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Predictable Representation Property of some Hilbertian Martingales


Academic year: 2017

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Vol. LXXVII, 1(2008), pp. 123–128



Abstract. We prove as for the real case that a martingale with values in a sepa-rabale real Hilbert space is extremal if and only if it satisfies the predictable repre-sentation property.

1. Introduction.

In this article we shall use the stochastic integral with respect to a local vectorial martingale as it is defined in [2].

Let (Ω,F, P) be a probability space equipped with a filtration (Ft) satisfying

the usual conditions, that is, (Ft) is complete and right continuous. LetHbe a real

separable Hilbert space whose inner product and norm are respectively denoted byh,iH and || ||H. The dual of H will be denoted by H′. For every process X

with values inH, we denote by (FX

t ) the complete and right continuous filtration

generated by X. We also denote by EP the expectation with respect to the

probability lawP.

Let M be a continuous local (Ft)-martingale with values in H defined on

(Ω,F, P). We say that M is (Ft)-extremal if P is an extreme point of the

convex set of probabilities law on F∞ = σ(Fs, s ≥ 0) for which M is a local


We say thatM has the predictable representation property with respect to the filtration (Ft) if for every real local (Ft)-martingaleN on (Ω,F∞, P) there exists

an (Ft)-predictable process (Ht) with values inH′ such that


Z t



for everyt ≥0. As in the real case, this is equivalent to the existence, for every

Y ∈L2(Ω,F∞), of an (Ft)-predictable process (Ht) with values inH′ such that

Y =EP(Y) +

Z +∞



Received November 22, 2006; revised January 24, 2008. 2000Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 60G44.


and R0+∞||Hs||2dhMis < +∞ (this can be proved in the same way as in [3,

Propsition 3.2].

We say thatM is extremal or has the predictable representation property if it has this property with respect to the filtration (FM

t ).

WhenH=Rthe notions of extremal martingales and predictable representa-tion property coincide with the same usual ones. We recall here that this case was studied by Strook and Yor in a remarkable paper [4].

In this paper we will prove that a local (Ft)-martingale on (Ω,F, P) with values

inH is extremal if and only if it has the predictable representation property. We also give some examples of extremal martingales with values in H, that are defined by stochastic integrals of real predictable processes with respect to a cylindrical Brownian motion inH.

In the whole paper we will fix a hilbertian basis{en:n∈N} ofH.

2. Preliminary results

We denote byH02the space of bounded continuous real (Ft)-martingales vanishing

at 0. Equipped with the inner product hM, NiH2

0 =EP(hM, Ni∞), ∀M, N ∈H 2 0,


0 is a Hilbert space.

IfM is a continuous local (Ft)-martingale of integrable square with values in H, we denote byhMithe increasing predictable process such thatkMk2

H− hMiis

a local (Ft)-martingale. IfM andN are two local (Ft)-martingales of integrable

squares, we define the processhM, Niby standard polarisation.

IfM is a bounded continuous local (Ft)-martingale with values inH, we denote


p(H′, M) the space of (Ft)-predictable processesh= (Ht) with values in H′

such that EP(

R+∞ 0 kHsk


s) < ∞. We denote by H ·M the matringale


For any stopping time T of the filtration (Ft) and any process X = (Xt), XT denotes the process (X

t∧T). We say that a stopping timeT reduces a local

martingaleZ ifZT is a bounded martingale.

Proposition 2.1. Let M be a continuous local (Ft)-martingale with values in H, then every real continuous local (FM

t )-martingale X = (Xt), vanishing at 0, can be uniquely written as

X =H·M +L where H is a (FM

t )-predictable process with values in H′ and L is a real local


t )-martingale such that, for any stopping time T such that the martingales MT andXT are bounded,LT is orthogonal inH2

0 to the subspace

G={H·MT :H ∈ L2p(H ′

, MT)}.


times reducingX andM; letT be one of them. Put

G={H·MT :H ∈ L2p(H ′

, MT)}.

It is then clear that Gis a closed subspace of H2

0 and that we can write XT =


H.MT+ ¯L, where ¯LG. For any bounded stopping timeS, we have EP(MSTLS) = EP(MSTEP(L∞|Fs))

= EP(MsTL∞) = 0

sinceMT∧S G. Because of the unicity,H andLextend to processes satisfying

the desired conditions.

We will also need a vectorial version of a theorem in the measure theory due to Douglas. Let us consider the set P of sequences π= (Pn), n≥1, of probability

measures on (Ω,F). For any probability measure P on (Ω,F), denote by π(P) the element ofP defined on EbyPn=P for every n≥1.

For any functionf with values inHdefined on a setE, letfn be the functions

defined byfn(x) =hf(x), eniH for everyx∈E.

LetLbe a set ofF-mesurable functions with values inH, we denote byKLthe

set of sequencesπ= (Pn)∈ Psuch thatfn∈L1Pn(Ω,F) and


fndPn= 0 for any f ∈ Land anyn≥1. It is easy to see that the set KL is convex.

The following theorem is a vectorial version of a classical theorem in the measure theory due to Douglas ([3, Chap. V, Theorem 4.4])

Theorem 2.2. Let (Ω,F, P) be a probability space, L a set of F-measurable functions with values inHandL∗the vector space generated byLand the constants inH. ThenL∗is dense inL1

P(Ω,H)if and only if,π(P)is an extreme point ofKL. Proof. The idea of the proof is the same as for the classical theorem of Douglas. Assume thatL∗ is dense inL1(Ω,H), letπ1= (P1

n) and letπ2= (Pn2) inKLsuch

thatπ(P) =απ1+ (1−α)π2, with 0≤α≤1. Ifα6= 0,1, thenπ1,π2 andπ(P) would be identical onL∗, and therefore on

L1P(Ω,H) by density, henceπ(P) is an extreme point ofKL.

Conversely, assume that π(P) is an extreme point of KL. Then if L∗ is not

dense in L1

P(Ω,H), there exists, following Hahn-Banach theorem, a continuous

linear form ϕ not identically 0 on L1

P(Ω,H) which vanishes onL

. But such a

form can be identified with an element ofL∞(Ω,H), hence we can find functions gn∈L∞P(Ω), n∈N, such that

φ(f) =X




for any f = Pnfnen ∈ L1(Ω,H). We can assume that kgnk∞ ≤ 1 for any n.

Put, for any n≥1,Pn1 = (1−gn)P andPn2= (1 +gn)P, thenπ1 = (Pn1)∈ KL, π2= (Pn2)∈ KLandπ(P) =απ1+(1−α)π2, butπ16=π2, which is a contradiction


Remark. If H =R, then KL is simply the convex set of probability lawsQ

on (Ω,F) such that L ⊂ L1Q(Ω) and R fdQ = 0 for any f ∈ L. In this case, Theorem 2.2 is reduced to the classical Douglas Theorem.

LetX = (Xt) be an integrable process with values inH (i.e. Xtis integrable

for everyt). Put

L={1A(Xt−Xs) :A∈ FsX, s≤t}.

ThenXis a martingale under the lawP, with values inH, if and only ifπ(P)∈ L∗.

If F = FX

∞, this is equivalent to π(P) is an extreme point of KL or to P is

an extreme point of the set of probability laws Q on (Ω,FX

∞), X being a local

martingale of (FX) under the lawQ.

Proposition 2.3. Assume that π(P) is an extreme point of KL. Then every H-valued local (FX

t )-martingale has a continuous version.

Proof. As in the real case it suffices to prove that for any Y ∈ L1(Ω,H), the martingaleN defined by


is continuous. It is not hard to see that this result is true if Y ∈ L∗. Now, by

Theorem 2.2, ifY ∈L1(Ω,H), one can find a sequence (Yn) inL∗which converges

toY inL1(Ω,H)- norm. For anyε >0, one has




Hence, by reasoning as for the real martingales, we obtain the desired result.

It follows easily from the above proposition that if π(P) is an extreme point of KL, then every local (FtX)-martingale with values in a real separable Hilbert

spaceKhas a continuous version.

Theorem 2.4. LetM be a continuous local(Ft)-martingale defined on(Ω,F, P) with values inH. The following statements are equivalent:

i) M is extremal.

ii) M has the predictable representation property with respect to (FM t ), and the σ-algebraFM

0 isP-a.s. trivial.

Proof. Put

L={1A(Mt−Ms) :A∈ FsM, s≤t}.

Assume first that M is extremal, that is π(P) is an extremal point of KL, and

letY ∈L∞

P(Ω,F∞M). Then by Proposition 2.1, there exist a predictable process H= (Ht) with values inH′ and a real continuous martingaleL= (Lt) such that

EP(Y|FtM) =EP(Y) +

Z t


HsdMs+Lt, ∀t≥0,

withhH·MT, Li= 0 for any (FM

t )-stopping timeT and anyK∈ L2P(H, MT).By

stopping and by virtue of the relationhM, LTi=hM, YiT, we can assume that|L|

is bounded by a constantk >0. PutP1

n = (1 +L2∞k)P andP 2

n = (1−L2∞k )P. Let π1= (Pn1) andπn2 = (Pn2); then we haveπ(P) =12π1+



because of the extremality ofπ(P), thenL∞ = 0. We then deduce that L= 0, furthermore

EP(Y|FtM) =EP(Y) +

Z t




Y =EP(Y) +

Z +∞



Conversely, if P = αP1 + (1−α)P2, where π(P1), π(P2) ∈ KL, then the real

martingale (dP1|FtM

dP ) admits a continuous versionLbecauseP has the predictable

representation property, andL·M is a martingale under the probabilityP, hence hM, Li= 0. But we haveLt=L0+


0HsdMs, henceforthhX, Lit=



It then follows thatP-a.s. we have Hs = dhMis-p.s., hence


0HsdMs = 0, for

everyt≥0. ThenLis constant, i.e. Lt=L0for everyt≥0. SinceF0M is trivial,

we haveL0= 1 and then P=P1=P2. This proves thatP is extremal.

3. Examples

Proposition 3.1. The cylindrical Brownian motion in H (defined on a prob-ability space(Ω,F, P)is an extremal martingale.

Proof. Let us remark that since H is separable, then the σ-algebra generated by the continuous linear forms onHis identical to the Borelσ-algebra ofH.

LetQbe a probability measure onFB

∞for whichBis a local martingale. Then

for any non identically 0 continuous linear form φ on H, the process φ(B) = (φ(Bt)) is a real Brownian motion under the probabilities measures P and Q;

thenQ=P onF∞φ(B). Sinceφ is arbitrary, it follows thatQ=P on σ({φ(Bt) : t ≥ 0, φ ∈ H′} = FB

∞. Hence P is the unique probability measure on F∞B for

whichB is a local martingale. Then the martingaleB is extremal.

Proposition 3.2. Let (Ht) be a real process (FtB)-predictable such that P-almost every ω ∈ Ω, the set {s ≥ 0 : Hs(ω) 6= 0} is of null Lebesgue mea-sure, and such that EP(R+∞

0 Hs2ds)< +∞. Then the martingale M defined by Mt=


0HsdBsis extremal.

Proof. By replacing if necessary the Brownian motion (Bt) by the Brownian

motion (R0tsgn(Hs)dBt), we may assume that the process (Ht) is non-negative.

We have, up to a multiplicative constant,


Z t


Hs2ds·I, ∀t≥0,

where I is the identity operator on H (see [2]), hence the process (Ht) is


t )-adapted. On the other hand, we have


Z t





hence B is (FM

t )-adapted. Then (FtM) = (FtB). If N = (Nt) is a real


t -martingale, we have, following the above proposition, Nt=c+

Z t


XsdBs, ∀t≥0,

whereX= (Xt) is a (FtB)-predictable process with values inHandcis a constant,



Z t

0 Xs Hs

dMs, ∀t≥0.

ThenM is extremal by Theorem 2.4.

Let (Ht) be as in the above proposition. Then for P-almost everyω ∈Ω, the

mapping fromH in H defined by x7→Ht(ω)xis for almost every t ≥0 (in the

Lebesgue measure sense) an isomorphism from H into itself. This suggests the following problem:

Problem: LetHandK be two real separable Hilbert spaces, (Bt) a

cylindri-cal Brownian motion in H, and let (Ht) be a predictable process with values in

L(H,K) such that the stochastic integral R0tHsdBs is well defined and that for

anyt≥0, andP-almost anyω∈Ω,Htis for almost everyt≥0 an isomorphism

fromHin K. IsH·B extremal?


1. Dellacherie C. and Meyer P. A.,Probabilit´es et Potentiel, Chap. IV and V, Hermann, Paris,


2. Metivier M., and Pellaumail J.,Stochastic Integration, Academic Press, 1980.

3. Revuz D., and Yor M.,Continuous martingales and brownian motion, Springer-Verlag, 1992. 4. Strook D., and Yor M.,On extremal solutions of martingales problems, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm.

Sup.,13(1) (1980), 95–164.


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