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J. bras. pneumol. vol.32 número6 en a04v32n6


Academic year: 2018

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J Bras Pneumol . 20 06 ;3 2(5):4 89 - 9 4

Prognostic factors for complications following pulmonary

resection: pre- albumin analysis, time on mechanical

ventilation, and other factors*


*St u dy con du ct ed at t he Universidade Est adu al de Campinas (UNICAM P, St at e Universit y at Campinas) Hospit al de Clínicas -Cam pin as, Brazil.

1. M ast ers f rom t he Depart men t of Surgery of t he Universidade Est adual de Campinas (UNICAM P, St at e Universit y at Campinas) School of M edical Scien ces - Campinas, Brazil; Prof essor of Physical Therapy at t he São João da Boa Vist a Cen t ro Un iversit ário das Facu ldades Associadas de En sino (UNIFAE, Associat ed Schools of Learn in g Universit y Cent er) - São João da Boa Vist a, Brazil

2. Physical Therapist an d special M ast ers st u den t in t he Depart m en t of Su rgery of t he Un iversidade Est adu al de Cam pinas (UNICAM P, St at e Un iversit y at Cam pin as) School of M edical Scien ces - Cam pinas, Brazil

3. Prof essor in t he Clin ical Pat hology Depart ment of t he Universidade Est adual de Cam pin as (UNICAM P, St at e Un iversit y at Campin as) School of M edical Sciences - Cam pinas, Brazil

4. Head of t he Thoracic Su rgery Division of t he Depart men t of Surgery of t he Universidade Est adual de Campinas (UNICAM P, St at e Universit y at Campin as) School of M edical Sciences - Campinas, Brazil

Corresponden ce t o: Ren at a Crist ian e Gen nari Bian chi. Ru a Agost inho Pires de Agu iar, 610, apt 5, Bairro São Lázaro - CEP: 13870- 480, São João da Boa Vist a, SP, Brasil. Tel: 55 19 3631- 7116. Email: bian chirenat a@ hot mail.com

Submit t ed: 6 Oct ober, 2005. Approved, af t er review: 3 M arch, 2006.


Objective: To determine whether pre- operative nutritional status and post- operative time on mechanical ventilation, as well as others factors, are correlated with post- operative complications (general or pulmonary) in patients undergoing

elect ive thoracic surgery. M ethods: A prospective st udy was conducted, involving 71 pat ients undergoing elective

pulmonary resection. The data collected pre- operatively included gender, age, smoking status, pre- albumin level, lymphocyte count, and body mass index. The peri- operative data included type of surgery and surgical time, as well as post- operative

time on mechanical ventilation.Results: Post- operative complications were found to correlate with low pre- albumin

concentration, type of resection, surgical time, and post- operative time on mechanical ventilation. Surgical time and post- operative time on mechanical ventilation were also implicated in the post- operative pulmonary complications

observed in 22 (30.99%) of the patients studied.Conclusion: Our results suggest that pre- albumin concentration, type

of surgery and surgical time, as well as operative time on mechanical ventilation, serve as predictive indices of post-operative complicat ions in patient s undergoing elective pulmonary resect ion. In the analysis of the post- post-operative pulmonary complications, statistically significant correlations were found between such complications and increases in surgical time or post- operative time on mechanical ventilation.



When a pat ient is submit t ed t o surgery under general anest hesia, t here is a cert ain impact on p u l m o n ary f u n ct i o n , even i f t h e su r g er y i s ext rat horacic. This impact is undoubt edly great er in t horacic surgery, which can lead t o signif icant post - operat ive complicat ions (POCs).(1)

A prolonged anest hesia period, t he locat ion of t he incision , hypercapni a, severe dyspnea and advanced age accompanied by a long hist ory of cardiopulmonary illness are also considered risk f act ors f or post - operat ive pulmonary complicat ions (POPCs),(2)as are smoking, obesit y and abnormal

blood gas/ spiromet ry values.(3)Awareness of pat ient

nut rit ional st at us is crucial t o t he post - operat ive assessment since malnut rit ion implies great er int ra-operat ive and post - ra-operat ive risks.(4)General body

measurement s, such as weight and height , are easily assessed and can provide valuable inf ormat ion regarding nut rit ional st at us.(4)There also seems t o

be a correlat ion bet ween visceral prot ein def iciencies and morbidit y.(5)Laborat ory t est ing f or nut rit ional

st at u s v ar i ab l es,(5 ) u si n g m et h o d s su ch as

det ermining t he pre- albumin levels and perf orming lymphocyt e count s, can also be import ant .

St udies have shown t hat mechanical vent ilat ion (MV) and surgical t ime inf luence POCs. To maint ain respirat ory f unct ion during surgical int ervent ions, M V is ext ensively used during, and in some cases af t er, anest hesia. However, prolonged use of MV can lead t o POCs. Despit e being considered a support m et ho d, M V can ei t h er red u ce or aggr avat e pulmonary injury. High peak inspirat ory pressure val u es r esu l t i n p u l m o n ar y ed em a, al veol ar dest ruct ion, surf act ant dysf unct ion and deat h.(6)It

is est imat ed t hat POPCs account f or 24% of all deat hs occurring wit hin t he f ist six post - operat ive d ays.(7) Co n cep t u al l y, POPCs are def i n ed as

pulmonary abnormalit ies t hat occur during the post -operat ive period and produce an ident if iable disease or clinically significant dysf unct ions that unfavorably af f ect t he clinical evolut ion.(8) The predominant

POPCs are at el ect asi s an d pn eu m on i a.(9- 1 0) I n

addit ion, t he patient might present acut e respirat ory f ai l u r e, acu t e resp i r at o ry d i st r ess syn dr om e, pulmonary embolism or bronchopleural f ist ula.

The obj ect i ve of t hi s st u dy w as t o assess nut rit ional indices such as pre- albumin levels and lymphocyt e count s, as well as surgical t ime and t ime

on M V, in order t o charact erize t he inf luence of t hese f act ors on post - operat ive morbidit y.


A prospect ive cohort st udy was conduct ed f rom M ay of 2002 t o Oct ober of 2003 in t he Thoracic Surgery Depart ment of t he Campinas St at e Universit y Hospit al de Clínicas.

A t otal of 71 consecutive pat ients, of both genders, submit t ed t o pulmonary resect ion met t he inclusion crit eria and comprised t he st udy sample. During t he dat a collect ion period, no modif icat ions t hat might int erf ere wit h pat ient post - operat ive evolut ion were made t o the basic int ra- operative treatment prot ocols. The f ollowing inclusion crit eria were applied: undergoing elect ive pulmonary resect ion surgery (p n eu m o n ect o m y, l o b ect o m y, b i l o b ect o m y, segment ect omy or nodulect omy); being 18 years of age or older; and giving writ t en inf ormed consent .

Pat ient s who died during t he int ra- operat ive period were excluded f rom t he analysis.

The st udy design was approved by t he Et hics Commit t ee of t he Campinas St at e Universit y School of M edicine (Opinion no., 231/ 2002).

The f ollowing pre- operat ive dat a were gat hered f rom pat ient medical chart s: gender; age; working diagnosis; smoking st at us; pre- albumin values and lymphocyt e count s (up to f ive days prior t o surgery); body mass index (BMI); and correlat ed morbidit ies, su ch as d i ab et es m el l i t u s, syst em i c ar t er i al hypert ension and alcoholism. All pat ient s underwent anest hesia administ ered by t he same team, using the same anest het ic met hods and involving select ive ventilation.

The following int ra- operat ive dat a were collected: Type and t ime (in hours) of t horacic surgery; t ype of su rgi cal i n ci si on; an d com pli cat i on s, su ch as hemorrhage, hypot ension or deat h.


J Bras Pneumol . 20 06 ;3 2(5):4 89 - 9 4

In order t o describe t he sample prof ile according t o t he man y variables u nder st udy, descript ive st at ist ical t ables of t he cont inuous variables were prepared, as were t ables describing t he f requency of t he cat egori cal variabl es. For t he pu rposes of comparing POCs and POPCs in t erms of cat egorical variables, t he chi- square t est or, when necessary, Fisher's exact t est , was used. To compare POCs and POPCs in t erms of cont inuous variables, t he Mann-Whit ney non- paramet ric t est , which compares t he observat ion post s, was used. In order t o det ermine which f act ors inf luenced pulmonary complicat ions, logist ic regression was used via univariat e analysis, t oget her wit h st epwise mult ivariat e analysis.(12- 13) A signif icance level of 5% (i.e., p < 0.05) was adopted.


A t ot al of 63 pat ient s were diagnosed wit h pulmonary neoplasia, whereas 8 were diagnosed wit h pulmonary mycetoma. There were 44 males (61.97%). Ages ranged from 19 t o 77 years of age, with a mean of 55.69 years. Of t he 71 pat ient s evaluat ed, 24 (3 3 .8 % ) w er e sm o k er s, 2 6 ( 3 6 .6 2 % ) w er e nonsmokers, and 21 (29.58%) were f ormer smokers. The types of pulmonary resection were bilobectomy in 3 pat ient s (4.23%), lobect omy in 35 (49.3%), nodulectomy in 13 (18.31%), pneumonectomy in 14 (19.72%) and segmentectomy in 6 (8.45%). lobectomia eTypes of surgery were grouped as f ollows: lobect omy and bilobectomy; nodulectomy plus segment ectomy; and pneumonectomy.

In t he present st udy, t here was no st at ist ical signif icance f or t he occurrence of POCs or POPCs based on age or lymphocyt e count .

A t ot al of 28 pat ient s (39.44%) present ed POCs, whereas 22 (30.99%) present ed POPCs.

The present st udy compared POCs and POPCs in t erms of cat egorical variables (gender, smoking status

and t ype of surgery). Comparisons were also made in t erms of general int ra- operat ive complicat ions, int operat ive respirat ory complicat ions and int ra-operat i ve hemodyn am i c com pl i cat i on s. These variables (POCs and POPCs) were also compared wit h con t i n u ou s vari abl es (age, pre- al bum i n l evel , lymphocyt e count , surgical t ime, t ime on MV and BMI).

In ref erence t o t ime on M V, 63 pat ient s were ext u bat ed in t he operat i ng room , and 6 were ext ubat ed in t he int ensive care unit . For 2 pat ient s, it was not possible t o det ermine t he moment of ext ubat ion. The t ype of surgery was f ound t o have st at ist ical signif icance in t he comparison among t he POCs: pneumonect omy, lobect omy, bilobect omy, nodulect omy and segment ect omy (p = 0.01 f or all). There were also st at ist ically signif icant correlat ions f or t he f ollowing: POCs wit h surgical t ime (p = 0.004), POCs wit h t ime on M V (p = 0.01) and POCs wit h pre- albumin level (p = 0.009); POPCs wit h surgical t ime (p = 0.003); and POPCs wit h t ime on M V (p = 0.04). The remaining result s (f or gender, smoking st at us, BMI, int ra- operat ive complicat ions, int operat ive respirat ory complicat ions and int ra-operat ive hemodynamic complicat ions) were not st at ist ically signif icant . Tables 1 and 2 show t he most important result s, whereas Tables 3 and 4 show t he logist ic regression f or POCs and POPCs.


The majorit y of t he st udied pat ient s underwent resect ion of t he pulmonary parenchyma due t o neoplasia. According t o some aut hors,(14)lung cancer

is t he leading cause of deat h f rom cancer, f or men and women, in t he USA, despit e t he fact t hat surgical resect ion of f ers a bet t er chance f or cure in pat ient s wit h non- small cell lung cancer.

The POPC incidence f ollowing t horacot omy


Principle variables with statistical significance for post- operative complications

Var iables Surgi cal t ime Tim e on M V Pre- albumin

(hours: minut es) (hours:minut es) (mg/ dl)

Pat ient s wi t h POCs (n) 28 28 21

M ean 4:15 h 8:55 h 11,37 mg/ dl

Pat ient s wit hout POCs (n) 38 38 27

M ean 3:30 h 4:52 h 15,86 mg/ dl

p 0,004 0,01 0,009


J Bras Pneumol . 20 06 ;3 2(6):4 89 - 9 4

accompanied by pulmonary resect ion st ands at approximat ely 30%. It has been report ed t hat t his occurs not only due t o t he removal of pulmonary t issue, but also as a result of an alt erat ion in t he nut rit ional st at us, as well as of alt erat ions in t he chest - wall mechanics, of t he t horacot omy it self , of t he anest hesia and of t he M V.(15) The nut rit ional

indices used herein were chosen due t o t heir ease

of applicat ion and low cost , as well as t o t he f act t hat t hey are considered sat isf act ory predict ors of post - operat ive morbidit y. This can be observed in t he current st udy, in which POPCs occurred at a rat e of 30.99%, compared wit h 39.44% f or POCs.

The highest rat e of respirat ory complications was associat ed wit h longer surgical t imes. According t o some aut hors,(16)t he most common post - operat ive

complicat ion f ollowing operat ions last ing over f our hours is pneumonia, regardless of which lung is af f ect ed.

Various ot her aut hors have conf irmed t hat being over t he age of 70 represent s an independent risk f act or f or pulmonary resect ion.(17)In cont rast , ot her

aut hors(18)have arrived at t he conclusion t hat , f or

malignant diseases in elderly pat ient s, pulmonary resect ion is benef icial. St ill ot her aut hors,(19) have

st at ed t hat elderly pat ient s present ing good general healt h st at us do not display an increased number of POCs and should t heref ore not be excluded f rom surgery exclusively on t he grounds of age. In t he present study, patient age was not predictive of POCs. We also f ound t hat smoking st at us had no inf luence on POCs, alt hough t he lit erat ure shows


Principal variables of statistical significance for post- operative pulmonary complications

Var iables Su rgical t ime Ti me on M V

(hours:minut es) (hour s:minut es)

Pat ient s wit h POPCs (n) 22 22

M ean 4:26 h 6:25 h

Pat ient s wit hout POPCs (n) 44 44

M ean 3:35 h 6:22 h

p 0,003 0,04

POPC: post - operat ive pulmonary compl icat ions; M V: mechanical vent ilat ion


Significant variables in the univariat e analysis of post- operative complications and post- operative

pulmonary complications

Post- operative complications

Var iabl e 95% CI p OR

Pre- albumin (0.988- 0.803) 0.0292 0.891

Type of surgery (23.515- 1.374) 0.0165 5.684

Surgical t ime (2.967- 1.160) 0.0099 1.855

Post- operative pulmonary complications

Variable 95% CI p OR

Surgical t ime (3.206- 1.181) 0.009 01.946

95% CI: 95% conf idence i nt erval; OR: odds rat io


Significant variables in the univariate analysis of post- operative complications and post- operative pulmonary complications

Post- operative complications

Var iabl e 95% CI Est imat e EP chi- square p OR

Pre- albumin (0.680- 0.949) - 0.2194 0.0852 6.6381 0.0100 0.803

Lymphocytes (1.014- 2.059) 0.3681 0.1807 4.1486 0.0417 1.445

Surgical t ime (1.163- 5.348) 0.9138 0.3892 5.5120 0.0189 2.494

Post- operative pulmonary complications

Var iabl e 95% CI Est imat e EP chi- square p OR

Surgical t ime (1.181- 3.206) 0.6655 0.2549 6.8192 0.0090 1.946

95% CI: conf idence int erval; SE: st andard error; OR: odds rat io


J Bras Pneumol . 20 06 ;3 2(5):4 89 - 9 4

t hat smokers are at great er risk f or developing POPCs.(20)

Our result s show t hat t here was a st at ist ically si gn i f i can t corr el at i on b et w een pr e- al b u m i n alt erat ions and POCs, as evidenced by t he f inding t hat 43.75% of t he pat ient s present ing POCs had low levels of pre- albumin. Such correlat ions have also been report ed in t he lit erat ure,(21)underscoring

t he import ance of assessing pre- albumin levels. In addi t ion, t he lit erat ure demon st rat es t hat pre-albumin is t he first serum protein t o be alt ered under acut e malnut ri t ion condit ions and is t he most sensit ive in t erms of ret urning t o it s normal level f ollowing nut ritional supplement at ion. The object ive of det ermining pre- albumin levels is t o indirect ly measure visceral prot ein mass. Pre- albumin present s quit e a small body reserve and a short half - lif e (of approximat ely t wo days).(22)Theref ore, one must be

caref u l w hen i n t erp ret i n g i t s l evel s p ri o r t o co n f i r m i n g a d i ag n o si s o f p r o t ei n - cal o r i e mal nut ri t ion, since hepat ic produ ct ion of pre-albumin drops in response t o systemic inflammation, such as t hat seen in t rauma or sepsis, t he end result being t hat serum pre- albumin levels f all rapidly.(21)

Due t o t hese charact erist ics, cert ain aut hors(23)

consider t his prot ein t he best nut rit ional assessment paramet er.

Various st udies have demonstrat ed a relationship bet ween POCs and low lymphocyt e count s. In order t o complement t he assessment of pat ient s wit h suspect ed prot ein- calorie malnut rit ion, one must det ermine serum prot eins such as pre- albumin, f urt her t o assessing t he number of lymphocyt es.(21)

In t he present st udy, lymphocyt e count was not suf f icient ly sensit ive t o predict POCs, a f inding t hat cont radict s t hose of t he art icles cit ed. However, pre-albumin level proved t o be a nut rit ional index t hat is predict ive of POCs, alt hough not specif ically predict ive of POPCs.

Li f e expect an cy is low er in obese pat i ent s, alt hough surgical mort alit y rat es are not higher.(24)

However, obese pat ient s are at great er risk f or pulmonary complicat ions.(24) Nevert heless, in t he

present st udy, BMI, which charact erizes obesit y, did not prove suf f icient ly sensit ive t o predict POPCs.

The t ype of surgery paramet er was an ef f ect ive predict or of POCs but not of POPCs. According t o some aut hors,(17)t he mort alit y rat e among pat ient s

undergoing pneumonect omy is t ypically t wice as high as t hat among t hose undergoing lobect omy.

In addit ion, segment ect omy or nodulect omy carry t he lowest risks, and pneumonect omy carries t he highest risk. Theref ore, t here is a clear relat ionship bet ween t he ext ent of resect ion and post - operat ive morbidit y/mort alit y.(19)

A gamut of adverse ef f ect s and complicat ions are associat ed wit h M V. These complicat ions occur wit h great f requency and yet are not f requent ly report ed in lit erat ure. The pot ent ial adverse ef f ect s include a decrease in t he cardiac index, respirat ory alkalosis, increased int racranial pressure and gast ric dist en si on. Compl icat i on s t hat are exclu sivel y respirat ory, such as pneumot horax, bronchopleural f ist u la an d n osocom i al pn eu moni a, can ari se. Complicat ions can also result f rom inappropriat e handling of t he mechanical vent ilat or, such as t he use of incorrect set t ings or not heat ing/ humidif ying t he inspired air.(25)

In a ret rospect ive analysis of t he incidence of int ra- operat ive and immediat e POCs, 65 pat ient s wit h pulmonary emphysema and submit t ed t o lung t ransplant were evaluat ed. The conclusion t hat t ime on MV > 48 hours and post - operat ive hemorrhage were t he variables t hat best indicat ed deat h during t he immediat e post - operat ive period.(26)

Some aut hors perf ormed a ret rospect ive st udy of 508 pat ient s undergoing gast roduodenal surgery, wit h t he purpose of invest igat ing risk f act ors f or POPCs. The conclusion was t hat t he int ra- operat ive/ post - operat ive t ime on M V cont ribut ed t o t he development of t hese complicat ions.(27)

In t he current st udy, t he int ra- operat ive t ime on MV correlat ed signif icant ly wit h POCs (28 pat ient s; p = 0.0198), as well as wit h POPCs (22 pat ient s; p = 0.0491). Alt hough our result s suggest t hat t here is a relat ionship bet ween t ime on M V and POCs, t here i s st il l a short age of st udi es in t he li t erat ure evaluat ing POCs in relat ion t o t i me on M V in pulmonary resect ions. Theref ore, more st udies are n eeded t o det ermi n e w het her a l on ger i n t ra-operat ive t ime on M V result s in POCs.




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