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Hypertension in pregnancy and statistical power


Academic year: 2017

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Alvaro Nagib Atallah*

H ypertension in pregnancy and statistical pow er


ypertension in pregnancy is a m ajor cause of

m aternal and fetal m orbidity. I P reeclam psia,

eclam psia, intrauterine grow th retardation, and

perinatal m ortality are adverse effects associated w ith


A pproxim ately 1 0 percent of pregnant w om en are at risk for com plications attributable to high arterial blood

pressure.2 A lthough the treatm ent of hypertension reduces

the m aternal risks,3 the benefits for the fetus are not yet


T he treatm ent of hypertension crises, one of the m ost

dangerous types of hypertension in pregnancy m ay be

obtained w ith efficacy using low dose nifedipine (5 m g per

oral), or hydrazaline (5 m g IM ). R educing the dosage is

aim ed at decreasing the risks of m aternal hypotension and

fetal death.5 .6

B oth drugs have about 90 percent efficacy in reducing

blood pressure, but it is not know n w ich drug carriers less risk of adverse effects for the fetus. S uppose that one percent

of fetal deaths could be attributed to one drug, and the other drug could be attributed w ith 0.5 percent; that m eans a 50

percent less chance of fetal deaths. In o rd er to h av e 9 0 p ercen t p o w er to d etect th e refered d ifferen ce o n th e

fetal attrib u tab le m o rtality rate to each o f th ese d ru g s, a stu d y o f 1 4 ,0 0 0 w o m en w ith h y p erten siv e crises w o u ld

b e req u ired .7

A lthough doing a random ized clinical trial of such

m agnitude w ould be very difficult, it w ould certainly not

be im possible - if the question w ere considered relevant

for researchers, and m ore im portantly, for funders. S im ilar situations, as are the cases of drugs adverse effects are

* MD, PhD, MSc

Department of Internal Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicina Chairman, Editor, Sao Paulo Medical Journal.

com m on in m edical literature, and im portant because they

represent hum an suffering and death.

A proposal for a random ized clinical trial has been

prepared by the E clam psia T rial G roup, aim ed at com paring m agnesium sulfate w ith placebo. T he sam ple size is estim ated

at 14,000 cases. T he trial w ould be collaborati ve, w ith various

groups in E urope and developing countries participating. T he

effort is w orthw hile, as the prevention of eclam psia could

prevent about 50,000 m aternal deaths annually, 99 percent

of w hich occur in the developing w orld.x


I . D av ies A M . E p id em io lo g y o f h y p erten siv e d iso rd ers o f p reg n an cy . B u ll W H O 1 9 7 9 ;5 7 :3 7 3 .

2 . A tallah A N , S o u za M esq u ita M R , et al. E stu d o p ro sp ectiv o co h o rt d e g estan tes co m h ip erten sao arterial cro n ica. 1B ras N efro l 1 9 9 0 ; 1 2 : 1 1 3 -2 0 .

3 . R ed m an C W C . T reatm en t o f h y p erten sio n in p reg n an cy . K id n ey In t 1 9 8 0 ; 1 8 :2 5 9 .

4 . Z u sp an F P . C h ro n ic h y p erten sio n in p reg n an cy . C li O b stet G y n eco l 1 9 8 4 ;2 7 (4 ):6 8 4 .

5 . W alss RRl, L u z M F P G R A . M an ag em en t o f sev ere p reeclam p sia/eclam p sia: A co m p ariso n b etw een n ifid ip in e an d h y d ralazin e as an tih y p erten siv e d ru g s. G in eco l O b stet M ex 1 9 9 3 ;6 1 :7 6 -9 .

6 . A tallah A N , S o u za M esq u ita M R , K en ji G , et al. E stu d o ran d o m izad o co n tro lad o d a h id ralazin a e d a n ifed ip in a n as crises h ip erten siv as n a g estatc;ao . R ev B ras G in eco l O b stet

1 9 8 9 ; 1 2 : 1 0 -1 4 .

7 . B u lp itt Cl. H o w m an y su b jects are req u ired fo r a trial? In : B u lp itt Cl,ed . R an d o m ized co n tro lled clin ical trials, B o sto n , L o n d o n : M artin u s N ish o ff, 1 9 8 3 :9 6 -1 1 8 .

8 . T h e E clam p sia T rial C o llab o rativ e G ro u p . W h ich an tico n v u lsan t w ith eclam p sia? E v id en ce fro m th e C o llab o rativ e E clam p sia T rial. L an cet 1 9 9 5 ;3 4 5 : 1 4 5 5 -6 3 .


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