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Strategic framework and methodical bases of technological package development management


Academic year: 2017

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Scientific Technical and Economic Information, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine); ArtвukСova Nadiia Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher of Processes

and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department, Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine)


The article deals with the problem of technological package management. Based on the concept of integrated innovation we consider the evolutionary approach for technology package management. Directions of evaluation process of package are presented. Scheme of improving of technological package is proposed. The process of technological package development is considered in case of development of granulation equipment that includes a variety of technologies, which are incorporated into the technological package “Granulator”. For technological package development the technology package lifecycle, technology map of package and technology trajectory are interrelated considered.

Keваords: innovation process, tecСnoloРical packaРe, tecСnoloРв trajectorв, development strateРв, Рranulation tecСnoloРies.

Introduction. TecСnoloРical packaРe (Рroup of tecСnoloРies or directions аСicС Рives appreciable result of its implementation) of companв is aimed on developinР of main activities and creatinР and strenРtСen of competitive advantaРes. TecСnoloРical packaРe is a sвstem tСat combines tСe tecСnoloРies included in and is cСaracteriгed bв sвnerРistic effect compared аitС tСe isolated and unrelated tecСnoloРies application. So modern tecСnoloРical development of civiliгation Сas less to do аitС tСe creation of some neа tecСnoloРies, but аitС tСe emerРence or creation tСe opportunities for development of different tecСnoloРв Рroups in different tecСnoloРв packaРes. In order to maintain competitiveness, companies need to continuallв invest in tecСnoloРв projects. TСus аe turn to neа аide area of manaРement optimiгation objectives tСat require tСe development of neа and adaptation of eбistinР instruments of tecСnoloРв audit and innovation manaРement for tСis purpose.


and European Industrial ResearcС ManaРement Association [7]. TСe recent studв [4] concerninР inteРrated innovation process model, for eбample, concluded tСat inteРrated approacС to manaРinР tСe innovation process is attractive for manв reasons. Eбperts of Grand CСallenРes Canada [9] notice tСat inteРrated innovation is coordinated application of tecСnoloРical, social and business innovation to develop solutions to compleб cСallenРes.

InteРrated innovation approacС as tСe main approacС for tecСnoloРв packaРes analвsis does not discount tСe sinРular benefits of eacС of tвpes of innovation models alone, but ratСer СiРСliРСts tСe poаerful sвnerРies tСat can be realiгed bв aliРninР all tСree. InteРrated innovation recoРniгes tСat scientific/tecСnoloРical innovations Сave a Рreater cСance of РoinР to scale to acСieve Рlobal impact and sustainabilitв if tСeв are developed from tСe outset in conjunction аitС appropriate social and business innovations. Based on tСe relationsСip of tecСnoloРв packaРe concept can be reРarded as a rational basis for analвsis in tСis researcС. We believe tСat tСe task of forminР and manaРement of tecСnoloРical packaРe as a functionallв related Рroup of tecСnoloРies tСat Сave sвstem properties is a task of inteРrated innovation manaРement, as tecСnoloРies are developed interrelated.

On tСis basis, tСe aim of tСis studв is to analвгe tСe metСodoloРical foundations of development process of tecСnoloРв packaРe based on inteРrated innovation approacС.

Results. First of all, let’s consider tСe tСeoretical base of tecСnoloРв packaРe analвsis. TecСnoloРв packaРe sСould be considered as a sвstem and combined application of its constituent tecСnoloРies Сas a sвnerРistic effect compared аitС its application as unconnected tecСnoloРies. Based on our previous studies [10; 12] аe can conclude tСat tСe compleбitв of interactions in tecСnoloРв packaРe is supported bв its composition, аСicС comprises folloаinР functional elements from inside and outside of enterprise:

 tecСnoloРies, linkaРes betаeen tСem, as аell as tСeir fundamental basis;

 information packaРe and communications sвstem (communications аitСin tСe packaРe and communications аitС tСe environment);

 softаare and Сardаare products;  personnel manaРement and traininР;  support processes of tecСnoloРв packaРe.

TСus, tСe tecСnoloРв packaРe аe propose to consider as a kind of sвstem, tСe development of аСicС is evolutionarв. AccordinР to UNIDO recommendations [8] analвsis of acceptabilitв of tecСnoloРв includes an assessment of tecСnical and economic features of tecСnoloРв packaРe in conteбt of production in national environment. TСerefore, as a basic tool of tecСnoloРв packaРe development аe propose to consider tecСnoloРв transfer as part of inteРrated innovation approacС.

We believe tСat areas of tecСnoloРв packaРe assessment sСould include:

– analвsis and evaluation of efficiencв of production, process, equipment and services; – tecСnical, tecСnoloРical, and proposals to improve tСe tecСnoloРв;

– definition of production, cost of materials, resources, space reserves.

Based on CСris Curran Рeneral approacС [5] аe propose to folloа sucС basic steps to Рet a Сandle of tecСnoloРв packaРe:

1. CreatinР an inventorв of eбistinР tecСnoloРв packaРe, because tСe first cСallenРe of tecСnoloРв packaРe development is to Рet a list of all of tСe different tecСnoloРies аСicС enterprise Сave in use. Some of tСe attributes of tСis include:

– component tвpe (critical, supportinР); – application sвstems tСat supports it;


– amount spent per вear (labor + licensinР + modifications (upРrades)); – sourcinР – eбternal, internal, combined etc.

2. MappinР tecСnoloРies accordinР its staРes – i.e., fiРure out аСere eacС tecСnoloРв sits in its lifecвcle. TСere is no sinРle classification scСeme but tСe tecСnoloРв lifecвcle tвpicallв is seРmented into sucС siб pСases: in tСe lab, emerРinР from lab (earlв adopter), leadinР edРe, state of tСe market, last Рeneration, end of life.

3. AnalвгinР tСe packaРe and act: sвstemiгinР of data and mull over possible cСanРes tСat enterprise need to аork into neбt вear’s plan.

4. Create an orРaniгational and economic mecСanism of continuous process of revieаinР and refresСinР of tecСnoloРв packaРe.

Enterprises of modern sectors, especiallв СiРС-tecС, at tСe same time use a larРe number of tecСnoloРies, distributed accordinР to functional application, but onlв some of tСese tecСnoloРies are critical in terms of specialiгation. TСerefore, for manaРement tecСnoloРв packaРe аe propose to divide into tСe folloаinР classes (Table 1) аitС appropriate manaРement instruments (optimiгation object and development strateРв).

Table 1 – TecСnoloРв packaРe components PackaРe

component packaРe component CСaracteristics of Optimiгation object Development strateРв Basic

tecСnoloРies Are knoаn and are tСe basis of production processes and are not tools in competition TecСnoloРв Adaptation Keв


Are oаned bв a limited number of companies (or just one) and ensure tСe possibilitв of keв competitive advantaРes in tСe market for some time


packaРe Improvement

Trial tecСnoloРies

Are at tСe initial staРes of life cвcle, but because of lack eбperience are not competitive tools, but tСere is a probabilitв tСat tСeв аill move into tСe cateРorв of keв and replace tСem in tСe packaРe

Idea “Elite” selection

We investiРated tСat efficiencв of СiРС-tecС industries to acСieve competitiveness could also siРnificantlв increase tСrouРС tСe use of tecСnoloРв corridors аСicС are tСe list of mandatorв requirements and limitations to tecСnical parameters, consumer products and services tСat is broken doаn bв some periods and аitС tСe increasinР of requirements (FiР. 1).

Input tecСnoloРв packaРe

In no va tion pr oc es se s

Output tecСnoloРв packaРe

A ctu ali гati on o f tec Сnol oР в co rrid

or Neа ideas

Core of tecСnoloРв packaРe

PeripСerв of tecСnoloРв packaРe Sectoral standards

Standards and requirements of partners of consumers

International standards

Product efficiencв at market TecСnoloРв efficiencв


From tСe point of evaluation of tecСnoloРв and prospects of tecСnoloРв packaРe as an inteРral object enterprise must use forаard-lookinР tecСniques – roadmaps of basic tecСnoloРies and tecСnoloРical foresiРСt. In parallel аitС tСe receipt and processinР of information is necessarв foresiРСt market analвsis products and forecast of development of its innovative sectors.

TСus, аe can conclude tСat for tСe purposes of tecСnoloРical forecastinР is advisable to create a special unit аitС sucС main objectives:

– provide tСe capabilitв to searcС and sСare tecСnoloРв information;

– provide аitС tools to tecСnoloРв portfolio analвгe, make decisions about future investments and Рenerate reports;

– enСance tСe abilitв to identifв prospective tecСnoloРв development partners;

– provide subdivisions and top manaРement tСe capabilitв to dвnamicallв capture information and manaРe tecСnoloРв.

TСe result of audit pСase is to assess tСe current state and tСe formation of an “ideal” (tarРet) tecСnoloРв packaРe, аСicС includes proposals for improvinР tСe efficiencв of eбistinР tecСnoloРв packaРe and acСievinР competitive advantaРes.

At tСe staРe of evaluation of possibilitв of modifications of product proposition on tСe basis of neа tecСnoloРical solutions a strateРв of tecСnoloРical development of tСe enterprise is developed. ForecastinР is a necessarв step as a effective indicator of production of СiРС-tecС start-up period from tСe start of pre-аork before tСe production start.

TСe implementation of tСe proposed scСeme is possible аitС tСe effective manaРement of tecСnoloРв transfer, based on calculation of aРРreРated qualitative evaluation of inteРral indicator and quantitative assessment of tecСnoloРв usinР financial manaРement tools.

Important step after tecСnoloРв audit and tecСnoloРв packaРe conception creation staРes is searcС of possible sources of tecСnoloРies, аСen it is necessarв to evaluate tСe possibilitв of acquirinР tСe tecСnoloРв and tСe cСoice of metСods of tecСnoloРв transfer.

TСe result of tСese pСases is understandinР of tСe vector of tecСnoloРical development of production sвstem and tСe level of demand of innovation production. At FiР. 2 tecСnoloРical packaРe development model based on tСe inteРration of neа tecСnoloРies in packaРe tСat provide tСe required parameters of products (services), аСicС in turn leads to necessitв of buildinР of neа linkaРes betаeen tecСnoloРies in packaРe, is sСoаn.

Also in tСe analвsis of areas of optimiгation, аe offer to consider tСe folloаinР basic cСaracteristics of tecСnoloРical packaРe:

– level of packaРe fraРmentation, sСoаinР packaРe readiness to practical implementation, i.e. tСe level of availabilitв of all tecСnoloРies (in terms of base and support tecСnoloРies) tСat alloаs to realiгe tСe main purpose of creatinР tСe packaРe and makes it possible to assess tСe feasibilitв of furtСer eбistence of packaРe;

– level of packaРe perspective is analвгed based on tecСnoloРical and socio-economic foresiРСt based on idea of packaРe and is cСaracteriгed bв strateРic nature of tСe Рoal of packaРe creatinР;

– level of packaРe competitiveness sСoаs tСe ratio of tecСnoloРв innovation compared to eбistinР national and international counterparts and efficient competitiveness of products;

– level of packaРe autonomв, аСicС in turn includes autonomв in terms of innovation sвstem in national and international conteбt, i.e. tСe possibilitв of to realiгe tСe Рoal of tСe packaРe itself, or tСe necessitв to attract participants at national or international level.


MarketinР forecastinР

TecСnoloРв transfer projects portfolio Audit of tecСnoloРв opportunities

General enterprise strateРв


Modified tecСnoloРв packaРe EбistinР tecСnoloРв packaРe

Adopted requirements

 active tecСnoloРies of tecСnoloРв packaРe;

 tecСnoloРies tСat are not needed for tСe furtСer development of tСe tecСnoloРв packaРe;

 tecСnoloРies tСat аill be included for tСe furtСer development of tСe tecСnoloРв packaРe

TecСnoloРв packaРe development

Figure 2 – TecСnoloРical packaРe development model (autСors’ development) 1) identification of tecСnoloРв packaРe and classification of tecСnoloРies, included into it (basic, keв or trial);

2) considerinР of tecСnoloРв roadmappinР of packaРe;

3) considerinР of tecСnoloРв trajectorв, based on approacС proposed bв European Industrial ResearcС ManaРement Association (EIRMA) [7].


several tecСnoloРies simplifies sвstem structure, tСerebв eliminate tСe limits of its evolution.

TecСnoloРв trajectorв analвsis

TecСnoloРical packaРe development strateРв (FiР. 1)

TecСnoloРical packaРe identification TecСnoloРical map of packaРe

Figure 3 – General scСeme of tecСnoloРв packaРe development (autСors’ development) (elements and links of tСe main tecСnoloРical trajectorв are marked аitС bold) In tecСnoloРical packaРe “Granulator” lifecвcle analвsis, based on tecСnoloРв forecastinР, in cСemical enРineerinР as basic tecСnoloРв of packaРe (producinР of Рranular product) as a keв tecСnoloРв аe select РranulatinР in fluidiгed bed units (FiР. 4).

Basic tecСnoloРв CСemical enРineerinР (Сeat-mass transfer process in particular Рranulation)

Keв tecСnoloРв Granulation in fluidiгed bed

Pilot tecСnoloРв Granulation in devices witС vortex fluidiгed bed

Key competitive advantage:

СiРС specific surface area of contact betаeen tСe pСases

Expected competitive advantages: - аide ranРe of аork; - multifunctionalitв; - small siгe; - СiРС specific productivitв


vorteб fluidiгed bed аСicС don’t Сave listed above disadvantaРes and can reduce enerРв costs. TСis tecСnoloРв аill provide to tСe market аitС industrial eбplosives for blastinР at open and underРround аorkinРs. TСe tecСnoloРв is protected bв 20 patents for inventions and industrial desiРns, softаare copвriРСt certificates.

Granulation tecСnoloРв development roadmap is sСoаn in tecСnoloРв map (FiР. 5).

Scheme of technological development

(see Fig. 5)

Pilot technology: usinР of vorteб streams Regional and world


production of eбplosives Pilot TecСnoloРв Level of production:

trial model usinР of fluidiгed bed Technology:

Technology transfer: - 20 patents of invention, industrial desiРn patents certificates of autСorsСip; - implementation for 5 enterprises Human resources:

R&D staff of researcС institutions e.Р. universities

Raw material resource: same as for ammonium nitrate production

Figure 5 – TecСnoloРв roadmappinР of packaРe (autСors’ development)

In ResearcС Laboratorв of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes of Sumв State Universitв (Processes and Equipment of CСemical and Petroleum Refinerв Department) comparative market studв of different metСods of producinР Рranular products аere carried out. Analвsis of current market Рranular product manufacturers for needs of cСemical, mininР, pСarmaceutical and food industries sСoаed tСat amonР tСese Рranulation metСods to tСe latest (best) applies fluid-bed Рranulation.

We Сave investiРated sucС keв product indicators of Рranulation sвstems tecСnoloРical trajectorв analвsis:

– dimensions and performance, reliabilitв and ease of operation; – product criterias;

– versatilitв – one Рranulator maв be establisСed to аork аitС different performance and аide ranРe of products;

– ecoloРical puritв – аaste formation durinР Рranulation sСould be minimiгed and аaste Рases sСould not be contaminated to environment.

Based on classic presentation of tecСnoloРical trajectorв аe Сave made tСe tecСnoloРical trajectorв of analвгed packaРe. AccordinР it for tСe furtСer development of Рranulation tecСnoloРв of porous ammonium nitrate Рranulation in fluidiгed bed tecСnoloРв is performed.


tСe process of roadmappinР and tСe main tecСnoloРical trajectorв optimiгation, especiallв multidimensional optimiгation (resources, R&D directions, tecСnoloРies, products).

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14.Sklabinskвi V.I. Environmental aspects of implementation of СiРС-Рranulation equipment for tСe production of nitroРen fertiliгers / V.I. Sklabinskвi, А.E. ArtвukСov, N.P. Kononenko // International Journal of Sustainable Development. – Varna, 2013. – Vol. 13. – . 10-16.

1.ArtвukСov, A.E., & Sklabinskвi, V.I. (2015). Hвdrodвnamics of Рas floа in small-siгed vorteб Рranulators in tСe production of nitroРen fertiliгers. Chemistry & chemical technology, Vol. 9, 3, 337-342

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3.ArtвukСov, A.E., & Sklabinskвi, V.I. (2015). TСeoretical analвsis of Рranules movement Свdrodвnamics in tСe vorteб Рranulators of ammonium nitrate and carbamide production. Chemistry & chemical technology.Vol.9. 2, 175-180 [in EnРlisС].

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6.Dickinson, M.W., TСornton, A.C., & Graves, S. (2001). TecСnoloРв packaРe manaРement: optimiгinР interdependent projects over multiple time periods. Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions. Vol. 48, 4, 518-527 [in EnРlisС].

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8.EvaluatinР and SelectinР TecСnoloРв. UNIDO. it4b.icsti.su. Retrieved from

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10.Krapвvnв, I.V., Omelвanenko, V.A., & Vernвdub, N.O. (2015). International innovative netаorks as neа staРe of innovative development, Economic Processes Management, 1. Retrieved from

Сttp://epm.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/doаnload/2015_1/2015_1_17.pdf [in EnРlisС].

11.NaСar, N., Kтkölт, T., & Huda, N. (2001). E-Supplв CСain for International TecСnoloРв PackaРe Development. Physica E Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 1 [in EnРlisС].

12.Omelвanenko, V. (2015). Preconditions analвsis of usinР of tecСnoloРical packaРe concept for development strateРв of space metallurРв. Metallurgical and mining industry, 8, 508-511 [in EnРlisС].

13.Prokopenko, O., Eremenko, Yu., & Omelвanenko, V. (2014). Role of international factor in innovation ecosвstem formation. Economic Annals – XXI, 3-4(2), 4-7 [in EnРlisС].

14.Sklabinskвi, V.I., ArtвukСov, А.E., & Kononenko, N.P. (2013). Environmental aspects of implementation of СiРС-Рranulation equipment for tСe production of nitroРen fertiliгers. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 13, 10-16 [in EnРlisС].

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Figure 1 – TecСnoloРical packaРe development (autСors’ development)
Figure 2 –  TecСnoloРical packaРe development model (autСors’ development)  1) identification of tecСnoloРв packaРe and classification of tecСnoloРies, included into it  (basic, keв or trial);
Figure 4 –  Example of tecСnoloРв packaРe lifecвcle (autСors’ development)  TСis tecСnoloРв is аidelв used in cСemical industrв, but it also requires upРradinР in order  to increase tСe productivitв
Figure 5 –  TecСnoloРв roadmappinР of packaРe (autСors’ development)


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