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Rev Bras Med Esporte vol.10 número3


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Rev Bras M ed Esporte _ Vol. 10, Nº 3 – M ai/Jun, 2004

1. University of Leipzig – Heart Center, Department of Internal M edicine/ Cardiology.

Received in 24/1/04. Approved in 30/4/04.

Correspondence to:

PD Dr. Dr. Josef Niebauer, Herzzentrum der Univer-sität Leipzig, Strümpellstraße 39 – 04289 Leipzig, Germany. Tel.: + 49-341-865-0, fax: + 49-341-865-1461, e-mail: j.niebauer@medizin.uni-leipzig.de

Current therapeutical options in diabetes mellitus

type 2 and coronary artery disease: intensive

secondary prevention w ith focus on exercise training

versus percutaneous or surgical revascularization

Sebastian Sixt


, Nicolai Korff


, Gerhard Schuler


and Josef Niebauer






Key w ords: Diabetes mellitus. Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery bypass graft.

Stent implantation. M ulti-factorial intervention. Physical exercise. ENGLISH VERSION


There have been great achievements and new developments in

cardiac surgery over the last years. Today, arterial grafts (A.

mam-maria interna, A. radialis) are used as bypasses, and this is

sup-ported among others by a subgroup analysis of the BARI 1 study



w hich could show that diabetic patients w ho underw ent bypass

surgery after a myocardial infarction had a better survival rate w hen

arterial instead of venous grafts w ere used



Also a grow ing number of operations is being performed

mini-mal invasively and w ithout heart-lung-machine w henever possible.

These break-throughs minimize operation-induced trauma and thus

low er postoperative complication rates as w ell as faster

mobiliza-tion. As w as show n in recent studies these modern surgical

tech-niques result in faster symptomatic relief but do not improve the

survival rate w hen compared to percutaneous treatment (PTCA)




Percutaneous coronary intervention is the therapy of choice for

patients w ith unstable angina pectoris or an acute myocardial



. If the stenosis is located in the left main stem or the left

anterior descending artery revascularization is associated w ith a

significantly higher survival rate. Therefore, from a prognostic point

of view surgical or interventional revascularization is mandatory in

these patients


. For patients w ith stable coronary artery disease

and a stenosis in other segments of the coronary vascular system

clear evidence is lacking



It w as show n in the RITA-2 study that benefit from PTCA is

great-est in highly symptomatic patients in terms of angina and reduced

cardiorespiratory fitness. Patients w ith few er and milder symptoms

do not profit from revascularization. No improved performance on

stress tests after PTCA could be show n in patients w ith a good

pre-interventional performance. Additionally, not only could no

prog-nostic benefit be documented in the PTCA group for

asymptomat-ic or only mildly symptomatasymptomat-ic patients, but there w as even a

signif-icantly higher risk for cardiac death or myocardial infarction after

an average of 2.7 years



Therefore, PTCA w ith stent implantation in patients w ith stable

coronary artery disease must be seen as a strictly symptomatic

therapy providing fast relief of symptoms w ithout any prognostic



. Although no restenosis w as initially found in studies on

sirolimus-eluting stents


, more recent data show s a restenosis

rate of up to 9% (18% for diabetics and up to 38% for

insulin-dependent diabetics) in stented coronary arteries w ith complex





Diabetes mellitus is one of the major risk factors for coronary

artery disease. The disease progresses faster in diabetic patients

and is associated w ith a w orse prognosis. Although bypass

sur-gery or percutaneous interventions w ith stent implantation

pro-vide quick symptomatic relief for patients w ith stable coronary

ar-tery disease, it has no substantial prognostic benefit. A multifactorial

intervention including dietary measures, blood-glucose control,

anti-hypertensive treatment, and regular physical exercise does have a

positive influence on the modifiable risk factors, and improves

among others cardiovascular fitness and angina-free exercise



Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the most common diseases in

industrialized countries and is one of the main risk factors for the

development of micro- and macrovascular diseases. Vascular

com-plications are causes of death in up to 80% of these patients and

75% of deaths are due to coronary artery disease



Patients w ith diabetes mellitus type 2 develop more often

dif-fuse multivessel coronary disease and heart failure. After a

myo-cardial infarction their outcome is w orse and mortality is higher

than in normoglycemic patients


. Currently, it is being discussed

controversially w hich therapy is best for these patients (see table



Therapeutical options and their influences on cardiac risk factors and prognosis in patients w ith non insulin-dependent

diabetes mellitus and stable coronary heart disease

Hyperglycemia Cholesterol Blood Prognosis pressure

PTCA – – – ?

ACB – – – ?

Weight reduction + + + +

Physical exercise + + + +

Blood glucose control + (+ ) (+ ) +

Blood pressure control – – + +

Lipid low ering therapy – + – +


Rev Bras M ed Esporte _ Vol. 10, Nº 3 – M ai/Jun, 2004



In patients w ith stable coronary artery disease and no

hemody-namically relevant stenoses of the coronary main stem or left

an-terior descending artery conservative therapy is a therapeutic

op-tion. This treatment strategy takes into account the multifactorial

pathogenesis of the disease and aims for a positive influence on

all modifiable risk factors (figure 1).


The incidence of diabetes mellitus correlates inversely w ith the

degree of physical activity. This is best documented for patients

w ith a very high risk of developing diabetes


. Regular physical

exercise (e.g. 30 min/d of aerobic exercise at a moderate intensity)

can cut the risk for impaired glucose tolerance by half and the

dia-betes risk by up to three quarters



Endurance training is possible for patients w ith stable coronary

artery disease. It increases exercise performance, improves the

cardiovascular risk profile


, reduces the cardiovascular

compli-cation rate


, improves myocardial perfusion


, and also slow s

the progression of coronary artery disease


. Although there is

no proof that endothelial dysfunction leads to atherosclerosis to

date, it w as show n that endothelial dysfunction is associated w ith

increased cardiovascular mortality


. Endothelial dysfunction can

be improved by intensive physical exercise


. Not only does

ni-tric oxide (NO) act anti-atherogenically but also a lack of NO has a

pro-atherogenic effect


. Whether or not this applies to

diabet-ics is currently being examined by us in different studies.


Therapeutical options in treating coronary disease in patients w ith diabetes mellitus

Author/ study Therapeutical option Result

BARI I(4) ACB vs. PTCA Reduction of mortality to 5.8% vs.

20.6% after 5 years

M oses et al.(14) Sirolimus-Stent Restenosis rate of up to 35%

ARTS(5) ACB vs. PTCA/stent Freedom from angina 84.4% vs.

implantation 63.4%

Turner et al.(1) Consequent blood Reduction of cardiovascular

glucose control complication rate

UKPDS 38(18) Consequent blood Significant reduction of risk for

glucose control micro- and macrovascular


Gaede et al.(17) M ultifactorial 50% reduction of cardiovascular

intervention complications

Hu et al.(19) Weight w atch, diet, Successful prevention of diabetes

physical activity mellitus by ahealthier life-style

Hu et al.(20) Physical activity Significant reduction of risk for

developing diabetes mellitus (50% )

Tanasescu et al.(21) Physical activity Significant reduction of risk for CAD (33% ) and mortality (40% )

Wei et al.(22) Good physical condition Reduction of risk for developing

diabetes mellitus by 25%

Hu et al.(23) Physical activity Reduction of risk for

cardiovascular events inversely proportional to increasing physical activity

Batty et al.(24) Physical activity Reduction of risk for

cardiovascular events and mortality depending on running speed and leisure time activity

Wei et al.(25) Physical activity Reduction of mortality through

physical w ork out by 50%

HPS(26) Statins as primary Reduction of cardiovascular

prevention disease incidence by 33%

4 S(27) Statins as secondary Significant reduction of relative

prevention risk for cardiovascular events and


CARE(28) Statins as secondary Significant reduction of

prevention cardiovascular events by 5.2%

(Death, M I, ACB, PTCA)

CAD = coronary heart disease, M I = myocardial infarction, ACB = aorto-coronary bypass graft, PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

hyper tens ion dys l ipi demia

obes ity s moking

phys i cal i nacti vity


- blood-glucose control - physical exercise - diet

- physical exercise

- blood pressure control - physical exercise - diet

- statins - physical exercise - diet

- physical exercise - diet

- smoking secession


Fig. 1 – Therapeutical options aiming at minimizing modifiable risk factors


The importance of an early diagnosis of diabetes w as show n in

the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). The

re-sults show that it is necessary to keep HbA1c levels < 6.0 mmol/l

in order to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events


. These

data w ere confirmed by a study by Hu et al. in 84941 nurses w here

it could be demonstrated in a subgroup w ith a low risk profile (body

mass index < 25, healthy diet, > 30 min physical exercise/d,

non-smokers, > half a drink/d) that the incidence of diabetes mellitus

type 2 w as significantly low er than for the rest of the nurses


. It

w as also show n that 91% of the new ly developed diabetics could

have been prevented by a life-style common to the subgroup of

nurses w ith a low risk profile.


et al.


studied 522 overw eight patients w ith

im-paired glucose tolerance to find out the influence of diet

counsel-ling and the recommendation to exercise regularly on the incidence

of type 2 diabetes mellitus. After 4 years the incidence of new ly

developed diabetes w as significantly low er in the intervention group

(11% ) as compared to the control group (23% ).

Another study compared the influence of a healthy life-style w ith

prevention or delay of the occurrence of diabetes by metformin



After an average of 2.8 years it w as show n that a healthy life-style

could prevent diabetes mellitus type 2 more effectively (58% ) than

a metformin therapy (31% ).

The STENO-2 study investigated the influence of conservative

therapy and an intensified therapy (behavioral changes aiming at

w eight reduction, increased physical activity and intensified

phar-macological therapy) on type 2 diabetic patients w ith



. After an average study time of 7.8 years intensified

ther-apy w as able to reduce cardiovascular and microvascular events

by 50%


(see table 2).

In the studies mentioned physical training w as only

recommend-ed but never conductrecommend-ed under supervision


. Future studies must



Rev Bras M ed Esporte _ Vol. 10, Nº 3 – M ai/Jun, 2004

A meta-analysis could show that normoglycemic patients



from endurance training as part of a rehabilitation program for

pa-tients w ith coronary heart disease w ith a reduction of mortality by

31% . The importance of physical exercise, especially for diabetic

patients, and the prognostic effect w as demonstrated by several



(see table 2). Regular physical training reduces the risk

for coronary artery disease by 33% and the mortality rate by 40%



Energy consumption should ideally be betw een 1000 and 2000

kcal/w eek w hich corresponds to 3-5 hours of sub-maximal

endur-ance training per w eek




A lipid low ering therapy w ith statins is only recommended if

LDL cholesterol levels are > 3.0 mmol/l


. For patients w ith

diabe-tes mellitus type 2 triglyceride levels are often increased and HDL

serum levels are often reduced in spite of good metabolic



. Stammler et al. could already show that both diabetics and

non-diabetics profit from a reduction of LDL cholesterol by 1 mmol/

L by a linear reduction of the risk for developing coronary artery

disease regardless of their initial LDL levels


. How ever, the

mor-tality rate for diabetics w as 3 to 5 times higher w hen compared to

the group of non-diabetics.

The data from UKPDS could confirm this linear correlation

be-tw een LDL cholesterol levels and the risk for coronary heart




In spite of a higher risk for cardiovascular complications in

dia-betic patients only a small number of diadia-betic patients w ere

in-cluded in randomized studies w ith statins


. The Heart

Protec-tion Study compared the effects of simvastatin versus placebo on

5963 type 2 diabetics w ith regard to cardiovascular complications



Over an average time of 4.8 years simvastatin increased the time

until first myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular event or need for

revascularization by 22% . New manifestations of cardiovascular

diseases w ere reduced by 33% . A reduction of cholesterol levels

by 1.0 mmol/L coincided w ith a reduced rate of all cardiovascular

complications by one quarter.

Another study performed a multifactorial intervention w ith

in-tensified blood-glucose control, blood pressure reduction by 11

mmHg and low ering of LDL cholesterol by 0.9 mmol/L. When

com-pared to standard therapy a significant reduction of cardiovascular

(20% ) and microvascular (50% ) complications could be




Risk factors for normoglycemic patients w ith coronary artery

disease such as dyslipoproteinemia, hypertension and obesity can

be treated successfully w ith intensified physical exercise and

indi-vidually adapted diet. How ever, only the impact of lipid control has

been assessed so far and resulted in a reduction of cardiovascular





Diabetic patients w ith acute myocardial infarction, a stenosis of

the left main stem or left anterior descending artery, or severe

angina benefit from revascularization, w hich is associated w ith

immediate relief of symptoms and a better prognosis.

There is no such evidence for diabetic patients w ith stable

coro-nary heart disease and stenosis in other cardiovascular segments,

w hereas more recent studies increasingly underline the importance

of an intensive multifactorial intervention. Although the

multifacto-rial approach is the only intervention that results in a slow ed

pro-gression of the disease, superiority w ith regard to relief of

symp-toms or even an improved prognosis remains to be demonstrated

in prospective, randomized trials, w hich are currently under w ay.

All the authors declared there is not any potential conflict of

inter-ests regarding this article.

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Fig. 1 – Therapeutical options aiming at minimizing modifiable risk factors


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