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An intention-based service design discipline for the product-service architecture.


Academic year: 2021

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(1)DIOGO DE SOUZA DUTRA. AN INTENTION-BASED SERVICE DESIGN DISCIPLINE FOR THE PRODUCT-SERVICE ARCHITECTURE. Dissertação apresentada à Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo para obtenção do Título de Mestre em Ciências. Área de Concentração: Engenharia de Controle e Automação Mecânica.. São Paulo 2017.

(2) DIOGO DE SOUZA DUTRA. AN INTENTION-BASED SERVICE DESIGN DISCIPLINE FOR THE PRODUCT-SERVICE ARCHITECTURE. Dissertação apresentada à Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo para obtenção do Título de Mestre em Ciências. Área de Concentração: Engenharia de Controle e Automação Mecânica.. Área de Concentração: Engenharia de Controle e Automação Mecânica Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Reinaldo Silva. São Paulo 2017.

(3) Este exemplar foi revisado e alterado em relação à versão original, sob responsabilidade única do autor e com a anuência de seu orientador. São Paulo, February 20, 2017. Assinatura do autor Assinatura do orientador. Catalogação-na-publicação. Dutra, Diogo An Intention-Based Service Design Discipline for the ProductService Architecture/ D. Dutra. – versão corr. – São Paulo, 2017. 147 p. Dissertação (Mestrado) — Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica e Sistemas Mecãnicos. 1. Service Design. 2. Service Engineering. 3. Design Engineering. 4. Requirement Engineering I. Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Politécnica. Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica e Sistemas Mecãnicos. II. t..

(4) Dedico esse trabalho primeiramente à Deus, minha família, Manoel e Inês, que nunca me deixaram perder a fé no meu proprio potencial; e minha amada Isadora, cujo suporte, carinho e paciência foram essenciais para o cumprimento da minha jornada..


(6) AGRADECIMENTOS. Primeiramente, gostaria de agradecer à Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, que mais uma vez me acolhe como seu aluno. Todos professores e amigos que fiz por aqui foram esseciais para a minha formação pessoal e profissional. Serei eternamente grato a cada um. Em segundo lugar, quero deixar registrado minha admiração e minha gradidão ao meu orientador professor Doutor José Reinaldo Silva. Além dos ensinamentos e provocações, vendo a ciência como ciclos de revoluções e não somente como métodos, teorias e empirismos simplistas, ele se tornou um verdadeiro mentor de vida para mim. Amadureci muito nesses ùltimos anos e agradeço muito cada conversa, como também cada chamada de atenção. Não posso deixar de agradecer e citar meus grandes colegas do D-Lab. Valter Oliveira, cujo tabalho seminal trouxe ao D-Lab a ciência de Servicos, meu objeto de estudos hoje. Javier, Ariana e Nilberto, que a convivência, trocas e suporte no laboratório me ajudaram sempre a pensar diferente. Walter Lima, cujas conversas profundas sempre me fizeram pensar nos aspectos mais humanos das ciências exatas. E todos os outros que passaram pelo D-Lab e cujas generosidade academica sempre me enriquecedoras. Gostaria também de agradecer ao meu grande amigo e parceiro Raul Javales, que de maneira muito gentil ajudou muito com a coleta de dados para o case principal desse trabalho, doando inclusive seu tempo aos finais de semana. Além disso, trouxe também críticas e sugestoes valiosas. Não poderia deixar de lado meu grande amigo e sócio Miguel Chaves, que durante todos nossos anos de lealdade e companheirismo na condução do CAOS Focado, sempre me deu forcas e estimulo para a conclusão dessa jornada. Obrigado por me ensinar o real signinificado de resiliência e espirito empreendedor. Agradeço também ao amigo e mais recente sócio do CAOS Focado, Lucas Torres, que com sua sobriedade e tranquilidade me inspira a ser um melhor líder e uma pessoa sempre mais mais justa. E mesmo distante, não poderia deixar de agrader meus meio-irmãos Fernando e Shelly, que com muito amor e respeito sempre me apoiaram e me deram forças durante essa jornada. Tenho saudades de estar com vocês, mas o carinho, a admiração e o amor que tenho por ambos é algo que me alimenta sempre e me move para a ação. Chego então a uma das pessoas mais importantes, que me dá apoio irrestirto, me encoraja e que com sua paciencia e carinho me ajudou a chegar até aqui. Obrigado minha companheira e meu amor Isadora. Sei que essa jornada não foi fácil para você também e te agradeço muito pela imensa compreensão em todos os momentos mais difícies. Eu te amo..

(7) Por último, os pilaes que me permitiram ser quem sou, as pessoas que mais acreditam em mim, que mais se preocupam e vibram com minhas vitórias, meus amados pais, Manoel e Inês. Meu mais imenso obrigado, por tudo que voces já fizeram e por todo suporte estrutural e emocional que vocês me deram durante todos esses anos. Tudo que sou, devo a vocês. Peço desculpas por minhas ausências e pelas faltas que cometi durante esse processo. Eu amo vocês de mais e mesmo com todo o percurso que a vida ainda há de me levar, eu estarei com vocês e por vocês..

(8) RESUMO. A partir da década de 1990, o campo das ciências de serviço vivenciou um grande crescimento, tendo o Marketing como campo acadêmico precursor, seguido pela área de gestão e logo depois pelo campo acadêmico da engenharia. Desde ferramentas de negócios (ie, comércio eletrônico), passando por novas abordagens na prestação de serviços (por exemplo, tecnologia de autoatendimento baseada em TI, emissão de tickets e reservas on-line, acesso à conta bancária on-line, entre outras), novas formas de relacionar-se com clientes (por exemplo, e-Customer Relationship Management), os serviços baseados na Internet e TI levaram os pesquisadores a uma infusão de conceitos e técnicas relacionadas ã engenharia de software dentro do campo dos serviços (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). Já o início de 2004 foi marcado pela introdução da lógica dominante de serviço (SDL), defendendo a transição de uma economia de trocas baseadas em bens para uma baseada em serviços. Além disso, no mesmo ano, a IBM lançou um "call to action"para uma iniciativa chamada Service Science, Management e Engineer (SSME), provocando uma maior formalização ao campo de pesquisa das ciências de serviço (MAGLIO et al., 2006). Porém, hoje ainda pesquisadores e profissionais estão estudando e desenvolvendo maneiras de consolidar as teorias, leis e princípios das ciências de serviço, a fim de gerenciar e controlar os sistemas de serviços na prática. Por outro lado, os Sistemas de Serviço são definidos como sistemas com uma intensa relação (ou colaboração) com o cliente. Esta característica de relacionamento colaborativo altera a idéia atual de serviços (baseada em bens): de um canal informacional unidirecional, para um intercâmbio de recursos múltiplos através de um processo adaptável com o cliente. Na verdade, esta mudança altera não apenas a forma como os sistemas de serviço são entendidos, mas especialmente como são projetados. Em termos de impacto da lógica dominante de serviço sobre os diferentes setores econômicos, a indústria de manufatura acabou obtendo grande atenção de vários pesquisadores pelo mundo. (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010; CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012; TOMIYAMA, 2001). O campo de pesquisa de Engenharia de Serviços, que estuda o impacto da lógica de serviços sobre a manufatura, defende então a incursão do Design de Serviço no processo de fabricação, mudando inteiramente a idáia atual de uma cadeia de produção que se iniciava a partir dos insumos e matárias-primas vindas dos fornecedores, passando pela manufatura, atá a sua distribuição ao consumidor final. No entanto, a nova perspectiva sobre serviços de manufatura compreende serviços que englobam os produtos, superando assim a noção do design como projeto da função de um produto, para alcançar a ideia de design como o projeto.

(9) da mudança de estado de um receptor. Com o objetivo de apoiar a adaptação e o relacionamento intenso em busca de atender às necessidades individuais de cada cliente, uma proposta para um manufatura orientada à serviços deve ter como base tecnologias que trazem mais liberdade e flexibilidade ao processo de produção. Um processo de produção para os serviços de manufatura deve ser, portanto, formado por um novo e sofisticado arranjo em rede conectados à internet, combinando máquinas inteligentes e colaborativas. A manufatura dessa maneira caminhará para uma proposta no qual fábricas inteligentes (virtuais) produz produtos inteligentes. A Arquitetura de Produto-Serviço (ou apenas PSA) foi proposta pela primeira vez por (SILVA; NOF, 2015) com o objetivo de responder às necessidades de uma abordagem orientada a serviços para indústrias de manufatura. Conforme definido pelos autores, o PSA é uma arquitetura distribuída no qual um provedor de serviços é definido como um conjunto aberto de unidades de produção (que poderiam fornecer produtos, serviços ou mesmo produtos / serviços) que poderiam ser independentes ou comercialmente conectados à empresa prestadora de serviços. O PSA é portanto uma abordagem para tratar do problema dos Sistemas de Serviço a partir de uma perspectiva de Design, baseada em uma arquitetura de alto nível. A abordagem de projeto atual para o PSA foi importada de tácnicas vindas dos Sistemas de Informação de Serviço, formando uma coleção de métodos de design e linguagens altamente conectados à abordagens orientadas a objetos e à arquitetura orientada a serviços (SOA). No entanto, para alcançar a relação fornecedor-cliente, intensa e colaborativa, algumas melhorias na abordagem de design utilizando o PSA devem ser feitas a fim de permitir um projeto interno que poderia alcançar novas soluções que se adaptem às necessidades do cliente. Nossa principal hipótese é de que os principais problemas estão concentrados nas fases iniciais do design. Por tanto, é necessário realizar modificações na disciplina de design atual do PSA em busca de abordagens mais conectadas à modelagem orientada à agentes que poderia oferecer as ferramentas necessárias para tal alteração. A Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada para o Objetivo (GORE), portanto, surge como uma candidata importante dado que é uma abordagem de modelagem muito consistente e também fortemente baseada em conceitos orientados a agentes. Esta adiciona conceitos como goals e softgoals, que podem ser entendidos como uma representação alto nível dos interesse dos stakeholders. Assim, permitindo um novo espaço de análise capturado através da dimensão dos "porquês"dos stakeholders (YU, 1997). Seguindo as representações de modelagem que buscam aumentar a agência.

(10) com foco para uma possível aplicação na disciplina de design do PSA, o conceito de Intencionalidade, trazido pelo método GORE i*, que representa os interesses e motivação dos agentes, parece ajustar-se aos objetivos do design de serviço. Portanto, apresentamos neste trabalho a nossa proposta para uma Disciplina Intencional para o Design de Serviço usando o PSA para apoiar a modelagem e o design de sistema de serviço que poderiam ser aplicados até mesmo em conjunto com novas abordagens para manufatura. Para os fins desse trabalho, entendemos disciplina como um conjunto de regras, um código de conduta, envolvendo etapas e ferramentas, para alcançar um objetivo proposto. Discilpina, pois esta não admite formalismo que permita chamá-la de método. Portanto trata-se de uma proposta de base teórica conceitual que visa a incursão prática demonstrada pela melhoria do processo de modelagem. Logo, o que se quer demonstrar é que a reunião de passos, alinhado a um framework melhora a qualidade do pocesso. Não é possível formalizar completamente este método já que não há uma definição formal dos elementos (e nem memo de serviços). Note-se que ainda que a base conceitual do método baseado em intenções se encontra na fase preliminar da eliciação e análise de requisitos, que como se sabe não pode ser formalizada. Buscamos portanto o enriquecimento da atual abordagem de disciplina de projeto usando PSA com abordagens orientadas por objetivos e intencionais para formar uma nova disciplina de design de serviços aplicada para a arquitetura PSA..

(11) ABSTRACT. From the 1990’s onwards, service science field has experienced a great growth, taking the Marketing academic field as the precursor, next gathering Management and also Engineering academic field. From business tool (i.e., e-commerce), new approaches in service delivery (e.g., IT-based self-service technology such as on-line ticketing and reservation, on-line bank account access, on-line package tracking, and so forth), and new ways of relating to customers (i.e., e-Customer Relationship Management), internet based and IT services prompted researchers to an infusion of Software Engineering concepts and techniques into Service field (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). The beginning of 2004 was marked by the introduction of the service dominant logic (SDL), advocating a transition from an good-based exchange economy to a service-based one. Also, at the same year, IBM launched a call to action on the Service Science, Management and Engineer (SSME) initiative, pushing service research towards a more formal science field (MAGLIO et al., 2006). Researchers and practitioners are studying and developing ways to consolidate service theories, laws, and principles in order to effectively manage and control service systems in practice. On the other hand, Service Systems are defined as systems with an intense relationship (or collaboration) with the customer. This collaborative relationship characteristic changes the current (good-based) idea of services: from a one way informational channel, to a multiple resource exchange and adaptable process with the costumer. In fact, it changes not only the way service systems are understood, but specially how to design it. In terms of the impact of the service dominant logic on different economic sectors, the impact over manufacturing industry had the attention of several different researchers over the world (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010; CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012; TOMIYAMA, 2001). The Service Engineering research field then advocate for the incursion of Service Design in manufacturing, changing entirely the current idea of a production chain transformation process from suppliers raw materials inputs until distribution to the final consumer. However, the new perspective on manufacturing services understand services that encompass products, surpassing the notion of a product’s function design, to reach a receiver’s state change design. To support adaptation and intense relationship to address customer individual needs, a manufacturing service initiative must be root on technologies that brings more freedom and flexibility into the production process. A production processes for manufacturing services must be formed be a new sophisticated network arrangement supported by internet and combined with.

(12) intelligent machines. In fact, manufacturing has to be supported to reach the concept of smart (virtual) factories producing smart products. The Product-Service Architecture (or just PSA) was proposed firstly by(SILVA; NOF, 2015) with the objective of answering the needs for a serviceoriented approach to manufacturing industries. As defined by the authors, PSA is a distributed architecture where a service provider is defined as an open set of production unities (which could deliver products, services, or even product/services) that could be independent or commercially connected to the service provider corporation. It is an approach to address the problem of Service Systems from a Design perspective, based on an high-level architecture. The current design approach for PSA is imported from the Service Information Systems, forming a collection of design methods and languages highly connected to object oriented and service-oriented architecture (SOA) approaches. However, to achieve the provider-customer relationship, intense and collaborative, improvements on PSA design approach should be placed in order to allow an internal design that could achieve new solutions that adapt to meet the customer’s needs. Our main hypothesis is that major problems are on the early phases of the design. Modifying the approaches of the PSA design discipline to approaches more connected to agent-oriented modeling could offer the necessary tools to improve the service design using PSA. Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) emerged as approach very consistent modeling approach strongly based on agent-oriented concepts. Adding the concepts of goals and softgoals to the design process, that could be understood as a high-level stakeholder objectives, it opened a new level of analysis capturing the "why" dimensions of the stakeholders(YU, 1997). Following modeling representations to increase agency for the PSA design Discipline, the concept of Intentionality, brought by the GORE method i*, meaning interests and motivation of agents, seems to fit to the objectives of service design. Therefore, we present on this work our proposal for an Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline to support modeling and design for service system that could be even applied to new manufacturing approaches. For the purposes of this work, we understand discipline as a set of rules, involving steps and tools, to achieve a proposed goal. Discipline, as it does not admit a formalism that allows it to be called a method. Therefore, it is a theoretical conceptual proposal that aims practical incursions to demonstrated improvements of the modeling process. Therefore, what we want to demonstrate is that the steps gathered, aligned to a framework improves the quality of the design process. It is not possible to formalize it completely since there is no formal definition of the elements (even for services). It should be noted that the conceptual basis of the intention-based method lies in the preliminary stage of.

(13) requirements elicitation and analysis, which as we know can not be formalized. We seeks the enrichment of the current PSA design discipline approach with Goal-oriented and Intentional approaches to form a new Service Design Discipline applied for the PSA architecture..

(14) LIST OF FIGURES. 1. Service Life-cycle. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40. 2. Service Design on Service Life-cycle. Figure created by author.. .. 42. 3. Requirement Engineering and Service Design Engineering. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54. 4. Manufacturing as pull production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63. 5. Service Orientation on Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64. 6. Production unities in a Service Provider combination. Adapted from (SILVA, 2014). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70. 7. Product-Service Architecture. Figure created by author. . . . . .. 71. 8. Service Design Discipline Basis. Figure created by author. . . . .. 75. 9. First Service Design Discipline for PSA. Figure created by author.. 77. 10. Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline. Figure created by author.. 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Development focus and Intention impact on PSA Service Design Discipline. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12. External Intentional Relationships. LOPOULOS, 1998). 13. 82. Adapted from (YU; MY-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 84. Internal Intentional Features. Adapted from (YU; MYLOPOULOS, 1998).. 14. 80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85. Intentions and Expectations. Figure created by author. . . . . . .. 87.

(15) 15. System-as-is. Adapted from (YU; MYLOPOULOS, 1998). . . . .. 89. 16. Projection over a Space of Opportunity. Figure created by author.. 90. 17. First Expectation Model. Figure created by author.. . . . . . . .. 90. 18. Expectation Influence Matrix. Figure created by author. . . . . .. 91. 19. Expectation Influence Model. Figure created by author. . . . . . .. 92. 20. Clustering Formation. Each color identifies a cluster following the algorithm. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93. 21. Clustering Circuits Strategy. Figure created by author. . . . . . .. 94. 22. Expectation’s clusters. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . .. 94. 23. Service Generation. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . . . . .. 95. 24. Viewpoint Service Model. Figure created by author. . . . . . . . .. 96. 25. Service Collapsing Strategy. Figure created by author. . . . . . .. 97. 26. Collapsing Final Services - Part 1. Figure created by author.. . .. 98. 27. Collapsing Final Services - Part 2. Figure created by author.. . .. 99. 28. Primary System-to-be model. Figure created by author. . . . . . .. 99. 29. System-to-be model and Expectation set. Figure created by author.100. 30. System-to-be model KAOS specification. Figure created by author. 100. 31. Sampson’s Health Care System Model. Extracted from (SAMPSON, 2012).. 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102. Application of ERi*c Method to Sampon’s Health Care Model: Transforming tasks on goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.

(16) 33. Application of ERi*c Method to Sampon’s Health Care Model: Final goals and softgoals for the SDsituation representing Health Clinic - Patient care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104. 34. System-as-is for the Health Care System Model. A zoom view of internal elements. Figure created by author using TAOM4E modeling tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105. 35. Expectation Identification Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106. 36. Expectations over an Space of Opportunity. A zoom visualization of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107. 37. Expectations Model of Health Care System. A zoom visualization of the model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108. 38. Positive Influence Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109. 39. Clustering Circuits Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110. 40. Service generation Model. A zoom visualization of the model. . . 111. 41. Collapsing Strategy for Health Care System . . . . . . . . . . . . 112. 42. Final Services after Collapsing Strategy. A zoom visualization of the model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113. 43. First System-to-be allocation. A zoom view on expectation. . . . 114. 44. First KAOS modeling on System-to-be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114. 45. List of tasks of the stakeholders on the context . . . . . . . . . . . 116. 46. Mold Production System-as-is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117. 47. Intention projection over an Space of Opportunity. A zoom visualization to capture only the expectations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.

(17) 48. Expectation Identification Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119. 49. Service Identification Model. A zoom visualization of the model. . 120. 50. Service Collapsing Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121. 51. Service that optimize mold manufacture expectations. A zoom visualization of the model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122. 52. First KAOS System-to-be Model. A zoom visualization of the model.123.

(18) LIST OF TABLES. 1. Portrayals emphasized in service’s definitions . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33. 2. Services characteristics emphasized in service’s definitions . . . . .. 36. 3. Reference Services and Service Life-cycle characteristics vs Service Design Approach fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4. 50. Attributes for a Reference Services Engineering Design vs Service Engineering Design Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62. 5. Intentional Identification Phase Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101. 6. Attributes for a Reference Services Engineering Design vs Service Engineering Design Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132. 7. Reference Services and Service Life-cycle characteristics vs Service Design Approach fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.

(19) GLOSSARY. D-Lab. DesignLab - Universidade de São Paulo. GDL. Good-Dominant Logic. SDL. Service-Dominant Logic. SSME. Service Science, Management and Engineering. RE. Requirement Engineering. GORE. Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering. PSA. Product-Service Architecture. SOA. Service-Oriented Architecture. i*. istar. NSD. New Service Development. TQM. total quality management. IT. Information Technology. JOSM. Journal of Service Management. JSM. Journal of Services Marketing. JSR. Journal of Service Research. e-SJ. e-Service Journal. IJSTM International Journal of Services Technology and Management PSS. Product-service system. NFR. Non-functional Requirements.

(20) KAOS. Keep All Objectives Satisfied. SOMF. Service-Oriented Modeling Framework. SoftDiss Service Oriented Framework to the Design of Information Service System SIS. Service Information System. BP. Business Process. UML. Unified Modeling Language.

(21) CONTENTS. 1 Introduction. 20. 1.1. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21. 1.2. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23. 1.3. Work’s Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25. 1.4. Expected Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25. 1.5. Work’s organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26. 2 Literature Review 2.1. 2.2. 28. Service Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28. 2.1.1. Service Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28. 2.1.2. Service System Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32. Service Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37. 2.2.1. Service Design Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37. 2.2.2. Service Design Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38. 2.2.3. Service Design approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43. Marketing and Management Service Design . . .. 43. Operations Management Service Design . . . . .. 44. Manufacturing Engineering Service Design . . . .. 45. Computer Science Service Design . . . . . . . . .. 47.

(22) 2.3. Service Design approaches comparison . . . . . .. 49. Requirement Engineering and Service Systems Design . . . . . . .. 53. 2.3.1. 56. SOMF, Softdiss and Tropos as Service Engineering Design Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59. Service Engineering Design Attributes . . . . . . . . . . .. 61. Service Systems applied to Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63. 2.3.2 2.4. Requirement Engineering Evolution . . . . . . . .. 2.4.1. Infrastructure supporting a change toward a Service Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Proposal. 65. 68. 3.1. Product-service Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68. 3.2. PSA Design Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72. 3.3. Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 78. 3.4. Intentional Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83. 3.5. From System-as-is to System-to-be: Introducing Expectations . .. 85. 3.6. Intentional Identification Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86. 3.6.1. Expectation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 88. 3.6.2. Service Component Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 92. 3.6.3. Intentional Identification Phase Summary . . . . . . . . . 101. 3.7. Application of the Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline . . . 101 3.7.1. Health Care Service System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102. 3.7.2. Case Study: Manufacturing Industry System . . . . . . . . 115.

(23) 3.8. Intention Service Identification Phase . . . . . . . 116. Chapter Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124. 4 Results 4.1. 4.2. 126. Specific Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 4.1.1. Identification phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127. 4.1.2. Intentional approach for PSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129. General Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.2.1. Intentional PSA on Service Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 131. 4.2.2. Intentional PSA on Service Life-cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . 133. 5 Conclusion and Future Work. 135. 5.1. Improving the design capability of PSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136. 5.2. Increasing the capture of value co-creation on PSA . . . . . . . . 136. 5.3. Developing a consistent process of deriving system-to-be form the system-as-is on PSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137. 5.4. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137. Referências. 139.

(24) 20. 1. INTRODUCTION. The emergence of Service Science highlight a paradigm shift from the perspective of consumption and value exchange, moving from an economy based on an exchanges of goods to an economy based on an exchange of services (VARGO; LUSCH, 2006; LUSCH; VARGO; WESSELS, 2008). From a specific Marketing academic field, the service science have evolved to a scientific and industrial endeavor encompassing multiple viewpoints and objectives. In terms of manufacturing industry, service-dominant logic (SDL) lead to the emergence of a formal approach: the Service Engineering (QIU, 2014). Service Engineering is more concerned with engineering solutions and how they could satisfy customers needs, than with the infrastructure that derive it production processes. In fact, the detachment between (service/product) solution and it production process start to be questioned (SILVA, 2014). On the other hand, Service Systems are defined as systems with an intense relationship (or collaboration) with the customer. That relationship can be translated to three main features: co-design, co-production and (value) co-creation (DUTRA; OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2014; DUTRA; OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2013). In other words, the customer provides significant inputs to the design of the delivered product/service (co-design), to the production process itself (co-production) and, most important, to the generation of value created from the coupling between the delivered product/service solution and the customer(VARGO; LUSCH,.

(25) 21. 2010; MAGLIO, 2009). In order to meet those demands, Silva and Nof (SILVA, 2014) proposed a distributed architecture to product/service production arrangement based on a cloud system of systems. The Product-Service Architecture’s (PSA) first proposal congregated a series of available and recent frameworks, methods and tools in order to design adaptive plans that combine the systems into an arrangement that attends clients expectations. The main hypotheses of this work is that specifically for service systems, requirements modeling and analysis must include (value) co-creation, co-design and co-production including the core agents: end-users and direct affected stakeholders. This manifest for an adjustment on intentional design methods to improve actual service design approaches to provide an efficient Service Systems Design. Those aspects demands for a new approach for PSA, reaching a new Design discipline: an Intentional Service Design Discipline. The objective of this work is to implement a intentional approach on PSA, proposing a Intentional Service Design Discipline to the architecture.. 1.1 Motivation Practitioners and researchers have been facing important challenges concerning to the consolidation of service theories, laws, and principles. A great challenge that remains is the practical implications of service science. Since last decade, a great effort have been made in order to effectively manage and control service systems’ behavior and effects to its stakeholder. Service Systems are characterized by its intense collaborative relation with the customer. In fact, the customer gives significant input not only at the beginning of the process, he also do it during the service providing process. The service.

(26) 22. provider systems than has to anticipate the proper adaptation to a class of services - which normally appears in the design process as a customer feedback. That is a key issue to export the concept of service to other sector such as the manufacturing sector. Therefore, service-oriented applied to manufacturing should now be understood as a distributed process that delivers a product/service, where production is a dynamic process that involves the perception and prediction of value creation on the final coupling process of solution and customer. That process generates customer feedback (co-creation) of intentions, or even customer intervention (codesign), that must be attended by a production process (co-production). The Product-Service Architecture (or just PSA) was proposed firstly by (SILVA; NOF, 2015) and has been developed since then by Service Design research group at Design Lab in Escola Politecnica da USP. PSA aims to answer the needs for a service-oriented approach to product-based organizations experiencing a closer relationship between them and their customer, pushing its internal design to achieve new solutions that meet the different customer’s needs. However, to reach the intended value co-creation it is necessary to predict costumer satisfaction to be derived from the co-created value. Besides, co-production requires vertical integration and adaptive collaborative protocols in other to deliver the product-service to the final consumer. Several technological advances in Artificial Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems indicates the valid proposition of an PSA implementation. However, also there is an emerging demand for design methods and platforms that could use the architecture to deliver and evolve service systems. In fact, a Design Discipline for PSA should cover the whole process of development - starting from requirements - that could be applied to service/product production systems..

(27) 23. A Service Design Discipline for PSA is a sequence of design steps starting with the modeling of the System-as-is, that is, integrating all previous knowledge about the production system. Based on this model, intentions and expectations about a prospective System-to-be are captured which will be modeled on a service system using a goal oriented requirements approach. However, in terms of the actual Design Discipline for PSA, there are key issues on early design phase and an Intentional approach using GORE methodologies seems to build a promising approach to provide a method to fit the design of production in a service delivery organization. In fact, multiple issues and improvements could be analyzed on PSA in order to propose adaptations of the architecture. However, our main approach address the problem from a Design perspective, taking as a main hypothesis that major problems are on the early phases.. 1.2 Methodology In order to propose and analyze the contribution of a Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline, we will follow an exploratory strategy based on three phases: i) A study on Service and Service Design leading to an early definition of the Intention-Based Service Design Discipline for PSA; ii) Development and specification of the Intention-Based Service Design Discipline focusing on the early phases of the Design Process; iii) Application of the discipline in a Service Design study case through an action-research approach. As our objective is to propose a discipline for the Design of Service Systems using the PSA architecture, a theoretical investigation is not enough, leading this research also to a deepening on modeling languages, its methods and design tools. Basically, the first phase address theoretical investigation and practical (design).

(28) 24. activities on the following main lines: (a) a basic study of the (recent) history of Service and Service Design; (b) an study of attempts to organize Service Design Process and proposals to represent users; (c) an study of new methods of design generically applied such as GORE (Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering). The perception of how proposed features work is also important since there is no formal description of service so far. That is, there is no formal theory of Service. Therefore some specific work directed to the application of Service Design allowed the development of what we call perception of the problem. This lead this work to an exploratory approach mixing practical activities with the consolidation of a theoretical formulation (at least the minimum set necessary to reach our main design goal). After an extensive literature review - which always need to be revised - and two practical incursions on Service Design, a Service System definition and a reference Service Life-cycle were proposed, in order to guide the analyze of the current PSA and the following improvements on its Design Discipline. The Intentional PSA Design Discipline supported by GORE and intentional methods is proposed enriching and adapting the current PSA Design Discipline, inherited from Oliveira’s primary work on service design (OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2015). That Intention-Based Service Design Discipline is then specified focusing specifically on requirements, modeling and analysis phases from the reference Service Life-cycle. The characteristics of service system, (value) co-creation, codesign and co-production, were used as a guideline for the discipline. Following our exploratory strategy, the discipline was applied on Service Design study cases and enriched through a action-research approach, whose research cycle improves practice by systematic dialogue between practice and theoretical.

(29) 25. research. This approach was conducted using reference models and a real case. The results were then analyzed through the lens of service life-cycle and service characteristic satisfaction. The analysis is based on a comparison of the new Service Design Discipline with the previous PSA discipline and selected Service Design approaches.. 1.3 Work’s Objective The objective of this work is to implement a intentional approach on PSA, proposing a Intentional Service Design Discipline to the architecture. As specific objectives, this work intends:. • An increase of the capture of value co-creation variables in the ProductService Architecture, by including a goal-oriented modeling techniques, especially focusing on modeling agents’ intentions. • To develop a consistent process of deriving a system-to-be from a systemas-is so that it also fills the gap of a non-existent system-as-is in the current version of the Product-Service Architecture.. 1.4 Expected Contribution We are going to analyze the expected contributions on two different perspectives, a specific and a general. In terms of specific results, the aim of this work is to contribute with:. • A consistent identification phase 1. 1. for the Design Discipline, as the others. It is the phase extract an requirement model from an context model. It will be better presented on the following sections.

(30) 26. approaches target unsatisfactorily the early phase of the Service Life-cycle. • Improvement on the overall satisfaction of Service Characteristics due to the introduction of an intentional approach for the PSA.. For the general results we expect contributions on:. • Service Design Engineering related to an approach applied, not only to classic services, but also to Manufacturing Services design. • Service Life-cycle current approaches related to the proposition of the Intentional approach of PSA, resulting on a best coupling process between provider and customer.. .. 1.5 Work’s organization This first introduction chapter contains the work motivation, its expected contributions and the methodology used to reach the research objectives. The second chapter will present the review of the main concepts of service science, the recent development and initiatives for service systems and will present the chosen definition for the purpose of this work. Besides a literature review on Service Design and recent academic initiatives related also to Requirement Engineering, the second chapter will present also developments on Goal-oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) methodology, and will explore the literature on service system applied to manufacturing systems. The third chapter contains the research advancements on PSA and presents its original structure. Also, this chapter introduce the notion of Intentionality through Eric Yu’s i* point-of-view and defines the element "expectation". That.

(31) 27. is what forms the base for the introduction of the Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline. On the same chapter we explore the two design study cases using the Intentional PSA discipline. On the fourth chapter we analyze the results concerning a comparative analysis with the original PSA discipline and others selected approaches, presented on chapter 2. On the fifth, and last chapter we conclude analyzing the general and most important advancements of the new Design Discipline and explore the needs for future works..

(32) 28. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW. 2.1 Service Systems 2.1.1 Service Science Based on an extensive literature, Fisk, Bitner and Brown (FISK; BROWN; BITNER, 1993), followed by Moussa and Touzani (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010), presented an evolution of the service field from the early 80’s until the beginning of 2010. The history of the service field date back to the early 1980s taking the Marketing academic field as the precursor of services studies (FISK; BROWN; BITNER, 1993). After 1993, the number of service articles appearing in leading marketing and management journals have raised. Firstly noted by special sections/issues emergence on those journals, and later, by dedicate service journals arrivals Journal of Service Management (JOSM), Journal of Services Marketing (JSM) and Journal of Service Research (JSR) (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). However, from 2000 to 2003, the service scientific field faced a conceptual crises expressed by several concerns and fears about the state and future of the field. On that time, it started to diffuse with others disciplines besides marketing, as cited by Grove (GROVE; FISK; JOHN, 2003):.

(33) 29. Service marketing now faces a challenge that confronts many maturing fields of study...Specifically, as the domain of services has expanded, the boundaries that define it have become less obvious. Further, like so many other evolving disciplines, the direction in which services marketing is headed is somewhat unclear. Issues regarding the scope and the future of services persist. In short, as the field has grown, it has also become more diffuse. A basic question now facing the services marketing sub-discipline is ’where do we go from here?’. Due to the fields proximity, Management and Marketing got closed quickly than Engineering field. Pushed by service operation’s problems, the Production and Operations Management Society created a special college to study services. On the other hand, even if it was not seen as a research field on engineering, service sector started to rise pushed by IT and especially the Internet during the late 1990s. From business tool (i.e., e-commerce), new approaches in service delivery (e.g., IT-based self-service technology such as on-line ticketing and reservation, on-line bank account access, on-line package tracking, and so forth), and new ways of relating to customers (i.e., e-Customer Relationship Management), internet based and IT services prompted researchers to an infusion of Software Engineering concepts and techniques into Service field (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). That infusion culminated on International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM) and e-Service Journal (e-SJ) creations, in 2000 and 2001 respectively, putting (software and computer) engineering on the network of service research. The beginning of 2004 was marked by the introduction of a number of new important concepts and paradigms that spread into the most influential service.

(34) 30. conferences and prepared a new step of scientific production on services. One of the most important contribution was the eruption of a "new dominant logic" for the theory and practice of marketing (VARGO; LUSCH, 2004). The service dominant logic (or just SDL), proposed firstly on the marketing fields by Vargo and Lusch, had a important impact through all Service Science productions branches since. The article by Vargo and Lusch (2004) is placed as the most cited JM article for the period from 2000 to 2009 (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). In fact, SDL presents a paradigm shift that advocates a transition from an economy based on goods exchange to one based on services. A change of a "good-dominated view in which tangible output and discrete transactions were central, to a service-dominant view in which intangibility, exchange processes, and relationships are central" (VARGO; LUSCH, 2004). After 2004, the service orientation paradigm shift reached even more important space in engineering research, specially after the important investment of IBM in service research, pushing it for a real science of service (MAGLIO et al., 2006). IBM launched the Service Science, Management and Engineer (SSME) initiative through a call to action. The major goal of the initiative were (STANICEK, 2009): • to become more systematic about innovation in services; • to complement product and process innovation methods, and • to develop a "science of services" IBM defines SSME as follows (IBM, 2008): The emergence of Service Science or Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) is a story of gradual identification of numerous areas of study: service economics, service marketing, service.

(35) 31. operations, service management, service engineering, service computing, service sourcing, service human resources management, service design, and more [...]. Despite important developments in the service field over recent decades, there has been a growing perception that a more integrated approach is needed if real progress is to be made.. From 2005 to 2010, the number of service-related journals more than doubled (from 9 to 20) according to Moussa (2010). Furthermore, the attention by practitioner and several academic institutions around the world have increased. Industrial leaders like Hewlett Packard, Oracle, Accenture, Electronic Data Systems, and British Telecom have also set up their own service science agenda. A growing number of university-affiliated service centers and academic-oriented networks have being established around the world (e.g., California Center for Service Science, Center for Service Management at Loughborough University, and the Latin American Service Research Network) (OSTROM et al., 2015). According to Ostrom (2015), "the importance of service research and the need for new service-related knowledge have never been greater". On a recent study for a research agenda priority to the field, Ostrom (2015) applied a survey with more than 330 service researchers from 37 counties, finding 12 broad researches priorities topics and 80 related topics (OSTROM et al., 2015). The topics "Leveraging Service Design", "Understanding Value Creation" and "Measuring and Optimizing Service Performance and Impact" are examples of the research topics outputted from Ostrom’s work. In summary, the science of service, or service science, have evolved from a specific Marketing academic field to a scientific and industrial endeavor encompassing multiplier viewpoints and objectives. Its challenges are to consolidate service theories, laws, and principles to be applied in practice, that can effec-.

(36) 32. tively manage and control the behavior and effects of the service systems to its stakeholder.. 2.1.2 Service System Definition The challenge faced by scholars on the definition of a Service System is well described by (SAMPSON; FROEHLE, 2006) when he poses a simple question:. How can we rationalize simultaneously encompassing business processes from health care and garbage collection, consulting and ski resorts, airlines and pawn shops, pet grooming and architecture firms, universities and butcher shops?. An extensive list can be made to exemplify what is common sense about services: automobile repair, hair styling, information technology (IT) outsourcing, business consulting and so on. And ideally, service concepts and frameworks should provide a unified view of how services are produced, delivered, and used or consumed. However, most of service wide and inclusive definitions revels, in practice,to be not so useful (WANG et al., 2013; SAMPSON, 2010). Even assuming that service definitions are not universally right or wrong, and recognizing that each single definition (form different service researchers) makes sense from a particular viewpoint or in a context, it would be nice to have one definition that actually covers most everyday services. Alter (2014) (ALTER, 2014), for example, defines a single abstract definition and several others conceptual models in different layers in order to balance theoretical and practical use of definitions and models. Using Qiu’s (2014) (QIU, 2014) five core elements to extend the portrayal of definition’s table from (ALTER, 2014) (Table 1, p. 3), a new service definition’s table shown in table was conceived 1..

(37) 33. Table 1: Portrayals emphasized in service’s definitions Portrayal Definition customer, provider and "A system is a configuration of resources, including resource at least one operant resource, in which the properties and behavior of the configuration is more than the properties and behavior of the individual resources." (MAGLIO et al., 2009) customer, provider and "service systems are dynamic configurations of reresource sources that can create value with other service systems through shared information" (SPOHRER et al., 2007) process the "application of skills and knowledge (operant resources) for the benefit of another party" (LUSCH; VARGO; WESSELS, 2008) process "A service is a function that is achieved by an interaction between a human and an entity under a protocol." (WANG et al., 2013) process "services is a type of process and services are multiple service processes" (SAMPSON, 2010) process "a provider-client interaction that creates and captures value." (IBM, 2008) value "a time-perishable, intangible experience performed for a customer acting in the role of a coproducer." (Fitzsimmons, J. Fitzsimmons, 2013) value "value co-creation configurations of people, technology, value propositions connecting internal and external service systems and shared information" (VARGO; LUSCH, 2010) value "value-creating support to another party’s practices." (GRONROOS, 2011) value "service systems are customer intensive systems (...) where: (1) the customer does not control most of the means of the production of the system; (2) the customer is a significant part of the input to the system." (PINHANEZ, 2008) value "A service system comprise people and technologies that adaptively compute and adjust to a system’s value of knowledge" (STANICEK, 2009).

(38) 34. Each definition portray service in three different guises in the column in table 1 called portrayal. Some definitions focus more on entities that compose a service system (customer, provider and resource) and its dynamical relationships. Others, focus more on service systems as process or acts performed by service providers. At lest, some others focus more on outcomes perceived by customers (or value within the process). Therefore, following Alter’s definition strategy (ALTER, 2014) (p. 3) and combining with Qiu’s (QIU, 2014) five core elements represented on the portrayals on the definition’s table, a simple service definition can be proposed:. "A service is a process performed by a service provider, that, through resources, produce value for the benefit of a customer.". Indeed, no matter how small or big, simple or complex a service is, those elements of the definition will apply. It apply to person-to-person and organizationto-organization services. Besides the broad initial definition, in service literature there are common accepted generalizations about aspects of services that typify different configurations of the possible provider-consumer interactions during the service life-cycle. Service Systems are processes with an intense relationship (or collaboration) with the customer. That relationship can be translated into three main characteristics: (value) co-creation, co-production and co-design (DUTRA; OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2013; DUTRA; OLIVEIRA; SILVA, 2014). In other words, the customer provides significant inputs to the generation of value created from the coupling between the delivered product/service solution and the customer, to the production process itself (co-production) and, to the design of the delivered product/service (co-design)..

(39) 35. Table 2 presents service systems’ characteristic description related to those three characteristics. Therefore, besides a general definition, those characteristics are a useful as a complement and as a generalization of the interactions on service systems. Essentially, considered as an "act of performing" or a process, it beneficial activity to create value depends on customer perception of value. During providercustomer interaction, service providers may have opportunities to co-create value. Quite often, a service evidently manifests itself as a series of service encounters in the marketplace. Customers may or may not be co-producers on services, however, the supply chain of services, inside or outside the service provider, has to co-produce in order to create value from the performance of the formed service encounters chain. No matter what kind of service is offered, the service shall be seen in it complete lifecycle, from its initial conception to its evolution. Service design is also an intense relationship (or collaboration) with the customer, in order to co-design the value proposition of the service system. Evidently, the consumer and the provider of the service shall interact with each other, directly or indirectly, consecutively or intermittently, physically or virtually, and briefly or intensively, during the process of performing the service lifecycle. Therefore, we must add to the first definition, the general characteristics that qualify the interaction process between provider-customer:. "A service is a process performed by a service provider, that, through resources, produce value for the benefit of a customer. Service systems are process that apply for (value) co-creation, co-production.

(40) 36. Table 2: Services characteristics emphasized in service’s definitions Service Charac- Definition teristic value co-creation "Value co-creation means a mutual co-operation between the provider and the customer.(...) All those knowledge and information sharing is materialized during consultations and negotiations which are frequent at the beginning of the process, but which continue through all the process." (STANICEK, 2009) value co-creation "Customers of services create value for themselves. Service providers may have opportunities to co-create value." (ALTER, 2014)(BP2, p. 13) value co-creation "service is value co-creation interactions undertaken when service systems create, propose, and realize value propositions, which may include things, actions, information, and other resources." (IBM, 2008) co-production "Customer-self inputs are common, for example, in services involving co-production (i.e., the employment of customer labor in the process) and in services involving the physical presence of the customer." (SAMPSON; FROEHLE, 2006) co-production "The service value chain framework incorporates characteristics often associated with services, such as coproduction by providers and customers." (ALTER, 2008) co-production "A value network is a spontaneously sensing and responding spatial and temporal structure of largely loosely coupled value proposing social and economic actors interacting through institutions and technology, to: (1) co-produce service offerings, (2) exchange service offerings, and (3) co-create value" (LUSCH; VARGO; TANNIRU, 2010) co-design "It involves the participation in the creation of the core offering itself. It can occur through shared inventiveness, codesign, or shared production of related goods, and can occur with customers and any other partners in the value network."(LUSCH; VARGO, 2006) co-design "Involving customers through participatory design and codesign to enhance service experience" (OSTROM et al., 2015) co-design "participatory design and co-design (...) generally emphasize the necessity for all stakeholders and development team members to understand end users and real usage contexts." (HUANG et al., 2013).

(41) 37. and co-design characteristics.". 2.2 Service Design 2.2.1 Service Design Evolution The first scientific studies about service development starts at 1990’s (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010) when terms such as "Service Design", "New Service Development" and "Service Engineering" appeared in the literature (CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012). While the broader concept of New Service Development (NSD) describes the overall process of developing new services, service design has been viewed as an specific stage of the this whole process(EDMAN, 2011; PATRICIO et al., 2011; GOLDSTEIN et al., 2002). In the early research, service design was related to different service mapping techniques due to its process/flux characteristic. The growth of total quality management (TQM) at the time had impacted on service development research (BROWN; FISK; BITNER, 1994) and other proposals as service blueprint (BITNER; OSTROM; MORGAN, 2008; BROWN; FISK; BITNER, 1994) and customer contact model (CHASE; APTE, 2007), giving grater importance on the customer interaction, had emerged. Later, in 2000, service academics and practitioners have moved to use customer relationship management as a foundation for a new approach to strategy (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010), and an engagement of practitioners with design background leaded to the emergence of another design discipline: Service Design (MAGER, 2009a), or even Design for Services (WETTER-EDMAN et al., 2014) highlighting a perspective of the contribution of design into service system development. At the same frame time, researchers in Germany (AURICH; MANNWEILER;.

(42) 38. SCHWEITZER, 2010) and Japan (TOMIYAMA, 2001), looked for a more formalized approach to the manufacture industry, influenced by what some calls "servitization" (SCHMENNER, 2009; BAINES, 2015). That design perspective brought traditional engineering approaches to the service sector adapting them to the hybrid product-service system (PSS) (SAKAO; MIZUYAMA, 2014). From another perspective, in 2004, with IBM’s Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) initiative (IBM, 2008), several computer sciences initiatives based on e-services started to integrate a broader body of knowledge of the Service Science (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). In terms of service design, a very popular architecture between practitioners, the service-oriented architecture (SOA) (ERL, 2008; HURWITZ et al., 2007), have been gaining attention on the research community (BARDHAN et al., 2010; RALYTÉ; KHADRAOUI; LÉONARD, 2015). All those different branches adds different methodologies, languages and tools for the Service Design topic. There is a need to explore those several characteristic to find convergences and divergences in order to propose a new Service Design Discipline.. 2.2.2 Service Design Definition Service Design is the activity responsible for modeling and specifying the service system that effectively cover a set of objectives current called service requirements. In other words, this means that a set of requirements exists which could be fulfilled only by a generic process and not by an encapsulated device or system (which would be generically called a "product"). Thus, to find a better solution, or the best set of processes satisfying the requirements, a design process is the key issue. It provides a strategic way to organize the interaction and collaboration among people, machines, resources, and inputs, and to get the.

(43) 39. proper output or effect (the final state - value creation). In order to understand Service Design it is necessary to frame it on the whole service life-cycle. In literature, there are many versions of phases composing a service life-cycle. Regardless the many existing versions, the proposed by Qiu (QIU, 2014) and by SCube European initiative (ANDRIKOPOULOS, 2009) seems the most complete ones. Based on both, from a service provider point of view, the service life-cycle on fig. 1 is composed of three essential cycles ("Reference Cycle", "Evolution Cycle" and "Satisfaction Cycle" ) and three transitions phases ("Identification", "Realization" and "Innovation"). Service life-cycle represent the process of the interaction between the whole service system (since its conception’s models to its operations) with what we generally call "world" (including system’s domain boundaries, that could be reference models, informal documentations, but normally it is formed by all stakeholders). In terms of attention element during each cycle, the Reference Cycle is focused on the development of a system-as-is model, the Evolution Cycle on a system-to-be model and the Satisfaction Cycle on the management, adaptation and optimization of a instance, or a new instance, of the service system. The three cycles and three transitions are briefly discussed as follows:. • Reference Cycle: It is a cyclical (iterative) modeling phase that, through information gathering of the world, models the context on a system-as-is representation. The System-as-is is a reference model of the current way in which a group of actors deal with a particular situation. It represents the context, actors, stakeholders, intentions, objectives, plans, actions, interactions and resources of the specific domain. It inputs can be through a non-formal or semi-formal process of stakeholder’s interviews, a documen-.

(44) 40. Figure 1: Service Life-cycle. Figure created by author..

(45) 41. tation review of the established situation/system, or a formal older version of the system-as-is. It outputs a coherent and complete system-as-is model. • Identification: It is a transition phase from the system-as-is to the systemto-be. Needs and opportunities (requirements) are identified on the first model and, through generation and selection, a set of hi-level service systems that should attend those requirements is proposed. • Evolution Cycle: It is a cyclical (iterative) modeling phase that, through a first hi-level identified service solution, models and analyze a service system on a system-to-be specification. The system-to-be is a coherent model of the service system that completely attends to the needs and opportunities gathered by the system-as-is or directly in the world. It inputs could be a first identified service system proposition from the identification transition and/or a requirement model extracted directed in a interaction with the world. As an output, the system-to-be has to be specified in a way its structure and behavior have been validated and analyzed formally. • Realization: It is a transition phase from the system-to-be to the new service system. The realization instantiate the proposed system in the real world. In other words, it implements it on machine systems, information systems and business structures. In fact, its interaction with the world (thought prototyping, simulations or mock-ups) and verification accordingly with the system-to-be, generates a first stable service system as output. • Satisfaction Cycle: It is a cyclical (iterative) modeling phase that perform, optimize, manage and adapt the system accordingly to a satisfaction measurement of the service value creation. All the service touch-points with the customer and the arrangements of the sub-services systems are analyzed and improved in order to reach the maximum value co-creation level..

(46) 42. As input, it receives a first stable service system implementation and it outputs a complete hi-performing service system. • Innovation: It is a transition phase from a current service system that, among many reasons, do not attend customer expectations in terms of value creation. It transform the current system in a system-as-is model in order to start a new whole service life-cycle.. In order to place Service Design into Service Life-cycle, the overlapped configuration of Requirements and Design, proposed by Jarke and al (JARKE et al., 1993), was expanded and is represented on fig. 2.. Figure 2: Service Design on Service Life-cycle. Figure created by author. Therefore, Service Design is defined as a part of the service life-cycle centralized on the evolution cycle (service solution system modeling and analysis) which.

(47) 43. overlap requirement and engineering on identification and realization transition phase respectively.. 2.2.3 Service Design approaches In terms of Service Design approaches, researches initiatives respects the same differentiation of the Service Science viewpoints: (i) Marketing and Management, (ii) Operations Management, (iii) Manufacturing Engineering and (iv) Computer Science. Marketing and Management Service Design From a Marketing and Management perspective what stands out is the active and vibrant research and practice-based community formed by members from several institutions. Brigit Mager, the first professor in service design at Koln International School of Design (Germany), is one of the most important researcher on that community. She is responsible for the creation, in 2009, of the magazine called "Touchpoint, The Journal of Service Design"(MAGER, 2009b). Besides Koln International School, the academic community is formed also by members of Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Linkopings Universitet (Sweden), Politecnico de Milan/Domus Academy (Italy), and agency Spirit of Creation (UK) (BLOMKVIST; HOLMLID, 2010). From the practitioners on service design, consulting firms and design agencies such as IDEO, Continuum or the British live|work (MAGER, 2009a; EDMAN, 2011; MORITZ, 2005), apply successfully principles and methods through multiples different clients. Some times blurring the boundaries with what some calls Design Thinking practice (Wetter Edman, 2009)..

(48) 44. In fact, for the service design from marketing and management perspective there is no reference method or tool. There are several frameworks that guides the design team from information gathering, passing though idea generation reaching the first phases of prototyping and user feedbacks. However, there is a special focus on co-design with the stakeholders in order to capture a sensible aspect of them to design value co-creation experiences. Researchers on that viewpoint of Service Design are exploring a deeper understanding of value co-creation through participatory design (HALSKOV; HANSEN, 2015) and visualization process (BLOMKVIST; HOLMLID, 2010). Operations Management Service Design Analyzing Service Design through the lens of Operation Management means to analyze what its known as Service Operations or even Service Delivery Process (CHASE; APTE, 2007). From a Customer Contact Model (CHASE; APTE, 2007), passing thorough total quality management (TQM) influence on SERVQUAL (PARASURAMAN; ZEITHAMAL; BERRY, 1985), service profit chain framework (HESKETT et al., 2008) and new adaptations of the Blueprint model (BITNER; OSTROM; MORGAN, 2008; BROWN; FISK; BITNER, 1994), the Operations Management, from the perspective of service design, have been proposing several ways to examine "the operational processes and choices that are required to deliver value" (VOSS; HSUAN, 2011). In fact, besides the occupation on integrating (or outsourcing) efficiently investments in numerous assets, processes, people, and materials, the field also have a special care on customer perception of value, translated on service quality perception (GOLDSTEIN et al., 2002)..

(49) 45. Important design concepts as front-office and back-office operations and loyalty relationship are at the center of that service design exploitation. More recent researches are advancing on the design of service engaging experience treating more sensorial stimulation and even emotional ones during service operation (ZOMERDIJK; VOSS, 2010). Manufacturing Engineering Service Design Through a Manufacturing Engineering viewpoint, Service Design started to gain importance since "servitization" term did it incursion in the Manufacturing field at the end of the 80’s (SCHMENNER, 2009). In fact, manufacturing movement to services is "mainly motivated by a continuous strive to create new sources of value for the company" (CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012). That approach, seen as an strategic shift, aims a closer relationship between the manufacturer and the customer, pushing the design of new solutions to meet the customer’s needs. However, in the mid-1990s, an evident lack of research with more systematic approaches boosted the emergence of Service Engineering field. Cavalieeri, S. and Pezzotta, G. states:. "Service Engineering aims to apply the engineering-scientific know-how to develop Service Systems and Product-Service Systems in a systematic and methodological way.". In fact, the first research initiatives on Service Engineering started in Germany (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010) and Israel (CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012). Nevertheless, Japanese manufacturing researchers also followed the incursion of Service Design in manufacturing some years after (TOMIYAMA, 2001; SHIMOMURA; NEMOTO; KIMITA, 2014). This conceptual shift in manufacturing field represents not only a superficial.

(50) 46. or additional change, it reaches the most stablished principles of its design:. "Traditionally, engineering design has aimed to improve only functions. A better function of a new product, we have believed, makes consumers satisfied. In (Service Engineer), however, not only the functions of artifacts but also the meaning of contents must be matched to the specifications given by receivers; only then will the satisfaction level of receivers increase. (...) The critical concept in (Service Engineer) is not the function of a product, but rather the state change of the receiver. (SAKAO; HJELM, 2010)". However, the alternative chosen by those researchers was not for an abstract definition of services encompassing product, they followed the path of value creation by highly integrating products and services. Therefore, in Service Engineering, the focus of design are Product-Service Systems (PSS) (CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012). Although, in terms of PSS Design there is no agreement between the researchers, some optimization and quality control techniques, already used on manufacturing context, have been adapted for this new context. Methods as Quality-Function Deployment (QFD), TRIZ, FMEA and Lean Manufacturing appear frequently on PSS Engineering literature (CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012; AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010; SASSANELLI et al., 2015). On the other hand, methods imported from related fields as Service Blueprint, Gap Analysis and even Object-Oriented Modeling, has also been explored by PSS designers (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010). Nevertheless, it seems like there is a common agreement in Service Engineering: product-service life-cycle is a central idea on PSS design (SAKAO; MIZUYAMA, 2014; MEIER; ROY; SELIGER, 2010; AURICH; MANNWEILER;.

(51) 47. SCHWEITZER, 2010). In a product engineering situation, conceptualization, development, delivery and product usage could be disengaged from it service part, fragmenting for example, marketing, sales and maintenance. The only concern on product life-cycle was related to the product discard and environmental issues. However, for a PSS design context, the whole life-cycle gains a strategical position as the same time it creates new challenges for operation and manufacturing. Authors as Aurich, J. and Sakao, T. are developing approaches encompassing the whole PSS life cycle on the design process. On the other hand, new developments on PSS design are moving towards a CAD (Computer-aided Design) systems for product-service systems (SAKAO; MIZUYAMA, 2014; CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012). Computer Science Service Design From a Service Design perspective in computer science, the IBM’s Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) initiative in 2004 was a important millestone to the whole service science field (IBM, 2008). In fact, the research initiatives started before that, during the late 90s. It was related to e-services and the provision of service over electronic networks such as the Internet (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010): "The emergence of IT and especially the Internet during the late 1990s as an important business tool (i.e., e-commerce) and its potentials for creating new business models, radical new approaches in service delivery (e.g., IT-based self-service technology such as on-line ticketing and reservation, on-line bank account access, on-line package tracking, and so forth), and new ways of relating to customers (i.e., e-Customer Relationship Management) have prompted service researchers to study IT infusion into services.".


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