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Extensions of solutions of a functional equation in two variables


Academic year: 2017

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Opuscula Mathematica Vol. 29No. 4 2009

Janusz Matkowski



Abstract. An extension theorem for the functional equation of several variables

f(M(x, y)) =N(f(x), f(y)),

where the given functionsM andN are left-side autodistributive, is presented.

Keywords: functional equation, autodistributivity, strict mean, extension theorem.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 39B22.


Recently Zs. Páles [2] considered the extension problem for the functional equation of the form

f(x) =M(f(m1(x, y)), . . . , f(mk(x, y)))

whereM is ak-variable bisymmetric operation andm1, . . . , mk some binary commut-ing operations.

In this note we deal with the extension problem for the functional equation

f(M(x, y)) =N(f(x), f(y))

where the given functions M and N are left-side autodistributive and M is a strict mean. The functions satisfying this functional equation are called(M, N)-affine (cf. [1] where the case when bothM andN are means is considered).

We prove the following

Theorem 1.1. LetI, J Rbe open intervals. Suppose thatM :I2I,N :J2J are continuous strictly increasing with respect to the first variable and such that

M(M(x, y), z)) =M(M(x, z), M(y, z)), x, y, z∈I, (1.1)


424 Janusz Matkowski

N(N(x, y), z)) =N(N(x, z), N(y, z)), x, y, z∈J. (1.2)

We also assume thatM is a strict mean, that is

min(x, y)< M(x, y)<max(x, y), x, y∈I, x6=y.

If f : I0→J satisfies the functional equation

f(M(x, y)) =N(f(x), f(y)), x, y∈I0, (1.3)

for a nontrivial intervalI0⊂I, then there exists a unique function F :I→J such that F|I0 =f and

F(M(x, y)) =N(F(x), F(y)), x, y∈I.

Proof. Assume thatI0⊂Iis a maximal subinterval ofIon which the functionf can be extended to satisfy equation (1.3). Suppose first that

b:= supI0<supI.

Take an arbitrarya∈I0,a < b. Then

f(M(x, y)) =N(f(x), f(y)), x, y∈[a, b]. (1.4)

SinceM is a continuous and strict mean, there is ac∈I,c > bsuch thatM(a, c)< b. Hence, asM is strictly increasing with respect to the first variable,

M(x, c)< b, x∈[a, c].

Setting y:=ain (1.4) we have

f(M(x, a)) =N(f(x), f(a)), x∈[a, c].


f(a)denote the inverse function ofN(·, f(a)). DefineFa : [a, c]→J by

Fa(x) :=N


f(a)(f(M(x, a))), x∈[a, c].

Note that by (1.4) the functionFa is correctly defined,

Fa(x) =f(x), x∈[a, b],


f(M(x, a)) =N(Fa(x), f(a)), x∈[a, c]. (1.5)

Now making use respectively of the definition ofFa, the property (1.1) ofM, equation (1.4), equation (1.5), property (1.2) ofN, for allx, y∈[a, c]we have

Fa(M(x, y)) :=N


f(a)(f(M(M(x, y), a))) =N


f(a)(f(M(M(x, a), M(y, a))) =


f(a)(N(f(M(x, a)), f(M(y, a)))) =


f(a)(N(N(Fa(x), f(a)), N(Fa(y), f(a)))) =



Extensions of solutions of a functional equation in two variables 425

that is

Fa(M(x, y)) =N(Fa(x), Fa(y)), x, y∈[a, c]. (1.6)

In the case when infI0∈I0 we can takea= infI0. PuttingF :=Fa we get

F(M(x, y)) =N(F(x), F(y)), x, y∈[a, c].

SinceF|I0 =f andI0 [a, c], this contradicts the maximality of the interval I0. In the case when infI0∈/I, we take a decreasing sequence(an:n∈N)such that

infI0= limn→∞an and defineF : (infI0, c]→J by

F(x) :=Fan(x), x∈[an, c], n∈N.

This definition is correct because, by (1.3),

m < n=⇒Fam =Fan


In view of (1.6), we have

F(M(x, y)) =N(F(x), F(y)), x, y∈(infI0, c].

SinceF|I0 =f andI0 (infI0, c], this contradicts the maximality of the intervalI0. The obtained contradiction proves that supI0 = supI. In a similar way we can show thatinfI0= infI. This completes the proof.


[1] J. Matkowski,Convex functions with respect to a mean and a characterization a quasi--arithmetic mean, Real Anal. Exchange29(2003/2004) 1, 220–246.

[2] Zs. Páles, Extension theorems for functional equations with bisymmetric operations, Aequationes Math.63(2002), 266–291.

Janusz Matkowski


University of Zielona Góra

Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometry, ul. Podgórna 50, 65-246 Zielona Góra, Poland

Silesian University Institute of Mathematics 40-007 Katowice, Poland


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