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Última Hora. 1 Abril!...


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Última Hora

Fui informado hoje de manhã,

que o Infarmed mandou retirar do

mercado todos os medicamentos contendo estrogénios,

em virtude de aumentarem em 80% o risco de cancro do pulmão.

1 Abril !...


O que é que temos

aprendido sôbre a



Manuel Neves-e-Castro


3º. Congresso da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa




sobre o

climatério são devidas a:

• Uma falta de cultura que impede uma crítica correcta dos resultados publicados

• Uma má prática da Medicina que ignora a mulher na sua totalidade

• “Lobbies” politicos do NIH …

• Uma falta de honestidade científica

manifestada por muitos dos relatores do WHI • “Lobbies” de várias indústrias farmacêuticas

através da actividade de muitos médicos bem conhecidos que se oferecem… para transmitir as suas mensagens…


3rd International Symposium

of the

Portuguese Menopause Society

In Celebration of the World Menopause Day

The Transatlantic Controversies - The State of the Art


The Menopausal “Stars”... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1.D.Barlow, 2.H.Kuhl, 3.P.Kenemans, 4.A.Pines, 5 F.Al-Azzawi, 6.J.Rossouw, 7.J.Stevenson, 8.R.Chlebowski, 9.S.Palacios, 10.Th.Clarkson, 11.M.Sousa, 12.M.Neves-e-Castro, 13.A.Genazzani, 14.J.Calaf, 15.R.Lobo


“MATURITAS” Special Issue

VOL. 51/1.(May 2005)

“Menopausal Health in 2005”

PART 1. Women’s health after WHI.

Reports from the Amsterdam Menopause Symposium, October 2-4, 2004.

PART 2. Transatlantic confrontation of options.

Proceedings of the III International Symposium

of the Portuguese Menopause Society

October 23, 2004.


The U.S.A. “team”

1 2 3 4


The USA Vision

Chair: M.Neves-e-Castro and Mario de Sousa

09.00-09.30 –Controversies about HRT – Lessons from Monkey Models

Th.Clarkson, Wake Forest Univ.

09.30-10.00 – Appropriate Use of Hormones Should Alleviate Concerns

Regarding CV and Breast Cancer Risks

R.Lobo, Columbia Univ

10.00-10.30 –Implications of clinical trials for CVD in younger women

Jacques Rossouw, NIH/NHLBI/WHI

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-11.30 – Menopausal Therapy and Cancer Risk in the WHI R.Chlebowski, WHI

11.30-12.00 - The state of the Art in the USA


12.00-13.00 - Debate and Discussion


The European “team”

1. D.Barlow, 2. H. Kuhl, 3.P.Kenemans, 4. A.Pines 1 2 3 4


The European Vision

Chair: Mario de Sousa and M. Neves-e-Castro

14.30-15.00 – WHI and Cardioprotection: Looking Beyond the Figures

A.Pines, Il

15.00-15.30 – Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer:

What is the Problem?


15.30-16.00 – Do Estrogens Really Increase Breast Cancer Risk?

H. Kuhl, D

16.00-16.30 –Coffee Break

16.30-17.00 Strategy in Osteoporosis Management Following WHI

D.Barlow, UK

17.00-18.00 Debate and Discussion Chair:A. Genazzani (I) and J.Calaf (Sp)

18.00 - Conclusions


Acreditamos que no que se refere às

DCV’s,quer os estudos experimentais em primatas como a evidência clínica sugerem fortemente que os TH’s

podem ser preventivos se iniciados muito precocemente após a

menopausa,de preferência depois de um regime de contraceptivos orais

durante a premenopausa

Clarkson TB. Fertil Steril 2004;81:1498-1501

Grodstein F et al. N Engl J Med 2000;343:530-537 Stampfer MJ. NAMS 2004;PS#2


O grupo de “estrogénios isolados” do WHI sugere fortemente que uma medicação

apenas com estrogénios é destituida de

riscos como parece até ser protectora em relação ao cancro da mama.

Resultados idênticos foram verificados em estudos de gravidez após cancro da mama e

em TH’s nas sobreviventes de cancro da mama.

Gelber s et al. J Clin Oncol 2001;19:1671-1675 WHI Group J Am Med Assoc 2004;291:1701-1712 O’Meara et al. J N C I 2001

DiSaia et al. Am J Clin Oncol 2000


Em estudos recentes não se

verificou,nos tratamentos combinados contínuos qualquer risco aumentado

de DCV’s ou de cancro da mama.

Esta diferença em relação ao WHI deve-se a que as mulheres eram mais

novas,sintomáticas,e com menor pêso corporal

Heikkinen J. NAMS 2004, Abstract LB38 Lobo R. Arch Int Med 2004;164:482-484


Acentuamos a necessidade de

implementar medidas colaterais muito importantes tais como


• normalização do peso corporal • abstenção de tabaco

• baixo consumo de alcool • execício

• Dieta Mediterrânica



Em conclusão,

e à luz da evidência actual,

deve dar-se aos médicos e às

mulheres a garantia de que os


para o alívio dos sintomas da

menopausa são seguros e muito



White woman’s

risk of death


the ages of 50 and 94 are:









2.8% from




Effect on the risk of breast



Nonsignificant increased risk

RR 1.26 (CI 1.00-1.59); 26% increased risk AR 0.38% vs 0.30% (ie, 38 vs 30 events

annually per 10.000 women)


Nonsignificant increased risk

RR 1.27 (CI 0.84-1.94); 27% increased risk AR 0.59% vs 0.47% (ie, 59 vs 47 events



(JAMA 2002;288:321-331)

• Results:

“the difference reaches “almost nominal statistical significance” (i.e. not

statistically different!)

• Discussion:

“the substantial risks for CVD and breast cancer” (?!...)



“The breast cancer findings are

reported as



but are regarded as

clinically relevant



WHI results calculated as

NNT/1 year NNH/1 year CHD 1428 Stroke 1250 VTE 588 Breast Cancer 1250 Colon Cancer 1667 Osteoporotic fractures 227 (totals)

Neves-e-Castro M. Menopause in crisis post-Women’s Health Initiative? A

view based on personal clinical experience. Human Reproduction


“Women considering taking CEE should be counseled about an increased risk of stroke but can be reassured about no excess risk

of heart disease or breast cancer for at

least 6.8 years of use.”

Effects of conjugated Equine Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy. JAMA 2004;291:1701-1712


Effects of conjugated Equine Estrogen in Postmenopausal Women with Hysterectomy.JAMA, 2004;291:1701-1712


NAMS position statement on

estrogen and progestagen use in

peri-and postmenopausal women

Revised breast cancer statements indicate that the risk of breast cancer probably

increases with EPT use but not with ET


Studd J. Climacteric 2004;7:412-414 Second thoughts on the WHI study: the effect of age on the safety HRT



“In women 50-59 years not taking HT, ischemic stroke is expected to occur in 3 out of 1000 women during 5 years.

Five years use of HT would yield 1

additional case of stroke/ 1000 women”



“braço” do WHI com estrogénios

isolados foi interrompido!


• Parece que

se tivesse havido mais

um caso de cancro da mama no

grupo placebo

os resultados deste

estudo teriam sido considerados


estatisticamente muito




o grupo WHI/NIH teria sido forçado a

declarar que:

• Os estrogénios não induzem o

cancro da mama

, e que

• Os estrogénios protegem a mama

contra o cancro !


Porque é que os investigadores

não quiseram que o estudo fosse


e pudesse chegar a

conclusões tão importantes?

Seria pela necessidade de alguns

investigadores continuarem a

receber milhões de dólares?


Million Women Study

The follow-up for breast cancer

diagnosis was just over 2½ years,

meaning that these breast cancers

were almost certainly pre-existent at the start of the observational period.


Occult Breast Cancer


medicolegal autopsies


malignancy was

found in

22 women



Occult Breast Cancer

Malignancy was significantly more frequent among women

. aged more than 40 years

. with late age at first full-term pregnancy . with alcohol abuse

. with steatosis or cirrhosis of the liver


MWS (2003) GPRD (2002) Beral (1997) Ross (2000) Weiss (2002) WHI (2003) EPT 2.00 1.211 1.152 1.243 1.22 1.26 ET 1.30 0.97 0.992 1.063 0.84 ongoing 4 Tibolone 1.45 1.02

1Seq EPT 2 5 y use 3Per 5y


4> 6 y

Breast Cancer


HRT and RR of DEATH from


(MW Study,2003) • AR never users 238/2894 = 0.0822 • AR current users 191/3202 = 0.0597 • RR = 0.0597/0.0822 =


• RR for mortality = 1.22 • RR for morbidity =1.66


Case-death Case-No death

Current use 191 3011 3203

Never use 238 2656 2894

RR=0.71 (95% CI 0.58-0.87)

Fatal Breast Cancers

Million Women Study Collaborators. Breast Cancer and hormone replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 2003;362:419-427


“Recurrent breast cancer was

found in

9% of HRT



15% of nonuser”.


Estrogen replacement therapy in

patients with early breast cancer

The mortality rates from breast cancer for the ERT users was 4.28% compared with

22.3% in the nonusers.


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?


Os progestagénios administrados por via sistémica podem em parte suprimir alguns dos efeitos benéficos dos estrogénios e

podem tambem aumentar ligeiramente o risco de cancro da mama após

tratamentos com uma duração superior a cinco anos


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?


Os estrogénios quando administrados

isoladamente em mulheres histerectomizadas

não afectaram minimamente o risco para o cancro da mama quando comparado com os controlos


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?


Os efeitos metabólicos dos estrogénios e

progestagénios, como um todo, podem diferir em função da via de administração i.e. oral vs.

parentérica, e da combinação de ambos em

regimes de administração sequencial ou

combinada contínua


Relative risks associated with use of

different hormones by women

Cases Person/ Age-adjusted RR Years (CI – 95%)

Estrogens used alone

Transdermal 29 8.961 1.2 (0.8 – 1.8)

Oral 2 1.204 0.6 (0.2 – 2.4)

Estrogens combined with oral progesterone

Estrogens combined with micronized progesterone 55 21.994 0.9 (0.7 – 1.2)

Transdermal 55 20.685 0.9 (0.7 – 1.2)

Oral 0 1.385

Estrogens combined with synthetic progestins

Transdermal 187 46.252 1.4 (1.2 – 1.7)

Oral 80 20.504 1.4 (1.1 – 1.8)


Progesterone and Breast Cancer

Combinations containing micronized progesterone appeared to be

associated with a significantly lower

breast cancer risk than those

containing synthetic progestagens.


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?


Os tratamentos hormonais são a primeira escolha para a abolição dos sintomas

vasomotores enquanto necessários. Não

devem ser usados para a prevenção secundária da DCV, quando já houver placas de ateroma.


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?

4ª.lição (continuação)

Os estrogénios podem proteger contra

DCV’s se iniciados precocemente durante a transição para a pós


Os tratamentos hormonais são

preventivos da osteopenia e osteoporose em qualquer fase da vida


Postmenopausal hormone therapy: critical reappraisal and unified hypothesis


Postmenopausal former oral contraceptives

users may have lower rates of heart


702 postmenopausal women enrolled in the WISE.

Use of oral contraceptive in the past was

an independent negative predictor of CAD

severity (p=0.04 after adjustment for smoking, aspirin use, lipid lowering medication, and

socioeconomic variables )

14th Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society. Abstract P-51


Combined effect of oral contraceptive

use and hormone replacement therapy

on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal


The increase in risk with CHRT was

stronger in women who had never used OC’s in the past than in women who had

used OC’s


O que é que aprendemos com os

principais estudos observacionais e

ensaios clinicos?


Os estrogénios podem evitar lesões

degenerativas do SNC uma vez que, até à

data, são os únicos agentes com efeito no crescimento dos neurónios


Postmenopausal Estrogen Use

Affects Risk for Parkinson Disease

• Estrogen therapy has been associated with improved cognitive functioning, a

reduced risk of dementia in women with Parkinson disease (PD), and a decreased risk of Alzheimer disease.

• Postmenopausal estrogen therapy may be associated with a reduced risk of PD in



IADRD: Estrogens Exhibits

Neuroprotective effect in preliminary

analysis of Swedish Data

Preliminary analysis of data from the Swedish Twin Registry suggests that estrogen is

neuroprotective and the effect is not related to length of estrogen therapy.

Estrogen use was significantly related to better cognitive functioning (odds ratio [OR]=0.43 95% confindence interval [CI]=0.26, 0.70)


Como se podem reduzir os

riscos potenciais ?


A physiologic role for


in limiting estrogenic stimulation of

the breast.

These findings suggest that treatment with a balanced formulation including all

ovarian hormones may prevent or reduce estrogenic cancer risk in the treatment of girls and women with ovarian failure.


Quais são os melhores tratamentos

durante e para além do climatério?

Não tem sido prestada a devida atenção a outras intervenções

farmacológicas (não hormonais) e a estratégias que se verificou serem

importantes para a prevenção de tais doenças e para a manutenção ou

melhoria da saúde


A TH não é possivel …

• Quando não é desejada pela mulher • Quando a mulher não sente a sua


• Quando há contraindicações


Intervenções Farmacológicas

• Sintomáticas • Perventivas – primárias – Secundárias MNC


Nurses’s Health Study

from 1980 to 1994 CHD

31% Smoking 13% Obesity 8% THS 9% Better nutrition 16%

Hu FB, Grodstein F et al. Trends in the Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease and Changes in Diet and Lifestyle in Women. NEJM 2000;343:530-537.


“It appears that

half of the


in the prevention of

cardiovascular diseases



hormone related”!



between alcohol

consumption and postmenopausal

breast cancer

results of a case-control study in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Women who started to drink wine on or before the age of 40 were at a 2.5 times

increased risk (95% CI 1.4-4.4).

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide

further support for a positive association between the risk of postmenopausal

breast cancer and alcohol consumption.


Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle

Factors, and 10-Year Mortality in

Elderly European Men and Women

The combination of 4 low risk factors lowered

the all-cause mortality rate to 0.35 (95% CI,

0.28-0.44). In total, lack of adherence to this

low-risk pattern was associated with a

population attributable risk of 60% of all

deaths, 64% of deaths from coronary heart disease, 61% from cardiovascular diseases,

and 60% from cancer.


The Polymeal


Doctors could retrain as

Polymeal chefs or wine advisers

The Polymeal—an evidence based menu that

includes wine, fish, dark chocolate, fruits,

vegetables, garlic, and almonds—promises to be an

effective, safe, cheap, and tasty solution to reducing cardiovascular morbidity and increasing life


Polymeal could reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 75%.


Tea, circulating estrogens and

breast cancer

Levels were

13% lower in regular green-tea drinkers

(25.8 pg/ml)

19% higher in regular black tea drinkers

(35.0 pg/ml).


Tea, circulating estrogens and

breast cancer

“We recently provided the first set of human evidence that breast cancer risk is

significantly inversely associated with tea

intake, largely confined to intake of green tea.”

Green tea may have down-regulatory effects on circulating sex-steroid hormones,

whereas black tea may have up-regulatory effects .”


RELATIVE RISK OF BREAST CANCER BY BODY WEIGHT Weight (Kg) Age at Diagnosis <60 60-69 70+ 35-49 1.00 0.54 1.16 50-59 1.00 1.22 1.43 60-69 1.00 1.61 1.81 from deWaard et al ,1964,1978


Recreational Physical Activity

and the Risk of Breast Cancer in

Postmenopausal Women

Women who engaged in the equivalent of 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of brisk walking had an

18% decreased risk of breast cancer (RR,

0.82; 95% CI, 0.68-0.97) compared with inactive women.


Aspirin could be used to prevent


Three recently published studies indicate that aspirin, already enjoying a second lease of life in the prevention of heart

disease, may soon become a first line of defense against cancer.


Breast Cancer and Nonsteroidal

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:

Prospective Results

from the Women’s Health Initiative1

COX-2 induction may promote breast cancer development by enhancing local estrogen biosynthesis, and COX-2

inhibition may reverse the process.


Inhibitory effect of statins on the

proliferation of human breast cancer


Atorvastatin and fluvastatin were able to inhibit the proliferation of MCF-7

cells in the absence of estradiol. This effect seems to depend on an

apoptotic statin effect.

Muck AO et al. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2004;42(12):695-700


Inhibitory effect of statins on the

proliferation of human breast cancer


The present data indicate that statins may possess anticancerogenic

properties concerning the development of breast cancer in postmenopausal



The Polypill


A strategy to reduce

cardiovascular disease by more

than 80%

One third of people taking this pill from age 55 would benefit, gaining on average about 11 years of life free from an IHD event or



O que pensam os outros?...

Após uma




em dois anos…



(North American

Menopause Society)


NAMS position statement on

estrogen and progestagen use in

peri-and postmenopausal women

No single trial should be used to set public health policy. The practice of

medicine must ultimately be based on the interpretation of the entire body of

evidence currently available, given that

there will never be adequate clinical trials to cover all populations,


NAMS position statement on

estrogen and progestagen use in

peri-and postmenopausal women

Place NO LIMIT on ET/EPT treatment duration, provided it is consistent with treatment goals; if monitored regularly,

NO stipulation is made regarding when to reduce or stop therapy


Há riscos?

É indispensável que seja dada

informação sôbre as diferenças entre

riscos relativos e riscos absolutos uma vez que os primeiros são a principal causa de desinformação e alarmismo, sendo os favoritos dos media…



os factores de risco

• Cardiovasculares

• Oncológicos

• Ósseos




Years of healthy life can be increased

5-10 years, WHO says

We need to concentrate on the

major risks if we are to improve healthy life expectancy by about 10 years, and life expectancy by even more.

Alan Lopez, Ph.D., WHO Senior Science Advisor and co-director of the WHO report (2002)


As mulheres não são



Têm que ser tratatadas

individualmente !


Evidence based medicine:

does it

make a difference?

Like any technology, evidence based medicine carries risks and benefits and can be used appropriately or



Evidence informed practice

• It is clearly time to change “evidence based

medicine” to “evidence informed practice”.

• I suggest the era of evidence informed rather than evidence based medicine has arrived

Glasziou P. Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. University of Oxford OX3 7LF. BMJ 2005;330:92


Medicina Baseada na Evidência


Evidência Baseada na Medicina



Medicina Baseada na Evidência


Medicina Baseada na Inteligência



“Aquele que



não pensa




O que



não aprende








nem estaremos perdidos nem seremos perigosos

para as nossas doentes pos-menopausicas


“Each time we learn something new,

the astonishment comes from the

recognition that we were wrong


In truth, whenever we discover a new fact, it involves the elimination of old ones.

WE ARE ALWAYS, as it turns out, fundamentally IN ERROR.”


Quais são as melhores recomendações

do médico da mulher climatérica

1. Explicar o que se está passando no seu corpo durante o climatério e pós menopausa

2. Ocupação mental 3. Exercicio fisico

4. Alimentação adequada (consumo moderado de vinho tinto e abundante de: peixe, vegetais, frutos, soja,

leite, alho, chocolate, etc)

5. Manter o índice de massa corporal dentro dos limites normais

6. Manter um perímetro normal da cintura 7. Abstenção do tabaco

8. Manter uma pressão arterial normal

9. Manter os lípidos sanguíneos nos valores normais (estatinas)


Qual é o melhor tratamento ?

• Em termos gerais é o que estiver sensatamente indicado, se não contraindicado, após uma

análise de benefícios e riscos, de todas as

estratégias e intervenções, hormonais ou não


• Deve estar dirigido a objectivos e alvos

específicos que serão avaliados regularmente de modo a determinar a sua eficácia e a

verificar a eventual ocorrência de quaisquer efeitos secundários, uma condição que

determinará a sua duração


Qual é o melhor tratamento ?

• As necessidades e preferências da mulher são

decisivas baseadas no conselho do médico

• Não deve esquecer-se que apesar de haver muitos tratamentos disponíveis não são no entanto indispensáveis

• Os médicos têm o dever de dar a sua melhor

informação independente às suas doentes de modo a que elas possam fazer as escolhas acertadas e assim aderir aos tratamentos

• A mulher é quem toma a decisão se o médico não vir contraindicações

• Portanto o melhor tratamento é aquele que a mulher escolher


Mensagens Finais


• Prescrevam tratamentos

hormonais na pós menopausa

quando clínicamente indicados,

se não houver contraindicações


Mensagens Finais


• A prescrição de tratamentos

hormonais de longa duração

depende sempre de uma análise


em comparação com

medicações não hormonais e

estratégias não medicamentosas


Mensagens Finais


• Não são indispensáveis

quaisquer respostas dos

ensaios clínicos em curso para

que se possa hoje praticar uma

boa Medicina


HT appears to be the best form of

pharmacologic treatment

to improve brain function, as well as

to reduce the risk of colon cancer. It is

probably the best preventive strategy

for osteoporosis.

With this in mind

limiting HT to the treatment of climacteric symptoms only is



Evitar que uma mulher

beneficie de

um bom tratamento

hormonal pós menopáusico

só pelo receio de efeitos

secundários raros

não parece ser uma

Medicina satisfatória …


Mortality Associated with HRT in

younger and older women

Hormone Replacement Therapy reduced total mortality in trials with mean age of

participants under 60 years.

No change in mortality was seen in trials with mean age over 60 years.


Por isso …

Vários ilustres colegas , “especialistas” em menopausa:

H . Schneider (Alemanha)

A . Genazzani (Itália)

P . Kenemans (Holanda)

e tambem eu próprio,

continuamos a fazer tratamentos hormonais de longa duração às nossas consortes com


Estou muito grato …

por terem tido a paciência

de me ouvirem,


Documentos relacionados

with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in the Iowa women’s health study. Cancer Epidemiol

Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) in patients with operable breast cancer who undergo breast-conserving treatment after receiving neoad- juvant chemotherapy: risk factors

(stress OR breast OR cancer, breast cancer OR stress, stress OR women OR breast cancer, stress OR female OR breast cancer, breast cancer OR stress, breast neoplasms OR stress,

GCRA – genetic cancer risk assessment; FH – family history; BC – breast cancer; OC – ovarian cancer; CRC – colorectal cancer; BCPS – breast can- cer predisposition syndrome;

However, patients who undergo conservative therapy for breast cancer with surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy are at increased risk of developing secondary tumors in the breast.. 1

Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: colaborative reanalysis of data from 51 epidemiological studies of 52705 women without breast cancer and 108411 women with breast

In this context, the statements of the nursing mothers support a study that found that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by as much as 4.3% for every 12 months

Recent studies indicate that around 50% of families with mutations identified in BRCA1/BRCA2 do not have close relatives with breast cancer or ovarian cancer (due mainly to small