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Metabonomics of the blood of pregnant women for diagnosis of prenatal disorders


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Química Ano 2010. Joana Isabel Monteiro Metabonomics of the Blood of Pregnant Women for Pinto Diagnosis of Prenatal Disorders.

(2) Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Química Ano 2010. Joana Isabel Monteiro Pinto. Metabonomics of the Blood of Pregnant Women for Diagnosis of Prenatal Disorders. Dissertation submitted to the University of Aveiro to fulfil the requirements for the degree of Master in the field of Biomolecular Methods, done under the scientific supervision of Doctor Ana Maria Pissarra Coelho Gil, Associated Professor with Aggregation of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro.. .. Financial support from FCT through project FCT/PTDC/QUI/66523/2006: An NMR-based metabonomics study of health disorders of foetus and mother during pregnancy: towards biochemical characterisation and early diagnostics.

(3) Examining Commitee President. Prof. Dr.ª Maria do Rosário Gonçalves dos Reis Marques Domingues Auxiliary Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro. Prof. Dr.ª Isabel Marques Carreira Associated Professor of Cytogenetics Laboratory and CNC of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra. Prof. Dr. Brian James Goodfellow Auxiliary Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro. Prof. Dr.ª Ana Maria Pissarra Coelho Gil Associated Professor with Aggregation of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Aveiro.

(4) Acknowledgements. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Ana Gil for giving me the opportunity to carried out this work and experience first hand the scientific research. I thank for her guidance, help and availability. I would like to especially acknowledge Dr. António Barros for kindly helping me with multivariate analysis. My gratitude also goes to Gonçalo Graça for contributing to this work with the NMR experiments and his indispensable help to analyse the resulting data, and to João Rodrigues for helping me with FTIR spectroscopy experiments and data analysis. I would also like to acknowledge to everyone in the Metabonomics Group of the University of Aveiro who directly or indirectly have contributed to the work presented here. I wish to knowledge the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for their financial support through the research project FCT/PTDC/QUI/66523/2006: An NMR-based metabonomics study of health disorders of foetus and mother during pregnancy: towards biochemical characterisation and early diagnostics. I would like to acknowledge the Prenatal Diagnosis Service in Bissaya Barreto Maternity and the Cytogenetics Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine in Coimbra for the important contribution to the project FCT/PTDC/QUI/66523/2006. I also acknowledge the Chemistry Department of University of Aveiro for providing the physical conditions for this work. Finally, I thank to my mother for her patience and to my all family and friends..

(5) Palavras-chave. Metabonómica, Diabetes Gestacional, Malformações Fetais, Plasma Sanguíneo, Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, Infravermelho com Transformadas de Fourier, Análise Multivariada.. Resumo. A aplicação da metabonómica na pesquisa de novos biomarcadores de doenças tem ganho um interesse crescente na investigação e desenvolvimento, tanto ao nível do processamento analítico como do tratamento de dados. Nomeadamente, a análise metabonómica usando espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (NMR) fornece uma grande quantidade de dados de uma forma rápida e não invasiva sobre a composição de amostras complexas como o plasma sanguíneo. Uma vez que as doenças pré-natais têm um elevado impacto no metabolismo materno e fetal, sendo responsáveis por várias complicações durante e depois da gravidez, esta estratégia foi aplicada ao estudo destas doenças através da análise de sangue de senhoras grávidas (colhido entre 15-24 semanas de gestação), com o objectivo de investigar possíveis metabolitos marcadores ou com poder de previsão para a diabetes gestacional e malformações fetais. Num primeiro passo, foram estudados os perfis metabólicos em RMN dos controlos (n=20) e gravidezes com diagnóstico ou suspeita de malformações fetais (n=11) e pré-diabetes gestacional (com posterior diagnóstico clínico entre 22-34 semanas de gestação). A análise multivariada (análise de componentes principais, PCA; análise discriminante pelo método de mínimos quadrados parcias, (PLS-DA) e duas versões deste último, interval PLS-DA e ortogonal PLS-DA (OPLS-DA)) foram aplicados com o objectivo de pesquisar por correlações de solidez estatística entre a composição do plasma e a ocorrência das doenças em estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as amostras controlo e doença podem ser diferenciadas com base no seu perfil metabólico, nomeadamente mostrando níveis mais elevados de compostos que contêm colina em mulheres que desenvolveram diabetes gestacional mais tarde na gravidez. Adicionalmente, níveis mais elevados de piruvato, manose e compostos que contêm colina, e níveis mais baixos de vários aminoácidos e acetato foram encontrados nas gravidezes afectadas por malformações fetais. Numa segunda etapa do trabalho, as mesmas amostras foram analisadas por espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformadas de Fourier (FTIR), um método mais barato e acessível para eventual uso clínico. O perfil dos espectros de FTIR também revelou algumas diferenças entre controlos e doenças, no entanto a sua interpretação específica torna-se difícil devido à grande sobreposição de bandas característica de espectros de infravermelho. Estes resultados mostraram que a análise metabonómica de plasma de mulheres grávidas por RMN e FTIR pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa para obter informação bioquímica sobre a saúde pré-natal e encontrar possíveis novos marcadores com potencial para prever doenças, particularmente no caso do diabetes gestacional..

(6) Keywords. Metabonomics, Gestational Diabetes, Fetal malformations, Blood Plasma, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Fourier Tansform Infrared, Multivariate Analysis.. Abstract. The use of Metabonomics to search for new disease biomarkers has gained increasing interest in the research community and continuous developments, both at the analytical and data processing levels have boosted this area into new quests in biomarker research. Namely, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-metabonomics provides a large amount of compositional data on complex samples such as blood plasma, in a rapid and non-invasive manner. Since prenatal diseases have a high impact on both maternal and fetal metabolisms, being responsible for a range of complications both during and after pregnancy, this strategy was hereby applied to the study of prenatal diseases, through the analysis of blood (collected at 15-24 gestational weeks), in order to probe for possible marker/predictor metabolites for gestational diabetes and fetal malformations. In the first stage of this work, the plasma metabolic profiles of controls (n=20) and pregnancies affected by diagnosed or suspected fetal malformations (n=11) and pre-gestational diabetes (with posterior clinical diagnosis at 22-34 gestational weeks) were evaluated by NMR spectroscopy. Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis, PCA; partial least squares discriminant analysis, PLS-DA and two extended versions of the latter, interval PLS-DA (iPLS-DA) and orthogonal PLS-DA (OPLS-DA) were applied in order to search for consistent statistical correlations between plasma composition and the occurrence of the diseases. It was found that controls and diseased subjects could be differentiated with basis on their plasma profile, namely showing higher levels of choline-containing compounds in pregestational diabetic women. In addition, higher contents of pyruvate, mannose and choline-containing compounds and lower contents of several amino acids and acetate were found in pregnancies affected by fetal malformations. In a second stage of the work, the same samples were analysed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, a cheaper and more-accessible method, more suited to straightforward clinical use. The FTIR spectral profiles also revealed some differences between controls and diseased subjects, the interpretation of which posing a harder challenge than that of NMR. These results have shown that NMR and FTIR metabonomics of pregnant women blood plasma may be a powerful tool to gain insight into prenatal diseases and find possible new markers with potential predictive value, particularly in the case of gestational diabetes..

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(25) 5 752 1 36

(26) 12  5616823 3465738281 936 41 93 1 4 8


(28) 1162

(29) 3925. 9 3 161289 9 575 571 3465738281  1685671623  36 8 1  36 728

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(53) . .

(54) 012345672841. 14

(55) 1 53 72 4

(56) 3 81 4353 24 5272 1287 584353 67  4

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(69) 82 2 8 24 61532 15 2 84787  2 48 478 25    24 5 17 81 31 2  58 148 .

(70) 01234565789 5

(71) 2 1 55 5

(72) 16362 5716

(73) 5 8365 8 5

(74) 16323 8 51.  1 5 9381 52 86 2 1 951 5

(75) 2 8 2 1 8

(76) 59 1 2 1 139 5

(77) 71234589 731 5

(78)  36

(79) 123 73

(80) 5732856  86 0 71234565789 25 2 2 1 71234589 5

(81) 81 5

(82) 732163 455 3 73! " 878286

(83) 3925 86 2 8. 2 3 2 1 5 6741 5

(84) . 371   89 6

(85) 526321 8 3 957756 27486 459 86 71234565789 ! #1691 56  36

(86) 123 73

(87) 5732856 5 52 5

(88) 2 1 5 5

(89) 8 51 86211 2 11 956 811 42 2 11 8 51 2 32 86

(90) 21 82 73 3 5 41 5. 841 25 2 52 1 16323 8 13 1. 9 3 11937 83 36 161289 8 51 81 56 6571!  1 8 51. 956 811 86 2 8. 2 8 41 8 9. 1 86 751 1238 86 2 1 61$2 25 192856 !. %&%&%' ()*+,+-./,012-,3)+)*11.  8 1

(91) 861 3 43 9345 321 862513691 5

(92) 5386 111 5

(93) 15182 82 56 12 5

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(95) 3 1636981  11686 56 2 1 532856 281 36 2 1 982183  1

(96) 5 8365 8 !  8 3 12151615 8 51 2 32 5

(97) 216 599 86 4<192 82 65 8 25 5

(98) 834121  36

(99) 3925. =9 3 31 541 82 36 161289 43956 95628421 25 2 1 15182 5

(100) 2 1 8 13 1!  8  3 3. 598321 82 452 86 86 1 8 23691 36 87381 86 86 1912856! " 16369 353691  2 1 86913 86 28. 1 1 8 23691 25 86 86 91321 3 1736

(101) 5 751 86 86! 76 2 1 132 73<582 5

(102) 5716 86 86 1>817162 31 138 712 36 3. 3 1 2 2 1 433691 412116 86 86 1 8 23691 36 86 86  8 738623861! 1512 11.  8

(103) 1 8 23691 419571 5786362 1 25 87381 86 86 1912856 2 1 15157162 5

(104) 191783 599 ! 036 281 351 5971621= 8?36 86913 1 86 11937 83 5 37685 36 5132851 1851 86  1636981 ! 76

(105) 362 5

(106) 752 1 82  31 652 32 86913 1 8 

(107) 5 95616823 3657381  5151 2 1 351 36 86913 1 8  5


(109) 123 55152  873 95 5783 @1$91. 851 482 ? 18 2A 14884861783 482 2373 5 5931783! 5716 82  3 5 351 3 868

(110) 89362 8  B?9C?; 5

(111) 151586 834121 321 86 8

(112) 1! D5 2 8 13 56 42 3 5

(113) 5 1516286 351 1 186323 529571  2 1 8365 8. 36 2871 21327162 5

(114)  86 16369 8 51 8752362!  8  3 121921 86 2 1 1956 2871 21 412116 B: 36 BC 11 5

(115) 1 232856 36 82 8365 8 8. 8783 25 65691 2328563 834121  2 32 8 1

(116) 571 82 3 ? 53 95 1 53

(117) 551 4 3 8 5 5165 3 73 95 1 151 ! 7

(118) 2 1 21 2 851 E8:? 7FG 5

(119) 95 1 2 1 328162 8. 9 11

(120) 5 3 H 5 8??  53 95 1 2513691 21 2 @IA  89 9381. 956 8134 8 957

(121) 52

(122) 5 2 1 328162! 5 5 751 346573 531 56 2 1 I 31 956 811 3 8365 8 5

(123) ! 328162 82 8 8 

(124) 3925  9 3 8 25 5

(125) 3 85. .

(126) 012345672841.

(127) 734 4 87 

(128)  734187 23485 6  43

(129) 2341 

(130)  8  8 243 4 58

(131) 2 

(132)  182  34 

(133) 383 2 281 43 43

(134) 2    2

(135) 2841  43 2 58

(136) 14 287 738238

(137) 43  

(138)  1 7412343 8

(139)  43 43 2

(140) 1 23 57

(141) 5 82 3 72 24! 82 78187

(142)  81887

(143) 17

(144) 15 182 4 23

(145) 2 12


(147) 2 428

(148)  23

(149) 28 43 5272841

(150) 15 58

(151) 14 8

(152) 15

(153) 3438

(154) 2 23

(155) 2 12 4


(157) 15 245  "43 #


(159) 1 3 

(160) 37 

(161)  7417655 2

(162) 2 2 58

(163) 14 287 738238

(164) 43  

(165)  8 82

(166) 2841 7

(167) 6  2

(168) 3 

(169) 5 41 2 35872841 4 6 $612 54 12 4 58

(170) 2 3

(171) 23 2

(172) 1 381

(173) 2

(174)  46274  67

(175) 7

(176) 3

(177) 1 583

(178) 734 4 8

(179)  37

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(182) 41 423  % 23

(183) 2 24 8 82 2 445 674  2 281 24 &8 38  6'72 ( 67

(184) 4 1 82 3 4 82 43 82 2341 

(185) 8 8 243 4 58

(186) 2  


(188)  4 1 4'72 4 7412343  % 7412343 8

(189)  8 6 8 3

(190) 81 6128 2 58

(191) 14 8 738238

(192) 43  7

(193) 1  43 6

(194) 25  

(195)  5 41 2 7887 3

(196) 2841 8 21

(197) 231

(198)  7 8


(200) 15 381

(201) 2

(202)  46274  %

(203) 1

(204)  12 4  81765 582

(205) 3 23

(206)  #378 

(207) 15 587

(208)  23

(209) 2 12 01 582

(210) 3 23


(212) 2812

(213) 3

(214) 58 5 24 

(215)  8 


(217) 5


(219) 15 2 5

(220) 8 7

(221) 438 3$683 12 8 7

(222) 76

(223) 25

(224) 7743581 24 2 2

(225) 15

(226) 35 4 )*)+7

(227) , % 34432841 4 7

(228) 3453

(229) 2 34281

(230) 15 

(231) 2

(232) 3 -*+ +*)

(233) 15 +*). 3 728 0 582

(234) 3 741234 8 7

(235) 3385 462 23872 4 2

(236) 2812 54 142 15 587

(237)  23

(238) 2 12 8 81 681 23

(239)  /#378 

(240)  8173

(241)  2 1 82882 4 383

(242)  28 6 24 81 681 26 81

(243)  24  24 741234 674   4 

(244) 2812 . 010123 456789:78;<=>76?<@A9. 01 2 85 4  344


(246) 43

(247) 2841 8 5815


(249) & 434487 572 4

(250) 1 43

(251) 1

(252) 32 4

(253) 1 43

(254) 1 43 

(255) 33 3841 4 2 45 2

(256) 2 3 62 34

(257) 1 812381 87


(259) 143

(260)  54 12

(261)  347 ( 01 4  31

(262) 178 

(263) 143

(264) 828 4 2 43

(265) 1  2 47763 56381 2

(266)  54 12

(267) 15 2  74 38  163

(268)  26 572  123876

(269) 3 2

(270)  572 

(271) 8

(272)  72 8 72


(274) 2 4* 2

(275) 43 5 

(276) 3

(277) 15 5

(278) 1

(279) 41 423  B4  4 2  2367263


(281) 14

(282) 8 47763 

(283) 3 81 2

(284) 81  34187 3845 C)*D  4  2

(285) 2841E 1 43

(286) 1  2

(287) 3 43 5 62

(288)  4 

(289) 23 56381 2 342

(290) 15

(291) 263

(292) 2841 4 2 26 CF*)D  4  2

(293) 2841E 1 43

(294) 1 67

(295) 2 733

(296)  7432# 2 

(297) 234812 281

(298)  23

(299) 72

(300) 15 2 31

(301)  4 368 7412816 24 583128

(302) 2

(303) 15 54 G43 2

(304) 1 . 4 81

(305) 12 5

(306) 2 81 H432 I 387


(308) 3

(309) 2238625 24 832 572  "43 #

(310)  81

(311) 885

(312) 7 287

(313) 3 2 4 323

(314)  81 87 

(315) 32 4 2 163

(316)  26 

(317) 8 24 6 

(318) 3 4 35 81

(319) 34#8

(320) 2 ). 4 1431 81

(321) 12  J41182


(323) 14

(324) 8 7

(325) 6 5  1287 

(326) 7243

(327)  4 


(329) 8 8178517 J34 4 4


(331) 143

(332) 828 67

(333) %6313 1534  C 414 4  -+ KE 41 1534  C238 4  E /5

(334) 35 1534 .

(335) 01234565789 5

(336) 2 1 55 5

(337) 16362 5716

(338) 5 8365 8 5

(339) 16323 8 51. 28 57  3%6 323 6571 28 57  31 1 162 86 ! 25 ! 5

(340) "521  861# 91 1745 $ &57 '(! 25 (! 5

(341) 5623615 3452856 75 2 59986 86 2 1

(342) 8 2  1 2328563 )11*  31 1 9 575 573 3465738281 $ + 11 8 %3 5 3 8 1 86981691 5


(344) 12 1 )82 613 241 1

(345) 192  91

(346) 2 8 36 91

(347) 2 3321$ ,6 +341 $ 1613. 911686 36 8365 289 5911 25 81628

(348)  95616823 3465738281 31 1 9841$ -23 5653   3 81628

(349) 81 736 2923 3465738281. 9 3 613 241 1

(350) 192 42 8 1. 399321

(351) 5 93839 3657381 $ &5 161289 8 51 

(352) 5 1.371 5)6 6571 911686 73 41 5


(354) 11 86 2 1

(355) 8 2 2871 21 1$$ 69 3 236 9169. 936 4 23 5653  36 732163 455 21 2  5 2 1 1956 2871 21 1$$ 732163 281 455 9116$ 5716 )802  8 8 * 31 5


(357) 11 3 8365 289 21 2 3768591621 8 36 9 585689 /8. 3786$ 1 1 1 1. .

(358) 012345672841.

(359)  . !6"#1 $%445 8& 2'( "4&2 8")432#12 23#1&)432 "(586" 81 2'( $45* #15 741&28262(& #$462 + 4, $45*-& .(8/'20 02 23#1&)432& /#&(&1 16238(12& #15 .#&2(&1 (1&6381/ # $#%#17(5 58&238$62841 4, .#2(3 2'4"(4&2#&8&31 #15 )%#*81/ # 5(78&84( 34%( 81 $45* 5(,(17(& #/#81&2 )#2'4/(1&0 5%445 812(3#72& .82' #%% 28&&6(& #151 '(17(1 7412#6781& # &432 4, )'*&84%4/87#% #4(3#/( 81,43"#2841 #$462 2'( $847'("87#% &2#26& 4, 2'( $45*0 8'( 74")41(12& 4, $%445 7#1 $( &()#3#2(5 8124 7(%%& #15 #1 #96(46& "(586"1 2'( $%445 )%#&"#1 $* 6%23#7(1238,6/#2841 2:8/63( 60730 8'( 7(%%6%#3 (%("(12& 74")38&( (3*2'347*2(& 23(5 $%445 7(%%&31 %(6;47*2(& 2.'82( $%445 7(%%&31 #15 2'34"$47*2(& 2)%#2(%(2&30 5%445 =)%#&"# 8& 74?")4&(5 4, .#2(3 #15 &4%62(&0 8'( &4%62(& 74")38&( 7 =. 8143/#187 841& 2<#1 ># #1& >%31 )342(81&1 %8)4)342(81&1 16238(12&1 "(2#$4%82(&1 .#&2( )345672&1 #15 '43"41(&0 @%#&"# )342(81& #3( 2'( "4&2 #$615#12 )%#&"# &4%85&1 $(81/ 3(&)41&8$%( ,43 23#1&)4321 3(/6%#2841 4, .#2(3 $#%#17(1 '("4&2#&8& #15 5(,(1&( #/#81&2 )#2'4/(1&0 A%$6"81 8& 2'( )342(81 .82' '8/'(&2 7417(123#2841 81 $%445 )%#&"# )%#*81/ # 73678#% 34%( 81 "#812#8181/ 2'( $%445-& 74%%485 4&"4287 )3(&&63( #15 3()3(&(1281/ #1 8")432#12 #"814 #785 3(&(34(0 B8)4)342(81 74")%(C(& #3( 8144%4(5 81 2'( 23#1&)432 4, %8)85& 2'346/' 2'( $%445 &23(#"1 ,34" 2'(83 &82( 4, #$&43)2841 43 &*12'(&8& 2"#81%* 2'( %84(3 #15 812(&281(31 24 )(38)'(3#% 28&&6(&0 8'( 3("#8181/ "(2#$4%82(& #3( 81 741&2#12 ,%6C $(2.((1 $%445 #15 28&&6(&0 DC*/(1 23#1&)432 24 "#812#81 2'( 4C85#284( "(2#$4%8&" 4, "4&2 28&&6(& 47763& 741&2#12%*1 #& .(%% #& 7#3$41 584C85( 23#1&)432 ,34" 2'( 28&&6(& 24 %61/&0 <6238(12& #$&43$(5 81 58/(&284( 23#721 &67' #& /%674&(1 #"814 #785&1 #15 "81(3#%&1 78376%#2( 24 #%% $45* 28&&6(&1 .'8%(1 .#&2( )345672& 81 28&&6(&1 &67' #& 63(# #15 73(#28181(1 78376%#2( 2'346/' 2'( ;851(*& #15 #3( (C73(2(5 81 63816E(?60 F!43"41(& #3( #%&4 23#1&)432(5 81 )%#&"# ,34" (1547381( /%#15& 24 2'(83 2#3/(2 43/#1&0 G817( $%445 8& #1 8")432#12 4('87%( 24 (&2#$%8&' 2'( 58#/14&8& 4, # )#28(12 )3448581/ 2'( "4%(76%#3 81,43"#2841 41 $847'("87#% &2#26&1 %#$43#243* #1#%*&8& 4, $%445 &#")%(& #3( )#32 4, 2'( 58#/14&62H87 )347(&& 4, &(4(3#% 58&(#&(& &67' #& 58#$(2(&1 %84(3 58&(#&(&1 #15 7#17(31 #"41/ 42'(3&0 !4.(4(31 #5582841#% &2658(& 4, 2'( "(2#$46%I8?76 J)34,8%( 4, $84%4/87#% &#")%(& '#4( )344(5 24 $( 4, ,632'(3 6&( 24 &265* &(4(3#% 58&(#&(&0 8'8& &23#2(/*1 ;14.1 #& "(2#$414"87&1 8& 4(3* #223#7284( $(7#6&( "#1* "(2#$4%82(& #15 2'(83 $847'("87#% )347(&&(& 7#1 $( 814(&28/#2(5 3#2'(3 2'#1 41%* )#32876%#3 "(2#$4%82(&0 8'( 81,43"#2841 2'6& 4$2#81(5 7#1 $( 6&(5 142 41%* ,43 58&(#&( 58#/14&8& $62 #%&4 ,43 )34/14&8&1 2 3(#2"(12 ,4%%4.?6) #15 "41824381/ 2'( (,,87#7* #15 &#,(2* 4, 536/ 7 K 23(#2"(120 .

(360) 01234565789 5

(361) 2 1 55 5

(362) 16362 5716

(363) 5 8365 8 5

(364) 16323 8 51. 55. . 3 73 <./1.=. 1. (?/0?= 3 73 59#21 321 >'&<= 52186 2= )2 1 '&<= 8; #52 74 59#21. 71!959#21 36 58486516 2= A!28162 71!959#21. 8 57459#21. 454!86 (?= ,57561. @4!786 <<= 3 21. ;#2 59#21. 43 1. 956. '(1628

(365) !1 2!41 3

(366) 21 455 91628

(367) !32856 5"86 2 11 3#1 $ 36 7386 957%56162 5

(368) 455&. )*1 2 1 #13 $ 736# 8


(370) 1162 8 13 1 3*1 4116 3. 598321 "82 3 8 2!43691 86 8%5%.5'2/1.(86 433691 36 957%5 82856& 1 81 32 15 915 8 36 95563# 132 8 13 1 +,-.0/.1$ # 1!3.22/8(536 86 8%5%52186 7123458 7 31 9('82893 25 1*15%7162 5

(371) 93691 $ 834121 36 8


(373) 1162 2#%1 5

(374) #%18%81783 & 16323 8 13 1. !9 3. %11937% 83(/ 03$ 61/2$ (4 3 5 3*1 4116 3. 598321 "82 9 361 86 732163 8%5%52186 . / ( ( 7123458 7& 55 2 1 1 13 56 $ 2 1 2!# 5

(375) 8%5%52186 %32891 "3 9381 5!2 86 2 1 95%1 5

(376) 2 8 2 1 8 36 571 ! 1

(377) ! 1613 86

(378) 5732856 345!2 2 18

(379) !692856 36 2!92!1 8 %1 1621 86 2 1 6162 %333% &. 78%5%52186 31 ! !3# 93. 8

(380) 81 56 2 1 43 8 5

(381) 2 18 16 82# 56 8 532856 4# !2391628

(382) !32856& 8 1 7386

(383) 392856 31 9 #578956 +0-$ *1# 5"/ "16 82# +B77-$ 8621718321/16 82# +97-$ 5"/ "16 82# +77-$ 36 8 /16 82# +,77- 8%5%52186 & 8 1 1613 2!92!1 5

(384) 8%5%52186 8

(385) 571 4# 36 16*15%1 36 2 1 951 +58!1 '&(-& 8 1 16*15%1 957%8 1 7386# 3%58%5%52186 36 37% 8%32 89 8%8 +75 2# % 5 % 58%8 36 !61 218

(386) 81 9 51 215- "82 2 18 %53 5!% 581621 25 2 1 3:!15!. !

(387) 391$ " 81 2 1 3%53 5!% 8621392 "82 2 1 #5% 5489 951$

(388) 571 4# 2839#8915 $ 9 51 (201# 1 21 $ 36 73 375!62 5

(389) !61 218

(390) 81 9 51 215 36 52 1 8. 5*1 8%8 & . >.

(391) 012345672841. j%4"%48"85 #414&3. "48"4"34281 ` . /3 k6123885l 7%4234 '%423& 23

(392)  2367263 4  4` 5182& 8"4"34281 k+,+l mn"38125 34# 3317 12‚ 387&(&734.  71  1 81  a$ 2% 8"4"34281 372841 %! 8#83 7%#87 74#"482841 62 583 81 328! 8"85 15 "34281 74#"482841 15$ %17$ 58312 74#812841 4 8"85 15 "34281 "34567 "3287 8 82% 58312 51828$ 8o 15 6172841 % 8"85 741212 8 66& 81!3& 743325 82% 2% 5182& 4 2% 8"4"34281 % 58317 81 741212 21 8"4"34281 372841 3 325 24 2%83 6172841 "34"328 '%&4#87341 231"432 5823& 2387&(&734 34# 812281 24 42%3 286 67%  58"4$ %32$ )2$ 15 #67 *+,+ -"432 154(146 2387&(&734 34# 2% 8!3 +,+ 3 2% #.43 73383 4 7%4234 81 445 15 58!3 7%423& 23 24 "38"%3 286 15 8!3 /81&$ 0,+ 3#4! -7 4 7%4234 341# 7 15 231"432 82 24 8!3 15 234854(187 286 43 #248# 2 15 732841 . a 34567 '4#"482841 4 #.43 7 4 %6#1 "# 8"4"34281 89:;:<;=>9?@ ABCDD UVW6XY Z [X\] bcdc gdc cdc idc7 idc. .  EFGHIJIKL MNHOL ^_ ` a 1 ` e a_ ` 1_. e ` a_ f ` a _ ` f. EINPFJQL MRSHTO f1 f1 ` h. h €. f. f € h1. h1 €. a_. a_ € a. UXYpX] q X\rsqtuv wx4[UXYpX\\q] UXc p ƒ] yKzJIFN y{zP|{z}F|F~P {z}IPJIKz} {IzP}IJIPJKIP KQ}L „KF GI KQz}}RP} Q† a ^ a 1 e_ e. e ^. a __. f. f f af a1 2a h aa aa e. ^ _ 2 11 _. 1 1 2_ 1_ 2.

(393) 01234565789 5

(394) 2 1 55 5

(395) 16362 5716

(396) 5 8365 8 5

(397) 16323 8 51. 632893 712 5. 9 3 2391628

(398) 32856 11925 51 8  9 573253  1988232856 36 1673289 3. 3  31  3 381

(399) 5 8552186 363 8  511 2 1 31 2871 36 345 956 786 571 5

(400) 2 17 1!886 31 37562 5

(401) "#3 73 36 5712871 8625986 321

(402) 392 4 758

(403) 86 32891 36 2 18 956 282162  $0% 1925 95 3 516 25 41  1


(405) 5 9 33921832856 5

(406) 2 1 738"6+ 8552186 32891  86 8!8 9 573253  8192 "9,5)-1 25 $0% &'()$0%* 36 732 1732893 1332856 381 25   $0% 1923 . 1 1 3539 1 8 41 8 9. 1 86 751 1238 86 2 1 61/2 49 321  . .

(407) 012345672841.

(408)  .


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

(411) 01234565789 5

(412) 2 1 55 5

(413) 16362 5716

(414) 5 8365 8 5

(415) 16323 8 51. 5

(416) 2 1

(417) 6928563 5 5

(418) 2 1 4 23691 8651 511 2 1 738#6$  %8&78232856 5

(419) !" 8 2 1 5 11 5

(420) 12381 75193 3. 867162 2 32 936 41 39 811 . '()*+,-./0-! 23281 9 171 5

(421) 3 21893 20" 341 5$$ 067 36 08 3321 99:821 ;23 1

(422) 573691 <8:8 = 573253 7 43 1 71234565789 36312893 32

(423) 57 >?@23921

(424) 57 1

(425) 11691 %5A. =1621 7361 211 5

(426) 485

(427) 8  28. 1 36 91 1@2392 31 281 82 2 1 387 25 861 28321 2 18 9575 82856 36 4859 17893 86

(428) 5732856 25 581 86 8 2 862%55 2 1. 232 5

(429) 3 886 5368 7  89 936 13 25 31 5

(430) 189286 8 13 1 152856 1 75 2  1 485

(431) 8 86 71234565789. 281 5

(432) 48571893 113691 31 861 36 455 3 73 1 1 936 41 13 81 5423861

(433) 5 8 13 1 8365 8 36 936 581 36 8621321 81 5

(434) 2 1  51 1 217 48551 511 5

(435) 216 2 1 878 2$86

(436) 3925

(437) 56 86 48571893 #. 281 5

(438) 8 13 1 8 2 1 5 6741 5

(439) 371 338341 1 751 1@216 81 38932856 5

(440) 71234565789 3 4116 86  25@89551. 2186 2 1 1


(442) 192 5

(443)  56  51 5368 7 41 2 1 713 17162 5

(444) 32132856 86 2 1 71234589 5

(445) 81 51 2871 86 1 56 1 25 21. 5 5 8621162856 !6 2 8 1 192 71234589 63691 36 4857341  936 41 81628

(446) 81 41 9 339218 289 9 361 86 2 1 32216 5

(447) 95691623285%B6 5

(448) 165165 712345821 2 32 1321 25 2 1 821 36 719 368 7 5

(449) 25@89821 9  20" 71234565789 4857341 8 1

(450) 861 3 36 3133 7  89 8 3317 956 8 21621 9 %3C61 86 2 1  20" 1923 1856 41 3 816

(451) 3925 5

(452) 86211 2 38 13 1 25@895517 20"D43 1 71234589 5

(453) 886 3 3 5 4116 811  1 86 736 8 13 1 8365 8 25 181 61 4859 178931 43 1 3. 31 36 861628

(454) 1 95748632856 4857341

(455) 5 8 13 1  5 86 23691 2 11 8 3 132 611

(456) 5 16 8281 36 54E19281 21 286 712 5

(457) 5 93691 82 86 2 1 3 172573289 F$5DF3285F6# 1691 7 9DF % F  1 139 3 4116 9381 52 86 1321 313. 9 3 413 2  81 36 6 . .

(458) 012345672841. 7

(459) 17 3 4341

(460) 3 

(461) 32 58



(464) 4  1 81 28

(465) 2 5 56 24 82 8 81785 17 4 432

(466) 82 81 5  4 5 7461238   265 4 3 1

(467) 2

(468)  58435 3   2

(469) 41487 

(470)  ! 1

(471) 553  5  43  681 

(472) 2 31





(477) 15 6

(478) 1

(479) 184287 685 "43 #

(480)   81887

(481) 12 8 3 7417 123

(482) 2841 4 828581  23481

(483) 15  1


(485) 181 $ 3 4615 81 3 7

(486) 287 3 1

(487) 178  74

(488) 3 5 24 143

(489)  3 1

(490) 178    81581 


(492) 3

(493) 5  1

(494) 8 5

(495)  58

(496) 14287 

(497) 3% 3 

(498) 74

(499) 1 7

(500)  5 & 2

(501) 84 25 34 2 '18 382 4 ( 5 ) 2

(502) 8 5 81 *++, . -./.01 23456789:7;<6=>49?6@A<7<469B2:?C99DE64=8A@4AEF9 G&H 8

(503)  72347487 2 718I6 

(504)  5 41 2 

(505) 1 287 34 328  4 2

(506) 2487 167 8 $ 1 

(507) 7 5 81

(508) 2341 

(509) 1 287 8 5

(510) 15 3485  81*43

(511) 2841 41 2 4 76

(512) 3 2367263 4 43

(513) 187 4 76 

(514) 15 844 76  81 462841 G&H 8

(515) 43 3

(516) 85

(517) 15 14181

(518) 8 2 718I6  "43 2  3

(519) 41 G&H  723474 

(520)   1 $85  6 5 81 2367263

(521)  7 823

(522) 15 4 3 3 7 12 43  2

(523) 487 34881 142 41 24

(524) 77  2 .  J 2

(525) 26 4 881 43 

(526) 18 62

(527) 4 43 5 2

(528) 8 5 7

(529) 3

(530) 72 38K

(531) 2841 4 445 67

(532)  3682 L687 

(533) 15  3 . -./.0.-1 M8><4>E56@9AN92:?9DE64=8A@4AEF9  167

(534) 3 81  1 3

(535) 2 


(537) 1 287 584

(538) 41 2

(539) #8 4 342

(540) 2841 28 81 

(541) 81


(543) 1 287 4 12 O

(544) 478

(545) 2 5

(546)  $ 


(548) 1

(549) 16

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(570) 126 16 3 8 Y* Z 1 


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