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All About Coffee


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All About Coffee, by William H. Ukers

The Project Gutenberg EBook of All About Coffee, by William H. Ukers This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net Title: All About Coffee

Author: William H. Ukers

Release Date: April 4, 2009 [EBook #28500] Language: English

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All About Coffee




SHOWING THE BERRY IN ITS VARIOUS RIPENING STAGES FROM FLOWER TO CHERRY (Inset: 1, green bean; 2, silver skin; 3, parchment; 4, fruit pulp.)

Painted from life by Blendon Campbell]









International Copyright Secured

All Rights Reserved in U.S.A. and Foreign Countries


To My Wife



Seventeen years ago the author of this work made his first trip abroad to gather material for a book on coffee. Subsequently he spent a year in travel among the coffee-producing countries. After the initial surveys, correspondents were appointed to make researches in the principal European libraries and museums; and this phase of the work continued until April, 1922. Simultaneous researches were conducted in American libraries and historical museums up to the time of the return of the final proofs to the printer in June, 1922.

Ten years ago the sorting and classification of the material was begun. The actual writing of the manuscript has extended over four years.

Among the unique features of the book are the Coffee Thesaurus; the Coffee Chronology, containing 492 dates of historical importance; the Complete Reference Table of the Principal Kinds of Coffee Grown in the World; and the Coffee Bibliography, containing 1,380 references.

The most authoritative works on this subject have been Robinson's The Early History of Coffee Houses in

England, published in London in 1893; and Jardin's Le Café, published in Paris in 1895. The author wishes to


German, and Italian, dealing with particular phases of the subject, have been laid under contribution; and where this has been done, credit is given by footnote reference. In all cases where it has been possible to do so, however, statements of historical facts have been verified by independent research. Not a few items have required months of tracing to confirm or to disprove.

There has been no serious American work on coffee since Hewitt's Coffee: Its History, Cultivation and Uses, published in 1872; and Thurber's Coffee from Plantation to Cup, published in 1881. Both of these are now out of print, as is also Walsh's Coffee: Its History, Classification and Description, published in 1893.

The chapters on The Chemistry of Coffee and The Pharmacology of Coffee have been prepared under the author's direction by Charles W. Trigg, industrial fellow of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. The author wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, valuable assistance and numerous courtesies by the officials of the following institutions:

British Museum, and Guildhall Museum, London; Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris; Congressional Library, Washington; New York Public Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and New York Historical Society, New York; Boston Public Library, and Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Smithsonian Institution, Washington; State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.; Maine Historical Society, Portland; Chicago Historical Society; New Jersey Historical Society, Newark; Harvard University Library; Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.; Peabody Institute, Baltimore.

Thanks and appreciation are due also to:

Charles James Jackson, London, for permission to quote from his Illustrated History of English Plate; Francis Hill Bigelow, author; and The Macmillan Company, publishers, for permission to reproduce illustrations from Historic Silver of the Colonies;

H.G. Dwight, author; and Charles Scribner's Sons, publishers, for permission to quote from Constantinople,

Old and New, and from the article on "Turkish Coffee Houses" in Scribner's Magazine;

Walter G. Peter, Washington, D.C., for permission to photograph and reproduce pictures of articles in the Peter collection at the United States National Museum;

Mary P. Hamlin and George Arliss, authors, and George C. Tyler, producer, for permission to reproduce the Exchange coffee-house setting of the first act of Hamilton;

Judge A.T. Clearwater, Kingston N.Y.; R.T. Haines Halsey, and Francis P. Garvan, New York, for permission to publish pictures of historic silver coffee pots in their several collections;

The secretaries of the American Chambers of Commerce in London, Paris, and Berlin;

Charles Cooper, London, for his splendid co-operation and for his special contribution to chapter XXXV; Alonzo H. De Graff, London, for his invaluable aid and unflagging zeal in directing the London researches; To the Coffee Trade Association, London, for assistance rendered;

To G.J. Lethem, London, for his translations from the Arabic; Geoffrey Sephton, Vienna, for his nice co-operation;


L.P. de Bussy of the Koloniaal Institute, Amsterdam, Holland, for assistance rendered; Burton Holmes and Blendon R. Campbell, New York, for courtesies;

John Cotton Dana, Newark, N.J., for assistance rendered;

Charles H. Barnes, Medford, Mass., for permission to publish the photograph of Peregrine White's Mayflower mortar and pestle;

Andrew L. Winton, Ph.D., Wilton, Conn., for permission to quote from his The Microscopy of Vegetable

Foods in the chapter on The Microscopy of Coffee and to reprint Prof. J. Moeller's and Tschirch and

Oesterle's drawings;

F. Hulton Frankel, Ph.D., Edward M. Frankel, Ph.D., and Arno Viehoever, for their assistance in preparing the chapters on The Botany of Coffee and The Microscopy of Coffee;

A.L. Burns, New York, for his assistance in the correction and revision of chapters XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXXIV, and for much historical information supplied in connection with chapters XXX and XXXI;

Edward Aborn, New York, for his help in the revision of chapter XXXVI;

George W. Lawrence, former president, and T.S.B. Nielsen, president, of the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, for their assistance in the revision of chapter XXXI;

Helio Lobo, Brazilian consul general, New York; Sebastião Sampaio, commercial attaché of the Brazilian Embassy, Washington; and Th. Langgaard de Menezes, American representative of the Sociedade Promotora da Defeza do Café;

Felix Coste, secretary and manager, the National Coffee Roasters Association; and C.B. Stroud,

superintendent, the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, for information supplied and assistance rendered in the revision of several chapters;

F.T. Holmes, New York, for his help in the compilation of chronological and descriptive data on coffee-roasting machinery;

Walter Chester, New York, for critical comments on chapter XXVIII.

The author is especially indebted to the following, who in many ways have contributed to the successful compilation of the Complete Reference Table in chapter XXIV, and of those chapters having to do with the early history and development of the green coffee and the wholesale coffee-roasting trades in the United States:

George S. Wright, Boston; A.E. Forbes, William Fisher, Gwynne Evans, Jerome J. Schotten, and the late Julius J. Schotten, St. Louis; James H. Taylor, William Bayne, Jr., A.J. Dannemiller, B.A. Livierato, S.A. Schonbrunn, Herbert Wilde, A.C. Fitzpatrick, Charles Meehan, Clarence Creighton, Abram Wakeman, A.H. Davies, Joshua Walker, Fred P. Gordon, Alex. H. Purcell, George W. Vanderhoef, Col. William P. Roome, W. Lee Simmonds, Herman Simmonds, W.H. Aborn, B. Lahey, John C. Loudon, J.R. Westfal, Abraham Reamer, R.C. Wilhelm, C.H. Stewart, and the late August Haeussler, New York; John D. Warfield, Ezra J. Warner, S.O. Blair, and George D. McLaughlin, Chicago; W.H. Harrison, James Heekin, and Charles Lewis, Cincinnati; Albro Blodgett and A.M. Woolson, Toledo; R.V. Engelhard and Lee G. Zinsmeister, Louisville; E.A. Kahl, San Francisco; S. Jackson, New Orleans; Lewis Sherman, Milwaukee; Howard F. Boardman, Hartford; A.H. Devers, Portland, Ore.; W. James Mahood, Pittsburgh; William B. Harris, East Orange, N.J.


New York, June 17, 1922. [Illustration]


Some introductory remarks on the lure of coffee, its place in a rational dietary, its universal psychological appeal, its use and abuse

Civilization in its onward march has produced only three important non-alcoholic beverages--the extract of the tea plant, the extract of the cocoa bean, and the extract of the coffee bean.

Leaves and beans--these are the vegetable sources of the world's favorite non-alcoholic table-beverages. Of the two, the tea leaves lead in total amount consumed; the coffee beans are second; and the cocoa beans are a distant third, although advancing steadily. But in international commerce the coffee beans occupy a far more important position than either of the others, being imported into non-producing countries to twice the extent of the tea leaves. All three enjoy a world-wide consumption, although not to the same extent in every nation; but where either the coffee bean or the tea leaf has established itself in a given country, the other gets

comparatively little attention, and usually has great difficulty in making any advance. The cocoa bean, on the other hand, has not risen to the position of popular favorite in any important consuming country, and so has not aroused the serious opposition of its two rivals.

Coffee is universal in its appeal. All nations do it homage. It has become recognized as a human necessity. It is no longer a luxury or an indulgence; it is a corollary of human energy and human efficiency. People love coffee because of its two-fold effect--the pleasurable sensation and the increased efficiency it produces. Coffee has an important place in the rational dietary of all the civilized peoples of earth. It is a democratic beverage. Not only is it the drink of fashionable society, but it is also a favorite beverage of the men and women who do the world's work, whether they toil with brain or brawn. It has been acclaimed "the most grateful lubricant known to the human machine," and "the most delightful taste in all nature."

No "food drink" has ever encountered so much opposition as coffee. Given to the world by the church and dignified by the medical profession, nevertheless it has had to suffer from religious superstition and medical prejudice. During the thousand years of its development it has experienced fierce political opposition, stupid fiscal restrictions, unjust taxes, irksome duties; but, surviving all of these, it has triumphantly moved on to a foremost place in the catalog of popular beverages.

But coffee is something more than a beverage. It is one of the world's greatest adjuvant foods. There are other auxiliary foods, but none that excels it for palatability and comforting effects, the psychology of which is to be found in its unique flavor and aroma.

Men and women drink coffee because it adds to their sense of well-being. It not only smells good and tastes good to all mankind, heathen or civilized, but all respond to its wonderful stimulating properties. The chief factors in coffee goodness are the caffein content and the caffeol. Caffein supplies the principal stimulant. It increases the capacity for muscular and mental work without harmful reaction. The caffeol supplies the flavor and the aroma--that indescribable Oriental fragrance that wooes us through the nostrils, forming one of the principal elements that make up the lure of coffee. There are several other constituents, including certain innocuous so-called caffetannic acids, that, in combination with the caffeol, give the beverage its rare gustatory appeal.

The year 1919 awarded coffee one of its brightest honors. An American general said that coffee shared with bread and bacon the distinction of being one of the three nutritive essentials that helped win the World War


for the Allies. So this symbol of human brotherhood has played a not inconspicuous part in "making the world safe for democracy." The new age, ushered in by the Peace of Versailles and the Washington Conference, has for its hand-maidens temperance and self-control. It is to be a world democracy of right-living and clear thinking; and among its most precious adjuncts are coffee, tea, and cocoa--because these beverages must always be associated with rational living, with greater comfort, and with better cheer.

Like all good things in life, the drinking of coffee may be abused. Indeed, those having an idiosyncratic susceptibility to alkaloids should be temperate in the use of tea, coffee, or cocoa. In every high-tensioned country there is likely to be a small number of people who, because of certain individual characteristics, can not drink coffee at all. These belong to the abnormal minority of the human family. Some people can not eat strawberries; but that would not be a valid reason for a general condemnation of strawberries. One may be poisoned, says Thomas A. Edison, from too much food. Horace Fletcher was certain that over-feeding causes all our ills. Over-indulgence in meat is likely to spell trouble for the strongest of us. Coffee is, perhaps, less often abused than wrongly accused. It all depends. A little more tolerance!

Trading upon the credulity of the hypochondriac and the caffein-sensitive, in recent years there has appeared in America and abroad a curious collection of so-called coffee substitutes. They are "neither fish nor flesh, nor good red herring." Most of them have been shown by official government analyses to be sadly deficient in food value--their only alleged virtue. One of our contemporary attackers of the national beverage bewails the fact that no palatable hot drink has been found to take the place of coffee. The reason is not hard to find. There can be no substitute for coffee. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley has ably summed up the matter by saying, "A substitute should be able to perform the functions of its principal. A substitute to a war must be able to fight. A

bounty-jumper is not a substitute."

It has been the aim of the author to tell the whole coffee story for the general reader, yet with the technical accuracy that will make it valuable to the trade. The book is designed to be a work of useful reference covering all the salient points of coffee's origin, cultivation, preparation, and development, its place in the world's commerce and in a rational dietary.

Good coffee, carefully roasted and properly brewed, produces a natural beverage that, for tonic effect, can not be surpassed, even by its rivals, tea and cocoa. Here is a drink that ninety-seven percent of individuals find harmless and wholesome, and without which life would be drab indeed--a pure, safe, and helpful stimulant compounded in nature's own laboratory, and one of the chief joys of life!



Encomiums and descriptive phrases applied to the plant, the berry, and the beverage Page XXVII THE EVOLUTION OF A CUP OF COFFEE







A brief account of the cultivation of the coffee plant in the Old World, and of its introduction into the New--A romantic coffee adventure Page 5




Coffee in the Near East in the early centuries--Stories of its origin--Discovery by physicians and adoption by the Church--Its spread through Arabia, Persia, and Turkey--Persecutions and Intolerances--Early coffee manners and customs Page 11




When the three great temperance beverages, cocoa, tea, and coffee, came to Europe--Coffee first mentioned by Rauwolf in 1582--Early days of coffee in Italy--How Pope Clement VIII baptized it and made it a truly Christian beverage--The first European coffee house, in Venice, 1645--The famous Caffè Florian--Other celebrated Venetian coffee houses of the eighteenth century--The romantic story of Pedrocchi, the poor lemonade-vender, who built the most beautiful coffee house in the world Page 25




What French travelers did for coffee--the introduction of coffee by P. de la Roque into Marseilles in

1644--The first commercial importation of coffee from Egypt--The first French coffee house--Failure of the attempt by physicians of Marseilles to discredit coffee--Soliman Aga introduces coffee into Paris--Cabarets à caffè--Celebrated works on coffee by French writers Page 31




The first printed reference to coffee in English--Early mention of coffee by noted English travelers and writers--The Lacedæmonian "black broth" controversy--How Conopios introduced coffee drinking at Oxford--The first English coffee house in Oxford--Two English botanists on coffee Page 35




How the enterprising Dutch traders captured the first world's market for coffee--Activities of the Netherlands East India Company--The first coffee house at the Hague--The first public auction at Amsterdam in 1711, when Java coffee brought forty-seven cents a pound, green Page 43




The contributions made by German travelers and writers to the literature of the early history of coffee--The first coffee house in Hamburg opened by an English merchant--Famous coffee houses of old Berlin--The first coffee periodical and the first kaffee-klatsch--Frederick the Great's coffee roasting monopoly--Coffee




The romantic adventure of Franz George Kolschitzky, who carried "a message to Garcia" through the enemy's lines and won for himself the honor of being the first to teach the Viennese the art of making coffee, to say nothing of falling heir to the supplies of the green beans left behind by the Turks; also the gift of a house from a grateful municipality, and a statue after death--Affectionate regard in which "Brother-heart" Kolschitzky is held as the patron saint of the Vienna Kaffee-sieder--Life in the early Vienna café's Page 49




One of the most picturesque chapters in the history of coffee--The first coffee house in London--The first coffee handbill, and the first newspaper advertisement for coffee--Strange coffee mixtures--Fantastic coffee claims--Coffee prices and coffee licenses--Coffee club of the Rota--Early coffee-house manners and

customs--Coffee-house keepers' tokens--Opposition to the coffee house--"Penny universities"--Weird coffee substitutes--The proposed coffee-house newspaper monopoly--Evolution of the club--Decline and fall of the coffee house--Pen pictures of coffee-house life--Famous coffee houses of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries--Some Old World pleasure gardens--Locating the notable coffee houses Page 53




The introduction of coffee into Paris by Thévenot in 1657--How Soliman Aga established the custom of coffee drinking at the court of Louis XIV--Opening of the first coffee houses--How the French adaptation of the Oriental coffee house first appeared in the real French café of François Procope--Important part played by the coffee houses in the development of French literature and the stage--Their association with the Revolution and the founding of the Republic--Quaint customs and patrons--Historic Parisian café's Page 91




Captain John Smith, founder of the Colony of Virginia, is the first to bring to North America a knowledge of coffee in 1607--The coffee grinder on the Mayflower--Coffee drinking in 1668--William Penn's coffee purchase in 1683--Coffee in colonial New England--The psychology of the Boston "tea party," and why the United States became a nation of coffee drinkers instead of tea drinkers, like England--The first coffee license to Dorothy Jones in 1670--The first coffee house in New England--Notable coffee houses of old Boston--A skyscraper coffee-house Page 105




The burghers of New Amsterdam begin to substitute coffee for "must," or beer, for breakfast in 1668--William Penn makes his first purchase of coffee in the green bean from New York merchants in 1683--The King's Arms, the first coffee house--The historic Merchants, sometimes called the "Birthplace of our Union"--The coffee house as a civic forum--The Exchange, Whitehall, Burns, Tontine, and other celebrated coffee houses--The Vauxhall and Ranelagh pleasure gardens Page 115




Ye Coffee House, Philadelphia's first coffee house, opened about 1700--The two London coffee houses--The City tavern, or Merchants coffee house--How these, and other celebrated resorts, dominated the social, political, and business life of the Quaker City in the eighteenth century Page 125




Its complete classification by class, sub-class, order, family, genus, and species--How the Coffea arabica grows, flowers, and bears--Other species and hybrids described--Natural caffein-free coffee--Fungoid diseases of coffee Page 131




How the beans may be examined under the microscope, and what is revealed--Structure of the berry, the green, and the roasted beans--The coffee-leaf disease under the microscope--Value of microscopic analysis in detecting adulteration Page 149




By Charles W. Trigg.

Chemistry of the preparation and treatment of the green bean--Artificial aging--Renovating damaged coffees--Extracts--"Caffetannic acid"--Caffein, caffein-free coffee--Caffeol--Fats and

oils--Carbohydrates--Roasting--Scientific aspects of grinding and packaging--The coffee brew--Soluble coffee--Adulterants and substitutes--Official methods of analysis Page 155




By Charles W. Trigg

General physiological action--Effect on children--Effect on longevity--Behavior in the alimentary

régime--Place in dietary--Action on bacteria--Use in medicine--Physiological action of "caffetannic acid"--Of caffeol--Of caffein--Effect of caffein on mental and motor efficiency--Conclusions Page 174




The geographical distribution of the coffees grown in North America, Central America, South America, the West India Islands, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, and the East Indies--A statistical study of the distribution of the principal kinds--A commercial coffee chart of the world's leading growths, with market names and general trade characteristics Page 189




The early days of coffee culture in Abyssinia and Arabia--Coffee cultivation in general--Soil, climate, rainfall, altitude, propagation, preparing the plantation, shade, wind breaks, fertilizing, pruning, catch crops, pests, and diseases--How coffee is grown around the world--Cultivation in all the principal producing countries Page 197




Early Arabian methods of preparation--How primitive devices were replaced by modern methods--A

chronological story of the development of scientific plantation machinery, and the part played by English and American inventors--The marvelous coffee package, one of the most ingenious in all nature--How coffee is harvested--Picking--Preparation by the dry and the wet methods--Pulping--Fermentation and

washing--Drying--Hulling, or peeling, and polishing--Sizing, or grading--Preparation methods of different countries Page 245




A statistical study of world production of coffee by countries--Per capita figures of the leading consuming countries--Coffee-consumption figures compared with tea-consumption figures in the United States and the United Kingdom--Three centuries of coffee trading--Coffee drinking in the United States, past and




Buying coffee in the producing countries--Transporting coffee to the consuming markets--Some record coffee cargoes shipped to the United States--Transport over seas--Java coffee "ex-sailing vessels"--Handling coffee at New York, New Orleans, and San Francisco--The coffee exchanges of Europe and the United

States--Commission men and brokers--Trade and exchange contracts for delivery--Important rulings affecting coffee trading--Some well-known green coffee marks Page 303




The trade values, bean characteristics, and cup merits of the leading coffees of commerce, with a "Complete Reference Table of the Principal Kinds of Coffee Grown in the World"--Appearance, aroma, and flavor in cup-testing--How experts test coffee--A typical sample-roasting and cup-testing outfit Page 341




Coffee roasting as a business--Wholesale coffee-roasting machinery--Separating, milling, and mixing or blending green coffee, and roasting by coal, coke, gas, and electricity--Facts about coffee roasting--Cost of roasting--Green-coffee shrinkage table--"Dry" and "wet" roasts--On roasting coffee efficiently--A typical coal roaster--Cooling and stoning--Finishing or glazing--Blending roasted coffees--Blends for




How coffees are sold at wholesale--The wholesale salesman's place in merchandising--Some coffee costs analyzed--Handy coffee-selling chart--Terms and credits--About package coffees--Various types of coffee containers--Coffee package labels--Coffee package economies--Practical grocer helps--Coffee




How coffees are sold at retail--The place of the grocer, the tea and coffee dealer, the chain store, and the wagon-route distributer in the scheme of distribution--Starting in the retail coffee business--Small roasters for retail dealers--Model coffee departments--Creating a coffee trade--Meeting competition--Splitting




Early coffee advertising--The first coffee advertisement in 1587 was frank propaganda for the legitimate use of coffee--The first printed advertisement in English--The first newspaper advertisement--Early

advertisements in colonial America--Evolution of advertising--Package coffee advertising--Advertising to the trade--Advertising by means of newspapers, magazines, billboards, electric signs, motion pictures,

demonstrations, and by samples--Advertising for retailers--Advertising by government propaganda--The Joint Coffee Trade publicity campaign in the United States--Coffee advertising efficiency Page 431




The coffee business started by Dorothy Jones of Boston--Some early sales--Taxes imposed by Congress in war and peace--The first coffee-plantation-machine, coffee-roaster, coffee-grinder, and coffee-pot

patents--Early trade marks for coffee--Beginnings of the coffee urn, the coffee container, and the

soluble-coffee business--Chronological record of the most important events in the history of the trade from the eighteenth century to the twentieth Page 467



DEVELOPMENT OF THE GREEN AND ROASTED COFFEE BUSINESS IN THE UNITED STATES A brief history of the growth of coffee trading--Notable firms and personalities that have played important parts in green coffee in the principal coffee centers--Green coffee trade organizations--Growth of the wholesale coffee-roasting trade, and names of those who have made history in it--The National Coffee




B.G. Arnold, the first, and Hermann Sielcken, the last of the American "coffee kings"--John Arbuckle, the original package-coffee man--Jabez Burns, the man who revolutionized the roasted-coffee business by his contributions as inventor, manufacturer, and writer--Coffee trade booms and panics--Brazil's first valorization enterprise--War-time government control of coffee--The story of soluble coffee Page 517




The romance of coffee, and its influence on the discourse, poetry, history, drama, philosophic writing, and fiction of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and on the writers of today--Coffee quips and anecdotes Page 541




How coffee and coffee drinking have been celebrated in painting, engraving, sculpture, caricature,

lithography, and music--Epics, rhapsodies, and cantatas in praise of coffee--Beautiful specimens of the art of the potter and the silversmith as shown in the coffee service of various periods in the world's history--Some historical relics Page 587




Showing the development of coffee-roasting, coffee-grinding, coffee-making, and coffee-serving devices from the earliest time to the present day--The original coffee grinder, the first coffee roaster, and the first coffee pot--The original French drip pot, the De Belloy percolator--Count Rumford's improvement--How the commercial coffee roaster was developed--The evolution of filtration devices--The old Carter "pull-out" roaster--Trade customs in New York and St. Louis in the sixties and seventies--The story of the evolution of the Burns roaster--How the gas roaster was developed in France, Great Britain, and the United States Page 615




How coffee is roasted, prepared, and served in all the leading civilized countries--The Arabian coffee ceremony--The present-day coffee houses of Turkey--Twentieth century improvements in Europe and the United States Page 655




The evolution of grinding and brewing methods--Coffee was first a food, then a wine, a medicine, a

devotional refreshment, a confection, and finally a beverage--Brewing by boiling, infusion, percolation, and filtration--Coffee making in Europe in the nineteenth century--Early coffee making in the United

States--Latest developments in better coffee making--Various aspects of scientific coffee brewing--Advice to coffee lovers on how to buy coffee, and how to make it in perfection Page 693


Giving dates and events of historical interest in legend, travel, literature, cultivation, plantation treatment, trading, and in the preparation and use of coffee from the earliest time to the present Page 725


A list of references gathered from the principal general and scientific libraries--Arranged in alphabetic order of topics Page 738 INDEX Page 769 [Illustration] ILLUSTRATIONS Color Plates Facing page

Coffee branches, flowers, and fruit (painted by Blendon Campbell) Frontispiece v

Coffea arabica; leaves, flowers, and fruit (painted by M.E. Eaton) 1

The coffee tree bears fruit, leaf, and blossom at the same time 16 A close-up of ripe coffee berries 32

Coffee under the Stars and Stripes 144 Coffee scenes in British India 160 Picking and sacking coffee in Brazil 176 Mild-coffee culture and preparation 192 Coffee scenes in Java 200

Coffee scenes in Sumatra 216


Typical coffee scenes in Costa Rica 336

Principal varieties of green-coffee beans, natural size and color 352 Coal-roasting plant, New York 408

Coffee scenes in the Near and Far East 544 Primitive transportation methods, Arabia 640 Hulling coffee in Aden, Arabia 656

Black and White Illustrations Page

Coffee tree in flower 4

De Clieu and his coffee plant 7

Legendary discovery of coffee drink 10 Title page of Dufour's book 13

Frontispiece from Dufour's book 15 Turkish coffee house, 17th century 21 Serving coffee to a guest, Arabia 23 First printed reference to coffee 24 An 18th-century Italian coffee house 26 Nobility in an early Venetian café 27 Goldoni in a Venetian coffee house 28 Florian's famous coffee house 29 Title page of La Roque's work 32 Coffee tree as pictured by La Roque 32 Coffee branch in La Roque's work 33 First printed reference in English 37 Reference in Sherley's travels 39 References in Biddulph's travels 40


Mol's coffee house at Exeter 41 Reference in Sandys' travels 42 Richter's coffee house, Leipsic 46 Coffee house, Germany, 17th century 47 Kolschitzky in his Blue Bottle coffee house 48 First coffee house in Leopoldstadt 50

Statue of Kolschitzky 51

First advertisement for coffee 55 First newspaper advertisement 57 Coffee house, time of Charles II 60 London coffee house, 17th century 61 Coffee house, Queen Anne's time 62 Coffee-house keepers' tokens (plate 1) 63 A broadside of 1663 64

Coffee-house keepers' tokens (plate 2) 65 A broadside of 1667 68

A broadside of 1670 70 A broadside of 1672 70 A broadside of 1674 71

White's and Brooke's coffee houses 78 London coffee-house politicians 78 Great Fair on the frozen Thames 79 Lion's head at Button's 80

Trio of notables at Button's 81 Vauxhall Gardens on a gala night 82 Rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens 83


Garraway's coffee house 84 Button's coffee house 84 Slaughter's coffee house 85 Tom's coffee house 85 Lloyd's coffee house 86 Dick's coffee house 87 Grecian coffee house 87 Don Saltero's coffee house 88 British coffee house 88

French coffee house in London 89 Ramponaux' Royal Drummer café 90 La Foire St.-Germain 92

Street coffee vender of Paris 92 Armenian decorations in Paris café 93 Corner of historic Café de Procope 93 Café de Procope, Paris 95

Cashier's desk in coffee house, Paris 96 Café Foy 97

Café des Mille Colonnes 99 Café de Paris 101

Interior of a typical Parisian café 103 Chess at the Café de la Régence 104 Types of colonial coffee roasters 106 Early family coffee roaster 106

Historic relics, early New England 107 Mayflower "coffee grinder" 108


Crown coffee house, Boston 108

Coffee devices, Massachusetts colony 109 Coffee devices of western pioneers 110 Coffee pots of colonial days 110 Green Dragon tavern, Boston 111 Metal coffee pots, New York colony 112 Exchange coffee house, Boston 113

President-elect Washington's official welcome at Merchants Coffee House 114 King's Arms coffee house, New York 116

Burns coffee house 117 Merchants coffee house 119 Tontine coffee house 121 Tontine building of 1850 122 Niblo's Garden 122

Coffee relics, Dutch New York 122 New York's Vauxhall Garden of 1803 123 Tavern and grocers' signs, old New York 124 Second London coffee house, Philadelphia 127 Selling slaves, old London coffee house 128 City tavern, Philadelphia 129

Coffee-house scene in "Hamilton" 130 Coffee tree, flowers and fruit 132 Germination of the coffee plant 133 Brazil coffee plantation in flower 134

Coffea arabica, Porto Rico 135


Young Coffea arabica, Kona, Hawaii 136 Survivors of first Liberian trees in Java 136

Coffea arabica in flower, Java 137

Liberian coffee tree, Lamoa, P.I. 138

Coffea congensis, 2-1/2 years old 138

Flowering of 5-year-old Coffea excelsa 139 Branches of Coffea excelsa 140

Coffea stenophylla 140

Near view of Coffea arabica berries 141 Wild caffein-free coffee tree 142

Coffee bean characteristics 142

Coffea arabica berries 143 Robusta coffee in flower 144

One-year-old robusta estate 145

Coffea Quillou flowers 146 Quillou coffee tree in blossom 147 Coffea Ugandæ 148

Coffea arabica under the microscope 149

Cross-section of coffee bean 150 Cross-section of hull and bean 150

Epicarp and pericarp under microscope 151 Endocarp and endosperm under microscope 152 Spermoderm under microscope 152

Tissues of embryo under microscope 152 Coffee-leaf disease under microscope 153 Green and roasted coffee under microscope 153


Green and roasted Bogota under microscope 154 Cross-section of endosperm 156

Portion of the investing membrane 157 Structure of the green bean 157 Ground coffee under microscope 167 Coffee tree in bearing, Lamoa, P.I. 196 Early coffee implements 198

Cross-section of mountain slope, Yemen 198 First steps in coffee-growing 199

Coffee nursery, Guatemala 200 Coffee under shade, Porto Rico 201 Boekit Gompong estate, Sumatra 202 Estate in Antioquia, Colombia 203 Weeding and harrowing, São Paulo 204 Fazenda Dumont, São Paulo 205 Fazenda Guatapara, São Paulo 206 Picking coffee, São Paulo 207 Intensive cultivation, São Paulo 207 Private railroad, São Paulo 208 Coffee culture in São Paulo 209 Heavily laden coffee tree, Bogota 210 Picking coffee, Bogota 211

Altamira Hacienda, Venezuela 212 Carmen Hacienda, Venezuela 213 Heavy fruiting, Coffea robusta, Java 214 Road through coffee estate, Java 215


Native picking coffee, Sumatra 216 Administrator's bungalow, Java 216 Administrator's bungalow, Sumatra 217 Coffee culture in Guatemala 218 Indians picking coffee, Guatemala 219 Bungalow, coffee estate, Guatemala 220 Thirty-year-old coffee trees, Mexico 221 Mexican coffee picker 222

Receiving coffee, Mexico 223

Heavily laden coffee tree, Porto Rico 224 Coffee cultivation, Costa Rica 225 Picking Costa Rica coffee 226

Mountain coffee estate, Costa Rica 226 Mysore coffee estate 227

Coffee growing under shade, India 228 Coffee estate at Harar 229

Wild coffee near Adis Abeba 231 Mocha coffee growing on terraces 232 Picking Blue Mountain berries, Jamaica 233 Coffee pickers, Guadeloupe 234

Coffee in blossom, Panama 235

Robusta coffee, Cochin-China 237

Bourbon trees, French Indo-China 238 Picking coffee in Queensland 239 Coffee in bloom, Kona, Hawaii 240 Coffee at Hamakua, Hawaii 241


Coffee trees, South Kona, Hawaii 242 Plantation near Sagada, P.I. 243 Coffee preparation, São Paulo 244 Walker's original disk pulper 246 Early English coffee peeler 246 Group of English cylinder pulpers 247 Copper covers for pulper cylinders 248 Granada unpulped coffee separator 249 Hand-power double-disk pulper 249 Tandem coffee pulper 250

Horizontal coffee washer 251 Vertical coffee washer 251 Cobán pulper, Venezuela 252 Niagara power coffee huller 252 British and American coffee driers 253 American Guardiola drier 254

Smout peeler and polisher 254

Smout peeler and polisher, exposed 255 O'Krassa's coffee drier 255

Six well-known hullers and separators 256 El Monarca coffee classifier 257

Hydro-electric installation, Guatemala 258 Preparing Brazil coffee for market 259 Working coffee on the drying flats 260 Fermenting and washing tanks, São Paulo 260 Drying grounds, Fazenda Schmidt 261


Preparing Colombian coffee for market 262 Old-fashioned ox-power huller 263

Street-car coffee transport, Orizaba 264 Coffee on drying floors, Porto Rico 264 Sun-drying coffee 265

Drying patio, Costa Rica 266 Early Guardiola steam drier 266

Indian women cleaning Mocha coffee 267 Cleaning-and-grading machinery, Aden 268 Drying coffee at Harar 269

Preparing Java coffee for market 270 Coffee transport in Java 271

Meeting of Amsterdam coffee brokers, 1820 291 Bill of public sale of coffee, 1790 292

Last sample before export, Santos 304 Stamping bags for export 304

Preparing Brazil coffee for export 305 Grading coffee at Santos 306

The test by the cups, Santos 306

New York importers' warehouse, Santos 307 Pack-mule transport in Venezuela 308 Coffee-carrying cart, Guatemala 308 Pack-oxen fording stream, Colombia 308

Coffee transport, Mexico and South America 309 Donkey coffee-transport at Harar 310


Selling coffee by tapping hands, Aden 310 Packing and transporting coffee, Aden 311 Coffee camel train at Hodeida 312

Methods of loading coffee, Santos 313 Coffee freighter, Cauca River, Colombia 314 Coffee steamers on the Magdalena 314 Loading heavy cargo on Santa Cecilia 315 Unloading Java coffee from sailing vessel 317 Receiving piers for coffee, New York 318 Unloading coffee, covered pier, New York 319 Receiving and storing coffee, New York 320 Tester at work, Bush Terminal, New York 321 Loading lighters, Bush Docks, Brooklyn 321 New Terminal system on Staten Island 322 Motor tractor, Bush piers 322

Unloading with modern conveyor 323 Coffee handling, New Orleans piers 324

Coffee in steel-covered sheds, New Orleans 325 Unloading and storing coffee, San Francisco 326 Modern device for handling green coffee 327 Handling green coffee at European ports 328 New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange 329 Coffee section, Coffee and Sugar Exchange 330 Blackboards, Coffee Exchange 331

"Coffee afloat" blackboard 332 Well known green-coffee marks 339


Bourbon-Santos beans, roasted 343

Flat and Bourbon-Santos beans, roasted 343 Rio beans, roasted 343

Mexican beans, roasted 347 Guatemala beans, roasted 347

Bogota (Colombia) beans, roasted 348 Maracaibo beans, roasted 349

Mocha beans, roasted 351 Washed Java beans, roasted 353

Sample-roasting and cup-testing outfit 357 Modern gas coffee-roasting plant 380 Sixteen-cylinder coal roasting plant 382

Green-coffee separating and milling machines 384 English gas coffee-roasting plant 385

German gas coffee-roasting plant 386 French gas coffee-roasting plant 387 Jumbo coffee roaster, Arbuckle plant 388 Roasting plant of Reid, Murdoch & Co. 389 Complete gas coffee-plant installation 390 Burns Jubilee gas roaster 391

Burns coal roaster 392

Open perforated cylinder with flexible back head 392 Trying the roast 394

Monitor gas roaster 394

A group of roasting-room accessories 394 Dumping the roast 395


A four-bag coffee finisher 396 Burns sample-coffee roaster 396 Lambert coal coffee-roasting outfit 397 Coles No. 22 grinding mill 398

Monitor coffee-granulating machine 398 Challenge pulverizer 398

Burns No. 12 grinding mill 399

Monitor steel-cut grinder, separator, etc 399

Johnson carton-filling, weighing, and sealing machine 400 Ideal steel-cut mill 400

Smyser package-making and filling machine 401 Automatic coffee-packing machine 402

Complete coffee-cartoning outfit 403 Automatic coffee-weighing machines 404 Units in manufacture of soluble coffee 405 Types of coffee containers 411

Fresh-roasted-coffee idea in retailing 414 Premium tea and coffee dealer's display 416 Chain-store interior 417

Familiar A & P store front 418

Specialist idea in coffee merchandising 419 Monitor gas roaster, cooler, and stoner 420 Royal gas coffee roaster for retailers 420 Burns half-bag roaster, cooler, and stoner 421 Lambert Jr. roasting outfit for retailers 421 Faulder and Simplex gas roasters 422


Coffee roasters used in Paris shops 423 Small German roasters 424

Popular French retail roaster 424 Uno cabinet gas roaster and cooler 424 Educational window exhibit 425

Better-class American grocery, interior 426 Prize-winning window display 427

Americanized English grocer's shop 429 Famous package coffees 430

First coffee advertisement in U.S. 433 Coffee advertisement of 1790 434

First colored handbill for package coffee 435 Reverse side of colored handbill 435

St. Louis handbill of 1854 436 Advertising-card copy, 1873 437 Handbill copy of the seventies 437 Box-end sticker, 1833 438

Chase & Sanborn advertisement, 1888 438 A Goldberg cartoon, 1910 439

Copy used by Chase & Sanborn, 1900 439 An effective cut-out 442

How coffee is advertised to the trade 443 Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee 447 Magazine and newspaper copy, 1919 449

Copy that stressed helpfulness of coffee, 1919-20 450 Joint Committee's house organ 451


Introductory medical-journal copy 451 Telling the doctors the truth, 1920 452 Joint Committee's attractive booklets 453 More medical journal copy, 1920 454 Magazine and newspaper copy, 1921 455 Educating the doctor, 1922 456

Magazine and newspaper copy, 1922 457 Specimen of early Yuban copy 459 Historical association in advertising 459 Package coffee advertising in 1922 460 The social distinction argument 461 Drawing upon history for atmosphere 461 An impressive electric sign, Chicago 462 How coffee is advertised outdoors 463 Attractive car cards, spring of 1922 464 Effective iced-coffee copy 465

European advertising novelty, New York 465 Coenties Slip, in days of sailing vessels 466 First U.S. coffee-grinder patent 469

Carter's Pull-out roaster patent 469 First registered trade mark for coffee 470 Original Arbuckle coffee packages 471 Merchants coffee house tablet 473

Departed dominant figures in New York green coffee trade 476

"Their association with New York green coffee trade dates back nearly fifty years" 477 Green coffee trade-builders who have passed on 478


"Their race is run, their course is done" 479 112 Front Street, New York, 1879 480 At 87 Wall Street, New York, years ago 480 Wall and Front Streets, New York, 1922 481 Front Street, New York, 1922 483

In the New Orleans coffee district 486 Green coffee district, New Orleans 487 California Street, San Francisco 488 San Francisco's coffee district 489

Pioneer coffee roasters, New York City 493 Oldtime New York coffee roasters 495

Pioneer coffee roasters of the North and East, U.S. 500 Pioneer coffee roasters of the South and West, U.S. 504 Ground coffee price list of 1862 507

Organization convention, N.C.R.A., 1911 510 Former presidents, N.C.R.A. 512

Earliest coffee manuscript 540 Song from "The Coffee House" 555

Dr. Johnson's seat, the Cheshire Cheese 567 Original coffee room, old Cock Tavern 568 Morning gossip in the coffee room 569 "His Warmest Welcome at an Inn" 571 Alexander Pope at Button's, 1730 577

Dutch coffee house, 1650 (by Van Ostade) 586 White's coffee house, 1733 (by Hogarth) 588 Tom King's, 1738 (by Hogarth) 589


Petit Déjeuner (by Boucher) 590

Coffee service in the home of Madame de Pompadour (by Van Loo) 590 Madame Du Barry (by Decreuse) 591

Coffee house at Cairo (by Gérôme) 592 Kaffeebesuch (by Philippi) 593

Coffee comes to the aid of the Muse (by Ruffio) 593 Mad dog in a coffee house (by Rowlandson) 594 Napoleon and the Curé (by Charlet) 595

Coffee, a chanson (music by Colet) 596 Statue of Kolschitzky 597

Betty's Aria, Bach's coffee cantata 598 Café Pedrocchi, Padua 599

Coffee grinder set with jewels 600 Italian wrought-iron coffee roaster 600 Seventeenth-century tea and coffee pots 601 Lantern coffee pot, 1692 602

Folkingham pot, 1715-16 602 Wastell pot, 1720-21 603

Dish of coffee-boy design, 1692 603 Chinese porcelain coffee pot 604

Silver coffee pots, early 18th century 604 Silver coffee pots, 18th century 605 Pottery and porcelain pots 606

Silver coffee pots, late 18th century 607 Porcelain pots, Metropolitan Museum 608 Vienna coffee pot, 1830 609


Spanish coffee pot, 18th century 609

Silver coffee pots in American collections 610 Coffee pot by Win. Shaw and Wm. Priest 611 Pot of Sheffield plate, 18th century 611 Pot by Ephraim Brasher 611

French silver coffee pot 612

Green Dragon tavern coffee urn 612 Coffee pots by American silversmiths 613 Twentieth-century American coffee service 613 Turkish coffee set, Peter collection 614

Oldest coffee grinder 616

Grain mill used by Greeks and Romans 616 First coffee roaster 616

First cylinder roaster, 1650 616

Historical relics, U.S. National Museum 617 Turkish coffee mill 618

Early French wall and table grinders 618 Bronze and brass mortars, 17th century 619 Early American coffee roasters 619

Roaster with three-sided hood 620

Roasting, making, and serving devices, 17th century 620 English and French coffee grinders 621

Eighteenth-century roaster 621 Original French drip pot 621

Belgian, Russian, and French pewter pots 622 17th and 18th century pewter pots 623


Count Rumford's percolator 623

Drawings of early French coffee makers 624 Early French filtration devices 624

Early American coffee-maker patents 625 French coffee makers, 19th century 625 First English commercial roaster patent 626 Early French coffee-roasting machines 627 Battery of Carter pull-out machines 628 Early English and American roasters 630

Early Foreign and American coffee-making devices 632 Dakin roasting machine of 1848 633

Globe stove roaster of 1860 634 Hyde's combined roaster and stove 634 Original Burns roaster, 1864 635 Burns granulating mill, 1872-74 636 Napier's vacuum machine 637

German gas and coal roasting machines 638 Other German coffee roasters 639

Original Enterprise mill 640

Max Thurmer's quick gas roaster 640 An English gas coffee-roasting plant 641 French globular roaster 642

Sirocco machine (French) 642

English roasting and grinding equipment 643 Magic gas machine (French) 644


Double gas roasting outfit (French) 645 Lambert's Victory gas machine 646 One of the first electric mills 647 English electric-fuel roaster 648

Ben Franklin electric coffee roaster 648 Enterprise hand store mill 649

Latest types electric store mills 650 Italian rapid coffee-making machines 651 Working of Italian rapid machines 652 La Victoria Arduino Mignonne 652 N.C.R.A. Home coffee mill 653

Manthey-Zorn rapid infuser and dispenser 653 Tricolette, single-cup filter device 654

Moorish coffee house in Algiers 656 Coffee house in Cairo 656

Coffee service in Cairo barber shop 657 Coffee-laden camels, Arabia 658 Arabian coffee house 658

Mahommedan brewing coffee for guest 659 Native café, Harar 661

Early coffee, tea, and chocolate service 661 Nubian slave girl with coffee service 662 Persian coffee service, 1737 663

In a Turkish coffee house 664

Roasting coffee outside a Turkish café 664 Turkish caffinet, early 19th century 665


Coffee-making in Turkey 666

Street coffee vender in the Levant 666 A coffee house in Syria 667

Cafetan--garb of oriental café-keeper 668 Street coffee service in Constantinople 668 Riverside café in Damascus 669

Coffee al fresco in Jerusalem 671 Café Schrangl, Vienna 672

Favorite English way of making coffee 673 A café of Ye Mecca Company, London 673 Groom's coffee house, London 674

Café Monico, Piccadilly Circus, London 674 Gatti's, The Strand, London 675

Tea lounge, Hotel Savoy, London 675 Two popular places for coffee in London 676 Temple Bar restaurant, London 677

Tea balcony, Hotel Cecil, London 677 One of Slater's chain-shops, London 677 St. James's restaurant, Picadilly, London 678 An A.B.C. shop, London 678

Halt of caravaners at a serai, Bulgaria 678 Café de la Paix, Paris 679

Sidewalk annex, Café de la Paix 680 Café de la Régence, Paris 681 Café de la Régence in 1922 682 One of the Biard cafés, Paris 683


Restaurant Procope, 1922 683

Morning coffee at a Boulevard café 684 Café Bauer, Unter den Linden, Berlin 684 Café Bauer, exterior 685

Kranzler's Unter den Linden, Berlin 685 Swedish coffee boilers 687

Sidewalk café, Lisbon 687

Coffee rooms replacing hotel bars, U.S. 688 Britannia coffee pot--a Lincoln relic 690 Coffee service, Hotel Astor, New York 691 Early coffee-making in Persia 694

Napier vacuum coffee maker 700 Napier-List steam coffee machine 700 Finley Acker's filter-paper coffee pot 700 Kin-Hee pot in operation 701

Tricolator in operation 701 King percolator 701

Three American coffee-making machines in operation 702 How the Tru-Bru pot operates 702

Coffee-making devices used in U.S. 703 English hotel coffee-making machines 706 Well-known makes of large coffee urns 707 Popular German drip pot 708

Section of roasted bean, magnified 719 Cross-section of roasted bean, magnified 720 Coarse grind under the microscope 720


Medium grind under the microscope 721 Fine-meal grind under the microscope 721


Ach, F.J. 447, 512 Akers, Fred 495 Ames, Allan P. 447 Arbuckle, John 523

Arnold, Benjamin Greene 476, 517 Arnold, F.B. 476 Bayne, William 479 Bayne, William, Jr. 447 Beard, Eli 493 Beard, Samuel 493 Bennett, William H. 479 Bickford, C.E. 478 Boardman, Thomas J. 500 Boardman, William 500 Brand, Carl W. 512 Brandenstein, M.J. 504 Burns, Jabez 527 Canby, Edward 500 Casanas, Ben C. 512 Cauchois. F.A. 493 Chase, Caleb 500 Cheek, J.O. 504, 515 Closset, Joseph 504


Coste, Felix 447 Crossman, Geo. W. 479 Devers, A.H. 504 Dwinell, James F. 500 Eppens, Fred 495 Eppens, Julius A. 495, 497 Eppens, W.H. 493, 495 Evans, David G. 504 Fischer, Benedickt 493 Flint, J.G. 500 Folger, J.A., Jr. 504 Folger, J.A., Sr. 504 Forbes, A.E. 504 Forbes, Jas. H. 504 Geiger, Frank J. 500 Gillies, Jas. W. 493 Gillies, Wright 493 Grossman, William 500 Harrison, D.Y. 500 Harrison, W.H. 500 Haulenbeek, Peter 493 Hayward, Martin 500 Heekin, James 500 Jones, W.T. 504 Kimball, O.G. 478 Kinsella, W.J. 504


Kirkland, Alexander 495 Kolschitzky, Franz George 50 McLaughlin, W.F. 500 Mahood, Samuel 500 Mayo, Henry 495 Meehan, P.C. 477 Menezes, Th. Langgaard de 446 Meyer, Robert 511 Peck, Edwin H. 477 Phyfe, Jas. W. 478 Pierce, O.W., Sr. 500 Pupke, John F. 495 Purcell, Joseph 476 Reid, Fred 495 Reid, Thomas 493, 495 Roome, Col. William P. 499 Russell, James C. 478 Sanborn, James S. 500 Schilling, A. 504 Schotten, Julius J. 504, 512 Schotten, William 504 Seelye, Frank R. 512 Sielcken, Hermann 476, 519 Simmonds, H. 477 Sinnot, J.B. 504 Smith, L.B. 493


Smith, M.E. 504 Sprague, Albert A. 500 Stephens, Henry A. 500 Stoffregen, Charles 504 Stoffregen, C.H. 447 Taylor, James H. 477 Thomson, A.M. 500 Van Loan, Thomas 498 Weir, Ross W. 447, 512 Westfeldt, George 479 Widlar, Francis 500 Wilde, Samuel 493 Withington, Elijah 493 Woolson, Alvin M. 500 Wright, George C. 500 Wright, George S. 447 Young, Samuel 500 Zinsmeister, J. 504

Maps, Charts, and Diagrams

Map of London coffee-house district, 1748 76 Formula for Caffein 160

Commercial coffee chart 191

Eiffel and Woolworth towers in coffee 272 World's coffee cup and largest ship 275 Coffee exports, 1850-1920 277


Brazil coffee exports, 1850-1920 278 World's coffee consumption, 1850 286 Coffee imports, 1916-1920 286

World trend of consumption of tea and coffee, 1860-1920 288 Coffee map of World (folded insert) facing 288

Pre-war annual average production of coffee by continents 294 Pre-war annual average production of coffee by countries 294 Pre-war average annual imports of coffee into U.S. by continents 295 Pre-war average annual imports of coffee into U.S. by countries 295 Pre-war coffee-imports chart 297

Pre-war consumption and price chart 297 Coffee map, Brazil 342

Coffee map, São Paulo, Minãs, and Rio 344 Mild-coffee map, 1 346

Coffee map, Africa and Arabia 352 Mild-coffee map, 2 354

Complete reference table (21 pp.) 358 Plan of milling-machine connections 381 Plan of green-coffee-mixer connections 383 Layout for coffee and tea department 418

Chart, advertising of coffee and coffee substitutes, 1911-20 440

Charts, per capita consumption of coffee, and coffee and substitute advertising 441 Chart, plan of advertising campaign 448

Chart, private-brand advertising, 1921 458 A COFFEE THESAURUS


The Plant

The precious plant This friendly plant Mocha's happy tree The gift of Heaven The plant with the

jessamine-like flowers The most exquisite perfume of Araby the blest Given to the human race by the gift of the Gods

The Berry

The magic bean The divine fruit Fragrant berries Rich, royal berry Voluptuous berry The precious berry The healthful bean The Heavenly berry The marvelous berry This all-healing berry Yemen's fragrant berry The little aromatic berry Little brown Arabian berry Thought-inspiring bean of Arabia The smoking, ardent beans Aleppo sends That wild fruit which gives so beloved a drink

The Beverage

Nepenthe Festive cup Juice divine Nectar divine Ruddy mocha A man's drink Lovable liquor Delicious mocha The magic drink This rich cordial Its stream divine The family drink The festive drink Coffee is our gold Nectar of all men The golden mocha This sweet nectar Celestial ambrosia The friendly drink The cheerful drink The essential drink The sweet draught The divine draught The grateful liquor The universal drink The American drink The amber beverage The convivial drink The universal thrill King of all perfumes The cup of happiness The soothing draught Ambrosia of the Gods The intellectual drink The aromatic draught The salutary beverage The good-fellow drink The drink of democracy The drink ever glorious Wakeful and civil drink The beverage of sobriety A psychological necessity The fighting man's drink Loved and favored drink The symbol of hospitality This rare Arabian cordial Inspirer of men of letters The revolutionary beverage Triumphant stream of sable Grave and wholesome liquor The drink of the intellectuals A restorative of sparkling wit Its color is the seal of its purity The sober and wholesome drink Lovelier than a thousand kisses This honest and cheering beverage A wine which no sorrow can resist The symbol of human brotherhood At once a pleasure and a medicine The beverage of the friends of God The fire which consumes our griefs Gentle panacea of domestic troubles The autocrat of the breakfast table The beverage of the children of God King of the American breakfast table Soothes you softly out of dull sobriety The cup that cheers but not inebriates[1] Coffee, which makes the politician wise Its aroma is the pleasantest in all nature The sovereign drink of pleasure and health[2] The indispensable beverage of strong nations The stream in which we wash away our sorrows The enchanting perfume that a zephyr has brought Favored liquid which fills all my soul with delight The delicious libation we pour on the altar of friendship This invigorating drink which drives sad care from the heart


Showing the various steps through which the bean passes from plantation to cup

1 Planting the seed in nursery 2 Transplanting into rows 3 Cultivating and pruning 4 Picking the cherries 5 Pulping 6 Fermenting 7 Washing 8 Drying in the parchment 9 Hulling 10 Polishing 11 Grading 12

Transporting to the seaport 13 Buying and selling for export 14 Transhipment overseas 15 Buying and selling at wholesale 16 Shipment to the point of manufacture 17 Separating 18 Milling 19 Mixing or blending 20 Roasting 21 Cooling and stoning 22 Buying and selling at retail 23 Grinding 24 Making the beverage [Illustration: COFFEE ARABICA; LEAVES, FLOWERS AND FRUIT




Origin and translation of the word from the Arabian into various languages--Views of many writers

The history of the word coffee involves several phonetic difficulties. The European languages got the name of the beverage about 1600 from the original Arabic [Arabic] qahwah, not directly, but through its Turkish form,

kahveh. This was the name, not of the plant, but the beverage made from its infusion, being originally one of

the names employed for wine in Arabic.

Sir James Murray, in the New English Dictionary, says that some have conjectured that the word is a foreign, perhaps African, word disguised, and have thought it connected with the name Kaffa, a town in Shoa, southwest Abyssinia, reputed native place of the coffee plant, but that of this there is no evidence, and the name qahwah is not given to the berry or plant, which is called [Arabic] bunn, the native name in Shoa being


Contributing to a symposium on the etymology of the word coffee in Notes and Queries, 1909, James Platt, Jr., said:

The Turkish form might have been written kahvé, as its final h was never sounded at any time. Sir James Murray draws attention to the existence of two European types, one like the French café, Italian caffè, the other like the English coffee, Dutch koffie. He explains the vowel o in the second series as apparently representing au, from Turkish ahv. This seems unsupported by evidence, and the v is already represented by the ff, so on Sir James's assumption coffee must stand for kahv-ve, which is unlikely. The change from a to o, in my opinion, is better accounted for as an imperfect appreciation. The exact sound of a in Arabic and other Oriental languages is that of the English short U, as in "cuff." This sound, so easy to us, is a great

stumbling-block to other nations. I judge that Dutch koffie and kindred forms are imperfect attempts at the notation of a vowel which the writers could not grasp. It is clear that the French type is more correct. The Germans have corrected their koffee, which they may have got from the Dutch, into kaffee. The Scandinavian languages have adopted the French form. Many must wonder how the hv of the original so persistently becomes ff in the European equivalents. Sir James Murray makes no attempt to solve this problem.

Virendranath Chattopádhyáya, who also contributed to the Notes and Queries symposium, argued that the hw of the Arabic qahwah becomes sometimes ff and sometimes only f or v in European translations because some languages, such as English, have strong syllabic accents (stresses), while others, as French, have none. Again, he points out that the surd aspirate h is heard in some languages, but is hardly audible in others. Most

Europeans tend to leave it out altogether.

Col. W.F. Prideaux, another contributor, argued that the European languages got one form of the word coffee directly from the Arabic qahwah, and quoted from Hobson-Jobson in support of this:

Chaoua in 1598, Cahoa in 1610, Cahue in 1615; while Sir Thomas Herbert (1638) expressly states that "they

drink (in Persia) ... above all the rest, Coho or Copha: by Turk and Arab called Caphe and Cahua." Here the Persian, Turkish, and Arabic pronunciations are clearly differentiated.

Col. Prideaux then calls, as a witness to the Anglo-Arabic pronunciation, one whose evidence was not

available when the New English Dictionary and Hobson-Jobson articles were written. This is John Jourdain, a Dorsetshire seaman, whose Diary was printed by the Hakluyt Society in 1905. On May 28, 1609, he records that "in the afternoone wee departed out of Hatch (Al-Hauta, the capital of the Lahej district near Aden), and travelled untill three in the morninge, and then wee rested in the plaine fields untill three the next daie, neere unto a cohoo howse in the desert." On June 5 the party, traveling from Hippa (Ibb), "laye in the mountaynes,


our camells being wearie, and our selves little better. This mountain is called Nasmarde (Nakil Sumara), where all the cohoo grows." Farther on was "a little village, where there is sold cohoo and fruite. The seeds of this cohoo is a greate marchandize, for it is carried to grand Cairo and all other places of Turkey, and to the Indias." Prideaux, however, mentions that another sailor, William Revett, in his journal (1609) says, referring to Mocha, that "Shaomer Shadli (Shaikh 'Ali bin 'Omar esh-Shadil) was the fyrst inventour for drynking of coffe, and therefor had in esteemation." This rather looks to Prideaux as if on the coast of Arabia, and in the mercantile towns, the Persian pronunciation was in vogue; whilst in the interior, where Jourdain traveled, the Englishman reproduced the Arabic.

Mr. Chattopádhyáya, discussing Col. Prideaux's views as expressed above, said:

Col. Prideaux may doubt "if the worthy mariner, in entering the word in his log, was influenced by the abstruse principles of phonetics enunciated" by me, but he will admit that the change from kahvah to coffee is a phonetic change, and must be due to the operation of some phonetic principle. The average man, when he endeavours to write a foreign word in his own tongue, is handicapped considerably by his inherited and acquired phonetic capacity. And, in fact, if we take the quotations made in "Hobson-Jobson," and classify the various forms of the word coffee according to the nationality of the writer, we obtain very interesting results. Let us take Englishmen and Dutchmen first. In Danvers's Letters (1611) we have both "coho pots" and "coffao pots"; Sir T. Roe (1615) and Terry (1616) have cohu; Sir T. Herbert (1638) has coho and copha; Evelyn (1637), coffee; Fryer (1673) coho; Ovington (1690), coffee; and Valentijn (1726), coffi. And from the two examples given by Col. Prideaux, we see that Jourdain (1609) has cohoo, and Revett (1609) has coffe. To the above should be added the following by English writers, given in Foster's English Factories in India (1618-21, 1622-23, 1624-29): cowha (1619), cowhe, couha (1621), coffa (1628).

Let us now see what foreigners (chiefly French and Italian) write. The earliest European mention is by Rauwolf, who knew it in Aleppo in 1573. He has the form chaube. Prospero Alpini (1580) has caova; Paludanus (1598) chaoua; Pyrard de Laval (1610) cahoa; P. Della Valle (1615) cahue; Jac. Bontius (1631)

caveah; and the Journal d'Antoine Galland (1673) cave. That is, Englishmen use forms of a certain distinct

type, viz., cohu, coho, coffao, coffe, copha, coffee, which differ from the more correct transliteration of foreigners.

In 1610 the Portuguese Jew, Pedro Teixeira (in the Hakluyt Society's edition of his Travels) used the word


The inferences from these transitional forms seem to be: 1. The word found its way into the languages of Europe both from the Turkish and from the Arabic. 2. The English forms (which have strong stress on the first syllable) have o instead of a, and f instead of h. 3. The foreign forms are unstressed and have no h. The original v or w (or labialized u) is retained or changed into f.

It may be stated, accordingly, that the chief reason for the existence of two distinct types of spelling is the omission of h in unstressed languages, and the conversion of h into f under strong stress in stressed languages. Such conversion often takes place in Turkish; for example, silah dar in Persian (which is a highly stressed language) becomes zilif dar in Turkish. In the languages of India, on the other hand, in spite of the fact that the aspirate is usually very clearly sounded, the word qahvah is pronounced kaiva by the less educated classes, owing to the syllables being equally stressed.

Now for the French viewpoint. Jardin[3] opines that, as regards the etymology of the word coffee, scholars are not agreed and perhaps never will be. Dufour[4] says the word is derived from caouhe, a name given by the Turks to the beverage prepared from the seed. Chevalier d'Arvieux, French consul at Alet, Savary, and Trevoux, in his dictionary, think that coffee comes from the Arabic, but from the word cahoueh or quaweh,


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