 100 species, const it ut ing 57% of all dam selfly species ( Dij k st ra & Kalk m an 2012) . One reason for t his pat t ern is associat ed wit h t he body size of t he species of fam ily Libellulidae w hich is com m only large and bulk y w hich increases alert ness and cont ribut es t o w ide range dist ribut ion ( Dalzochio et al 2011) . The rest of Odonat a fam ilies represent ed by one or t w o species in t his st udy const it ut e som e of t he rare species. Shelt on & Edw ards ( 1983) st at ed t hat m ore individuals are com posed by com m on species t han rare species.

I n t his st udy, Sit e 1 ( Bem posa St ream ) had t he highest relat iv e abundance of Orient al species ( 68. 51% ) am ong t he 12 sit es suggest ing t hat t he sam pling sit e is highly dist urbed. Most of t hese Orient al species are anisopt erans. Sit e 1 had only four ( 27% ) endem ic species (D. boliv ari, R. colorat a, R. fuligifrons, and P. int egra) . This v ery low endem ism could be at t ribut ed t o m any sunny pat ches on t he st ream s since t he bank- side v eget at ion is dom inat ed by bam boo t hick et s. The st ream is m ore open and w arm er because of t he disappearance of ov erhanging branches ( Dij k st ra & Lem pert 2003) .

Sit e 2 ( Cabilinan St ream ) had t he highest species richness and endem ism ( 50% ) . Ev ergreen canopy cov er is enough t o support endem ic species ( Subram anian et al 2008) . The sit e had also t he least relat ive abundance of Orient al species ( 35. 33% ) . This could be due t o t he shading, v eget at ion- t y pe, and nat ural spring w at ers ( Schridde & Suhling 1994) . This is also t he sm allest st ream am ong t he t hree sam pling sit es w here bank- side is loaded wit h det rit us. I t is concluded in t he st udy of Dij k st ra & Lem pert ( 2003) t hat sunlight in sm all st ream s only reaches t he w at er in a few sunspot s m ak ing t he w at er sy st em cooler w hich is fav orable t o Odonat a. These diversely st ruct ured m icrohabit at s facilit at e t he exist ence of endem ic species ( Dij k st ra & Vick 2004) . This is also in consonance w it h t he v iew of Mac Art hur ( 1965) w ho st at ed t hat t he adj ust m ent in species abundance is m ore in diversified ecosy st em .


area. The least abundant species w as D. bolivari wit h 0. 78% relat iv e abundance ( 1 individual) . This species is considered t o be Philippine endem ic but it has wide dist ribut ion range t hroughout Philippines. The m ost abundant species in t his sit e w as P. p. pilidorsum

w it h 19 individuals. The abundance of t his species is at t ribut ed t o it s adapt iv e behavior t o open, dist urbed habit at s. This species is oft en found breeding in st rongly acidic w at er rat her t han in m ore neut ral w at er ( Dolny et al 2011) .

Sit es 6 ( I nroad St ream ) , 8 ( Tabuan St ream ) , 9 ( Tinot ongan St ream ) and 10 ( Alindahaw St ream ) had also considerably high num ber of Anisopt erans. Clausnit zer ( 2003) report ed t hat w it h increasing freshw at er w idt h and m ore light penet rat ing t ree canopy , t he num ber of dragonfly species rapidly increases. The presence of m ore dragonflies m ight be due t o less shade cov er. Anisopt erans are nat urally m uch st ronger fliers t han dam selflies ( Sanchez- Herrera & Ware 2012) . Rem sburg et al ( 2008) observ ed t hat com pared t o sit es wit h no shade, dragonfly abundance is low er at sit es wit h high or m oderat e shade cov er. The presence of shade cov er and aquat ic veget at ion fav ors Zy gopt eran populat ion m ore t han Anisopt era ( Ar ulprak ash & Gunat hilagaraj 2010) . This cont ribut es t o t he high num ber of dragonflies t han dam selflies in t he areas.

Argiocnem is r. int erm edia and P. m icrocephalum w ere encount ered in singlet on ( represent ed by 1 individual) . The occurrence of one individual of P. m icrocephalum is surprising since t his is a com m on and dom inant species ( Ngiam 2009) and fav ors areas w it h enough shade cov er. P. m icrocephalum w as found in Sit es 6 and 11 w here v eget at ion w as healt hy and far from any hum an st ress dist urbance. Canopy t rees w ere also abundant . A. r. int erm edia w as collect iv ely rare and found only in Sit e 7 ( Baclay St ream ) . Villanuev a ( 2010) surv ey ed Odonat a in four undist urbed and suit able habit at s in Polilo I sland, Philippines and observ ed A. rubescens int erm edia in t hree sam pling sit es w it h good v eget at ion.

Sev eral survey s of Odonat a w ere done in v arious part s of t he Philippines. The m ost recent is t hat of Quisil ( 2013) w ho docum ent ed 49 species w hich include 23 Philippines endem ic species in Lanuza and San Agust in, Surigao del Sur. Villanuev a ( 2011b) found 42 new records of Odonat a from Cat anduanes I sland and t hree of t hese are new species, raising t he t ot al of t he k now n species of t he island t o 60. These species w ere sam pled from 26 sit es in Cat anduanes I sland. The t ot al of 60 species wit h new species records and species t hat are new t o science is significant ly higher com pared t o species collect ed in t his st udy. I n t he recent sur v ey conduct ed by Villanuev a & Cahilog ( 2012) in Taw Tawi, Sanga- Sanga and Jolo islands, 10 new species w ere found in Taw i-Tawi raising t he t ot al num ber of Odonat a t o 54. Three new species records w ere m ade for Sanga- Sanga raising t he k now n num ber on t hat island t o 34. Three species w ere recorded for t he first t im e in Jolo raising t he t ot al num ber t o 18. Villanuev a & Mohagan ( 2010) recorded 31 species of Odonat a w it h t hree new species in Mt . Ham iguit an Wildlife Sanct uary , Dav ao Orient al. High endem ism of dam selfly ( 94% ) and low endem ism of dragonfly ( 33. 3% ) w ere significant ly not ed. This percent endem ism w as based on five surv ey ed v eget at ion t y pes in Dav ao Orient al and is higher com pared t o percent endem ism of Odonat a in t he present st udy . Howev er, m ore int erest ing species could be recorded in Zam boanga del Sur w hen m ore areas are ex plored.

Villanuev a ( 2011a) also v isit ed Siargao and Bucas Grande islands, nort heast ern part of Mindanao. Fift y - one species of Odonat a w ere recorded for bot h islands: 47 species in Siargao and 24 species in Bucas Grande. Thirt y seven species are new island records for Siargao I sland w hile t he 24 species recorded in Bucas Grande represent t he first island records. Three species are new t o science. The present record in Aurora, Tuk uran and Lak ew ood, Zam boanga del Sur is low er com pared t o t he surv ey result s in Siargao and Bucas Grande islands. How ev er, despit e t he lim it ed sam pled areas in Zam boanga del Sur, t en endem ic species (H. het erodox a, G. kirschii, D. p. basilanensis, C. angust ior, C. dinocerus, D. flav om aculat a, D. krios, T. annam aij ie, R. t endipes, and V. m elania) w ere found t o be absent in Siargao and Bucas Grande islands.


sam pling sit es. Branching perm anent spring w at ers from t he ground like in Cabilinan St ream also fav ors t he ex ist ence of endem ic Odonat a ( Dj ik st ra & Vick 2004) . The presence of spring w at ers creat es div ersified m icrohabit at s for m any species t o inhabit ( Sharm a et al 2007) w hich generally yields higher species div ersit y ( Set hy & Siddiqi 2007) . Villanuev a & Mohagan ( 2010) report ed t hat t he Odonat a as a group has preference for dense forest , undist urbed v eget at ion, opt im um t em perat ure and presence of aquat ic habit at .

Table 3 Species richness, div ersit y , and ev enness of Odonat a in t he 12 sam pling sit es

Sit e 1 Sit e 2 Sit e 3 Sit e 4 Sit e 5 Sit e 6 Sit e 7 Sit e 8 Sit e 9 Sit e 10 Sit e 11 Sit e 12 Species

Ri chness 15 22 19 8 10 13 13 9 8 7 10 14

Shannon-Wei ner( H') 2. 140 2. 880 2. 702 1. 811

1.858 2.114 2. 212 2. 093 1. 778 1.856 2.201 2. 578

Ev enness ( E')

0. 892 0. 932 0. 918 0. 871 0.806 0.824 0. 862 0. 953 0. 855 0.851 0.956 0. 977

Species richness is great ly affect ed by t he charact erist ics of freshw at er sy st em and it s surroundings as it indicat es w hat kind of species an area w ould inhabit . Species- rich env ironm ent s m ay be possibly due t o t he num ber of m icrohabit at s like sand, rock s and leaf lit t er perm it t ing t he est ablishm ent of a great er num ber of species t hat leads t o a great er diversit y ( Dalzochio et al 2011) . Besides, t he size of t he t em porary w at er bodies det erm ines t he species richness and div ersit y of Odonat a ( Schindler et al 2003) . Dolny et al ( 2011) report ed t hat t he t y pe of habit at s is a fact or essent ial for t he com posit ion and assem blage of dragonfly and t he range of species changed w it h t he condit ion of habit ats.

Sim ila r it y in de x. Table 4 show s species sim ilarit y in t he 12 sam pling sit es. Sam pling sit es 1 and 2 hav e sim ilarit y index of 81% . Sit es 1 and 3 hav e 88% sim ilarit y ; sit es 2 and 3 hav e 93% sim ilarit y . Sit es 8 and 9 are also relat ed in t erm s of dist ribut ion and abundance hav ing sim ilarit y index of 82% . Sit es 9 and 10 are closely relat ed ( 93. 3% ) due t o t he dist urbance and veget at ion- t y pe shared by t he t w o since bot h st ream s are locat ed adj acent t o each ot her. Sim ilar species are com m only Orient al. The presence of Orient al species m ost ly under Fam ily Libellulidae in t he 12 sam pling sit es could be due t o t heir high adapt iv e abilit y t o different habit at s specifically open and degraded habit at s. Shelt on & Edw ard ( 1983) st at ed t hat com m on species hav e m ore individuals t han rare species and hav e t he abilit y t o surv iv e in exist ing env ironm ent al condit ions.

Table 4 Sim ilarit y index v alues bet w een sam pling sit es

St udy areas Sit e 1 Sit e 2 Sit e 3 Sit e 4 Sit e 5 Sit e 6 Sit e 7 Sit e 8 Sit e 9 Sit e 10 Sit e 11 Sit e 12

Sit e 1 - - - 81% 82% 52% 40% 71% 43% 50% 52% 36% 32% 28%

Sit e 2 81% - - - 93% 47% 31% 57% 40% 39% 40% 28% 38% 39%

Sit e 3 82% 93% - - - 52% 34% 63% 44% 43% 44% 38% 28% 30%

Sit e 4 52% 47% 52% - - - 67% 57% 48% 71% 75% 53% 22% 18%

Sit e 5 40% 31% 34% 67% - - - 52% 61% 74% 56% 47% 40% 17%

Sit e 6 71% 57% 63% 57% 52% - - - 38% 64% 67% 60% 52% 22%

Sit e 7 43% 40% 44% 48% 61% 38% - - - 71% 48% 40% 52% 37%

Sit e 8 50% 39% 43% 71% 74% 64% 71% - - - 82% 75% 32% 9%

Sit e 9 52% 40% 44% 75% 56% 67% 48% 82% - - - 93% 33% 9%

Sit e 10 36% 28% 38% 53% 47% 60% 40% 75% 93% - - - 24% 0%

Sit e 11 32% 38% 28% 22% 40% 52% 52% 32% 33% 24% - - - 25%


The sam pling sit es w hich are not sim ilar wit h each ot her or are not relat ed in t erm s of dist ribut ion and abundance w ere Sit e 12 ( Lak e Lak ew ood) and Sit e 10 ( Alindahaw Riv er) w it h sim ilarit y v alue of 0 suggesting unique species of Odonat a in each sit e. These t w o sit es hav e very different v eget at ion. Villanuev a (2011b) report ed t hat t he w eat her and flood m ay affect t he num ber of species. During t he sam pling in Alindahaw Riv er, heav y rain w as ex perienced and t he w at er w as v ery m uddy indicat ing t hat t he river ex perienced recent flood w hich result ed t o a poor num ber of collect ed species. The 0 sim ilarit y v alue indicat es t hat no species w as shared by t he t w o sit es. This is because Sit e 10 has all t he com m on species t hat are t olerant t o dist urbed habit at s wit h no endem ic species w hile Sit e 12 has 10 endem ic species. Figures 2 and 3 are endem ic species under suborder Anisopt era w hile figures 4- 7 are endem ic species under suborder Zy gopt era.

Figure 2. H. het erodox a Needham & Gy ger, 1937 under Fam ily Corduliidae.

Figure 3. G. kirschii Sely s, 1878 under fam ily Gom phidae.


Figure 5. C. angust ior Häm äläinen, 1989 under fam ily Chlorocy phidae.

Figure 6. R. t endipes ( Needham & Gy ger, 1941) under Fam ily Plat y cnem ididae.

Figure 7. D. flav om aculat a v an Tol, 2005 under fam ily Plat y st ict idae.

Con clusion s. High species richness ( S = 22) was recorded in Cabilinan St ream w hile highest abundance w as docum ent ed in Lant ungan St ream ( 15. 95% ) . Moderat e div ersit y and a m ore or less ev en dist ribut ion in t he 12 sam pling sit es were recorded. Low endem ism ( 44% ) in t he sit es sam pled indicat es t hat t he sit es are already dist urbed and predom inat ed by Orient al species. I t is recom m ended t hat m ore field research and t ax onom ic w ork be conduct ed in ot her freshw at er habit at s in Zam boanga del Sur t o build a com plet e dat abase and t o assess t he conserv at ion st at us of Odonat a in t he prov ince.


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Received: 05 June 2 013. Accept ed: 12 June 2 013. Published online: 22 June 201 3. Aut hor s:

Roxanne D. Cayasan, Depar t m ent of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mat hem at ics, Mindanao St at e Univer sit y – I ligan I nst it ut e of Techn ology, A. Bonifacio Ave. , Tibanga, I ligan Cit y, 92 00, Philippines, e- m ail: biom es728@gm ail. com

Dysa E. Lim it ar es, Depar t m ent of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mat hem at ics, Mindanao St at e Univer sit y – I ligan I nst it ut e of Techn ology, A. Bonifacio Ave. , Tibanga, I ligan Cit y, 92 00, Philippines, e- m ail: dysaenr iquezlim it ar es@yahoo. com

Jan Vae S. Gom id, Depar t m ent of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mat hem at ics, Mindanao St at e Univer sit y – I ligan I nst it ut e of Techn ology, A. Bonifacio Ave. , Tibanga, I ligan Cit y, 92 00, Philippines, e- m ail: vj _val29@yah oo. com

Olga M. Nuñeza, Depar t m ent of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mat hem at ics, Mindanao St at e Univer sit y – I ligan I nst it ut e of Techn ology, A. Bonifacio Ave. , Tibanga, I ligan Cit y, 92 00, Philippines, e- m ail: olgam nuneza@yahoo. com

Reagan Joseph T. Villanueva, D3C Gahol Apar t m ent , Lopez Jaena St . , Davao Cit y, 8000, Philippines, e- m ail: r j t villanueva@gm ail. com

This is an open- access ar t icle dist r ibut ed under t he t er m s of t he Cr eat ive Com m ons At t r ibut ion License, which per m it s unr est r ict ed use, dist r ibut ion and r epr oduct ion in any m edium , pr ovided t he or iginal aut hor and sour ce ar e cr edit ed.

How t o cit e t his ar t icle:


Figur e 1. Map of Mindanao showing t he  locat ion of t he t hree st udy areas:  Aurora, Tukuran, and      Lakewood ( Nat ional Geospat ial- I nt elligence Agency 2 010)
Table 2  Species dist ribut ion and abundance of Odonat a in select ed freshw at er sy st em s in Zam boanga del Sur
Table 4  Sim ilarit y  index  v alues bet w een sam pling sit es
Figure 2. H.  het erodox a Needham  & Gy ger,  1937  under Fam ily  Corduliidae.


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