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Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory


Academic year: 2021

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(1)ISSNe: 2182.2883 | ISSNp: 0874.0283 Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.12707/RIV14024. REVIEW PAPER. Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory Empoderamento e satisfação profissional em Enfermagem: uma revisão integrativa, em consonância com a Teoria Estrutural Empoderamiento y satisfacción profesional en Enfermería: una revisión integradora, según la Teoría Estructur Abílio Cardoso Teixeira*; Maria do Céu Barbieri-Figueiredo**. Abstract Context: Power is a central concept in professional development and one of the characteristics of the decision-making process, ¼tb¼|b±È¼|¼|bÁ´bn8ÁŒ¦ÁbFYʐn ŒÈ†bYtb¡,|±Át|¼|bœ±Ob´´n ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V¼|bœ±nb´´Œ8†´8F†b¼ŒqÁbŒOb others, being considered a key aspect in contemporary organisations. ObjectivesU,´¼ÁYʼ|b±b†8¼Œ´|œFb¼ÈbbŒ ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼8ŒYF+8¼´n8O¼ŒVŒ8o±´¼8Œ8†Ê´´Vn±‰8´¼±ÁO¼Á±8†œb±´œbO¼Çb¡ Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of articles published in MEDLINE and CINAHL databases between 2005 and 2011, according to the PICOD methodology. ResultsU,ÈbŒ¼Ê~¼È8±¼O†b´n±‰Ynnb±bŒ¼OŒ¼bɼ´Èb±bYbŒ¼obYVnÈ|O|‰´¼n¼|b‰Èb±bOŒYÁO¼bYŒωb±O8ž¸s Ÿ 8ŒYÏ´8ž½À Ÿ¡ Conclusion: Despite this diversity, a clear and directly proportional association between Empowerment and Job Satisfaction È8´ nÁŒY¡ ,|b œb±Obœ¼Œ n ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ ´ ŒqÁbŒObY FÊ 8tbV OŒ¼bɼ n œ±nb´´Œ8† œb±n±‰8ŒObV 8ŒY 8O8Yb‰O 8ŒY œ±nb´´Œ8†¦Á8†oO8¼Œ´¡ Á±´b8±O|±b¼±bÇbYŒ´¼ÁYb´OŒYÁO¼bYŒ(±¼Át8†V¼|Á´¼´‰œ±¼8Œ¼¼nÁ±¼|b±bɜ†±b¼|´ issue... Keywords: nursing; empowerment; job satisfaction; review.. Resumo. Resumen. Contexto: Poder é um conceito central para o desenvolvimento œ±o´´Œ8†V ´bŒY Á‰8 Y8´ O8±8O¼b±€´¼O8´ Y œ±Ob´´ Yb ¼‰8Y8 de decisões, em conjunto com o recurso a um corpo único de conhecimentos. Através do processo de Empoderamento o œ±o´´Œ8† b´¼9 8œ¼ 8 ŒqÁbŒO8±  Á¼± ´bŒY OŒ´Yb±8Y Á‰ elemento chave nas organizações contemporâneas. Objetivos: Estudar a relação existente entre Empoderamento e +8¼´n8QE (±o´´Œ8†V ŒÁ‰8 œ±‰b±8 8Œ9†´bV Y œŒ¼ Yb Ç´¼8 estrutural. Metodologia: Procedeu-se a uma revisão integrativa da literatura žÀÎÎp~ÀΗ—ŸYb8±¼t´Y8´F8´b´YbY8Y´bY†Œb® e CINAHL, de acordo com a metodologia PICOD. ResultadosU±8‰YbŒ¼oO8Y´ÀÀ8±¼t´Vœ±ÇbŒbŒ¼b´YbOŒ¼bɼ´ Ç8±8Y´V´bŒY8‰8±8bnb¼Á8Y´ŒOŒ¼ŒbŒ¼b8‰b±O8Œž¸s Ÿ b8´9¼Ož½À Ÿ¡ Conclusão: Apesar desta diversidade, constata-se a clara relação bɜ±b´´8 bŒ¼±b ‰œYb±8‰bŒ¼ b +8¼´n8QE (±o´´Œ8†V ´bŒY Y±b¼8‰bŒ¼b œ±œ±OŒ8´¡ +8†bŒ¼8~´b 8ŒY8 8 ŒqÁdŒO8 Y8 Y8YbV OŒ¼bɼ Yb Yb´b‰œbŒ| œ±o´´Œ8†V n±‰8QE 8O8Yc‰O8 b ¦Á8†oO8QEœ±o´´Œ8†Œ8œb±ObœQEYb ‰œYb±8‰bŒ¼¡

(2) 8YVY8 nossa pesquisa, não ter sido possível localizar estudos conduzidos em Portugal, importa o desenvolvimento desta temática.. Contexto: El poder es un concepto central para el desarrollo profesional y una de las características del proceso de toma de decisiones, junto con el recurso a un único cuerpo de conocimiento. A través del proceso de empoderamiento, el œ±nb´Œ8† b´ O8œ8Í Yb ŒqÁ± bŒ b† ¼± Ê ´b †b OŒ´Yb±8 ÁŒ elemento clave en las organizaciones contemporáneas. Objetivos: Estudiar la relación entre el empoderamiento y la satisfacción profesional en un primer análisis, según la teoría estructural. Metodología: Los autores realizaron una revisión integradora de †8†¼b±8¼Á±8žÀÎÎp~ÀΗ—ŸYb8±¼€OÁ†´bŒ†8´F8´b´YbY8¼´bY†Œb y CINAHL®, de acuerdo con la metodología PICOD. ResultadosU+bYbŒ¼oO8±ŒÀÀ8±¼€OÁ†´YbYÇb±´´OŒ¼bɼ´V†8 ‰8ʐ±€8±b8†Í8Y´bŒb†OŒ¼ŒbŒ¼b8‰b±O8Œž¸s ŸÊ8´9¼O ž½À Ÿ¡ Conclusión: A pesar de esta diversidad, se ha observado una clara relación directamente proporcional entre empoderamiento y satisfacción profesional. Asimismo, es importante destacar la ŒqÁbŒO8 Yb †8 bY8YV b† OŒ¼bɼ Yb Yb´b‰œbŽ œ±nb´Œ8†V †8 n±‰8O‘Œ 8O8Yc‰O8 Ê †8 OÁ8†oO8O‘Œ œ±nb´Œ8† bŒ †8 percepción del empoderamiento. Puesto que, en nuestro estudio, no se han podido localizar los estudios llevados a cabo en Portugal, es importante ir más allá de este tema.. Palavras-chave: enfermagem; empoderamento; satisfação no emprego; revisão. C+O¡VÁ±´Œt+ObŒOb¡*V(±¼´œ¼8† bŒ¼±bj´œ¼8†n+8Œ¼ό¼‘ŒVs΍~ÎΗV Porto, Portugal [abilio.cardosoteixeira@gmail.com]. Contribution to the article: Bibliographic search, data collection, analysis and discussion, article writing. Address for correspondence: Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital de Santo António, Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos 1. 8±t(±n¡ÏFb†+8†8Í8±Vsθ¸~ÎΗ(±¼V(±¼Át8†¡ CC(|¡

(3) ¡VÁ±´Œt+ObŒOb´¡ ±YŒ8¼Œt(±nb´´±V(±¼Á±´Œt ††btbVsÀÎÎ~ηÀV(±¼V Portugal [ceu@esenf.pt]. Contribution to the article: Bibliographic search, data collection, analysis and discussion.. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência. Palabras clave: enfermería; empoderamiento; satisfacción en el trabajo; revisión.. *bObÇbYn±œÁF†O8¼ŒU—¡ÎÀ¡—s ÏOObœ¼bYn±œÁF†O8¼ŒU—¡Î½¡—p. Série IV - n.° 6 - jul./aug./sep. 2015. pp.151-158.

(4) Introduction Nursing is currently undergoing structural and ±t8Œ´8¼Œ8† O|8Œtb´ ž+b±±8ŒV ´¼8V ? ´¼8V ÀΗ—ŸV8ŒY¼|b±b8±b¼|´bÈ|OŒ´Yb±Á±´Œt8´ the profession with the lowest prestige within the |b8†¼|´Ê´¼b‰ž†b¼O|b±VÀÎηŸ¡Œœ8±8††b†V8ŒYŒ†Œb ȼ|+b±±8Œb¼8†¡žÀΗ—ŸV¼|bœ±Ob´´nOŒ´¼±ÁO¼Œ n¼|bY´Oœ†Œb8ŒY¼´bǐ†Á¼Œžn±‰8nÁŒO¼Œ8†´¼ 8œœ±8O| ¼ 8 ±bqbÉÇb 8œœ±8O|Ÿ †8ÁŒO|bY ¼|b debate and led to some fruitful discussions among peers. Thus, the interest emerged to study the phenomenon of Nursing Empowerment, given its ‰œ8O¼ Œ ´bÇb±8† Ç8±8F†b´ ŒqÁbŒOŒt Á±´ŒtV Œ particular job satisfaction. As in other disciplines, Empowerment plays a ObŒ¼±8† ±†b Œ Á±´Œt ž+¼bÈ8±¼V OÁ†¼ÊV ±noŒV ? ¼Íœ8¼±O V ÀΗΟ¡ ,|Á´V YboŒŒt ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ might seem an arduous task, as it is a complex ´´Áb ŒqÁbŒObY FÊ ‰8ŒÊ n8O¼±´¡ φ¼|Át| ¼|b±b 8±b ŒÁ‰b±Á´ YboŒ¼Œ´ n ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ Œ ¼|b literature on management, the central idea is related ¼¼|b8O¦Á´¼ŒnœÈb±ž8´8±b´Á†¼n¼|bȐ±  OŒY¼Œ´ nnb±bY FÊ ¼|b ±t8Œ´8¼ŒŸ FÊ ¼|b individuals so as to effectively accomplish their work ž8´O|Œtb±V†Fb±¼V+‰¼|V?b´†bVÀΗΟ¡ There are two theories of Empowerment regarding organisational environment: structural and psychological empowerment. According to Laschinger, Œbt8ŒV +|8‰8ŒV 8ŒY 3†  žÀÎǟV ´¼±ÁO¼Á±8† empowerment refers to the presence or absence of empowering conditions in the workplace. Psychological empowerment is related to a sense of motivation towards the organisational environment, based on the dimensions of meaning, competence, selfYb¼b±‰Œ8¼ŒV8ŒY‰œ8O¼ž8´O|Œtb±b¼8†¡VÀΗΟ¡ However, assuming that the subjectivity resulting from the complexity of this issue could be present in its 8Œ8†Ê´´V 8´O|Œtb± b¼ 8†¡ žÀÎǟ ´|È ¼|8¼ ¼ Ȇ† Fb possible to measure this concept, from a structural œb±´œbO¼ÇbVF8´bYŒ´¼ÁYb´FÊ8Œ¼b±Œ—··¡,|´ author argues that the social structures of professional ±t8Œ´8¼Œ´ŒqÁbŒOb¼|b8¼¼¼ÁYb´8ŒYFb|8ǐÁ±´n the employees who react rationally to the situations in È|O|¼|bÊoŒY¼|b‰´b†Çb´V8Œ¼Oœ8¼Œt¼|8¼œÈb±´ the ability to mobilise resources to secure desired ends. Power in an organisation derives from the access to the following sources found in the formal and informal ´Ê´¼b‰´ž8´O|Œtb±V?Œbt8ŒVÀÎÎp8ŸUž8ŸŒn±‰8¼ŒV. ¼bO|ŒO8† 8ŒY ´ObŒ¼oO ŒÈ†bYtb ŒbOb´´8±Ê ¼ accomplish work, congruent with the individual and ±t8Œ´8¼Œ8† Ç8†Áb´¶ FŸ ´Áœœ±¼V ±b†8¼Œ´|œ ȼ| peers and senior staff and the ability to take risks, without going through the several layers of approval; OŸ±b´Á±Ob´V8F†¼Ê¼ŒqÁbŒOb¼|b8O¦Á´¼Œn¼‰bV material and human resources necessary to accomplish Ȑ± 8ŒY¼|b±t8Œ´8¼Œ8†F„bO¼Çb´¶YŸœœ±¼ÁŒ¼ÊV opportunities to increase the knowledge and skills ŒbOb´´8±Ê ¼ 8OO‰œ†´| Ȑ±  žO

(5) Œ8†YV ,Á††8~ OÁŒŒb´´V8Yt8ŒV?+|Çb†ÊVÀΗΟ¡ +b±±8Œb¼8†¡žÀΗ—Ÿ8YÇ´b¼|8¼VŒ8´ ††´8Œ8†Ê´´V it is imperative to refer to the relationships between the professionals and the institution, given the mutualistic relationship established. Thus, it is important to create conditions to optimise work and ensure access to the abovementioned structured, which should be a responsibility of senior managers. Employees feel empowered if they feel that their organisational environment provides them access to these structures, resulting in increased levels of organisational commitment, autonomy, and selfbnoO8OÊž8´O|Œtb±?Œbt8ŒVÀÎÎpFŸ¡ The Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire ž 3 )ŸÈ8´YbÇb†œbYFÊ |8ŒY†b±Œ—g¸8ŒYn±‰ ¼Yb±ÇbY¼|b 3 )~ž8´O|Œtb±b¼8†¡VÀÎǟVÈ|O| OŒ´´¼´n—¼b‰´žŒ8´O8†bn—¼pŸŒ¼bŒYbY to measure six components described by Kanter žœœ±¼ÁŒ¼ÊVŒn±‰8¼ŒV´Áœœ±¼V±b´Á±Ob´Vn±‰8† œÈb±V 8ŒY Œn±‰8† œÈb±Ÿ 8ŒY 8Œ xbɼ±8y À~¼b‰ ´O8†bžt†F8†b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼Vn±Ç8†Y8¼ŒœÁ±œ´b´Ÿ¡ +O±b´±8Œtbn±‰¸¼½ÎU´O±b´±8ŒtŒtn±‰¸¼ —½ ±bœ±b´bŒ¼ †È †bÇb†´ n b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V —s ¼ ÀÀ ‰Yb±8¼b†bÇb†´nb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V8ŒYÀ½¼½Î|t| †bÇb†´nb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ž8´O|Œtb±b¼8†¡VÀÎǟ¡ +tŒoO8Œ¼ Y8¼8 ‰8Ê Fb F¼8ŒbY n±‰ 8Œ8†Ê´Œt the results obtained with the abovementioned instruments, since access to these structures leads to a higher organisational commitment and sense n 8Á¼Œ‰Ê ž8´O|Œtb± b¼ 8†¡V ÀÎǟ¡ Ï œ´¼Çb relationship was found between Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and commitment to organisational goals ž8´O|Œtb±?Œbt8ŒVÀÎÎp8¶ŒtV7|ŒtVFV? )Á„bVÀÎ΍Ÿ¡ An integrative literature review was conducted to assess and synthesise the knowledge produced and published in this area. It will focus on the structural perspective so as to identify the relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction.. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory. 152.

(6) Thus, this study aims to characterise the relationship between Empowerment and job satisfaction based on the Structural Theory through studies published between 2005 and 2011 in the databases of selected indexed journals. To accomplish this objective, we intend to answer the following research question: x3|8¼ ´ ¼|b ±b†8¼Œ´|œ Fb¼ÈbbŒ œ±nb´´Œ8† empowerment and job satisfaction in Nursing from ¼|b ´¼±ÁO¼Á±8† œŒ¼ n Çbȧy ,|b ±b´Á†¼´ F¼8ŒbY may inform future studies and serve as basis for the development of the clinical practice and, consequently, the discipline itself, with a potential to ŒqÁbŒOb œ†Ob´ žÏ|‰8Y ? ±8ŒÊbV ÀΗζ |8ŒtV ÁV?5bŒVÀÎÎg¶V |bŒV?ÁVÀÎÎg¶8´O|Œtb±V b¼b±V

(7) 8ÊV?†ŒVÀÎ΍Ÿ¡. Methodological Procedures of Integrative Review. 8ŒÁ8±ÊÀΗ—¡,±b´¼±O¼¼|b¼b±‰´ž8OO±YŒt¼b+ Yb´O±œ¼±´ŸV ¼|b n††ÈŒt †b8Œ bɜ±b´´Œ È8´ Á´bYU žempowerment OR autonomyŸ Ï

(8)  žnurs*Ÿ Ï

(9) žJob satisfaction OR work satisfaction OR intent to leaveŸ¡ ,|b ±bÇbÈ nOÁ´bY Œ 8±¼O†b´ œÁF†´|bY between 2005 and 2011 in MEDLINE® and CINAHL Y8¼8F8´b´ž,8F†bÀŸ¡,|b¼b±‰´autonomy and intent to leave were chosen for being complementary to the main search terms. This study followed the steps recommended by ¼|b 8ŒŒ8 ±tt´ Œ´¼¼Á¼b ž V ÀΗ—ŸU n±‰Á†8¼Œ n 8 ±b´b8±O| ¦Áb´¼ŒV YboŒ¼Œ n ¼|b †¼b±8¼Á±b selection methods, description of the data extraction procedure, evaluation of the results according to their relevance and validity, data extraction, and synthesis of the conclusions. The research question follows the PICOD ‰b¼|Y†tÊ ž V ÀΗ—ŸU œ8±¼Oœ8Œ¼´V Œ¼b±ÇbŒ¼ŒV context, outcomes, and design/type of study, as shown in Table 1.. The search for articles written in Portuguese and English was carried out between December 2010 and Table 1 Search strategy following the PICO(D) methodology (JBI, 2011) Participants. Intervention. Nurses. Empowerment. Search terms. Nurs*. Empowerment OR Autonomy. *boŒb‰bŒ¼. Sample composed of Nurses. Context Outcomes Structural Job Satisfaction ž ±t8Œ´8¼ŒŸ “Job Satisfaction” OR “Work Satisfaction” OR “Intent to leave” Use of the. 3 )~. Design )Á8Œ¼¼8¼Çb8œœ±8O|V Á´Œt¼|b 3 )~. -´bn¼|b 3 )~. ,±boŒb¼|b´b8±O|V¼|b8±b8nŒ¼b±b´¼È8´±b´¼±O¼bY Autonomy” or “Empowerment” or “Job Satisfaction”, to “Nursing” and the main subject to “Professional as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Á‰Fb±n±b´Á†¼´8OO±YŒt¼¼|bY8¼8F8´b8ŒY¼|b±b´œbO¼Çb±boŒb‰bŒ¼FÊ´ÁF„bO¼

(10) 8¼8F8´bžŒÁ‰Fb±n±b´Á†¼´Ÿ MEDLINE®ž½ÀΟ. ÏžÀg½Ÿ. ÏžÀg½Ÿ. *boŒbYFÊ´ÁF„bO¼žŒÁ‰Fb±n±b´Á†¼´Ÿ Professional AutonomyžÀÀ—Ÿ Empowermentžs¸Ÿ Job Satisfactionž—À½Ÿ. The following inclusion criteria were applied: studies in which the sample was composed of Nurses, that established an association between Empowerment. ABÍLIO CARDOSO TEIXEIRA et al.. 8ŒY F +8¼´n8O¼ŒV ¼|8¼ O†b8±†Ê YbŒ¼obY ¼|b different methodological steps, that used the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. 153.

(11) ž 3 )~ŸV8ŒY¼|8¼8YY±b´´bY¼|b+¼±ÁO¼Á±8†,|b±Ê¡ ,|´b´¼ÁYb´¼|8¼YYŒ¼8YY±b´´ ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ž8 n8O¼±Á¼†ŒbY8FÇbŸV¼|´bÈ|´b‰b¼|Y†tO8† steps were ambiguous, those whose sample was not exclusively composed of Nurses, duplicate articles, historical articles, opinion articles, legislation, interviews, editorials and meeting minutes were excluded. The articles were selected and excluded based on   tÁYb†Œb´ žÀΗ—Ÿ 8ŒY ¼|b ´¼bœ´ ±bO‰‰bŒYbY FÊ9†ÇbÍ8ŒY±bŒžÀÎÎΟ¡¼È8´F8´bYŒ¼|b´b documents that the quality of the different studies was analysed in terms of the adequate literature ±bÇbÈV¼|b´¼ÁYb´´b†bO¼bYV¼|b‰b¼|Y†tÊž´¼ÁYÊ Yb´tŒ8ŒYO†8±¼Ên¼|b±b´b8±O|¦Áb´¼ŒŸV¼|bY8¼8 ´ÊŒ¼|b´´V8ŒY¼|b´Á‰‰8±ÊnoŒYŒt´¡Œ±Yb±¼ ensure data quality, these steps were validated by another researcher. These data were extracted into a database using MS Excel 2011, which included the n††ÈŒt Œn±‰8¼ŒU ´8‰œ†b ž¼¼8† 8ŒY ±b´œŒ´b ±8¼bŸVtbŒYb±V8tbV†bŒt¼|n´b±ÇObž¼¼8†8ŒYŒ¼|b OÁ±±bŒ¼´b±ÇObŸV 3 )~ž¼¼8†´O±b8ŒY´O±b´n ¼|b´ÁF´O8†b´ŸV8ŒYtbt±8œ|O8††O8¼Œ8ŒYOŒ¼bɼ of the study.. Results and Interpretation Based on this strategy, after reading the title, the 8F´¼±8O¼8ŒY¼|b bÊȐ±Y´V·À8±¼O†b´Èb±b´b†bO¼bY¡ After full-text analysis, 50 articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. A systematic review ž38tŒb±b¼8†¡VÀΗΟÈ8´8†´bÉO†ÁYbYn±‰¼|´´¼ÁYÊ because its target of analysis and, consequently, the search criteria was the relationship between structural and psychological empowerment, thus omitting relevant studies for this analysis. The corpus of analysis OŒ´´¼bYnÀÀ8±¼O†b´V8´´|ÈŒŒ,8F†b½¡ ,8F†b ½ ´|È´ ¼|8¼ ‰´¼ ´¼ÁYb´ Èb±b OŒYÁO¼bY Œ ±¼| ωb±O8 ž-Œ¼bY +¼8¼b´ n ωb±O8 8ŒY. 8Œ8Y8ŸVn††ÈbYFÊÏ´8ž |Œ88ŒY8†8Ê´8ŸV8ŒY Á±œbž¼8†ÊV±b†8ŒYV8ŒY¼|b-Œ¼bYŒtY‰Ÿ¡ All of the analysed articles follow a quantitative 8œœ±8O|V Á´b ¼|b 3 )~V 8ŒY Yb´O±Fb ¼|b methodological steps. There are some limitations, particularly regarding sample size and type of sampling žŒ8‰b†ÊŒ±b´œŒ´b±8¼b´Fb†È¸Î Ÿ¡Œ¼|´b´¼ÁYb´V including information on these data, participants had a ‰b8Œ8tbn½¡pÊb8±´8ŒYFb¼ÈbbŒ¸¸¡· 8ŒY—ÎΠ nnb‰8†bœ8±¼Oœ8Œ¼´V8´´|ÈŒŒ,8F†bs¡. ,8F†b½ Demographic characterisation of the studies Studies. Answers (Return rate). Àgpžp· Ÿ 8´O|Œtb±V¡V?Œbt8ŒV¡žÀÎÎp8Ÿ¡-´Œtb‰œÈb±ment to build trust and respect in the workplace: A strategy for addressing the nursing shortage. Nursing Economics, 23ž—ŸV¸~—½¡ À·½žp Ÿ 8´O|Œtb±V¡V?Œbt8ŒV¡žÀÎÎpFŸ¡ ‰œÈb±ŒtŒÁ±´es for work engagement and health in hospital settings. Journal of Nursing Administration, 35ž—ΟVs½~ss¡

(12) 8Çb´V ¡V 8´O|Œtb±V ¡V ? όY±Á´Ê´ÍʌV ¡ žÀÎθŸ¡ —s—ž¸·¡p Ÿ Clinical educators’ empowerment, job tension, and job satisfaction: A test of Kanter’s Theory. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 22žÀŸV·gjg¸¡ (8¼±O VÏ¡V?8´O|Œtb±V¡žÀÎθŸ¡,|bbnnbO¼n´¼±ÁO- gsž¸¸¡· Ÿ tural empowerment and perceived organizational support on middle level nurse managers’ role satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Management, 14ž—ŸV—½~ÀÀ¡ 8´O|Œtb±V¡V(Á±YÊV¡V?φ‰´¼V¡žÀÎηŸ¡,|b‰œ8O¼ —s—ž¸½¡À Ÿ of leader-member exchange quality, empowerment, and core self-evaluation on nurse manager’s job satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37žpŸVÀÀ—~ÀÀ¡ 8´O|Œtb±V¡žÀÎÎgŸ¡ nnbO¼nb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼Œœ±nb´- À½sžpg¡p Ÿ sional practice environments, work satisfaction, and patient care quality: Further testing the nursing worklife model žÀÎÎgŸ¡Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23žsŸV½ÀÀ~½½Î¡. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. Female gender (%) p¡¸. Mean age ( Years). Country of publication. Context. ½½. Canada. Intensive Care. -. -. Canada. ¸. ss. Canada. Several ž¼b8O|Œt |´œ¼8†´Ÿ Several. -. s. Canada. Management. 100. 50. Canada. Management. -. sÀ. Canada. Several. Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory. 154.

(13) |8ŒtV ¡~ ¡V ÁV ¡~¡V ? 5bŒV ¡ ¡~3¡ žÀÎÎgŸ¡ Effects of an empowerment-based education program for public health nurses in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17žÀΟVÀ·gÀ~À·Î¡ V¡ ¡V |bŒV5¡ ¡V?ÁV¡,¡žÀÎÎgŸ¡,|b±b†8¼Œ´|œ between work empowerment and work stress perceived by nurses at long-term care facilities in Taipei city. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17žÀÀŸV½ÎpÎ~½Îpg¡ 8´O|Œtb±V¡V3† V(¡V |V¡V?±bOV(¡žÀÎ΍8Ÿ¡ ‰powerment, engagement and perceived effectiveness in nursing work environments: Does experience matter? Journal of Nursing Management, 17žpŸV¸½¸~¸s¸¡ 7Á±‰b|†ÊV ¡V 8±¼ŒV (¡V ? ¼Íœ8¼±O V ¡ žÀÎ΍Ÿ¡ *bt´tered nurse empowerment and intent to leave current position and/or profession. Journal of Nursing Management, 17ž½ŸV½g½~½—¡. 8V ¡V?7|ÁV7¡žÀÎ΍Ÿ¡+¼±ÁO¼Á±8†b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V„F satisfaction, and turnover intention of Chinese clinical nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences, 11žsŸV½·~sν¡ ŒtV+¡V7|ŒtV¡VFV3¡V?)Á„bV¡žÀÎ΍Ÿ¡,|b‰pact of nurse empowerment on job satisfaction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65ž—ÀŸVÀ¸sÀ~À¸sg¡ 8´O|Œtb±V ¡V b¼b±V ¡V

(14) 8ÊV Ï¡V ? †ŒV

(15) ¡ žÀÎ΍FŸ¡ Workplace empowerment, incivility, and burnout: Impact on staff nurse recruitment and retention outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management, 17ž½ŸV½ÎÀ~½——¡ 8Á¼ÍV¡V8´O|Œtb±¡V?*8Ç8Í͐†V+¡žÀÎ΍Ÿ¡3± place empowerment, job satisfaction and job stress among Italian mental health nurses: An exploratory study. Journal of Nursing Management, 17žsŸVss¸~spÀ¡ Fitzpatrick, J. J., Campo, T. M., G±8|8‰ ¡V ? Lavandero *¡žÀΗΟ¡ b±¼oO8¼ŒVb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V8ŒYŒ¼bŒ¼¼†b8Çb current position and the profession among critical care nurses. American Journal of Critical Care, 19ž½ŸVÀ—g~ÀÀ¸¡ A|‰8YV¡V?O±8ŒÊbV¡ ¡žÀΗΟ¡ ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼V„F satisfaction and organizational commitment: A comparative analysis of nurses working in Malaysia and England. Journal of Nursing Management, 18žpŸVpgÀ~p—¡ Casey, M., S8ÁŒYb±´V ¡V ? O’H8±8V ,¡ žÀΗΟ¡ ‰œ8O¼ n critical social empowerment on psychological empowerment and job satisfaction in nursing and midwifery settings. Journal of Nursing Management, 18ž—ŸVÀs~½s¡ Stewart, J., MCNulty, R., G±noŒV¡,¡V?Fitzpatrick J. J. žÀΗΟ¡(´ÊO|†tO8†b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼8ŒY´¼±ÁO¼Á±8†b‰powerment among nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 22ž—ŸVÀ·~½s¡ MCDŒ8†YV+¡V,Á††8~OÁŒb´´V¡+¡VM8Yt8ŒV ¡Ï¡V? S|Çb†ÊV¡žÀΗΟ¡*b†8¼Œ´|œFb¼ÈbbŒ´¼8nnŒÁ±´bŒvolvement in organizational structures and perception of empowerment. Critical Care Nurse, 33žÀŸV—sg~—¸À¡ Chang, L. C., S||V ¡¡V?LŒV+¡¡žÀΗΟ¡,|b‰bY8¼ing role of psychological empowerment on job satisfaction and organizational commitment for school health nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47žsŸVsÀ·~s½½¡ Cai, C. F., Z|ÁV7¡¡VYb|V¡V?HÁV¡žÀΗ—Ÿ¡Empowerment and its effects on clinical nurses in central China. International Nursing Review, 58ž—ŸV—½g~—ss¡ Baker, S., F¼Íœ8¼±O V¡V?G±noŒ¡žÀΗ—Ÿ¡ ‰œÈb±ment and job satisfaction in Associate Degree Nurse Educators. Nurse Education Perspectives, 32žsŸVÀ½s~À½¡. ¸—žp Ÿ. -. -. Taiwan. Public Health. —·gž¸s¡½ Ÿ. 100. ½p¡p. Taiwan. Longterm Care. s·žÎ¡g Ÿ. -. À·¹s½. Canada. Several. —À½—žÎ¡g Ÿ. p¡g. s¸¡¸. USA. Several. —gžg¡s Ÿ. 100. ½Î¡p. China. pgžÀ Ÿ. 100. ½Î¡g. China. Several ž¼b8O|Œt |´œ¼8†´Ÿ Several. ¸—Àžpp¡½ Ÿ. p. s—¡½. Canada. Several. ··ž¸s¡— Ÿ. ¸¸¡·. sÀ. Italy. Psychiatry. ¸pgž—p Ÿ. Î. ss. USA. Intensive Care. sggžg¸¡À Ÿ. s¡g. ½p. Malaysia and England. Several. Àssž·¡· Ÿ. g·¡·. -. Ireland. Several. ·sž—¸ Ÿ. ·¡½. USA. Several. —ÀÀž½½ Ÿ. g½¡¸. s·¡g. USA. Several. ½½Îž¸¸ Ÿ. 100. -. Taiwan. School health. ÀÎgžg·¡s Ÿ. 100. ½Î¡s. China. Several. —·¸žÀ¡· Ÿ. ¸¡s. p—¡g. USA. Education. ABÍLIO CARDOSO TEIXEIRA et al.. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. 155.

(16) ,8F†bs Descriptive statistics of demographic data. b‰8†bbŒYb±ž Ÿ Ïtbž 5b8±´Ÿ. n —· —·. Minimum ¸¸¡· À¸¡·. Maximum 100 p—¡g. -´Œt ¼|b 3 )~V ±b´b8±O|b±´ ‰b8´Á±bY participants’ level of perceived empowerment and job satisfaction. Table 5 shows data from the different studies concerning the subscales previously listed and the predictive value of structural empowerment. Data. Mean ½ sΡÎÀ. Standard deviation ¡½· ·¡pÀ. ±b´Á†¼Œtn±‰¼|bYnnb±bŒ¼ 3 )~´ÁF´O8†b´Èb±b 8†´YbŒ¼obYVÈ|bŒbÇb±œ´´F†b¡

(17) 8¼8Èb±b¼¼8††Ê ‰´´Œt±ŒO‰œ†b¼bŒoÇb8ŒY¼Èn¼|b´¼ÁYb´V respectively.. Table 5 Results of the CWEQ-II and the subscales ÏÁ¼|±ž´Ÿ 8´O|Œtb±8ŒYŒbt8ŒžÀÎÎp8Ÿ 8´O|Œtb±8ŒYŒbt8ŒžÀÎÎpFŸ

(18) 8Çb´V8´O|Œtb±V8ŒYόY±Á´Ê´ÍʌžÀÎθŸ (8¼±O 8ŒY8´O|Œtb±žÀÎθŸ 8´O|Œtb±V(Á±YÊV8ŒYφ‰´¼žÀÎηŸ 8´O|Œtb±žÀÎÎgŸ. |8ŒtVÁV8ŒY5bŒžÀÎÎgŸ V |bŒV8ŒYÁžÀÎÎgŸ 8´O|Œtb±V3† V |V?±bOžÀÎ΍8Ÿ. 3 )~ Opp. Inf. Sup. Res. For. P. ½¡· À¡·À À¡¸s À¡·· À¡s— —·¡g ½¡· À¡·— À¡¸s À¡·· À¡sÎ —½¡— ½¡¸· ½¡sg ½¡—s À¡gÎ ½¡Àp 21.1 s¡—· s¡Î½ ½¡À½ À¡p· ½¡À —¡— s¡Îp ½¡Îp À¡p À¡g À¡p· —·¡g ½¡À ½¡p ½¡p ½¡p À¡½ À¡¸g À¡g· À¡sg —g¡ À¡·· À¡g ½¡Î¸ À¡gÎ 7Á±‰b|†ÊV8±¼Œ8ŒY¼Íœ8¼±O žÀÎ΍Ÿ —À¡¸ ½¡sp ½¡½Î ½¡½p ½¡ÀÀ 2.50. 88ŒY7|ÁžÀÎ΍Ÿ —¡— ½¡s½ ½¡Îg ½¡—· ½¡p¸ Œtb¼8†¡žÀÎ΍Ÿ 12.1 À¡· ½¡ÎÀ ½¡— À¡¸ ½¡—s 8´O|Œtb±b¼8†¡žÀÎ΍FŸ —s¡¸ 8Á¼ÍV8´O|Œtb±V8ŒY*8Ç8͐††žÀÎ΍Ÿ 21.0 À¡½g À¡À¸ 2.50 À¡· 2.51 ¼Íœ8¼±O V 8‰œV±8|8‰V8ŒY8Ç8ŒYb±žÀΗΟ 21.2 s¡—p ½¡s½ ½¡½s ½¡Î ½¡—p 20.2 s¡—s ½¡pÀ ½¡½½ ½¡Î· ½¡À— Ï|‰8Y8ŒY ±8ŒÊbžÀΗΟ —g¡·. 8´bÊV+8ÁYb±´V8ŒY ®8±8žÀΗΟ —¡À s¡—À ½¡—¸ À¡gÀ À¡¸ À¡· +¼bÈ8±¼b¼8†¡žÀΗΟ Àp¡ s¡—g ½¡¸À ½¡s¸ ½¡ÀÎ ½¡s— O

(19) Œ8†Yb¼8†¡žÀΗΟ —g¡p ½¡·g À¡·p À¡À ½¡Îs À¡¸s. |8ŒtV+||V8ŒYŒžÀΗΟ —p¡s. 8V7|ÁV5b|V8ŒYÁžÀΗ—Ÿ 8 b±V¼Íœ8¼±O V8ŒY±noŒžÀΗ—Ÿ s¡Î ½¡sg À¡·g ½¡—¸ œœ¡ž œœ±¼ÁŒ¼ÊŸ¶Œn¡žŒn±‰8¼ŒŸ¶+Áœ¡ž+Áœœ±¼Ÿ¶*b´¡ž*b´Á±Ob´Ÿ¶±¡(¡ž±‰8†œÈb±Ÿ¶Œn¡(¡žŒn±‰8†œÈb±Ÿ¡. These results differ from the Portuguese reality, œ8±¼OÁ†8±†Ê ±bt8±YŒt tbŒYb± 8ŒY 8tb ž ±Yb‰ Y´ Œnb±‰b±´V ÀΗÀŸ¡ Œ ¼|b 8Œ8†Ê´bY ´¼ÁYb´V ¼|b percentage of women is slightly higher than in the Portuguese reality, as well as the participants’ mean age. Considering that the studied populations have their own characteristics and assuming that Empowerment relies on the conditions offered by the organisation. Inf. P. ½¡½— ½¡½ ½¡½g ½¡·p ½¡p¸ ½¡sg ½¡sÎ À¡sg ½¡Î· À¡·g ½¡·g ½¡½ ½¡¸ ½¡·· ½¡½· ½¡s·. which, in turn, depends on the conditions of the ´Á±±ÁŒYŒt bŒÇ±Œ‰bŒ¼ ž8´O|Œtb± b¼ 8†¡V ÀÎǟV these results may not be generalised to the Portuguese population. In the studies that presented the scale scores, it was observed that most nurses had moderate levels of b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ žŒk—·¡s ŸV È|b±b8´ Œ†Ê ¸  |8Y |t|†bÇb†´nb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼žŒk—Ÿ¡. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory. 156.

(20) Job Empowerment and Job Satisfaction The positive relationship between Empowerment and Job Satisfaction is clearly visible in the analysed studies. Thus, a positive perception of Empowerment ´8œ±bYO¼±nF+8¼´n8O¼Œž 8V?7|ÁVÀÎ΍¶. |8Œtb¼8†¡VÀΗζ

(21) 8Çb´b¼8†¡VÀÎθ¶8´O|Œtb±b¼ 8†¡V ÀÎη¶ 8´O|Œtb±V ÀÎÎg¶ 8´O|Œtb±V 8´O|Œtb± b¼8†¡VÀÎ΍¶8´O|Œtb±V?Œbt8ŒVÀÎÎpF¶8Á¼Íb¼ 8†¡VÀÎ΍¶b¼b±b¼8†¡VÀÎ΍¶b¼8†¡VÀÎÎg¶O

(22) Œ8†Y b¼ 8†¡V ÀΗζ Œt b¼ 8†¡V ÀÎ΍¶ +¼bÈ8±¼ b¼ 8†¡V ÀΗζ 7Á±‰b|†Êb¼8†¡VÀÎ΍Ÿ¡Œ¼|b±Ȑ±Y´V8Y±bO¼8ŒY positive relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction is clearly shown, as had been advanced by 8´O|Œtb±b¼8†¡žÀÎǟ¡φ¼|Át|¼|´±b†8¼Œ´|œ´ not clearly established in the other analysed studies, its presence can be inferred.. autonomy, which was refuted by Ahmad Oranye žÀΗΟVŒtb¼8†¡žÀÎ΍ŸV8ŒY7Á‰b±|†Êb¼8†¡žÀÎ΍Ÿ¡ Œ ¼|b ´¼ÁYÊ FÊ Ï|‰8Y 8ŒY ±8ŒÊb žÀΗΟ Œ ¼|b differences in Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and Commitment to the Organisation in two Y´¼ŒO¼ ±b8†¼b´ ž Œt†8ŒY 8ŒY 8†8Ê´8ŸV 8 œ¼bŒ¼8† relationship between demographic data and the perception of empowerment was found: in distinct realities, the major determinants of empowerment may be different. Thus, in the English hospital, the determinants of empowerment were work position 8ŒY qbÉF†¼Ê n ¼|b Ȑ±  ´Ê´¼b‰V È|b±b8´ Œ ¼|b Malaysian hospital, age and level of education were the main determinants. As it is generally agreed that empowerment derives from the combination of access to several factors, the differences in scores between the different subscales that may be predictors of organisational status in the analysed realities should be discussed. In the analysis n ¼|b 3 )~ ´ÁF´O8†b´V ¼|b |t|b´¼ ´O±b È8´ found in the Opportunity ´ÁF´O8†bžFÊ8Œ8†Ê´Œt¼|b o±´¼nÁ±n8O¼±´Ÿ8ŒY¼|b†Èb´¼´O±bŒ¼|bAccess to resources subscale, with the exception of the Asian studies. In general, Informal Power scores are higher than Formal Power scores. These data are consistent ȼ|¼|b´¼ÁYb´FÊ 8´bÊb¼8†¡žÀΗΟV

(23) 8Çb´b¼8†¡ žÀÎθŸV ¼Íœ8¼±O  b¼ 8†¡ žÀΗΟV 8´O|Œtb± žÀÎÎgŸV 8´O|Œtb± 8ŒY Œbt8Œ žÀÎÎpFŸV O

(24) Œ8†Y b¼ 8†¡ žÀΗΟV +¼bÈ8±¼ b¼ 8†¡ žÀΗΟV 8ŒY 7Á‰b±|†Ê b¼ 8†¡ žÀÎ΍ŸVÈ|´bœ8±¼Oœ8Œ¼´8¼¼8O|t±b8¼b±‰œ±¼8ŒOb to the concept underlying the Opportunity subscale. Œ¼|b´¼ÁYb´FÊ 88ŒY7|ÁžÀÎ΍ŸVb¼8†¡žÀÎÎgŸV 8ŒY Œt b¼ 8†¡ žÀÎ΍ŸV ¼|b |t|b´¼ ´O±b È8´ Œ¼ found in the opportunity subscale. The common aspects to these studies were that they were carried out in Asia with an exclusively female sample. These differences are explained by the social, cultural, and political differences, with the consequent differences in Education, as well as in the dominant gender in the profession when compared with the western cultures.. Context of job performance In this analysis, we need to address the factors that ‰8Ê ŒqÁbŒOb ¼|b ±b´Á†¼´ ± Œn±‰ nÁ¼Á±b ´¼ÁYb´¡ In a study carried out in China with School Health Á±´b´V |8Œtb¼8†¡žÀΗΟÁŒYb±†Œb¼|8¼¼|bŒÁ±´b´® perception of empowerment may derive from the fact that they are not under medical supervision. The only predictor of a high perception of empowerment was found in the study by Stewart et 8†¡žÀΗΟ¡,|b´b±b´b8±O|b±´OŒYÁO¼bY8´¼ÁYÊȼ| Advanced Practice Nurses in the State of Connecticut ž-+ϟVȼ|8¼†b8´¼ŒbÊb8±nbɜb±bŒOb8ŒY8tbY Fb¼ÈbbŒs—8ŒYpÎÊb8±´¡Ï±b´œŒ´b±8¼bn—¸ È8´ obtained. This reality is very different from the one found in some of the analysed studies, and for this ±b8´ŒVŒ†Œbȼ|+¼bÈ8±¼b¼8†¡žÀΗΟV¼|b±b´Á†¼´ should be limited to the sample under study as it is not representative of the whole population and it cannot be generalised to different geographical areas. In contrast, In Italy, in the only study with Mental Health Nurses, the Nurses reported lower scores in the access to the opportunity to learn and grow and higher scores in the access to resources. This fact may explain the concern with the technical aspects and job needs over the relational and educational aspects Academic qualifications and Professional certification ž8Á¼Íb¼8†¡VÀÎ΍Ÿ¡ 3¼|±bt8±Y¼Ob±¼oO8¼ŒV¼Íœ8¼±O b¼8†¡žÀΗΟV in a study with Intensive Care Nurses, concluded that Demography and cultural context In a study involving professionals from different ¼|bOb±¼oO8¼ŒFʱbOtŒ´bYFYb´‰8ʆb8Y¼8 8±b8´ ž|´œ¼8† 8ŒY ŒŒ~|´œ¼8† O8±bŸV O

(25) Œ8†Y |t|b±œb±Obœ¼Œnb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼¡7Á‰b±|†Êb¼8†¡ b¼ 8†¡ žÀΗΟ ´|ÈbY Œ ´tŒoO8Œ¼ ±b†8¼Œ´|œ žÀÎ΍Ÿ´Áttb´¼¼|8¼¼|b†bÇb†nbYÁO8¼Œ‰8ÊFb8 between demographic data and perception of œ±bYO¼± n b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼¡ 8 b¼ 8†¡ žÀΗ—Ÿ 8±tÁb. ABÍLIO CARDOSO TEIXEIRA et al.. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. 157.

(26) ¼|8¼¼|b†bÇb†nbYÁO8¼Œ|8´8´¼8¼´¼O8††Ê´tŒoO8Œ¼ Thus, the creation of organisational environments in association with job satisfaction. which nurses can feel empowered triggers feelings of job satisfaction and organisational commitment in nurses, leading to high levels of performance žO8±b œ±Ç´Œ ± ¼|b±Ÿ¡ ,|Á´V ŒÁ±´b´ Ȇ† nbb† Conclusion ‰±b O8œ8F†b n œb±n±‰Œt ¼|b± ¼8´ ´ bnoObŒ¼†ÊV These results reinforce the proposal of the structural reinforcing the idea of remaining in the organisation. theory: the access to the structures that promote In our research, we found that this phenomenon b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼žœœ±¼ÁŒ¼ÊVŒn±‰8¼ŒV±b´Á±Ob´V is understudied in the Portuguese reality. So, it 8ŒY´Áœœ±¼Ÿœ±ÇYb´¼|bÁ±´b´È¼|¼|bŒbOb´´8±Ê is a challenge to assess the nurses’ perception tools to perceive levels of autonomy capable of of empowerment and identify the main factors increasing job satisfaction, the commitment to the promoting empowerment so that we can optimise ±t8Œ´8¼Œ8† F„bO¼Çb´V ´b†n~bnoO8OÊV œ±YÁO¼Ç¼ÊV ¼|bœ±8O¼Ob8ŒYFbŒbo¼n±‰œ¼bŒ¼8†8YÇ8Œ¼8tb´¡ and effectiveness. n8ŒŒ¼8†´b†bO¼Œn·À8±¼O†b´VpÎ8±¼O†b´Èb±b excluded after full-text analysis. Of these, seven had References been conducted in Asia, two in Europe, one compared |8ŒtV ¡~ ¡V ÁV ¡~¡V ? 5bŒV ¡ ¡~3¡ žÀÎÎgŸ¡ Effects of an the European and Asian realities, and the remaining empowerment-based education program for public health nurses in Taiwan. Journal of clinical nursing, 17žÀΟVÀ·gÀ~ ones had been carried out in North America. À·Î¡ Œ¼|b´b´¼ÁYb´V8‰b8Œ8tbn½¡pÊb8±´8ŒY¸¸¡·  ¼—ÎАnnb‰8†bœ8±¼Oœ8Œ¼´Èb±bnÁŒYVÈ|O|´ †b¼O|b±V ¡ žÀÎηŸ¡ ‰8tbU |8ŒtŒt |È Ȑ‰bŒ ŒÁ±´b´ ¼|Œ  about themselves. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58ž½ŸVÀη~ slightly different from the Portuguese reality. In most 215. ´¼ÁYb´ žs ŸV Á±´b´ |8Y ‰Yb±8¼b †bÇb†´ n F ‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼VÈ|b±b8´Œ¸ n¼|b‰¼|bÊ´|ÈbY 9†ÇbÍVÏ¡V?±bŒV¡(¡žÀÎÎΟ¡*bÇ´‘Œ ±€¼O8YbÁŒb´¼ÁYU Resúmenes comentados de investigaciones de calidad. Index high levels, thus revealing the positive relationship de Enfermería, 9ž½—ŸVp¸~pg between empowerment and job satisfaction. In —s n ¼|b 8Œ8†Ê´bY ´¼ÁYb´V ¼|b Y±bO¼ 8ŒY œ´¼Çb 8ŒŒ8 ±tt´Œ´¼¼Á¼bžÀΗ—Ÿ¡ Joanna Briggs Institute reviewers’ manual: 2011 edition. Adelaide, Australia: Autor. relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction is clearly shown. Thus, the higher the 8´O|Œtb±V¡VŒbt8ŒV¡V+|8‰8ŒV¡V?3† V(¡žÀÎǟ¡‰œ8O¼ of structural and psychological empowerment on job strain professionals’ level of empowerment, the higher their in nursing work settings: Expanding Kanter’s model. Journal level of satisfaction. Although this relationship is not of Nursing Administration, 31žpŸVÀ¸Î~À·À¡ clearly revealed in other studies, its presence may be inferred. The more empowered Nurses feel, the more 8´O|Œtb±V¡V†Fb±¼V+¡V+‰¼|V¡V?b´†bV¡žÀΗΟ¡,È8±Y´ a comprehensive theory of nurse/patient empowerment: œ±nb´´Œ8††Ê´8¼´obY¼|bÊȆ†FbUn8±¹|t|†bÇb†´n Applying Kanter’s empowerment theory to patient care. job empowerment correspond to fair/high levels of Journal of Nursing Management, 18ž—ŸVs~—½¡ job satisfaction. ±Yb‰ Y´ Œnb±‰b±´ žÀΗÀŸ¡ Dados estatísticos 2000-2011. A clear relationship was found between the Retrieved from http://www.ordemenfermeiros.pt/membros/

(27) OÁ‰bŒ¼´¹

(28) 8Y´ ÀÎ ´¼8¼´¼O´ÆÀÎÎÎÆÀΗ—¡œYn œb±Obœ¼Œ n b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ 8ŒY 8tb ž|t|b± †bÇb†´ n b‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ Œ †Yb± ŒÁ±´b´ŸV 8O8Yb‰O +b±±8ŒV¡V ´¼8VÏ¡V? ´¼8V¡žÀΗ—Ÿ¡ ÁY8±b‰ Œnb±‰8tb‰U ¦Á8†oO8¼Œ´ 8ŒY œ±nb´´Œ8† Ob±¼oO8¼Œ ž¼|b. ‰Yb´bŒÇ†Çb±8ž´ŸO‰œb¼dŒO8ž´Ÿ¡Referência, 3ž½ŸV—p~ À½¡ level of empowerment increases with academic ¦Á8†oO8¼Œ´ 8ŒY œ±nb´´Œ8† Ob±¼oO8¼ŒŸV 38tŒb±V ¡V Á‰‰Œt´V ¡V +‰¼|V

(29) ¡¡V †´ŒV ¡V όYb±´ŒV ¡V ? 38±±bŒV +¡ žÀΗΟ¡ ,|b ±b†8¼Œ´|œ Fb¼ÈbbŒ ´¼±ÁO¼Á±8† œ±nb´´Œ8†OŒ¼bɼž|t|b±†bÇb†´nb‰œÈb±‰bŒ¼ empowerment and psychological empowerment for nurses: 8‰ŒtÏYÇ8ŒObY(±8O¼ObÁ±´b´ŸV8ŒYtbt±8œ|O8† A systematic review. Journal of nursing management, 18žsŸV OŒ¼bɼ žŒ Ynnb±bŒ¼ ±b8†¼b´V ¼|b Yb¼b±‰Œ8Œ¼´ n ssg~sp¸ empowerment may be different: in North America, the dimension opportunity scored higher than in ´¼ÁYb´O8±±bYÁ¼ŒÏ´8Ÿ¡. Revista de Enfermagem Referência Journal of Nursing Referência - IV - n.° 6 - 2015. Nursing empowerment and job satisfaction: an integrative review according the Structural Theory. 158.





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